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Twofold Translative Tilings with Convex Bodies 6 1 0 Kirati Sriamorn 2 n January 19, 2016 a J 7 Abstract 1 Let K be a convex body. It is known that, in general, if K is a k- fold translative tile (for some positive integer k), then K may not be ] G a (onefold) translative tile. However, in this paper I will show that for every convexbody K,K is atwofold translativetile if and only if K is a M translative tile. . h t Keywords Multiple tiling · Twofold tiling · Convex body · Polytope · a m Translative tile · Lattice tile [ Mathematics Subject Classification 52C20 · 52C22 1 v 1 Introduction 2 1 LetD be a connectedsubsetofRn, andletk be apositiveinteger. We saythat 3 4 a family of convex bodies {K1,K2,...} is a k-fold tiling of D, if each point of 0 D which dose not lie in the boundary of any K , belongs to exactly k convex i . bodies of the family. 1 0 LetK beann-dimensionalconvexbody,andletX beadiscretemultisubset 6 of Rn. Denote by K+X the family 1 : {K+x: x∈X}, v Xi where K +x = {y+x : y ∈ K}. We say that the family K +X is a k-fold translative tiling with K, if K +X is a k-fold tiling of Rn. In particular, if r a X = Λ is a lattice, then K +Λ is called a k-fold lattice tiling with K. We call K a k-fold translative (lattice) tile if there exists a k-fold translative (lattice) tiling with K. A onefold tiling (tile) is simply called a tiling (tile). LetP beann-dimensionalcentrallysymmetricpolytopewithcentrallysym- metricfacets. Abelt ofP isthe collectionofitsfacetswhichcontainatranslate of a given subfacet ((n−2)-face) of P. For the case of onefold tilings, Venkov [1] and McMullen [2] proved the following result. Theorem 1.1. A convex body K is a translative tile if and only if K is a centrally symmetric polytope with centrally symmetric facets, such that each belt of K contains four or six facets. 1 Furthermore, a consequence of the proof of this result is that, every convex translativetile is also a lattice tile. In the caseof general k-foldtilings, Gravin, Robins and Shiryaev [3] proved that Theorem 1.2. If a convex body K is a k-fold translative tile, for some positive integer k, then K is a centrally symmetric polytope with centrally symmetric facets. Moreover,theyalsoshowedthat, everyrationalpolytope P thatiscentrally symmetric and has centrally symmetric facets must be a k-fold lattice tile, for some positive integer k. This resultimplies that there exists a polytope P such that P is a k-fold translative tile (for some k > 1), but P is not a translative tile. For example, the octagonshownin Fig. 1 is a 7-fold lattice tile, but is not a translative tile. Fig. 1: The octagon that is a 7-fold lattice tile In this paper, I will prove the following surprising result: Theorem 1.3. A convex body K is a twofold translative tile if and only if K is a onefold translative tile. In order to prove this result, I will modify the method used in [2]. As an immediate consequence of Theorem 1.3, we have Corollary 1.4. A convex body K is a twofold translative tile if and only if K is a twofold lattice tile. 2 Some Notations LetK be ann-dimensionalconvexbody, andletX be a discrete multisubsetof Rn which contains the origin. Let q be a point on the boundary ∂K of K. We define X (q)={x∈X : q ∈K+x}, K ◦ X (q)={x∈X (q): q ∈int(K+x)}, K K and ∂X (q)={x∈X (q): q ∈∂(K+x)}. K K In addition, we define ∂X (q)={x∈∂X (q): int(K)∩(K+x)=∅}, K K 2 K K+x1 q K+x2 K+x3 ◦ Fig. 2: X (q) = {0,x ,x ,x } , X (q) = {x }, ∂X (q) = {0,x ,x } and K 1 2 3 K 1 K 2 3 ∂X (q)={x } K 2 (see Fig. 2 for an example). Now suppose that P is an n-dimensional centrally symmetric convex poly- tope with centrally symmetric facets. Let G be a translate of a subfacet of P. Denote by B (G) the belt of P determined by G. Let q be a point that lies in P a facet in B (G). Let S(G,q) be the (n−2)-dimensional plane that contains P the point q and parallels to G. We define ∂˙X (G,q)={x∈∂X (q): P ∩(P +x)⊂S(G,q)}. P P Let F be a subset of ∂P containing the point q, we define ∂X (G,F,q)={x∈∂X (q): S(G,q)∩F ∩(P +x)6=F ∩(P +x)}, P P (see Fig. 3). G P +x3 F2 q P P +x2 q P F1 P +x1 Fig. 3: ∂˙X (G,q)={x }, ∂X (G,F ,q)={x } and ∂X (G,F ,q)={x } P 2 P 1 1 P 2 3 Let F (G,q) be the union of those facets in B (G) which contain q. It P P is easy to see that, S(G,q) divides F (G,q) into two parts. After choosing a P 3 direction, we may define these two parts F+(G,q) and F−(G,p) as shown in P P Fig. 4. DenotebyAng (G,q)theanglefromF+(G,q)toF−(G,q),anddenote P P P byang (G,q) the measureofAng (G,q)in radian. Obviously,ifq liesin some P P subfacet that parallels to G, then ang (G,q) < π, otherwise, ang (G,q) = π. P P We will denote by E+(G,q) the subfacet which parallels to G and is contained P in F+(G,q), but is not containing q (Fig. 4). We can also define E−(G,q) in P P the similar way. E+(G,q) P F+(G,q) P G q G P − P F (G,q) P E+(G,q) q P − EP(G,q) F+(G,q) P − F (G,q) − P E (G,q) P Fig. 4: F+(G,q), F−(G,q), E+(G,q) and E−(G,q) P P P P 3 Some Lemmas Forapositiverealnumberεandapointp,denotebyB (p)theclosedballwith ε center p and radius ε. Lemma 3.1. Suppose that K and K′ are convex bodies. If there exist a point p∈∂K∩∂K′andapositiverealnumberεsuchthatB (p)∩int(K)∩int(K′)=∅, ε then int(K)∩int(K′)=∅. Proof. Since B (p)∩K andB (p)∩K′ areconvex,by applyingthe basicresult ε ε ofConvexandDiscreteGeometry,we knowthatthereis ahyperplaneH which separates B (p)∩K and B (p)∩K′. Assume that p′ ∈ int(K)∩int(K′). By ε ε the convexity,the line segment L between the point p and the point p′ must lie in K ∩K′. Therefore, L∩B (p) must be contained in the hyperplane H, and ε hence p′ ∈ H. On the other hand, there is a positive real number δ such that B (p′)⊂int(K)∩int(K′). So B (p′)⊂H, this is impossible. δ δ Lemma 3.2. Let D be a connected subset of Rn, and let k be a positive integer. Suppose that a family of convex bodies {K ,K ,...} is a k-fold tiling of D. 1 2 We have that, for every i ∈ {1,2,...} and every point q ∈ ∂K , if q is an i interior point of D, then there must be a j ∈ {1,2,...} such that q ∈ ∂K and j int(K )∩int(K )=∅. i j Proof. For i6=j, let Aj ={p∈∂K : B (p)∩∂K ∩int(K )=∅, for some ε>0}, i i ε j i 4 and Bj ={p∈∂K \Aj : B (p)∩∂K ⊂K , for some ε>0}. i i i ε j i Wenotethat,ifp∈∂K \(Aj∪Bj),thenpmustliein∂K andforallε>0,we i i i j haveB (p)∩∂K ∩int(K )6=∅and(B (p)∩∂K )\K 6=∅(Fig. 5). Obviously, ε j i ε j i when K ∩K =∅, we have Aj =∂K and Bj =∅. We note that for a fixed i, i j i i i there are finitely many j suchthat K ∩K 6=∅. Hence, there are finitely many i j j such that Aj ∪Bj 6=∂K . Let i i i Ci = \Aji ∪Bij. j6=i By considering (n−1)-dimensional Lebesgue measure, one can show that the closureofC is ∂K . Therefore,to provethe lemma,itsuffices to showthatthe i i statement is true for all q ∈C . i p1 p2 K K j j p3 p4 K K i i p7 p6 p5 (a) Ki andKj (b) points p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6 Fig. 5: Aj =∂K \{p ,p ,p ,p ,p }, Bj = {p ,p ,p } and ∂K \(Aj ∪Bj)= i i 1 2 3 4 5 i 2 3 4 i i i {p ,p } 1 5 Supposethatq ∈C ∩int(D). DenotebyF(q)thecollectionofconvexbodies i K containing the point q. We note that F(q) must be finite. Let j F′(q)={K ,K ,...}\F(q). 1 2 It is not hard to see that, there exists a positive real number ε such that 0 B (q)∩K = ∅, for any K ∈ F′(q). Since q ∈ C ∩int(D), we may assume, ε0 j j i withoutlossofgenerality,thatB (q)⊂int(D)andforeachj,wehaveB (q)∩ ε0 ε0 ∂K ∩int(K ) = ∅ or B (q)∩∂K ⊂ K . Furthermore, we may also assume j i ε0 j i that for all j, both B (q)∩K and B (q)\int(K ) are connected. For a unit ε0 j ε0 j vector u, we denote by R(q,u) the ray parallel to u and starting at q. One can find a unit vector u that satisfies (i) R(q,u)∩K ={q} and R(q,−u)∩int(K )6=∅, i i (ii) thereisapointq′ ∈R(q,u)∩B (q)suchthatq′ ∈/ ∂K forallj =1,2,.... ε0 j 5 Since {K ,K ,...} is a k-fold tiling of D and q′ ∈B (q)⊂int(D), there exist 1 2 ε0 exactly k convex bodies K ,...,K such that q′ ∈int(K ), j = 1,...,k. We i1 ik ij note that {K ,...,K }⊂F(q) and K ∈/ {K ,...,K }. Denote by F˜(q) the i1 ik i i1 ik collection of convex bodies K which contain the point q as an interior point. j If {K ,...,K }⊂ F˜(q), then it is easy to see that K ∩···∩K ∩K must i1 ik i1 ik i haveaninteriorpoint, whichis impossible, since {K ,K ,...} is a k-foldtiling. 1 2 Now we suppose that K ∈/ F˜(q), for some j ∈ {1,...,k}. It is clear that ij0 0 q ∈∂K . Wewillshowthatint(K )∩int(K )=∅. Sinceq ∈C ,wehavethat ij0 i ij0 i q ∈Aj0 or q ∈Bj0. Recall that for each j, we have B (q)∩∂K ∩int(K )=∅ i i ε0 j i orB (q)∩∂K ⊂K . Ifq ∈Bj0,then B (q)∩∂K ⊂K . Fromthis, onecan ε0 j i i ε0 j0 i deduce that B (q)∩K ⊂K which is impossible, since q′ is in B (q)∩K ε0 ij0 i ε0 ij0 but is not in K . Therefore q ∈ Aj0. It is not hard to see that ∂K divides i i ij0 B (q)into twoparts,whereone ofthem dosenotcontainanypointofint(K ), ε0 i we denote this part by B′. Since q′ ∈ int(K ), it is obvious that q′ and ij0 B (q)∩K must be contained in the same part. Because q′ ∈R(q,u), by the ε0 ij0 property(i)ofthevectoru,weseethatq′mustlieinB′. ThereforeB (q)∩K ε0 ij0 is contained in B′, and hence B (q)∩K ∩int(K ) = ∅. By Lemma 3.1, we ε0 ij0 i obtain int(K )∩int(K )=∅. This completes the proof. i ij0 Corollary 3.3. Let X be a discrete multisubset of Rn containing the origin, and let k be a positive integer. Suppose that P is a centrally symmetric convex polytope with centrally symmetric facets, and G is its subfacet. Let q be a point on a facet in B (G). If P +X is a k-fold tiling, then ∂X (G,F+(G,q),q) and P P P ∂X (G,F−(G,q),q) are not empty. P P WewilldenotebyX+(G,q)andX−(G,q)thesets∂X (G,F+(G,q),q)and P P P P ∂X (G,F−(G,q),q), respectively. For example, in Fig. 3, we have X+(G,q)= P P P {x } and X−(G,q)={x }. 1 P 3 4 Proof of Main Theorem Lemma 4.1. If a convex body K is a twofold translative tile, then K is a centrally symmetric polytope with centrally symmetric facets, such that each belt of K contains four or six facets. Proof. ByTheorem1.2,weknowthatK isacentrallysymmetricpolytopewith centrally symmetric facets. Let G be an arbitrary subfacet of K. Recall that we denote by B (G) the K belt of K determined by G. Let B (G) have m pairs of opposite facets. We K will show that m ≤ 3. To do this, we shall suppose that m ≥ 4, and obtain a contradiction. Denote by K(G)the union ofthe facets which arenot contained in B (G). K SupposethatK+X isatwofoldtranslativetiling,whereX isamultisubset of Rn. Without loss of generality,we may assume that 0∈X. It is not hardto see that, we can choose a point q ∈G to lie in none of K(G)+x, where x∈X. 6 ◦ ◦ First, we will show that X (q) = ∅. If there is a x ∈ X (q), then by K K Corollary3.3,thereexistx ∈X+(G,q)andx ∈X−(G,q). Obviously,wehave 1 K 2 K x 6= x . Since m ≥ 4, it is easy to see that both ang (G,q)+ang (G,q) 1 2 K K+x1 and ang (G,q)+ang (G,q) are greater than (m−1)π −(m−2)π = π. K K+x2 ThereforeAng (G,q)andAng (G,q)arenotoppositeangles,andhence K+x1 K+x2 ang (G,q)+ang (G,q)+ang (G,q)isgreaterthan(m−1)π+(m−3)π= K K+x1 K+x2 2π (Fig. 6). This can be deduced that (K +x)∩(K +x )∩(K +x ) has an 1 2 interior point which is impossible, since K+X is a twofold tiling. K K+x2 q K+x1 Fig. 6: ang (G,q)+ang (G,q)+ang (G,q)>2π K K+x1 K+x2 We assert that ∂˙X (G,q) = ∅. Suppose that x ∈ ∂˙X (G,q). Since K is K K centrally symmetric, it is not hard to see that Ang (G,q) and Ang (G,q) K K+x are opposite angles (Fig. 7). By Corollary 3.3, we can choose x ∈ X+(G,q) 1 K andx ∈X−(G,q). Similar to the aboveargument,one obtains that (K+x)∩ 2 K (K+x )∩(K+x ) has an interior point which is a contradiction. 1 2 K q K+x Fig. 7: Ang (G,q) and Ang (G,q) K K+x Now we will show that X must be a usual set (not a multiset). If not, then wemayassumethat0hasmultiplicity2. ByCorollary3.3,onecanchoosex ∈ 1 X+(G,q) and x ∈ X+ (G,q) (see Fig. 8). From the above discussion, we K 2 K+x1 knowthatAng (G,q), Ang (G,q) andAng (G,q) cannotbe opposite K K+x1 K+x2 angles, hence ang (G,q)+ang (G,q)+ang (G,q) is greater than 2π. K K+x1 K+x2 7 This implies that K∩(K+x )has aninteriorpoint. We note thatx 6=0,and 2 2 hence we obtain a contradiction. K+x2 K q K+x1 Fig. 8: x ∈X+(G,q) and x ∈X+ (G,q) 1 K 2 K+x1 We shall divide the remaining proof into the following two cases: ◦ (i) Casem≥6: SinceX (q)=∅,weobtainX (q)=∂X (q). Wenotethat K K K ang (G,q)<πandforeachx∈∂X (q)\{0},wehaveang (G,q)≤π. K K K+x Because K+X is a twofold tiling, so the cardinality of ∂X (q) must be K greaterthan4. Onthe otherhand, sincem≥6,we knowthat the sumof five(distinct)non-oppositeanglesisgreaterthan(m−1)π−(m−5)π=4π. Therefore, the cardinality of ∂X (q) cannot be greater than 4, this is a K contradiction. (ii) Case m = 4 or 5: Similar to the above, we have that the cardinality of ∂X (q) is greater than 4. If there are two points x,x′ ∈ ∂X (q) such K K that q lies in the relative interior of a facet of K +x and also lies in the relativeinteriorofafacetofK+x′,thenangK+x(G,q)=angK+x′(G,q)= π, and hence ang (G,q) is greater than ang (G,q) + Pz∈∂XK(q) K+z K+x angK+x′(G,q)+(m−1)π−(m−3)π=4π,whichisimpossible. Therefore, there is at most one point x ∈ ∂X (q) such that p lies in the relative K interior ofa facet of K+x. We choosex ∈X+(G,q), x ∈X+ (G,q) 1 K 2 K+x1 and x ∈ X+ (G,q). We note that ang +ang < 2π and 3 K+x2 K+x1 K+x2 ang (G,q)+ang (G,q)+ang (G,q) > 2π. Hence, one can K+x1 K+x2 K+x3 prove that E+(G,q)∩int(K +x ) 6= ∅ (Fig. 9). Now we choose q′ ∈ K 3 E+(G,q)∩int(K+x )tolieinnoneofK(G)+x,wherex∈X. Obviously, K 3 ◦ x ∈X (q′). Ontheotherhand,byusingthesameargumentastheproof 3 K ◦ ◦ of X (q)=∅, one obtains X (q′)=∅. This is a contradiction. K K Above all, we obtain m≤3. By Lemma 4.1 and Theorem 1.1, one obtain Theorem 1.3. 8 K K+x2 q E+(G,q) K K+x3 K+x1 Fig. 9: E+(G,q)∩int(K +x )6=∅ K 3 References [1] Venkov,B.A.: OnaclassofEuclideanpolyhedra.Vestnik LeningradUniv. Ser. Math. Fiz. Him. 9, 11–31 (1954). [2] McMullen,P.: Convexbodieswhichtilespacebytranslation.Mathematika 27, 113–121(1980). [3] Gravin, N., Robins, S., Shiryaev, D.: Translational tilings by a polytope, with multiplicity. Combinatorica32,629–648(2012).doi: 10.1007/s00493- 012-2860-3 9

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