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Preview Two Species of Chlorogonium (Volvocales, Chlorophyceae) from Japan

植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bo .t 80: 197-207(2005) Two Species of Chlorogonium (Volvocales,Ch lorophyceae) from Japan Takashi NAKADA ,aAtsusi NAKAZAWAb and Hisayoshi NOZAKIa aDepartment of Biological Sciences,Gr aduate School of Science,Un iversity of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1,B unkyo-ku,T okyo,1 130033JAPAN; ・ Email:nozaki@biolふu-tokyo.ac.jp 司 bRIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research),Hi rosawa 2-1,W ako,Sa itama,3 51-0198 JAPAN (Received on December 7,2 004) Strains from two species of Chlorogonium were isolated from Japanese soil samples, and were examined with light and electron microscopy. Am olecular phylogeny based on rbcL sequences was also constructed for these strains. One of the two species,C hloro- gonium elongatum (P. A. Dang.) France,ha s not been previously studied in culture from Japan. The other species was identified as Chlorogonium kasakii Nozaki,w hich has not been previously recorded from Japan. Key words: Chlorogonium,C hlorophyceae,c ulture strain,d istribution,t axonomy. Chlorogonium Ehrenb. (Haematococca- light microscope. These species can be relia- ceae,V olvocales,C hlorophyceae) is au ni- bly distinguished using an electron micro- cellular genus characterized by its spindle- scope and examination of pyrenoid stability shaped vegetative cells (e. g.,S mith 1950). under photoheterotrophic culture condition Ettl (1980) distinguished this genus from (Nozaki et al. 1998). Therefore,t he records Chlamydomonas Ehrenb. by its first trans- of C. euchlorum and C. elongatum from verse cell division without protoplasmic ro- Japan 'eto be reassessedusing newly iso- 訂 四 tation. Approximately 20 species have been lated culture strains,t hat allow reliable and recognized in Chlorogonium (Ettl 1983, reproducible identification of the species. Nozaki et al. 1998). Nozaki et al. (1998) We isolated strains of two species of studied 23 worldwide strains of Chlorogo- Chlorogonium from soil samples collected in nium and recognized six species using light Chiba, Kanagawa and Hokkaido, Japan. and electron microscopy and by comparison They were identified as C. elongatum and of gene sequences of the large subunit of C. kasakii,re spectively,us ing light and elec- RubisCO (rbcL). tron microscopic and molecular phylogenetic Eight species of Chlorogonium have been cnteria. recorded from Japan (Nozaki 2000). Three of the eight species were studied by No zaki Materials and Methods et a .1(1998) using Japanese strains. How- Soil samples used in this study were col- ever,t he other five species,i ncIuding C. lected from four localities in Jap an. SkCl-2 euchlorum Ehrenb. and C. elongatum (P. A. was isolated from ap addy field at Ootake, Dang.) France,h ave not been investigated in Narita-shi,C hiba,3 5048'34"N 1400 16'40"E, such detail. Vegetative cells of C. euchlo on 23 July 2003. Chlogo-1/l998-3-7 was ・ rum,C. elongatum and C. kasakii Nozaki are isolated from Tanasawa-paddy fields of similar to each other when viewed under a Tokyo University of Agriculture,S himo 幽 -197- 198 植物研究雑誌第80巻第4号 平成17年8月 2 Figs. 1,2. Vegetative cells of two species of Chlorogonium Ehrenb.,s hown at the same magnifica- tion. Fig. 1. C. elongatum (P. A. Dang.) France. Fig. 2. C. kasakii Noz誌I. kawairi,A tsugi-shi,K anagawa,o n 7M arch about 130-200μmol.m-2.s provided by cool 一1 1998. SkCl-5 was isolated from bottom of white fluorescent lamps. In order to deter- Sakataga-ike Pond (pH 7.1,22 .1 OC),O otake, mine whether the pyrenoids are stable or un- 0 0 Narita-shi,C hiba,3 549'6"N 14016'26"E, stable (Nozaki et al. 1994,1 995),t he cells on 23 July 2003. KhCl-3 was isolated from were grown photoheterotrophically in AF6 目 ap addy field at Nakanosawa,K itahiroshima- medium supplemented with major organic 0 shi,I shikari Subprefecture,H okkaido,4 2 compounds (modified acetate medium: 400 58 '51 "N 141 035'4 "E,o n 27 March 2004. mg/l each of sodium acetate.3HzO,g lucose, Clonal cultures were established using the bacto yeast extract,a nd bacto tryptone) as pipette-washing method (Pringsheim 1946) described by Nozaki et al. (1995). Light mi- from Petri dishes in which as mall amount of croscopy was carried out using an Olympus the dried soil samples had been rewetted BX60 microscope equipped with Nomarski with ion-exchanged or distilled water. The interference optics. Two representative cultures were grown in screw-cap tubes strains (SkCl-2 and SkCl-5) were examined (18 x1 50 mm) containing 9-10 ml of AF-6 by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). medium (Kato 1982) modified by the elimi- The methods for TEM have been described nation of CaC03 and by the addition of 400 elsewhere (Nozaki et al. 1994). mg/l MES (Kasai et al. 2004). They were For phylogenetic analysis,1 128 base pairs kept at 20oC,w ith alternating periods of 14 of the coding region of rbcL genes from four hl ight and 10 hd ark,at al ight intensity of new strains of Chlorogonium (SkCl2,SkCl- ・ August 2005 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 80 No. 4 199 5,C hlogo-1/1998-37,and KhCl-3) were sponded to positions 31-1158 of the 田 sequenced as described previously (Nozaki Chlorella vulgaris Beり• rbcL gene (Waka- et al. 1997). The region sequenced co町e- sugi et a .l1997). These sequence data were Table 1. List of strains and/or species of Chlorogonium (Cg.),C hlamydomonas (Cd.) and their related green algae used in this study. Strain designation and source,da tabase accession number,a nd origin of rbcL sequence訂C glven GenBank Species Strain designation Locality accesslOn Reference****** number CCgg.. ecaupcihllloartuumm CUCCCCCUUSNIATCCCCCCTTEGEAAAAAAEES*XP*PPPPPXX**** *221*1111* 2220202*1 ///11//12-1536221/2066 -B 2A 392 C 92d FBBUNCAUCGGeeeuamaeennrrbkppirrkkllrueeeimminnasnn naaooFFsh,,snnllkwwiGGaa,yya ttnn meeF ,ssa rrrU,,,amm .SSJn..aa S acnn.peAAAyy aff. nrr iiccaa AAAAAAAAAAAJBBBBBBBBBB0OOOOOOOOO00IIIIIIIII110000000000822222222228322223223321578934602 フ11-11111111111111111、‘.,ノ、‘.,,,、‘,,,,、‘.,,,、‘,,ノ、‘.,,,、、.,ノ、‘.,ノ、、.,,,、‘,,ノ、‘., UTEX 201 Czech/Slovakia ABOI0234 12、、,J UTEX 1643 Massachusetts,U .S.A. ABOI0235 11ノ、、.,E 1J UTEX 2160 Germany ABO1 02 36 1、、., 1J SSAAGG 4172.-824e PUrnakgnueo,wCn z ech Republic AABB001100223387 111、‘.,ノ、‘., 1r Cg. elongαtum IUSATAMEG*X 4料. 29*537* 1C -293 CTMaeasxlsadasbce,hcUuk .s,Se.Et Ant.sg l,aU n.Sd. A. AAAJBB0O00I1100822834190 今11L1、‘.,ノ、‘.,ノ、‘., 1J NUCSkIhTCElIEoS-g-X2o1 闇2215317 129 98-3-7 THCKeohaxiknabkasaag,,iaJdUw a.oapS,,.aJAnJ a . ap paann AAAABBBBOO22II000066223344231920 33ti11司司、、.,ノ、、.,,,、‘,,,、、,, CCgg.. βnelgsilfeocrtmuem NCICEAS-P4 1329/ 8 CIbuamrbakrii,aJ, aEp nagnl and AABB001100224434 ti-、、.,,、‘.,J -r DDCCCugddyn...sa mplktouiaelrsetsalpraklhtaiaiogi lca plmoaaa cr cvuas globosus NCUKSSkICThACECIAESGI---PX 52340 141-1961/8 434 HTITUCbvohnaNiakkr,brkanUamka.o i,iiS,wndJ. JnaonA ape, .pa ,J an Fa n ip nalna nd AAAAAAJJJBBBO0O202000000111676888333788323750132 3A3今『ヴ臼今,,今司B、‘.,,,、、.,ノ、‘.,ノ、、.,,,、、.,,,、、,, HChaa ermaactiooccholcocruiss lsaacsusater is NNIIEESS--154647 HKoaknkaagiadwoa,,JJ aa pp aann AABB008844333386 JζJゐ戸、、‘.,,,、‘.,ノr *Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (Thompson et al. 1988). **Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Texas at Austin (Starr and Zeikus 1993). ***Sammlung von Algenkulturen at the University of Gottingen (Schlosser 1994). ****Microbial Culture Collection at the National Institute for Environmental Studies (Kasai et al. 2004). *****IAM Culture Collection at the University of Tokyo (Yokota et al. 2004). ****1)Nozaki et al. (1998),2) Hepperle et al. (1998),3) present study,4) pub1ished on1y in database,5) Nozaki 料 et al. (2002). 200 植物研究雑誌第80巻第4号 平成17年8月 unambiguously aligned with those of 11 Results other Chlorogonium strains (see Nozaki Observations et al. 1998) and six species from related Chlorogonium elongatum (P. A. Dang.) genera (Table 1), possibly belonging to France (Figs. 1,3- 8) group C of Nozaki et a .l(2003; see also Cells fusiform or broadly fusiform. Nozaki et al. 1998,P roschold et al. 2001, Anterior end of the cell blunt or narrowed. Buchheim et al. 2002). No insertions or dele- Posterior end acute and somewhat attenuate tions were required for the alignment. When (Figs. 1,3 ,4) . Numerous contractile vacu- two or more sequences were identical,t hey oles (-10) distributed throughout the surface were treated as a single operational taxo- of the protoplast (Figs. 3,4) . Nucleus located nomic unit (OTU). From this alignment,a in the center of the cell (Fig. 3). Chloroplast distance matrix was calculated by applying parietal,co vering almost the whole periphery the two-parameter method (Kimura 1980) in of the protoplast,w ith usually two large CLUSTAL X (Thompson et al. 1997). A pyrenoids positioned longitudinally (Figs. 1, phylogenetic tree was constructed with the 3),b ut sometimes one or three to four neighbor-joining (NJ) algorithm (Saitou and pyrenoids. Pyrenoids spherical (Fig. 3),s ta- Nei 1987),al so using CLUSTAL X,a nd the ble under photoheterotrophic growth condi- robustness of the resulting lineages was tions (Fig. 5). Tubular thylakoid lamellae tested by ab ootstrap analysis (Felsenstein penetrating centripetally into the pyrenoid 1985) with 1000 replications. From this matrix (Fig. 7). Stigma single,o void to ellip- alignment, a maximum parsimony (MP) soidal,p ositioned in the anterior one quarter analysis,a nd ab ootstrap analysis with 1000 to one third of the cell (Fig. 4),a nd com- replications,w as performed using PHYLIP posed of as ingle layer of globules (Fig. 8). 3.6a3 (Felsenstein 2002). For the phylo- Flagella one quarter to one third of the cell in genetic analyses, Characiochloris αssae length,e xtending laterally from the anterior Nozaki was designated as the outgroup, end of the protoplast (Fig. 1). Cells 28-51 because Chαraciochloris Pascher represents 阿nlong and 7-21開nwide. Ratio of cell the most basal branch within group C length to width 2-5. The first cell division in (Nozaki et al. 2003) or the DunaliellalLobo- asexual reproduction without preceding rota- characium lineage (Buchheim et al. 2002). tion of protoplast. During the successive cell divisions, the most anterior daughter protoplast connected with the parental flagellar base (Fig. 6). Figs. 3-8. Chlorogonium elongatum (P. A. Dang.) France (SkCl-2). Figs. 3-6. Nomarski interference micros- copy of the vegetative cells, shown at the same magnification. Figs. 3,4 ,6 -8. Cells grown photoautotrophically (3-4 days old in AF-6 medium). Fig 3. Optical section of ac ell. Fig. 4. Surface view of the cell in Fig. 3. Fig. 5. Cell grown photoheterotrophically (24-h culture in the modified acetate me- dium),s howing stable pyrenoids (Note that the cell is slightly compressed by the microscopic preparation). Fig. 6. Eight-celled stage of asexuaI reproduction. Note the plasma strand connecting the anterior daughter protoplast and the flagellar base of the parental cell. Figs. 7,8. Transmission electron microscopy of cells. Fig. 7. Pyrenoid with penetrating thylakoid lamellae. Fig. 8. Stigma with as ingle layer of globules. Abbreviations: b,fl agellar base; v,co ntractile vacuole; p,py renoid; n,nu cleus; e,st igma; ps,pl asma strand; c,ch loroplast. August 2005 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 80 No. 4 201 202 植物研究雑誌第80巻第4号 平成17年8月 Figs.9-14. Chlorogonium kasakii Nozaki (SkCI-5). Figs. 9-12. Nomarski interference microscopy ofthe vege- tative cells,s hown at the same magnification. Figs. 9,1 0,1 2-14. Cells grown photoautotrophically (3-4 days old in AF6medium). Fig. 9. Optical section of ac ell. Note the polygonal pyrenoids. Fig. 10. Surface 国 view of the cell in Fig. 9. Fig. 11. Cell grown photoheterotrophically (24-h culture in the modified acetate medium),s howing stable pyrenoids. Fig. 12. Eight-celled stage of asexual reproduction. Note the plasma strand connecting the anterior daughter protoplast and the flagellar base of the parental cell. Figs. 13,1 4. Transmission electron microscopy of cells. Fig. 13. Pyrenoid without pene住atingthylakoid lamellae. Fig. 14. Stigma with three layers of globules. Abbreviations: f,fl agellum; for other abbreviations,se e Figs. 3- 8. August 2005 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 80 No. 4 203 Chlorogonium kasakii Nozaki (Figs. 2,9 - strains of Chlorogonium kasakii (CCAP 14) 12/8, SkCl-5, and KhCl-3) and Chloro- Cells fusiform to narrowly fusiform. Both gonium neglectum Pascher. The three strains anterior and posterior ends of the cell acute, of C. kasakii formed ar obust monophyletic but anterior end slightly broader (Figs. 2,9 , group in clade 2,w here C. kasakii SkCl-5 10). Numerous contractile vacuoles (10 or and KhCl-3 from Japan were sister groups more) distributed throughout the surface of (with 71 % bootstrap value in the NJ analy- the protoplast (Fig. 10). Nucleus located in sis). Clade 3c ontained all the other Chloro- the center of the cell (Fig. 9). Chloroplast pa- gonium species (C. elongatum,C. capillatum rietal,c overing almost the whole periphery Nozaki & al. and C. euchlorum) and of the protoplast,w ith usually two large Chlamydomonas pulsatilla Wollenw. This pyrenoids,po sitioned longitudinally (Figs. 2, clade was supported in only the NJ analysis, 9),b ut sometimes three to four pyrenoids. with 64 % bootstrap support. In this clade, Pyrenoids polygonal in shape (Fig. 9),st able C. elongatum, C. capillatum and C. under photoheteroophicgrowth conditions euchlorum constituted a well-supported 甘 (Fig. 11). Thylakoid lamellae not penetrating monophyl etic group (with a9 9 % bootstrap into the pyrenoid matrix,b ut surrounding it value in the NJ analysis and 98 % in the MP just inside the associated starch granules analysis),a nd C. elongatum and C. capilla- (Fig. 13). Stigma single,ov oid,po sitioned in tum were sister groups (with bootstrap values the anterior one fifth to one quarter of the of 86 % in the NJ analysis and 66 % in the cell (Fig. 9),an d composed of three layers of MP analysis). Both C. capillatum and C. globules (Fig. 14). Flagella one third or euchlorum formed robust monophyletic sometimes one half of the cell in length,e x- groups (with 100 % bootstrap values in all tending laterally from the anterior end of the analyses except for ab ootstrap value of 99 % protoplast (Figs. 2,9) . Cells 26-59μm long for C. capillatum in the MPa nalysis),b ut and 3-13μm wide. Ratio of cell length to C. elongatum formed al ess robust clade (94 width 4-8. The first cell division in asexual % bootstrap values in the NJ analysis and 58 reproduction without preceding rotation of % in the MP analysis) within which two protoplast. During the successive cell divi- Japanese strains (SkCl-2 and Chlogo-1/1998 ・・ sions,t he most anterior daughter protoplast 3-7) had identical sequences. connected with the parental f1agellar base (Fig. 12). Discussion Nozaki et a .l(1998) re-examined five spe- Phylogenetic analyses cies of Chlorogonium,i ncluding C. elonga 閏 A distance tree is shown in Fig. 15. Three tum and C. kasakii,o n the basis of the clades containing Chlorogonium species comparative mo中hologyof cultivated mate 国 were resolved (clades 1-3 in Fig. 15). Clade rials. They demonstrated that TEM of 1c ontained Chlorogoniumμ'iforme Matv., pyrenoids and stigmata and pyrenoid stabili- Dysmorphococcus globosus H. C. Bold & R. ties under photoheterotrophic conditions C. Starr,a nd Haematococcus lacustris (Gir.- were diagnostic at the species leve .lIn the Chantr.) Rostaf.,b ut this clade had weak Japanese strains isolated for this study,th ese support from bootstrap analyses (57 % in the characteristics (Figs. 5,7 ,8 ,1 1,1 3,1 4) are NJ analysis and 63 % in the MPa nalysis). essentially the same as those of C. elongatum Clade 2w as strongly supported by bootstrap and C. kasakii,as described in Nozaki et al. analyses (93 % in the NJ analysis and 80 % (1998). The rbcL gene phylogeny of the in the MPa nalysis) and consisted of three strains in this study supports the morphologi- 204 植物研究雑誌 第80巻 第4号 平成17年8月 Cg.丘lsif01'llleNIES'123 1Q |ω Dysm01phococcus globosus SAG2 0'1 I2- ICD ・Haθ'matococcuslacustds NIES'144 J -\. 100 Cg. kasakii CCAP 12/8 (England) 可 100 71 Cg. kasakiiSkCl-5 (Chiba,J apan) Clade 2 Cg. kasakiiKhCl・3(Hokk田do,Japan) I Cg. neglectum NIES-439 j Dunaliella parva UTEX 1983 Cg. elongatum UTEX 2571,2 572 (Texas,U .S.A.) Cg. elongatum IAM C293 (England) I Cg. elongatum ~~?l合 (C凶a,Japan), しChlogo・111998・3-7(Kanagawa,J apan) 一 100 rCg. capillatum NrIES -692 。 而1両00 LLCí gI.~ 却~~~',i:1l1l~a.tJ-u..m_ L削CCAP12 1-22/e2 ,,A4.9132/,24B 7.,84 U TEX 201,1 643,2 160, ωaoω Cg. capillatum CCAP 12/5 100rCg. euchlol'um CCAP 12/2C,1 2/3, SAG 122d ・ 100 98 ICg. eUChlOl'Um CCAP 12/6, UTEX 2010,2 011 100 Cg.θuchlol'um UTEX 1639 Chlamydomonas pulsatJ11a CCAP 11・44 Chlamydomonas tetragama NIES'442 0.01 substitutiOl1s/site Chal'aciochlol'.Issa sae NIES'567 Fig. 15. Neighbor-joining tree based on 1128 base pairs of nucleotide sequences in the coding regions of the rbcL genes from 26 strains of six Chlorogonium (Cg.) species,as well as from six other related green algal OTUs. Chlorogonium strains with identical sequences were treated as as ingle OTU. Branch lengths are proportional to Kimura (1980) distances,w hich are indicated by the scale bar below the tree. Numbers above branches indicate the bootstrap values from neighbor joini時 analysis,whereas bootstrap values from most parsimonious analysis are shown below branches. Both bootstrap analyses are based on 1,000 replicates. Only bootstrap values >5 0 % are shown. cal identification of the strains (Fig. 15). elongαtum (Figs. 3-5) and C. kasakii (Figs. Chlorogonium euchlorum has been re- 9-11) are well consistent with these ranges. corded from Japan without TEM observa- However, according to Akiyama et al. tions and culture studies (Akiyama et al. (1977),th e celllength of Japanese materials 1977). When grown photoauto住ophically,C. of C. euchlorum is 60-80μm. euchlorum,C. elongatum and C. kasakii ap- The Japanese strains of C. elongatum are pe verysimilar to each other viewed with more closely related to each other when 訂 al ight microscope (Nozaki et al. 1998),al - compared to other strains collected from though the cell sizes are different between England and the United States (Fig. 15). The these species. Vegetative cells of C. kasakii present two Japanese strains of C. kαsakii are are 26-70μm long,w hereas those of C. more closely related to each other than they euchlorum and C. elongatum measure less are to the other strain collected from England than 60阿n(Nozaki et al. 1998). The cell (Fig. 15). These phylogenetic relationships sizes of the present Japanese materials of C. likely reflect diversification of Chloro- August 2005 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 80 No. 4 205 gonium species. However, only UK, penetrating thylakoid lamellae; stigma American and Japanese strains of C. composed of as ingle layer of globules …・・ elongatum have been studied and sequenced ・・ ・.・C. elongatum (P. A. Dang.) France H H to date (Hepperle et al. 1998,N ozaki et al. 4. Pyrenoids ne lypolygonal in shape,wi th- 訂 1998; Fig. 15),a lthough this species has out penetrating thylakoid lamellae; stigma been reported to be cosmopolitan (Ettl composed of multiple layers of globules 1983). Chlorogonium kasakii has been previ …- C. kas・akiiNozaki 国 ously reported only from England (Nozaki 5. Stigma absent; flagella about the cell et al. 1998). Further cultured strains of length ....・...C. ovatum Skvortsov & Noda Chlorogonium species in Asia are required to 5. Stigma generally present; flagella about a identify the origin and map the detailed half of the cell length …...・ ・.....・ ・・・...6 H H H H radiations of each species of Chlorogonium. 6. Stigma positioned in the middle part of the cell ….C. ellipsoideum Skvortsov & Noda Key to species of Chlorogonium Ehrenb. 6. Stigma positioned in the anterior part of in Japan the cell,if present ・... ・.....・ ・.....・ ・・・...7 H H H H H There has been no comprehensive key to 7. Number of contractile vacuoles generally species of Chlorogonium in Japan. Nozaki et 2,3o r 4 . al. (1998) gave ak ey to 20 worldwide spe- ..C. latilanceolatum Skvortsov & Noda cies of Chlorogonium, but C. ovatum 7. Number of contractile vacuoles 5o r more Skvortsov & Noda, C. ellipsoideum ..8 Skvortsov & Noda and C. latilanceolatum 8. Cells with narrowed or acute posterior Skvortsov & Noda,w hich were recorded and/or anterior ends under both photo 田 from Japan (Skvortzov and Noda 1967), autotrophic and photoheterotrophic growth were excluded. Nozaki (2000) distinguished conditions .…....・ ・..C. euchlorum Ehrenb. H these three species from other Chlorogonium 8. Anterior and posterior ends of cells gener 回 species in that they lack pyrenoids. However, ally blunt under photohetero住ophicgrowth as the absence of pyrenoids was examined conditions …… C. capillatum Nozaki & al. under only photoheterotrophic conditions (Skvortzov and Noda 1967),t hey possibly Wea re grateful to the staff of Sakataga- have unstable pyrenoids. A revised key to ike Park for the facilities for our research at species of Chlorogonium in Japan is pre the park. This study was supported in part by 国 sented here with addition of C. kasakii and ag rant from the Institute for Fermentation re-assessment of C. ovatum,C . ellipsoideum (to H. N.). and C. latilanceolatum. 1. Pyrenoids present,s table …...・ ・.....・ ・....2 References H H 1. Pyrenoids completely absent or unstable Akiyama M.,H irose H.,Y amagishi T. and Hirano M. …5 1977. Class Chlorophyceae. In. Hirose H. and 2. Number of contractile vacuoles 3 . Yamagishi T. (eds.),l llustrations of the Japanese Fresh-Water Algae. pp. 275-760. Uchida Roka- ・... ・.....・ ・...・ ・...・ ・...・ ・.C.fusiforme Matv. H H H H H kuho Publishing,T okyo (in Japanese). 2. Nu mber of contractile vacuoles 5o r more Buchheim M. A.,B uchheim J. A., Carlson T. and ・...・-・3 Kugrens P. 2002. Phylogeny of Lobocharacium H 3. Maximum cell length less than 20μm. (Chlorophyceae) and allies: as tudy of 18S and 26S …C. neglectum Pascher rDNA data. J. Phycol. 38: 376-383. Ettl H. 1980. Die taxonomische Abgrenzung der 3. 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