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UAHEP 956 November 1995 TWO-PARAMETER DEFORMATION OF THE POINCARE´ ALGEBRA 6 9 9 A. STERN AND I. YAKUSHIN 1 n a J Abstract. We examine a two-parameter (~, λ) deformation of the Poincar`e 1 1 algebrawhichiscovariantundertheactionofSLq(2,C).Whenλ→0ityields thePoincar`ealgebra,whileinthe~→0limitwerecovertheclassicalquadratic algebra discussed previously in [1], [2]. The analogues of the Pauli-Lubanski 1 vector wandCasimirsp2 andw2 arefoundandasetofmutuallycommuting v operators isconstructed. 0 1 0 1 1. Introduction 0 6 In [1], [2] we proposed a two-parameter deformation of Poincar´e algebra which 9 transforms covariantly under the action of SL (2,C). The algebra appears to be / q g distinct from systems discussed previously, e.g. in [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], l a [11] and it has the advantage that it can be expressed very compactly in terms - of two 2×2 matrices which we denote by P and Γ. The corresponding matrix ele- q ments P and Γ are operators analogousto momentum and angular momentum, : ij ij v respectively. In order to have a ten dimensional algebra, we imposed the following i X constraints on P and Γ : P is hermitian (with respect to some anti-involution op- eration † ), while Γ satisfies a certain deformed unimodularity condition which we r a define shortly. We shall examine this deformed Poincar´e algebra in more detail in this article. In particular, we shall be interested in obtaining its Casimir operators, along with a complete set of commuting operators. Representations of this algebra will be constructed in forthcoming paper. The algebra of [2] is given by: (1.1) RPR−1P = PR−1PR, 12112 2 221 121 (1.2) R−1ΓRΓ = ΓRΓR−1, 21 1212 212112 (1.3) RΓR−1Γ = ΓRΓR−1, 12112 2 212112 (1.4) R−1PRΓ = ΓR−1PR−1, 21 1212 221 112 where Γ = Γ†−1 . We use tensor product notation, labels 1 and 2 denote different vector spaces, P = P ⊗I, P = I⊗P , etc. where I is 2×2 unit matrix. The R− 1 2 1 2 A. STERN AND I. YAKUSHIN matrix is given by q 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 (1.5) R=q−1/2  12 0 q−q−1 1 0  0 0 0 q      and satisfies the quantum Yang-Baxter equation. Additional commutational rela- tions are obtained by hermitian conjugation. Here q is a real number. TheP−P commutationalrelations(1.1)arealreadyknown,seeforinstance[12], [13]. They are consistent with P being hermitian. The commutational relations (1.2-1.4) are new . We supplement them by imposing a deformed unimodularity condition on Γ which we now explain. By expanding (1.1-1.4) in terms of matrix elements it can be shown that the following quadratic combinations of Γ′s and Γ′s are in the center of the algebra and we can therefore make them equal to 1: (1.6) det1(ΓT) = Γ11Γ22−q2Γ21Γ12 =1, q 1 (1.7) det (Γ) = Γ Γ − Γ Γ =1. q 11 22 q2 12 21 (1.6-1.7) are not independent: one can be obtained from the other by applying hermitian conjugation and using the expressions for Γ−1 and Γ−1 Γ − 1 Γ 22 q2 12 − 1 Γ 1 Γ +(q2−1)Γ −1 q2 21 q2 11 22 ! (1.8) Γ = , d(cid:0)etq(Γ) (cid:1) q2Γ −(q2−1)Γ −q2Γ 22 11 12 −q2Γ Γ (1.9) Γ−1 = (cid:18) 21 11 (cid:19) det1(ΓT) q and (1.2). By expressing q in terms of two parameters λ and ~ according to q = e~λ we can define two distinct limits: ~→0 which we refer to as the ”classical limit” and λ → 0 which we call ”canonical limit”. It is the latter and not the former that leads to Poincar´ealgebra. For this to happen we will need to make Γ depend on λ in a certain way as we explain in Sec.3. The outline of this paper is as follows. In Sec.2, 3 we examine the limits ~→0 and λ → 0, respectively. The covariance of the algebra (1.1-1.4) under SL (2,C) q transformations is shown in Sec. 4. The analogue of the Pauli-Lubanski vector is discussed in Sec. 5. We use it along with P to construct two Casimir operators in Sec. 6. These Casimir operators are invariant under the action of the quantum Lorentz group. In Sec. 7 we find a set of commuting operators which can be used to construct the representationof our algebra. Some concluding remarks are given in Sec. 8. TWO-PARAMETER DEFORMATION OF THE POINCARE´ ALGEBRA 3 2. Classical limit We begin with the classical limit. Since the only dependence on ~ comes from R− matrix, we need to know its classical limit1 (−i~)2 (2.1) R → I+(−i~)r+ r2+O(~3), 12 ~→0 2 where r is the classical r− matrix 1 iλ −1 (2.2) r =   2 4 −1  1      which satisfies the classical Yang-Baxter equation. Then the algebra (1.1-1.4) be- comes2 (2.3) p,p = rpp+ppr†−pr†p−prp , (cid:26)1 2(cid:27) (cid:18) 12 12 2 1 1 2(cid:19) (2.4) γ,γ = r†γγ+γγr−γrγ−γr†γ , (cid:26)1 2(cid:27) (cid:18) 12 12 2 1 1 2(cid:19) (2.5) γ,γ = rγγ+γγr−γrγ−γrγ , (cid:26)1 2(cid:27) (cid:18) 12 12 2 1 1 2(cid:19) (2.6) p,γ = r†pγ+pγr−γr†p−pr†γ , (cid:26)1 2(cid:27) (cid:18) 12 12 2 1 1 2(cid:19) where {,} denotes a Poisson bracket which is obtained from a commutator as fol- lows: [,] → {,}. i~ ~→0 Obviously, this is not Poincar´e algebra. It is instead the Poisson bracket algebra discussedin[1],[2]. Itwasshowntobe consistentwithJacobiidentities, hermitian conjugation, as well as being Lie-Poissonwith respect to Lorentz transformations. 3. Canonical limit We next discuss the canonical limit. Now we write Γ = eiλJ and Γ = eiλJ†. Then in the limit λ→0: P,P =0, J,J† =0, J,J =2i~Π J −J , P,J =i~P(2Π−I), 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 h i h i h i (cid:16) (cid:17) h i where 1 1 Π=  1  1      1AlthougthitlookslikeR=e−i~r,itisnotso. Startingfromthethirdorderin~thisequality isviolatedbutonlyin3−2entryofthematrix. 2From now on we use small letters for classical variables and capital letters for quantum operators. 4 A. STERN AND I. YAKUSHIN is the permutation operator J Π = Π J, Π J = J Π. The above algebra is the 1 2 1 2 Poincar´ealgebra. To see this we need only express P P −P +P P −i P (3.1) P = 11 12 =−IP +σ P = 0 3 1 2 , P P 0 k k P +i P −P −P 21 22 1 2 0 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) i (3.2) J = σ J − ǫ J = k k0 kmn mn 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) −iJ +J −iJ −iJ −J +J = 12 30 23 20 31 10 , −iJ +iJ +J +J iJ −J 23 20 31 10 12 30 (cid:18) (cid:19) σ being Pauli matrices, and then we arrive at the usual form: k [P ,P ] = 0, [P ,J ]=i~(η P −η P ), µ ν µ νρ µρ ν µν ρ [J ,J ] = i~(η J +η J +η J +η J ), µν ρσ µρ νσ νσ µρ µσ ρν νρ σµ η = diag(−1,1,1,1). Thus the algebra(1.1-1.4) is a two-parameterdeformationof the Poincar´ealgebra. 4. SL (2,C) covariance q It remains to show that (1.1-1.4) is covariant with respect to SL (2,C) trans- q formations. A SL (2,C) matrix T is defined using the commutational relations3: q (4.1) RTT =TTR 121 2 2 112 which are well known (for review see e.g. [14]). The action of SL (2,C) on the q operators P and Γ involves T as well as its hermitian conjugate T† = T−1. We must then specify the commutational relations involving T : (4.2) RTT = TTR, 121 2 2 112 (4.3) R T T = T T R. 12 1 2 2 1 12 Since the ”deformed” determinants of T and T commute with everything we can set them equal to one: (4.4) det 1 (T) = T11T22−qT12T21 =1, √q (4.5) det 1 (T) = T11T22−qT12T21 =1. √q 3In the canonical limit the matrix elements of T, of course, commute. In the classical limit, however,wegetnon-trivialPoissonbrackets fortheclassicalvariablestassociatedwithT: t,t = r,tt 1 2 12 (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:20) (cid:21) t,t = r,tt 1 2 12 (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:20) (cid:21) t,t = r,tt 1 2 12 (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:20) (cid:21) heret,t∈SL(2,C),t=t†−1 TWO-PARAMETER DEFORMATION OF THE POINCARE´ ALGEBRA 5 Justlike (1.6-1.7),(4.4-4.5)are not independent and one canbe obtainedfrom the other by hermitian conjugation with the help of T −1T 22 q 12 −qT T (4.6) T−1 = (cid:18) 21 11 (cid:19), det 1 (T) √q T −1T 22 q 12 −qT T (4.7) T−1 = (cid:18) 21 11 (cid:19). det 1 (T) √q Under the action of SL (2,C) the operators P, Γ and Γ transform according to q (4.8) P → P′ =TPT−1, Γ → Γ′ =TΓT−1, ′ −1 Γ → Γ =T Γ T . The first relation states that P transforms as a vector, while the latter two define the adjoint actionfor SL (2,C). Assuming, as usual, that the the matrix elements q of P,Γ,Γ commute with those of T,T it is not hard to show that (1.1-1.4) are covariantunder (4.8). For example, (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) RPR−1P → RP′R−1P′ =T TRPR−1PT−1T−1 = 12112 2 121 12 2 2 112112 2 1 2 T TPR−1PRT−1T−1 =P′R−1P′R. 2 1 221 1211 2 2 21 1 21 5. Pauli-Lubanski vector We obtained the following classical deformation of Pauli-Lubanski vector in [1], [2]: 1 w w −w +w w −i w (5.1) w= γ−1pγ−p = 11 12 = 0 3 1 2 2λ w21 w22 w1+i w2 −w0−w3 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) which transforms as a Lorentz vector and reduces to the standard Pauli-Lubanski vector when λ→0. The Poisson brackets for w are: (5.2) w,γ = r†wγ+wγr−γr†w−wr†γ, (cid:26)1 2(cid:27) 12 12 2 1 1 2 (5.3) w,γ = rwγ+wγr−γr†w−wrγ, (cid:26)1 2(cid:27) 12 12 2 1 1 2 (5.4) w,p = rwp+wpr†−pr†w−wrp, (cid:26)1 2(cid:27) 12 12 2 1 1 2 (5.5) w,w = rww+wwr†−wr†w−wrw−iΠ wp−wp . n1 2o 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 (cid:18)12 21(cid:19) Becauseofthe lastterminthe lastPoissonbracketthe quantumalgebrafor w will depend on λ not just through q =e~λ but also separately. Let us define the quantum analog of w according to: −1 (5.6) W =a βΓ PΓ−P , (cid:16) (cid:17) 6 A. STERN AND I. YAKUSHIN where W† =W, a → 1 , β → 1. Using (5.6) and (1.1-1.4) we get: ~→0 2λ ~→0 (5.7) R−1WRΓ = ΓR−1WR−1, 21 1 212 221 1 12 (5.8) RWR−1Γ = ΓR−1WR−1, 12 1 12 2 221 1 12 (5.9) RWR−1P = PR−1WR, 12 1 12 2 221 1 21 (5.10) R(W +aP)R−1W = WR−1(W +aP) R. 12 1 1 12 2 2 21 1 1 21 (5.7-5.10) are covariant with respect to (4.8) and W transforms as an SL (2,C) q vector: (5.11) W →W′ =TWT−1. Noticethatinordertohavecorrectclassicallimit~→0wehavetoincludenotonly q,but alsoλ (througha) in the commutationalrelations. Also note that (5.7-5.10) are satisfied identically for any β from (5.6). To recover the usual Pauli-Lubanski vector we assume that the canonical limit of a and β is identical to the classical limit, i.e. a → 1 , β → 1. Then using λ→0 2λ λ→0 Γ=eiλJ and Γ=eiλJ† we get W =−IW +σ W , where 0 k k 1 1 W =− ǫ P J , W =− ǫ P J −ǫ P J . 0 kmn k mn k kmn 0 mn lmk l m0 2 2 In 4-vector notations it can be rewritten in the form: 1 W =− ǫ µνρJ P . β 2 β µν ρ 6. Casimirs LikewiththePoincar`ealgebra,wecanconstructtwoCasimiroperators. Bothare invariantunderSL (2,C)transformationsasweshallmakeevident. The following q quadratic combination is an analogue of P2 and is one such Casimir: (6.1) P2 P2 C =−det (P)=−<P,P > =(P,P) =− P2+ 1 + 2 + P2 → P2, 1 q q q 0 q2 q2 3 q→1 where 1 (6.2) <A,B > =A B − A B q 11 22 q2 12 21 isacombinationofmatrixelementswhichoftenoccursinthisalgebrasowereserve a special notation for it. 1 (6.3) (A,B) =− Tr AB q q2+1 q (cid:16) (cid:17) is a deformed scalar product of 4-vectors A and B reepresented as 2×2 hermitian matrices. B is a deformed adjugate of B− matrix. By this we mean that B has the properties: e e BB = BB ∼I, b −b B → b = 22 12 , bb=bb=det(b)I. q→1e e −b21 b11 (cid:18) (cid:19) e e e e TWO-PARAMETER DEFORMATION OF THE POINCARE´ ALGEBRA 7 Tr is a deformed trace defined by q Tr (A)=A +q2A . q 11 22 The adjugate of P has the following form: P − 1 P (6.4) P = 22 q2 12 . − 1 P 1 P +(q2−1)P (cid:18) q2 21 q2 11 22 (cid:19) It was proved direcetly using Mathema(cid:0)tica that P has t(cid:1)he same transformation properties4 as P : P′ →TPT−1. e We found another Casimir corresponding to the square of the Pauli-Lubanski e e vector. It can be expressed in different ways: (6.5) C = a <P,W > +q2 <W,P > = 2a q q = aT(cid:0)r WP =aTr PW =(cid:1)−a(q2+1)(W,P) , q q q (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (6.6) C2b = aTrq PWe =aTrq We P =−a(q2+1)(P,W)q, (6.7) C = −<W(cid:16),W (cid:17)−a(q2−1(cid:16))P >(cid:17)=(W,W) , 2c f f q q Here5 W −W12 (6.8) W = −Wq22221 W11+(qq2q2−21)W22 !−a(q2−1)P f e is an adjugate matrix of W and direct calculations show that W transforms like W : W′ →TWT−1. f One can check using (5.6) that C , C and C are in fact equal to each other up 2a 2b 2c f f to C : 1 a2(q6−β2) C =C −a2(q4−1)C =C + C . 2a 2b 1 2c q6 1 C andC havethesameclassicallimit,namelyc =−(p,w),where(,)=(,) . 2a 2b 2a λ q=1 Theclassicallimit ofC isc =w2.Atfirstglanceone mightthink thatc 6=c 2c 2c 2a 2c but it is easy to prove that c and c are really equal to each other. For this we 2a 2c write 1 w= (b−p), 2λ 4Whendetq(P)6=0 P =detq(P)P−1. Notice though that P exists even when P−1 does not, that is for 0-length 4-vectors. To find P e weusedananzatzwhereeachelementofthematrixisageneral linearcombinationofallPij.P isuniquelydetermineeduptoafactorwhichgoesto1whenq→1. e 5Again,when<W,W −a(q2−1)P >q6=0 e W =<W,W −a(q2−1)P >qW−1. TofindW weusedananzatzwhereeachelementofthematrixisagenerallinearcombinationof f allWij andPij.Itwasuniquelydetermineduptoafactorwhichgoesto1when q→1. f 8 A. STERN AND I. YAKUSHIN where b=γ−1pγ. Then det(b)=det(p) because det(γ)=det(γ)=1. Furthermore 2λ(p,w)=(p,b)+det(p) using (p,p)=−det(p), and thus 1 1 (p,w) w2 = (−det(b)−det(p)−(b,p)−(p,b))= (−det(p)−(p,b))=− . 4λ2 2λ2 λ Let us show that our deformed scalar product is really invariantand hence that C and C are invariant. Suppose that under SL (2,C) transformations 1 2 q A′ →TAT−1, B′ →TBT−1 and matrix elements of T commute with A and B. Then e e Tr A′B′ = Tr TABT−1 = T T−1+q2T T−1 A B = q q 1k ne1 2k n2 km mn (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 0 e = δq A Be =Tr AB , where δq = e . kn km mn q 0 q2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18) (cid:19) NoticethatinallcasesdiscusseedaboveTr AeB =Tr BA whichisratherun- q q expectedforsuchadeformedalgebra. Onth(cid:16)eoth(cid:17)erhand,(cid:16)Tr (cid:17)AB 6=Tr BA , e eq q that is the scalar product is not symmetric in general. (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) e e 7. Complete set of mutually commuting operators In addition to the Casimirs the following operators can be included into a com- plete setofmutuallycommuting operatorsnecessaryto constructarepresentation: (7.1) K = Tr (P)=P +q2P , 1 q 11 22 (7.2) K = Tr (W)=W +q2W =a(qTr (PΩ)−K ), 2 q 11 22 q 1 (7.3) K = P or P , 3 11 22 (7.4) K = <Γ,Γ> =Ω , 4 q 11 where (7.5) Ω=ΓΓ−1 =ΓΓ† =Ω†. When constructing a representation, it is more convenient to choose K = P 3 22 because it has simpler commutational relations with other operators. Ω has very peculiar property: it has the same commutational relations with all matrices Z =P, Γ, Γ, W or Ω: (7.6) ZRΩR=RΩRZ. 121212 212121 It follows from here, by the way, that components of Ω generate a universal en- veloping algebra. In canonical limit K and K go to −2P and −2W , respectively, while 1 2 0 0 Ω−I J J −iJ (7.7) → 12 23 31 λ λ→0 J23+iJ31 −J12 (cid:18) (cid:19) is a traceless hermitian matrix corresponding to space components of angular mo- mentum. ThereforeK isassociatedwiththecomponentoftheangularmomentum 4 along the third axis J . 12 TWO-PARAMETER DEFORMATION OF THE POINCARE´ ALGEBRA 9 It was checked that no other linear or quadratic combination of P, W, Γ and Γ can be included in this set. Another possible set of mutually commuting operators can be obtained if we replace K by 3 (7.8) K =Tr(Ω) → 2 1+2λ2 J2 +J2 +J2 +o λ2 5 12 23 31 λ→0 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) whichcorrespondstothesquareof3-vectorofangularmomentum(replace,because nolinearcombinationofP andP ,exceptforK ,commuteswithK ). Therefore 11 22 1 5 −→ in the set we can have either an analogue of P or J 2 but not both6. 3 For the sake of space we do not write out all commutational relations between K and elements of the algebra but only some simple ones: i [K ,P ] = 0, [K ,P ]=0, 1 ij 2 ij 1 [K ,Z ] = [K ,Z ]=0, K Z = Z K , K Z =q2Z K , 4 11 4 22 4 12 q2 12 4 4 21 21 4 where Z can be: P, W, Γ , Γ or Ω. We shall give a complete set of commutational relations along with representations of the algebra in a forthcoming article. 8. Conclusion Here we remark on possible extension of our algebra. In [1] we deformed the canonical Poisson brackets for a relativistic particle so that the SL(2,C) Poisson- Lie group with Poisson structure given in footnote3 had a Poisson action on the classical observables. The most non-trivial part of [1] was to deform the canonical Poissonbrackets between momenta and coordinates {x ,p }=η . We obtained µ ν µν (8.1) x,p =rxp+xpr†−prx−xr†p−Π(f†+f) (cid:26)1 2(cid:27) 12 12 2 1 1 2 1 2 where f = exp(isin−1(λxp)). (8.1) was shown to be covariant with respect to x→txt−1, p→tpt−1. It wouldbe interesting to extendquantum algebra(1.1-1.4) toinclude thespace-timeoperatorX . Uponchoosingthe Hamiltoniantobe equal toC wecouldthenwritedownthecorrespondingKlein-Gordonequationgivingthe 1 dynamics of a ”free” particle, the classical analogue of which was discussed in [1], [2]. 9. Acknowledgments This work was in part supported by Department of Energy, USA, under con- tract number DE-FG0584ER40141. I.Y. was also supported by Graduate Council Research Fellowship from the University of Alabama. 6At firstglance one might think that det(Ω) can alsobe included ineither of two sets but it turnedoutthatitisnotindependent: det(Ω)= q12 1+ q2−1 K24 . (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:1) 10 A. STERN AND I. YAKUSHIN References [1] A.Simoni,A.Stern,andI.Yakushin.LorentztransformationsasLie-Poissonsymmetries.J. Math. Phys.,36(10):5588–5597, October 1995. [2] A.SternandI.Yakushin.Lie-PoissondeformationofthePoincarealgebra.UAHEP952May 1995,tobepublishedinJ.Math.Phys. [3] O. Ogievetsky, W. B. Schmidke, J. Wess, and B. Zumino. Q-deformed Poincare algebra. Commun. Math. Phys.,150:495–518, 1992. [4] M. Pillin, W. B. Schidke, and J. Wess. Q-deformed relativistic one-particle states. Nucl. Phys.,B403:223–237, 1993. [5] W.B.Schmidke,J.Wess,andB.Zumino.Aq-deformedLorentzalgebra.Z.Phys.,C52:471– 476,1991. [6] S.Majid.Introduction tobraidedgeometry andq-Minkowskispace. hep-th/9410241, 6Nov 1994. 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