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Two new taxa of land snails of the genera Kalidos and Ampelita from Madagascar (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) PDF

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by  VerdcourtB
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Preview Two new taxa of land snails of the genera Kalidos and Ampelita from Madagascar (Gastropoda, Pulmonata)

BASTERIA, 70:103-108,2006 Twonewtaxaof landsnailsofthe generaKalidos andAmpelita fromMadagascar (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) B.Verdcourt Royal BotanicGardens,Kew, Richmond,SurreyTW93AB,U.K. Kalidos dupuyi(Ariophantidae)and Ampelitalamarei dendritica(Acavidae)aredescribedasnew taxafrom SW. and NE. Madagascarrespectively. Key words: Gastropoda, Pulmonata,Ariophantidae,Kalidos, Acavidae, Ampelita, taxonomy, Madagascar. INTRODUCTION VariousKewbotanistswhilstonexpeditions to Madagascar havebrought backmol- luscs they foundincidentally. I havealready reported onsome of these Icouldidentify withsomecertainty (Verdcourt,2002). ThereremainedothersIcouldonly suggestnames foror whichproved impossible toname, forexample manyTropidophora specimens; these have beenplaced in The Natural History Museum,London.Two taxa which although very characteristicincolourIfailedtonamefromFischer-Pietteetal.(1994)Iamtreating asnewanddescribebelow. Thefollowing abbreviationsare used: BM, The Natural History Museum, London; RMNH, National Museum of Natural History, Leiden; MNHN, Museum National d'HistoireNaturelle,Paris. DESCRIPTIONS Ariophantidae Godwin-Austen, 1888 Kalidos dupuyi spec.nov. (figs 1-6) Material examined. — SW. Madagascar,NW.comerofLac Tsimanampetsotsa,onvery dry lime- stoneunderbushes, David J.Du Puyleg., 12.i.l989(RMHN 104690/holotype,104691/7paratypes;BM/2 paratypes;MNHN/1paratype). Diagnosis. — Aratherlarge, broadly conical shell, subangulate whenadult, with a broad,brownspiralbandonawhitebackground. Description. —Shell(figs2-6) depressed helicoid,thespire distinctly raised,broadly conicalwithsides distinctlyconvex forminganapexofabout172°,whitewithabroadspi- ralbrownbandabout5 mm wideneartheperistome. Umbilicus distinct, about3.5mm wide.Whorls7Vi, moderately convex, the lastsubangulate attheperiphery (but injuve- nileonly20mm widesharply acute). Suturemoderate.Apical2Viwhorlssmooth,therest withstrong close irregular ribs, 3-8 permm. Thebroad spiralbrownbandis margined 104 BASTERIA,Vol. 70, No. 4-6,2006 Figs 1-2.LivingKalidos dupuyispec. nov.from thetypelocalityduringarainstorm on12.i.1989, includ- ingapairin copulation. Fromcolour slidesbyDrD.J.Du Puy. Verdcourt:Twonew taxaoflandsnailsofthegeneraKalidosandAmpelita 105 withnarrow white subsuturaland peripheral bandsonthebody whorl, thesutural one continuing for about41/2whorls. The apex is uniformlybrown;base of shell pale with some transverse brownish streaks, the transverse ribs being fainter. Aperture oblong- lunate,obliquely retractedatabout45° fromvertical; margin ofperistome slightly thick- enedanddark(from photograph)but sharpin nearly adultholotype. The collector tookthree photographs (figs 1-2) of theliving animal during a rain- storm, including apair incopulation. Hewas reluctantto killany specimens butcollect- ed anumberofempty shellsall saveoneunfortunatelyworn. Dimensions. — Majordiameter28.5mm,minor diameter25mm;height 17mm;aper- ture14 mmwide, 10mmtall. Distribution.— SW. Madagascar, ReserveNaturelleintegrateLac Tsimanampetsotsa. Discussion. — I was unableto match this species with any of the illustrationsin Fischer-Piettteetal. (1994). Kalidoslapillus Fischer& Bedoucha,1966,isrecordedfromthe areabuthas5Viwhorls, granular abovewithtransverse andspiral striae.Kalidospiperatus (Fulton, 1901) is similarin shape butmuch smaller, with quitedifferentcolourpattern. Kalidoschastellii(Ferussac, 1832)has adifferentcolourpattern. AcavidaePilsbry, 1895 Ampelita lamarei dendriticasubspec. nov. (figs 7-10) Material examined. — NE. Madagascar, 14km W.ofAntanambe,MananaraAvaratra Biosphere Reserve,nearR.Mavohoh, 240m alt.,rainforest,HenkBeentjeleg.(no4317),24.X.1994(holotypeRMNH 104692). Diagnosis. — Closely similar in shape to A. lamareisakalava (Angas, 1877) and the many taxa similarbut distinguished by thecombinationof threedarkbandswithinthe aperture and densehieroglyphic and dendriticmarksonoutsideof shell. Description. —Shell(figs7-10)asymmetrically depressedhelicoid, thespire slightly but distinctlyraised, the sidesalmost straight, very obtuseat theapex, theangle being about150°.Body whorl withthreeinternaldarkbands showing through the shellvery distinctlybuttheentireyellowish outersurfaceofthebody whorlhas densebrownirreg- ularspeckling of fine hieroglyphic, vermiformand dendriticmarks, this area bordering theshiny circum-umbilicalridge andunlikethatissmoothnotstriate.Withintheaperture there are three darkbrownbands reaching probably to the apex; theapical whorlsare entirely brown save for an irregular pate sutural band. Umbilicusnarrowly pyriform, about 2 mm long, at the bottomof a funnel-shaped declivity of the body whorl sur- roundedbyaraisedtransversely striateyellowish ridge. Whorls4V4, quitesharply keeled atperiphery, convex save for a distinctspiral grooveabovethekeel onthebody whorl. Aperture4/5-elliptic,retractedabout30°fromthevertical, theperistome stronglyflanged forabout 1.5mm,withrecurved margin. Dimensions. — Majordiameter26 mm,minordiameter19mm; aperture14mmwide andtall. 106 BASTERIA, Vol. 70, No. 4-6,2006 Figs3-6. Holotypeshell ofKalidos dupuyispec. nov.(RMNH 104690),SW.Madagascar,NW.cornerofLac Tsimanampetsotsa. Distribution.— NE. Madagascar, 16°S, Mananara NordPareNational Discussion. — Emberton (1990) has suggested that A. lamarei (Pfeiffer, 1853), A. lamareisakalava (Angas, 1877), A. hova (Angas, 1877), A. subsepulcralis (Crosse, 1868), A. alluaudi(Dautzenberg, 1894), A. caducaFischer-Piette, Blanc &Salvat, 1975,A. lamothei (Dautzenberg, 1894),A.peramplaDautzenberg, 1907,A.stragulum (Crosse&Fischer, 1873), and A.watersi (Angas, 1877)maybeallthe samespecies and thisappearsvery possible. Thissimplifies things to some extentbut doesnot suggestto methat one can ignore all thevariation. Adetaileddescription ofthevarious'morphs' and their possible relationto geography is stillof interest. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My thanksareduetoMs Virginie Herosofthe Molluscadepartment of theMuseum Nationald'HistoireNaturelleforloaning tome typematerialofKalidoslapillus andtomy colleagues Drs H.Beentje and D.J. DuPuy forcollecting thematerialduring theirofficial botanicalcollecting expeditions. Theprofessional photographs ofthe shellsare acknowl- edged to MrJeroenGoudof theLeidenMuseum. Verdcourt:Twonew taxa oflandsnailsofthegeneraKalidosandAmpelita 107 Figs7-10.Holotypeshell ofAmpelitalamarei dendriticasubspec.nov.(RMNH104692),NE.Madagascar,14 km W. ofAntanambe,MananaraAvaratra BiosphereReserve, nearR.Mavohoh,240m alt.,rainforest. REFERENCES EMBERTON,K.C., 1990.Acavidlandsnails ofMadagascar:subgenericrevision basedonpublisheddata (Gastropoda:Pulmonata: Stylommatophora).—Proceedings oftheAcademyofNaturalSciencesof Philadelphia142:101-117. FISCHER-PIETTE, E.,C.P. BLANC,F. BLANC & F. SALVAT, 1994. Gasteropodesterrestres pulmones (excl.Veronicellidae etg. Elisolimax). —Faune deMadagascar83:1-551. VERDCOURT, B.,2002. Records ofnon-African tropicallandsnails,Part1.—Conchologist'sNewsletter 163:258-268.

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