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Two new synonymies of the spider genus Cyrtarachne (Araneae: Araneidae) PDF

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Preview Two new synonymies of the spider genus Cyrtarachne (Araneae: Araneidae)

Acta Arachnologica, 50(1): 87-89, September 28, 2001 Two new synonymies of the spider genus Cyrtarachne (Araneae: Araneidae) Akio Tanikawa Shichirigahama Senior High School, 2-3-1, Shichirigahama-higashi, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa, 248-0025 Japan E-mail: dp7a-tnkw@j. asahi-net. or jp Abstract - Cyrtarachne induta Yaginuma 1960 and C. nigra Yaginuma 1960 are newly synonymized with C. yunoharuensis Strand 1918 and C. nagasakiensis Strand 1918 respectively. Key words - Araneidae, Cyrtarachne induta, Cyrtarachne nagasakiensis, Cyrtarachne nigra, Cyrtarachne yunoharuensis, new synonymy Yaginuma (1960) described Cyrtarachne induta (in- dutus in the original description) and C. nigra (niger in Taxonomy the original description) as new species. Although the coloration and markings of these species are quite dis- Cyrtarachne yunoharuensis Strand 1918 tinctive among spiders of Cyrtarachne, some Japanese (Japanese name: Akairo-torinofundamashi) araneologists have suspected that C. induta and C. nigra Figs. 1-2 are junior synonyms of C. yunoharuensis Strand 1918 and C. nagasakiensis Strand 1918, respectively (e.g., A. Cyrtarachne yunoharuensis Strand 1918, p. 81, pl. 1, f. 12- Shinkai, personal communication). To solve this issue, I 14 [female syntypes from "Yunoharu" and Saga, not ex- examined coloration and markings of many specimens amined]; Yaginuma 1960, p. 61, pl. 26, fig. 149; Shinkai & Takano 1984, p. 93; Yaginuma 1986, p.110, p1.28, fig. formerly identified as C. induta, C. yunoharuensis, C. 3; Chikuni, 1989, p. 82, fig. 58. Yin et al. 1997, p. 276, nigra, and C. nagasakiensis in detail. The results sup- fig. 187; Song, Zhu & Chen 1999, p. 279, figs. 162U-V, ported the suspicions and urged me to synonimize C. 163E-F, 0. induta with C. yunoharuensis and C. nigra with C. Cyrtarachne indutus Yaginuma 1960, appendix p. 4, pl. 26, nagasakiensis as reported here. fig. 148 [female holotype from Shikoku, not examined]. NEW SYNONYMY. Voucher specimens of this study are deposited in the Cyrtarachne induta : Yaginuma 1968, p. 61, pl. 26, fig. 148; collection of Department of Zoology, National Science Shinkai & Takano 1984, p.95; Yaginuma 1986, p. 110, Museum, Tokyo. pl. 28, fig. 5; Chikuni 1989, p. 82, fig. 60; Yin et al. I wish to express my hearty thanks to Dr. Tadashi 1997, p. 273, fig. 183; Song, Zhu & Chen 1999, p. 279, Miyashita, University of Tokyo, for critical reading of figs. 162P-Q, 163L. Emendation of incorrect original de- scription. the manuscript of this paper. I am deeply indebted to Mr. Akira Shinkai, Tokyo, for his instructive advice. My sin- Notes. I separated all the specimens examined into cere thanks are also due to Mr. Hideharu Okawa, two groups by coloration: one group that can be identi- Kanagawa, Mr. Hiroyoshi Ikeda, Kanagawa, Mr. fied as C. yunoharuensis (Fig. 1) and the other group Norihisa Tanaka, Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of identifiable as C. induta (Fig. 2). Then, I compared other Natural History, Mr. Ken-ichi Kumada, Mie, Mr. Koichi features of the specimens between the two groups. No Nojima, Osaka, Mr. Yoh Ihara, Hiroshima, Dr. Nobuo difference was found between these two groups other Tsurusaki, Tottori University, for their offering speci- than the coloration and markings, including the shapes mens used in this study. of epigyna. Hence, I can safely conclude that the differ- ence between C, yunoharuensis and C. induta is nothing 88 A. Tanikawa more than intraspecific color variations. Consequently, I Cyrtarachne nigra : Shinkai & Takano 1984, p. 95; Yagi- newly synonymize C. induta with C. yunoharuensis . numa 1986, p. 110, pl. 28, fig. 6; Chikuni 1989, p. 82, Specimens examined. the "yunoharuensis "-type: 17 - fig. 61. Emendation of incorrect original spelling. from Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Mie, Tottori, and Kagoshima Prefectures. A representative voucher specimen: 1 , Notes. As was done in the comparison between C. Shimoda-shi, Shizuoka Pref., 14-VIII-1981, A. Tanikawa yunoharuensis and C. induta, I separated specimens ex- leg. (NSMT-Ar 4953). The "induta "-type: 5 - from Tokyo, amined into two groups by the coloration, C. Kanagawa, and Okayama Prefectures. A representative nagasakiensis group (Fig. 3) and C. nigra group (Fig.4). voucher specimen: 1 - , Shiroyama-cho, Tukui-gun, Kanagawa Pref., 24-VIII-2000, S. Okawa leg. (NSMT-Ar I compared the other features of these two groups as 4954). well as the shapes of epigyna. No differences were found between these two groups other than the colora- Cyrtarachne nagasakiensis Strand 1918 tion and markings. Thus, I concluded that "nagasa- (Japanese name: Shiro-obi-torinofundamashi) kiensis" and "nigra" are two color morphs of the same Figs. 3-4 single species. Consequently, I synonymize C. nigra with C. nagasakiensis here. Cyrtarachne nagasakiensis Strand 1918, p. 81, pl. 1, figs. Specimens examined. The "nagasakiensis"-type: 34 - 15-17 [female holotype from Nagasaki, not examined]; from Ibaraki, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Mie, Ehime, Yaginuma 1960, p. 61, pl. 26, fig. 150; Yaginuma 1968, Hiroshima, Kagoshima (Yakushima and Amami-oshima p. 61, pl. 26, fig. 150; Shinkai & Takano 1984, p. 95; Isls.), and Okinawa (Okinawajima and Iriomotejima Isis) Yaginuma 1986, p. 110, pl. 28, fig. 4; Chikuni 1989, p. Prefectures. A representative voucher specimen: 1 - , 82, fig. 59; Yin et al. 1997, p. 274, fig. 185; Song, Zhu Shimoda-shi, Shizuoka Pref., 13-VIII-1981, A. Tanikawa & Chen 1999, p. 279, figs. 162R-S, 163D, N. leg. (NSMT-Ar 4955). The "nigra"-type: 11 - , from Cyrtarachne niger Yaginuma 1960, appendix, p. 5, pl. 26, Shizuoka and Kagoshima (Amami-oshima Is.) Prefectures. A fig. 151; Yaginuma 1968, p. 61, pl. 26, fig. 151 [female representative voucher specimen: 1 - , Naka-kawane-cho, holotype from Osaka, not examined]. NEW SYNON- Haibara-gun, Shizuoka Pref., 22-VII-2000, A. Tanikawa leg. YMY. (NSMT-Ar 4956). Figs. l-4. Habitus -1-2 (Top), Cyrtarachne yunoharuensis Strand 1918 (1, "yunoharuenses"-type; 2, "induta"- type); 3-4 (bottom), Cyrtarachne nagasakiensis Strand 1918 (3, "nagasakiensis"-type; 4, "nigra"-type). Acta Arachnologica, 50(1), September 2001 OArachnological Society of Japan New synonymies of Cyrtarachne 89 Osaka. 186pp. 56pls. (In Japanese) References Yaginuma, T. 1986. Spiders of Japan in Color (New Edition). Hoikusha, Osaka. 305pp. 64pls. (In Japanese) Yin, C., Wang, J., Zhu, M., Xie, L., Peng, X. & Bao, Y. Chikuni, Y. 1989. Pictorial Encyclopedia of Spiders in 1997. Fauna Sinica. Arachnida. Araneae: Araneidae. Japan. Kaiseisha, Tokyo. 306pp. (In Japanese) Science Press, Beijing. 460pp. (In Chinese) Shinkai, E. & Takano, S. 1984. A Field Guide to the Spid- Zhu, M., Song, D., Zhang, Y. & Wang, X. 1994. On some ers of Japan. Tokai Univ. Press, Tokyo. 206pp. (In new species and new records of spiders of the family Japanese) Araneidae from China. J. Heibei Normal Univ., Sup- Song, D., Zhu, M. & Cheng, J. 1999. The Spiders of China. plement: 25-52. (In Chinese with English synopsis) Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House, Shijiazhuang. 640pp. Received May 11, 2001 /Accepted July 6, 2001 Yaginuma, T. 1960. Spiders of Japan in Colour. Hoikusha, 92 和文要旨 グモ,カ ガ リグ モ改称)お よ びClubiona payvula(S. Corinnaハ チグモ属(新 称)の クモが 日本 か ら記録 さ Saito l933)new combination(ヌ カ ア ブ ラ フク ログ モ, れ た の は初 め て で あ る.ま た,Phrurolithus lynx 改 称)はSteatodaか ら新 た に転 属 した.日 本 産 の3種 Kamura 1994ヤ マネコウラシマグモの台湾 における分 Enoplognatha japonica Bosenberg & Strand l906ヤ マ ト 布 を明 らか に した.さ らに,Phrurolithus taiwanicus コ ノバ グモ,E.dozsinotata Bosenberg & Strand 1906 の雄 とジガバチグモ属のCastianeira shaxianmsis Gong セ マ ダ ラ コ ノバ グモ お よ びSteatoda albimaculosa (S. 1983オ ビジガバチグモの雄 を初めて記載 した. Saito l934)ブ チ モ チ イ グ モを ヨー ロ ッパ か ら北 ア メ リカ ま で 広 く分 布 す るE.tecta (Keyserling 1884)(和 日本産オニグモ属の12新 種および1新 記録種(pp. 名 に はヤマ トコ ノバ グモ を当 て る)の,ま た 日本産 の 67-90) E.tmnsversifoveata (Bosenberg & Strand 1906)と 中国 谷川明男(〒248-0025神 奈川県鎌倉市七里ガ浜東2- 産 のE.hangzhouensis Zhu 1998をE.abnupta (Karsch 3-1神 奈川県立七里ガ浜高等学校) 1879)カ レハ ヒメ グ モの,さ らに中国 産 の 一E.submar- 日本 各 地 か ら採 集 され た標 本 に も とづ き,次 の12 garita Yaginuma & Zhu 1992を 日本 で 記 載 さ れ たE. 新 種 お よ び1新 記録 種 を記 載 した.Araneus nojimaiマ margarita Yaginuma 1964シ ロ タマ ヒメ グ モ の新 参 異 メオ ニ グモ,A.tsurusakiiカ ラオ ニ グモ,Aryukyuanus 名 と し た.2つ の種 名S.japonica (Donitz & Strand リュ ウキ ュ ウオ ニ グ モ(新 称),A.borealisキ タマ メ 1906)オ ス ナ キ グ モお よ びSminus (Donitz & Strand オ ニ グモ(新 称),A.iriomotensisイ リオ モ テオ ニ グモ 1906)コ ヌ サ グモ をnomina dubia疑 問 名 と し,本 論 (新 称),A.yasudaiヤ ス ダ ヒメオ ニ グ モ(新 称),A. で は扱 って いな い.な お,Steatoda属 の和 名 カガ リグ hoshiホ シマ メオ ニ グモ(新 称),A.komiコ ミオ ニ グ モ属 はその ま ま使用 す る. モ(新 称),A.ogataiオ ガ タ オ ニ グ モ(新 称),A. miyashitaiコ ケオ ニ グモ,A.mayumiaeマ ユ ミオ ニ グ モ 日本及び台湾産のウエムラグモ科及びネコグモ科のク (新 称),A.amabilisチ ュ ラオ ニ グ モ(新 称),A. モ7種(pp.53-65) acusisetus Zhu & Song 1994オ オ クマ ヤ ミイ ロオ ニ グ 加村隆英(〒567-8502茨 木市西安威2-1-15追 手門 モ(新 称). 学院大学生物学研究室) 日本及 び台湾産の標本 に基づいて,ウ エム ラグモ科 トリノフンダマシ属の2新 シノニム(PP.91-93) の5種 及 びネ コグモ科の2種 を報告 した.ウ ラシマグ 谷川明男(〒248-0025神 奈川県鎌倉市七里ガ浜東2- モ属 の1新 種をPhrurolithus vulpesコ ガネウ ラシマグ 3-1神 奈川県立七里ガ浜高等学校) モ(新 称)と 命名 して記載 し,Phrurolithus sinicus Zhu ソ メ ワ ケ ト リ ノ フ ン ダ マ シCyrtamchne induta & Mei 1982コ ツブウラシマグモ(新 称),P.taiwanicus Yaginuma 1960を ア カ イ ロ ト リ ノ フ ン ダ マ シC. Hayashi & Yoshida 1993タ イワンウラシマグモ(新 称), yunohamensis Strand, 1918の,ク ロ トリノ フ ンダ マ シ P.labialis Paik 1991ウ スイ ロウラシマグモ(新 称)及 C.nigra Yaginuma 1960を シロオ ビ トリノ フ ンダ マ シ びCorinna gulosa (Thorell 1878)ハ マカゼハ チ グモ C.nagasakiensis Strand 1918の それ ぞれ 新 参 シ ノ ニ ム (新 称)の4種 を 日本新 記 録種 と して報 告 した. と した. Acta Arachnlogica,50(1), September 2001(C)ArachnologicalS ocietyo f Japan

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