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Two new species of Velutinidae Gray, 1840 (Gastropoda) from the North Pacific with a preliminary molecular phylogeny of the family PDF

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Preview Two new species of Velutinidae Gray, 1840 (Gastropoda) from the North Pacific with a preliminary molecular phylogeny of the family

THE NAUTILUS 128(4):114—121, 2014 Page 114 Two new species of Velutinidae Gray, 1840 (Gastropoda) from the North Pacific with a preliminary molecular phylogeny of the family David W. Behrens Elysse Ornelas 124 250th Avenue NE Angel Valdes 1 Sammamish, WA98074 USA Deparment ofBiological Sciences California State Polytechnic University 3801 WestTemple Avenue Pomona, CA 91768 USA ABSTRACT fully enveloped by the mantle that is not retractile, and a long footwith a distinctive rugose or nodularedge. Two recent collections ofshelled gastropods in the temperate In order to allocate these two species within the phy- North Pacific have identified two undescribed species of the logeny ofthe group, preliminary molecular phylogenetic ffarmoimlyPVoerltutTioniwnndsaeen.dM,arWsaesnhiinnagtzoand.eiOnnechwidsipeocpiseissiscldaerskicrinbeewd analyses (based on two mitochondrial genes) were con- species is described from Pribilof Island, Alaska, Bering Sea. ducted, comprising the two newspecies and other mem- Bothspeciesarebarcodedwithsequencesof themitochondrial bers of the Velutinidae forwhich sequences are available COI and 16S genes. Additionally, a preliminary phylogeny for in GenBank. theVelutinidaebasedon these twogenes is provided. Additional Keywords: Velutinidae, Lamellariidae, Marsenina, MATERIALS AND METHODS Onchidiopsis Collection and Preservation: Specimens were col- lected by scubaand trawl, respectively. All collectedspec- imens were fixed and preserved in 95% ethanol to INTRODUCTION facilitate genetic analyses. All specimens were catalogued and deposited in the Invertebrate collection ofthe Natu- Current classifications place lamellarid gastropods in the ral History Museum ofLos Angeles County (LACM). familyVelutinidae Gray, LS40(Bouchetand Rocroi, 2005). Thesearecaenogastropodswithan internalshell thathave Morphological Examination: Preserved specimens been traditionally neglected. The species-level taxonomy were dissected and the internal features were examined of this familyhas been in disarray. It is not the intention of using a dissecting microscope. The buccal mass of one this paper to review the higher taxonomic nomenclatural individual ofeach species was removed and dissolved in problems, so we follow the most recent review ofspecies 10% sodium hydroxide until the radula and jaw were presented in Gulbin and Golikov (2001, but see 1997, isolated from the surrounding tissue. The radula and 1998, 1999, 2000). Prior to that, the most comprehensive jaw were then rinsed in water, dried, mounted, and treatment of species from the North Pacific Ocean was sputter-coated for examination under a scanning elec- given by Behrens (1980), which, while focusingonspecies tron microscope (SEM) Hitachi S-3000N at the LACM. known from the eastern Pacific (Alaska to Mexico), differ- The anterior end of the body including the head and entiated members of the genera Lamellaria, Marsenina, the penis, where dissected and chemically dried with and Marseniopsis. hexamethyldisilazane for SEM examination. The main objective ofthis paper is to describe two new species of the genera Marsenina and Onchidiopsis (sub- DNA Extraction, PCR, and Analyses: DNA extrac- family Velutininae Gray, 1842). Species ofMarsenina are tion was performed using a hot Chelex1" protocol with distinguished by a radula having a formula of approximately 1-3 mg of the foot cut into fine pieces. (two outer teeth are present on each side), being her- The tissue was rinsed and rehydrated using 1.0 mLTE maphroditic, havinga fissureor pore in the mantle expos- buffer (10 inM Tris, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) for 20 min- ing the shell and permitting the retraction of the mantle, utes. A 10% (w/v) Chelex® 100 (100-200 mesh, sodium and having a small, smooth foot that remains hidden form, Bio-Rad) solution was prepared using TE buffer. under the mantle. Species ofOnchidiopsis has the same After rehydration, the tissue mixture was then centri- radular formula as Marsenina and are hermaphroditic, fuged, 975.00 pL of the supernatant was removed, and , but are distinguished in that they have an internal shell 175.00 pL of the Chelex® solution was added. Samples D.W. Behrens et al., 2014 Page 115 were then heated in a 56°C water bath for 20 minutes, tions, with sampling every 100 generations. The default heated in a 100°C heating block for 8 minutes, and the 25% bum-in was applied before constructing majority- supernatant was used for PCR. UniversallGS rRNA rule consensus tree/s. The maximum likelihood analysis primers (16S ar-L 5TCGCCTGTTTATCAAAAACAT-3', was conductedwith the program GARLI v0.96b8 (Zwickl, 168br-H5'-CCGGTCTGAACTCAGATCACGT-3' devel- 220,0060)0. Default parameters were used to run three differ- oped by Palumbi, 1996) and universal COl primers ent GARLI searches of 10 replicates each, and a total of (LCO1490 5'-GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG-3', bootstrap replicates were performed to assess the HC02198, S'-TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA- robustness ofeach clade (Felsenstein, 1985). 3' developed by Folmer et al., 1994) were used toamplify the regions ofinterest forall specimens. The master mix was prepared using 34.75 pL H20, SYSTEMATICS 5.00 pL Buffer B (ExACTGene, Fisher Scientific), 5.00 pL 25 mM MgCl2, LOO pL 40mM dNTPs, 1.00 pL lOmM SFuabmfialmyiVleylVuetliuntiidnaienGareaGyr,ay1,8410840 primer 1, 1.00 pL primer 2, 0.25 pL 5 mg/mLTaq, and 2.00 pLextracted DNA. Reaction conditions for 16S were Genus Marsenina Gray, 1850 as follows: an initial denaturation for 2 min at 94°C, 30 cycles of1) denaturation for30 sec at 94°C, 2) anneal- Type Species: Lamellaria prodita Loven, 1846 ing for 30 sec at 50°C, and 3) elongation for 1 min at (= Oxynoe?glabra Couthouy, 1838) 72°C, and a final elongation for 7 min at 72°C. Reaction conditions for COl an initial denaturation for 3 min at Marsenina zadei new species 95°C, 35 cycles of 1) denaturation for 45 sec at 94°C, (Figures 1-4, 7-9) 2) annealing for 45 sec at 45°C, and 3) elongation for Description: External Morphology: Mantle color 2 min at 72°C, and a final elongation for 10 min at 72°C. PCR products yielding bands of appropriate size makesthis speciesdifficulttofindonitssubstrate (Figure 1). Mantle color dusky-white to tan to orange, with a sprin- (approximately475 bp for 16S and 700 bp for COl) were purified usingthe Genejet PCR Purification Kit (Thermo klingofblack specks. A dark brown horseshoe mark pres- Scientific). Cleaned PCR samples were quantified usinga ent posterior-medially in some specimens. Mantle with a NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific). dorsal slit or fissure, which may lie retracted exposing shell. Mantle with an anterior and right lateral fold creat- Each primer was diluted to 2.0 pmol/pL to send out for sequencing with the PCR products. PCR products were ingincurrentandexcurrent siphons, respectively, circulat- diluted to 7.5 and 11.5 ng/pL for 16S, and COl, respec- ing water over gills. Surface ofthe mantle covered with a (tiSvaenlyt.a FSaemSpplreisngsw,eCrAe).sequenced at Source Bioscience Spaotmteernspoefcsipmoetnssrweistehmrbaldiinagtiantgriraildsgeisphoonnsmaonftalseei(dFiiagnurheos2t).. For the phylogenetic analyses, sequences of the fol- A most distinctive mantle feature is a series of tubercles within the dark horseshoe (Figures 2^4). lowing species were obtained from GenBank: Coriocella nigra Blainville, 1824 (16S: AY161381, COl: AY161614), Shell: Shell oval, translucent-white, with a number of Lamellaria sp. 1 (16S: AY161382, COl: AY161615), growth lines. Protoconch situated on posterior right side Lamellaria sp. 2 (16S: AY161383, COl: AY161616), and of shell, partially engulfed by teleoconch. Protoconch Marsenurpsis mollis (COl: GU227110). The triviidspecies large, elongate, about 600 pm x 1 mm with 1.1 whorls Triveilla millardi (Cate, 1979) (16S: AY161389, COl: (Figure 8). AY161622) was selected as the outgroup based on recent phylogenetic analyses (Meyer, 2003). Sequences for each Radula and Jaws: The radular formula is 98 x genewereassembledandeditedusingGeneious Pro4.7.4 The rachidian tooth bears 1 to 2 strong denti- (Drummond et al., 2010). Geneious was also used to cles toeach side ofthecentral cusp (Figure 7). The inner extract the consensus sequence between the primer lateral teeth bear a single, strong denticle to each side of regions, to construct the alignment for each gene using the central cusp. The outer lateral teeth are smooth and the default parameters and toconcatenate the alignments. hamate. Masticatory border ofthejaw (Figure 9) with a The sequences were trimmed after alignment. A total of series ofuniform denticles. 473 bp for 16S, and 614 bp for COl were used for the phylogenetic analyses. Penis: The penis (Figure 10) is flat, branching into The phylogenetic analyses were conducted for both three blunt apices distally. genes concatenated. The Akaike information criterion Molecular Data: Sequences of this species are (Akaike, 1974) was executed in MrModeltest (Nylander, available in GenBank. Molecular phylogenetic analy- 2004) to determine the best-fit models of evolution for ses place this species as sister to Onchidiopsis clarki each gene (GTR+I+G for COl and GTR+I for 16S). but with limited support in the Bayesian analysis, The Bayesian analysis was executed in MrBayes 3.2.1 (Figure 14). (Huelsenbeek and Ronquist, 2001), partitioned by gene (unlinked). The Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis was Biology: Allspecimenswerecollectedon an encrusting run with two runs of six chains for ten million genera- compoundaseidian, tentativelyidentifiedas Trididemnum Page 116 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 128, No. 4 Figures 1-6. Living animals of Marsenina and Onchidiopsis species. 1-4. Marsenina zadei new species. Port Townsend, Washington, black arrows indicate the salmon-orange egg capsules. Photos by Rick Zade. 5. Marsenina steamsii (Dali, 1871). Keysone Jetty, Whidbey Island, Washington. Photo byJan Kocian. 6. Onchidiopsisclarki new species. Bering Sea, NNE of Pribilof Island, Alaska. Photoby RogerClark. opacum (Ritter, 1907), at depths from 3 to 15 m. Col- Distribution: Port Townsend, Washington (present lected with the specimens, and buried in the tunic of the study); Ten Mile Point, GreaterVictoria, BritishColumbia, ascidian, were salmon-orange egg capsules (Figure 1). Canada(photobyJames Hester); Pigeon Point, San Mateo Upon dissection the orange color within some of the County, California (photos by Gary McDonald and Doug capsules was determined to be the color of the develop- Mason); Carmel Point, Monterey County, California ing larvae. (photo by Gary' McDonald). Type Material: Holotype, LAGM 3280, 15 mm pre- Etymology: This species is named after Richard Zade, LACM the collector ofthe type specimens. served length; Paratypes, 3281, 11 specimens, mm 6-15 preserved length, all Richard Zade coll., 8 Feb- Remarks: Marsenina zadei differs significantly from ruary2010, from type locality. the two other described species from the North Pacific, both internally and externally. As in M. zadei, the mantle Type Locality: Hudson’s Point (48°6.949N, of Marsenina steamsii resembles the encrusting tuni- 122°44.999W), Port Townsend, Washington State, USA, cate, Trididemnum opacum, but M. steamsii lacks any 15 m depth. dark markings or black specks, and has a smooth mantle D.W. Behrens et si., 2014 Page 117 Figures 7-10. Marsenina zadei new species, Port Townsend, Washington. 7. SEM ofa section ofthe radula, showing rachidian, lateral, and marginalteeth. 8. SEM ofprotoconch. 9. SEM ofmasticator)-borderofjaw. 10. SEM ofpenis (pe) andoraltentacle (ot). lacking tubercles (Figure 5). Dali in Orcutt (1885) and of the shell surface ofM. steamsii to be microscopic fine Smith (1948) state that Marsenina steamsii var. revolving striulae. However, such striulae were not orhiculata is not a valid taxonomic entity. Ghiselin observed on the shell a specimen of M. steamsii from (1964) and Behrens (1980; 1984) describe the morphol- Marin County, California (LACM) examined for this ogy of the mantle and are the only known published study. The main differences between the shells of photographs of living specimens of M. steamsii. In M. steamsii and M. zadei is the protoconch morphology; M. steamsii, the mantle coloration is white to creamy in M. steamsii the protoconch is more circular in shape white with slightly elevated darker cream colored and has nearly 2 whorls, whereas the protoconch of spots resembling the atrial siphons of its host ascidian M. zadei is more oval and has 1.1 whorls. (Figure 5). Numerous photos were submitted by col- In mostcases, as in othergeneraof this family, only the leagues and more found on the web that are attributable penis has been described for Marsenina. The penis of to M. zadei, but those had been idntified as M. steamsii. Marsenisn zadei is not similar to any ofthose species for Bsed on these photos, it is possible extend the geograph- which descriptions are available. The penis ofco-occuring ical range of M. zadei south to Carmel Pt. California, Marsenina rhornbica is figured and described by Gulbin December 2, 1971 (photo by G. McDonald). and Golikov (2000) as horn-shaped, not flattened and Ol the internal anatomy, onlythe radulaand shell have slightly bifurcate as described forM. zadei herein. been described for M. steamsii and M. rhombica. Dali Behrens (1980) described the radulae of M. steamsii (1871, 1885) reported the distinguishing characteristics and M. rhornbica. While the number of rows ofteeth in Page 118 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 128, No. 4 the radula was not given for either of the north Pacific and tapering (Figure 13). Specimens brown with uni- Marsenina species, the morphologyofthe teethwasfound formly distributed white specks. Brown ground color to he identical between the two and differs slightly from fades to off-white on tubercles and siphon. that ofM. zadei. Marsenina steamsii is reported to have a rachidian tooth with zero or one denticle flanking the Shell: The shell is an un-caleifled, soft plate without central cusp, while the rachidian ofM. zadei bears 1 to 2 anyrecognizablecharacteristicsin the specimensexamined. strongdenticles toeach side of thecentralcusp. The inner and outer lateral teeth are similar in all three species. Radula and Jaws: Radular formula is 74 x (Figure 11). Rachidian bears 5-7 irregularly sized denti- Genus Onchidiopsis Bergh, 1853 cles on each side ofcentral cusp. Inner lateral teeth bear 3-5 dissimilarly sized denticles on each side of the cen- Type Species: Onchidiopsisgroenlandica Bergh, 1853 tral cusp. Pair ofouter lateral teeth simple, hooked, lack- ing denticles. Masticatory margin of jaws with a series of Onchidiopsis clarki new species nearly uniform denticles, posteriorlywith a large dentic- (Figures 6, 11-13) ulate flange (Figure 12). Description: External morphology: Mantle com- pletely covers shell. Mantle covered with randomly Penis: The reproductive system is typical of members spaced, large triangular tubercles (Figure 6). An anterior ofthegenus, Onchiopsis from what little information we , fold gives origin to incurrent siphon. Oral tentacles pro- could find. The penis (Figure 13) is thickened, highly truding from under mantle. Oral tentacles long, slender, twisted, with a blunt truncated end. Figures 11-13. Ochidiopsis clarki new species, Alaska, Bering Sea. 11. SEM ofasection of the radula, showing rachidian, lateral and marginal teeth. 12. SEM of masticatoryborderofjaw. 13. SEM of penis (pe) andoral tentacle (ot). D.W. Behrens et a!., 2014 Page 119 Molecular Data: Sequences of this species are avail- reported from throughout the Arctic Sea, reaching into able in GenBank. Molecular phylogenetic analyses place both oceans. this species as sistertoMarseninazadei, butwith limited Although Balch’s (1910) original description of support in the Bayesian analysis (Figure 14). Onchidiopsis conjs from Newfoundland and Labrador, North Atlantic, describes the notum as smooth on the Biology: Both specimens were collected in the same top and sides, with wrinkles and folds elsewhere, photos trawl over a mud bottom at a depth of87 m. There were on the web (http://eol.org/pages/72611/overview and no indications ofwhich ofthe other organisms collected http://eol.org/pages/593815/overview) of recent speci- in the trawl might be this species prey. mens “thought to be” O. conjs bear some external simi- Type Material: Holotype, LACM 3282, specimen larity with O. clarki, having triangular tubercles on the mm mm mantle. These specimens have lighter color and their p2r8eservedprleesnegrtvhe,dLlAenCgtMh;3P2a8r3a,tyaplle,trsapwelcedimbeyn t2h6e R/V mtuabnetrlceless.urBfaalcceh’sisdeksncoribpbtyionanodftghreaniunltaerrnableatnwaeteonmythies Arturus, leg. Roger Clark, from type locality. vague and could apply to any species in the genus. Type Locality: NNE of Pribilof Island (58°00.79N, The most obvious Circumboreal species to be consid- 170°58.18W), Bering Sea, Alaska, Bering Sea, USA, ered here are Onchidiopsis gladalis (Sars, 1850) and 87 m depth on mud, bottom temperature 4.0°C (NMFS Onchidiopsis groenlandica Bergh, 1853. These species 88-2003-1-138). seem tohave been maintainedas separate in theliterature (Bergh, 1886; MacGinitie, 1959; Gulbin and Golikov, Etymology: This species is named after Roger Clark, 2001) even though there appears to be adequate argu- the collector ofthe type specimens. ments to synonymize the two (Balch, 1910; Thorson, 1944; Macpherson, 1971). Where the mantles of these Remarks: The genus Onchidiopsis is found in both two very' similar species are discussed, descriptions vary the cold temperate Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Both from rugose and wrinkled (Gulbin and Golikov, 2001) to faunas are poorly known. Depending on which database convoluted (brain-like) (Macpherson, 1971). We have we examined, numbers of species varied around 15 for found no mention ofspecimens with triangular tubercles. the North Atlantic, while 10are reported from the North Nowhere in the literature can we find a North Pacific Pacific (Gulbin and Golikov, 2001). Several of these are species with large triangular tubercles seen in O. clarki. Marseniopsismollis Marseninazadei 0 92 90 i Too" Onchidiopsisclarki Lamellariasp. 1 Australia 0 79 Lamellariasp 2Tanzania 65 Coriocellanigra Gaeatriviamillardi 0 07 Figure 14. Bayesian consensus tree ofthe concatenated analysis including posterior probabilities and bootstrap values from the maximum likelihood analysis. Page 120 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 128, No. 4 All of the species figured in Gulbin and Golikov (2001) Canada and California, and [an Kocian for the photo appear to have smooth or slightly granular mantle sur- of M. steamsii from Whidbey Is. Washington. Lindsey faces, lacking tubercles. Groves (LACM) curated the specimens studied and We were unable to find any published description of provided us with access to the collection. The SEM work the internal reproductive system, only that ofthe penis, was conducted at the LACM SEM facility sponsored by which in the genus seems to be diagnostic. Of those the NSF (MRI grant DB1-0216506) with the assistance species described by Gulbin and Golikov (2001), none of Giar-Ann Kung. are comparable to the penis ofO. clarki described here as thickened, highly twisted, with a blunt truncated end. In O. groenlandica, they described the penis as having LITERATURE CITED an ancillary appendage hanging over the penis. In O. variegatci, they described the penis as long, cylindri- Akaike, H 1974. A New Look at the Statistical Model Identifi- cal, its distal part thickened and curved, terminating in a cations. /EEE Transactions on Automatic Control 19: 716-723. swelling with a thin fold. In O. zuchsi, they describe the Balch, F.N. 1910. On a new Labradorean species of penis as highly characteristic with a large divided lobe. Onchidiopsis a genus of mollusks new to Eastern North On the side it bears an extending papilla, rimmed with America; with, remarks on its relationships. Proceedings a thin fold. All members of the subgenus Rostroonch- ofthe United States National Museum 38: 469^184. idiopsis have a long tapering, hook shaped penis with Behrens, D.W. 1980. The Lamellariidae ofthe North Eastern a crest at the bend, while members of the genus Pacific. The Veliger22: 323-339. Bulloonchidiopsis have a flattened, hammer-shaped Behrens, D.W. 1984. Lamellariids: Masters ofdisguise. Opis- penis, the distal end of which is recurved upward. thobranch 16: 42-44. Bergh, R. 1886. Report on the Marseniadae collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Report of DISCUSSION the scientific results ofthe voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during theyears 1873-76. London, pp 1-24, 1 plate. In this paperwe include the first, albeit verypreliminary, Bouchet, P. andJ.P Roeroi. 2005. Classification and nomencla- molecular phylogeny of the Velutinidae, based on COI torofgastropod families. Malacologia47: 1-397. and 16S sequence data. The resulting tree lacks sup- Dali, W.H. 1871. Descriptions of sixty new species of mol- port for most branches, suggesting that the two genes lusks from the west coast of North America and the north Pacific Ocean, with notes on others already sequenced are not adequate to recover the phylogeny described. American Journal of Conehology 7: 93-160, of the Velutinidae. However, the general structure of pis 13-16. the tree appears to partially support the classification Felsenstein, 1985. Confidence limits on phylogenies: An scheme proposedby Bouchet and Roeroi (2005). The gen- approachJ.using the bootstrap. Evolution 39: 78.3-791. era Lamellaria and Coriocella (subfamily Lamellariinae) Ghiselin, VI.T. 1964. Morphological and behavorial concealing are placed in the same clade. However, the other subfam- adaptations ofLamellariasteamsii, a marine prosobranch ily recognizedby Bouchet and Roeroi (2005), Velutininae, gastropod. TheVeliger6: 123-124. is paraphyletic in the present analysis, as Marseniopsis Gulbin, V.V and A.N. Golikov. 1997. A review of the proso- does not cluster with Marsenina and Onchidiopsis, which branch familyVelutinidae in cold andtemperatewaters of form a monophyletic group well supported in the maxi- the Northern Hemisphere. I. Capulacmaeinae. Ophelia mum 47: 43-54. likelihood analysis. Gulbin, V.V. and A.N. Golikov. 1998. A review of the proso- In order to reconstruct the phylogeny ofthis group it branch familyVelutinidae in cold andtemperatewaters of will be necessary to sequence additional genes, includ- the Northern Hemisphere. II. Velutininae: Genus ing nuclear markers and substantially expand the taxo- Limneria. Ophelia49: 211-220. nomic coverage. Gulbin, V.V. and A.N. Golikov. 1999. A review of the proso- branch familyVelutinidae in coldandtemperatewaters of the Northern Hemisphere. III. Velutininae: Genera ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ciliatovelutina and Velutina. Ophelia51: 223-238. Gulbin, V.V. and A.N. Golikov. 2000. A review ofthe proso- Tlle authors would like to thank the two gentlemen who branch family Velutinidae in cold and temperate waters made us aware of these two interesting species. Richard of the Northern Hemisphere. IV. Velutininae: Genera Zade, avid diver and master underwater photographer Velntella, Cartilagarvelutina and Marsenina. Ophelia 53: from Spanaway, Washington, somehow noticed this very 141-149. cryptic species hidingon its host tunicate. Thanks also to Gulbin, V.V'. and A.N. Golikov. 2001. A review of the proso- Roger Clark, contract biologist to the National Marine branch familyVelutinidae in cold and temperatewatersof Fisheries Service, who was responsible for invertebrate the Northern Hemisphere. V. Onchidiopsinae. Ophelia 54: 119-132. identification from trawl samples aboard the R/V Huelsenbeck, J.R and F. Ronquist. 2001. MrBayes: Bayesian Arcturus. Ironically, he is specialist in crabs! The inferenceofphylogeny. Bioinformatics 17: 754-755. authors would also like to thank James Hester, Gary MacGinitie, N. 1959. Marine Molluscaot Point Barrow, Alaska. McDonald, and Doug Mason for providing photo- Proceedings of the United States National Museum 109: graphic evidence of Marsenina zadei occurring in 59-207, 27 plates. D.W. Behrens et al., 2014 Page 121 Maepherson, E. 1871. The marine mollusks ofArctic Canada. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 8: National Museum of Natural Sciences, Publications in 534—555. Oceanography3: 1-143. Smith, A.G. 1948. The marine mollusks and brachiopods of Meyer,C.P. 2003. Molecularsystematicsofcowries (Gastropoda: Monterey Bay, California and vicinity. Proceedings ofthe Cypraeidae) and diversification patterns in the tropics. Bio- California AcademyofSciences 26: 147-245. logicalJournalofthe Linnean Society79: 401—459. Thorson, G. 1944. Marine Gastropoda Prosobranchiata. Nylander, A.A. 2004. MrModeltestver. 2 [Online], Evolution- Meddeleseaam Creonland 121: 1-181. J. ary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Uppsala. Avail- Zwickl, D.J. 2006. Genetic algorithm approaches for the phy- able: http://www.abc.se/~nylander [2010, October28]. logenetic analysis of large biological sequence data sets Orcutt, C.R. 1885. Notes on the mollusks ofthe vicinityofSan under the maximum likelihood criterion. Ph D. disserta- Diego, CaliforniaandTodos Santos Bay, LowerCalifornia. tion, The UniversityofTexas atAustin.

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