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Two new species of the genus Mesopolobus Westwood (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) from China PDF

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Preview Two new species of the genus Mesopolobus Westwood (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) from China

Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 30 (4) : 831- 834 (Oct. , 2005) ISSN 1000 0739 动物分类学报 TWO NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS MESOPOLOBUS WESTWOOD ( HY MENOPTERA , PTEROMALIDAE) FROM CHINA SUN Lei1,2, XIAO Hui2, XU Hong Fu1 1. Collegeof Plant Protection, ShandongAgricultureUniversity, Taian 271018, China 2. Instituteof Zoology, ChineseAcademyof Sciences, Beijing 100080, China Abstract Two newspecies of Mesopolobus Westwood (Hymenoptera, Ptromalidae) , Mesopolobus mesolatussp. nov. , reared from the mature larva andpupa of Coleophora sinensis Yang (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) , and M. mesoeminulus sp. nov. are describedfrom China. Key words Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae, Mesopolobus, newspecies, China.   The taxonomic state of Mesopolobus is revised in 2004). However, only three species were recorded till Pteromalinae of Pteromalidae with the following cha now (Herting, 1976; Yang and Gu, 1995; Yang, racters: antenna usually with 3 anelli, toruli insert 1996). In this study, two new species, M. mesolatus clearly below centre of face; right mandible 4 toothed sp. nov. and M. mesoeminulus sp. nov. , are de and left mandible 3 toothed; occipital without carina; scribed from China. M. mesolatus sp. nov. was pronotum reticulate and posterior edge with conspicu reared from the mature larva and pupa of Coleophora ous shiny strip, pronotal collar with abrupt edge but sinensis Yang (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae). not carinate; notauli incomplete; scutellum without The terminology generally follows that of Gary frenal line; propodeum usually with median carina Gibson (1997). We use‘frons width’to describe the complete, and plica developed or at least in posterior shortest distance between two eyes. Body length is third, spiracles elongate; mesepisternum with upper measured in millimeters (mm). Other measurements triangular areas smooth; fore wing with speculum as a are relative. All the materials were card mountedspec bare strip and extending to marginal vein; costal cell imens and deposited in Institute of Zoology, Chinese on upper surface bare; gaster sessile. The genus Halv Academy of Sciences (IZCAS). ka Bouˇcek is close to Mesopolobus (Bouˇcek, 1993) , Mesopolobus Westwood, 1833 but Halvka can be briefly recognized by its clypeus Mesopolobus Westwood, 1833: 443. Typespecies: M. fasciiventris produced, propodeum without plica, antennal clava Westwood, by original designation and monotypy; Graham, 1957: distinctly large and almost as long as 5 to 6 preceding 217236, 1969: 638681; von Rosen, 1958: 220230, 1960: 115, 1629; Bouˇcek,1971:310,1974:265,276,1988:432433,1991: segments combined. 203; Bouˇcekand Graham, 1978: 228. The numerous synonyms of Mesopolobus include Platymesopus Westwood, Platyterma Walker, Ambly Key to Chinese species of Mesopolobus (Female) 1. Medialarea of propodeumwithstrongreticulation, about asstrongas merus Walker, Eutelus Walker, Euamblymerus that onthe discofscutellum ………………………………………… Hincks, Ahlbergiella von Rosen (von Rosen, 1958) ; ………………………… Mesopolobussubfumatus (Ratzeburg) Xenocrepis F ster (von Rosen, 1960) ; Selitrichus Medialarea of propodeumonlywithdelicate reticulation …………2 Rondani (Bouˇcek, 1974) ; Asemantus F ster, Synto 2. Anterior marginof clypeusincised medially; pronotalcollarabout1/6 3 timesaslongas mesoscutum ………………………………………… mocera F ster, Disema F ster, Baeoponerus Masi ………………………… Mesopolobus mesoeminulus sp. nov. (Graham, 1969) , Zacalochlora Crawford (Bouˇcek Anteriormarginofclypeustruncateoronlyshallowlyemarginatemedi 1971) , Urielloides Girault, Paranogmus Girault & ally; pronotal collar at most 1/7 times as long as mesoscutum or if Dodd, Anogmoidea Girault (Bouˇcek, 1988) , Sturovia longerthenclypeus notincised ……………………………………3 Bouˇcek (Bouˇcek and Graham, 1978) and Isoptrynea 3. Propodeumwith mediancarina absent ……………………………… Szelényi (Bouˇcek, 1991). Mesopolobus distributes …………………………… Mesopolobussuperansi Yangand Gu π Propodeumwith mediancarinacomplete …………………………4 widely in the world with 117 describedspecies (Noyes, 4. Propodeum with plica distinct and complete; antenna with F1 F5 Theproject wassupportedbyNational NaturalScience Foundationof China (30370188) ,partiallybyNationalScience Fundfor Fosterin2g Tal entsinBasic Research (NSFCJ0030092). Correspondingauthor. Received10Apr. 2005, accepted28June2005. 831 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (cid:202) 3 (cid:202) 2 (cid:202) (cid:202) 83 2             Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报                Vol. 30 No. 4 shorter gradually; gaster ovate ……………………………………… propodeum medially width∶length as 30∶15, marginal ……………………………… Mesopolobus mesolatus sp. nov. vein 46, postmarginal vein 40, stigmal vein 23, gaster Propodeumwith plica distinct in posterior half; antenna with F1 F5 …… length∶width as 114∶74, mesosoma length 102, head equallong; gasterlanceolate Mesopolobus mongolicus Yang plus thorax 135. Mesopolobus mesolatus sp. nov. (Figs 1 4) Female. Body length 1 7 2 5mm. Head and tho rax green with copper reflections; gaster dark green, and brown reflections on posterior of each tergite. An tenna brown except scape, pedicel and the first anellus testaceous. Leg with coxa concolorous with thorax, fe mur and tibia sometimes pale fuscous medially, apical segment of tarsus brownish, the rest testaceous. Tegula yellow. Wing hyaline, veins yellow. Head in front view (Figs 1) torulus insertion a little above ventral edge of eye. Clypeus with radiating Figs 1 4. Mesopolobus mesolatus sp. nov. , female. 1. striate, lower margin of clypeus slightly emarginate. Headinfront view. 2. Antenna. 3. Headin dorsal view. Antenna (Figs 2) formula 11353, not clavate, scape 4. Propodeumin dorsal view. not reaching anterior ocellus; pedicel and flagellum Male. Unknown. combined distinctly less than head breadth; three anelli Etymology. The specific name is from the Latin transverse; F1 broader than pedicel; succeeding funic words mesoplus latus (broad). ular segments shorter and broader gradually; each fu Holotype ♀, China, Shanxi, Qinyuan (36°30′ nicular segment with a single row of sensilla and dense N, 112°19′E) , June 1993 andJune 1994 (recorded on setae. Head in dorsal view (Figs 3) broader than tho label) , collected by LIU Yang. Paratypes 4 ♀♀, rax; vertex distinctly protuberant; temple slightly same data as holotype, reared and emerged from the curved. Relative measurements: head width78, height fully grown larva and pupa of Coleophora sinensis 63, dorsal length 36, frons width 47, eye height 39, Yang (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae). eye length 26, oral fossa 35, malar space 18, antennal Comments. The new species resembles M. longi torulus to clypeal margin 20, antennal torulus to ante collis Graham (based on Graham, 1969: 671 673) in rior ocellus 35, scape length 32, pedicel in dorsal view general morphology by long pronotum collar which length: width as 11∶5, F1 length: width as 7 5∶6 0, about 1/6 times as long as mesoscuteum and ovate clava length: width as 16∶8, POL∶OOL as 19∶9, tem gaster. The female of M. longicollis can be recog ple 9, posterior ocellus long diameter 4. nized by the following characters: mesoscutum width Pronotum collar medially almost about 1/6 times 1 45 1 50 times as long as length (1 78 times in M. as long as mesoscutum, with raised anterior margin. mesolatus) ; propodeum width 1 50 1 65 times as long Mesoscutum reticulate, with piliferous punctures; as length (2 times in M. mesolatus) ; fore wing with scutellum very nearly as long as broad, frenumslightly basal vein bare ( M. mesolatus with several setae) ; distinct with larger reticulations than disc of scutellum. spiracles short ovate (long ovate in M. mesolatuss). Dorsellum very short, smooth, separated from the scutellum by a longitudinally costate suture. Mesopolobus mesoeminulus sp. nov. (Figs 5 9) Propodeum (Figs 4) medially distinctly less than h2alf Female. Body length 2 0 2 7mm. Head and tho of scutellum length; median carina and plica complete rax dark green with metal reflections, gaster infuscate. and distinct; panels of median area finely, obliquely Antenna black brown except the first anellus testa strigose reticulate, with some short longitudinal carin ceous. Leg testaceous except coxa concolorous with ulae anteriorly; a small fovea at each anterior corner; thorax, apical segment of tarsus brown. Tegula nucha short and smooth. Fore wing, basal vein with brown. Wing hyaline, veins testaceous. several setae, basal cell bare. Gaster ovate, slightly Head in front view (Figs 5) lower edge of torulus broader and longer than mesosoma, shorter than head slight below ventral edge of eye. Clypeus with radia plus thorax; tip of hypopygium at 1/2 length of ting striate, anterior margin of clypeus strongly gaster. Relative measurements: mesoscutum width∶ emarginated with median incision flanked by two length as 72∶41; scutellum width: length as 36∶38; teeth. Antenna (Figs 6) formula 11353, not clavate, 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 Oct. , 2005 孙 磊等: 中国迈金小蜂属二新种 (膜翅目, 金小蜂科) 833   scape almost reaching anterior ocellus; pedicel and lum combined 78; scape length: width as 35∶6; gaster flagellum combined less than head width; three anelli length: width as 110∶68. transverse; F1 as broad as pedicel; succeeding funicu lar segments longer than broad, F1 F3 quadrate, F4 and F5 subquadrate; each funicular segment with a single row of sensilla and two rows of setae. Head in dorsal view (Figs 7) a little broader than mesosoma; vertex slightly protuberant; temple slightly curved. Relative measurements: head width 88, height 66, dorsal length 38, frons width 53, eye height 35, eye length 26, oral fossa 40, malar space 23, antennal torulus to clypeal margin 23, antennal torulus to ante rior ocellus 37, pedicel in dorsal view length∶width as Figs 5 9. Mesopolobus mesoeminulus sp. nov. 5 8. fe 13∶6, F1 length∶width as 9∶6, clava length∶width as male. 5. Head in front view. 6. Antenna. 7. Head in 19∶9, POL∶OOL as 21∶11, temple 10, posterior ocel dorsal view. 8. Propodeumin dorsal view. 9. Male, an lus long diameter 5. tenna. Pronotum with a posterior smooth strip posterior Etymology. The specific name is from the Latin ly; collar long, medially about 1/6 times as long as words mesoplus eminulus (protuberant). mesoscutum, with raised anterior margin. Mesoscutum Holotype ♀, China, Tibet, Lhasa (29°39′N, strongly reticulate, dull, with indistinctly piliferous 91°08′E) , 3650 m, 27 Aug. 2001, collected by ZHU punctures, the reticulations on mesoscutumsmaller and Chao Dong. Paratypes: 9 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, same data as shallower than on pronotal collar, those on scutellum holotype; 1 ♀, Tibet Xigazê(29°16′N, 88°51′E) , smaller still; scutellum without frenal line, frenum in 3960 m, 30 Aug. 2001, collected by ZHU Chao distinct. Dorsellum with a narrow smooth transverse Dong. crest separated from scutellum and propodeum respec Biology. Unknown. tively by a longitudinally costate suture. Propodeum Comments. The new species is closely allied to (Figs 8) median carina and plica complete; lateral M. semenis Askew (based on Askew and Blasco panel striae delicate and oblique, with longitudinal ca Zumeta, 1997) , both have a long pronotal collar and rina on both margin; nucha short and smooth. Fore incised clypeus. The female of M. mesoeminulus dif wing with basal vein bare or with several setae, basal fers from M. semenis by the following characters: cell bare; space betweenstigmal vein and postmarginal right mandible 4 toothed, left mandible 3 toothed vein with setae on upper surface. Gaster long ovate, a (both mandibles 4 toothed in M. semenis) ; pronotal little sharply pointed; slightly narrower but longer collar with posterior smooth strip ( M. seminus with than mesosoma; shorter than head plus thorax; tip of out) ; marginal vein 1 47 times as long as stigmal vein hypopygium slightly more than 1/2 length of gaster. (2 36 times in M. semenis) ; space between stigmal Relative measurements: mesoscutum width: length as vein and postmarginal vein with setae on upper surface 84∶50; scutellum width: length as 44∶46; propodeum (bare in M. semenis) ; gaster long ovate, 2 03 times medially width: length as 34∶17, marginal vein 47, as long as broad (1 8 times in M. semenis). postmarginal vein 43, stigmal vein 32, gaster length: width as 118∶58, mesosoma length 112, head plus tho REFERENCES rax 150. Askew, R. R. andBlasco Zumeta,J. 1997. Parasitic Hymenoptera in Male. Body length 1 8 2 4 mm. Head and tho habitingseedsof Ephedra nebrodensisinSpain,withdescriptionsofa rax bright blue green, gaster brown green, without phytophagouspteromalidandfour other newspecies of Chalcioidea. yellowish transverse band. Antenna testaceous with J. Nat. Hist. , 31 (6) : 971972. Boucek, Z. 1971. The descriptionof one, andre descriptionof another, dorsal surface of pedicel and clave black brown. Tegu interestingspeciesof EuropeanPteromalidae (Hym.) associatedwith la testaceous, veins yellow. Antenna (Figs 9) with conifers. Pol. PismoEntomol. , 41 (2) : 310. pedicel and flagellum combined slightly shorter than Bouˇcek, Z. 1974. Onthe Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) described by C. head breadth; scape not inflated. Pronotal collar about Rondani. Redia, 55: 265, 276. Bouˇcek, Z. 1988. Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A biosys 1/6 times as long as mesoscutum. Gaster ovate. Rela tematic revisionof generaoffourteenfamilies, witha reclassification tive measurements: head width 82; pedicel and flagel ofspecies. CAB International, Wallingford. pp: 432433. 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 83 4             Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报                Vol. 30 No. 4 Bouˇcek, Z. 1991. Four new genera of European Pteromalidae (Hy ofparasitesandpredators of terrestrial arthropods. SectionA. Host menoptera) , withsome taxonomic changes. Boll. di Zool. Agr. e or Prey/Enemy. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Common diBachicoltura, Milano (2) , 22 (2) : 195206. wealthInstituteof Biological Control, 7: 221pp. Bouˇcek, Z. 1993. Newtaxa of NorthAmerican Pteromalidaeand Tetra Noyes,J. S. 2004. MesopolobusWestwood, 1833[Pteromalidae: Ptero campidae (Hymenoptera) , withnotes. J. Nat. Hist. , 27: 1291. malinae]. Universalchalcidoidea database, ontheweb. Bouˇcek, Z. and Graham, M. W. R. deV. 1978. Britishchecklist of Rosen, H. von1958. Zur Kenntnisdereurop ischenArtendesPteromali Chalcidoidea ( Hymenoptera) : taxonomic notes and additions. den Genus MesopolobusWeswtwood1833 (Hym. , Chalc.). Opusc. Entomologists Gazette, 29 (4) : 225235. Ent. , 23: 203240. Gibson, G. A. P. 1997. Chapter2. Morphologyand Terminology. In: Rosen, H. von1960. Zur Kenntnis des Pteromaliden Genus Mesopolobus Gibson, G. A. P. , Huber,J. T. andWoolley,J. B. (eds.) ,An Westwood1833 (Hym. , Chalc.) , Ⅴund Ⅵ. Opusc. Ento. , 25: notated Keytothe Generaof NearcticChalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). 115, 1629. NRCResearch Press, Ottawa, Ontario, Cananda. pp. 1640. Westwood, J. O. 1833. Descriptions of several new British forms Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1957. A revision of the Walker types of amongstthe parasitic hymenopterous insects. Phi. Mag. , 2 (3) : Pteromalidae (Hym. , Chalcioidea). Part 3 (including descriptions 443444. of newspecies). Ent. Mon. Mag. , 93: 217236. Yang, ZQ 1996. Parasitic Wasps on Bark Beetles in China. Science Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1969. The pteromalidae of North Western Press,Beijing. pp: 185188. Europe (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Bulletin of theBritish Mu Yang, ZQ and Gu, YQ1995. Eggparasiticwaspsofthelarchcaterpil seum (Natural History) Entonology (Suppl.) , 16: 638681. larinDanxinganlingMts. witha descriptionof a newspecies. Sci. Herting,B. 1976. Lepidoptera, Part2 (Macrolepidoptera). Acatalogue SilvaeSin. , 31 (3) : 226228, 231232. 中国迈金小蜂属二新种 (膜翅目, 金小蜂科) 孙 磊1,2 肖 晖2 徐洪富1 1. 山东农业大学植物保护学院 泰安 271018 2. 中国科学院动物研究所 北京 100080 摘 要 记述了金小蜂科金小蜂亚科迈金小蜂属 Mesopolobus 华北落叶松鞘蛾 Coleophora sinensis Yang老熟幼虫和蛹。模 Westwood, 1833 2新种: 隆胸迈金小蜂 M. mesoeminulussp. 式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。 nov. 以及宽胸迈金小蜂 M. mesolatussp. nov. , 后者寄生于 关键词 膜翅目, 金小蜂科, 迈金小蜂属, 新种, 中国. 中图分类号 Q969 545 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 (cid:190) 2 2 π 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

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