Beaufortia BULLETIN ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM UNIVERSITYOFAMSTERDAM Vol. 54, no.4 November 22, 2004 Twonew species of Protomyctophum (Pisces, Teleostei, Myctophidae) fromthe SouthernOcean Artém M. Prokofiev Department offishes andfish-like vertebrates, Paleontological Institute -PIN, RussianAcademy ofScience, Profsoyuznaya Street, 123,Moscow 117997, Russia. Phone:(095) 339-7488.E-mail:[email protected] Abstract Two new species of the genusProtomyctophum from the Southern Ocean are described. P. mcginnisin. sp. (from off the SouthernShetland Islands) ismost closely related toP. bolini (Fraser-Brunner, 1949),fromwhich itdiffersinphotophore arrangement,inmetallic shineofthephotophores, and in highernumber ofgill-rakers onthefirst gill arch.P.kolaevi n.sp. (from offtheBallenyIslands) is mostclosely related toP. tenisoni(Norman, 1930)andespecially toP. choriodon Hulley, 1981, but differsfromboth thesespeciesbyitsmuchwider interorbital space, andinphotophorearrangement.Akeytothe species of Protomyctophumknown south of thesubtropic convergence isincluded. Key words: lanternfishes,Protomyctophum,newspecies,keyofspecies, Southern Ocean INTRODUCTION interorbital space,proportions of maxillary plate, gill-raker counts, and in some cases in the shape Protomyctophum Fraser-Brunner, 1949 is one of of palatine tooth-patch (Fraser-Brunner 1949; most diverse lineages of lanternfishes in the Becker 1963a, 1983; Paxton 1972; Hulley 1981, SouthernOcean. Itis composed of two subgen- 1986). Inspite of several revisions of this genus in era, Protomyctophum s. str. and Hierops Fraser- areas within and outside the Southern Ocean Brunner, 1949, hitherto comprising a total of 14 (Andriashev 1962;Becker 1963a, 1963b; Wisner, described species, nineof which (including all of 1976; Hulley 1981, 1986) it remains yet insuffi- the nominotypic subgenus) occur in temperate ciently known. At least four undescribed species and cold waters of the Southern Hemisphere have been reported previously (McGinnis in (Becker 1983). Species within this genus differ Becker 1983: 109),all fromsouthwardof the sub- from eachother inthe photophore arrangement, tropic convergence. Also materials of the former structure of caudal luminous glands, sexual Soviet Antarctic expeditions indicate that the dimorphism in caudal glands, direction of eyes, numberof species of Protomyctophum may further body depth, relative position of fins, width of increase (unpublished data). Ahead of a forth- 67 Fig. 1. Arrangement ofphotophores andluminous glandsin Myctophidae (modifiedfromBecker 1983). Abbreviations:Ant = antorbitalgland; AOa= anterior portion ofthe anal series of photophores; AOp =posterior portion oftheanal seriesof photophores; Br = branchiostegal photophores; Bu = cheek photophore; Cl = postorbital photophore; Dn = dorsonasal gland; infracaudalgland; Op =opercular photophores; PLO= pectoral-lateral photophore; PO =prepelvic seriesof photophores; Pol = anyphotophores betweentheAOa and AOpseries which is above ahorizontal line tangenttothe dorsal margin of the last, level AOa photophore; Prc = precaudal photophores; PVO = pectoral-ventral photophores; SAO = supraanal photophores; = supracaudal gland; So =suborbital photophore; Suo=supraorbitalphotophore; VLO = ven- tral-lateralorgan; Vn =ventronasal gland; VO=postpelvic series ofphotophores. Remark: noneof myctophid specieshave sucharrangementofphotophores andluminousglands. Thisfigure iscombinedtoshowterminology ofallthevariouspho- tophore groups and luminous glandsfoundinlanternfishes. coming revision two well-delimited new species 30° they are considered weakly angled, and if are described in thepresent paper. angle betweenphotophores is less than 10° they The type material is deposited in the are considered as nearly on a straight line. The Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of counts and measurements of the holotype are Sciences, Saint-Petersbourgh. given by first, following these for paratype(s) in The limits of the Southern Ocean here are parentheses. accepted following Andriashev(1986) (from 50°S Abbreviations: SL = standard length; HL = southwards). The standard ichthyological counts head length; ZIN = Zoological Institute of the and measurements were made following Hubbs Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Peters- and Lagler (1958), except where otherwise men- bourgh. tioned.Pectoral-pelvic distance is measured from thebase of the uppermostpectoral-fin ray to the DESCRIPTIONSOF SPECIES base of the outermost pelvic-fin ray. Pelvic-anal distance is measured from the base of the outer- Protomyctophum (Protomyctophum) most pelvic-fin ray to the anteriormost point of mcginnisi n. sp. first anal-fin ray. Upper jaw length is measured Fig.2 from the tip of snout to theposteroventral point of the maxillary. Depth of maxillary is measured MATERIAL. - Holotype: ZIN 39057, male, SL 41 mm between most opposed points of the posterior (Fig. 2), off South Shetland Islands (approximately60-65°S expanded portion of thisbone. Thephotophore's 60-65°W), R/V 'AkademikKnipovitsch', station 741, trawl abbreviations (Fig. 1) are standard and given no. 17(nodataabout exact coordinatesand depthofcatch- ingareavailablenow), 1-II-1967, coll. Yu.E.Permitin. accordingNafpaktitis (1968) andBecker(1983). If Paratype: ZIN 39057a, female, SL 55 mm, collected with angle betweenphotophores exceeds 30° they are the holotype. In the paratype both eyes and apart of the considered strongly angled; if angle equals 10- photophores arelost. 68 Table 1. Morphometricdata ofProtomyctophum mcginnisin.sp. Measurements Holotype Paratype Standard length(SL), mm 41 55 Head length(HL), %SL 34.1 27.3 Greatest depthofbody, %SL 26.8 23.6 Least depthofcaudal peduncle, %SL 8.5 6.8 Caudal peduncle length,%SL 12.2 14.5 Lengthof snouttoorigin of dorsal fin, %SL 51.2 50.9 Lengthof snouttoorigin of pelvic fin, %SL 48.8 47.3 Length of snouttoorigin of anal fin,%SL 63.4 65.5 Pectoral-pelvic distance, %SL 14.6 20.0 Pelvic-anal distance, %SL 14.6 18.2 Pectoral-fin length, %SL 19.5 18.2 Pelvic-finlength,%SL 14.6 14.6 Dorsal-fin base length, %SL 12.2 14.5 Anal-fin base length, %SL 24.4 20.0 Caudal-fin length, %SL 24.4 21.8 Dorsal-fin height, %SL 24.4 18.2 Anal-fin height, %SL 24.4 18.2 Snoutlength, %HL 21.4 20.0 Horizontal diameter ofeye, %HL 35.7 33.3 Interorbital width, %HL 14.3 16.7 Upperjaw length, %HL 67.9 66.7 Depth of maxillary, %HL 14.3 16.7 ETYMOLOGY. - Species named in honour of Dr 6+1+ 17=24 (5+1+ 17=23). Measurements in R. F. McGinnis for his contributionto study of Table 1. the lanternfishes of the SouthernHemisphere. Body moderately deep and rather stout, with relatively low caudal peduncle. Least depth of DIAGNOSIS. - A species of Protomyctophum s. str., caudalpeduncle 1.5 (2.1) times in length of cau- with Pre photophores well-spaced; SAO pho- dalpeduncle, 3.1 (3.5) times narrower than max- tophores weakly angled; three AO photophores imum body depth. Headandeyes large; eyes not behindthe verticalof last anal-fin ray; Op7 posi- semi-telescopic. Interorbitalwidth equal to depth tionedbelowthe level of lower margin of orbit; of posterior plate of maxillary, 2.0 (2.1) times photophores bold-metallic; single supracaudal narrower than orbit diameter. Mouth terminal. glandin male, whichoccupies nearly one-thirdof Jaws short, extending one-quarter or less eye distance between first procurrent caudal ray and diameter behind posterior margin of orbit. adipose-fin origin, and single small infracaudal Maxillary with a well-developed ventral expan- gland in female; 16-17 pectoral-fin rays; 23-24 sion, nearly equally long as depth of maxillary gill-rakers on first arch; body moderatein depth, plate. Supramaxillary small.Jawteeth small, con- nearly 23-27% of SL; interorbital space nearly ical, arranged inabandalong length of premax- equal to half-diameter of orbit, and depth of illary and dentary. Palatine teeth evenly spaced maxillaryplate nearly equal to length of ventral along bone. maxillary expansion. Dorsal-fin origin approximately onmid-length of thebody. Anal-finorigin ata verticalline from DESCRIPTION. - Dorsal-fin rays, 12(12), first two last dorsal-fin ray. Pelvic fins slightly anterior to a unbranched; anal-fin rays, 17 (17), first two vertical line from dorsal-finorigin, tips reaching unbranched; pectoral-fin rays, 17 (16); principal anal-fin origin. Tips of pectoral fins reach to caudal-fin rays, 10+9(10+9); procurrent caudal- anus. fin rays, 10+6(10+7); gill-rakers on firstgill arch, Photophores and luminous glands. Dn and So 69 Figs. 2-3.Fig. 2,Protomyctophum mcginnisin.sp., outlinedrawingoftheholotype, SL41 mm(ZIN39057).Fig. 3,Protomyctophum kolaevin.sp., outlinedrawingof the holotype,SL 72mm (ZIN46004). absent; Vn present, small, along anteroventral above SAO,above linethrough SAO/ 2in an margin of the eye. Four Br and two Op. Op/ is angle approximately 25° with this line. No Pol. twice as large than 0p2, at thelevel of the upper AO series not divided on anterior and posterior margin of the maxillary, on one horizontal line portions, with 18 photophores, last three behind with PLOand VLO. Op2 at the level of the mid- last anal-fin ray. Two Pre near ventral margin of depth of the maxillary plate. PVO on a nearly caudalpeduncle. Pre1 separated from Prc2 atone horizontallinebelowpectoral-fin base; PVO half diameter of photophore. Photophores metallic / a diameter above PV02. PLO ventral from pec- blue-white, surroundedby black tissue. Malewith toral-fin base, posterior toPVO series, atone level a single small drop-shaped supracaudal gland with VLO. Five POandfour VO, none of the VO surrounded by black pigment; length of supra- photophores are raised. Three SAO. SAOt_2 on a caudal gland approximately twice as short than straightline through spacebetweenVO/ and V02. distance between adipose-fin origin to anterior SAOi above space between V03 and VO/, SA02 margin of this gland. No supracaudal glands in 70 female at hand. Female with small infracaudal DIAGNOSIS. - AProtomyctophum s.str., with Prepho- gland, whichwas torn off, as apocket is present. tophores closely spaced; SAOphotophores weak- Noinfracaudal gland in male. ly angled; threeAO photophores behindavertical through last anal-fin ray; Opt twice as large than COMPARISON. - This species is unique within Op and below level of lower margin of orbit; Protomyctophum s. str. inthecombinationof a) well- supracaudal gland of male occupying whole dis- spaced Pre, b) threeAOphotophores posterior to tance between first procurrent caudal ray and last anal-fin ray, and c) metallic colour of pho- adipose-fin origin, consisting of five small tophores. The only other Protomyctophum s.str., unfusedelements; 16pectoral-fin rays; 24-25 gill- which has the distance between Prct and Pre2 rakers on first arch; body rather low, nearly 20- equal to or slightly greaterthan diameterof pho- 22% of SL; interorbital space more than half- tophore,is P. bolini(Fraser-Brunner, 1949), while diameterof orbit, and depth of maxillary plate in the other species these photophores are close- nearlyequal to length of ventralmaxillary expan- set with a distance betweenthem less than half sion. the diameter of photophore. P. mcginnisi and P. boliniboth differ in size, structure andposition of DESCRIPTION. - Dorsal-fin rays, 13 (12, ?), first the caudal luminous glands in both males and two unbranched; anal-fin rays, 20 (20, 18), first females. However, P. mcginnisi differs from P. boli- two unbranched; pectoral-fin rays, 16 (16, 16); ni in the possession of three(vs. four in P. bolini) principal caudal-fin rays, 10+9 (10+9, 10+9); AO photophores posterior to lastanal-finray, low procurrent caudal-fin rays, 8+6 (8+6, 7+6); gill- position of Opj (at the level of uppermargin of rakers on the first arch, 6+1+18=25 (6+1+ pectoral-fin base in P. bolini), weakly angled SAO 17=24, 6+1 +17=24). Measurementsin Table2. (vs. nearly straight in P. bolini), and metallic blue- Body rather elongate, relatively stout, with whitephotophores (vs. dim-grey inP. bolini). The rather narrow caudal peduncle. Least depth of numberof gill-rakers on the first arch is slightly caudal peduncle 1.5 (1.6, 1.8) times in length of greater in P. mcginnisi than in P. bolini (23-24 vs. caudal peduncle, 2.5 (2.8, 2.8) times narrower 21-22). These characters distinguish P. mcginnisi thanmaximumbody depth. Headandeyes large; andP. bolinias differentspecies, although they are eyes not semi-telescopic. Interorbital space wide, apparently closely related. The combination of considerably greater than depth of posterior characters inthe diagnosis distinguish P. mcginnisi plate of the maxillary, 1.7 (1.6, 1.7) times nar- fromall Protomyctophum s. str., see key below. rower thanorbit diameter. Mouth terminal.Jaws short, extending one-quarter of eye diameteror COMPARATIVE MATERIAL. - Protomyctophum bolini, ZIN less behind posterior margin of the orbit. 36248,15specimens, SL 35-65mm,59°28'S67°41'W,mid- Maxillary withwell-developed ventralexpansion, water trawl, 500-0 m, R/V 'Ob', April - May, 1958,coll. nearly equal inlength to depth ofmaxillary plate. A.P.Andriashev,Yu. E.Permitin. Supramaxillary small. Jaw teeth small, conical, arranged inabandalongentire length of thepre- Protomyctophum (Protomyctophum) maxillary and dentary. Palatine teeth along kolaevi n. sp. length of the bone, anterior portion of tooth Fig. 3 patch twiceor morewiderthanposteriorportion. Dorsal-fin origin closer to snout tip than to base MATERIAL. - Holotype: ZIN 46004,male, SL 72 mm of caudal fin. Anal-fin origin on a vertical line (Fig. 3), off Balleny Islands, 66°06'S 161°38'E,depth 540- withlast ray of dorsalfin. Pelvic fins anterior to a 500m,R/V'MysYunony', trawlno.4, 29-1-1981,coll. VF. vertical line through dorsal-fin origin inthe holo- Kolaev. Paratypes: ZIN 52711, two males, SL67 and 65 mm,col- type and 67 mmparatype, but through the same lectedwiththe holotype. vertical line in the 65 mm paratype. Tips of pelvic fins reach to orjust beyond anal-fin origin. ETYMOLOGY. - Species namedin honourof the Tips of pectoral fins extend almost to anus. collector of the type material, V F. Kolaev. Photophores and luminous glands. Dn and So 71 Table 2. Morphometric dataofProtomyctophumkolaevin. sp. Measurements Holotype Paratype Paratype Standardlength (SL), mm 72 67 65 Headlength (HL), %SL 30.6 29.9 30.8 Greatestdepth ofbody, %SL 20.8 21.0 21.5 Least depth ofcaudal peduncle, %SL 8.3 7.5 7.7 Caudalpeduncle length, %SL 12.5 11.9 13.8 Length of snouttooriginof dorsal fin, %SL 45.8 47.8 44.6 Length of snouttooriginofpelvicfin, %SL 44.4 44.8 44.6 Length of snouttooriginof anal fin, %SL 61.1 61.2 60.0 Pectoral-pelvic distance, %SL 13.9 13.4 13.9 Pelvic-analdistance, %SL 16.7 14.9 13.9 Pectoral-finlength, %SL 19.4 17.9 18.5 Pelvic-finlength,%SL 16.7 14.9 15.4 Dorsal-fin base length, %SL 13.9 14.2 ?(damaged) Anal-finbase length, %SL 26.4 26.9 27.7 Caudal-finlength, %SL 26.4 25.4 27.5 Dorsal-fin height, %SL 22.2 19.4 ?(damaged) Anal-finheight, %SL 16.7 17.9 18.5 Snout length, %HL 20.5 17.5 21.2 Horizontal diameter of eye, %HL 31.8 32.5 35.0 Interorbitalwidth, %HL 18.2 20.0 20.0 Upperjawlength, %HL 63.6 65.0 65.0 Depth of maxillary, %HL 15.9 17.5 16.3 absent; moderately large Vn along anteroventral photophore. All photophores are metallic blue- margin of eye. Three Br, partially missing in white, surrounded by black tissue. Males with specimens of thetype series. Two Op. Opt is twice supracaudal gland consisting of five small equal as large than Op2, at level of upper margin of elementscovered by black tissue; this gland occu- maxillary, on one horizontal line with PLO. Op2 pies entire length between adipose fin and first close to lower margin of maxillary plate. PVO procurrent caudal ray. No infracaudal glands in positioned on nearly horizontal line ventralfrom males. Females unknown. pectoral-fm base; PVO/ above PV02 on half the diameter. PLO behind PVO series, on a line COMPARISON.- Thisspecies appears to beclosely through middleof pectoral-fin base. VLO atleast related with P. tenisoni (Norman, 1930) and P. one of its own diameter above a line through choriodon Hulley, 1981 judging from its narrow PLO. Five PO and four VO, no VO photophores body, structure of the male supracaudal gland raised. Three SAO. SAOT_2 on a straight line and absence of an infracaudal gland in males. through P0 SAO above VO/, SA0 above V0, However, P. kolaevi n. sp. differs from both in a 2. , 2 F. considerably greater interorbital width (less than SAOj on a line through space between anal-fin half the diameter of orbit in P. tenisoni and P. originandAO/. SA0 abovealine through SAOJ_ it forms an angle ap:1proximately 20-25°with thi2s, choriodon), Op/ twice as large than Op2, and VLO wellabove a horizontal line through PLO (at the line. NoPol. AO series not dividedon the anteri- same horizon or nearly so in the compared or and posterior portions, with 16-18 pho- species). It differs from P. tenisoniin smaller ele- tophores, last three are behind the last anal-fin mentsof thesupracaudal gland, whichconsists of ray. Two Pre close to ventral margin of caudal 5 (vs. 6-8, usually 7) elements, in the weakly peduncle. Pret is separated from Prc2 on a dis- angled SAO (vs. straight or nearly soinP. tenisoni), tance slightly smaller than half a diameter of SAOJ_2on aline through P02 (vs. through P(>- or 72 more posterior in P. tenisoni), SAOi on the level of 4a. Supracaudal gland in malesconsistsoffive toeight VO'j (vs. slightly behind the level of VOj in P. elements and occupies whole space between adipose tenisoni). Fromthemost similar P. choriodon, known fin and first procurrent caudalray, ornearlyso; no infracaudal gland in males; greatest depth ofbody only from thesoutheasternAtlantic (Hulley 1981, lessthan 25%SL(usually 20-22%) 5 Becker 1983), P. kolaevi n. sp. differs in the less b. Single supracaudal gland in males,or, ifthis gland numerous gill rakers (24-25 vs. 25-28, mean 27) consists of four to five partially fusedelements, it and in a shorterventral expansion of the maxil- occupies approximately 60% of space betweenadi- lary, which exceeds the depth of the maxillary pose fin and firstprocurrentcaudal ray; males with infracaudal gland; greatest depth ofbody morethan plate in P. choriodon. The combinationof charac- 25% SL 7 ters in the diagnosis distinguish P. kolaevi n. sp. from allProtomyctophum s. str., see key below. 5a. Interorbital width larger than half adiameter of orbit; Opj twice as large as Op'/, VLOconsiderably higher than PLO [&40 weakly angled; SAO/ 2 on KEY TO SPECIESOFPROTOMYCTOPHUM line passing through PO■/, SAO/ onsamelevel with KNOWN SOUTH OF THE SUBTROPIC CON- VOf, supracaudal gland in males consists of five VERGENCE small elements; 24-25gill-rakers onfirstarch; length (for easier determination of species in thefield, of ventral expansion of maxillary equalto depthof characters distinguishing species in appropiated maxillaryplate] P.(P.)kolaevin.sp. b. Interorbital width distinctlysmallerthan halfadiam- couplets fromatleastoneofseveralspecies under eter of orbit; Op/ notconsiderably largerthan 0p$ subsequent couplets are included in the key and VLOatsamelevelasPLOornearly so 6 given inbrackets) 6a. Supracaudal gland in males consists offive tosix la. Eyes not semi-telescopic; interorbitalspace equal in small elements; SAO weakly angled; SAO/ %online width to depth of maxillaryplate, orwider; anal-fin through PO2 or POf, SAO/ onsamelevel with VOf, origin onsamelevel withlast dorsal-fin ray (subgenus 25-28 gill-rakers on first arch; length of ventral Protomyctophum) 2 expansion of maxillary greaterthandepth ofmaxil- b. Eyes semi-telescopic; interorbital width narrower laryplate P.(P.)choriodon Hulley, 1981 than depth ofmaxillary plate; anal-finorigin under b. Supracaudal gland in males consistsofsix toeight mid-base ofdorsal fin(subgenusHierops) 10 (usually seven)relatively large elements; SAOstraight; SA0i_2 on line through P0$ or more posteriorly; 2a. Distance between Pre/ and Pre2equaltoor slightly SAOJslightly behind level of VOf, 23-25 (rarely22 or greaterthanphotophore diameter;singlesupracaudal 26) gill-rakers on firstarch; lengthofventral expan- glandin malescontaining50 %orless inthedistance sion of maxillarynearlyequal to depthofmaxillary between adipose finandfirstprocurrentcaudal ray; plate P.(P.) tenisoni(Norman, 1930) noinfracaudalglandin males 3 b. Distance between Pre/ and Pre2 equal toorless half 7a. Interorbitalwidth equaltohalfadiameterof orbitor the diameterofphotophore;malesupracaudal gland nearly so; 19-20 (rarely 18or21) gill-rakers onfirst singleordivided onseveral elements,containing 50% arch; single supracaudal gland in males occupies ormore inthe distance between adipose fin and first whole distance between adiposefin and firstprocur- procurrent caudal ray, if less than 60%of this dis- rent caudalray [16pectoral-fin rays] tance,malesalways haveinfracaudalgland[three AO P.(P.) andriashevi Becker, 1963 photophores behindthelastanal-finray;photophores b. Interorbitalwidth distinctlysmallerthanhalfadiam- with metallicshine] 4 eteroforbit; 23 ormore gill-rakers onfirstarch; sin- gle or subdividedsupracaudalglandin males occu- 3a. Op/onsame level withlower margin of eyeand dis- pies50-70% ofdistancebetween adiposefinandfirst tinctly above the line connecting PLO and VLO; procurrentcaudalray 8 SAO straight; fourAOphotophores behind the last anal-fin ray;photophores withoutmetallicshine; 21- 8a. 16-17 pectoral-fin rays; maleswithsingle supracaudal 22 gillrakers onfirstarch P.(P.) bolini gland, which occupies nearly 70% of distance (Fraser-Brunner, 1949) between adipose fin and first procurrentcaudal ray b. OpJ below level oflowermargin ofeye,onsameline [&40stronglyangled] ... P.(P.)gemmatumHulley, 1981 with PLO and VLO; .£*10 weakly angled; threeAO b. 13-15 pectoral-fin rays; males withsingleorsubdivid- photophores behindthelastanal-finray;photophores ed supracaudal gland, whichoccupies nearly 50-60% with metallicshine;23-24gillrakersonfirstarch of distance between adipose finandfirstprocurrent P.(P.) mcginnisin.sp. caudal ray 9 73 9a. Male supracaudal glandsubdivided on4-5 partially species of Protomyctophum]. Trudy Inst. Okeanol. AN fused elements, occupies nearly 60% of distance SSSR62: 164-191. (InRussian, withEnglish summary) between adipose fin and firstprocurrentcaudal ray; BECKER, V.E., 1983. Myctofovye ryby Mirovogo okeana SAO strongly angled; 25-26 (rarely24, 27, or 28) gill- [Myctophid fishesofthe WorldOcean]. Moskow,Nauka: rakersonfirst arch P.(P.) normani(Taaning, 1932) 1-246.(In Russian) b. Male supracaudal gland not subdivided,occupies FRASER-BRUNNER,A., 1949.A classificationofthe fish- nearly 50% of distance between adiposefin and first esof thefamily Myctophidae. Proc.Zool. Soc. Londonq procurrent caudal ray; SAOweakly angled; 22-24 118: 1019-1106. (rarely25) gill-rakers onfirstarch P.(P.) luciferum HUBBS, C.L.& K.E LAGLER, 1958. Fishes ofthe Great Hulley, 1981 Lakes region. Bloomfield Hills, Cranbrook Institute of Science: 1-213. 10a. SAO/ situated above space between V02and V03, HULLEY, P.A., 1981. Results of the research cruises of on mid-length between VLO and SAOjorcloser to FRVV "Walter Herwig" toSouthAmerica. LVIII.Family VLO; distance between Pret and Prc2equal toor Myctophidae (Osteichthyes, Myctophiformes). Arch. greater than distance between the last AOpho- Fisch.Wiss. 31: 1-300. tophore and Pre/; AO 17-19,6-7 (rarely4or5)AO HULLEY, P.A., 1986. Order Myctophiformes. In: Smith photophores behind thelastanal-finray M.M. & P.C. Heemstra (Eds.). Smith's Sea Fishes. P.(H.)pamllelum(Lonnberg, 1905) Johannesburg, Macmillan SouthAfrica: 282-322. 10b. SAO/ situated above space between V03 and V04 NAFPAKTITIS,B.G., 1968. Taxonomyanddistributionof (rarely above V03or VO4), closer to than to laternfishes, genera Lobianchiaand Diaphus, inthe North VLO; distance between Prej and I'rc.j smallerthan Atlantic. Dana Rept. 73:1-131. distance between the last AOphotophoreandPre/; PAXTON,JR., 1972. Osteology and relationships ofthe AO 13-15,2-3(rarely 1 or4)AOphotophores behind lanternfishes(family Myctophidae). Bull. Nat.Hist. Mus. the lastanal-fin ray Los AngelesCo. 13: 1-81. P.(H.)subparalUlum (Taaning, 1932) WISNER,R.L., 1976. The taxonomy and distribution of lanternfishes(family Myctophidae) ofthe Eastern Pacific ocean.NORDARept. 3: vii, 1-229. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Received:July 30, 2003 I wish to thankDr A.V Balushkinand Mrs G.A. Volkova(ZIN) for loaning material forstudy and kind help duringmy visits inZIN. Dr I. Isbriicker (Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam) and the sec- ond anonymousreviewerprovided valuablecom- mentsandcorrections to an earlier versionof the manuscript. Thiswork was supported by a grant of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, No. 03-04-48329. REFERENCES ANDRIASHEV, A.P., 1962. Batipelagicheskiye ryby Antarktiki. I.Semeistvo Myctophidae [Bathypelagic fish- es of Antarctic. I. Family Myctophidae]. Issled. fauny morey 1 (9):216-294.(In Russian) ANDRIASHEV,A.P., 1986. Obshij obzor fauny donnykh ryb Antarktiki [General review of thebottom-fishfauna ofAntarctic]. TrudyZool. Inst. AN SSSR 153: 9-45.(In Russian, with Englishsummary) BECKER, V.E., 1963a. Novye dannye o rodakh svety- aschickhsya anchousov Electrona iProtomyctophum Yuzhn- ogo polusharia [New data on the lanternfish genera Electrona and Protomyctophum of the Southern Hemi- sphere]. Voprosy Ikhtiol. 3: 15-28.(InRussian) BECKER, V.E., 1963b. Severotikhookeanskiye vidy roda Protomyctophum (Myctophidae, Pisces) [The NorthPacific 74