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Two new species of Polygala (Polygalaceae) from Indochina PDF

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by  PendryC A
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Preview Two new species of Polygala (Polygalaceae) from Indochina

BLUMEA 42 (1997) 467-470 TwonewspeciesofPolygala(Polygalaceae) fromIndochina C.A.Pendry School ofBotany,TrinityCollege,Dublin 2,Ireland Summary Twonew speciesofPolygalaaredescribed: P.latistyla from Viêtnam andP.perduransfromLaos. Polygala latistyla Pendry, spec. nov. —Fig. 1 AbPolygalakarensio Kurzfloribus brevioribus, stylolato ebasi differt.—Typus:Poilane 35827(Pholo;TCD iso). Erect shrubover 1 mtall. Twigs slightly ridged, glabrescent. Leaves elliptic ornar- row ovate, acuminate, withcuneate to attenuate base, sparsely setwithflattened, scale-like hairstowards marginabove, glaucous below, 3-7.5 by 1-2.5cm, second- ary veins4or5, forming aprominent intramarginal vein;petiole glabrescent, 2-13 mm long. Inflorescence terminalor axillary, with upto5 clustered atthe endofa twig,unbranched,shortly hairy, very densewith upto c. 60 flowers,to 5 cm long; bracts caducous, ciliate, 2mm long. Flowers white with a yellow tip, 7 mm long; pedicel 1.2mmlong. Outersepals ciliate, almostequal, thetwo lowersepals ovate, 1.5by 1mm, theupperslightly morecupped, 1.5by 1.5 mm.Alaebroadly obovate orratheroblong, sometimes oblique, cucullate, glabrous, 5-6 mmlong. Upper petals 5.5-6mm,thefree parts oblong, 1.5-2mm long.Keel1 mmlong, append- ageirregularly 8-lobed,c. 1.5mmlong. Stamens7 mm long. Disk annular, 0.3mm high. Ovary orbicular, winged, 1.2 by 1.5 mm, style broadfrom thebase, slightly curved towardsapex, 5 mmlong.Fruitunknown. Distribution—Known only fromthetypecollectionfromNgokPanMassif, Gia Lai-Cong Turn,Vietnam. Habitat— An understorey shrubin primary montane foreston granite-derived soils at2400m.CollectedinflowerinDecember. Note—Polygala latistyla belongs toPolygala sectionChamaebuxus.In general appearanceitis very similarto P. karensium,butitsflowers are shorter(7 mmin P. latistyla, 16-21mmin P. karensium) andthestyle differentlyshaped (ribbon-like, 5by 0.4mm, scarcely expanded abovethe base in P. latistyla; filiformatthebase, 17-20by0.3 mmandmore markedly expanded towardstheapexin P. karensium). Thecapsule ofP. latistyla is probably similartothatofP.karensiumbut smaller(or- bicularwithasmoothfaceandemarginate wing). 468 BLUMEA Vol. 42, No. 2, 1997 Fig. 1.PolygalalatistylaPendry. a.Habit;b.flower withonealaremoved; c.ovary andstyle (a—c: Poilane 35827,P). C.A.Pendry: Two newspecies ofPolygala 469 Fig. 2. PolygalaperduransPendry. a. Habit; b. flower with oneala removed;c. ovary and style; d.staminal sheath;e.capsule enclosed by persistent calyx andcorolla; f.detailofcapsule; g.seed (a—g:Pételot3854, P). 470 BLUMEA Vol. 42, No. 2, 1997 Polygala perdurans Pendry, spec. nov. — Fig. 2 Ab speciebusIndosinensibus corolla admaturitatem fructuspersistens, seminealaangusta membranacea differt.—Typus:Petelot3854 (Pholo). Delicateherbto 15cm high. Stemsterete,withdenseindumentumoflong (to 1mm), flattened, spreading whitehairs.Leavesbasal, rathermembranaceous,ovate,elliptic orobovate,apexroundedto acute,base decurrent,margin flat,glaucousbelow, with long white hairs aboveand below, 0.5-2.5 by 0.3-1.0 cm; petioles densely long hairy, 2-8mm long. Inflorescence terminalor axillary, unbranched,ratherlax, with up toc. 80flowers, indumentumshorterthanonstems,4-12cm long;bractsboat- shaped, caudate,hairy, ciliate, persistent,0.5 mm long.Flowers white(?), c. 2mm; pedicel 0.8mm long. Outersepals almost equal, oblong,ciliate, hairy, 0.6-0.8mm long.Alaeorbicularwith afiliformstalk, very delicate, glabrous, 1.8-2.2mm long. Upper petals glabrous, 1.7-1.8mm long, the freeparts oblong, 0.6-0.7 mmlong. Keel 1.9-2.1mmlong; appendage oftwo triangularlamellae, 0.2 by 0.3-0.4mm. Stamensglabrous, slightly moreconnate towardscentreofstaminalsheath, glabrous, 2.2mmlong, thefreeparts ofthefilamentc.0.3mm. Disk absent. Ovary obcordate, 0.4by 0.3 mm; style sharply bentin apex, stigmatic lobesclose, the uppertooth- like, 2.3 mm long. Capsule withpersistent calyx and corolla, obcordate, deeply emarginate, withprominent concentricridges arising fromtheapex, 1.2 by0.9mm; wingribbed, widest atapex, upto 0.1 mm. Seedsoblong, laterally compressed with anarrow, membranaceouswing along one edge, smooth, glabrous, black, 0.6 by 0.3 mm;aril2-lobed, 0.2mmlong. Distribution— Knownonly fromthetypespecimen collectedby MileColoni(un- derPetelot's number) atthe village ofXa Ngom, Hoa, Cammon(=Khammouane Province?), Laos. Habitat—Foundgrowing intheshelterofrocks. Thesomewhatflimsy natureof the plant suggeststhat it wouldberestrictedto shelteredareas andprobably grows undershady conditions.CollectedinflowerinDecember. Note—Although P.perdurans fallswithinsectionPolygala according toAdema's (1966) key, the habitat,delicate growth form and thepersistent corolla(this is the characterreferredtoby thename) are unique amongtheSoutheastAsian species. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thiswork wascarriedout duringResearch Fellowshipfundedby theRoyal Society's EuropeanSci- enceExchange Programme.I would like tothank Prof. Morat for the loan ofspecimens from the Paris Herbarium. REFERENCE Adema,F. 1966. Areview oftheherbaceous speciesofPolygala inMalesia (Polygalaceae).Blumea 14: 253-276.

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