PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 101(1), 1999. pp. 197-207 TWO NEW SPECIES OF PHAENOCARPA FOERSTER (HYMENOPTERA: BRACONIDAE: ALYSIINAE) FROM SOUTH AMERICA M. Trostle, N. S. Carrejo, I. Mercado, and R. A. Wharton (MT, IM, RAW) Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, U.S.A. (e-mail: RAW: [email protected]); (NSC) Departamento de Bio- logia, Seccion Entomologia, Universidad del Valle, A.A. 25360, Cali, Colombia — Abstract. Two new species of Phaenocorpa Foerster are described from South Amer- ica: P. hyalina Trostle and P. pericarpa Wharton and Carrejo. Phaenocarpa pericarpa was reared from Anastrepha distincta Greene in pods of Inga, representing the first host record for Phaenocarpa in South America. A key separating the South American species of Phaenocarpa is included. Key Words: Anastrepha; parasitoid; Diptera; Neotropical Papp (1969) revised the species of two groups apart from other described spe- Phaenocarpa Foerster for the Neotropical cies of Phaenocarpa. Region, treating 10 species. Papp (1966, Two more species are described here. 1969) included Asobara Foerster as a syn- The first belongs to the cratomorpha Whar- onym of Phaenocarpa in his earlier works, ton species group as defined by Wharton but Fischer (1971) subsequently removed (1994). The second belongs to Papp's Asobara from synonymy and it has been (1969) group with reduced notauli. recognized as a separate genus ever since. The genus Phaenocarpa is fairly large, Consequently, five of the 10 species treated but hosts have been recorded for only about by Papp (1969) must now be placed inA^o- 15% of the 150 described species (Fischer bara. These are anastrephae (Muesebeck), 1974, 1975, 1990, 1993; Shenefelt 1974; gahani (Papp), mexicana Ashmead),p/^nr- Wharton 1984; Vet and van Alphen 1985; ( alis (Ashmead), and rubra (Papp). Their Tobias 1986). Holarctic species have been identity has been confirmed by one of us reared most frequently from calypterate (RAW), and the placement of two of these Diptera breeding in such habitats as fungus, species has been discussed previously dung, flower heads and other seed bearing (Wharton 1994). structures. A few have also been recorded A sixth species, delicata Papp, has sev- from acalypterates such as drosophilids and sciomyzids (Papp 1972, Fischer 1975, eral unusual features, and its placement is uncertain (Wharton 1980, Fischer 1994). Wharton 1984, Vet and van Alphen 1985, Papp (1969) divided the four remaining van Achterberg 1988). Hosts have not been previously recorded for any ofthe Neotrop- species into those with well-developed no- tauli and those without. Wharton (1994) de- ical species of Phaenocarpa. scribed three additional species from the Materials and Methods Neotropics. He further defined two distinct species groups to accomodate these, and Terminology is as in Wharton (1980, discussed the differences which set these 1994) except as follows: venation conforms — 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON to the Standards recently established by verse carina complete to spiracles Sharkey and Wharton (1997); scutellar sul- Phaenocarpa siibtilistriata Papp 6. Stigma of fore wing broad distally, abruptly cus is used in place of prescutellar pits; the narrowing basad junction with r in females terms mesonotal disc (or simply disc) and (Fig. 5), with posterior margin indistinct on anterior declivity are retained in their for- basal half; divided by a hyaline, desclerotized mer meaning, but are referred to as parts of line in males, with portion ofstigma posteriad the mesoscutum. Measurements are given hyaline region broader than portion along an- terior margin of wing (Fig. 6). Mesopleuron, to the nearest 0.05. metapleuron, and propodeum dark brown. Museum acronyms are as follows: The Metanotum in lateral view with short but dis- Natural History Museum, London tinct spine (Fig. 2) A&M (BMNH), Texas University Insect Phaenocarpa hyalina Trostle. n. sp. Collection (TAMU). Part ofthe material for - Stigma offore wing narrow distally and basal- this study was sorted from general BMNH ly, only gradually narrowing basad junction with rin females, with posteriormarginclearly accessions by RAW, the remainder was delineated on basal half; males in which the reared by NSC as part of a program to de- stigma is divided by a desclerotized line have termine natural enemies of fruit-infesting theportion thatisposterioradthedesclerotized, tephritid flies of the genus Anastrepha in hyaline region narrowerthan the portion along the anterior margin of the wing. Body color Colombia. and development of metanotal projection var- iable 7 Key TO Neotropical Species of 7. Mesopleuron, metapleuron, and propodeum Phaenocarpa yellow. Metanotum in lateral view with short, narrow spine-like projection (as in Fig. 2) . . . 1. Second fiagellomere at least 1.4 times longer Phaenocarpa sharkeyi Wharton than first (Figs. 12-14) 2 - Mesopleuron, metapleuron, and propodeum - Second fiagellomere at most 1.1 times longer dark brown, contrasting with light brown to than first (Fig. 1) 6 yellow mesoscutum. Metanotumin lateral view 2. Second submarginal cell short, with 2RS near- with broadly triangular projection (distinctly ly equal to or slightly longer than 3RSa .... 3 broader than high) - Second submarginal cell longer (Fig. 7), with Phaenocarpa cratomorpha Wharton 3RSa at least 1.25 times longer than 2RS ... 4 3. Notauli distinct posteriorly. Mandible with tooth I extendingPdhisateinncotclayrdpiastcaod.xtaoliosth( Phaenocarpa hyalina Trostle, - Notauli absent posteriorly, not reaching midpit new species on mesoscutum. Mandible with tooth 3 extend- (Figs. 1-6) ing distinctly distad tooth I Phaenocarpa anomala Wharton Female. Head: Moderately transverse 4. Mandible with broad tooth 1 separated from in dorsal view, 1.3X wider than long. Face tooth 2 by a deep cleft (Fig. 15). Fore wing punctate, setiferous but polished, 1.25-1.35 (RS+M)b distinctly more than half length of higher than wide. Frontoclypeal suture m-cu (Fig. 7) PhaenocaipapericarpaWharton and Carrejo, n. sp. broad, relatively shallow, unsculptured. - Mandibular teeth 1 and 2 connected by a Clypeus broad, weakly convex, barely pro- broad, undulantflange, notseparatedfromeach truding. Frons smooth, bare, nearly flat, other by a deep cleft (Fig. 10). Fore wing weakly concave medially. Mandible 1.85X (RS+M)b short to absent, distinctly shorter than half length of m-cu 5 longer than width between tooth 1 and 3, 5. Petiole dark brown, narrowly elongate, about surface largely smooth; tooth 1 broad, near- 1.5 times longer than apical width; apex about ly orthogonal, with dorsal margin concave; 1.6 times wider than base. Propodeal areola distinct cleft present between tooth 1 and 2, distinct; transversecarinaofpropodeum absent tooth 2 lacking additional tooth or knob; - lPaetteiroallelydark yellow, broaPdhear,enaobcoaurtpa1.h2eytniemiesPapp tooth 2 acutely triangular, short, 0.4-0.45X longerthan apical width, apex abouttwicewid- apical width of mandible, but extending be- er than base. Propodeal areola indistinct; trans- yond tooth 1 and 3; tooth 3 broadly than- VOLUME NUMBER 101, I 199 Figs. 1-4. Phaenocarpa hyalina. 1. Antennashowingrelative lengthsofbasal 3 flagellomeres. 2,Mesosoma, lateral view, showing metanotal spine. 3, Mesosoma, dorsal view. 4. Metasoma, dorsal view. gular. Eye large, 4.25-5X longer than tem- longer than first; first flagellomere 1.1-1.3X ple. Anterior tentorial pit large, extending longer than third. Eye-antennal sulcus ab- more than 0.5X distance from lateral mar- sent. gin of clypeus to eye. Antenna 25-27 seg- Mesosoma: 1.35-1.5X longer than high. mented; second flagellomere 1.0-1.05X Pronotum predominately smooth, with Ion- 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 8 Figs. 5-8. Wings. 5, Phaenocarpu hycilina. female. 6, P. hyciliiui. male. 7, 8, P. pericarpa fore and hind wing. gitudinal carina separating dorsal and lat- ished; anterior declivity vertical, sparsely eral portions, and fine crenulae laterally ex- setose; notauli extending medially as cari- tending ventrally from this carina; prono- nate ridges along dorsal margin of anterior tum dorsally a narrow band with a shallow, declivity, then proceeding posteriorly as barely perceptible median pit; anterior mar- weak, parallel grooves perpendicular to the gin weakly emarginate. Mesoscutum pol- carinate ridges, notaulargrooves evanescent VOLUME 101, NUMBER 1 201 near anterior margin ofmidpit; 3-4 pairs of brown; legs white at coxae and gradually setae extending from transverse portion of darkening to yellow distally; maxillary palp notauli to transscutal articulation; midpit white; face variable, dark brown to light or- well developed, extending anteriorly 0.4X ange yellow, usually paler near antennae; length of disc from transscutal articulation. scape and pedicel bright yellow with pedi- Scutellar sulcus about 2X broader than cel slightly paler; basal 16-18 flagellomeres long, with medial carina; lateral margins of gradually darkening from yellow to brown axilla flangelike. Metanotum with posterior distally, followed by 4-7 white flagello- margin a broad, flat plate, elevated medially meres, and terminating with 1-3 (usually as a prominent spine, median field with or 1.5) brown flagellomeres; wings hyaline. mm without carinae radiating from spine. Pro- Body —length: 2.1-2.4 podeum areolate, as in other members of Male. Similar to female except as fol- the cratomorpha species group. Mesopleu- lows: head 1.3-1.4X wider than long; face ron with small patch ofrugose sculpture on 1.1-1.2X higher than wide; mesosoma anterior margin medially, otherwise 1.45-1.55X higher than wide; body 2.3-2.9 smooth, polished, virtually bare; carinately mm; fore wing stigma longitudinally bi- margined posteriorly. Sternaulus sinuate, sected for most of its length with the thick- crenulate over anterior 0.65, smooth over ened portion along anterior margin of wing posterior 0.35. Metapleuron largely un- almost completely separated from posterior sculptured, as in P. sharkeyi. portion by hyaline streak, the two portions Wings: Fore wing stigma 4.5-5.OX lon- only narrowly joined distally, posterior por- ger than broad, solid throughout (i.e., with- tion broade—r than anterior portion. out hyaline streak), basal halfdistinctly nar- Biology. Unknown — rower than distal half with posterior margin Material examined. Holotype $ : of basal half indistinct and somewhat ex- "Brasilien Nova Teutonia 27°irB. cavated, stigma abruptly widening near 52°23'L. 2-ix-1935 Fritz Plaumann" junction with r; r short, slightly shorter than (BMNH). Paratypes (BMNH, TAMU): 2 S, and arising slightly distad mid-width of same data as holotype; 2 $, 10 6, same stigma; 3RSa 1.4-1.8X longer than 2RS; except viii.1935, xi.l935, 6.iii.l936, and 3RSb extending to wing tip, weakly curved 15.x.1935; 1 9,2 6, same locality but at apex; (RS+M)b usually absent; Icu-a of- country spelled "Brazil:" and with B.M ten very short, postfurcal by 1.25-3.5X its Accession label "B.M.1937-656", collect- length. Hind wing with IM 2.4-3.5X lon- ed ll.vii.l937, and 7.V.1937; 2 $, 2 d, M ger than +CU; 3 hamuli. same as preceding, but "B.M. 1938-682", Metasoma: Petiole 1.6-1.7X longer than collected 20.iv.l938, 13.viii.l938, apical width, apex 1.5-1.6X v/ider than 23.iv.1938, a—nd 3.V.1938. base, dorsal carinae on petiole more or less Diagnosis. This species is a member of parallel sided, weakly converging and be- the cratomorpha species group as defined coming less prominent posteriorly; surface by Wharton (1994). As in other species of sculpture often granular-rugose medially; this group, P. hyalina has the second fla- more finely rugose laterally. Ovipositor gellomere equal to or barely longer than the sheath with 3 irregular rows of approxi- first (Fig. 1), a median metanotal projection mately 7 setae each. Ovipositor 0.9X and (Fig. 2), and a hyaline streak longitudinally ovipositer sheath 0.65X length of mesoso- bisecting the male stigma (Fig. 6). The stig- ma. ma is sexually dimorphic, lacking a well- Color: Generally brown; mesoscutum, defined streak in females. Phaenocarpa hy- metanotum and occasionally propleuron alina differs from other described species bright orange yellow; mesopleuron, meta- of this group in the possession of a broader pleuron, propodeum and petiole dark stigma that narrows more abruptly basad — X 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON the junction with r. Further, the metanotal Phaenocarpapericarpa Wharton and projection of P. hyalina is much more spi- Carrejo, new species nose than in P. cratomorpha, displaying a (Figs. 7, 8, 11, 14-16, 19) thinner, finer apex. Obvious colordifferenc- Female. Head: Moderately transverse es exist between P. sharkeyi and P. hyalina. in dorsal view, about 1.5-1.6X wider than Phaenocarpa sharkeyi is more uniformly long; eyes strongly bulging beyond tein- pale yellow in coloration, contrasting with ples. Face finely punctate, the punctations the darker brown portions of the head, separated by much more than their diame- meso- and met—asoma of P. hyalina. ter, otherwise smooth and polished between Discussion. This species is named for base of antenna and frontoclypeal suture; the hyaline streak that almost completely frontoclypeal suture deep and very wide, bisects the stigma in males, resulting in sep- transversely striate; clypeus exceptionally arate anterior and posterior portions. Addi- narrow and strongly protruding, lateral mar- tional differences in size and shape between gin of clypeus distinctly separated from an- males and females were noted by Wharton terior tentorial pit, the latter small, set with- (1994) in his description of P. cratomor- in broad concavity between clypeus and pha. Detailed scrutiny ofmales and females lower margin of eye, the concavity trans- of P. hyalina, however, fails to reveal sig- versely striate at least in part. Malar space nificant differences between the sexes for absent. Frons smooth, polished, evenly and most ofthese same characters. Since so few weakly convex, bare except for 2-4 short individuals of P. cratomorpha were avail- setae along eye margin laterad ocelli. Ver- able for study, it is quite possible that the tex bare. Mandible 1.4-1.5X longer than differences recorded by Wharton (1994) in apical width, distinctly expanded apically, the size and shape of the eye and petiole apex 1.7-1.85X wider than base, surface were simply intraspecific rather than spe- with strigose sculpture extending from mid- cifically intersexual. Measurements of in- dle of diagonal ridge to dorsal margin at dividuals from the much longer series ofP. base of tooth 1; tooth 1 very broad, orthog- onal, separated by deep cleft from narrowly hyalina demonstrate that these quantitative triangular tooth 2; tooth 2 without dorsal characters are highly variable within each knob; tooth 3 extending distally not quite sex. Although a distinct hyaline streak is pre- as far as tooth 1, narrower and more round- ed than the latter. Eye very large, 5.2-6.0 sent in males and absent in females, the longer than temple, with a few, scattered, stigma in females of P. hyalina exhibits minute setae visible at 50X. Antenna 39 modifications suggesting a morphocline segmented; second flagellomere 1.5-1.7X lineamdailnegs.toThtheesetxitgrmeamiencfoenmdailteisonhaesxparselsisgehdt longer than first, 1.1 X longer than third. Maxillary palp very long, about twice indication of desclerotization in a position height of head. comparable to the basal portion of the hy- Mesosoma: 1.45-1.55X longer than aline streak in males. Further, the stigma is high. Pronotum dorsally smooth, polished, exceptionally narrow basally, distad the but uneven: with small, u-shaped depres- parastigma, then somewhat abruptly widens sion medially along anterior margin; weak- where it meets r. In most other species of ly elevated as a small, rounded bump pos- Phaenocarpa, the posterior margin of the teromedially; flattened laterally. Mesoscu- stigma is straight to evenly convex between tum smooth, polished, with setae confined r and the parastigma. Phaenocarpa hyalina to a short row along notauli on anterior de- and the species described below are excep- clivity, absent on disc; notauli shallow, tional in this regard. weakly sculptured, confined to anterior de- - VOLUME 101. NUMBER 1 203 Figs. 9-16. Phaenocarpa spp. 9-11, Faces. 9. P. siibtilistriata. 10. P. heyuei. 11. P. pericarpa. 12-14, Antennae showing relative lengths ofbasal 3 flagellomeres (setal pattern shown only on Fig. 13). 12. P. subtil isrriatci. 13, P. Iieynei. 14, P. pericarpa. 15, P. pericarpa. mandible. 16, P. pericarpa, propodeum. clivity; midpit small, shallow, oval. Scutel- anteriorly, the sculpture weakening poste- lar sulcus twice as wide as long, or nearly riorly and usually absent overposterior0.3- so; with a single median ridge; lateral fields 0.5. Metapleuron finely punctate but oth- polished, unsculptured. Metanotum with erwise polished and unsculptured over most thin, longitudinal flange along midline, the of surface. flange sloping more precipitously anteriorly Wings: Fore wing stigma weakly con- than posteriorly, not elevated above level of cave basally along posterior margin, grad- scutellum. Propodeum smooth, polished, ually widening distally towards junction with well-defined pentagonal areola delim- with r, solid throughout, about 5X longer ited by strong carinae; areola narrow, about than width at r, r arising from distal 0.7- half as wide as tall, confined to posterior 0.75; r very short, 0.15-0.20X length of half of propodeum; anterior half with a 2RS; 2RS sharply angled near posterior0.2; strong median carina; lateral carina extend- 3RSa 1.25-1.35X longer than 2RS, second ing from areola to spiracle usually very submarginal cell gradually narrowing dis- weak over lateral half. Sternaulus long, nar- tally; 3RSb ending at wing tip, weakly and row, sinuate, complete from anteriormargin evenly bowed; m-cu distinctly antefurcal, to mid coxa, weaker posteriorly; crenulate with (RS+M)b 0.65-0.8X length of m-cu; 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Icu-a postfurcal by 2-3X its length; 2CU sidad del Valle, Museo de Entomologia. interstitial: arising directly in line with Paratopes: 3 9, same data as holotype ICU. Hind wing very narrow, about 6X (TAMU; Universidad del Valle; and Insti- longer than wide; IM 2.0-2.5X longer than tuto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad M+CU; 2M very short, angled towards Nacional de Colombia).Additionalmaterial posterior margin, m-cu absent. (not a paratope): 1 6, VENEZUELA, Ar- Metasoma: Petiole 1.3-1.45X longer agua, Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, Ran- than apical width; apex 1.8-1.9X wider cho Grande, 1,100m, 12.1.1996, R. Wharton than base; surface strigose, the sculpture (TAMU). — distinct medially, often weak laterally; dor- Diagnosis. As in both P. heynei and P. sal carina strong basally, evanescent at level subtilistriata, this species has reduced no- of spiracles, absent posteriorly; dorsope tauli, a short first flagellomere, and a large large and deep. Remaining terga without second submarginal cell. It differs from sculpture. Ovipositor of moderate length, both of these species by the possession of ovipositor sheath not fully exposed in ma- a shorter ovipositor (compare Fig. 19 with terial available for examination, but about Figs. 17, 18) which lacks a subapical node 2.0-2.3X longer than mesosoma; ovipositor or notch and a broader, more discrete tooth finely tapered to apex, without discernible 1 on the mandible (Fig. 15). The ovipositor subapical node or notch. is more than three times longer than the me- Color: Dark brown; mandible, scape, sosoma in P. heynei and P. subtilistriata. pedicel, propleuron and petiole variously The shape of the mandible is sufficient for lighter brown or red-brown in most speci- separating P. pericarpa from all other de- mens; flagellomeres 1-4 brown, 5-12 and scribed New World species of Phaenocar- 19-29 dark brown. 14-18 white, and 13 bi- pa. — colored brown and dark brown; fore and Discussion. Papp (1969) adequately mid legs and hind coxa and trochanter yel- differentiated P. heynei from P. subtilistria- low to dark yellow, hind femur mostly yel- ta, noting especially the difference in shape low with dark spot dorsally over apical 0.3- of the petiole. There are also slight differ- 0.4, hind tibia and tarsus brown; hypopy- ences in sculpture between the holotypes of gium apically and apical tergite yellow or P. heynei and P. subtilistriata. The propo- yellow b—rown; palps white. deal areola is essentially obliterated in P. Male. A single male, probably repre- subtilistriata, with the posterior face stri- senting this species, fits the above descrip- gose or weakly rugulose below the well- tion except as follows: face shorter, about developed and complete transverse carina. 1.5X wider than high; mandible less ex- A weak areola is present in P. heynei, and panded distally, about 1.8X longer than api- the transverse carina is incomplete, not cal width; fore wing Icu-a postfurcal by reaching the propodeal spiracle. The ster- only about 1.4X its length; and fore wing naulus is also broader and more heavily 3RSa about 1.6X 2RS. Flagellomeres 15 sculptured in P. subtilistriata but the scu- and 16 are dirty white, with remaining fla- tellar sulcus is smooth with a single median gellomeres—dark brown. carina. In P. heynei, the scutellar sulcus is Biology. Reared from puparia of An- weakly sculptured on either side ofthe me- astrepha distincto Greene in pods ofguama dian sulcus. Although both P. heynei and {Inga sp.: Fabaceae). — P. subtilistriata are known only from the Material examined. Holotype 9 "CO- holotype, and variation thus cannot be as- : LOMBIA Dept. del Valle del Cauca Mun. sessed, these same sculptural features show Buenaventura, Corregimiento de Zacarias little vaiiation in the four specimens of P. 23.iii.1994 N. Carrejo ex Anastrepha dis- pericarpa. Thus, it is likely that these rel- tincta on Guama" Deposited in La Univer- atively minor sculptural differences will be VOLUME 101. NUMBER 205 Figs. 17-19. Mcso- and melasoma, lateral view. 17, Phaenuccupa suhlilistriata. 18, P. heyiwi. 19, P. pcri- carpa. useful for species-level recognition of P. the more plesiomorphic form of a longer, heynei and P. subtilistriata. more distally-directed 2M. The fore wing Several features suggest that P. heynei stigma of P. heynei is also more similar to shares a sister group relationship with P. the unusually shaped stigma off*, pericarpa pericarpa relative to P. subtilistriata. Al- than the more typically shaped stigma of P. though the clypeus is narrow in all three subtilistriata. Phaenocarpa subtilistriata species, it is more strongly narrowed and appears to form a link between the hey- protruding in P. heynei and P. pericarpa nei^pericarpa sister group and the more (Figs. 10, 11), with consequent detachment typical Phaenocarpa species from the Hol- of the anterior tentorial pit from the lateral arctic Region. This hypothesized relation- margin of the clypeus. Similarly, 2M in the ship between P. heynei and P. pericarpa hind wing is shorter and more distinctly de- leads the suggestion that the Gnathopleura- flected posteriorly in P. heynei and P. peri- like mandible of P. heynei and P. subtilis- carpa than in P. subtilistriata, which retains triata is a more primitive feature from 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON which the P. pericarpa configuration was eal modifications found in P. pericarpa and derived. Despite similarities in the mandi- P. heynei. ble, P. heynei and P. subtilisthata can be Acknowledgments readily separated from Gnathopleiira since the latter has a much smaller second sub- We are grateful to Tom Huddleston (for- marginal cell. merly BMNH) for extending many cour- The putative relationship between P. hey- tesies regarding material in his care, to nei and P. pericarpa is based on features Frank Koch (Humboldt Museum, Berlin), which, though unusual, are found elsewhere Jeno Papp (Hungarian Natural History in Phaenocarpa and related genera. A sim- Museum), and Paul Marsh and David ilarly narrow hind wing with reduced 2M Smith (Systematic Entomology Laborato- is found in the Phaenocarpa cratomorpha ry, USDA) for the loan of type material species group, for example. A narrow, and assistance with type collections. Barry strongly protruding clypeus is found in at Flahey provided the illustrations for P. hy- least two species oiAsobara (one from Bra- alina. This work was supported in part by zil and one from Papua New Guinea) which the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station otherwise lack shared derived features. In and by the National Science Foundation all of these cases, the character states in (DEB 9300517). question are hypothesized as independent Literature Cited derivations. This is the first host record for any ofthe Achterberg, C. van. 1988. The genera oftheAspilota- group and some descriptions of fungicolous Aly- Neotropical species of Phaenocarpa. The siini fromthe Netherlands(Hymenoptera: Bracon- type series ofP. pericarpa was reared from idae: Alysiinae). Zoologische Verhandelingen the tephritid fly Anastrepha distincta 247: 1-88. Greene, developing in the pods of guama Fischer, M. 1971. Untersuchungen iiber die Euro- {Inga sp.). Relatively few tephritids have paischen Alysiini mit besonderer Berucksichti- gung der Fauna Niederosterreichs. Polskie Pismo been recorded as hosts of Alysiinae (Whar- Entomologiczne 41: 19-160. ton 1984). Only one, Asobara anastrephae . 1974. Die nearktischen Phaenocarpa-Arten. (Muesebeck), has been verified as a para- Revision der Gruppe B (Hymenoptera, Braconi- sitoid of fruit-infesting tephritids. Asobara dae, Alysiinae). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne orientalis Viereck, originally described 44: 103-230. 1975. Die nearktischen Phaenocarpa-Arlen. from material thought to be reared from da- Rev.ision der Gruppe A (Hymenoptera. Braconi- cine tephritids, is undoubtedly a drosophilid dae, Alysiinae). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne parasitoid. Three other alysiine species have 45: 279-356. been reared either from tephritids in flower . 1990. Westpalaarktische Phaenocarpa-Arten: heads or other plant parts, and at least four Vorlaufiger Bestimmungsschlussel, Deskriptionen und Redeskriptionen (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, additional species have been reared from Alysiinae). Annalen Naturhistorische Museum in unknown hosts in fruit. Asobara anastre- Wien 91: 105-135. phae is interesting because ofits exception- . 1993. Einige Phaenocarpa-Wespen aus der ally large size and unusual host preferences Alten Welt: Redeskriptionen und Stellung in ei- relative to other species ofAsobara, which nem vergleichenden System (Hymenoptera. Bra- conidae, Alysiinae). Linzer biologische Beitrage are primarily drosophilid parasitoids. Aso- 25: 511-563. bara anastrephae belongs to a group of . 1994. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Keiferwespen Neotropical species with typical Asobara der Welt (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae: fore wing venation, loss of hind wing cu-a, Alysiini). Linzer biologische Beitrage 26: 763- a short, broad petiole, and brightly colored 806. bodies (Muesebeck 1958, Wharton 1994). Muesebeck, C. F. W. 1958. New Neotropical wasps of the family Braconidae (Hymenoptera) in the U.S. One of the derived members of this group, National Museum. Proceedings of the United as yet undescribed, exhibits the same clyp- States National Museum 107: 405-461.