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Two new species of Peritropis Uhler from the Arabian Peninsula (Heteroptera: Miridae: Cylapinae) PDF

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by  LinnavuoriR
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Preview Two new species of Peritropis Uhler from the Arabian Peninsula (Heteroptera: Miridae: Cylapinae)

Genus Vol. 13 (2): 183-188 Wroc³aw, 30 VI 2002 Two new species of Peritropis UHLER from the Arabian Peninsula (Heteroptera: Miridae: Cylapinae) RAUNO LINNAVUORI1 and JACEK GORCZYCA2 1Saukkokuja 10, FIN-21220 Raisio, Finland, e-mail: [email protected] 2Department of Zoology, University of Silesia, Bankowa 9, 40-007 Katowice, Poland, e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. Peritropis vanharteni from Yemen and P. wilsoni from Oman are described. It is the second report of representatives of this genus from the Arabian Peninsula. The dorsal habitus of the species are presented, the figures of the parameres of the new species are also given. Key words: entomology, taxonomy, new species, Heteroptera, Miridae, Cylapinae, Peritropis, Arabian Peninsula. INTRODUCTION The genus Peritropis UHLER is one of the two genera of the subfamily Cylapinae with the greatest number of species. Representatives of this genus are the most numerous in Africa south of the Sahara, they occur also in Madagascar and the Seychelles Islands. Twenty two species have been reported from these regions (GORCZYCA 2000). There is only one species of this genus – Peritropis maculicornis LINNAVUORI et AL-SAFADI – known from the Arabian Peninsula. It has been described on the basis of specimens collected in Oman and Yemen (LINNAVUORI & AL-SAFADI 1993). There is also a single species – Peritropis selene LINNAVUORI – described on the basis of specimens from Socotra (LINNAVUORI 1994). In the material received by the senior author and collected in Yemen, there were two species representing a new species of Peritropis. In the material which the junior author borrowed from the Museum of Wales, there was a single, male specimen from Oman, which also represented a new species of this genus. Both 184 RAUNO LINNAVUORI, JACEK GORCZYCA species have a very characteristic coloration, unusual for the genus and rather similar to the colour pattern of Rhinofulvius albifrons (REUTER). Their descrip- tions are given below. TAXONOMY Peritropis vanharteni n. sp. ETYMOLOGY This species is dedicated to Dr. Antonius VAN HARTEN, Sana’a, for his continu- ous work on insect fauna of Yemen. TYPE MATERIAL Holotype (male): Yemen, Al Kowd, 26-28. 8. 1999, A. van Harten [handwrit- ten]; paratype (male):Yemen, Al Kowd, 9. 1999, van Harten, Al Haruri. The holotype housed in Linnavuori’s collection, finally at the National Museums and Galleries of Wales. The paratype in the collection of the Department of Zoology, Silesian University, Katowice, Poland. 1. Peritropis vanharteni n. sp., holotype, dorsal habitus TWO NEW SPECIES OF PERITROPIS 185 DIAGNOSIS This species is similar to Peritropis linnavuori GORCZYCA, described from Eritrea (GORCZYCA 2000), but it can be easily distinguished by scutellum with white patches and the length of antennae. DESCRIPTION Male (female unknown). Body very small, elongate, pale with brown patches, covered with pale setae. Length of body 2.55-2.6 mm, width 0.9 mm. Head white with brown patches, vertex and clypeus with a few very small reddish spots. Length of head 0.50 mm, width 0.62 mm, diameter of eye 0.15 mm. Antennae inserted on distinct tubercles removed from the margin of eyes. First antennal segment white at base, with a brown ring in the middle, then pale, clouded, slightly thickened at apex. Second segment almost cylindrical, pale, clouded, covered with dense, pale, protruding setae. Third and fourth segments clouded, very thin, covered with long, protruding setae. Length of antennal segments in mm: 0.30: 1.0: 0.50: 0.60. Rostrum dark brown, long, reaching beyond metacoxae. Total length of rostrum 1.80 mm, length of individual rostral segments not well visible in the examined specimens. Pronotum pale with dark brown patches, anterior lobe with a pair of slightly raised calli. Posterior margin of pronotum with a distinct excavation (Fig. 1), lateral margins and humeral angles slightly elevated. Length of pronotum 0.37 mm, length of the anterior margin 0.45 mm, lateral margins 0.50 mm, posterior margin 0.97 mm. Mesoscutum and scutellum dark brown with small pale patches slightly tinged with red, apex of scutellum dark brown. Hemelytra pale at base, clavus with brown and pale patches. There are two large, brown patches with small white dots in the middle of corium and two white patches above cuneus. Cuneus dark brown, white at base and apex. Membrane pale grey, venation hardly visible in the examined specimens. Underside of body chestnut with white areas, abdomen reddish, forecoxae brown, pale only at base and apex, meso- and metacoxae pale with a broad, chestnut patch near base. Trochanters and basal part of femora pale, the rest of femora dark brown, only with a subapical, white patch on inner side. Apex of femora pale, tinged with pink, tibiae with a small, pink patch at base, then pale, tarsi pale, two-segmented, second segment divided, claws with a very small, hardly visible, subapical tooth (Fig. 8). Left paramere thin, curved, with a thin, apical process, right paramere small (Figs 3-4 ). DISTRIBUTION Yemen. 186 RAUNO LINNAVUORI, JACEK GORCZYCA Peritropis wilsoni n. sp. ETYMOLOGY This species is named in honour of Dr. Mike R. WILSON (National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, Wales, UK). TYPE MATERIAL Holotype (male): Oman: Wadi Bari, Kharus, Foothills of Jebe«Akhdar, Ulyah. Blom. 23° 11’ N 57° 40’ E, 18. X. 1990. m. v. light, M.D Gaiagher & J. C. Deeming [handwritten]; NMW.Z, 1981-001.; Peritropis sp. [handwritten], det. G. Stonedahl, 1993. Housed at the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, Wales, UK. DIAGNOSIS This species is very similar to Peritropis vanharteni sp. nov. but differs from it in bigger size, pale femora and the structure of parameres (Figs 5-6). 2. Peritropis wilsoni n. sp., holotype, dorsal habitus TWO NEW SPECIES OF PERITROPIS 187 DESCRIPTION Male (female unknown). Body rather small, elongate, covered sparingly with pale setae, length of body 3.50 mm, width 1.32 mm. Head white with small brown patches, vertex with a short, longitudinal sulcus in middle. Clypeus white with a small dot, mandibular plate white with a few very small spots, maxillary plate and buccula reddish brown. Antenniferous tubercle only slightly removed from the margin of eye, first antennal segment almost cylindrical, white at base then slightly darkened in middle, with a faint trace of red tinge in the apical part. Second antennal segment almost cylindrical (Fig. 2), pale, clouded, covered with dense, protruding setae, distinctly longer than diameter of the segment. Third segment thin, darkened, covered with dense, long, protruding setae (at least in its basal part, the rest of the segments broken in the examined specimen). Length of antennal segments in mm: 0.35: 1.27. Rostrum pale brown, very long, reaching almost the genital capsule, first segment pale, reddish at base. Length of segments unmeasurable in the examined specimen. 3, 4, 8. Peritropis vanharteni n. sp. nov., paratype, 5-7. Peritropis wilsoni n. sp., holotype: - 3, 5 - right paramere, 4, 6 – left paramere, 7 - foretarsi, 8 - metatarsi 188 RAUNO LINNAVUORI, JACEK GORCZYCA Pronotum white with large, dark brown patches, anterior lobe of pronotum with a pair of slightly raised calli. Posterior lobe of pronotum slightly tinged with red, posterior margin with a distinct excavation (Fig. 2). Humeral angles and lateral margins of pronotum slightly elevated. Length of pronotum 0.47 mm, length of anterior margin 0.50 mm, lateral margins 0.57 mm, posterior margin 1.15 mm. Mesoscutum brown, slightly tinged with red, pale in the angles, with two large, white patches and a few small dots. Scutellum dark brown with two white patches, apex of scutellum dark brown. Hemelytra white, partly translucent with brown patches. Apex of clavus and middle part of embolium brown. There are two large brown patches contiguous with the distal part of the claval suture. Cuneus dark brown, white and tinged with red at base and apex. Membrane pale, translucent, venation pale, apex of the major cell rounded. Underside of body white and chestnut, mesoepisternum brown, slightly tinged with red. Coxae white with a large reddish patch at base, trochanters and femora white, femora with a broad, brown patch in the apical part, tibiae slightly tinged with red at base, then pale brown, tarsi pale, two-segmented, the second segment divided, claws with a very small, subapical tooth (Fig. 7). Parameres relatively large (Figs 5-6), left paramere curved, with the thin apical process. REMARK Parameres have been slightly deformed during preparation. DISTRIBUTION Oman. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Mike WILSON from the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, for the loan of the material. REFERENCES GORCZYCA, J., 2000. A systematic study on Cylapinae with a revision of the Afrotropical Region (Heteroptera, Miridae). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Œl¹skiego, Katowice, 176 pp. LINNAVUORI, R. E., 1994. Heteroptera from Socotra. Entomol. Fenn. 5: 151-156. LINNAVUORI, R. E., AL-SAFADI, M. M., 1993. New species of Miridae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) from Yemen. Entomol. Fenn. 4: 179-193.

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