Two New Species of Mikania (Asteraceae, Tribe Eupatorieae) from Tropical America Walter C. Holmes and Darrell S. Vodopieh Department ol Biology, Baylor University, Waco, Texas 76798-7388, U.S.A. [email protected] ABSTRACT. Mikania pooleana, known only from 4, elliptic-oblong, ca. 3.5 mm long, the base fused Oaxaca, Mexico, is similar to M. toruluzii of Mexico for about 1 mm. surfaces glabrous, apex rounded and Central America, but distinguished by its lan¬ to obtuse, puberulent. Florets 4. Corollas ca. 6 mm ceolate leaves and hemispherical glomerules. The long, white, tube 2-3 mm long, slightly bulbous at latter species has ovate to broadly ovate leaves and base, gradually expanded into the funnelform spherical glomerules. Mikania saxicola ol Minas throat, 2—2.5 nun long, teeth debate, ca. 0.8 mm Gerais, Brazil, is characterized by its dense spike¬ long, sparingly glandular. Cypselae tawny, ca. 2 nun like capitulescence, small heads about 4.5 mm long, glabrous, the faces reticulated. Pappus bris¬ long, and cypselae with forked trichomes. It has tles white, 21 to 33, ca. 4.5 mm long, margins scab- affinity to M. microlepis, also of Brazil, which is rid. apex slightly thickened. distinguished by its dense fulvous-tomentose na¬ In Holmes (1990). this new species keys to the ture, larger heads, and lack of forked trichomes. vicinity ol Mikania tonduzii B. 1.. Robinson and M. Key words: Asteraceae, Eupatorieae, Mikania, globosa Coulter, which appear to be its nearest rel¬ tropical America. atives. These two species have ovate to broadly ovate leaves and heads disposed in very dense IMikania pooleana W. C. Holmes & Vodopieh. sp. spherical glomerules. In contrast, Mikania poo¬ nov. TYPE: Mexico. Oaxaca: ca. 21 mi. S of leana has lanceolate leaves and hemispherical Valle National. Hwy. 175 (Tuxtepec—Oaxaca), glomerules. Additionally, M. globosa has phyllaries infrequent vine, with tree ferns, 13 Mar. 1680. that completely envelop the adjoining floret it sub¬ ./. M. Poole 2247 & ./. A. McDonald (holotype, tends. The ultimate disposition of the capitula in TEX). Figure I. sessile clusters ol threes is unusual for Mikania with pyramidal eapitulescences. This arrangement Haec species M. toruluzii sirnilis sed in foliis lanceolatis is typical ol the Mikania parviflora (Aublet) Karsten differt. complex (Robinson, 1922a). Additional character¬ Twining vines. Stems terete, striate, glabrate, istics of this complex are corymbose capita lesc- solid. Leaves lanceolate, 7.5—12 X 1.9—3.6 cm; ences and densely hirsute style appendages and ba¬ apex caudate to caudate acuminate, margins entire ses. Mikania pooleana has none of these traits, in the basal half, remotely serrate-denticulate in the which suggests that this head arrangement arose upper half, the teeth 0.7-2 cm distant, base acute independently in other Mikania and does not in¬ to acute-acuminate, surfaces glabrate, venation In¬ dicate relationship. nervate with a conspicuous pair of lateral nerves Using the classification proposed by Holmes separating near 1 cm from the base of the blade, (1996), Mikania pooleana is in Mikania sect. Mi¬ these accompanied by another pair of obscure kania. This is determined from its subinvolucral nerves separating within 5—8 mm of the base of the bracts that are borne at the very base of the invo¬ blade, tertiary nerves obscure, disposed in a slight¬ lucres and from the maturation pattern of the ca¬ ly antrorse-orientated transverse pattern: petioles pitula ol the hemispherical glomerules from the 2-2.5 cm long, glabrous. Capitulescence an elon¬ center to the periphery. gate pyramidal panicle, 19 X 7.5 cm; branehlets Mikania pooleana is known only from the type glabrate at base, puberulent above; bracts lanceo¬ material. late to linear, much reduced in size above; capilula We are privileged to name this species to com¬ ca. t nun long, disposed in somewhat dense hemi¬ memorate the collector, Jackie M. Boole. Boole, an spherical glomerules 2-3 cm diam., ultimately the employee of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, beads in sessile cluster ol threes. Subinvolucral has been a pre-eminent botanist concerned with bracts linear, 1-2 mm long, puberulent. Phyllaries preserving the native flora of Texas. Novon 15: 548-551. Published on 12 December 2005. Volume 15, Number 4 Holmes & Vodopich 549 2005 Mikania from Tropical America UNIVERSITY OF HERBARIUM Oaxaca: Ca. 21 mi 5 of Valle Nacional, Hwy 175 (Tuxtepec-Oaxaca); edge of cleared forest. Moist, huniusy soil. With tree ferns. Infrequent vine. Discs white. liiif 13 March 1980 Jackie M. Poole 2247 with J. A. McDonald Figure 1. Photograph of the holotype of Mikania pooleana W. C. Holmes & Vodopich. Mikania saxicola Schultz-Bip. ex W. C. Holmes Haec species M. microlepis similis sed in planta glabra differt. & Vodopich, sp. nov. TYPE: Brazil. Minas Gerais, Serra do Chapada, June 1827, L. Rie¬ Semiwoody vine. Stems terete, striate-costate al¬ del s.n. (holotype, NY). Figure 2. ter drying, glabrous. Leaves deltate, 3.5—6 X 2.4— 550 Novon Vw H <Vw-a ~ (Ly *v. C H , Ar*\ P ti h *Co/ JaJ W C. . Zt>0 I m h a. Trite H. Krascheninnikov. Herbarium Horti Petropolitani. A. PMAe^b: 3Kc;ieanunH J1aHrcaop4>a b Epa3nnHc, 1824—1829 rr. '.(kisL. a /O> , ..:..... L Riedel: Her Brasiliomo 1824—29. Figure 2. Photograph of the holotype of Mikania saxicola Schultz-Hip. ex W. C. Holmes & Vodopich. 5.5 cm, apex acute to a rounded point, margins glandular; petioles 0.8—1.7 cm long, glabrate. Cap- entire, occasionally with two bluntish-rounded bas¬ itulescence paniculate, dense, 7 X 4.5 cm; branch- al lobes to ea. 3 X 5 mm, base euneate, palmately lets irregularly angled to subterete, puberulent, 8- to 5-nerved from insertion of the petioles; sur¬ glandular; bracts at base of eapitulescence similar faces glabrous, reticulate, the lower surface densely to leaves but reduced in size, those at summit lin- Volume 15. Number 4 Holmes & Vodopich 551 2005 Mikania from Tropical America ear. Capitula ca. 4.5 mm long, ultimately disposed not gaining general acceptance, is discussed in in spikelike raeemes ca. 5 mm long, usually num¬ I lolmes (1996). bering 4 to 6 capitula. Subinvolucral bracts lance- Mikania saxicola appears similar to M. microle- elliptic, ca. 1.5 mm long, puberulent, glandular, pis, also of Brazil. Mikania microlepis is character¬ apex acute. Phyllaries obovate, 1.8—2 mm long, gla- ized by its dense fulvous-tomentose nature, larger brate to puberulent, sparingly glandular, margins in heads, and lack of forked trichomes. the distal hall finely serrate-ciliate. Corollas ca. 2.2 Mikania saxicola is known only from the type mm long; tube ca. 0.8 mm long, throat funnelfonn specimen. The holotype was a gift from L to !N\ to semicampanulate, ca. 1 mm long, lightly glan¬ presented in about 1990 (John Pruski, pers. dular; teeth deltate-ovate, ca. 0.2 mm long, glan¬ comm.). It is not known if duplicates exist at L. I he dular. Cypselae ca. 1.5 mm long, puberulent, type specimen was annotated as '"Mikania saxicola densely so at the summit, the trichomes sometimes Sch.-Bip. in h. Riedel,” by II. Krascheninnikov, a forked or branched at the apex. Pappus bristles name never validated through publication. white. 1-1.4 mm long. 15 to 20. margins scabrid. Acknowledgments. We thank the curators of the apex occasionally slightly thickened. herbaria for their loans of specimens that made this study possible. We are also indebted to Billie L. Mikania saxicola is characterized by its con¬ Turner for bringing to our attention that Poole 2247 gested capituleseenee with the capitula borne in (holotype of Mikania pooleana) was an undescribed short spikelike racemes, heads ca. 4.5 mm long, species. Also. John Pruski provided information which is small for the genus, and presence of about the type specimen of Mikania saxicola. branched or forked trichomes on the cypselae. The latter trait is very unusual in the genus and in the Literature Cited Eupatorieae, being reported by Holmes and Pruski Baker, J. G. 1876. Compositae II. Eupatorieae. In (7 Mar- tius. LI. Bras. 6(2): 181-374, pi. 51-102. (2000) as dendroid pubescence in M. wurdackii Barroso, G. VI. 1958 [1959]. Mikaniae do Brasil. Anp Pruski & W. C. Holmes. Similar trichomes are also Jard. But. Rio de Janeiro 16: 239—333, pi. 1—31. foto known from M. citriodora W. C. Holmes (Holmes, 1-57. 1991) and from M. grazielae R. M. King & H. Rob¬ Holmes, W. C. 1990. The genus Mikania (Compositae— inson (King & Robinson, 1980), both of Brazil. In Eupatorieae) in Mexico. Sida, Bot. Misc. 5: iv + 45. Botanical Research Institute of Texas, fort Worth. these two species, the forked trichomes appear to -. 1991. Studies in Mikania (Compositae: Eupato¬ represent an additional and modified pappus, since rieae)— XVII: Two new species from Minas Gerais, Bra¬ they are borne primarily near the summit of the zil. Phytologia 70: 47-51. cypselae. However, the forked trichomes of M. sax¬ -. 1996. A proposed sectional classification for Mi¬ kania (Eupatorieae). Pp. 621—626 in I). J. N. Hind (ed¬ icola occur on all parts of the cypselae. itor), Compositae Systematics. Proceedings of the Inter¬ The disposition of capitula into short spike-like national Compositae Conference, Kew, 1994. Vol. I. raeemes indicates that the species belongs to Mi¬ Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. kania sect. Slim mikania W. C. Holmes (Holmes, -& J. F. Pruski. 2000. Mew species of Mikania (Compositae: Eupatorieae) from Ecuador and Peru. Syst. 1996). In Barrosos (1959) treatment of the Mikania Bot. 25: 571—576. of Brazil. M. saxicola could be included in section King, R. M. & H. Robinson. 1980. Studies in the Eupa¬ Globosae B. L Robinson (Robinson, 1922b) be¬ torieae (Asteraeeae). CLXXXVIII. New species ol Mi¬ cause of its densely congested capituleseenee, or, kania from Brasil. Phytologia 45: 124—141. Robinson, B. I.. 1922a. Records preliminary to a general with equal facility, in section Spicato-racemosae treatment of the Eupatorieae, I. Contr. Gray Herb. n. s. Baker (Baker. 1876), because of disposition of the 64: 1-21. heads into short spike-1 ike raeemes. I his ambigu¬ -. 1922b. The mikanias of northern and western ity, which is responsible for Barrosos classification South America. Contr. Gray Herb. n. s. 64: 21 — 116.