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Two new species of Microrhagus from the Russian Far East with notes on some Palaearctic Dirhagini (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae) PDF

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Preview Two new species of Microrhagus from the Russian Far East with notes on some Palaearctic Dirhagini (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae)

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 25(2): 277–290 27 DECEMBER 2016 Two new species of Microrhagus from the Russian Far East with notes on some Palaearctic Dirhagini (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae) Два новых вида Microrhagus с Дальнего Востока России с замечаниями по некоторым палеарктическим Dirhagini (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae) A.V. KOVALEV А.В. КОВАЛЕВ A.V. Kovalev, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, 3 Podbelsky highway, St Petersburg, Pushkin 196608, Russia. Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-Mail: [email protected] Microrhagus nikitskyi sp. nov. and M. vicarius sp. nov. are described from the Russian Far East. Based on the holotype, Balistica elongata Fleutiaux, 1923 is re-described. The following new combinations are proposed: Clypeorhagus elongatus (Fleutiaux, 1923), comb. nov. (= Balistica elongata Fleutiaux, 1923) and Dirrhagofarsus ferrugineus (Reitter, 1889), comb. nov. (= Dir- rhagus ferrugineus Reitter, 1889). A new synonym is established: Dirrhagofarsus Fleutiaux, 1935 = Pseudorhacopus Olexa, 1975, syn. nov. Lectotypes of Microrhagus pyrenaeus Bonvou- loir, 1872 and Dirrhagus ferrugineus Reitter, 1889 are designated; status and distribution of these species are discussed. С Дальнего Востока России описаны Microrhagus nikitskyi sp. nov. и M. vicarius sp. nov. Переописан Balistica elongata Fleutiaux, 1923 на основании голотипа. Предложены но- вые комбинации: Clypeorhagus elongatus (Fleutiaux, 1923), comb. nov. (= Balistica elongata Fleutiaux, 1923) и Dirrhagofarsus ferrugineus (Reitter, 1889), comb. nov. (= Dirrhagus fer- rugineus Reitter, 1889). Установлена новая синонимия: Dirrhagofarsus Fleutiaux, 1935 = Pseudorhacopus Olexa, 1975, syn. nov. Для Microrhagus pyrenaeus Bonvouloir, 1872 и Dir- rhagus ferrugineus Reitter, 1889 обозначены лектотипы, и обсуждается таксономический статус и распространение этих видов. Key words: false click beetles, new species, re-description, new combinations, new synonym, lectotypes designation Ключевые слова: жуки-древоеды, новые виды, переописание, новые комбинации, но- вый синоним, обозначение лектотипов INTRODUCTION Nevertheless this diverse and heteroge- neous genus needs a further revision, and Tribe Dirhagini Reitter, 1911 is a large the generic assignment of some Microrhagus and worldwide distributed group of Eucne- could need reassessment. The specimens of midae, which is currently represented in the these new species were formerly identified Palaearctic Region by 35 described species as Rhacopus elongatus (Fleutiaux, 1923) from 12 genera (Muona, 2007; Kovalev, from the Russian Far East by Gratshev 2013; Otto, 2016). Recent studies revealed (1992), as a result of a previous misidentifi- two new species of the genus Microrhagus cation of Balistica elongata Fleutiaux, 1923 Dejean, 1829 in the Primorskiy Territory, from Japan by Hisamatsu (1960, 1985), Russia. The concept of this genus is used who considered this species first (1960) here in accordance with Muona (1993). within the genus Dirrhagus Latreille, 1834 © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 278 A.V. KOVALEV. TWO NEW SPECIES OF MICRORHAGUS and later (1985) within the genus Rhacopus Ussuriy ska, Mikheechev, Nikitsky, 8.VII.1979” Hampe, 1855. The Japanese specimens of [printed, date partly handwritten, in Cyrillic Dirrhagus elongatus sensu Hisamatsu, 1960 script; South Primorye, Kamenushka near Us- and Rhacopus elongatus sensu Hisamatsu, suriysk, 8.VII.1979, A.V. Mikheechev & N.B. Ni- kitsky leg.] (ZMUM). 1985 could belong either to one of these new Description. Male (holotype). Body species, or to still undescribed new species. elongate, convex, subparallel, widest at In the present paper, after a current com- humeral angles (Fig. 1). Length 3.20 mm, parison of various genera within Dirhagini, width 0.97 mm. new generic combinations are proposed for Piceous black; anterior margin of pro- Balistica elongata Fleutiaux, 1923 и Dirrha- notum distinctly and elytra faintly lighter; gus ferrugineus Reitter, 1889. antennae dark brown; legs yellowish brown, MATERIALS AND METHODS with femora slightly darkened and tarsi lighter. Head slightly shiny; pronotum and Habitus photographs were taken us- elytra distinctly shiny. Dorsum with short, ing Canon EOS 40D digital camera with a fine, recumbent yellowish pubescence. Ven- Ca non MP-E 65 mm objective and Leica ter coarsely, densely punctate, and covered MZ9.5 stereo microscope equipped with a with fine, yellowish pubescence. Leica DFC290 digital camera from dry spec- Head (Fig. 5) large, frons slightly con- imens and were combined using the Helicon vex, slightly longitudinally impressed me- Focus software. Male genitalia, following dially. Punctation dense and fine; inter- standard preparation procedure was either spaces between punctures about as great placed in a drop of Euparal on a plastic card as or somewhat less than diameter of one or placed in a microvial filled with glycerol puncture. Eyes large, convex and strongly and pinned beneath the dissected specimen. prominent; inner margin of eye over anten- The materials used for this study are nal groove distinctly incised by subtrian- deposited in the following museums and in- gular projection of frons, bearing deep an- stitutions: Hungarian Natural History Mu- teocular pit. Distance between inner edges seum (Magyar Természettudományi Mu- of antennal insertions approximately equal zeum), Budapest (HNHM); Natural His- to distance between inner edge of anten- tory Museum, London (BMNH); National nal insertion and inner margin of eye. Epi- Museum of Natural History (Muséum na- stomal part of epicranium subtrapezoidal, tional d’Histoire naturelle), Paris (MNHN); with poorly defined lateral carina between Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of antennal groove and base of mandibles. An- Sciences, Saint Petersburg (ZIN); Zoologi- tennae (Fig. 6) long, about three quarters as cal Museum of Moscow State University, long as body length, slender, feebly serrate, Moscow (ZMUM). with dense, long, light suberect setae. An- tennomere 3 subtriangular, about 2.4 times TAXONOMIC PART as long as wide and about 1.25 times as long Family EUCNEMIDAE Eschscholtz, 1829 as antennomere 4, anteroapical angle not Subfamily MELASINAE Fleming, 1821 produced, rounded. Antennomere 4 sub- triangular, about 1.5 times as long as wide, Tribe DIRHAGINI Reitter, 1911 with narrowly rounded anteroapical angle. Genus Microrhagus Dejean, 1833 Antennomeres 5–10 subtriangular with distinctly produced anteroapical angles, Microrhagus nikitskyi sp. nov. gradually becoming longer and more slen- (Figs 1, 5–13, 31–32) der towards apex: ratio of length/maximum Holotype. Male (Fig. 1): Russia, Primor- width of antennomere 5 about 1.75, of an- skiy Terr., “Yuzhn. Primor’e, Kamenushka bl. tennomere 10 about 2.4. Antennomere 11 © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(2): 277–290 A.V. KOVALEV. TWO NEW SPECIES OF MICRORHAGUS 279 Figs 1–4. Dirhagini spp., dorsal habitus with corresponding labels. 1, Microrhagus nikitskyi sp. nov., holotype; 2, M. vicarius sp. nov., holotype; 3, M. pyrenaeus, lectotype; 4, Balistica elongata, holotype. Scale bar: 1.0 mm. © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(2): 277–290 280 A.V. KOVALEV. TWO NEW SPECIES OF MICRORHAGUS Figs 5–13. Microrhagus nikitskyi sp. nov. 5, head, frontal view; 6, male antenna; 7, prothorax, lateral view; 8, right metepisternum; 9, right metacoxal femoral plate; 10, male protarsomere 1, lateral view; 11, metatarsus, lateral view; 12, ditto, dorsal view; 13, apex of male last abdominal ventrite. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. elongate, about 5.2 times as long as wide the middle. Posterior lateral carina long, and 1.7 times as long as antennomere 10. not extending to anterior margin. Pronotum transverse, widest before pos- Scutellum subflattened, subtriangu- terior angles, about 1.3 times as wide as long lar and apically rounded, surface rugosely at midline and approximately 1.7 times as punctate. Elytra elongate, about 2.3 times wide as head. Surface with fine, moderately as long as wide combined and 2.8 times as dense, oval punctures; interspaces between long as pronotum, widest at base, at basal punctures approximately equal to trans- two-thirds subparallel-sided, at apical third verse diameter of one puncture. Lateral gradually narrowing to conjointly rounded sides convex at anterior half, slightly con- apices. Surfaces with nearly regular rows cave near the middle, and arcuate and di- of punctures at basal half, becoming api- verging towards posterior angles. Anterior cally irregular; punctures somewhat larger pronotal margin with convex, finely crenu- than those on pronotum, separated by 1–3 late ridge, which is continuous with ante- diamet ers of one puncture. Elytral striae rior lateral carina. Pronotal disc moderately weakly impressed, except sutural striae; convex, without lateral impressions or me- becoming deeper and wider apically, with dian groove, distinctly declined posteriorly, large hole-like punctures near the elytral depressed on the sides towards posterior apex. Lateral elytral carina sinuous, strong- angles and on the base. Base of pronotum ly prominent basally and dorsally visible. before antescutellar lobe with short, convex Epipleura strongly narrowed posteriorly. median carina. Posterior angles strongly di- Prosternum convex, notosternal sutures vergent, with slightly bent dorsal carinae. discernible nearest to procoxal cavities. Anterior lateral carina (Fig. 7) short, about Prosternal process from lateral view as in one-fifth as long as pronotal length along Fig. 7. Prohypomeron completely separated © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(2): 277–290 A.V. KOVALEV. TWO NEW SPECIES OF MICRORHAGUS 281 from profemoral cavity by a poorly defined on vertex; antennomere 3 elongate, longer basal ridge. Internal part of prohypomeron than antennomere 4; lateral pronotal cari- strongly impressed, forming an antennal nae divided; internal part of prohypomera groove, completely separated from external with well-developed antennal grooves, part by a sharp carina, which is continuous completely separated by keel externally; with basal ridge. Antennal groove subparal- internal and posterior sides of anterior pro- lel-sided, somewhat narrower than external hypomeral pit not defined by ridges; meso- part of prohypomeron between posterior and metatarsomeres 4 widened apically, ex- lateral carina of prothorax and outer ca- cavated dorsally and wider than preceding rina of antennal groove, rather deep, nearly tarsomere; metacoxal plates lengthened me- smooth with several large punctures at base. sally; males with apical sex comb of spines Internobasal angle of the prohypomeron on protarsomere 1; aedeagus with well- near procoxal cavity with subtriangular an- developed ventral plate. The new species is terior prohypomeral pit, which is separated distinct from the Palaearctic congeners in externally by ridge from antennal groove, the eyes with the deeply incised inner mar- delimited posteriorly and vaguely defined gin, and also in a combination of the follow- internally. Posterior prohypomeral pit ing characters: widely separated antennal large, deep, suboval. Metepisterna (Fig. 8) insertions, long and feebly serrate anten- moderately narrow, subparallel, faintly wid- nae in males, pronotum with short anterior ened posteriorly. Metacoxal femoral plates and long posterior lateral carinae, as well as (Fig. 9) distinctly lengthened mesally. Ab- structure of aedeagus. Microrhagus nikitskyi domen convex, last visible abdominal ven- sp. nov. somewhat resembles M. pyrenaeus trite obtusely pointed apically (Fig. 13). Bonvouloir, 1872 and M. vicarius sp. nov. Legs short and slender. Protarsomere 1 in the widely separated antennal insertions, (Fig. 10) ventroapically produced and bear- feebly serrate antennae, pronotum with ing sex comb consisting of 9 spines. Meta- short anterior and long posterior lateral ca- tarsomere 1 distinctly longer than meta- rinae, but differs from both in deeply incised tarsomeres 2–4 combined. Metatarsomere inner margins of the eyes, longer antennae 4 distinctly wider than preceding segment; with long setae on antennomeres, punc- apically widened, slightly excavated dor- tate antennal grooves, wider metepisterna, sally and lobed ventrally. Metatarsomere 5 simple metafemora, non-modified metati- attached near the middle of metatarsomere bial apical spur in males and structure of 4 (Figs 11–12). aedeagus. The eye outline of M. nikitskyi sp. Aedeagus (Figs 31–32) weakly sclero- nov. is unique among Palaearctic members tized. Phallobase spoon-shaped, rounded of Microrhagus, but similar to that in species at base. Remaining part of aedeagus gradu- of Entomophthalmus Bonvouloir, 1871 and ally widening three-fourths of its length to- Brevisegmentus Otto, 2016. However, the wards apex. Penis slightly concave apically. members of these two genera differ from the Endophallus membranous, with numerous new species by the antennae with anten- denticles and with very long, sclerotized nomere 3 more or less reduced and shorter apical spicula. Ventral plate apically en- than antennomere 4, and additionally, the larged, bilobed; each lobe apically rounded, monobasic Brevisementus also differs in the bearing numerous setae. sex comb along the entire length of the pro- Differential diagnosis. Microrhagus ni- tarsomere 1 in males. kitskyi sp. nov. should be attributed to the Etymology. The new species is named in genus Microrhagus on the basis of the fol- honour of its collector, the outstanding coleo- lowing characters: inner margin of eyes pterist Dr. Nikolay B. Nikitsky (Moscow). with deep pits; head without lateral keels Distribution. Russian Far East (Primor- on frons and transverse belt of microcombs skiy Territory). © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(2): 277–290 282 A.V. KOVALEV. TWO NEW SPECIES OF MICRORHAGUS Microrhagus vicarius sp. nov. groove slightly incised by projection of (Figs 2, 14–25, 33) frons bearing deep anteocular pit. Distance between inner edges of antennal insertions Holotype. Male (Fig. 2): Russia, Primors- about 0.7 times as long as distance from kiy Terr., “okr. Ussuriyska, Kamenushka, N. Ni- inner edge of antennal insertion to inner kitsky, 3.VII.1989” [printed, date handwritten, margin of eye. Epistomal part of epicra- in Cyrillic script; Ussuriysk env., Kamenushka, nium subtrapezoidal, with poorly defined 3.VII.1989, N.B. Nikitsky leg.] (ZMUM). lateral carina between antennal groove and Paratypes. Russia, Primorskiy Terr.: “Yu base of mandibles. Antennae (Fig. 15) long, Primor’e, Kamenushka bl. Ussuriysk, 21.VI. about 0.6 times as long as body length, slen- 1980, Nikitsky, Belov” [printed, in Cyrillic script; South Primorye, Kamenushka near Ussu- der, feebly serrate, with dense, moderately riysk, 21.VI.1980, N.B. Nikitsky & V.V. Belov long, light semi-erect setae. Antennomere 3 leg.], 1 male and 3 females (ZMUM); “Primor- subtrapezoidal, about twice as long as wide skiy kray, r. Cheremukhovaya, 15 km nizhe Che- and 1.25 times as long as antennomere 4, remshan, Kamennyy klyuch, 7.VIII.1986, Zhe- anteroapical angle not produced, rounded. rikhin, Gratshev leg.” [printed, in Cyrillic script; Antennomere 4 subtriangular, 1.45 times Primorskiy Territory, Cheremukhovaya river, as long as wide, with rounded anteroapical 15 km downstream of Cheremshany village, angle. Antennomeres 5–10 subtriangular Kamennyi Klyuch, 7.VIII.1986, V.V. Zherikhin with slightly produced anteroapical angles, & V.G. Gratshev leg.], 1 male (ZMUM); “Pri- gradually becoming longer and more slen- morsky Kray, Lazovsky Nature Reserve, kordon America, 17.VII.2005, K.S. Nadein lgt.” [print- der towards apex: ratio length/maximum ed], 1 male (ZIN); “Primorsky Kray, Shkotovsky width of antennomere 5 about 1.4, and of Distr., Anisimovka vill. env., flight intercept antennomere 10 about 2.2. Antennomere 11 traps, 5.VII–5.VIII.2012, S.I. Alexeenko lgt.” elongate, 4.25 times as long as wide and 1.45 [printed], 1 male and 1 female (ZIN). times as long as antennomere 10. Description. Male (holotype). Body Pronotum 1.25 times as wide as long elongate, convex, widest before poste- at midline and 1.2 times as wide as head, rior angles of pronotum (Fig. 2). Length widest before posterior angles; lateral sides 4.55 mm, width 1.27 mm. nearly straight, subparallel, slightly arcua- Brownish-black except anterior and te and converging at apex. Surface with posterior margins of pronotum, scutellum, very dense, round, subocellate punctures; basal, lateral and sutural margins of elytra, interspaces between punctures somewhat epipleura, marginal areas of the prosternum, narrower than diameter of one puncture. mesoventrite with mesepimera, metepi- Anterior pronotal margin with convex, sterna, as well as margins of the metacoxal finely crenulate ridge, which is continuous plates, metaventrite and abdominal ven- with anterior lateral carina. Pronotal disc trites which are light brown to brownish- convex, somewhat flattened along midline, red; antennae brown; legs light reddish- declined posteriorly, depressed at sides to- brown, with femora slightly darkened and wards posterior angles and base. Base of tarsi lighter. Dorsum moderately shining, pronotum before antescutellar lobe dis- with short, fine, recumbent yellowish pu- tinctly elevated medially. Posterior angles bescence. Venter densely punctate and co- slightly divergent, with nearly straight dor- vered with fine yellowish pubescence. sal carinae. Anterior lateral carina (Fig. 17) Head (Fig. 14) large, frons slightly short, about one-fifth as long as pronotum convex. Surface with dense, subocellate along the middle. Posterior lateral carina punctures; interspaces between punctures long, not extending to anterior margin. somewhat narrower than diameter of one Scutellum nearly flattened, subtriangu- puncture. Eyes large, convex and promi- lar and apically rounded, surface sparsely nent; inner margin of eye over antennal punctate. © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(2): 277–290 A.V. KOVALEV. TWO NEW SPECIES OF MICRORHAGUS 283 Figs 14–25. Microrhagus vicarius sp. nov. 14, head, frontal view; 15, male antenna; 16, female an- tenna; 17, prothorax, lateral view; 18, right metepisternum; 19, right metacoxal femoral plate and metafemur; 20, male protarsomere 1, lateral view; 21, male metatibial apical spur; 22, metatarsus, lateral view; 23, ditto, dorsal view; 24, apex of male last abdominal ventrite; 25, apex of female last abdominal ventrite. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. Elytra elongate, about 2.6 times as long well defined basal ridge. Internal part of as wide combined and 3.45 times as long as prohypomeron strongly impressed, form- pronotum, widest at base, gradually nar- ing antennal groove, completely separated rowing to conjointly rounded apices. Punc- from external part by sharp carina, which tation mostly irregular, denser at base and is continuous with basal ridge. Antennal moderately dense elsewhere; punctures groove subparallel-sided, distinctly nar- somewhat larger than those on pronotum, rower than external part of prohypome- separated by about 0.5–2.0 diameters of one ron between posterior lateral carina of puncture. Elytral striae weakly impressed, prothorax and outer carina of antennal except sutural striae; becoming deeper groove, rather deep and nearly smooth. In- and wider apically, with large hole-like ternobasal angle of the prohypomeron near punctures near the elytral apex. Epipleura procoxal cavity with elongate subtriangu- strongly narrowed posteriorly. lar anterior prohypomeral pit, separated Prosternum convex, notosternal su- by ridge externally from antennal groove, tures well-expressed in posterior half of delimited posteriorly and vaguely defined prothorax. Prosternal process from lateral internally. Posterior prohypomeral pit very view as in Fig. 17. Prohypomeron distinct- large, deep, sub-circular with projection ly separated from profemoral cavity by a on upper wall. Metepisterna (Fig. 18) nar- © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(2): 277–290 284 A.V. KOVALEV. TWO NEW SPECIES OF MICRORHAGUS row, subparallel, slightly widened poste- Body length range 4.30–4.90 mm in riorly. Metacoxal femoral plates (Fig. 19) male paratypes and 4.60–5.85 mm in fe- distinctly lengthened mesally, its posterior male paratypes. General colouration varies margin distinctly emarginate near coxa- greatly from dark brown to brownish-black, trochanter joint. Abdomen evenly convex, with lighter margins of sclerites among all last abdominal ventrite obtusely subangu- examined paratypes of both sexes. lar apically (Fig. 24). Differential diagnosis. Microrhagus vi- Legs short and slender. Protarsomere carius sp. nov. as the previous new species 1 (Fig. 20) distinctly produced ventroapi- should be attributed to the genus Microrha- cally, bearing sex comb consisting of 4–5 gus on the basis of the following characters: small light spines. Metafemora (Fig. 19) presence of deep pits on inner margin of somewhat apically widened and subparallel. eyes; absence of lateral keels on frons and Metatibial apical spur (Fig. 21) distinctly transverse belt of microcombs on vertex; curved. Metatarsomere 1 long, distinctly elongate antennomere 3; divided lateral pro- longer than metetarsomeres 2–5 combined. notal carinae; internal part of prohypomera Metatarsomere 4 much wider than preced- with well-developed antennal grooves, ing segment, apically widened, dorsally ex- completely separated by keel externally; cavated and ventrally lobed. Metatarsomere internal and posterior sides of anterior pro- 5 attached before the middle of metatarso- hypomeral pit not defined by ridges; meso- mere 4, about as long as metatarsomeres 3 and metatarsomeres 4 widened apically and and 4 combined (Fig. 22–23). dorsally excavated, wider than preceding Aedeagus (Fig. 33) weakly sclerotized. tarsomere; metacoxal plates lengthened Phallobase large, rounded at base. Remain- mesally; protarsomere 1 in males with apical ing part of aedeagus distinctly widened api- sex comb of spines; and aedeagus with well- cally. Penis slightly concave apically, with developed ventral plate. The widely sepa- narrow apical bordered edge. Endophallus rated antennal insertions, slightly notched membranous, covered with microscopic inner margins of the eyes, feebly serrate an- denticles, with long apical spicula. Ventral tennae, pronotum with short anterior and plate large, transverse, membranous, blad- long posterior lateral carinae, as well as the der-like, apically with numerous setiferous curved metatibial apical spur in males and tubercles. specific structure of the aedeagus of M. vi- Female (paratypes). Antennae (Fig. 16) carius sp. nov. are very similar to those in rather short, about as long as half of the the European M. pyrenaeus Bonvouloir, body length, feebly serrate. Antennomere 1872. The new species differs from the lat- 3 subtrapezoidal, with widely rounded an- ter in the longer meso- and metatarsomere teroapical angle, about twice as long as wide 1 (Fig. 22), elevated pronotal base in front and about 1.65 times as long as antenno- of the antescutellar lobe, longer posterior mere 4. Antennomere 4 about 1.3 times as lateral carina of pronotum (Fig. 17), denser long as wide, with rounded anteroapical an- punctation on the head and pronotum, and gle. Antennomeres 5 to 10 gradually becom- also in the less parallel-sided aedeagus with ing longer and more slender towards apex the narrow apical bordered edge of penis (ratio length/maximum width of antenno- (Fig. 33). The largely disrupted ranges of mere 5 about 1.4; of antennomere 10 about these taxa also can be used as an evidence 1.9), with more or less rounded anteroapical of their specific status. The new species also angles. Antennomere 11 elongate, about 3.5 resembles externally the two Palaearctic times as long as wide and 1.45 times as long species of the genus Dirrhagofarsus, D. at- as antennomere 10. Last abdominal ventrite tenuatus (Mäklin, 1845) and D. modestus as in Fig. 25. Protarsomere 1 simple. Meta- (Fleutiaux, 1923), by the general coloura- tibial apical spur fine and straight. tion, widely separated antennal insertions, © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(2): 277–290 A.V. KOVALEV. TWO NEW SPECIES OF MICRORHAGUS 285 feebly serrate antennae and lateral pronotal tiaux [printed]” (MNHN). Additional material. carinae similarly disposed, but differs from Germany, “Dirhagus pyrenaeus Bonv. heydeni them in the absence of lateral frontal keels Krtz. Frankfurt”, “795/17”, 1 female (HNHM); “Frankfurt a[m]. M[ain]. pyrenaeus? v[on]. Hey- and transverse belt of microcombs on the den”, “Dirrhagus pyrenaeus Bonv. Coll. Reitter”, vertex, and in having more transverse pro- 1 female (HNHM); Croatia,“Budinščina”, 1 fe- thorax, shorter metacoxal femoral plates, male (HNHM). subparallel metafemora, narrowly rounded Remarks. Microrhagus pyrenaeus was apex of the last visible abdominal ventrite, described from five specimens from “Pau” well-developed sex comb on the protarso- (Bonvouloir, 1872), however, only two syn- mere 1 and modified metatibial apical spur types were found in MNHN, one of which is in males, and particularly in the aedeagus designated here as a lectotype. This species is with large membranous ventral plate. extremely similar to M. vicarius sp. nov., but Etymology. The species name is a Latin differs from the latter species in the follow- adjective meaning “replacing” or “substitut- ing distinctive characters: meso- and meta- ing”. tarsomere 1 moderately long, metatarso- Distribution. Russian Far East (Primor- mere 1 about as long as metatarsomeres 2–5 skiy Territory). combined (Fig. 29); pronotal base in front of the antescutellar lobe subflattened, without Microrhagus pyrenaeus Bonvouloir, 1872 longitudinal elevation; posterior lateral ca- (Figs 3, 26–30, 34) rina of pronotum (Fig. 27) far not reaching anterior margin of pronotum; punctation on Material examined. Lectotype (here desig- nated) (Fig. 3), male, with labels “Pau Dela- the head and pronotum dense, interspaces rouzeé” [handwritten], “Muséum Paris 1952 between punctures on pronotal disc about as coll. R. Oberthür ex coll. de Bonvouloir” [print- large as diameter of one puncture; aedeagus ed], “Microrhagus pyrenaeus Pau” [handwrit- nearly parallel-sided, with apical bordered ten, large box label with black frame] (MNHN). edge of the penis larger than that in M. vi- Paralectotype, male: “Microrhagus pyrenaeus. carius sp. nov. (Fig. 34). Pau Delarouzeé” [handwritten], “le Heydeni Kr. cette même ex. typ. A.F.” [handwritten by Distribution. This rare species is dis- Fauvel], “Fairmaire” [handwritten], “Muséum tributed in Central and South Europe and Paris Collection Léon Fairmaire 1906” [print- currently known from France (Bonvouloir, ed], “Bonvouloir det. sec. [handwritten] Fleu- 1872; Brustel & Van Meer, 2008; Chambord Figs 26–30. Microrhagus pyrenaeus. 26, male antenna; 27, prothorax, lateral view; 28, male protarso- mere 1; 29, metatarsus, lateral view; 30, apex of male last abdominal ventrite. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(2): 277–290 286 A.V. KOVALEV. TWO NEW SPECIES OF MICRORHAGUS Figs 31–34. Microrhagus. 31, 32, M. nikitskyi sp. nov.; 33, M. vicarius sp. nov.; 34, M. pyrenaeus. Aede agus, dorsal view (31, 33, 34), apex of aedeagus, ventral view (32). Scale bar: 0.2 mm. et al. 2009), Switzerland (Chittaro & Blanc, Dark reddish-brown, anterior prono- 2012), Germany (Heyden, 1889; Reitter, tal margin somewhat lighter; antennae 1921), Czech Republic (Vávra et al., 2014), reddish-brown; legs yellowish-brown, with Poland (Hilszczański et al., 2015), Italy tarsi lighter. Head, pronotum and elytra (De Zan et al., 2014), Croatia (first record), moderately shining. Entire body with short, Greece (Mertlik et al., 2009), and Bulgaria fine, recumbent, yellowish pubescence. (Burakowski, 1991). Venter densely punctate. Head (Fig. 35) large, frons slightly con- vex, slightly flattened above antennal inser- Genus Clypeorhagus Olexa, 1975 tions. Punctation very dense; interspaces Clypeorhagus elongatus (Fleutiaux, between punctures very narrow, about half 1923), comb. nov. as great as diameter of one puncture. Eyes (Figs 4, 35–42) moderately large, weakly convex and barely prominent; inner margin of eye distinctly Balistica elongata Fleutiaux, 1923: 314. concave. Distance between inner edges of Material examined. Holotype, female (Fig. antennal insertions about 0.4 times as long 4), glued to a paper card with corresponding la- as distance from inner edge of antennal bels: “17.8.81” [handwritten on the same card on insertion to inner margin of eye. Episto- which the specimen is glued], “Nikko. 10.VIII.– mal part of epicranium subtriangular, with 18.VIII.81” [printed], “Japan. G. Lewis. 1910– poorly defined lateral carina between an- 320.” [printed, white label with yellow stripe], tennal groove and base of mandibles, its api- “Type” [printed, circular label with red margin], cal margin convex and subtruncate at mid- “Balistica elongata Fleut. Type. [handwritten] Fleutiaux det. [printed]”, “BMNH(E) 1236826” dle. Antennae (Fig. 36) rather short, about [printed] (BMNH). as long as half of body length, scarcely ser- Redescription. Female (holotype). Body rate, with light moderately short semierect elongate, convex, somewhat tapering poste- and semirecumbent setae. Antennomere 3 riorly, widest between pronotal hind angles subcylindrical, about twice as long as wide (Fig. 4). Length 3.50 mm, width 1.07 mm. and about 1.6 times as long as antennomere © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(2): 277–290

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