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Two New Species Of Macrobiotidae (Tardigrada : Eutardigrada) From The United States Of America, And Some Taxonomic Considerations Of The Genus Murrayon PDF

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Preview Two New Species Of Macrobiotidae (Tardigrada : Eutardigrada) From The United States Of America, And Some Taxonomic Considerations Of The Genus Murrayon

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON lll(3):663-673. 1998. Two new species of Macrobiotidae (Tardigrada: Eutardigrada) from the United States of America, and some taxonomic considerations of the genus Murrayon Roberto Guidetti Department of Animal Biology, University of Modena, Italy — Abstract. Two new species of eutardigrades, Macrobiotus nelsonae and Murrayon stellatus, collected in Tennessee, U.S.A., are described. Macrobiotus hibemicus and Macrobiotus dianeae, related to M. stellatus, are re-examined and ascribed to the genus Murrayon on the basis of the claw type and the presence of a ventral hook on the strengthening bar. A dichotomous key to the genus Murrayon is proposed. Thulin (1928), Marcus (1936) and Ra- Rebecchi (1993), who identified several mazzotti (1962), in their systematic mono- new species within this group with so- graphs on tardigrades, included all eutardi- called high intra-specific variability. Within grades (except Milnesium) in the family the genus Macrobiotus, natural groups of Macrobiotidae and all those with so-called species sharing similar morphology of the 'symmetric' claws, i.e., with respect the animals and/or of spermatozoa and eggs median plane of the leg, in the genus Ma- were identified, which led to the hypothesis crobiotus. Pilato (1969a, 1969b) proposed of further possibilities of subdivision at the & to separate the eutardigrades in different genus or subgenus level (Guidi Rebecchi families on the basis of the claw structure, 1996). ascribing to Macrobiotidae only the genera Tardigrades from new material collected characterized by 'symmetric' claws, i.e., in Tennessee (U.S.A.) and comparisons Macrobiotus and Pseudodiphascon (the lat- with known related species have expanded ter erected as a subgenus by Ramazzotti in our knowledge of the systematics of Ma- 1965). The status of this family remained crobiotidae, one of the larger and more almost unchanged until the 1980s, when complex families of eutardigrades, leading new taxonomic characters, related to the to the erection of two new species and the redesignation of two other species. bucco-pharyngeal apparatus and to the claws, were considered for the identifica- Methods tion of the genera (Schuster et al. 1980, & Bertolani 1981, Pilato 1981, Bertolani Specimens from44 samples ofbeechleaf Kristensen 1987). Today 11 genera are litter (Fagus grandifolia Ehrb.) collected in placed in the Macrobiotidae. Moreover, the fall 1995, winter 1995-1996, and spring number of known species has been in- 1996 on Roan Mountain (Southern Appa- creased remarkably due to a more in-depth lachians, Carter County, Tennessee, U.S.A.) analysis and the use of a greater number of at different altitudes (1200 m, 1500 m and characters. Within the genus Macrobiotus, 1650 m asl) were examined. Tardigrades for example, is the so-called 'hufelandV and their eggs were preserved for SEM ex- group studied by light microscopy and aminations or directly mounted in polyvi- scanning electron microscopy (SEM) by nyl-lactophenol or in Hoyer's medium, or Biserov (1990a, 1990b) and by Bertolani & stained with acetic carmine and subsequent- 664 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — ly mounted in Faure-Berlese's mounting Holotype. Adult male 786.1 (xm in medium for the light microscopy (LM) ob- length, collected in January 1996, mounted servations. Light microscopy observations in polyvinyl-lactophenol, slide labeled as were done with phase contrast and differ- 5N05a-S10 (Fig.—lA). ential interference contrast (DIC) under oil Type locality. Roan Mountain (Carter immersion (lOOX). The specimensprepared County, Tennessee) on the north-facing for SEM were fixed in absolute ethanol, slope at elevations between 1200 and 1650 m critical point dried in liquid CO2 and sput- asl, in leaf—litter from beech trees. ter-coated with gold-palladium. All the Diagnosis. Animals of large size. specimens were examined using a Philips Smooth cuticle with pores. Eye-spots ante- SEM 500 at the 'Centro Interdipartimentale rior. Wide buccal tube; evident buccal ar- Grandi Strumenti' ofthe University ofMo- mature, with two consistent bands of teeth dena. and with transverse crests. Two rod-shaped As comparison material, several speci- macroplacoids and microplacoid. Claws of mens were used: Murrayonpullari (Murray the 'hufelandV type, with lunulae. Eggs laid 1907) from Monte Rondinaio, Emilia Ro- freely, with big conical reticulated process- magna, Italy (from Bertolani's collection); es inserted onto an areolate surface. — Murrayon hastatus (Murray 1907) from Description. Length from 196.0 up to Angerfjrden, Sweden (from Kristensen's 925.4 |jLm. Colorless, although the largest collection); Macrobiotus hibernicus Murray animals may have a pink coloration. Eye- 1911 from Valtellina, Lombardia, Italy spots in anterior position. Smooth cuticle, (from Pilato's collection), from Valico of with oval cuticular pores not uniform in Gran San Bernardo, Valle d'Aosta, Italy, size and irregularly distributed, much more from Val Piantonetto, Piemonte, Italy (both visible in the anterior and posterior part of from Maucci's collection; the latter pre- the animal. In some animals a uniform and sented to him by C. Robotti) and from God- fine punctuation on the dorsal cuticle is vis- havn, Greenland (from Kristensen's collec- ible, much more identifiable in recentlypre- tion); Macrobiotus dianeae Kristensen pared specimens (Fig. 2). Ten evident per- 1982 from Unartog, Greenland (paratypes ibuccal lamellae. Buccal armature charac- from Kristensen's collection), from Monte terized by an anterior band of small teeth Rondinaio, Emilia Romagna, Italy (from (mucrones), followed by a large posterior Bertolani's collection); a paratype and an band of larger teeth, whose dimensions in- egg of Macrobiotus aviglianae Robotti crease caudally (Figs. IC, D). Three trans- 1970, and the holotype and an egg of Ma- verse crests, the dorsal ones longer than the crobiotus pallarii Maucci 1954 (both from ventral; in some animals the median ventral Maucci's collection). crest is subdivided in two or seldom into more segments of variable length. Wide Macrobiotus nelsonae, new species buccal tube. Rounded pharyngeal bulb (ra- (Figs. 1-5, Table 1) tio length/width 1.1-1.3:1) with large apophyses, two rod-shaped macroplacoids — Etymology. The species is dedicated to and an evident microplacoid. First macro- Dr. Diane R. Nelson, professor at East Ten- placoid the longest, with an evident nar- nessee State University, whose hospitality rowed midportion, the second with a sub- and help allo—wed this work. terminal constriction (Fig. IB). Massive Paratypes. 566 paratypes and 322 eggs claws, of 'hufelandV type (Y-shaped; Figs. mounted in polyvinyl-lactophenol, Hoyer's IE, F), the claws ofthe front legs the small- medium and Faure-Berlese (permanent est and those of the hind legs the largest. slides), 3 paratypes and 3 eggs on stubs for Main branch of the outer claw slightly lon- SEM observation. ger than that of the inner one, both bearing VOLUME NUMBER 111, 3 665 Fig. 1. Holotype ofMacrobiotus nelsonae sp. n. A, Habitus (ventral view); B, Bucco-pharyngeal apparatus (frontal view); C, Buccal armature (ventral view); D, Buccal armature (dorsal view); E, Claws ofthe frontlegs; F, Claws ofthe hind legs; G, Egg. H, Particular ofthe egg. Scale bars, 100 ixm for A; 20 |xm for B, G; 10 ixm for C, D, E, E H. 666 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON f Ig Figs. 2—5. Macrobiotus nelsonae sp. n. 2, Dorsal cuticle with pores (arrow) and fine punctuation (DIC); 3, Egg in toto (SEM); 4, Particular ofthe egg (Phase contrast); 5, Particularofthe egg (SEM). Scale bars, 10 (xm for Figs. 2, 4, 5; 20 ixm for Fig. 3. evident accessory points. Small lunulae at claws, and with teeth of irregular dimen- the base of the claws of the first three pairs sions in the largest animals. Three animals oflegs. Lunulae surrounded by fine teeth in with modified claws on only one side ofthe the largest animals. Lunulae of the hind hind legs. Two of them show a supernu- claws large, even larger on the posterior merary spur (on the anterior claw in one VOLUME NUMBER 111, 3 667 — Table 1. Measurementsandptindexoftheholotype* (786.1 |jLminlength)andnineparatypesofM. nelsonae sp. n. al btl btd ssi prl Tpl 2°pl ecir icir ecl3° icl3° pcl4° acl4° |i,m embryo 42.6 5.9 34.7 16.8 9.9 5.0 pt 13.8 81.5 39.4 23.2 13.8 fjim 230.0 33.7 5.0 27.7 14.9 7.9 5.9 7.9 6.9 8.9 7.9 9.9 8.9 pt 14.8 82.2 44.2 23.4 17.5 23.4 20.5 26.4 23.4 29.4 26.4 |xm 258.7 34.0 4.0 27.0 16.8 8.9 5.9 8.9 7.9 8.9 7.9 9.9 8.9 pt 11.8 79.4 49.4 26.2 17.4 26.2 23.2 26.2 23.2 29.1 26.2 (xm 437.8 46.5 6.9 37.6 26.7 14.9 10.9 10.9 9.9 11.9 9.9 12.9 11.9 pt 14.8 80.9 57.4 32.0 23.4 23.4 21.3 25.6 21.3 27.7 25.6 |jLm 587.1 61.4 10.9 51.5 38.6 21.8 13.9 12.9 11.9 14.9 11.9 16.8 14.9 pt 17.8 83.9 62.9 35.5 22.6 21.0 19.4 24.3 19.4 27.4 24.3 |xm 626.9 57.4 10.9 48.5 36.6 21.8 12.9 12.9 11.9 15.8 12.9 17.8 16.8 pt 19.0 84.5 63.8 38.0 22.5 22.5 20.7 27.5 22.5 31.0 29.3 |jLm 786.1* 69.3 13.9 58.4 49.5 29.7 16.8 14.9 13.9 17.8 15.8 20.8 16.8 pt 20.1 84.3 71.4 42.9 24.2 21.5 20.1 25.7 22.8 30.0 24.2 |xm 786.6 69.3 15.8 57.4 50.5 29.7 18.8 17.8 15.8 18.8 17.8 21.8 18.8 pt 22.8 82.8 69.3 42.9 27.1 25.7 22.8 27.1 25.7 31.5 27.1 |jLm 815.9 76.2 15.8 63.4 53.5 32.7 18.8 16.8 15.8 16.8 15.8 19.8 18.8 pt 20.7 83.2 70.2 42.9 24.7 22 20.7 22 20.7 26 24.7 |xm 925.4 77.2 14.9 64.4 54.5 31.7 20.8 17.8 15.8 18.8 16.8 19.8 19.8 pt 19.3 83.4 70.6 41.1 26.9 23.1 20.5 24.6 21.8 25.6 25.6 al = animal length; btl = buccal tube length; btd = inner diameter ofthe buccal tube; ssi = stylet supports insertion level on the buccal tube; prl = macroplacoids row length; l°pl = first macroplacoid length; 2°pl = second macroplacoid length; eel = external claw length; icl = internal claw length (1° = front leg, 3° = second or third pair oflegs); pel = posteriorclaw length; acl = anterior claw length (4°= hind legs). case, in the posterior one in another one); pear annulated (Fig. 5). Top ofthe process- another one has a third branch on a poste- es rounded and usually without reticulation rior claw. but with a fine annulation, sometimes light- Measurements andpt indices (percentage ly notched. Each process is separated from ratio between the length of the considered the others by a double series of 11-12 po- structure and the length of the buccal tube; lygonal areolations (5—6 |xm in diameter) Pilato 1981) ofthe holotype and nine para- inside which no sculpture is visible (Figs. types are reported in Table 1. 4,5). — Midgut of the largest animals containing Remarks. Comparisons with the type mastax ofrotifers and sclerified parts ofthe material of Macrobiotus pallarii and Ma- bucco-pharyngeal apparatus of eutardi- crobiotus aviglianae confirmed the synon- grades. ymy between these two species as pointed In the testis of male specimens stained out by Pilato & Binda (1977), and indicated with acetic carmine, spermatozoa with a the close relationship between Macrobiotus particularly elongated and coiled head are nelsonae and M. pallarii. In M. nelsonae visible. the average size ofthe animals is decidedly Large eggs (diameter from 84.7 to 129.5 larger, there is a more evidentmicroplacoid, |jLm withoutprocesses; Figs. IG, 3). Conical a more complex buccal armature with a processes (height from 20.8 to 31.7 |xm, di- larger posterior band of teeth, a wider buc- ameter of the base from 20.0 to 34.7 |jim) cal tube, larger claws and a more posterior showing a reticular pattern with meshes of insertion ofthe stylet supports on the buccal very irregular, variable shape and size tube. The most evident difference between (Figs. IH, 4, 5). By SEM their surfaces ap- M. nelsonae and M. pallarii is in the eggs. 668 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON The processes are more than twenty per objective) ofstar-like dots are also very vis- hemisphere in M. pallarii (checked on type ible (Figs. 6A, 7). They run through each material) and always less than fifteen in M. side of the body and join anteriorly at the nelsonae; they are also much longer. The front of the animal and posteriorly just in areolations at the base of the processes are front of the hind legs. The stars seem finer fewer in number in M. pallarii (8-9 instead and closer together on the front of the ani- of 11-12 in M. nelsonae) and never in a mal and in sections above each leg, where double series. In M. nelsonae the pt index they cover the basal portion of the dorsal seems to change with the size ofthe animal. surface (Fig. 7). Peribuccal lamellae evi- Comparative studies on other species may dent. In these specimens the components of provide further informations. the buccal armature are not identifiable. — Repositories. Holotype, 88 paratypes Stylet supports inserted on the buccal tube and 54 eggs are in R. Bertolani's collection at about two-thirds of its length. Shape of in the Department ofAnimal Biology at the the strengthening bar characteristic of the University of Modena; 473 paratypes and genus, with a showy ventral hook. Buccal about 260 eggs in D. R. Nelson's collection tube relatively large. Pharyngealbulbround in the Department ofBiological Sciences of (ratio length/width 1.1-1.2:1), containing East Tennessee State University; 5 para- large apophyses and three slender rod- types and 6 eggs are in the National Mu- shaped macroplacoids (Fig. 6B). The first is seum of Natural History, Smithsonian In- the longest; the second, very close to the stitution of Washington, D.C. first, the shortest; the third shows an evident subterminal constriction. Legs long. Claws Murrayon stellatus, new species small, of 'pullarV type (V-shaped and with a peduncle, quadrate in lateral view; Figs. (Figs. 6-8, Table 2) — 6C, D), larger on the hind legs. Main Etymology. From stellatus (Latin), branch of the claws with evident accessory meaning "starry," for the star-like dots on points. Small smooth lunulae at the base of the cuticle of—the animals. each claw. Paratypes. 6 paratypes mounted in Measurements and pt indices of the ho- polyvinyl-lactophenol and Hoyer's medium lotype and two paratypes, compared with and 1 egg mounted in polyvinyl-lactophen- two paratypes of Macrobiotus dianeae and ol. — two specimens of Macrobiotus hibemicus Holotype. Length 234.1 ixm, collected (coll. Kristensen), are reported in Table 2. in January 1996 and mounted in Hoyer's A small broken egg was found at the type medium, slide la—belled as 5N08b-S12. locality and attributed to this species be- Type locality. Roan Mountain (Carter cause of its similarity with that of the re- County, Tennessee, U.S.A.), on the north- lated species M. dianeae andM. hibemicus. facing slope at elevations of 1500 m asl in The egg has rod-shaped processes of 3-4 leaf litter fro—m beech trees. |xm in height with a large base and a small- Diagnosis. Cuticle punctated, with ev- er head shaped like that of a nail (Fig. 6E). ident dorsolateral bands of relatively large The processes look often curved. Somepro- star-like dots. Three rod-shaped macropla- cesses have a short thin spine on their coids, microplacoid absent. Eggs laid free- heads. At some points a hyaline matrix cov- ly, with small r—od-shaped processes. ering the processes is visible. The processes Description. From 162.1 to 234.1 jxm are aligned to include wide polygonal areas, in length, colorless, without eye-spots. En- sometimes incomplete. The surfaces of tire cuticle has a fine punctuation; more- these areas —seem smooth. over, two dorsolateral bands (width about Remarks. Murrayon stellatus is similar 10 |xm and visible at low magnification, 5X toMacrobiotus dianeae and toMacrobiotus VOLUME NUMBER 111, 3 669 Fig. 6. Holotype of Murrayon stellatus sp. n. A, Habitus (lateral view); B, Bucco-pharyngeal apparatus (lateral view); C, Claws ofthe third pair oflegs; D, Claws ofthe hind legs; E, Egg detail. Note in B the hook on the ventral tube (arrow) and in C and D the quadrate peduncle at the bases of the claws (asterisks). Scale bars, 20 iJim for A; 10 |xm forB, E; 5 |xm for C, D. J 670 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — Table2. Measurements andptindexoftheholotype* (234.1 |xminlength) andtwoparatypesofM. stellatus sp. n., two specimens ofM. hibernicus and two paratypes ofM. dianeae. prl rpi 2°pl 3°pl pcl4° acl4° M. stellatus sp. n. — — |jLm 214.1 29.7 4.0 20.8 12.9 5.0 3.0 4.0 — — 5.9 5.9 6.9 6.9 pt 13.5 70.0 4—3.4 1—6.8 1—0.1 1—3.5 19.9 19.9 23.2 23.2 |jLm 219.1 27.7 4.0 20.8 — — — — 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 6.9 6.9 pt 14.4 75.1 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 24.9 24.9 |xm 234.1* 29.7 3.0 20.8 13.9 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 6.9 6.9 pt 10.1 70.0 46.8 16.8 10.1 13.5 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 23.2 23.2 M. hibernicus , (xm 204.0 23.8 2.0 15.8 10.9 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 pt 8.4 66.4 45.8 16.8 12.6 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 jjum 239.0 25.7 2.0 18.8 11.9 4.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 pt 7.8 73.2 46.3 15.6 11.7 15.6 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 M. dianeae — — |xm 204.0 24.8 2.0 16.8 11.9 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 — — pt 8.1 67.7 48.0 16.1 12.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 jjim 259.0 31.7 3.0 23.8 14.9 5.0 3.0 5.0 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 pt 9.5 75.1 47.0 15. ).5 15.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 al = animal length; btl = buccal tube length; btd = inner diameter ofthe buccal tube; ssi = stylet supports insertion level on the buccal tube; prl = macroplacoid row length; l°pl = first macroplacoid length; 2°pl = second macroplacoid length; 3°pl = third macroplacoid; eel = external claw length; icl = internal claw length (1° = front leg, 3° = second or third pair of legs); pel = posterior claw length; acl = anterior claw length (4° = hind legs). hibernicus. The original description of M. ticular sculpture described by Cuenot is hibernicus was based on an animal artifi- present in specimens ofM. hibernicus from cially extracted from the egg (Murray Val Piantonetto, Piemonte, Italy, in Mauc- 1911). Murray described three macropla- ci's collection and from Godhavn, Green- coids of similar size, twice as long as wide, land, in Kristensen's collection. With light and a microplacoid, but he did not cite any microscopy M. stellatus, M. hibernicus, and cuticular sculpture. This structure was re- M. dianeae show a similar type of cuticle. ported by Cuenot (1932), who described a The cuticle of M. dianeae was studied by punctated band of very fine grains that TEM and defined as a '"heterotardigrade forms a connecting band or bridge on the type', with a mucous layer, outer laminary dorsal surface (at a level corresponding to layer, epicuticle separated in two layers by the pharyngeal bulb) and that continues means of pillars (rods), inner trilaminary down on the sides of the animal, running layer and procuticle" (Kristensen 1982). longitudinally to the caudal extremity. Moreover, these species have very similar Cuenot added that the second macroplacoid claws and bucco-pharyngeal apparati (see is a little shorter than the first one and in following sections: further systematic re- contact with it, the third is the longest, and sults and discussion). Murrayon stellatus the microplacoid is present, but can also be differs from M. dianeae in having a more absent. The attribution of the Cuenot's ma- evident cuticular sculpture, very visible terial to M. hibernicus is not certain, but even with low magnification, in having a very probable because of the considerable clearly rounded bulb and in having the first similarity ofthe eggs with that describedby macroplacoid longer than the other two. Murray (1911). The same aspect of the cu- Moreover the claws of M. dianeae are de- VOLUME NUMBER 111, 3 671 Figs. 7-8. Murrayon stellatus sp. n. 7, Sculpture of the dorsolateral cuticle (DIC); 8, Cuticle with pillars (arrow; DIC). Scale bars, 1 |xm. cidedly smaller in animals ofsimilarlength. Biological Sciences at East Tennessee State M. stellatus differs from M. hibernicus in University; a paratype is in the National the type of the punctation of the cuticle, Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian which inM. hibernicus is hardly visible and Institution of Washington, D.C. only at high magnification (although dor- solateral bands are present in some ob- served specimens but clearly less evident Further Systematic Results than in M. stellatus), in having a largerbuc- Light microscopy observations on spec- cal tube and the hind claws longer than the imens of Macrobiotus hibernicus and Ma- first three pairs. Also the egg is very similar to those of M. hibernicus and M. dianeae, crobiotus dianeae revealed that these two but it differs from both in that the heads of species are characterized by claws of the the processes are smaller in diameter and 'pullarV type, i.e., V-shaped with the two also short spines are present on the pro- branches that diverge from one another at cesses ofM. stellatus but absent in M. hib- the base, forming an acute angle, and with ernicus and longer and very visible in M. the typical quadrate peduncle at the base dianeae. (Bertolani & Pilato 1988). Both also have — Repositories. Holotype, 4 paratypes and an evident hook on the ventral margin of an egg are in R. Bertolani's collection in the the strengthening bar of the buccal tube. Department of Animal Biology at the Uni- A personal communication from R. M. versity ofModena, 2 paratypes are in D. R. Kristensen on the presence of pillars in the Nelson's collection in the Department of cuticle of Murrayon hastatus suggests the 672 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON need for further investigations on the cuti- - Dorsolateral bands of dots barely evi- cle of the genus. dent, egg processes without any spine M. hibemicus Discussion 4. Long thin macroplacoids, the first with a deep constriction, the second with an ev- The morphological observations onMur- ident subterminal narrowing, egg with rayon pullari, Murrayon hastatus, Macro- large processes coveredby ahyalinema- biotus hibemicus and Macrobiotus dianeae trix M. hastatus - Short wide macroplacoids 5 allow reanalysis of the systematic position of some of these species and the opportu- 5. First macroplacoid with a slight median constriction, smooth egg M. ovoglabellus nity to define the characteristics of the ge- - First macroplacoid very .co.nstricted in nus Murrayon. Based on the observations the middle; eggs with processes separat- of abundant material ofM. dianeae (where ed from one to another and inserted on claws were very visible in profile), this spe- a smooth shell 6 cies had claws ofthe "pullarV type, and not 6. Eggs with small, rigid, conical tubercles, of the 'hufelandV type with a short basal with surface of the egg visible M. pullari tract, as reported by Bertolani & Pilato - Eggs with long conical and bent pro- (1988). cesses with aspect of large aculeus .... The presence of 'pullari' type claws and M. nocentiniae of a ventral hook on the strengthening bar are evidence that M. hibemicus and M. di- Acknowledgements aneae should be transferred to the genus Murrayon. The genus Murrayon is there- I would like to thank L. Rebecchi (Uni- fore composed of the following 7 species: versity of Modena, Italy) for giving me her M. pullari (type species), M. hastatus, Mur- suggestions; R. M. Kristensen (University rayon hibemicus comb, n., Murrayon no- of Copenhagen, Denmark) for his sugges- centiniae (Ramazzotti 1961), Murrayon di- tions; R. M. Kristensen and G. Pilato (Uni- aneae comb, n., Murrayon ovoglabellus versity of Catania, Italy) for sending me (Biserov 1988) and Murrayon stellatus. samples; C. Morlini and D. Giannetti (Uni- The discovery of M. stellatus and the versity ofModena) for helping me with the transfer of M. hibemicus comb. n. and M. drawings; the Museum of Natural History dianeae comb. n. indicate that the genus of Verona (Italy) for giving me the oppor- Murrayon is not exclusively limnic, as it tunity to examine Maucci's collections. was previously considered. Special thanks to R. Bertolani (University of Modena, Italy), D. R. Nelson (East Ten- Systematic Key to the Genus Murrayon nessee State University, Johnson City, U.S.A.) and their collaborators for their 1. Cuticle superficially sculptured with help and suggestions. This study was sup- more or less evident punctation (dots) 2 — Cuticle superficially smooth, without ported by a grant from the University of punctation 4 Modena for a foreign countries fellowship 2. Cuticle uniformly and finely punctated, and by a MURST 60% grant. egg processes immersed in ahyaline ma- trix, bearing spines and delimiting po- Literature Cited lygonal areas M. dianeae - Cuticle with two dorsolateral bands of Bertolani, R. 1981. —The taxonomic position of some eutardigrades. Bollettino di Zoologia 48:197- more evident dots 3 203. 3. Dorsolateral bands of dots very evident, , & R. M. Kristensen. 1987. New records of egg processes with small heads, some Eohypsibius nadjae Kristensen, 1982, and re- bearing short spines on the top vision ofthe taxonomic position oftwo genera M. stellatus ofEutardigrada(Tardigrada). Pp. 359-372in R.

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