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Two New Species of Hillia Subg. Ravnia (Rubiaceae) from Venezuela and Mexico PDF

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Preview Two New Species of Hillia Subg. Ravnia (Rubiaceae) from Venezuela and Mexico

. NOTES TWO NEW OF SPECIES RAVNIA HILLIA SUBG. FROM (RUBIACEAE) AND VENEZUELA MEXICO mm 1-2 HllUa genus of about 24 species of 6-merous; peduncles long; bracts linear, Jacq. a is mm, x ovary succulent, usually epiphytic shrubs found through- 12 ca. 0.5 acute; cylindrical, ca. 1 cm out the moist and wet Neotropics. Subgenus Rav- long, glabrous; calyx limb green, coriaceous, mm 0-1 M. nia (Oersted) C. Taylor includes three species glabrous, divided nearly to base, tube found in Costa Rica and Panama, plus the two long, the lobes very narrowly triangular to linear, mm mm The 18-36 1.5-2 species described below. characteristics of this long, wide at base, acute; membranaceous, subgenus have been presented previously (Taylor, corolla funnelform, dull red ex- 989). Recent collections have brought to scientific ternally, yellow-green internally, glabrous through- 1 mm cm the following two undescribed species, which out, tube 3.2-5.9 long, 3-3.5 wide at light cm 6-10 are placed subg. Ravnia based on the form and base, the lobes triangular, 0.8-1 long, in mm color of their corollas, which are tubular to nar- wide at base, rounded to acutely angled, re- and stamens rowly funnelform, generally red in color, pre- flexed to revolute; partially exserted, fil- 34 mm mm 4-6 below sumably bird-pollinated. aments long, inserted ca. mm 8-9 3.4- mouth of tube, anthers long; style cm 1-2 M. Ven- 6.5 long, stigma exserted, capitate, ca. Hillia rivalis C. Taylor, sp. nov. TYPE: mm woody Amazonas: diam. Capsules cylindrical, to rather Federal Depto. ezuela. Territorio cm cm 5-6.5 0.8-1 Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca, 3°43'N, 65^30' W, papery, brown, smooth, long, cm 1-1.5 1988 diam., borne on a stipe long; seeds 1.5 1,200 m, 16 Oct. R. Liesner (fl, fr), cm mm, X 0.3-0.5 with trichomes 1.2-1.5 24900 MO; YEN). ca. (holotype, isotype, Fig- long. ure 1 m This new species was found growing on rocks Frutex subsucculentus, saxicola, glaber, ca. altus. 1 Folia peranguste elliptica, 38-100 x 5-10 mm, apice in and along rivers, a habitat that has not been mm 6-12 x basique acuta; petiolo longo; stipulis 10 13 and which em- previously reported in Hillia, is mm 3-4 mm. 1-2 pedunculo Flores 6-meri; solitarii, One was phasized in the specific epithet. site in- 18-36 peranguste longo; lobulis calycinis triangularibus, undated a few days after the specimen was collected X 1.5-2 mm; corolla infundibuliformi, externa sordide mm 32-59 comm.); presumably these pe- (R. Liesner, pers, rubra, interne luteoviridi, tubo longo, lobulis 8-10 6-10 mm; X antheris ex parte exsertis. Capsula rennial plants are adapted to such disturbance. In mm 50-65 x 8-10 mm, 10-15 cylindrica, laevis, stipite morphology, and capsule texture, H. habit, leaf longo. Mesoamerican strongly resembles the shrub rivalis Lindenia Bentham, which grows somewhat shrubs rivalis in similar Glabrous, succulent, lithophytic m bark smooth, red-brown gray-brown. These genera are apparently not closely re- to to sites. 1 tall; Leaves blades narrowly 3.8 lated, and the resemblance apparently one of isophyllous; elliptic, is convergence 10 X 0.5-1 cm, narrowly acute at apex and base, coriaceous and hard upon drying, glabrous; sec- Hillia rivalis can be distinguished by its re- ondary veins 4-5 pairs, obscure, pinnate, ascend- markably long, narrow calyx lobes, funnelform co- the 1-2 veins looping to interconnect, roUas that are red externally but yellow-green in- ing, distal narrow and thc midrib prominulous abaxially, the margins ternally, relatively leaves, riverine mm 6-12 involute; petioles long, glabrous; habitat. slightly narrowly or lanceolate, 10- 13 x The floral morphology of this species strongly stipules elliptic 3-4 mm, membrana- resembles that of several other species of Hillia acutely broadly angled, to ceous, glabrous, caducous. Flowers solitary, with funnelform green corollas and pinnate leaf 521-523. Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 78: 1991. 522 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical 24900 Fkujre {Liesner MO), 1. Ilillia rivalis habit. psammophila between former genus Ravnia and venation, notably Steyermark, tionship the //. Schumann, H. illustris (Vellozo) K. //. foldatsii lliUia. member Schumann Steyermark, and saldanhaei K. This the report of a of this //. is first The The found subgenus from South America. rather wide (Taylor, in prep.). characteristics in this and dimensions species provide further evidence of a close rela- ranges of calyx lobe, corolla, style Volume Number 2 78, Notes 523 1991 mm mm angular, 6 1,5-2 long, wide at base, rounded; corolla tubular to narrowly funnelform, carnose, red in tube, green on lobes, glabrous mm cm throughout, tube 3.8 long, 2 wide at base, mm, x the lobes triangular, 2.5 2.5 broadly round- spreading stamens ed, to reflexed; included, in- mm serted above middle of tube, anthers 4 long, mm 1-2 mouth cm held below of tube; style 4 long, stigma exserted, with two clavate branches mm 3 Capsules known. ca. long. not oaxacana Hillia can be by distinguished its tubular red corollas with green lobes and leaves its & C Figure 2. Hillia oaxacana {Garcia M. Torres with the secondary veins arising from below the all 1523 MO), habit. middle of the blade ("subpalmate"). In corollas, its oaxacana H, similar to H. longijilamentosa is M. (Steyerm.) C. Taylor of Costa Rica and Panama, are derived from measurements of apparently ma- which differs in its completely red-orange corollas ture structures all found in the same collection. and long-exserted stamens. This new species also is Comparable variation is found in other species of similar to H. saldanhaei K. Schum nn Hillia (Taylor, in prep.). a poorly known species with similarly shaped but mm 6-7 u green corollas with lobes lon^e. Similar Parat,ype. V\Tenezuela, territorio federal ^ su,bpal, mate ,leaf venation found only H, AMAZONAS: Depto. Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca, 3°38'N, is in ulei K. Krause Amazonian 65''28'W, 1,225 m, 19 Feb. 1985 (fr),/?.I/e5neri7772 of South America, which (^^)- differs in broadly funnelform green its corollas. {Hillia ulei here treated to include H. is viridiflora oaxacana & Hillia C. M. Taylor, sp. nov. TYPE: Kuhlmann Silveira, H. irwinii Steyermark, and Mexico. Oaxaca: distrito de Putla, Arroyo de H. schultesii Steyermark.) Reported here the is km San Isidro, 3 al este de Concepcion, Bue- northernmost record of a member of subg. Ravnia. & navista, 10 June 1985 A. Garcia M. Specimens (fl), of the type collection were originally MO; R. Torres 1523 C. (holotype, isotype, annotated and macrocarpa distributed as Stan- 77. MEXU). & Figure 2. dley Steyermark, which H. oaxacana keys out to in the Rubiaceae treatment for the Flora of Frutex succulentus hemiepiphyticus, glaber. Folia el- WiUia liptica, 4.2-6 x 2-2.5 cm, apice acuminata, basi cu- mm 5-8 thank Manara neata; petiolo longo. Floras solitarii, 6-meri; I R. Liesner for field data, B. for mm 2-3 pedunculo longo; lobulis calycinis lingulatis, ca. the illustration of H. rivalis, R. E. Gereau and B, mm; 6 X 1.5-2 corolla tubiformi vel aneuste infundi- r \Mjar nara < v..u Lt atx-m •^- lor assis.tance with composition, andi f u o o cm L ji buliforme, .tubo rubv.ro ca. 3.8 1longo, 1lobulIis vi- ridibus X mm; P. Berry, B. Hoist, and R. E, Gereau for critical ca. 2.5 2.5 antheris Capsula inclusis. ignota. comments. Glabrous, succulent, hemiepiphytic shrubs; bark smooth, Leaves gray. isophyllous; blades elliptic^ Literature Cited 4.2-6 X 2-2.5 cm, acuminate apex at with the & mm Standley, p. C. L. O. Williams. 1975. Flora of tip ca. 5 long, cuneate at base, subcoriaceous, — Guatemala IX Part (Rubiaceae). Fieldiana, Bot. 3-4 glabrous; secondary veins pairs, rather ob- 1-274. 24(11): scure, subpalmate, ascending, not looping to in- Taylor, C, M. 1989. Revision of ^iZ/m subg. /?afrtia terconnect, not prominulous, margins (Rubiaceae: Cinchonoideae). Selbyana 26-34. straight; /?e^ 11: mm 5-8 In prep. Revision of Hillia (Rubiaceae: Cin- ioles long, glabrous; stipules not seen. . chonioideae). mm 2-3 Flowers 6-merous; peduncles solitary, mm long; bracts absent; ovary cylindrical, ca. 3 Charlotte M. Taylor, Missouri Botanical Gar- long, glabrous; ca/j:^ limb green, membranaceous, den, P.O. Box 299, Louis, Missouri 63166- St. glabrous, divided to base, the lobes narrowly 0299, U.S.A. tri-

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