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Two new species of Haploperla navás (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) from North Carolina, U.S.A PDF

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Preview Two new species of Haploperla navás (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) from North Carolina, U.S.A

— . PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 107(4), 2005. pp. 859-863 TWO NEW SPECIES OF HAPLOPERLA NAVAS (PLECOPTERA: CHLOROPERLIDAE) FROM NORTH CAROLINA, U.S.A. B. C. KONDRATIEFF, R. F. KiRCHNER, AND DaVID LeNAT (BCK) Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State CO University, Fort Collins, 80523, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]); WV (RFK) 5960 East Pea Ridge, Ridgeview Apartment 1, Huntington. 25705, U.S.A.; (DL) 3607 Corbin Street, Raleigh, NC 27612, U.S.A. — Abstract. Two new species of stoneflies, Haploperlaparkeri Kirchner and Kondra- tieff and H.fleeki Kondratieff, Kirchner, and Lenat, are described from Haywood Co., Macon Co., and Hoke/Moore Co., North Carolina, USA, respectively. Diagnostic char- acters are given to separate these two species from the three other known eastern North American species of Haploperla. Key Words: Plecoptera, Chloroperlidae, Haploperla, new species, USA Currently, three species of the Nearctic white in alcohol. Antenna pale; head wider and eastern Palearctic genus Haploperla than pronotum, unpatterned except for three Navas are known from eastern North Amer- dark ocellar rings; abdomen lacking dark ica. The common Haploperla brevis markings. Pronotum oval, wider than long; (Banks) is widespread from Alberta to east- mesonotum and metanotum unpatterned. ern Canada south to Alabama, and north to Wings macropterous, hyaline, representa- Minnesota (Surdick 1985, Surdick 2004); tive of genus Abdomen without markings. H. chukcho (Surdick and Stark) appears re- Epiproct tablike, oval in dorsal view (Fig. stricted to an area of southwestern Missis- 1), narrow, slightly recurved in lateral view sippi (Hardy et al. 1994); and H. orpha (Fig. 2). (Frison) has been reported from North Da- Female:—Unknown. kota to northeastern Canada and United Nymph.— Unknown. States (Surdick 1985, 2004). Types. Holotype S: North Carolina, Two additional eastern North American Haywood, Co., small stream to Right Fork species collected by the authors are de- of Cove Creek, Co. Rd 1395, 0.6 mi SW scribed below. The descriptions follow the Cove Creek Gap, 16 May 1983, R. F Kirch- style of Surdick (2004). One of these is an ner and B. C. Kondratieff. Paratypes: Same unpatterned species from the Great Smoky data as holotype, 4 6\ Macon Co., Shot Mountains of North Carolina, whereas the Pouch Creek, 26 May 1994, B. R Stark. S. second one is a patterned species from the W. Szc/.ytko, and J. Sandberg. 1 6 Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Holotype deposited in the National Mu- seum of Natural History, Smithsonian In- Haploperla parkeri Kirchner and stitution, paratypes in the Colorado State Kondratieff, new species University (CSUC). R. F Kirchner Collec- (Figs. 1-2) tion and B. P. Stark Collection, Clinton. Adult. Male: Forewing length 5.5-6 Mississippi. — mm. General body color pale yellow in life. Etymology. We honor our Iriend, Dr. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 860 2 1 Figs. 1-2. Haploperlaparked. 1, Male terminalia, dorsal. 2, epiproct, lateral viev/. Charles R. Parker, trichopterist and aquatic Isoperla spp., Tallaperla anna (Needham biologist. Great Smoky Mountains National and Claassen), and T. maria (Needham and Park. Claassen). Shot Pouch Creek draining Way- Diagnosis. Haploperla parkeri can be ah Bald in the Nantahala National Forest is distinguished readily from both patterned a well-known collecting site for rare stone- species, H. chukcho and H. orpha by the flies (Stark and Stewart 1982a, b). lack of any pigmentation. It is most similar to the usually unpatterned H. brevis, butthe Haploperlafleeki Kondratieff, Kirchner, male terminalia in lateral view, can be dis- and Lenat, new species tinguished easily by the narrow epiproct, (Figs. 3-7) which is distinctly wedged-shaped in H. — brevis, as illustrated by Surdick (1985: figs. Adult. General body color straw yellow 137-139, Surdick 2004: figs. 6.275, 6.277). in life, pale yellow in alcohol. Wing vena- Many male specimens examined from the tion representative of genus. Head with vicinity of the Canadian and Pennsylvania dusky marking as Fig. 3, pronotum with type localities of H. brevis, and its recog- dusky lateral margins, rugulae dusky (Fig. nized synonyms support the concept of H. 3), meso- and metathoracic scutellum with brevis as clearly presented by Surdick dusky U-shaped and bisecting markings, (1985, 2004). abdomen with dusky longitudinal stripe. Remarks.—The type locality (35°37'27"N Male: Body length 6.0-6.5 mm; fore- 83°3'4"W) is approximately 1,158 m ele- wing length 7.0 mm. Epiproct tip in dorsal vation, and at this location the stream is view elongate, parallel-sided, apex tapered high gradient with many spring seeps. Oth- (Fig. 4), in lateral view, tip broad, minute er stoneflies collected with H. parkeri in- spicules at base (Fig. 5). Aedeagus in lateral cluded Sweltsa lateralis (Banks), S. urticae view with skeletal rod (Fig. 6). Ricker, Malirekus hastatus (Banks), Ocon- Female: Body length 8.0-8.5 mm; fore- operla innubila (Needham and Claassen), wing length 7.0-7.5 mm, venation dark. VOLUME 107, NUMBER 4 861 Figs. 3-7. Haploperlafleeki. 3, Head and pronotum. 4. Male terminalia. dorsal. 5. Epiprocl. lateral view. 6. Aedeagus, lateral view. 7, Female terminalia, ventral view. 862 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Subgenital plate narrowly rounded at apex istence of piedmont soil in the headwaters (Fig. 7). — of the Upper Little River, however, produc- Pre-emergent nymph. Typical of genus es atypical flow characteristics for a San- (Surdick—1985), adult color pattern visible. dhills stream. For example, during the re- Types. Holotype 6: North Carolina, cord drought of2002, the lower Little River Hoke/Moore Co., Little River, Morrison had a prolonged period with little flowing Bridge Road, East of Southern Pines, 18 water, and the macroinvertebrate rating May 2004, B. Kondratieff, R. Kirchner, R. crashed from an "Excellent" bioclassifica- Zuellig, and D. Lenat. Paratypes: Same data tion (1988-1998) to only "Good-Fair" in as holotype, 7 d, 41 ?. Holotype deposited October 2002 and January 2003 (North in the National Museum ofNatural History, Carolina DWQ, Kathy Herring, unpub- Smithsonian Institution, paratypes in the lished data). Full recovery, however, had DWQ Colorado State University (CSUC), R. F. occurred by the time ofthe next sam- Kirchner Collection, and Monte L. Bean ple in March 2004. Life Sciences Museum, Brigham Young According to the North Carolina DWQ, University (BY—UC). the lower Little River has very good water Etymology. The patronym honors Eric quality, characterized by low specific con- Fleek, Department of Environment and ductance (median = 36 umhos/cm), low nu- Natural Resources, Division ofWater Qual- trient levels (nitrogen and phosphorus), and ity (DWQ), Raleigh, North Carolina. Eric high dissolved oxygen (median = 8.0 mg/ first noted the uniqueness of the nymph in 1, minimum = 5.5 mg/1). This site is slightly benthic samples being processed by his acidic (median pH = 5.8) and humic acids agency. usually stain the water. — Diagnosis. Using the excellent treat- More than 84 EPT (Ephemeroptera, Ple- ment of the eastern Chloroperlidae by Sur- coptera, Trichoptera) taxa are known from dick (2004), H. fleeki is similar to the two the lower Little River (http://www.esb.enr. other patterned species, H. chukcho and H. state.nc.us/bar.html). Many ofthese taxa are orpha. The epiproct of H. fleeki is most sandhills endemics, including the caddis- similar to H. chukcho, but in dorsal view, flies, Hydropsyche decalda Ross, Brachy- much narrower in width, and narrowing to- centrus chelatus Ross, Setodes arenatus ward the apex (Fig. 4). The epiproct of H. Holzenthal, and the stoneflies, Alloperla chukcho is broad, and broadly rounded at lenati Kondratieffand Kirchner, Isoperla n. the apex (see Surdick 2004: figs. 6.282- sp., and Helopicus bogaloosa Stark and 6.284). The female appears distinctive with Ray. the combination of the dusky markings and Acknowledgments a more acute apex of the subgenital plate (Fig. 7). — We thank Bill P. Stark, Mississippi Col- Remarks. The lower Little River is in- lege, for reviewing the manuscript and pro- cluded in the Cape Fear River Basin, in- viding material. Robert E. Zuellig is cluding parts of Moore, Hoke, Lee, Harnett thanked for his help in the collection ofma- and Cumberland counties. Land use is terial used in this study. Dave Carlson, mostly forest (80%), with small amounts of Windsor, Colorado, provided the illustra- cropland (8%) and pasture (8%). The lower tions. Little River is largely in the Sandhills ecoregion, but the headwater area lies with- Literature Cited in the Piedmont. Sandhills streams usually have abundant groundwater storage (due to Hardya,ndC.W.L.,TB.ThPa.rpSeta.rk1,99C4..FABoslulr,veNy. Cfo.rPshtifoenre,fliJre.s, the coarse sandy soils), and maintain good in the Homochitto National Forest, Southwest flow even during drought periods. The ex- Mississippi. Proceedings of the Annual Confer- VOLUME 107, NUMBER 4 863 ence ofthe Southeastern Association of Fish and . 1982b. The nymph of Viehoperla ada (Ple- Wildlife Agencies 48: 368-373. coptera: Peltoperlidae). Journal ofthe Kansas En- Department of Environment and Natural Resources, tomological Society 55: 494-498. Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, North Caro- Surdick, R. F. 1985. Nearctic generaofChloroperlinae lina Basinwide Assessment Reports, http:// (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illinois Biological Monographs 54:1-102. www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/bar.html. Accessed No- vember 2004. •. 2004. Chloroperlidae (The Sallflies). pp. 1- 60. In Stark, B. P. and B. J. Armitage, eds. Stone- Stark, B. R and K. W. Stewart. 1982a. Oconoperla, a flies (Plecoptera) of Eastern North America. Vol. new genus of North American Perlodinae (Ple- II. Perlidae, Chloroperlidae, Perlodinae. Bulletin coptera: Perlodidae). Proceedings ofthe Entomo- ofthe Ohio Biological Survey, New Series 14(4): logical Society ofWashington 84: 746-752. 98. 1-192.

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