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Two new species of gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) from Korea, with notes on the taxonomic Status of telphusa euryzeucta meyrick PDF

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Preview Two new species of gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) from Korea, with notes on the taxonomic Status of telphusa euryzeucta meyrick

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(4), 2007, pp. 807-812 TWO NEW SPECIES OF GELECHIIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA) FROM KOREA, WITH NOTES ON THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF TELPHUSA EURYZEUCTA MEYRICK Kyu-Tek Park and Margarita G. Ponomarenko (K-TP) Center for Insect Systematics, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, 200-701, Korea (e-mail: [email protected]); (MGP) Institute ofBiology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch ofRussian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. Two new species of the family Gelechiidae, Conciibina trigonalis Park and Ponomarenko, n. sp. and Teleiodes gangwonensis Park and Ponomarenko, n. sp. are described from Korea. Telphiisa ewyzeucta Meyrick, 1922, is transferred to Concubina: Concubina ewyzeucta (Meyrick 1922), n. comb. Concubina subita N. Omelko and M. Omelko, 2004 is considered a new junior synonym of C. euryzeucta. Key Words: Insecta, Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae, Concubina, Teleiodes, taxonomy, Korea The Gelechiidae of Korea were re- paratypes of the new species are de- cently reviewed by Park (2004), with 146 posited in the collection of the CIS, known species. During a recent study of Chuncheon, Korea. the material of the Gelechiidae in the collection of the Center for Insect Taxonomic Accounts Systematics (CIS), Korea, we found two new species that are described Concubina trigonalis Park and Ponomarenko, new species herein, Concubina trigonalis and Tele- iodes gangwonensis. In addition, Tel- (Figs. 1, 3, 3a, 3b, 4) — phusa euryzeucta Meyrick, 1922, which Type material. Holotype: $, Mt. was described from a single female from Seolak-san, Gangwon Province., Korea, Shanghai, China, is transferred to the 10August 1989,coll. K. T. Park, gen. prep, genus Concubina N. Omelko and M. no. CIS-1790/Park. Paratypes: 1 c^, Mt. Omelko, because the species agrees with Kyejok-san, Youngwol, Gangwon Prov., Concubina in every diagnostic aspect. Korea, 14 July 1998, coll. S. M. Lee, gen. Furthermore, C subita N. Omelko and prep. no. CIS-5183/Ponomarenko; 1 S M. Omelko, 2004, the type species of and 2 5, Mt. Taewha-san, Youngwol, Concubina, can not be distinguished Gangwon Prov., Korea, 14 July 1998, coll. morphologically from C. euryzeucta; S. M. Lee; 1 2, Mt. Geumdan-san, thus, we propose C. subita as a new Hanam, Gyeonggi Prov., Korea, 25 July junior synonym of C. euryzeucta. 1996, coll. Bae, Pack, Lee and Ahn, gen. Terminology of the male genitalia prep. no. CIS-5184/Ponomarenko; 1 ?, mainly follows Klots (1970) and Pono- same locality as the preceding specimen, & marenko (2005). The holotypes and 1 August 2000, coll. Lee al. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 808 Figs. 1-2. Adults. 1, Coucuhiua trigonalis, holotype. 2, Teleiodesgangwonensis, holotype. — Description. Wingspan 14.0-14.5 mm. R4+5; R4 and R5 stalked at middle; R5 to Head pale gray, speckled with brown- costa; Ml arising from cell separately; ish-gray scales dorsally and with dark- Mt close to M3 at base; distance M3- gray scales laterocaudally. Tegula dark CuAi about 1/2 of CuA,-CuA2. Hind gray. Thorax dark gray, with somewhat wing gray; apex acute; termen strongly erect scales distally. Antenna about 4/5 sinuate; fringe gray. Veins Sc and Rs length of forewing; basal segment slen- connected with a crossvein at basal 1/3 der, dark gray; dorsum offlagellum with of Sc; Rs and Mi separated beyond cell; alternate dark and pale gray scale M2 absent; M3 and CuAj separated. pattern, paler beyond middle. Second Male genitalia (Figs. 3, 3a, 3b): Eighth segment of labial palpus thickened, tergite subtriangular, rather small with furrowed beneath, dark fuscous with round apex, anterior margin roundly three white bands; one at base, one at concave, shorter than length of eighth middle, and one at 3/4 on both surfaces; sternite. Eighth sternite trapezoidal, rel- third segment dark fuscous with two atively short; anterior margin convex white bands: one near base and one at medially (Fig. 3b). Uncus slightly nar- middle; apex whitish, acute. Abdomen rowed towards bilobed apex. Tegumen brownish gray dorsally. Hind tibia broad, divided into two relatively wide ochreous white, shinny, with pale parts anteriorly, with deep emargination brownish rough hairlike scales above. on anterior margin reaching to one half Forewing relatively broad, with dark- length, with two triangular lobes on gray basal fascia within 1/4 length, basal distal part. Gnathos absent. Cucullus fascia with oblique and sinuate outer absent. Ventral sclerite formed by fused margin; antemedian band creamy white sacculi and vinculum, relatively wide, on anterior half, with two brownish with two triangular plates posteriorly; scale-tufts on posterior half, or extend- saccus absent. Aedeagus stout, tubelike, ing to median fascia; median fascia dark much wider basally, narrowed gradually fuscous, broad, exceeding 3/4 length of towards apex. forewing, with several small scale-tufts Female genitalia (Fig. 4): Ovipositor on surface; costa with a small ochreous long, membrane between eighth and spot at middle and large, triangular ninth segments more than 5.5 times as ochreous patch at 3/4 length; area long as papillae anales. Apophyses pos- beyond medial fascia densely speckled teriores about 3 times as long as apoph- with dark fuscous scales centrally; ochre- yses anteriores. Eighth segment annular, ous scales scattered along inner margin with longitudinal gutter near antrum beyond tornus; apex obtuse; termen along anterior margin. Antrum sclero- oblique; fringe gray, irrorated with dark tized laterally, narrowed near middle. fuscous scales. Vein R3 separated from Ductus bursa membranous, about twice — VOLUME NUMBER 109, 4 809 — as long as corpus bursae, with dilated Diagnosis. Wingspan 12-16 mm. This anterior half; ductus seminalis arising species is similar to the preceding new from distal part. Corpus bursa oval, species, C trigonalis, by the forewing membranous, with dense spicules on pattern, but it can be distinguishable by inner surface; signum rhomboidal, large, the white ground color of the forewing with serrated margins and a transverse with a large costal spot at the middle. Also furrow medially—. it can be distinguished by the structure of Distribution—. Korea (central). the male genitalia as noted in the diagnosis Etymology. The specific name is de- of C trigonalis. rived from the Greek, "Urigono" refer- Remarks.—Originally, euryzeucta Mey- ring to the shape of the fusion of the rick, 1922, was described in the genus vinculum and the sacculus. TelphusaChambers, butit differsfromthe DiagnosisC. Concubina trigonalis is type species, Telphusa curvistrigella similar to euryzeucta Meyrick, 1922, Chambers, 1872 (= T longifasciella which was described in the genus Tel- (Clemens, 1863)) by the absence of phusa Chambers from China, in the gnathos, the reduced cucullus, and the structure of the male and female genita- fused sacculus and vinculum. The fore- lia, but it differs from the latter species in wing pattern and the genitalia of both having the uncus slightly narrowed sexes ofeuryzeucta Meyrick, 1922, figured distally and bilobed at its apex, the by Li (2002: 122, figs. 118, 119) turned out ventral sclerite with triangular plates identical to Concubina subita N. Omelko posteriorly instead of plates rounded on and M. Omelko (2004: 195, figs. 1-5), distal margin of euryzeucta Meyrick in which is the type species of the genus the male genitalia, and longer eighth Concubina, and C. subita is herein synon- sternite in th—e female genitalia. ymized with C. euryzeucta Meyrick. Remarks. The genus Concubina N. — Omelko and M. Omelko, 2004 was Distribution. China (Beijing, Tian- jin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shanghai, described as monotypic with the type species C subita N. Omelko and M. Gansu, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Hunan, Jiangxi); Russia (Primorsk Territory). Omelko, 2004, from far eastern Russia. This is the second species of the genus. Teleiodes gangwonensis Park and The genus is restricted to far eastern Ponomarenko, new species Asia, including Russia, central Korean Peninsula, and eastern, northern, and (Figs. —2, 5, 5a, 5b) central China. The host plants ofonly C. Type mateial. Holotype: $, Seo- euryzeucta Meyrick are known. Larvae myun, Yangyang, Gangwon Prov., feed on Prunus persica Batsch, P. pseu- Korea, 17 August 1992, coll. K. T. Park docerasus Lindl., P. annenicana L., P. and B. K. Byun, gen. prep. no. CIS- salicina Lindl., P. rnume Sieb. et Zucc 5199/Park. Paratype: 1 S, Chuncheon, (Li 2002). Gangwon Prov., Korea, 11 June 1989, coll. K. T. Park, gen. prep. no. CIS- Concubina euryzeucta (Meyrick 1922), 5148/Ponomarenko. — n. comb. Description. Wingspan, 10.0-10.5 mm. Telphusa euryzeucta Meyrick 1922: 501; Head pale gray with dark gray scales Caradja and Meyrick 1936: 157; Li laterally. Tegula and thorax grayish, speck- 2002: 120. TL: Shanghai, China. ledwithdark-grayscales.Antennawithbasal Concubina subita N. Omelko and M. segment gray dorsally; flagellum with alter- Omelko 2004: 193, figs. 1-5. New nate dark and pale gray scale pattern synonymy. dorsally. Second segment of labial palpus PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 810 w N* Figs. 3-5. Male and female genitalia. 3, Male genitalia of Conciibina trigonalis, gen. prep. no. 1970, holotype. 3a, Aedeagus. 3b, Eighthtergiteandsternite, holotype. 4, Femalegenitalia, gen. prep. no. 5184. 5, Male genitalia of Teleiodesgangwonensis, paratype, gen. prep. no. 5148. 5a, Same of T. gangwonensis, holotype, lateral view, gen. prep. no. 5199. 5b, Eighth tergite and sternite of abdomen of T. gangwonensis, holotype. VOLUME NUMBER 109, 4 811 thickened, pale gray with three dark brown the structure of the male genitalia and bands: near base, beyond middle, and at the pattern ofthe forewing (Huemer and preapex; third segment ochreous white to Karsholt 1999: 227, fig. 21), but it differs pale gray, with dark gray bands: at base, from the latter by having a longer uncus; middle,andpreapex,middleoneverybroad; abruptly narrowed glandiductors (re- apex acute, whitish. Forewinggroundcolor ferred as valva by Huemer and Karsholt palegray, withdark-graybasalfascia; outer 1999), which are narrow and strongly marginofbasal fasciaincised at 1/3, convex curved in luculella (Hiibner); and an beyond 1/3; antemedian band broad, pale abruptly truncated distal part of the brown,withalarge,triangularcostalpatchat aedeagus proximal to the apex, with the 1/3; median fascia dark gray, broadly de- distal part forming a narrow tube. — veloped; an ochreous white patch beyond Remarks. Thegenus TeleiodesSattler, median fascia along costa; dark fuscous 1960 comprises more than 100 species scales scattered beyond median fascia; apex distributedworldwide. Manyofthespecies acute; termen stronglyoblique; Fringe dark have been transferred into other genera; gray. Hind wing pale gray; apex acute; Carpatolechia Capuse, Pseudotelphusa termen strongly sinuate; fringe grayish or- Janse, Istrianis Meyrick, and Streyella ange. Thefemaleisunknown. Janse, but Teleiodes Sattler is still consid- Male genitalia (Figs. 5, 5a, 5b): Eighth ered polyphyletic and needs to be revised. tergite cone-shaped, much longer than Thenewly described species belongs to the sternite; anterior margin deeply emargi- monophyletic species group together with nated, reaching 1/3 of its total length. the type species of the genus, Teleiodes Eighth sternite trapezoidal, with a pair of vulgella [Denis and Schiffermuller], 1775. dense hair pencils along anterior margin; Larvae feed on various deciduous trees anterior margin slightly concave medially andbushesofdifferentfamilies: Rosaceae, (fig. 5b). Uncus narrowed distally, api- Fagaceae, Betulaceae, Corylaceae, and cally truncate. Gnathos absent. Tegumen Salicaceae (Huemer and Karsholt 1999). long, anterior half divided into broad lateral parts; anterior margin deeply Acknowledgments emarginated to half length. Cucullus We thank the Korea Science and absent. Glandiductors abruptly narrowed Engineering Foundationforfinancialsup- beyond 3/4 length, forming a long spine- port, especially for travel expenses for the like process. Glandular ductus extending second author (2005-2007) in Korea. from 1/4toapexofglandiductors. Ventral sclerite formed by fused vinculum and Thanks are extended to the first author's students H.L. Han, Minyoung Kim, and sacculus, consisting of two parts, with Sora Kim for their help in collecting, heavily sclerotized band along anterior spreading, and the preparation of some margin. Aedeagus stout, truncated be- yond 2/3, with an elongate parallel apex. specimens. This study was funded in part, bytheKoreaNationalArboretum, Korea. Vesica with several small cornuti. Juxta with aventrolateral support foraedeagus, with long fingerlike, weakly sclerotized Literature Cited setaceous latera—l lobes. Caradja, A. and E. Meyrick. 1936. Materialen zu Distribution. Korea (central). einer Lepidopterenfauna des Taishanmassivs, — Etymology. The specific name is de- Provinz Shantung. Deutsche Entomologische rived from the collecting locality of the Zeitschrift, Iris 50: 135-159. holotype, "Gangwon." Huemer, P. and O. Karsholt. 1999. Gelechiidae 1. — In Huemer, P., O. Karsholt, and L. Lyneborg, Diagnosis. The new species is very eds. Microlepidoptera Europe 3. Apollo similar to Teleiodes luculella (Hiibner) in Books, Stenstrup. 356 pp. 812 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Klots, A. B. 1970. Lepidoptera, pp. 115-130. Teleiodinae in South Primorye. Biologicheskie In Tuxen, S. L. ed. Taxonomist's Glossary of issledovaniyana Gornotaezhnoi stantcii 9: Genitalia in Insects. Muniisgaard, Copenha- 193-196. gen and S-H Service Agency, Inc., Darien, Park, K. T. 2004. Lepidoptera (Gelechiidae and Conn. Lecithoceridae). Jeungheng-sa, Seoul. 151 pp. Li, H. 2002. The Gelechiidae of China (I) Ponomarenko, M. G. 2005. Gelechiid moths (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea). Tianjin. 538 pp. (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) of the Palaearctic: Meyrick, E. 1922. Exotic Microlepidoptera 2. functional morphology of the male genitalia, Marlborough. 639 pp. phylogeny and taxonomy. Chteniya pamyati Omelko, N. V. and M. M. Omelko. 2004. N. A. Kholodkovskogo 58. Zoological In- New genus and species of gelechiid moths stitute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) from subfamily Petersburg. 139 pp.

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