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Two New Species of Eugenia (Myrtaceae) from Coastal Brazilian Rainforest PDF

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Preview Two New Species of Eugenia (Myrtaceae) from Coastal Brazilian Rainforest

New Two Eugenia Species (Myrtaceae) from Coastal of Brazilian Rainforest Marcos Sobral (DCNAT), Departamento de Ciencias Naturais Universidade Federal de Sao Joao del Rei (UFSJ), 36301-160, Sao Minas [email protected] Joao del-Rei, Gerais, Brazil, da Marcelo Souza Costa Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de 23890-000, Seropedica, Rio de Janeiro, Janeiro, Brazil. [email protected] & Abstract. Two new species of the genus Eugenia L. 1. Eugenia cataphyllea M. C. Souza Sobral, sp. TYPE: from mun. the Atlantic coastal forests of the southeastern nov. Brazil. Espirito Santo, Lin- Brazilian states of Bahia and Espirito Santo are hares, Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doce, 24 compared 4068 RB; described, illustrated, with related species, Sep. 2001, D. A. Eolli (holotype, lUCN BHCB, CVRD, and evaluated conservation HUESJ). in their Eigure status. isotypes, 1. & Eugenia M. Souza cataphyllea C. Sobral related is Cambess., from which xanthoxyloides to E. differs it Eugenia Diagnosis. This species related xanthox- is to by and the longer cataphylls, larger pilose leaves, Cambessedes, from which by yloides distinguished the is it mm bracteoles persisting after anthesis and pilose flowers. cataphylls to 20 along the twigs (vs. to 10 mm), leaf mm X X & 105 45 and 40 20 blades abaxially pilose Eugenia M. Souza to (vs. to Sobral hispidiflora C. is mm and glabrous), bracteoles persisting anthesis at (vs. apparently related E. hirta 0. Berg, from which to and deciduous), ovaries densely pilose glabrous). (vs. can be by and distinguished longer leaves its it < densely hispid flowers. Shrub 2 m. Twigs terete, the 2 or 3 distal mm 30-60 mm, 1-2 internodes diameter, in Resumo. Duas novas especies do genero Eugenia < L. with white simple trichomes cylindrical, hirsute, na Mata da Bahia mm ocorrentes Atlantica dos estados e and by protected 7 10 pairs of narrowly 1 to no do Espirito Santo, sudeste Brasil, sao descritas, oblong, concave cataphylls, the proximal ones widely com comparadas proximas ilustradas, as especies e < X mm, 1.5-2 ovate 3 increasingly longer distally, cm 5X2 avaliadas sen de conservagao de acordo mm mm status X about 10 2 medially, the most to com da lUCN. Eugenia M. os criterios cataphyllea C. X mm, 15-20 ones reaching 1.5-2 the most distal & Souza proxima Sobral e a E. xanthoxyloides distal ones glabrous or occasionally with scattered Cambess., mais diferindo pelos catafilos longos, mm simple white trichomes 0.5 abaxially, older to folhas maiores e pilosas, bracteolas persistentes apos and twigs mostly glabrous, without cataphylls & M. a antese e flores pilosas, e E. hispidiflora Sobral somewhat Leaves exfoliating longitudinally. with Souza aparentemente proxima C. e a E. hirta 0. Berg, X mm, 1-2 1.2-2 mostly petioles visible abaxially, da qual se distingue pelas folhas maiores e flores densely covered with rufescent trichomes hirsute, to 1 densamente maiores e hispidas. X mm; 50-105 blades narrowly or obovate, elliptic 23-45 mm, 2 2.5 times longer than wide, to Keywords: Eugenia^ Atlantic rainforest, Brazil, when lUCN apex Red discolored dry, lighter abaxially, acute to Myrtaceae. List, 5-10 mm, acuminate in base rounded or cordiform; mm <0.1 20 30/mm^, Eugenia L. a pantropical genus of about 1000 glandular dots, in diameter, to is 12 15 each species (Govaeits with 378 species visible abaxially; lateral veins to at side, ah, 2014), et 50°-80°, growing in Brazil (Sobral ah, 2014). The genus leaving the midvein at angles of moderately et is common and midvein in the Atlantic rainforest along the coast of salient adaxially less so abaxially, & markedly and prominent Brazil (Thomaz Monteiro, 1997; Negrelle, 2002; sulcate adaxially abaxially, & Amorim Rohm, and brown ah, 2005; Jesus 2005). During glabrous adaxially with simple white or et mm the examination of collections from the coastal trichomes 0.8-1 abaxially, most dense along the rainforests of southern Bahia and northern Espirito midvein, marginal veins the inner one 2.5-3 and 2, mm Santo, we found two distinctive species of Eugenia the outer one 0.3-1 from the revolute margin. that are herein proposed as new. Inflorescences terminal, racemiform, axis anthesis at Novon 442-446. Published on 9 January 2015. 10.3417/2010087 23: doi: Number & Volume Souza 443 4 Sobral 23, 2014 Eugenia (Myrtaceae) from Brazil N 7079 Regislro: ^ MMiTAt’E AE Fif ilia III ; Nome CiL'iiiitlfo; Eugeru't! sp. Ntinic ViilHiir: BiiUiigB imebso CVRD JVoci-dfncia: R«er\a Nalwal -LINHARES da ES BRASIL - MME Eslraclii: Mimicipal do Km: Forma 1.9 dc Vida; TtTreslre LofiilizilHfin: AtEustivo J'oi'le: Ecojisistcriiii: Capociriio All Total: lira 2 do I'oniia Kiiste: do Altui'a Fn<>tc: 1 Superficic d:i r'nsca; AP C do Fusttr S Cor du Botaoi Branca Dianiclro da Copa; J Cor dii FI or: Branca da Ni'im, Malri*; Cor da Exsudof Ho: Incolor Evtadapao: Sdva 1 Cor do Maduro: Fi’uta De$camapHo: Cor do Fruio Inmiuro: Verde Cult D.AFolli40eS (a: Data: 24/Set'20CH Urteritiinador: Data: & Eugenia M. Souza Image 4068 Figure cataphyllea C. Sobral. of holotype, D. A. Folli (RB). 1. 1X2 X mm, mm, 4 up to 5 1 glabrous, with 2 to flowers, protected increasing distally to narrowly elliptic, X mm; basally by 5 6 series of glabrous bracts, these 6 1.5-2 bracts subtending flowers not to X 6-8 mm, and shining in dried material bearing a mucilaginous observed; pedicels 0.4 hirsute, with mm; when covering (sticky fresh, according to personal white simple trichomes to 0.4 bracteoles oblong X 4-5 mm. information by the the basal ones oblong-spathulate, concave, 0.5-1 collector), ovate, to to 57 444 Novon MME, mm, 447 (CVRD, 23 HUESJ), glabrous or with cilia to 0.3 persisting after Get. 2008, G. S. Siqueira 6217 30 Estrada do Aeeiro Bobbio, Get. 2008, D.A. Folli anthesis, with 5 to 6 pairs of linear colleters 0.5-1. (CVRD, HUESJ). mm X 1-0.4 buds adaxial base; flower 0. at its X mm, 4 5 the ovary densely covered with elliptic, to & Eugenia M. hispidiflora Sobral Souza, 2. C. sp. mm, 5-0.8 white erect trichomes contrasting with 0. TYPE: mun. nov. Espirito Santo, Lin- Brazil. the glabrous calyx lobes, these equal or nearly so, 4, 28 Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doce, hares, X mm, widely 3-3.5 1.8-3 moderately ovate, 4431 RB; Nov. 2002, D. A. Eolli (holotype, concave, patent anthesis, with visible glands at CVRD, HUFSJ). isotypes Figure 2. mm abaxially, with hyaline margin about 0.2 wide mm; and 0.2-0.4 petals obovate, cilia elliptic to 4, Eugenia Diagnosis. This species related hirta G. is to X mm, 6-7 5-6 stamens equal, white, glabrous; Berg, from which kept apart by larger blades 140 it is its (to X 3-7 mm, seventy eighty, anthers subglobose, 0.2 X mm X to 40 50 30 mm), 2-3.2 times longer than wide vs. to X mm, < 0.3 0.3 eglandular; staminal ring rounded, to 2 1.3-2 times longer than wide), with 16 veins lateral (vs. mm < each side inflorescences racemiform with axes in diameter, with scattered white trichomes to 0.2 at (vs. 8), mm < 8 8 no with flowers inflorescences with visible to (vs. mm; mm, 10 stigma punctiform, style to slightly and axis, mostly uniflorous or with two flowers), flowers papilose; ovary 2-locular, with 14 17 ovules per to mm, densely covered with trichomes 2 these more dense to mm immature, 6 locule. Fruits globose, in to on the ovary than on the calyx lobes flowers sparsely (vs. and mm). diameter, with white trichomes as the ovary but less uniformly covered with trichomes 0.5 to crowned by dense, the calyx lobes; seeds not seen. < Shrub 3 m. Twigs the 2 or 3 more terete, distal mm 40-60 mm, 0.5-1 internodes diameter, in and Eugenia phenology. Distribution, habitat, sometimes cylindrical, exfoliating longitudinally, cataphyllea a shrub in rainforests of northern is new 1—2 twigs with simple erect white trichomes, 20-60 coastal Espirito Santo, collected altitudes of at mm, 1-2 Leaves m these falling with age. with petioles Doce the Vale do Rio Natural Reserve, in the at X mm, 0.8-2 mostly with trichomes visible abaxially, known municipality of Linhares. presently only It is mm; blades ovate-oblong oblong or lanceolate, to 1 to from and the type material, collected with flowers X mm, 60-140 27-43 2-3.2 times longer than wide, immature September. in fruits when slightly discolored dry, lighter abaxially, lUCN and Red glabrous adaxially with simple erect trichomes Euge- Considering List category. that mm 1-2 known abaxially, these scattered along the surface from nia cataphyllea presently only three is same in younger blades and mostly restricted the from Vale do Rio to collections the place, the mm; 12-18 midvein apex acuminate with Doce Reserve more age; in Natural Linhares, detailed at information that could help assign an lUCN base cordiform; glandular dots faintly visible abax- to it mm < 0.1 in diameter, 5 10 per square conservation category (lUCN, 2012) missing, so ially, to is it DD midvein moderately and must be presently scored (Data millimeter; sulcate adaxially as Deficient). prominent 12 16 each veins abaxially; lateral to at The Etymology. presence 70°-80°, epithet alludes the midvein to side, leaving the angles of at an of cataphylls in the twigs of this species, moderately markedly and sulcate adaxially salient to uncommon Eugenia, character in Brazilian species of abaxially; marginal veins 1 or occasionally the 2, presently registered only for this species, E. inner one 2-4 mm, the outer one when present 0.5-1 mm and xanthoxyloides, the unrelated E. myrciariifolia from the revolute and sometimes undulate & Soares-Silva Sobral (for a description, see Soares- margin. Inflorescences terminal or occasion- axillary, & X 2-8 mm, 7-0.8 Silva Sobral, 2004). racemiform, ally ramiflorous, axis 0. with 2 6 flowers, then bracts oblong, 0.8-1 to solitary; Vernacular name. Batinga-melosa 621 X {Eolli mm, mm; 0.4 glabrous or with 0.1 pedicels cilia to [CVRD, HUFSJ]). X mm, 10-15 0.2— 0.3 uniformly covered with simple mm; 1-2 erect white trichomes bracteoles triangular, Eugenia Relationships. cataphyllea related to is X mm, 0.5 0.3 glabrous or with trichomes as the to Rio E. xanthxyloides, a species native to the state of pedicels, persisting after anthesis, colleters not de Cambessedes, Janeiro a description, see (for X 3-4 buds 4-5.5 observed; flower obpyriform, 1832-1833; 1857-1859), from which Berg, is it mm, densely pubescent which especially in the ovary, distinguished by the characters presented in the pubescent contrasts with the less calyx lobes, these diagnosis. X 4-5 mm, four being 1-1.3 explanate anthesis, at markedly concave, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, BRAZIL. mun. Paratypes. Espirito Santo: Linhares, markedly Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doee, Antiga Estrada do subequal, adaxially glabrous, abaxially 1 ! Number & Volume Souza 445 4 Sobral 23, 2014 Eugenia (Myrtaceae) from Brazil HEkK VRIOCV RD HKSERVA XA DA i:kAt, VAl,E !>0 RlCl l Da( f; LtMl AUES ESHkI OSANTO l ATA EXiSK 8003 Regisfro; X'" myrtaceae Fit imlisi ; jNomc t'ifnfiTtco: Eugenia sp Nonti* Viiljjar: Ara^a clieirosQ CVRD rrurcdenciar Rcseay LINHARES Naiuiiil da - ES. BR,ASfL - M M Esl rad a Muni cipu do H K Mda: J I nt 0, Foi'ina do TorresEre : MME Lfirali^iitiin: Jndividuo eni uni barranco no Portal Arbus I’o Li Mala Effisfiisttniai Tabidciro ora All Tolflli 2 urn do jmDttMCI) F 111 l-iiiiiU': Altura do Fusto: 0,5 DDRlflDtMl Siiperlkif> da Casca; Lisa fiAP do Fusic: 13 Cor do Bdiaoi vcrde Diainetrt) da Copa: I Cor da Finn brant da Malrk: a Cor dii E3i!tiidad3t]: Incolor Exsuda^iioi Sdva Cor do Maduro: F'riilo [>csraniacao: Auscntc do Ctji InraltinK I't'iilo Col Ola: D.A.Folii 443 Data: 2S/Mov/2002 Dotti'iiuoadiii-: Data: & Eugenia M. Image 4431 Figure hispidijlora Sobral C. Souza. of holotype, D. A. Folli (RB). 2. X 1- mm, glandulose and hispid with erect simple trichomes anthers ovate-oblong, 1.5-1. 8 0.6-0. 7 with mm, mm, 2 margin hyaline for ca. 0.2 with cilia to 0.2 one apical gland; staminal ring subquadrate, gla- mm <10 < mm; mm, petals elliptic, in two slightly unequal pairs, brous, 1 in diameter; style stigma 4, X 5-7 4-6 mm, white, glabrous or with apical tufts of punctiform or slightly capitate, moderately papillose; mm; mm. 5-7 cilia to 0.1 stamens sixty to seventy, ovary 2-locular, with 5 to 9 ovules per locule. Fruits 446 Novon X We 9- when 10-12 globose to slightly elliptic, red ripe, Acknowledgments. are grateful to the staff of mm, 10 with scattered erect trichomes as the flowers, Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau, Itabuna, Bahia, and at crowned by the calyx lobes, these sometimes enlarged Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doce and Linhares, at X mm; 7 4 seeds observed one per and kind to as far as fruit, Espirito Santo, for their constant assistance We brown and globose, testa light easily detachable, the to our work. are also grateful to Erika von Sohsten embryo and no with fused cotyledons visible Medeiros and Rafaela Forzza from Jardim Botanico do hypocotyl. Rio de kind Janeiro for their assistance in the preparation of the figures and Sara Fuentes and to and Eugenia phenology. Distribution, habitat, anonymous who two reviewers, contributed signifi- hispidiflora a shrub in rainforests along the coastal is cantly improving our manuscript. to and regions of northern Espirito Santo southern 20-60 Bahia, found elevations of m. Flowers have at Literature Cited been November, and January collected in fruits in & W. Amorim, Thomas, A., P. Fiasehi, Jardim, B. Clifton and J. February. A. M. Carvalho. 2005. The vaseular plants of a forest 1726-1752. fragment in southern Bahia, Brazil. Sida 21: lUCN Red Eugenia category. List hispidiflora is & W. Baehman, Moat, A. de Torre Hill, la B. Seott. S., J. J. known from presently three municipalities; plotting Red 2011. Supporting List threat assessments with known an GeoCAT: the presently distribution results in extent Geospatial eonservation assessment tool. ZooKeys 117-126. km^ 150: <http://geoeat.kew.org> of occurrence of 10,777 (geographical referenc- 1857-1859. 574 von & Berg, 0. Myrtaeeae. K. P. in F. P. Melo 596 except Eranga, for Oliveira, Silva es, Martins Flora Brasiliensis, Vol. R. (editor), 14, Pt. 1. [HUEFS, HUFSJ], based on are the municipalities Oldenbourg, Munieh and Leipzig. location; extent of occurrence obtained via Geocat is Cambessedes, 1832-1833. 277-384 Myrtaeeae. Pp. A. in J. Bachman [<http://geocat.kew.org>]; see et ah, Saint-Hilaire (editor), Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis, Vol. A. 2. Belin, Paris. an Vulnerable (VU) 2011), area that suggests the M. Govaerts, R., Sobral, P. Ashton, F. Barrie, B. K. Holst, (lUCN, conservation category however, there 2012); Landmm, L. R. K. Matsumoto, F. F. Mazine, E. Nie no additional information about occurrence in is its Lughadha, C. Proenga, L. H. Soares-Silva, P. G. Wilson between & the area the collection considering sites; World E. Lueas. 2014. eheeklist of seleeted plant new <www.kew.org/wesp>, permit more adequate names, aeeessed 5 Oetober this, until collections a 2014. seems more adequate evaluation, score the to it lUCN lUCN. 2012. Red and Categories List Criteria, DD conservation status of E. hispidiflora as (Data lUCN Version seeond Prepared by the edition. 3.1, Deficient). Commission lUCN, Speeies Survival Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, United Kingdom. <http://jr.iuenredlist. The Etymology. epithet alludes the covering of to org/doeuments/redhst_eats_erit_en.pdf>, aeeessed 5 Oetober 2014. firm erect trichomes of the flowers of this species. & M. Rohm. 2005. da Mata Jesus, R. Fitossoeiologia S. Bob Atlantiea de tabuleiro. Teen. Soe. Invest. Florest. 19: Eugenia Relationships. hispidiflora related to is I-I36. 1857-1859: E. hirta a description, see Berg, (for Negrelle, R. 2002. The Atlantie Forest in the Volta Velha from which a species native Bahia, 574), to is A it Reserve: tropieal rain forest site outside the tropies. & by distinguished the characters cited in the diagno- 887-919. Biodivers. Conserv. II: & M. 2004. Eugenia Soares-Silva, L. Sobral. myrciariifolia sis. new Novon (Myrtaeeae), a speeies from Parana, Brazil. 236-238. Paratypes. BRAZIL. Bahia: man. Camacan, estrada a 14: & M. Mazine Itaimbe, 20 Jan. 1971, Santos 1374 (CEPEC); mun. Sobral, M., C. Proen^a, Souza, F. F. E. Lueas. T. S. km Porto Seguro, 22 do entroncamento da BR-367 com BA- 2014. Myrtaeeae. Lista de espeeies da flora do Brasil. 16°28'08" 39°09'06" W, May 29 Jardim Botanieo do Rio de Rio de 001, 2000, R. P. Janeiro, Janeiro. S, & Melo M. 596 (HUEFS, <http://floradobrasiLjbrj.gov.br/jabot/floradobrasil/ Franga, Oliveira, F. E. B. Silva FBI0338>, HUFSJ). Espirito Santo: mun. Linhares, Reserva Natural aeeessed 5 Oetober 2014. & da Vale do Rio Doce, Feb. 2007, R. Stehmann 4748 Thomaz, L. D. R. Monteiro. 1997. Composigao floristiea /. (BHCB, CVRD), Estrada da Jueirana Faeao, 11 2008, da Mata Atlantiea de eneosta da Estagao Biologiea de Jan. M. Souza 571 (CVRD, HUFSJ, RB), Estrada Munieipal Santa Lueia, munieipio de Santa Teresa, ES. Bob Mus. C. MME, do 5 Jan. 2010, D. 4. Folli 6526 (CVRD, HUFSJ). Biol. Mello Leitao, n.s., 7: 3-48.

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