TWO NEW OF ELYMUS THE (POACEAE) SPECIES IN AND ON SOUTHERN OTHER NOTES U.S.A. NORTH AMERICAN ELYMUS SPECIES J.N.Campbell Julian The Nature Conservancy (Kentucky Chapter) 642 West Main Street Lexington^ Kentucky 40508-2018, U.S.A. [email protected] ABSTRACT Two new Elymus Campb. and Campb. species of L. are described, E. churchii JJ.N. E. texensis JJ.N. Elymus churchii grows in the Ouachita and Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. It is simik^r to E. svensonii GT. Church, but differs in its lemmas, which are usually pubescent, and which which have longer awns; its spikelets, have fewer florets; its rachis internodes, are longer, with hispid dorsal ndges and green longitudinal bands; and its foliage, which is typically less pubescent m and less glaucous. Elymus texensis grows on the Edwards Plateau southwest Texas. similar to It is & m lemmas; pvinglei Scribn. Merr., but differs larger anthers; glabrous larger spikelets; E. its its its longer spikes, with rachis internodes that are longer, with green longitudinal bands, and gener- its ally glabrous; and foliage, which sometimes densely pilose. The new species are known from its is much few collections, and need more study to assess their phylogentic status and geographic distri- bution. They are published here to allow inclusion in the Flora of North America, volume 24, and to stimulate further attention to them. Some additional notes and corrections are appended regarding the authors previous publications on Elymus. RESUMEN Se describen dos nuevas especies de Elymus L., E. churchii J.J.N. Campb. y E. texensis JJ.N. Campb. Fly nucs churchii viveen las montanas Ouachita y Ozark de Arkansas, Missouri y Oklahoma. Es simi- lar a E. svcnsonii G.L. Church, pero se diierencia por sus lemas, que son usualmente pubesccntes, y mas menos tienen aristas largas; sus espiguillas, que tienen floras; sus internudos del raquis, que son mas largos, con costillas dorsales hispidas y bandas verdes loiigitudinales; y su follaje, que es tipicamente menos pubescente y menos glauco. Elymus texensis vive en e! Edwards Plateau en el & sureste dc Texas. Es similar a E.pringlei Scribn. Merr., pero difiere por susanterasmasgrandes.sus lemas glabros; sus espiguillas mas grandes; sus espigas mas largas, con internados del cac^uis c[ue son mas largos, con bandas verdes longitudinales, generalmente glabras; y su follaje, que es a veces y densamente piloso. Eas nuevas especies se conocen de pocas colecciones, y necesitan mucho mas estudio para evaluar su estatus filogenetico y distribucion geografica. Se publican aqui para que puedan incluirse en la Flora de Norte America, volumen 24, y para estimular la atencion sobre ellas. Se anaden notas adicionales y correcciones a publicaciones previas del autor sobre Elymus. INTRODUCTION maps In 2002, provided descriptions, specimen data, and distribution for two 1 members Elymus seemed from genus with taxa of that different other of the paired spikelets and reduced or vestigial glumes (Campbell 2002a). refrained 1 SIDA 485 -494. 2006 22(1): 486 BRILORG/SIDA 22{1) am now then from formal taxonomic recognition, but after further revison I more confident. To allow inclusion ni the Flora of North America, volume 24 (M.E. Barkworth et al, in prep.), present below the two new names, and a key to I the species of Elymusihat have paired spikelets and reduced or vestigial glumes. much There has been uncertainty the circumscription and phylogeny in of these species, which would have been grouped together under the broad con- cept of Elymus interrupius Buckley by Hitchcock and Chase (1951). Elynius churchii Camp., nov Conway J.N. sp. (Fig. l), Tvpr: U.S.A. Arkansas: Co.: Petit J Jean State Park, rocky bluffs, PO. Morrilton, 1500 3Jul 1957, D. Dcmarce 37234 (holotype: ft, UARK;ISOTVPns:OKL,SMU-BRrD, Aifinc Elymosvcnsonll G.L. Church sccl diffcrt Icmmibus plciumque [uibcscentibus aristis (10-)20- mm 30(-35) longis,spiculis floscLil is 3(-5). inter nodisspicarum (5-)7-13(-18) mill loiigis viricli-vittatis adaxiaHbus non dorsaliter hispidis, foliis pagiais glabris vel pilosis, et plantis glaucissiinis. Plants cespitose, often somewhat, but not strongly, gU^ucous. Culms 50-120 cm, erect; nodes usually 4-8, exposed or covered, often reddish-brown or blackish, glabrous. Leaves evenly distributed; sheaths usually glabrous, or sometimes mm, pubescent at the summit; auricles 1-2 often reddish brown or blackish; mm mm, up ligules to often reddish-brown; blades 3-11 wide, lax, adaxial sur- 1 cm cm faces glabrous or short-pilose. Spikes 10-18 long, 3-5 wide, slightly nod- mm mm, with ding, 2 spikelets per node; internodes (5~)7-13(-18) about 0.2 thick at the thinnest sections, lexuous, with green longitudmal bands along the con- f cave sides, glabrous except for the two hispid dorsal ridges; disarticulation be- low each but not below the glumes. Spikelets usually appressed, 10-15 floret, mm (excluding awns), with 3(^5) Glumes often unequal florets. (differing in length by more than mm), sometimes from upper 5 or vestigial to absent the mm spikelets or throughout, 0-15(-20) long including the undifferentiated mm awns, indurate base, 0.1-0.3 wide, setaceous subulate, with 0-1 at to dis- awns lemmas 8-10 mm, tinct vein, glabrous, often outcurving; pubescent, or mm, occasionally glabrous, aw^ns (10-)20-30(-35) slightly maturity) to (at mm, strongly outcurving; paleas 7-9 obtuse to truncate, or emarginate; anthers m mm, unknown. about 2.5-3 evident June. 2n = Elymiis churchii grows in dry rocky soils, often base-rich, in open woods on ridges, bluffs and river banks of the central Ouachita Mountains and the western Ozark Mountains, Arkansas, Oklahoma and was in Missouri. previ- It E ously included within a broad concept of nterruptus (Steyermark 1963; Smith i which 1991). similar to E.svensonii^ disjunct in Kentucky and Tennessee. It is is might combined reasonably be as a subspecies or variety of E.svcnsonii, but It differs in lemmas, which are usually pubescent, and have longer awns; its its which spikelets, have fewer florets; rachis internodes, which are longer, with its hispid dorsal ridges and green longitudinal bands; and which foliage, typi- its is cally less pubescent and less glaucous. may have originated, like E. svensonii, It CAMPBELL, TWO NEW SPECIES OF ELYMUS FROM THE SOUTHERN U.S.A. 487 J f/ymus cAurcM (drawn from Demaree 29337 unless noted). A. Habit. B. Upper port^^^ Fig . viewed on plane with alternating spread of spikelets (B2 from Palmer 57957). C. Sheath summit and blade bases. D. viewed Adaxialleafsurface,showingveinsandhairs,E.Maturerachisinternodesandglumes(5howing variation in size), plane of spikelet spread (with abaxial view of central glume in spikelet, and largely side view of lateral glume). F, in Spikelet, with lateral view of florets (F2 from Palmer 57957). G. Mature floret in abaxial view (left) and adaxial view H. Cross-sections of mature, indurate glume bases (showing variation in size). I. Cross-section of central rachis (right). internode. 488 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(1) E L from mtrogression of canadensis and and E. hystrixL., there are occasional specimens suggesting transitions to both species (Campbell 2002a). This spe- named who cies after George Church, conducted is L. several useful studies of Elynms North in eastern America, focusing on problems of hybridization and the species with reduced glumes (Church 1967). ARKANSAS. P.ARATYPEs: Baxter rocky shaded White Dam Co.: bluff, Rv., P.O. Lakcview, Bull Shoals Reservoir, 600 ft. f Jul 1950, D. Demarce 29337 (OKL, TEX), Logan Co.: Magazine Mt., about 43 mi east Aug DM. of Fort Smith, 8 f942, Moore 420JJ8(TEX), Sep 1947, DM. Moore 470639/642 (UARK, NCU, and US), 30/31 Jul 1949, D.M. Moore 490422/441 (UARK). Newton Co.: Big Bluff above Buffalo Rv, 3 mi below Ponca, 5Jun D.M. Moore 53259 (UARK), OKL/VHOMA. 1953, Le Flore Co.: Rieh Mt., roadside, oak-pine dominant, Jun 16 1940, H, Taylor 110 (OKL); see also Campbell (2002a). The known only from collection Missouri has relatively short rachis intenodes J EJ E Elynms (1963) records of diversigluniis Scribn. 61 C.R. Ball or interruplus in Missouri could be grouped with the plants described here E church (Camp- as i i some bell 2002a). However, of these records were based on misidentifications: & Palmer (UMO) 66416 EJ. is E.glabrijlorus var australis (Scribn. C.R. Ball) J.J.N. ty Bowden. jj pentine Mounds, about mi N Willow 9 of City, hilly area vegetated mainly with grasses, 18 May Nixon TEX 1966, U.S. 531 (hoi.otypE: 5322). mm Afiine Elymo &Merr. pringlei Scribn. .sed differt antheris 4,5-6 longis, lemmibus glabris.spiculis mm 25-40 cm mm longis flosculis 3-8, spicis 9-20 longis internodis (5-)7-]5(~22) longis viridi- vittatis glabris praetcr margines ciliolatos, foliis paginis ada.xialibus dilute scabri-hirsutis dense vcl brevipilosis. Plants cespitose, glaucous. Culms 70-110 cm, nodes erect; usually 4-6, mostly exposed, glabrous. Leaves evenly distributed; sheaths glabrous; auricles about mm, 0-1 sometimes adherent sheath summit, to pale purplish brown; to ligules mm mm, about 2-9 blades somewhat erose; wide, 1 lax, or involute, adaxial sur- faces thinly scabrous-hirsute or densely short-pilose. Spikes 9-20 cm 2- long, cm wide, 2.5 erect to slightly nodding, with 2 spikelets per node; internodes mm mm, (5-)7-15(-22) about 0.1-0.3 thick the thinnest with at sections, slight dorsal ridges, with green longitudinal bands along the concave glabrous sides, except for the ciliolate margins; disarticulation below each but not floret, be- mm low the glumes. Spikelets appressed, 25-40 (excluding awms), with 5-8 flo- mm rets (including terminal rudiment). Glumes 14-24 subequal, long includ- mm ing the undifferentiated awns, 0.1-0.3 wade, setaceous, with 0-1 distinct awns more mm, vein, glabrous, or less straight; lemmas 8-12 awns 8- glabrous, mm, 25 lexuous mm, straight, f or slightly curving; paleas about 7-11 obtuse or narrowly mm, truncate; anthers 4.5-6 evident in May. 2n = unknown. CAMPBELL, TWO NEW SPECIES OF ELYMUS FROM THE SOUTHERN U.S.A. 489 known made on Elymus texensis only from Lhree collections that were is calcareous bluffs and in juniper woods and grassy areas on the Edv/ards hills, Plateau of southwest Texas (Campbell 2002). similar to E.pringhi, but dif- It is m fers its larger anthers; its glabrous lemmas; its larger spikelets; its longer spikes, with rachis internodes that are longer, with green longitudinal bands, and gen- and which sometimes densely notable erally glabrous; its foliage, is pilose. It is known somewhat that the northernmost collection of E. pringlei appears atypi- MEXICO, may and be transitional interruptus or texensis: Coahuila, cal to E. E. 54 mi SE of Big Bend National Park, south end of Sierra Maderas del Carmen, Canyon Henrickson 15045 (TEX). That de la Fronteriza, ryolite area collec- J. with up has robust glumes, long rachis internodes, spikelets to 6 tion relatively lemmas and (including the terminal rudiment), that are virtually gla- florets new named brous (Campbell 2002a). This species after the great state of Texas. is TEXAS & east of HQ, 19 May 1983, R. G. KraJ 70066 (VDB, SMU-BRIT). Uvalde Co.: chall< bluff on Nueces May Cory 29073 (US 3039432). River, 12 1938, V.L. AND KEY TO ELYMUS HYSTRIX ALLIES ITS new group with Elymus These two species appear to belong in a natural hystrix members and other The following key distinguishes the of this group. allies. on ranges but Campbell (2002a) should be consulted Brief notes are inserted, maps and further for details. This group of species characterized by their reduced or vestigial glumes, is mm 0-24 with 0-f(-2) veins, tapering from the base, long including awns, of- mm mm, ten differing in length by at least 4 0T-0.5(-0.7) wide, persistent after mm florets disarticulate; and by their rachis internodes usually 0.1-0.3 thick at the thinnest sections, often with green longitudinal bands along the concave This group should be contrasted with the more heterogeneous group that sides. and canadensis E.glaucus Buckley their aUies. consists of virginicusL., E. E. L., The species have glumes with 2-5(-8) veins, widening or linear above the latter mm mm 4-45 long including awns, subequal, 0.2-2.3 wide, persistent or base, mm and rachis internodes usually 0.2-0.8 thick at the thinnest disarticulating; somewhat Elymus remains usually lacking green bands. interruptus a sections, problematic taxon, with specimens that can within either of these outlines. fit Moreover, various hybrids of hystrix with other species will within either E. fit some outline, and will require deeper analysis. It is likely that allies of E. hystrix Campbell group from hybridization (Church 2002a). originated 1967; in this lemma awns L widely divergentto perpendicular maturity; straight (rarely Spikelets at mm some curving); glumes vestigial or 1-3 long, occasionally unequal slightly ^ mm mm glumes up to 10(-20) long and 0.1-0.2 wide but with no distinct vein; unknown spikes more or less erect [widespread in eastern North America, but in hystrix Texas] E. - - ^ 490 BR[T.ORG/SIDA 22(1} ^^—XjJ^v^n !u.j^-A^A^ Fig. 2a. f/ym(;5 fexen5/5 (2a drawn from f.l A//XO/? 5i7J. A. Habit B. Upper portion of cu^ plane with alternating spread of spikelets. C. Sheath summit and blade base. D. Adaxial leaf surface, showing veins and hairs. E. Mature rachis internode and glumes, viewed in plane of spikelet spread (with abaxial view of central glume in spikelet and largely side view of lateral glume). F.Spikelet, with lateral view of florets. G.Mature floret in abaxial view (left) and adaxial view (right). H. Cross-sections of mature, indurate glume base(s). Cross-section of central rachis I. internode. TWO NEW CAMPBELL, SPECIES OF ELYMUS FROM THE SOUTHERN U.S.A. 491 G cm ! r L I ^ K^r^ mm i Fig. 2b. Elymus texensis (2b drawn from VI. Cory29073].A, Habit. B. Upper portion of culm with mature spike, viewed on plane with alternating spread of spikeiets.C.Sheath summit and blade base. D.Adaxialleaf surface, showing veins and hairs. E. Mature rachis internode and glumes, viewed in plane of spikelet spread (with abaxial view of central glume in spikelet and largely side view of lateral glume). F.Spikelet,with lateral view offlorets.G. Mature floret in abaxial view (left) and adaxial view (right). H. Cross-sections of mature, indurate glume base(s). Cross-section of central rachis I. internode. 492 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(1) lemma awns Spikelets usually appressed, never perpendicular; straight or curving; 1. mm mm glumes sometimes 1-24 vestigial, but usually long, 0.1-0. 5(-0. wide, 7) nodding often with distinct vein; spikes erect, or pendent. a mm 2 All glumes welhdeveloped, at least 2 long, subequal; lemma awns straight 1 to moderately curving; spikes erect to slightly nodding. mm Spikelets (6-)9-1 5(-22) long (excluding awns), each with 2-5 florets; 3. mm lemma awns moderately outcurving maturity; glumes 0.2-0.5(-0.7) at wide the southern Rocky Mountains and adjacent regions, from southern [in California to western Texas to northern Coahuila] interruptus E. ^ mm Spikelets 18-40 long (excluding awns), each with 3-8 florets;Iemma awns 3. mm straight to slightly curving at maturity; glumes 0.1-0.3(-0.6) wide. mm Anthers 2.5-4 long;lemmas scabrous-hispid to thinly strigose-pubes- 4. mm 8-25 3-6 4-12 cm cent; spikelets long, with florets; spikes long, ra- 1 mm chis Internodes 3-6 long, without green longitudinal bands, hispid on dorsal ridges; blades thinly scabridulous, hispidulous or pilose on veins [along the Sierra Madre Orientale, in eastern Mexico from Coahuila to Veracruz] E.pringlei mm mm Anthers 4.5-6 long; lemmas glabrous; spikelets 25-40 long, with 4, mm 5-8florets;spIkes9-20cm long, rachis internodes (5~)7-1 5(-22) long, with green longitudinal bands,glabrous except margin5;blades forciliolate thinly scabrous-hirsute to densely pilose [on the Edwards Plateau, south In ^^__^_ west Texas] _____^ E.texensis Some mm, 2. glumes less than 12 each pair usually differing In length by at least 4 mm when developed, or one or both vestigial; lemma awns outcurving at ma- nodding turity, often strongly so; spikes slightly to pendent. mm Rachls Internodes 4-6(-9) long;glumes (0.1-)0.2-0.5(-0,6) mni wlde;lem- 5. mas hirsute to strigose, at least near margins; sheaths glabrous; plants not glaucous to moderately glaucous [mostly the northern Great from In Plains, Saskatchewan Ontario Iowa diversiglumis to to E. mm mm Rachis internodes (4-)6-1 3(-18) long; glumes 0.1-0.3 wide; lemmas 5. glabrous or pubescent; sheaths glabrous or villous; plants usually glaucous, sometimes strongly so. mm Lemmas usually pubescent,the awns (10-)20-30(-35) long;spikelets 6. mm with 3(5) florets; rachls internodes (5-) 7-1 3(- 18) long, with green lon- bands and gitudinal hispid dorsal ridges; blades glabrous or short-pilose; plants not strongly glaucous [central Ouachita and western Ozark moun- and Oklahoma] Arkansas, Missouri E.churchii tains, in Lemmas awns 10-20 glabrous, or occasionally hispidulous near apex, the (8-) 6. mm (-25) long; spikelets with (3-)4-5 florets;rachis internodes (4-)6-10(-12) mm long, without green longitudinal bands, glabrous; blades usually vil- Low lous; plants strongly glaucous [central Interior Plateaus, Kentucky in and Tennessee] E.svensonii OTHER NOTES The taxonomy o[ Elymusin North America has a long tortuous history. In draft- ing a treatment of the species with paired spikelets, have made some sugges- 1 which tions for nomenclature, will hopefully guide botanists in their interpre- tation of these taxa (Campbell 1995, 1996, 2000, 2002a, 2002b, 2002c). However, much clear that deeper analysis needed, including proper focus the it is is a at CAMPBELL, TWO NEW SPECIES OF ELYMUS FROM THE SOUTHERN U.S.A. 493 genetic level, instead of relying just on the rather inadequate morphological much There has been taxonomic and differences. confusion, misidentification, Many erroneous reporting of distributions. mysteries remain. An New Elymus from Mexico hystrix-like collection An anomalous may collection that have similarities to both Elymus hystrix and NEW MEXICO interruptus Cimarron, wooded E. is of interest here: [Colfax Co.], bank, 6 Jul 1939, W.A. Silveus 4928 (TEX). This specimen v^as listed by Church nx under group with (1967) his "atypical" E. hyst filiform glumes. Unfortunately mm) all the florets are lost, but the glumes are narrower (ca. 0.2 and more vvidely spreading than and typical £. interruptus, rachis internodes are shorter (ca. 5 mm). This specimen suggests that plants closely related to E. hystrix may still New be found in northern Mexico or nearby. The closest documented hystrix E. New is in eastern Oklahoma. Does this Mexico plant have a distinct origin, per- 1 haps from some isolated introgressed population? Elymus interruptus in California recently discovered the following specimen of Elymus interruptus: CALIFOR- 1 NIA, Fresno Co., Pine Ridge, altitude 5300 "Plants of the Sierra Nevada Moun- ft, HaU& tains," Jul 1900, H.M. H.P. Chandler 317 (DOV). This collection was 15-25 annotated initially as E. canadensis. It appears to be the first record of E. inter- ruptus from California. The few other records of E. canadensis from the state should be checked. Need Elymus to clarify typification of virginicus Some Linnaean Elymus match of the material of virginicus does not clearly our current typical concept of that species, and should probably be included with & Dewey) CR. E.glabrijlorus (Vasey ex L.H. Scribn. Ball. proposed to the Inter- 1 Taxonomy name national Association for Plant that the rginicus be retained E. vi for the typical plants of Hitchcock and Chase (1951) and most other authors, new with a type established for that species (Campbell 1996). However, more careful analysis ot the several sheets of Linnaean material needed, and the is & Nomenclature Committee remains undecided Nicholson (D. R. Soreng, pers. comm.). Alter the treatment in Flora of North America published, there will is undoubtedly be further consideration problem, and hope of this to revive the 1 with more proposal evidence. Corrections Campbell (2002b) to & key (number and (a) In the leads 13 14) to E.glaucus, hirsutus]. E. Presl. E. dahuncus Turcz. ex Griseb. will be modified substantially for the Flora of North America. E. dahuricus is a rare Asian introduction that appears close to E. hirsutus; lemmas its can be glabrous, not just scabrous or hispid, as stated in the key E (number (b) In the key, the lead 15) to interruptus versus E. canadensis and E. wiegandii Fernald should omit the spike internode thickness character, which some erroneous reflected data. 494 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(1) name Smyth Smyth By the correct Elymus suhmidicus (Hook.) &r priority, for (c) E,curvatus Piper. is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS am who Mary deeply Barkworth, has provided continual encour- grateful to E. 1 agement and constructive advice during the 20 years that have dabbled ec- 1 Manual Without centrically in Elymus. her invitation to contribute to the of my Grasses, and then the Flora of North of America, efforts v^ould not have comments manu- progressed. She provided insightful on an earlier draft of this am script. grateful also to Kathleen M. Capels, v/ho corrected several errors I and inconsistencies in the key and pointed out the priority of curvatus. E. REFERENCES New Campbell, J.J.N. 1995. combinations in eastern North American Elymus (Poaceae). Novon5:128. Campbell, JJ.N. 1996. Proposal to conserve Elymus virginicus (Poaceae) with a conserved type.Taxon 45:128-129. CampblllJJ.N. 2000. Notes on North American Elymus species (Poaceae) with paired spike- macgregor/Vsp. nov. and E.glaucus ssp.mac^enz/7 comb. nov. Kentucky Acad. lets. I.E. J. 51:88-98. Sci. Campbell, 2002a. Notes on North Anierican Elymus species (Poaceae) with paired J.J.N. The group. Kentucky Acad. 9-38. interruptus Sci. 53:1 J. 2002b. Notes on North American Elymus species (Poaceae) with paired Campbell, J.J.N. A synoptic Kentucky Acad. 63:39-46. spikelets. key. Sci. Ill J. 2002c Notes on North American Elymus species (Poaceae) with paired Campbell, JJ.N. spikelets. A key to the species and varieties in Kentucky. Kentucky Acad. Sci. 63: IV. J. 47-52. Church, G.L. 1967.Taxonomic and genetic relationships of eastern North American spe- cies of Elymus with setaceous glumes. Rhodora 69:1 21-162. Hitchcock, A.S., and A. Chase. 1951. Manual of the grasses of the United States. 2nd ed U.S.D.A. Misc. Pub. 200. 1991. An and annotated of the vascular plants of Arkansas. 2nd ed Smith, atlas E.B. list Published by the author, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Iowa Ames. Steyermark,J.A, 1963, Flora of Missouri, State University Press,