TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-7565 Acta Phytotax .Geobot. 59 (1) 5/5-66 (200g) Two New Speciesof CarexsectCmpiteUatae (Cyperaceae)frJoampan JIRO ODAiand HIDETOSHI NAGAMASu2 JOsaka PrE!IZictur Iaillee'iid eHviagh School ,FletjiideFu -Osshaih,a 583-O03Z 217te ICL,o tUohiversit y .1irpany .・Witseum, lk)?ot o606-850J, JZipan Cti,ex ruragis J .Oda & Nagam. and C kkzyaens Ji .sOda & Nagam. (se c(]tt.ipitellat aaree) describe fdrom Japan as new to science. These species are simi1ar to C capitlacea Boott ,but C rttralis is distin fcrtom C capillacea in having fewer (4-8 p)istill aftieower sl,eave snarrower (O,5- Omm.8 wide) and involute to trigonous ,andperigynia laekin gglandular dots .Caiex ko.vaens iis sdistin fcrtom C c`rpitlacea in hav- ing rhizomes long creeping, oulms shorter (1O-2 c0m long) l,eave rsecurvect and perigynia weakly nerved and without glandula rdots .Both species are also distin fcrtom C. capillacea in the achene micromor- phology .The cellulose antic]inal walls of C. capiliacea are exserted beyond the silica deposit sw,hile those of C, ruratis and C, kayaensi sare entirely covered by thc silica deposits .The satellite bodie sof Ctife rxurutis and C kqyaensi asre smaller and fewe rthan these ofC cupitlacea. Moreover C kqyaensis often has a honeycombed anticlinal wal1. A key to the Japanes especies of Canex sect. CZipitella tiase provided. Key words: achene morpholegM Carex ,Caiex sect. CZipiteUat aCey,peraceae ,Japan ,new species Carex sect. Capitellatae Meinsh. is one of the spikes 5-10 mm long, and perigynia yellowish unispicate groups in the genus and is characterized green, distinct nleryved and 2.5-4 mm long (Ohw{ by the densel yflowere dovoid spikes, ovoid perigy- 1936) ,The two new species proposed in this paper nia, and somewhat soft culms and leaves are both clearly related to C, cupillacea, sharing (Meinshau s1e90n1). This section is divers ein characteristics such as the smooth culms and irreg- eastern Asia, and has been treate das a sectien com- ularly trigonous to tetragonous ,pistilla tsecales prising about six species and three varieties with obtuse apex, and ovoid perigynia with distinct (KUkenth1a9l09).InJapan six species and one nerves. variety have been recognized since Ohwi (193 6bu)t, C Tak.Shimizu Materials Methods semihyaloft'ucta was recently added and to this section (Shimi 2z0u05). In section dapitetlata et,hwu cupillacea Boott We exarnined specimens of Ctipe sxect. thpitellatae has the wiclest distributi eoxtne,nding to the Kuriles deposite idn HYO, KPM, KYO, OSA and SHO. in the east, Saklial itno the north, the Himalaya to The longes tculm on each herbarium sheet the west and to New Zealand to the south (Egorovawas measured using a ruler, Leafwidth was deter- 1999) .This species is distinguish efdrom other mined at the widest part of the widest leaf on each species of sect. Capitellatae by smooth culms, herbarium sheet using a ligh tmicroscope, The NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneese SSooocieityety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmioastics 56 Acta Phvtotax, Geobot. Vc)L 59 聴三喟熹冖uぎで[ぢ2目9 §畳6目0 誘一壼邸 鵞一需の 琵←5吻。量一翕の 鵞←5・。 一信口器ρ揖易帽鵞帽5の 鵞飼話ω り鵞口黠誓鵞O。。 鵞言毅龠一5の 鵞一5吻 鴛一言・, 鵞一口院鷽一臼霎 一鵞岩 鵞一口Q 一5。。艮・一鵠゜o鼠。一5’〇二・揖霧o」畠 一5旨乙一q羽o乙一岩沼乙一5沼鼠一話゜9a・岩o沼乙着靄。乙箆oのu乙一q院o乙 も ぢ 竃冩 易 奪 。 。 。 9 。 9.D o 。 。 。 。 。 遘五冖日邸。, D>富OqOOOン¢Q口Oり O> 9⊆OO O>寓Q口OO 9ノ嶌O⊆OO O慮O冖[O冫O D>訂Q口OU 冫韓ひ冖【OO 9ノ寓Q澱OO 〉雨O口OO O昭り偶O>O O>幅U口OO σン聞O口OU Dン邸O目OO ωン¢O口Oひ 倉鳥景乙呂8含勗嵒〉奉・8 【二聲堯。譽鼠の り}○Q畳0コ9 【三肩砺>巴琶9(。D首』望〉髯口8m [三覇蓉冨。鼠切 ヨ旧7>鬘δ鼠凶 Φ冫紹O自OO O>紹U目OO ヨ覇>零8鼠。。[三景詫uぎ鼠・。倉鳥個閉〉邸昌8 [三=詫。譽鼠切』。ヨ扇〉雪目鼠・。=葛=〉巴F鼠叨o ζ葛題き篷8 もOお日コ目壱ρ咽=←崙Φooo・。 制∩Q壽o毎り 制可O9O..αの制卜祠ひ..寸O制創一O、..制門O卜OO,.ひO制鵠O..〇頃刊邑ト..寸m判mト一口.,制°一卜N【。..制αN寸ひ。,,m冖旧〔ひO..ON制 刷,,り寸制0り.,爿αO$O..寸制寸い卜.,O創刑ゆめ、. 租可. 卜司ヨぴい、. 個制d°。、.励民制卜n。..制卜一qN,, ち脇. マd制αゆ唄,、可N刑膾鴇,.刊軌【一ON..Nの制ひQ一e..m寸刊嶋O【..門の制ひ2.ぴ【爿寸寸一。.、+炉斡卜コ、、.ぴ国制【=..α個引い◎剛、。..制ONの三、.Od刊寸筥..のn制ゆ卜【..島三. 莖弓量℃←口G・G, 5日試鴇qo 輩一5邸 畚←一一劣像岩鵠鵞一一一霧郵一口u邸 』一口箋鰐 焉一毒・。鵞一ぎの石起霧 鵞岩O・。鵞一戸H霧鵞←尸δ・。一鵞q翳お妊o邸 畚去劣 β一言鱈 B一碁に 龠蒼霧 β督口 邸 畑宕のu鉦琶陽。琶}鵞ロ舅一器。Φ琶・ 乞霧o毳一話のo廷一器゜o乙・ 一冒゜o。a ←5 。乱 一冒Q。a。 一器。oヒ・鵞帽口羽 一5の。乙 勒 自 団 』』O」OE⇒ ≡軽←oω自 唱田o≧o 寸 寸 寸 on り nwn 寸 哺 寸 寸 寸 り 寸 トO刑頃.. い 寸 O 寸 唄OひOO卩o.. ひ = 口 = 目 n【 O【 【【 p9 ◎9 = ◎o 雪 あ刑卩曽O冖.. ロ 寸 寸 c。 §、、耄 層ヨ嘱お2≧ 君邑 鳴oooooDoGoVoIocooooooo 卜 e り ’ev い 脇 卜 頃 鵙 卜 掣O制お.. り一. ト【. 吟一. 囚一.LO制い冖d., v−〕 o一監一∩ i一f⊇ c一o ひN「、〇N.い一、創一、一一.〇、卜029.門阿.も寸O制【寸.. O H § 9、 。 O唱壽」 62響∈ ()§ OtOhQOCめOO 寸 NthNNNN卜N 噂 La り 一一箇 りNPtNりe O 斡 臥O制邑,. 〇四 コ 三 = 卜凶制O,. 鴇 Oマ 旨 頃m 論 ひN Oの O翰 【笛 O個 ◎【p O冖 踐 嵩°制囚o.. 邃 看 ひN。 コ ひ刊 § 喫9{δも2租轄魯ミミ蕁翫。」【蕘. 眉兮58勢6ゴ。〉 δ諦邑ミ叱ミ黛偽... (鐔巴8畿蔑ミ0 (ζミρ⊆R葡ミOミミ謡..(○詞邑象h鵠葭り唱ミ『し、ミ亀嵩qミ. (尹出)ミ臥h、葭呱ミヨ§。嵩.。 δ銚図ざミ蝿O丶. (Oあ邑ミ函×碧愛「田.、,、 (○旨鼠)ミ或嚏辷9霎ミへ、.. 〔Oン=)ミ艶鼕葭驚喝選O、乾ミ. 〔のO)ま肉<、°噴庭§ (○卸邑駿導瀬軌9ミミ、 (Oン邑丶芝、弋h。§ミ、 δあ邑旨ミ範遺ミリ“葭ミ. 〔ρ垂ごミ医ミOミミ.()還(メ邑蹟隷羇≧も蕊ミk匿議ミ。、ミ δ旨邑鳧戴吻も窺ミ避O丶oミqミ.. (9巳躇ミ§O、r δ詞図)遑象゜選芝叱・. (ρ广巴りN霞鴇§.. δあ邑臥満ミO丶曳 (9臼)ミ説鴨量ミリ受葭ミ (9)詣軌選O丶2 (ρ臣)m鞄ミO、 δ評出)映ミミミ妻起ミ国N.. (O卜図)ミ鴫い{謡詼蕁恵.,〔O戸=)誌ミ遷爵之も紀羣ミ≧謹建qo (Qレ巳謎h尋Q丶 (Q肉邑竃ミ辱ミ唱凄唱、6丶羣贐 (Q巴ン亀満「ミOミミ・、 (露邑緊へ塗量ミ曙起葭. 薄ミミミδ朗巴N耄嘆之ミ妻ミ. (○諸邑喊導ミ躇嵩『ミS, 。」 』. り 罎弓書一且這壽論。。匠 器」。巨塁2.,0 首[[鳴。。口O 遣竇ミ. 萄三呂咢弖占く日昜簍自−.. ←ζ惹そ薯呂。邸§む.、 冩占弓O三瑁州芝弖= 9需羣N。8−. 虚羣O署鵞塁量巻匡呂o−,.、 乾幽慈Oゴ2乏一の譯跳ゴの−. も嚢奮ζξ匡。莓。q岳毒−、。、 治占函々願甥ρΣ。舅b出蕘田邸囂.o、 唱畠窪三円葛芝叟。96疂磊冂。.. 口覧磊嘱諠昌 」ヒ霍撃薨。口。. 砿署刷よZZ着Zo費吋邸お口。。ゴ目−ー。.、暗出璽O踴三℃ヨ口塁質国鍔6自簧邸的。、パ判占莞6三藷嘱[瑁覧藷一。郎 6島冖。。。H、. q占首三晝23它鑄 。朝。の羇−−.、D 慧ζ畜朝ρ畠堂藷薯&。。。−.., 葛占=萋』22魯壬。。鼠。。−−。.、 毳ぴい萄睾... 苙覧鶯≧3「藷寿呂。鼠−・.。 冠ζ彑Σ莞マヨ羞DN8、琶告量ゴ℃ぞ考』←量」鵠。≡塁。。」−。.唔咽葱田暑壱ヨOζ讀録口[』雪瓢d・−−. ミ§」冒q§9.. 8用蛍ロ肖謂再。ゴo コ堂=萋聴煮β暦0邸。≡o∈0−5。、 ぢ占謡歪』の一塁墓・ゴ・。冖・N−2D 萄窺瑁Z量ぢ芝蕊」后・6隊.。 も虚薯駐乂。葛。聞詫N“・o、 智占Z刷昜刷δ薯。毫望6口鳴詫。致。.、畠醤Oゴ量豸皇Z琶 ’邸誇。5。。8謬−・−。、D 』嵳2量塁2Σヨ尸弖。筋。−、、. ぢ出三゜[葦三=暈篤帽・5・u日。・D.。 濤占諺○得芝田窪箋羣切鐔冨hN=−.、 冠占咽莞蘯三コ国鬯』・。ロ。−. 卩Z国霊Σ】易ε‘ロ巴。」。q,. 届冖琵焉ゴ唇赱Σの←Σ・。霍、コ., bQの判鵠o∈口鳴O目馴一、 トく 魯冠 U 9 9 d 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March2008 ODA & NAGAMASU: New Specie esf Carex from Japan 57 number ofpistillate fiower pser spike was counted 7hminaga 1300 (hol oKY-O; iso -KPM, OSA, TI), ft'o mthe infiorescen wcieth the most fiower son Perennial herbs ,Rhizomes abbreviated. Culms fili- each herbariu msheet; the result was corrected by adding the number of scars of falle pnistill aftieow- fgbrromo,v eidr rwheegnul adrrl Myt rsimgooontohu,s 2t0o -t3e0t r(aguon4o8u sc),m olfotenng, ers. O.4'O. 6mm in diam. Leaves shorter than culms at For leaf anatomy, livin gmaterials obtained in anthesis, as tall as culms later o;uter leave sinvolute tshhie, fNiaerla d oPrr ceufl itweirveat euds eid,n t hLe egaavreds ewen rein Kcuats hati bthae- tnoou st,ri gOo,n4o-uOs .,O 7m.m5- Owi.d e8m;m b waisdea; ls hieartmhse rlleiagvhe tbs rtroiwgno.- middle of the blade using a razer blade and cross fi2 )soiliktaerM terminal, ovate, 4-6 mm long ,upper sie{ctliuonsst rweartee do.bserved with a ligh tmicroscope and part staminate 2-3-fiowered lower part pistillate mpi es ,r i Fgacoyhrne nmi eaisancdrom soworeaprkheeodlo gry efmbovre3d o ro f6 f7tr1hoOe mha rcths heinee n dac ieestposildyeescri-sted 4alp-oe6xn g( . orbStmuts8ea,)me- rnbfusrsi tey3e w. nwSb,lePraiorsmwetinidn, la,ciata dsetuc caeselcuelassi,.e s3na" r 1r1oo.v.wa6l5tye- ,1. o8l avpmaoemtnxe,g; (concentrated ebtuse, nisty caducous, mm sdorliutd ie1o n: 9 vfv), then ri nssule fdiunr aicc eatciic da c: ida cfeotir c1 Oa nmhiyn-, lowermo sstcale often shortly aristate , Pt)rigynia and placed in a bath type ultrasonic cleaner for 3e oveia trbiigodneonust,a tger2,a,d2u"a2l,l 8tyaperlionng gt,o1 s.h1or-t1 .b3eak min with 70% ethanol to remove the cuticle and wsilidgeh;tl yne rves dist inc ton ada xmimal surfac e but 'i nmcmon- osouatker wpaser iemcplloiyn edwaallls f oofr tohbese rveaptiidoenrmis. ef tThher eouet ehrr Ssptiieugoumsas o3n. abAacxihalen esusr faocveg;id ,gl atrnidguonloa udrso,t s taibsgehnttl.y pofer diicslsiro ilwaaulltli oernA cf,etlelurl oasier-d raynitnigc.lin atlh ew aalclJh eEansOe Lsred wJideFnreCe- wmraatpupreidty, b1y. p3e-r1i.g 6mymni ulm ol,nigg. h Ebtpriodwenr,m daalt ck eb]rlso wwnit hat sputter-coated with platinum using a silica central body and truncat eapex; small satellite 1600 Auto Fine Coate4 and examined using a jEOL bodie s0- 1O (-17 o)n ,concave platfor mwi,th slight- JriSaMl-s w6e0r6e0 ssecalnencitnegd beyl eccotnrseind meiricnrgos tchoepier ,gTehoeg rmaatpe-hi- ly undulate anticlina lwalls. Anticlina lwalls entire- KcsaaYltOe ,ldlii tseS tHbOroid biauensdt i w aoOVsnSb.Au ccoh u(entr[ed fspae cbfi1rm!)eo n.ersn T1h2e m a1rneu5m bkecreellpst oiifnn lA yi cco hvjeDirtie,Mdsiitpera ,iwnibSetuhhs tni eiasgmoiean l.i.,Jkcaa y pdSoaeantpt, oooeOsn,ysidcatam.mikcaa:-,hH ay}roIigosonus hg(uen (, anct the middle part ofthe achene surface ofeach sam- Prefs,)(Fi6g), ple(Tabl1e).[Ibrminologfyo11ow'Rsettig(1990), Egorova(1999) Liu& Lin(1999). Hbbitat. Poor marshy soils, often with Pintts and densij7br aat; lower elevations of hill sand moun- tains. Results discussion and Other specimens examined, Gifu Pre£: Hesokute, Carex ruratis J. Oda &Nagam., sp. nov, (Fig s1,, Hiyoshi-cho, Mizunami-shi, alt, 400 m, 17 V 1975, G, 5BuD,6,[fablle) thtrat aet al. 327 (K.YO N)e;noue-kogen ,Ena-$hi a,lt .850 m, 2 VI 1996, SL 7isugar "et aL 23560 (KYO, OSA); Specie snova athnis Caric icapillaceae Boott, sed foliisalong a small stream, Kakishit aK,ani-sh ia,lt .1 50 m, 2 VI l996,G.A41irci&taS.7lst{gt2i3n)t-93(KYO)F;unagado, angustioribus, spicis pauciflor iest, utriculis sine glan- dulis differt. Matsukura-cli Ioh,lcay'almlae-lsjh iaimli,t. -8c9h0o ,m, 20 V 1989 l,l1 fa n o kafmyi-pyua msaJ,,ap aalnt ,. S3h5i0 gma, J }2r4£ eM, aOyt s2u0-0s3h, i X,f oOodt aef & M At,, IKV, iSthgiao s8te 9a3278 (5 K(YKD\)O ,-) A;ichi Pre, TE To:skiu-ksuhdLe -1m0 uIrVa 1,P9r3o0v,, Mika"ra, a]t. 450 m, 30 V l954, G. Mu,zita 7334 (KYO); NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 58 Acta Phytotax .Geobot. Xlo1 .59 f r " E /fF DESSIttde-i,,,・'・"i;tt・/-ts 11i.'/"1 H I J t/i 1 /// ew ge L B A ol siif -;-/. / FiG. 1 . Cdrex rumlis J. Oda & Nagam. A: habit .B: basa lsheath. C: culm, cross section. D: outer leafblade ,cross section. E: inner leafblad eero,ss sectien. F] spike, scales faILe nG.: spike. H: lowennost pistMat escale. I: pistilla stcaelc, J: staminate scale, K: perigynium ,adaxial view. L: perigynium, abaxial view, M: perigyniu ml,ater alview. N: achene, adaxial view O: achene, cross seetion, Bar = 5 crn fbr A; 1 cm for B; O,5 mm for C'E; 1 mm for F'M. [fo ooft Tanokami-yama, Shiga Pref, J Odo & A. 7bminaga 1300 CKYO)] NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March 2008 ODA & NAGAMASU: New Specie osf Ctire xfrom Japan 59 UrataniMt,.Dandoyama,Prov Mikawa,5 VI 1948,K. Hbsomi J7490(HYO,KYO); Kamaya-Shinden,lmada- '1"ak{-gun, 7bri i606(KYCY) ;iwmami, Tsi(kude-mur Mai,namishirEua- cho, 24 V l969, S. Hbsomi 8411 (HYO) ;Mt, gun, 30 V 1955, K. 7bri is.n. (KYO) ;Kamogatani, Saikoji-yar nNaa,kabata-cho N,ishiwaki-sh i1 ,1 V 1997, Tsukude-mura,Minamishitara-gun3,0V l955,Iilfbrii TKbpm,ashi30388(SHO)M;t,Kasagata-yameqYhchiye- s.n. (KYO) K;itayama-marsh O,kazaki-sh ia,lt. 150 m, AL cho, Taka-gun 2,6 V 1985, T 1fobayash i2774 (HYO, Mirosake 24582 (SHO) .-Mie Pre£: Marubashira P,rgv: SHO); tep of Mt. Kasagata-yama to Neuno, 15 V 19g3, lga, Ayama-gun, 14 V 1961, M Msutsu si.n. (l<IYO);.lhk S.])bni 8z3u255 (KYO) .rNara Prefr near Ninniku- Nagata ,Ueno-shi ,9 V 1999, K. lhmawaki s.n. (KYO);sen, E ofNara, Nara-shi a,lt. 400 m, 9 VI 1963, K Seto Aqyamahane, Iga-sh ial,t ,300 m, A. fominqga s.n. (KYO). 12297 <OSA) I;bwaraguchi-ch oI,koma-sh ialt. 350 m, X ff 'Uedakarnj-mura, Shiga Pre£ : Okuyama, Minamitani, Odaf731(KYO), Kurita-gun, 24 V 1921, Z, 7ttshiro s.n.' (KYO); 'Specimens cited by Ohwi <1936 a)s C. cc4)iglaeea. Kitakomats uto Kurotani ,via Otsu-shi a,lt .600 rn, 29 V '1l9a8n3o, kGan. iMiu-ryaatrnaa ,44846 (KYO) ;Tashiroguchi ,Mt. Carex keyaensi sJ. Oda & Nagam,, sp. nov (Figs. alt. 300 m, 31 V 1986, M. ,Kliwashima 2,4A,5E-E 6,Ilibl1e) 36236 (OSA) S;ugiyama ,Shigarak¢iho, alt 3,45 m, 30 IV -Kyoto 1998, KL Seto 489J8 (OSA) . Pret: Ruri-kei, Specie snova adinis Caric icopiltaceae Boott ,sed rhi- Nishihonme-mura ,Funai-gun ,18 V i930, G. Kbidez{mi zomatibus longe repentibus, culmis brevior{bu sf,oliis s,n,"(KYO); LIj iP,rov ,Yhmashiro ,V 1926, L 7bmoncLga molliuseulis et recurvatis, spicis paucifior iest ,utriculis s.n.* (KYO) K;omonljiri jOa},thara-mLu 'Pqrev :Y.a;nashiro,levit enerrvatis sine glanduli dsi fTert. 15 V 1931, M. 71igawa 354 (KYO) ;Chono-yama to Zltp uTsbp. of Mt. Koya-san, lto-gun, Wakayama Daidoji V,jitahara-c hTos,uzuki-gun, 5 V 1953, M/ HLsteh Pref. ,Japan ,alt, 830 m, 20 May 2006, X Oda & S. 'fiNIS), 9002 (OSA) Y;Ufun¢ Shinrin-koe Wna,zuka-cho ,Soraku- lhmamoto 1639 (hoto K-YO; iso -KPM, OSA, Tl, gun, alt. 280 m, 2 VI 2002, S. 7}yuga reet tal. 31 984 (KYO) .-Osaka Pre£: Mt. Kenbi, Nishinose-mura, Peren]] ihaelrbs .Rhizome slong creeping. Cecgms fi1- Toyono-gun, 3 V 1960, M/ Hirve J3663 (KYO) ;Mt. ifbrm ,trigonous or irregrila rtleytragonous ,smooth, Kenbisan to Yiimabe ,Nose-cho ,rfoyeno-guR, alt. 520 m, IOm20 cm long ,O.4-O. 6mm in diam. Leaves short- 6 V 1985, e, Marata 45383 (KYO) ,Ku'rondo-enchi, er than culrns at anthesis, as long as culms later; Katanoshi7,V 1994,S.Amano 184,t(KYO);Hoshida- outer leave sVZshapea 1.2T1, 8(m2 m)m widie; inncr Katano-shi, 230 13V 2001,8 Amano e4n4ch5i5, (KYO),-H yaoltg. oca. Pre fm,.: Mt. N agao-y am a to lcaves niquetrou sO,.8-1. 2mm wide; basa lsheaths Mukogawa, Kirihat aT,akarazuka-sh ia,lt .300 m, l9 V ligh tbrown, SZ)i skoelitary ,terminate, ovoid 4-6 1995, N. Fuimoka et aL 8903, 89e4 (HYO ,KYO, OSA, mni long ;u'pper part staminate, 2-3-fiowered ;lgwer SHO); Amagedani, near Najio ,Nishinoiniya-shi ,alt. 300 part pistilla t4e-,6 (-8)-fiow eSrtuemdi.nat escales m, 5 VI 1971, 1( ZSeto 192PI (OSA> ;Mt. Rokico, alt. narrGwly ovate, apex obtuse, rusty brown, caducous, gOO m, 5 VI i954, G. Miuata 7167 <KYO) M;t, Rokko, in 1.5-1,8 long.SX'amens3, Pistittate Settsu1,Vl 1952,M 7bgashi485(KYO)R;okosan-cho, mm scales brewn, Nada-ku, Kobe-shi, alt. 770 m, 15 V l993. T KbbLDia,shiovate, apex obtuse, rusty caducous,1.3-1.6 22 792 (SHO) n;ear Tanigami ,Arima-gun ,1 2 V 1935, Z, mm long ;lowermost scale oft.en shortly aristate, }bshin o747 (KYO) ;Moshi, Sanda-shi 3,e V l9R5, Z ,Ririgynia ovoid to widely ovoia trigenous ,gradu- Kbbayashi 2842 (HYC )S,HO); Hatta-cho K,itaku ,I<obe- ally taperin gto short beak, beak faint lbyidentat 2e-, shi, alt. 300 m, 16 V 19S5, Ai .Fuk"ufoeknap od-i iAki e.K,Iirosaki 2.3 mm long ,1.1-l. 3mm wide; nerves mederately 4474,4475(KYO);Nakayama to Ogo-cho, distinc otn adaxial surfaee, inconspicuo uosn abax- AK(it1a<-ikiur K,oosba2el4-6ds9h(i S,alHt. O3)0r0;l ma,n i3g VamIi Y1,am9a7d9a, -?cN hnFol,e{Kkiu'otkao -&ku, ial surface; glandula rdots absent, Stigmas 3, Kobe-shi ,alt. 4SO m, 8 V 1994, S Mijteik e2928 (SHO); Achenes ovoiq uigonous r,ather loesel eynclosed by Harano, Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, 27 V 1981, 7lrk .S7timizu perigynium, ligh tbrown, dark brown at maturitM 8f423 (SHO) T;V[ tN,adareo-san ,Kita-ku ,Kobe-shi ,alt. 1.2-1. 5mm long .Antj,cli nwaallls of epidermis 450 m, 21 V 1994, Z Kbbcrp;as h2i5684 (HYO ,SHO); entirely covered by silica deposit sE,pidenma lcells Iwatani-togcY,amada-cho,Kobe-shi,29 V 1977,S, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 60 Acta Phylotax .Geobot. Xlo1 5.9 .I H I :・k'.'-eD ' it・ C fi・}-.-・uz A B fi ; wh N J M FiG. 2. CLire xko.vaens iJs .Odu & Nagam, A: habit B.: culm, eross section. C: outer leafblade c,ross section, D: inner leafblade c,ross section. E & F: spike. G: staminate scale, H: lewermes tpistilla tsceale, I :pistilla tsceale. J: perigr,niu ml,ater avliew. K: perigyniu amba,xial yiew, L: pcrigynium ,adaxial view, M: achene N: achene, cross section, Bar = S cm fbr Al O.5 nun for BuD; 1 mm fbr E-M. [to opf Koya-san, Wakayama Prefi J, Oda & S. }'amamoto 1639 (KYO)] NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March 200S ODA & NAGAMASU: New Species of Caie; from Japan 61 with central silica body and 2"-8 inconspicuous Saeki-gun 3,0 V 1932, T SZii os.n. (KYO) .rr Ylamaguchi satellite bodie son concave platfbrm .AnticlinalPreil :Sasagahara ,Akeragi-mura, Abu-gun. K. Oka 18429**,J843i**(KPM). silica walls often honeycombed. jk7panesename.Koya-harisug(enov) ' Specimen cited by Ohwi (l936 )as C. capitlacea. ** Specirnen scited by Katsuyam a(1994 a)s ? ・Carex onoei. Distrihution .Japan, endemic. Centra land Honshu (FukuiMi,e, Shiga,Hyogo, western Leaves Wakayama, Hiroshima ,Tottor iand "lamaguchi The shape of the leave osf the three species dig Prefs.)(Fig6). fer from each other. Ctiji enixratis diffe rfsrom the Habitat, Wet place sby stream}ets, not sub- other two species in leaf cross section. The outer merged; transition abletween warm and cool tem- leaye sof C. ruralis are involut (eFi g1.D) to trigo- perat ezone m mountalns, nous and the inne rleaves are trigonous (Fi gI.E), Notes ,Plantsreported a`s?Caiexonoei' by both inne rand outer leave sare les sthan 1 mm Katsuyarna (199 4fr)or rYkiimaguchi Prefi are (Jkerex widc (Tab l1e) ,Most of the Quter ieave sof C kqyaensi (sse sepecimens examined below). copillacea and C. koyaensi asre V-shape din cress Othe rspecimens examined. Fuku iPref :Kuroko- section and O,8-2 mm wide (Fig s2C., 3C); the rind oT,suruga-sh i1,e VI 2002, Kl Kada 85064 (KYO). inne rleave sare triquetrou s(Fig s2D., 3D). When woMie Pref .M:t. Gozaisho ,Aotaki to Kunimi path, the leave sef C capillaeea are les sthan 1 rmn wide, Komono-cho, Mie-gun, 25 VIT !962, ]VFukuoka 4926 (KYO); near t he tep of Mt. 6oz aisho -d ake S,uzuk a-shi, the lengt hof the culm is les sthan 20 cm, suggesting alt. ] 150 m, J Ocla 16157 (KYO) .LShiga Pre£: Shiratani that these plant sare growing under poor conditions to Mt, Mikunl-yama, Niskinosho-mur a',lakashima-gun, (TEi bl)l,e 11 V 1922, G. Kbideumt s.n,* (KYO) .LHyogo Pref: The cross sections ofthe leave sofC im'aen- MeshS, Sandarsh iI,O VIII 1977, S Hbsemi i7724 C}<YO).sis and C, capiliacea are similar. The leave sof -TIbttorPirefiAshizu,Chizu,-cho,Yazu-gun, 17V 1972, A. 7kenah a f255 4 (KYO ) -,Hiroshi ma Pre£: Ohn o- mu!a, the vegetative shoots after anthesis are erect in C, wh, tl ----,e'li ・e---'・ 'L l. ,v-・'tS.- - x.・..?1, r'1. .,:i D FiG. 3, Carex capillacea Boott ,A: inflorescen cBe:, perigynium. adaxial view. C: outer lea Ccross sectien, D: inner leag sec- tion. bar =: 1 mm for A & B; e.5 mm fbr C & D. [Ryogai kDaei,an-cha ,Inabe-gun ,Mie Pref, X Oda 5S7 <KYO)]cress NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 62 Acta PhytotaxGeobot Vbl 59 cupillacea (Fi g4B), while they are recurved m C lacea as `with resmous dots 'Glandula rdots have kayaensz (sFi g4A) The leavesofC ko.vaens aires not been found on the pe"gynia of C ruralis and C sefter than those of C cqpillacea, suppesedly k ovaensts v becaus tehe fbrmer has fewer girder sin the meso- Ckine ctapxillacea has (6- 8)- 13 ( -15) pigtillate phyl l(Fig 2sC-D and 3CrmD) flower sC, rurulis and C kayaensi shave 4-6 (-8) (Fi g1sF-G, 2E-E 3A, [IUbl 1c) Thig characte"s- PistiZlateflowens tic is usefu1 fbr distmgu]shm gthe latte trwo species As showmn Table 1, m Carex capitlacea, 1 1 from C eapdlacea in the field haye dotsbut2 individuals perrgyma wnh glandular specimens from Kuzakai and Nepal lack glandular Achenemicromorlphology dots The specimcns frem Kuzaka] andNepal are Micromorpholog yofthe achene epidermis is a doubtles rseferable to C captllacea becaus eofthe taxonomically usefu1 character at the sectional and v-shaped er tnquetrous ledves m,any flower sand specific rank in Ckena x(Toivo &n eTnimonen 1 976, (bedigcussed Hotshmo1984,Wujek & Menapace 1988,Rettig achenes with cellulose anticlmal wa]ls below) The perigyni aof C captllacea do not 1990, Dan & Hoshino 1994, Olgun & Beyazoglu always have glandular dots (Fi g3B), although 1997, Starr& Ford 2001, Oda et al 2003) The sil- Boott (1858 )describe dthe pemgyma of C capil- ica bodies ofthe achene epidermis in Ctire cxcrpil- FIG 4 A CareA koyaensis ,"ith long creepmg rhizomes and reLuryed leaLes [Mt Ko>asan, Wakayama Pref,J Oda cg S lhmamoto i639 (KYO) ,Lultivdted] B Caiex capillacea, with abbreviated thizomes and erect leave s[Ikyoga pioknde Mle Pref 1 Odd 587 (KYO) ,cultivated] NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March 2008 ODA & NAGAMASU' New Species of Cketu rfrom Japan 63 mp k.If,ny..t }l・1・"a'-:' gema FiG.5. Achene epidermis micromorphology. Ai Carex ctrpiltacea, Ebinokogen, 7ink Sh!mi.7 u86257 (KYO) .B: CJ .ruralls, Nakatsugawa-shi S,. 71yugar uetal, 27714 (KYO) .C: C. ntftilis, Mt. tanokami-yama,X Oda &A, 7bminaga 1300 (KYO) ,D, C iwalis, Ncnoue-kogen, Nakatsugax'a-sh Ji ,Odo i561 (KYO) ,E: C ko.}・aensi sM,t. Gozaisho-dake,, O1do 1657 (KY℃) .F, C, kayaens iMst,. Koya-san ,Wakayama Pref, Z Odo & S, iZtmamoto i639 (KYO) .G: C. eapdiacea var. ccrpiltacea, Nepal, AL 1<iirosa eltd aL 8820449 <SHO) .H: C. capiUacea var. sachahnensis. Utonai 'H,okkaido, 71i kShimizu S3479 (KYO) .A and B: Epidermi wsith persiste ncetllulosc ccll walls after 3 hr soakmg in acetolysis solution. C, D, E, FL G, H: Epidenmls after cellu- Iose cell walls removed by 6'1O hr soaking in acetolysis solution. Bar = 20 pm, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics 64 AetaPhytotax.Geobot. Nlo1.59 lace a C mralis and C kqyaensi asre rather diverse wall in C copillacea; the central bodies were all in , (Fi g5., Table 1). contact with the outer periclin waallls in C, ruvalis The silica platfbr mofthe achene epidermis is and C. kQyaensis, concave and the edges are thickened in all three Carex capillacea had one to several central species. The anticlinal walls of C. capiltacea are not bodies whose apices were usual]y truncate, some- fuII ycovered with silica deposit sso, parts ofthe cel- times rounded, and 13-20 well-developed satellite lulos eantjclinal wall are observed after soaking bodies were regu]arly arranged along the anticlinal for three hours in the acetolysis solution, This fea- walls on the concave platfbrr n(Fi g5G,nH, [Ial) 1l)e. ture was stable not only in specimens from Japan, In C ru,ulis (Fi g5C,-D) and Ct kclyaensi (sFi g5.E- but also in those from Nepal and Mt. Kinabalu, F), however ,the central body was solitary and well Malaysi a(Fi g5,A, [labl e1) .The anticlinal walls of develope dwith a truncat eapex; the satellit ebodies C ruralis and C. kqyaensis are fuIIy covered with were not as well develope don the concave plat- silica deposit sso that the cellulose anticlinal walls form as in C. cupillacea. It may be only loca lvari- are not visible and only the outer periclina lwalls ation in the two specimens of C runzlis from Mie were remeved (Fi g5B., Table 1) ,The cellulose Prefectur eZ, 71suts and K }kmauJak is,n. anticlinal walls exserted from the silica deposit that deviate bdy hayin gas many satellite bodie sas in were 7-l5 pm long and the apex of the central C. cqpillacea (Tab l1e). bodies were not in contact with the outer periclinal The anticlinal walls of Cl ccrpitlacea and C. ,ioeN 35'N 130'E 135"E FIG ,6. Distribut miaopn of Cdrex ruralis (dis kan)d C. ko.vaen s(itsriangle). NII-Electronic Library Service