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Two new species of Asphondylia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Halosarcia spp. (Chenopodiaceae) in South Australia PDF

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Preview Two new species of Asphondylia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Halosarcia spp. (Chenopodiaceae) in South Australia

Transactionsofthe HoyalSocietyofS, Aust. (1997). 121(2), 59-66. TWO NEW SPECIES OFASPHONDYUA (DIPTERA: CECIDOMYIIDAE) FROM HALOSARCIA SPR (CHENOPOD1ACEAE) IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA by Peter Kolrsik* Summary Kolbsik, P. (1997) Two new species of Aspliondxlia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Haiosarcia spp. (Chenopodiueeae) in SouthAustralia. Trans, R. Soc. S.Aust 121(2), 59-66. 30 May. 1997. Twonewgall midgespeciesaredescribedfromSouthAustralia.Asphondyliainflatasp.nov. wasfoundatPort Adelaide inswollenbranchesofHaiosarciapergranuiatasubsp.pergrannlata.Asphondyliaericiformissp. nov. was foundat Lyndhursl.atthesouthernedgeoftheStivelecki Desert,formingspherical, spikygallson branches of //. indica subsp. leioslachya. Descriptions of the larvae, pupae, males, females and galls are given for both species, KEY Words: Diplera, Cecidomyiidae, Adelaide, Sir/elecki Desert, South Australia. Introduction Haiosarcia indica subsp. leiostachya is a small, decumbentto erect shrub widespread along the coasl Utdosarcia is a plant genus comprising 23 species and around inland salt lakes of mainland Australia commonly called samphires. The genus is endemic (Wilson 1984). It is acommon plant in the Str/eleeki to Australia except for H. indica (Willd.) Wilson which also occurs in Malaysia and other countries bordering the Indian Ocean (Wilson 1986). Two species of Haiosarcia were found to be infested by two undescribed gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) collected in South Australia during 1996. These gall midges are described in the present paper. Asphondylia inflata sp. nov. causes swellings of branch segments on H. pcrgrannlata (Black) Wilson subsp. per^ranalata (Fig. 1) and A. erici- formissp. nov. forms spherical, spiky gallsonbranch segments of H. indica subsp. leiostachya (BenthJ Wilson (Fig. 2). Haiosarcia pergranulata subsp. pergramdata is a shrub about 0.5 m high which grows in southern Australia (except Tasmania) associated with coast- Fig. I. Gall ofAsphondylia inflata sp. nov. on Haiosarcia lines, estuaries, swamps and margins ofinland lakes pergnmnlala (Black) Wilson suhsp.pergtamdata. Scale (Wilson 1984). The plant forms a substantial part of bar= 10 mm. the vegetation cover ofsaltmarsh flats north-west of Adelaide, These saltmarsh flats are areas covered by small, hardy bushes that grow on the landward side o\' the mangrove swamps. Areas that are regularly inundaled by tides are typically dominated by Scleroste^ia arhuscula and Sarcocornia tpnnqueflo- ra, while areas that are only occasionally Hooded are dominated by Mairetina oppositifolia and Haiosarcia spp. In May 1996, a large number of galls caused by A. inflata sp. nov. was found on //. pergranitlala subsp. per^rattalata at Port Adelaide, about 400 m south o^ithe Torrens Island bridge. :' DepartmentofHorticulture,ViticultureunciOenology Facultyor" Fig. 2. Gall of Asphondylia ericiformis sp. nov. on Agricultural and Natural ResourceSciences. Universityul Haiosarcia indica subsp. leiostachya Wilson. Scale bar Adelaide PMB1 GlenOsmondS.Aust. 5064 = 10 mm. KOLES1K P. NFW GALL VtlDCFS FROM HALOSARCtA Ml Desert where itgrows in a variety ofhabitats, includ- Hi/fotypc: 4 . Port Adelaide. South Australia 13450' ing sail lake margins, open clay plains and gibbet S. 138' 30' E|. emerged o.v.19%. P. Kolesik, reared plains, It k one oi' the dominant plants around from branch gall on H. pergrLinultiia (Black) Wilson Fyndhursi. where, in l-ebruary 19W\ all examined subsp. iH-r^icmuiuhi.. gall collected 5.v.|0%, 121283 shrubs exhibiteda low lo moderate infestation by the |SAMA|. gall midge A- t>ri<ifi>rwis sp. no*. fonttv{>tjs: I J*. 39 V, 2 pupae. I pupal skin Material and Melhods (SAMAk \r- V? V, pupa_ pupal skin |ANK'|. I I (ialls weresampled horn Hnlusttrcm ituUcu subsp, aIllSAsMamAe dcaotlalebcuttedewmietrhgehodlo5t.yVp.-c1.3-\i.llW6: 1 larva lehistttchya at FyndhuiM 115.ii.19%) and Halosiurui I, f()54v'.r\|;0n0ani)ul.(HHThMeibsgfpi-lfe(>tjcno>lrlaeneullctdiutenatboPlohrtoAcdcealsaioindse Otht'fmutcnttf; 2V £, 13 pupal skins |SAMA|. col v\cil' processed in one ofIwo ways. A small number leviedanilh Irololvpc was cut open and the larvae preserved in 7(Kf eihauol, A Inrgei numberofgalls was kept in plastic A/<nV (Figs 3-f\ 7-0. 12. 13J bags, and the larvae Were reared to adults. Pupation Colour: seleivti/ed parts ofbody dark brown, nou- took place wilhin tlie -ialls. Plastic bags were exam scleroti/ed parts o\ abdomen orange. mod daily and emerged adulls preserved, together Head: Anicnnn: scape broadest distally. length 1.5 Willi their pupal skins, m 70'i tuhanol. Canada bal- \ breadth at distal cm}, I b • l.x \ length pedicel, sam mounts wf type Npecimens for microscopic pedicel about as broad as long, fhsl llagcllomere 2.0 examination were prepared according to ihe tech 2.2 \ length of scape, flagellomeres evenly cylin- nic|ue outlined b> Kolesjk tF>')5a). All measure- drical, ctrcomfila dense, equally distributed along rivals refer to type series. The type series and othei segments. Gyc facetsclose together, hexagonoid. eye iniileiial rclained in 70';* ethanol are deposited m the blidge 6 - 7 facets long. Frojis uith 12 - IX setae pei South Australian Museum. Adelaide |SAMA| ami side. Labcila reduced in M/e. fused, laleraily with 3 the Australian National Insect Collection. Canberra o setae, setulose. Mamillary palpus 3 segmented, |ANIC|. length ofthird seumenl. as well as tolal length, sari able Genus Axphoiutvlin Loew. 1850 Thorav. Wing length 3.s mm (range 3.4 - 3.5). width 14 mm ( 1.4 - L5|. Sc cell pigmented proxi Loew. IK50. Diptcrologische Beitriige. 1850: 21 and mally. Anepisternuni and anepiineron coveted with 37 MW subgenus offVr hinmvui Vleig.cn, 1803) scales- Claws ofall legs subec|ual in size, similar in Type species: Cl'Lilh/fftyUi .surothumru loew. 1850. shape, as long as enipodia. I.e.: 3N (des. Karsch. 1X77): Revision der Ahdomen: Genitalia: gonocoxiLe* short, with long Gallmuckeii: 15). veniro-apical lobe: gonostylus with 2 unequal apical teeth, ventral about 2 x length ol dorsal, aedeagus \\f)h(/ud\1iu is a worldwide genus ihal currently elongate and narrow. comprises some 2fi0 described species (Gaguc loooj Ii contains species that have a ventro-dislal /r,W<(Figs 14. HV|K 2F24) spineon the ffrjtl tarsomerc. theovipositor with large Frons wilh ^-11 setTae per side. Twelfth llagclio- basal lobes, female flagellomeres 12 progress- mere sometimes fused wilh eleventh. Ciivurnlila ively shortened, the guiioeoxue with a veitlro-apical comprising twolongitudinal bandsconneciedby two lobe and a dorsally situaled gonoslylus thai is aboul .Tiort transverse bands. Wing length 3.4 mm (2,7 as wide as long and bears two nasally merged teeth. 3-7). widih 1.3 mm (Ft - 1.4). Seventh abdominal siernite 2.2 x (2.0 - 2A) length ol" sixlh. Genitalia: Axpha/ulytia inflata sp. nov. ovipositor 2,2 \ (1>J - 2.41 length ot'seventh .sLcrnile. U'IGS I. 3 5. 7-9. 12-14. I6-1K. 21.24-27,31. Hi cerci glabrous. Olher characters as in male. M Fit-',-. ^ $ HuihJ ol nuilfAsphondvhtt tttfltthi .sp. nov. .p fnmt.il view. A. Geniliiiiuut'»YdK-A,\f/ttottJ\tiu atfhiht sp. nOV. hiilorsiil view. 5.Cnitioslylusofiiiali-'As^h^nJxIiuinflux! sp nw\. in posiefior vifw, O Lioliustylusi\tmt\icAst)h<)tuh'liu t-m *j<ntni\ :,p nov. at posiciiiii view. 7. I^fisl ihrcv mr^llamergs ol mule Aspiwiuhlia itsfktia -ip. nov S. Si.Mh flajiel kmtLiv ol maleA,si>/t<>)ulyliti infhttu sp, nov '). WttltAsphuiulyiiit tnfltht $p.nov, I ;>stlai'som^re withcUtwand empiMti- uiu. 10<*t I I. Maxillaiy palpusofiuul<: Asftluinilvlint'nnfonttt\ sp, nnv 1 \ Hirsi laiHomere ol maleA\f>hon\h'Haiufhf- (ftsp, nov J3 Vfn\&\>j[|TnUoMphotidxlia mjUua sp, urn State burs= 100jiiu3.4. 7-12: 50urn5.6.500uin 13. 62 P. KOLESIK 15 14 17 18 16 23 24^ NFW GALL V1IDGTS FROM HAIOSARCIA R3 Prf/w (Figs-Jfi 27.31) Hirfotxpc; i% Lvndhurst. Soulh Australia \MY 17' S. Colour: abdomen orange, remaining parts dark I3cS[I2I' B|. 2ihiUOU„. p_ Kolesik. reared from mm brown. lotal length 3.(1 (2 K - 5.3). Aniennal branch gall on flnh>smrut indica subsp, lao\huh\(\ horns serrate medial)}. 185 Jim (141 - 191) long (Benin.) Wilson, gall collected l5.ii.l°-%. I2I2H4 Upper and lower frontal horns simple. Two pairs of 1SAMA1, papillae on lower lace, one ofeach pair wilh a sela Prolhoracie spiracle broad al base, narrow an distill Parnivpi'.w I :'. IS S?, I pupa. I pupal skin |SAMA|. hAabldf,omciunraveldsbcegymoenndlsIru2ch-ea8l owpielnhinIgwoalpmaiidr-slednmgstahl. bIu't,eIme£.rgIedpu2p5a-.271.iptu.p1a0l%s:ki3n l[uArvN«iiCe||,SaAlMlAs|a.me2dlaalr.-t papillae, two pairs pleural papillae, and one pair ven- vae \\IC|, collected with hololype. iral papillae, all papillae seiose. Abdominal dorsal | spines simple,prominenl pairon lasi segment curved fJj/tcrtmiti-iifiLl pupae.4 pupal skins |SAMA| col lalciallv. lected with hololype. bust inshtt iim'H tl;ie_ 34) Colour: orange. Integument eovcted with dritvr M<//r(Figsb. 10. Mi spieulae. Lenglh ?_() mm Head capsule strongly pig- Frons wilh 6 - N selae pet side. Wing length 3.4 mented, posterolateral evtensioiis shorter than niin(2.l - -1.1). width 1.3 mm ((Iy- I or Ieye bridge length of head capsule Spatula wilh Iwo long, point - 9 fucei.s long, Ventral toothon gonosiylus as litrig ed anterior teeth, shaft narrowed near middle, as dnis,(|h Otherwise as in 1 inflaui widened ;ii:;iiii posteriorly, surrounded anteriorly and laterally by e\lensi\e pigmented, glabrous ...rea /<WeiFi«s 15. Iy. 20,22. 23) Papillai pattern generally as loi Asphctitivftu (Muhn Frons wilh 4 R setae per side. \\'nig lencih 3.4 1955) eveepi nuly _ lateral papillae on each side of mm i2.3 33>t, width 1.2 mm (0 (> III. Seventh spatulaand III) terminal papillae visible cm the avail- abdominal slcrmle 2.3 a i2." 2,5) length of si\(h able sperimrn Ovipositor I \ 1 1.X- 2.0) lenglli ofseventh sleruile. ccrei glabrous, Willi line ol teeth dorsally. Otherwise t IMinting\ ^ in .v Htffttta Jhe nam* ' inllatu" is a I aim adjective loi mll.ned i\lerrihg to Ihe appearance of die called branch. /'H/w(Figs2S-30. 33J (uill andhit>ii>i:\ b»lal length 4.4 mm t4.l - 4,7i, Aniennal lv>m- Hi.ntib segments ol' finh^curiu pn^ftitnilnni |0S firn ( 154 -214) lone, I'pper fronlal horn simple. subsp. p(tinwtnlitiu infested by this gall midge arc m* othci horn present. Dorsal spmes tafias! abdomi- - 3 times largerthan normal in volume, greyish-green nal segment about same leneih. straight.. and hard in contrast to ihe vivid, given colour and soli texlurc of uuinfestcd brunch scgmenls (fljk 1) Uist tnstur Ittnn tFmimes 33. 35) fetch yftll has <Hie to three ehanihciv wilh om: forva lolal length 3.2 <2.4 4.S). SpaUila with lone, in each chamber, The chamber wall is lined *\iih pointed anterior teeth, shaft short, broad, parnllcl- bard pulr-gieem 0.2^ - [J33 mm thick tissue sided. Three lateral papillae on each side ol thoracic Pupation takes place inside Ihe gall. A eituilar segments, ftp terminal papillae visible 0)1 iivnilahle brown area appear-- on (he lop of the gall hefou ilk- specimens. Otherwise as in A. infhiln. pupa cuts an opening with ils antennal httois. On 5 May |00(>, at Port Adelaide, the ealls appeared veil Etynudoxy common in the host plant population covering sever- The name erieiloruns"" is;i eompusrd I.aim adjec- al hundreds of in1. lrievfeerfroinrgmetdo tfhreomthe"erhieediugse'h*o(gh-esdhgaepheodyjgaalln.d "formic Asplumdstut chcifomm sp, nov, (FIGS 2. 6, HI* II, 15. \<). 1ft, 22. 23, 28-3U Cmll andbmtrt#y 32,33,35) I his species transforms branch scements *y| lius 14-24 14 Female \\/.'ln'iuhlm irtlhttu sp. nov. Oasul I«>(kson >.»vi|>«>siloi intlwi-Sjd view 15, FemaleAsphnihlyliai-ii- iiji'iitth sp. llov. Masai lubes ol ovipositor illdorsal vnw, tt\ Antenna ol fenmleA\pltniulylia tttjlnla sp_ nov. 17.Si IN. VJ.iVillary p.ilpits Of femaleAst'honrfylia infltttn a? nov. F) iV JO MaAilltin' palpus ol Ifmale <\\{rhondytt(i tritih>n>it\ sp, nov. 21, Si.vtli I'layelloinercol tcmak*A\plt'>n<fxli,i mfh/tn sp. m>v. 22, Female A,\f>lnnuf\liii<:ikijonui\ sp. nov.hinl »>l abdomen in lateral view. ?.V I'cmale AsphorulSlhiW?'i tjorwU fli. ft<A. End ot"ovipositor in lateral view. 24. Female As(>lu>tul\lui tttfhtfo ftp. nov. Endofoupusilorin luteial vie\v_ Sealebars = 100pm U-2F2.^. 24: S0O pin 22. 64 P. KOLESIK kA- < 34 M NIAV GALL MIDGES ROM IIALOSAKCIA F Hulosurcitt irulkn subsp. h'hiskichxu into spherical. rounding the spatuln in the larva is not pigmented. Spiky, monothalamous galls, each occupied by one Adults ol the two nevv species differ from each larva iLig. 2). Oilier Jiuiiitfier oi g$(] 0-12 mm. other most prominently in the shape of the gono inner diameter 2.1) - 25 mm. Chnmher wall lined stylus and Ihe end al^ the ovipositor The gono- Willi haul, brown, 0,15 - (1.33 mm thick tissue. stylus bears teeth ofunequal length and ihe end of Pupalion lakes place inside llie gull. On \S the ovipositor lacks external processes in A. inf'ht behiuaty, 19%.ill Lyndhurst. 10examined shrubs ol lit. In contrast, the gonosiylus of A. criciformis the host plum bore a tola! of about 2<H) gulls of the bears teeth of equal length and the end of the newgall midgespecies. The galls containedlarvae oi ovipositor is serrated. More differences arc evi- pupae. dent in the earlier developmental stages. The pupa Remarks ol A. iiiflntti has both upper and frontal horns pre- sent and a prominent pair ofdorsal spines on die hour species ol Asplwittixlia have been previously lasl segment is curved laterally: in A. cncijhnitis \ known 10 "ccui hi Australia (Gagne 1\W); Kol<"'k the pupa has ihe uppe^ horn only and all dorsal W5bk Asplumdxlia d<»doihhittj. a Soulh Australian spines on the lust abdominal sermon arc equally species common in iheAdelaide Hills, malforms term- strong and straight, The larvae differ m the shape inalbrunch Steinsand primary leal veinsol\'Dorfomua of the spatula and the numher of lateral papillae ri\at,\ti (Sapindaccac) (Kolesik 10*J5h> Two species, two per side in A. itijle/u bin three per side in \. A, /ecu/and A. lubttindu,were described in llie pre- crtt'Ifontti*. The two new species resemble each vious century from adnlis caught in flight in Sydney, other in the shape of the antenna! horns and pro New South Wales, and their biology is unknown thoracic spiracles m pupae, the antennal segments (Skiise ISSS, IMO). The fourth. A. hilii. was in adults, the veniro-apical lobes on Ihe gonoeox- described from females and pupae bred fiom .m ites in males ami the relative lengths of the sixth unknown plant in Darwin, Norlhern Territory and seventh abdominal sicruiles m females. I In. tLdwards llJlru These las! ihice species, which weie elongation ol" the ventro-apical lobe on the gono described superficially and can nol be compared on eoxile is unique its these two species and disting- their descriptions', are not considered in the present uishes iheni from the oilier Asphondylid spp. papa, bul I plan a review ofAustralian A.spiiendvlttt spp. ata later stage. Morphological similarities between the two new Acknowledgments •pci_us and the fact thai their respective hosi plains belong 10 the vnrie .uemis. suggest a i low I am grateful to R G Wilson, Western Australian relationship. They lorni a distinctive group that Ilerbarium(Anno forIhe identification^\ Htdosumu excludes A. ih'dtnuujur \\phan(Jylitt dtnttHUH'm1 anluii subsp. h,it>swrhxu. R. J. C'hmnock. Soulh differs from the two new -.pceics in ihe following Australian Herbarium AdeJarde tot the idenufication ivspviK. AdulUhave prominent labcllaand scapes ol Hiilo\ttrcnt pi'tyjutnultini subsp pcixromdati^ as long as broad at the distal cuds. The mule lias j I, B Rcaulon win* led i South Australian Museum shori a wntro-apical lobe on the gonocoxile. suudl collecting tripduring which Xyphtwdylia crii-ifcrinis lolv% adjacent !o icclh on ihe gonosiylus ami the sp. nov. wasdiscovered, '\. Stark. Malic Germain I'm aedeagus. much shorter than the gonoeoxiies. The providing copies of Karsch's and Lock's papeis and seventh abdominal Sttil'JKllc ili On? fetmlla ''• ilaee J D Gray, Department o( Horticulture, Vib Iiiiils longer than the si\lh. The pupa ha* no culture and Oenoloey "'iiivcrsity of \delaide and frontal bonis, the antennal horns arc triangular ami R. 1 Gut.mc, Systematic Entomology Laboratory setrated laieoillv mid Ihe prothcuacic spiracle is ILSDA Washington IJC for then comments "n an iioi i-oosulcialilv bnurtlcrtn. ihe base. The uicj sur- eail\ dmftofthe manuscript I !• W J^. 25 \\jfliniuh(iuwifahi*\} ii'V. Amkmum partol pupa nMvnir.il view 2ti, \*}thoiu{Yli<imfh>t« >.p ii"\. Autcrioi ran iH \m\\m\ in laieo.1 \lew 77 A\fht"nl\lta (nffom sp. liov. I'ruihoracic spiiacl- ^1 puiui 2*. \snfwiHf\ha iJ^f< flvwfts sp im\, Anicrioi p;iri el pap.i En vvtiir.il \k\s, J1', Ait/ffaimtytiil IP^f/f'ffOW sl>- nov.AmcrMH inn! ..I pupa m luU'val vjrvv. \\), \y(.'/t<?/ut\h<t i'nnlniwt,- sp. nov. P/rith^ruc'iC 'pirack' ol pupa. M I'upao|*.\^>it.'H'lyliolufhthi *p nnv_ I ;tsl aluktui inal ItugniCUII 111 ilorsal vi*_-\s, J~ Pupa "I AApAftttitttfR cnvtfonius SP nUVi I H^l ahiloir.niitl ^^^itienl m ilor>.al view, l.i I ;iiva "I A>!>!i<>tuhli(t i'rhiftWnk *P< nOV. bast [AMU ubUvinitHtl secmniK h< ilttrsat view. W. \nlefinrpair ortaivuol MpfttUttiylOt ttifl'lte sp. rtl'V. m vemral view 3r\ lit ad ati.l l'n\l Itmraeie se^aienl nl taivaol \.sph<i/u(\ini rti< IfrOWto sp nov. in VL'itlrat vRm-v Vale ftur4 : I(M»|Hm KOLESIK fir, P. References Edwards. F. W. (1916) Two newAustralian Diptera. Ann. Loew, H. (1850) "Dipterologische Beitrage. VierterThcil. Mag, Nat. Ilist. 103 (8th Scries,Vol. 18), 498-502. Die Gallmiieken. Zu der otTenllichen Priifung der CiACNh. R. .1. (1989) Family Cecidomyiidac pp. 152-163 /// SGcyhmilnlaers"i1um(zDuaPsoscn,KoPnoisgclni)c.he Friedrich-WiIhelm- Evcnhuis. N. L. (Ed.) "Catalog of the Diptera of the Australasian and Oceanian Regions" (Bishop Museum Mohn, E. (1955) Beitrage zur Systematik der Larven der Press and R.J. Brill, Honolulu). Idonididae (= Cecidomyiidae. Diptera). 1. Teil,: Porricondylinaeund [tonidinae Mitteleuropas,Zaalagica I 1994) "TheGall Midgesofthe Neotropical Region" 105, 1-247. (Cornell University Press. Ithaca NewYork). Skuse, F. A. A. (1888) Diptera ofAustralia. Part I. Vvoc. KARSCH. F, A. F. (1877) "Revision der Gallmiieken" (E.C. Linn. Sac. N.S.W. (2nd SeriesJ X 17-145. Brunn, Minister i. W.). (1890) Diptera of Australia. Nematoeera - Kolhsik. P. (1995a) A new species ofEoeitieticortiia Felt WilSsuopnp,lePm.enGt. (1.19Ib8i4d)- F5.am3i7l3y-4C1h2e.nopodiaceae pp. 81-317 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidac) on Eucalyptusfasciculasa in /// George, A.S. (Ed.) "Flora o( Australia." Vol. 4 South Australia../. Austr. cut. Sac. 34. 147-152. (Australian Government Publishing Service. Canberra). (1995b) Asphandylia dodonaeac, a new species of (1986) Family Chenopodiaceae (Dysphaniaceae) pp. Cecidomyiidac (Diptera) damaging leaves and branches 236-31 1 InJessop,J. P. &Toelken. H.R. (Eds)"Floraol of hop-hush, Dodonacd viscosa (Sapindaceae) in South Australia". Part 1 (South Australian Government Australia. Thins. X. Sac. S. Anst. 119, 171-176. Printing Division, Adelaide).

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