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Two New Species of Arisaema (Araceae) from China PDF

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Preview Two New Species of Arisaema (Araceae) from China

植物研究雑誌 J. Jpri. Bot. 78: 81-85 (2003) Two new species of Arisaema (Araceae) from China Jin MURATAa and Su-Gong WUb aBotanical Gardens,Ko ishikawa,Gr aduate School of Science,Un iversity of Tokyo,Ha kusan 3-7-1, Bun匂/0・‘ku,Tokyo,1 12・0001JAPAN bKunming Institute of Botany,Ch inese Academy of Sciences,H ei1ongtan,K unming, Yunnan,6 50204 CHINA (Received on November 2,2 002) Two new species of Arisaema,A. lidaense and A. lihenganum,a redescribed from 紅 the limestone紅easof the Yunn釦an-Gua組n♂gxiborder in China. Key words: Araceae,Ar isaema,C hina,n ew species. The Yunnan-Guangxi border region of green,wi thout distinct marks. Leaf usually 1, China,i ncluding aw ide range of limestone expanding earlier than inflorescence. eas,was botanized extensively during the Pseudostem green,m uch shorter than free 紅 1970s by Chinese botanists. Many new spe- part of petiole,(3 -) 5-12 (-15) cml ong; free cies were described based on these collec- p tof petiole 15-23 cm long. Leaf 3- 訂 tions. However,mo re recent collections from foliolate; leafl~ts subsessile,su bequal in size; these areas escarce even in the Chinese terminal one narrowly elliptic,a pex long 紅 herbaria. In our joint Sino-Japanese expedi- acuminate,b ase attenuate,7 -14 (-16) x 2- tion in 1997 wef ound many interesting lime- 4.5 (-5.5) cm; lateral ones oblique. Inflores- stone species,o f which two new species of cence bisexual after sex change. Peduncle Arisaema,b oth from sect. Fimbriata e usually shorter than petiole (much shorter in ,紅 here described. bisexual inflorescence), 8-15 cm long, curved downwards when fruiting. Spathe 1. Arisaema lidaense J.Murata & S.G.Wu, green with white patch on the back of the sp. nov. [Fig. 1] mouth,4 .0-9 cm long; tube narrowly cylin- Arisaema prazeri affinis aq ua minoribus drical,2 .5-5.0 cm long,n ot expanded at spadicis appendice spatha breviore et mouth; blade ovate to widely ovate, chromosomatum numerum differt. acuminate,1 .5-4.0 cml ong. Bisexual spadix Typus: China,Y unnan,W enshan Distr., n Towlycylindrical,f emale p tto 1.4c m 紅 訂 Funing,L idazhen,ca . 1300 m,( grown from long,m ale p tto 10 mml ong; appendix 訂 seed of H. Akiyama et al. 078 and cultivated green,us ually without projections,up right or in the gree凶louseof Setsunan University), weakly incurved,g radually narrowed to the Jun. 19,2 000,1. Murata & H. Murata s.n. top,no t exerted from spathe,3 -4.5 cml ong. (holotypus KUN,is otypus TI). Staminate flowers with white or purple an- Herb to 30 (-40) cm tall but usually thers. Pistillate flowers green,el lipsoid,co n- smaller. Tuber depressed globose,1 -2 cm gested. Infructescence depending. diam.,wi th distinct axillary buds. Cataphylls Chromosome number: 2n =2 4 (Murata 2-3, surrounding pseudostem, purplish et al. 2003) -81- 82 植物研究雑誌第78巻 第2号 平成15年4月 Fig. 1. Arisaema lidaense J.Murata &S .G.Wu. A. Habit,x O.35 (holotype). B. Spathe removed to show the bisexual spadix,x O.5 (holotype). C.T ubers,x 1.5. D. Juvenile individual producing four normal leaves successively,x O.6. April2003 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 78 No. 2 83 Arisaema lidaense appears. to be restricted with inflorescence. Petiole to 30 cm long, to shady easin limestone habitats. On the lacking pseudostem,pu rplish brown mottled 訂 small mountain behind Lida-village (the type with green. Leaf 3-foliolate; leaflets entire, locality) it was found together with other subequal in size,to 25 x 15 cm,p etiolule limestone species such as Sophora tonki- 3.5-4.5 cm long; central leaflet oblong- nensis Gagnepain (Leguminosae). This spe- elliptic,a pex acuminate and caudate,b ase cies appe sto be close to A. prazeri Hook. round-cuneate; lateral leaflets oblique. 紅 f. (2n = 26,M urata et al. 2003) and the A. Peduncle separate from petiole,1 1-20 cm laminatum Blume complex including A. long,en circled closely by cataphylls. Spathe roxburghii Kunth (characterized by the chro- tube narrowly infundibuliform,4 .5-6 x7 -9 mosome number 2n = 24,M urata et al. cm when opened,w hite to pale green; blade 2003). Morphologically it is very similar to narrowly deltoid to narrowly deltoid-ovate, A. prazeri and differs from it only in the 15-20 x 5-6.5 cm,a cuminate,u pper half shorter spadix appendage not exerted from dark red-purple,lo wer half white. Spadix bi- the spathe. Although it is distinct from the sexual after sex change; male portion 10-20 A. laminatum eomplex in the shape and/or x8 m m,f emale portion 20-30 x1 0 mm; ap 嗣 coloration of the spathe as well as the gender pendix sessile,s lender,1 3-16 cm long,e x- expression after sex change,it shares the erted from the mouth of spathe and same chromosome numbers as the A. dependingbasalpart white,da rk red-purple ヲ laminatum complex and is thus considered to above,f rom base to the top bearing numer- be closer to the complex. This species is also ous.filiform sterile flowers of 3-5 cm long. very distinct in the seedlings which produce Staminate flowers basically white. Pistilate three to five normalleaves successively (Fig. flowers green,bo ttle shaped. 1D). In the long pendulous spadix appendage with numerous sterile flowers this species is 2. Ar・isaema lihenganum J.Murata & similar to A. fimbriatum Masters,A . victo ・ S.G.Wu,sp . nov. [Fig. 2] riae V.D.Nguyen and A. ornαtum Miq. but Species insignis spadicis appendice longe it differs from both A.βmbriatum and exserta floribus sterilibus filiformibus. ad 5 A. victoriae in the subcylindrical rhizome cm obsiti; differt ab A. fimbriato necnon A. and the absence of pseudostem (underground victoriae rhizomate cylindrico (in illud stem tuberous and pseudostem present in A. tubere) et pseudocauli nullo (in illud fimbriatum and A. victoriae) and from A. praesenti); ab A. ornato laminis trifoliolata ornatum in the trifoliolate leaves and the (in illud pedata) et spadicis bisexuali (in illud spadix becoming bisexual after sex change unisexuali) . (leaves padate with five leaflets and spadix Typus: China, Guangxi, Pingmeng, unisexual in A. ornatum). The specific epi- Chigangshan,al t. 1000 m,( grown from seed thet of this remarkable species is given in in the greenhouse of Setsunan University), honor of Dr. Li Heng of the Kunming Feb. 1,2 001,1. Murata & H. Murata s.n. Institute of Botany,w ho has made al arge (holotypus KUN,i sotypus TI). contribution to the systematics of Chinese Herb to 50 cm tall. Rhizome subcylind- Araceae. rical,cr eeping horizontally,to 13 cml ong,4 cm thick,b ranching,p u叩lishto brownish This study was partly supported by outside,r ed-purple inside. Cataphylls to 20 Grants-in-Aid from the Japanese Ministry of cm long, encircling each petiole and Education,S cience,S ports and Culture (No. peduncle. Leaf 1,e xpanding simultaneously 09041165 to 1. Murata). Thanks edue to 征 84 植物研究雑誌第78巻第2号 平成15年4月 Fig. 2. Arisaema lihenganum J.Murata &S .G.Wu. A. Habit,x O.4 • B.Bi sexual spadices,x 1.0. C. Rhizome with the transverse section above,x O.7. April2003 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 78 No. 2 85 Dr. Takashi Sugawara of Makino Herba- References rium,T okyo Metropolitan University for ex- Murata J. 1990. New or noteworthy chromosome re- amining chromosome numbers and to Ms. cords in Arisaema (Araceae) (2). J. Jpn. Bot. Hiroko Murata of Department of Pharma- 65: 225-232. 一一一,Murata H.,S ugawara T. and WuS .G. 2003. New ceutical Science,S etsunan University for or noteworthy chromosome records in Arisaema taking care of living specimens to flower. (Araceae) (3). J. Jpn. Bot. 78: (in press). 巴田 仁 ,武素功 .中国産テンナンショウ属 a b (サトイモ科)の2新種 1997年に行った雲南省・広西省の石灰岩地の現 laminatumに近縁であると推定される . A. 地調査により発見したテンナンショウ属の2種を lihenganumは花序付属体が長く垂れ下がり,多数 記載した.A. lidaenseは,全体が小さく花序付属 の糸状の退化花をつけることから A.βmbriatum, 体が仏炎包より短いという点を除けば,A. prazeri A. victoriαeとA.ornatumに似ている.A. fimbria- (2n = 26) に最もよく似ている. また,A. tumとA.victoriaeからは偽茎がなく,地下茎が円 laminatumとその近縁種 (2n= 24) にも似ている 筒状の根茎であること A.ornatumからは花序が が、仏炎査の形や色と 性転換後に両性花序とな 性転換後に両性となること,葉身が3小葉に分裂 り雌花序をつけないという点で異なる.染色体数 することで区別される. に関してはA.laminatumとその近縁種を特徴づけ (a東京大学大学院理学系研究科附属植物園, る 2n= 24を共有することから, むしろ A. b中国科学院見明植物研究所)

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