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Two new species and two new subspecies of the Boarmiini from Taiwan, with notes on Alcis anmashanensis Sato (Geometridae, Ennominae) PDF

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Preview Two new species and two new subspecies of the Boarmiini from Taiwan, with notes on Alcis anmashanensis Sato (Geometridae, Ennominae)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uttwt Trans. topiaSloc. Japan 53(3):141-149,June2002 Two new species and two new subspecies of the Boarmiini from Taiwan, Aleis Sato (GeometridEanneo,minae) with notes on anmashanensts IUkio SATo 2-27-29,Shindori-nishNii,igata,950-2036Japan Abstract Ramobia anmashana, flsikifo ifsai D,ufikzphyle agitata taiwana, CZ2ora leucophaea taiwanensts are describe das new to science from Taiwan. The female sof Aict sanmashanensis Sato first description, are recorded with a Key words Boarmiini ,Geometridae ,new species, new subspecies, Taiwan, Recently I examined some Boarmiin ispecimens taken at Mts Anmashan, Taichung Co., in Taiwan, by Messrs C.-M. Fu and H.-R. Tzuoo, and fbund some interesti nspgecies among them. In this paper ,I will describ etwo new species of Ramabia Inoue and flsiinic Wiasrren, and two new subspecies of Dufibphyle crgitata (Butl aendr) CZleor aleucophae a(Butl efrro)m Taiwan, and describ ethe female of Aici sanniashanensis Sato fbr the firs ttime, The fbllowin gabbreviations are used to indicat tehe Iocation ofthe type specimens. NIAES: National Jnstitu toef Agro-Environmenta lScience s,Tsukuba, japan. NMNS: National Museum NaturalScience,Taichung,Taiwan. ZFMK: ZoologischesForshungsinstitut of und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany. ZSM: Zoologische Staatssammulung, Munich,Gemiany. Ramobia anmashana sp. noy. (Fig 1s-4) Similar to R, basiji{sca n('Laoech b)u,t differen tfrom it as fo11ows. Smaller in size; length forewing18-20 20-25 inbasijitscariaF.orewing basalhalf of mm, while mm with more thickly sprinkled with blackis hgrey strigulae; antemedial line not zigzag, but gradually excurved; medial line more deeply curyed; pestmedia lline 1ess defined ,Hindwing paler; postmedial line absent. Underside more densely speckled. Male genitali a(Fi g2,0), Similar to those of R. mediodtvtsa lnoue (Fi g2.1) ,but distin- guished from them in the fbllowin grespects, Uncus shorter, 1es sweakly bilobe dat apex; gnathos with medial part les ssclerotized, bluntl yrounded, not triangu1ar as a whole; valva s]enderer, tapering distall ywi,th stouter spines, les sin number; juxt maore sclerotized medially and apically; aedeagus les sscobinate apically; hern-lik ecornutus shorter. En R. basijtzsea r(iFai g2.2), uncus much larger ,not bilobed at apex, medial part of griathos a 1arge triangle, spinous area of valva more widely deyeloped ,horn-lik ecornutus stouter and longer. Fernal egenitali a(Fig 2.8) . Simila rto those of R. medibcinisa (Fi g2.9) ,but distinguished from them in the followi nrgespects. Sterigm awith semicircular part les ssclerotized; colliculum almost paralle slided; ductus bursae and corpus bursae slenderer, In basiftLscan'a CFig,3 0s)te,rigma without semi-circular part ,colliculum shorter in length ,broadened bursa posteriorly , copulatrix more strongly ribbed and sclerotized, Holotype. Taiwan, Taichung Co.,Anmashan 2,1oom, 10.xi.1996 (H.-R.Tzuoo), cii, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 142 Rlklo SATo }llttst ' I,k /C kt i.p: :;' ' $g・ :tlt 4 lt ' pt # 5, "";ttteecvNE s ' ' ' ti ' 't/t-e t ' 't si v',L '+ 6 17 j Figsl-4 Ramobia anmashana sp nov 1-2 6n Holotype 3-4 9 Paratype S-8 Ilstlal bjaus isp nov 5-6 [7 Holotype 7-8 \ Paratyp e 9-10 Aiba s anma- shanensas Sato 4 11-I5 Cleora leucophae a taiwanensrs ssp nov 11-12 dn Holotype 13 g Paratype 14 6i (nigrqfLis cfioramn)a Paratype 15 ? (nrgrq7trse fioarmn)a Paratype 16-I9 Duhophyle agitata taiwana ssp nov 16-17 cin Holotype 18-19 \ Parat}pe NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Taxa of the Boarmiin ifrom Taiwan 143 NMNS. Paratypes,1[729. 1c7, Anmashan 2,100m, 10. 1996 (C,-MF.u),RS- xi. 592S, NIAES; 1 9, cfitto, NMNS; 1 g, ditto R,S-5936, NIAES, Geographica lrange. Taiwan. Ineue (195 31:0) erected the genus Raniobia to accommodate Boaxmia basijusear iLaeech, 1891 ,together with a new species, R. medlodivisa Inoue, l953 . Both species were described from Japan, and late rmediodivisa was recorded from Korea by Shin (198 32:37) . The genus Ramobia is now recorded from Taiwan fbr the firs ttime. The characters of the male and fernal geenital isahow that this species is more closely related to mediodtvtsa than to haspttsca nt'haou,gh in appearance it is mere similar tD the latter. This species is also similar to the fbllowin gspecies describe dfrom VVest China by Wehrli C1943)Bo:anmia Wehrli (Tse-kouB).,diodontatWaehrli (Tse-kou) B. catachi:psa and catociua Wehrli (Ta-tsi'en -lTohue)y, have not hithert obeen illustrat edI .examined the type specimens ofthern preserved in ZFMK, without dissecti oofnthe genitalia . Dr Sttining kindly examined their genital ifabr me to cenfirm the identificat iooftnhis species. He will write his paper on the genus Ramobia from China in the near future, This new species is an autumn moth like the two known species of Ramobia, and may be confined to high altitude above 2,eOO m in Taiwan. Rgilaic ijsui sp. nov. (Fig 5s-8) Length of fbrewing 21-22 mm.・ Forewing elongate in shape; grey irrorat ewdith black, area between lines black;linesblack; line medial and subterminal suffUsed with antemedial line gradually excurved, marked at costa, weak or absent elsewhere; medial almost absent; postrnedia lline siightly excurved beyond cell, faintl yreproduced; subterminal line whitish, irregular lwyaved; discocellu ldaort black and small. Hindwing similar to fbrewing; antemedial and medial line sbroadened to fbrm a band. Underside paler than upperside; terminal area of forewing black ,leavin ga grey rectangular mark at apex; discocellul daorts more distin cont both wings, Hindtibia with a hair-penc ianld third abdominal sterriite with in a cluster of spines male. Male genital ia(Fig.25 ),Uncus triangular, rounded at apex, Gnathos absent. Valva elongate, ventral margin concave at dista lone-third; cucullus well developed ,extending beyond ventral margin; cesta heavil ysclerotized with a long hairy stick-like projectio fnrom basa lpart ;ampulla digitat eap,ical portion with hairs .Juxta weakly sclerotized, broadened posterior lyA.edeagus sclerotized apically, ending in a wedge-like projection ;vesica armed with a row of many stout spines. Female genital i(aFig,3 1)S.terigma produced medially into a pouch-lik eshape, Bursa copulatrix with anterior sclerotized and ribbing part about one-sixth of it soverall length, slightiy swollen posteriorly ,bearin gtwo elongate slit-lik esigna. Holotype. Taiwan,TaichungCo,,Anmashan 2,1oo 9. 1996(C.-MF.u),NMNS. c7, m, vii. Paratypes.1cl 1\. 18r,Anmashan 2,100 9. 1996(C,-MF.u),RS-5927,NIAES; m, vii, 19, dittoR,S-5937,NMNS, Geographical Taiwan, range. Etymology, I take pleasure in naming this species after Mr C.-M. Fu, who collected the type NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrological SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan 144 Rlklo SATo Xdi 'j/ ' ' t wa / 5 iAm ep tm t / , "r\i s,igpa Figs20-27 Male genitalia 20-22 Ramobia spp a aedeagus 20 R anmashana sp nov RS-592S 21 R methothvtsa Inoue Japan, Nugata Pref RS-5966 22 R basijiLsca n(aLeec h)Japan, Nngdtd Pref RS S964 23-24 Dultopiij ;atgietata (But- ler) 23 D a taiwana ssp nov RS5933 24 D a agitata (Butle r)Japan, NiigataPref RS-5959 2S Rsilaicrjsui RS-5927 26-27 C7laoraleuco- sp nQv phaea (Butle r)26 C L tatwanensrs ssp nov RS 5926 27 C l leucophae a(But ler ) Japan Niigata Pref RS 5968 NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan New Taxa of the Boarmiini from Taiwan 145 ..... .w.wt 1 A d.eo・r・t・t //,/aztai/vt aw/ iwef.wm/nw/wu.// /'i#\// T ?liit.ma...!il$,.ag,,Ill!:ll,, t ./ // '/Xtl/,tk/lt/I//:'//li,1, ,' ・ l,・.-,・,l・1",・i,・1・,Ili /'//i " /,gk:・mpx,,:,i s//'//fi'gege .g' xx '' .'・・ ;'' 'i"''.,, ''" 5ee i2i.i,,11$,,, 28 lt/ 't'/ ,//itI;tt 'ttsftt.tttt,i/tttlt 2 9 'te/kr,.f ,",,e1wtw, t //ttt//t30 , , N V'gi3',tl'ti 5srF,pI{,', lpitti "l 'etw tt/ ・ X.wn.k,,,/・/1/,'/, j/./i/w,r/' #//,/"" t1.",. 1., ,. v,rlt,t,/s1k.,}.1..,i.l,j-l..,1,,,/,)/,//, i" t. ./1 eel . ,",. :-./;t" ' i///2 1,g, lj・ t //t .";c1.,.''tE ."t .g,Ef "・".',/, e.t F , '1 ' :bZ } i .1 e,1r' / /x /'ltt te / i t /"/ti t ' // t 3ts;l tt ttt,i/ t. tttti,./t' y t, ,l",s・tLJ l.'/ T ,, l /l' l/'' l''h,'r , k,'i".',. , .. .,,maliS\ttlii ,' ' is. li,i// tx/7/ii・il,idi・l' 32emketS 33・ gti・ l.l,i {li.llglel/i.imia"'・i ・3,4 /ff35 ////////gt/t g e Figs28-39 . Female genitalia . 28-30 .Ramobia spp, 28. R. anmashanasp.nov. RS-5936. 29. R. mediodivtsa Inoue. Japan, Niigata Pref. RS-5967. 30, R. basijltscaria (Leech ).Japan, Niigat aPre£ RS-5965 . 31. Rsildic jisu isp. nov. RS-5937 , 32-33. Duipphyle agitata (Butle r)3.2, D. a. taiwana ssp. nov. RS-5938. 33, D. a. agitata (Butle r)J.apan , Hokkaido, Hakodate. RS-5961. 34. Aici s anmashanensis Sato. RS-5939. 35-39 .C7leo raleucophae a(Butle r3)S.. C L taiwanensis ssp. nov. RS- 2090. 36-39. Sterigma. 36, CL L taiwanensts ssp. nov. RS-5935. 37, Ditto. RS- 5946 . 38 .C L leucophae a(Butle r)J.apan, Sado Is , RS-226. 39. Ditto ,japan, Yamanashi Pref RS-5355. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 146 Rikio SATo speclmens, The genital ioaf both sexes indicat ethis new species seems to be a member of Heterarmia Warren. Holloway (199 4d)efine dthe genus Rgdoici sWarren in a broader sense than me (Sat o19,84), and suggested that the genera Heteftzmii aWarren, Polymixini aWehrli and RrotoboamiiaMcDunnough be includedinRsdoicisby further TherefbreI would studies. intend to assign this species to Rsikile isI,n my previous paper on the Boarmiini ofTaiwan (Sat o1,999) ,I proposed new combinations of R nignij7asciata (Wilema nR) d,lortkqgonia (Wehrl ian)d R aththasts (Hampson f)or the same reason. Duliophvte age'tata taiwana ssp. noy. <Fig 1s6-19) Boanmia agitata Butler ,1878 :396, Duliophyle Warren,lg94,IVbvit. Ii432. agitata: zooL Xdntframes (Dulipphy lagei)tata: Prout ,191S :381, pl.23, line a. Differen ftrom the nominotypical subspecies as fo11ows .Larger in size; lengt hof fbrewing 31-35 mm, while 24-27 mm in the nominotypical subspecies. Forewing with whitish part more developed on both sides, Male genitali a(Fi g2.3) , Distinguishe fdrom those ofthe nominotypical subspecies (Fi g2.4) as fo11ows ,Valva not tapered distall yb,ut truncate; harpe more heavily selerotized, longer in length ;a single thorn-like cornutus longer. Female genitali a(Fi g3.2) . No reliabie differenc efsrom these of the nominotypical sub- species (Fig 3.3), Holotype. Taiwan,TaichungCo,,Anmashan 2,275 30, 1996(C,-MF.u),RS-5933, c!, m, x. NMNS. Paratypes.2\. 1\,Taiwan,TaichungCo.,Anmashan 2,275m, l3.ix,I996 (C,- MFu.), NMNS; I \, Anmashan 2,IeO m, 5, x. 1996 (H,- RTz,uoo), RS-5938, NIAES. Geographical Taiwan. The Japan, range. nominotypical subspecies: Boamiia trgtrata was described from Japan (Yokohama )by Butler (187 8)O.n the other hand Xandeames angustaha was described from West China based on one male (Omei-shan) by Leech (189 73:27) ,and has been treated as the Chinese subspecies ef agr'tata since Prout (191 53:81). According to Dr StUning' spersona linfbrmation, two species are mixed among the specimens of"angustan'a" from China in the ZFMK collection, Therefbre t,he question as to whether angustaria should be treate das a distin cstpecies or the Chinese subspecjes of agitata remains unsolved until the genital ioaf the holotype of angustan'a are examined, aeora leueophaea taiwanensis ssp. nov. (Fig 1s2-15) Boarmia leucophaeaButler,1878: 395. Boarinia (Cleor al)eucophaea: Wehrli, 1943: 493, pl .43, line £ (]Zeora leucophaea :Prout, 1930, IVbvi tzooL 35: 329. Distingushe dfrom the nominotypical subspecies of Japan by more elongate fbrewing with more oblique termen, and both wings generall pyaler in colour. Two fbrms of colour and maculation were recognized in the nominotypical subspecies (Inou e1,968: 160-161): "nigrqfasciaria-fbrm" with medial black ]ine sstrengly developed on both wings and "yellow- fbrm" with yellowis hfbrewing .The fbrmer (Fig 1s4-15) was also fbund in the Taiwanese population, but the latte rhas not been taken yet The nominotypical subspecies was NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Taxa of zhe Boarmiini from Taiwan 147 redescribed in detai lincludin gthe imrnatur estages by me (Sat o1,984). Male genitalia (Fig.2 6)H.arpe fbrmed by a tapered spinous process and a triangular spinous projectio n,Distal proces sextending more beyend triangula rprojectio nand short spines more developed in number than in the nominotypical subspecies (Fig 2,7) . Aedeagus more strongly scobinate near apical part. Female genitali a(Fig 3s5-37) , Easil yseparable from those ofthe nominotypical subspecies. Medial part of sterigma more developed ,having longer and broader later aelxtensions, more deeply concave medially. In the nominotypical subspecies, the shape of sterigma variable individual lays shown in Figs 38-39, but the sarne variation as in the Taiwanese population has boenfound, not Holotype , cii, Taiwan, Taichung Co., Anmashan 2275 m, 8. iii .I997 (C.-M F.u), NMNS. Paratypes.9 7 4, 1 Taiwan,TaichungCo,,Anmashan 2,350m,9.iii.1996(C.-M. cli cin, Fu), RS-5926, NIAES; 1 ditto2,275m, 1.iii,1997 (C.-M,Fu), RS-5944, NMNS; 1 cl, cl (nigroj7ascinn'dai-ttfob2r,1mo)o,m,28.ii.1998 (C.-MF.u),NMNS; 1di (nigrq12isciaria- form),ditt2o,1oo 8.iii.1997(C,-MF,u),RS-5945,NIAES; l9, d?tt2D,1oo 15.iii. m, m, 1997 (C.-M.Fu) ,RS-5946, NMNS; 1 \, cfitto 2,100m, 2. iv . 1997 (C.-M.Fu) ,RS-5935, NIAES; 1g,ditto2,100m, 10.ii.1998 (C.-M,Fu)N,MNS; 1\ (nigofascr'aria-fbrm), Hualien Co., Tayuling 2,56 5m, 27-29, iii 1.981 (K .Kudo), RS-2090, NIAES; 3 di, Taoyuan Co., Ming Chyr Forest Recreation Area 1,160 m, 29. ii .1996 (Gy .Fabian & L. Neeth), ZSM; 2 di 3 4 (1 dii ,nigrofasciaria-fbrm), Taoyuan Co,, ditt o1,1oo m, 4. iii 2.000 (H.Y .Wang & W. Speidel)Z,FMK. Geographic aralnge. Taiwan. The nominotypical subspecies: Japan, Korea, Russian Far East(Primorye). Aicis anmashanensis Sato (Fig s9-10) Alois anmashanensis Sato, 1999: 29, fig .11, This species was describe dfrom Taiwan based on one male taken at Mts Anmashan (alt, 2,350 m) by me (Sat o19,99). I examined the female specimens taken at the type localit byy MrC.-M. Fu. Here I describ ethe female of anmashanensis with the illustrat ioofn the genitalia, Female. Length of fbrewing 16-l8mm. Almost agrees with male in wing colour and maculation. Simila rto A, tayulima Sato ,1990, but can be distinguish efdrom it by smaller size, fbrewing without brownish tint, and antemedial line not approaching postmedia lline inner forewing. near margin on Female genital i(aFi g3.4) . Simila rte those of A. ectqgramma (Wehrl iin) the condition of sclerotized and ribbin gpart of bursa copulatrix, but colliculum longer and broader ,not parallel-side db,ut broadened posteriorly . Easily distinguished from those ef A, tayuima Sato by colliculum broadened anteriorly. Female genital ioaf ectqgramma and tayufina were shown by me (Sato ,1990: 134 ,fig 6s-9). Specimens examined, 2 9, Taiwan, Taichung Co., Anmashan 2,27 5m, 10, v, 1997; 1 \, dit t2o,1oo m, 9. vii, 1996, 1 \, 10, x, 1996 (C,- MFu.). Geographical Taiwan. range. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 148 RikioSATO   Acknowledgements Iwish to express  my  sincere  appreciation  to Mr C.−M  Fu , fbr giving me  a good opportunity to examine  lots of  invaluable specimens 丘om  Taiwan  and  to Dr D . StUning, Zoologishes , Forschungsinstutut Museum AlexanderKoenig Bonn forhis 1information  und              use 血    and , , advice .  I deeply thank  Dr H. Inoue Iruma fbr his critical reading  of the early  version  ofthe , , manuscript  and  helpfu1 advice .  My  thanks are also due to Mr K. Kudo , Tokyo,止br his gift of the material  f()r this work , References Butle,r A. G.,1878.  Descriptio nosf new  species  of Heterocera from Japan, Part 3, Geometries..4nn .    ルfαg」nat. Hist.(5) 1:392−419. Holloway, J. D .,1994.  The moths  ofBomeo :毎mily  Geometridao subfamily  Ennominae ,ルfaiay. Na t.    丿二47: 1−309,pls 1−19,593 figs, , Inoue, H ,,1953,  Notes on  some  Japanes eLarentiina eand  Geometrinae(Lepidoptera:Geometridae ),    Tinea 1: 1−18, pl.1.      ,1968,0n the genus Cieora of Japan(Lepidoptera:Geometridae). Tinea 7:158−166, pls 30−    33. Leech,」. H .,1897, 0n Lepidoptera Heterocera from China, Japan, and  Corea. Ann .ル1ag. nat. HtSt,(6)    191297−349,414−463. Prout, L, B,, 1915,  Geo皿 etridae. 加 Seit,z A.(Ed,), Grc)∬−Sc乃metteriinge  der Erde 4. Stuttga.rt Sato, R.,1984.  Taxonomic study  of the genus HypomeciS HUbner and  it sallied gcnera仕om  Japan   (Lepidoptera: Geometridae : Enllominae ). Spec.  Buit.  E.∬a en t.∫o己 1: 1−213,  pls 1−91 (in    Japanese),      J ap a,n 1H9e9t0e,roc0enreis tnes’wJ. (sp1e5ci8e)s: 1a3nd3− 1o3n5e ( iunn rJecaorpdaednese) .sp  ie sof AlciS(Geometridae)丘Qm  Taiwan,      ,1999,Notcs on  some  specie ヨof the Boarmiini (Geometridae, Ennominae )from Taiwan with    descripti oonf  one  new  sp  ies. Tinea l6:29−40. Shin, Y, H .,1983.  Gcometridae.  In Shin, Y. H , et aL , Iilustrate dFlora and  Fauna  qプKorea 27    (lns  ta): 168−272,760−821,994−1002, pls l−14. Wohrli, E ,1943.  Geometridae.  In Seitz, A.(Ed .), G厂o∬−Schmetterlin gdeer Erde 4 (Suppl.).  Stuttgart. 摘 要 台湾産 Boarmiini族の 2新種 2新亜種 とAlctS anmashanenstS  Sato ♀の記載 (シ ャ クガ科,エ ダ シャ ク亜科)(佐藤力夫) 傅建明氏 ら 〔台中県太平市)が鞍馬山の 2,000 m 以、ヒの高U」帯で採集され た Boa  iiniを調査 し,次 の新種,新亜種を認める とともに,♂の みで記載された A lci sanmashanensts の ♀を見出すこ とが で . きた Ramobia  anmashana  Sato (新種) 日本の R冶α∫伽 ‘α磁 (Lc  h)ネグロ エ ダシャ ク,  R, mediodiviSa  Inoueナカ ジロ ネグロ エ ダシ ャ クと 同様,晩秋 〔ll月)に出現する.中国大陸か らWehrli (】943)によっ て同属 と思われ るBoarmia が 3 種記載 されてい るが,本種 とは異なる こ とを確認 してい る. P ilatcftsuiSato ∫     (新種) 近縁の Heterarmia, Po!ymixi. nPiraotoboarmi a3属とPsilalc属isとの系統関係につ い ては,未解決の問 一 題があるが,広義の Psilalcのts 員として記載 した.種小名 は採集者の傳建明氏に献名した. 加 勿ρ砂々 agitata taivvana Sato ヒロ オ ビエ ダシ ャ ク (新亜種) 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan New τaxa of the Boarmiini from Taiwan 149 日本の個体群に比べ,明 らか に大型で 前翅の 白色紋は表裏 ともよ り明瞭 に表れ る.♂交尾器で は, harpeが より長 くの び角状の cornutus も長い.現在,中国大陸の個体群は, ssp.砌 g雄 碗 α (Leech)と して扱われてい るが,Dr StUningか らの私信 に よると,独立種の可能性が あるとい う, (:leor aleucophae ataiwanensts  Sato シロ テ ンエ ダシ ャ ク (新亜種) 個体変異のよ く見られ る種で あるが,日本各地の個体群 と比較 した結果,特 に交尾器 に安定 した差異 があるので,台湾の山地に隔離された亜種 として記載した.日本の個体群に比べ ,一般に淡色で前翅 が やや細 い.凵本の個体群に は,通常の個体の ほか に,前後翅 の中央 に黒線が明瞭 に発達 す る型 (nigrofasciaria −form)と,前翅が黄色味を帯びる型 (yellow−form)が知 られてい るが,本亜種では今の ところ前者のみ確認されてい る.♂交尾器で は,harpeが側面の三 角状突起をはるか に超えて伸展 し, 刺状の突起もよ く発達する.♀交尾器で は, sterigma の中央が大き く凹み,側方へ 幅広く長 く伸びる. A lot sanmashanen .sis Sato 鞍馬山 (alt.2,350 m )で得られた 1♂に基づい て記載 (Sato 1999)された種で 今回 同地で初めて , , , 4 ♀が得られたので ,♀の記載をお こなっ た. (Accepted Februury 15 2002) , Published by the Lepidopterologic aSlociety of Japan 5−20,Motoyokoyama 2,Hachioji,Tokyo,192−0063Ja,pan         一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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