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Preview Two new species and one new name in the Gesneriaceae from Costa Rica

RHODORA, Vol. 106, No. <)25, 43-51, 2004 pp. TWO NEW AND ONE NEW NAME THE SPECIES IN GESNERIACEAE FROM COSTA RICA RlCARDO KRIEBEL Insiituto Nacional de Biodiversidacl. Apdo. 22-3100, Domingo Santo de Heredia, Costa Rica e-mail: [email protected] Two new abstract. species of Gesneriaceae from the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica from genera Paradrymonia and Nautilocalyx described and the are illustrated. A new name in Nautilocalyx is proposed for P. bullata and a full description is provided. Key Words: Paradrymonia, Nautilocalyx, Gesneriaceae, Mesoamerica, Costa Rica Manual Preparation o( the treatment of the Gesneriaceae for the new de Plantas de Costa Rica project has revealed a species of Paradrymonia Nautilocalyx Linden ex Hanstein and one of Hanstein from the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica. Nautilocalyx greatly resembles the genus Paradrymonia and differences stated by Hanstein (1853) in the original description provide no diagnostic characters for distinguish- two However, works Skog ing these genera. recent (Kvist 1998; in et al. Paradrymonia has been separated from Nautilocalyx by 1979), differ- ences in habit (epiphytic vs. terrestrial), stem length in relation to leaf length (stems shorter than leaves vs. longer), anisophylly (strongly aniso- and phyllous isophyllous subisophyllous), inflorescence features vs. to (flowers congested vs. not congested). Nautilocalyx a neotropical genus of approximately 50 species is showy characterized by terrestrial habit, erect stems, corollas, and its known fleshy capsules. Only one species was previously from Costa Rica, N. dressier Wiehler. i Nautilocalyx purpurascens Kriebel, now Type: Costarica. Limon: sp. Cordillera de Talamanca, Fila Matama, Cerro Muchilla, 9°47'40"N, 83°06'30"W, 850 m, 8 Apr 1989, R. Robles 2704 (holotype: inb!: mo. Figure isotypes: us). 1. A cm 5-8 Nautilocalyx punctatus cui affinis, petioli longis, foliis glabris vel puberulis, nectarii glandulae 2 opposita differt. perennial, herb subshrub; stems unbranched, subquad- Terrestrial, to mm cm 40 rate, glabrous, erect, to tall, ca. 5 in diameter, the internodes 43 44 Rhodora Vol. Oft I | lmm lcm C -n , - . lcm D W^A- 'V i'vI A /^J.s-Mi E Figure Nautilocalyx purpurascens. A. with opposite nectariferous glands Pistil 1. at base o\' ovary. B. Habit. C. Filamenl apex and anther. I). Corolla. E. Corolla in calyx Robles 2704). (/?. cm 1-3 long, rarely with adventitious roots the lower nodes; leaf pairs in cm 5-8 equal to subequal, the petioles long, fleshy, green Hushed with X purple, glabrous puberulous, lamina 13-20 4-6 cm, to the (30) (10) elliptic to oblanceolate, basally acute to attenuate on the petiole, apically — New Kriebcl Gesneriaceae from Costa Rica 45 2004] acuminate, serrate, membranous, green above, purple below, glabrous to sparsely puberulous on both surfaces, the lateral pairs of veins 8-11. mm cymes 5-10 peduncle 5-10 Inflorescence of (lowers, the axillary, X mm, 15-25 9-21 long, the prophylls and subtending bracts ovate, serrulate, similar to the calyx lobes, green to light purple, puberulous, mm X mm, 5-20 20-25 10-13 the pedicels long; calyx lobes equal, 5, mm, membranous, connate 1-2 acuminate, lanceolate-ovate, for serrate, cm green to light purple, puberulous; corolla 3-3.5 long, oblique in the mm calyx, infundibular, the spur ca. 2 long, glabrous to puberulous, the proximal half a narrow tube, white, sparsely pilose above, glabrous on below, half gradually expanding, white, sparsely pilose both distal X mm, sides, the lobes subequal, ca. 10 7 entire to crenulate, the 5, inside and especially the entrance of the tube purple spotted, dorsal ly with short glandular hairs; stamens 4, included, the laments adnate for li mm 4 to the base of the corolla tube, ca. 2 cm, glabrous, the anthers X mm, coherent, each theca 2 1.8 the theca dehiscing by longitudinal mm cm ovary 3 lone, sericeous, the style ca. 2 long, glandular slits; composed two pilose, the stigma stomatomorphic; disc of opposite X mm, nectariferous glands, the ventral gland smaller, 0.5 0.3 the dorsal X mm, Capsule gland both glabrous. not seen. larger, 1.5 1 known distribution AM) )LOGY. This species only from three is :< '< i 800-900 m. specimens in the type locality, in riparian habitat, at Panama may same Specimens from also represent the species Skog). (fide etymology. The specific epithet refers to the usually purple stems, and abaxial surface o\ the leaf blade as well as the purple- petioles, spotted corolla of species. this Nautilocalyx purpurascens easily distinguished from congeners its is by glabrous puberulous and usually purple stems, petioles, leaf to its two underside and calyx, purple-spotted corolla, and disc with its The opposite nectariferous glands. purple-spotted corolla of N. Wiehler from purpurascens most closely resembles that of N. punctatus Amazonian Venezuela from which mainly by having glabrous differs it puberulous vegetative parts, much longer petioles, and a disc with two to opposite nectariferous glands instead o[ a single dorsal gland. Matama, Paratypes. costa Limon: Cordillera de Talamanca, Fila Cerro rica. Muchilla, 9°46'50"N, 83°05'30"W, 850 m, 5 Apr 1989, R. Robles 2655 (inb, mo, us); Cordillera dc Talamanca. Fila Matama. Cerro Muchilla. 9°47'40"N, 83°06'30"W, & Apr Chacon 2719 850 m, 8 1989. R. Robles A. (i\b. mo. us). 46 Rhodora [Vol. 106 Nautilocalyx biserrulatus nom. now Paradrymonia Kriebel, bullata & Gomez-Laur. Chavarna, Brenesia 145-147, 1990 33: [1991]. Typh: costa San Feb Gomcz-L. rica. Jose: Tarrazu, 10 1988, ./. 11686 (HOLOTYPP: CR!; ISOTYPES: ISJ); IIOH N. bulldtUS (Leill.) P. Kew Sprague, Bull. Misc. Inform. 1912: 89. 1912. This species was originally described when only few specimens a were available for examination. Further explorations the southern in Pacific lowlands and middle elevations of Costa Rica have produced ample material. In order to better characterize the species, a full description provided here. is Terrestrial, perennial, herbs subshrubs; stems unbranched, to villous, mm cm 40 reddish, erect or ascending, to tall, ca. 6 in diam., the mm 8-20 internodes long, sometimes with adventitious when roots, present generally in basal nodes; leaf pairs equal, subequal to rarely cm unequal, the petioles 3.5-6 long, brownish, lamina (2) villous, the X 10-18 elliptic to oblanceolate, (24) 3-6.5 cm, base acute, apex acuminate, margin biserrate, membranous, green and bullate on both sides, glabrescent to villous above, strigose to villous below, the lateral pairs of veins 9-1 Inflorescence axillary cymes of 2-5 (lowers, the 1. peduncle reduced or absent, the prophylls and subtending bracts linear mm to lanceolate, ciliate to serrulate, glabrate to villous, to 25 long, mm green, the pedicels 5-15 long; calyx lobes equal, 7-2 1X1-2 mm. 5, 1 membranous, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, free to the base, acuminate, biserrate, green, puberulous to villous; corolla oblique the calyx, in mm cm infundibular, ca. 3 long, the spur ca. 2 long, villous, white, proximal half a narrow tube gradually expanding towards the limb, the 8X6 mm, lobes subequal, stamens 5, ca. entire; 4, included, the mm mm, filaments ca. 17 adnate for 3 to the base the corolla tube, o\' mm. glabrous, the anthers coherent, each anther 1.5-1.2 the thecae mm dehiscing by longitudinal ovary 4 slits; long, sericeous, the style cm ca. 2 long, glabrous, the stigma stomatomorphic; disc a single dorsal X mm, nectariferous gland. 1.5 entire, glabrous. Capsule ovate. 1 The species always a terrestrial herb or subshrub with conspicuous is cm stems 40 to long, generally equaling or surpassing leaf length, as is typical of Nautilocalyx, the leaves are well spaced along the stem and do not form an agglomerate rosette like most species of Paradrymonia. The were leaves originally described as anisophyllous Para- like a typical drymonia but have actually proven be isophyllous subisopln to to Ilous as in Nautilocalyx, Although the inflorescence was originally described as congested on the upper part of the stems with flowers, with pedicels — New Kricbel Gesneriaceac from Costa Rica 47 20041 mm, up to only 10 recent material shows that flowers are also borne on mm up to 4 nodes below the stem apex on pedicels that reach 15 in common producing non congested length, a inflorescence as in is Nautilocalyx. Although both Nautilocalyx and Episcia Mart, often have species with bullate leaves (as are those o( the present species), only On and Episcia has stolons, lacking in this species. these characters Skog those listed by Kvist et al. (1998) and (1979) this species is best placed Nautilocalyx (see Table in ). 1 The etymology. specific epithet refers to the double-serrate leaf blade margin of this species. Paradrymonia ommata Skog from Bocas Toro, Panama, L. E. del is similar Nautilocalyx biscrrulatus the following diagnostic characters: to in they are both terrestrial herbs with evident stems that equal or surpass leaf length, both usually have biserrate leaf margins, the leaves are evidently petiolate, vegetative parts are glabrate to sparsely villous, calyx lobes are They and have linear to lanceolate, they similar-sized corollas. differ in cm ommata 1-5 and with that P. has usually longer bracts, long, a corolla cm the purple eye and purple veins (vs. bracts to 2.5 and an entirely white am corolla). reluctant at this time to determine if the species arc I ommata pending conspecihe or to transfer P. to Nautilocalyx further known ommata, otherwise only from collections of P. a species the type. Rancho Quemado, Feb M. Spf.cimhns examined, costa rica. Puntarenas: 6 1991, May M. Chavarria 423 Corcovado National Park, Fila Matajambre, 7 1994,./. (inb); Dec M. Gonzalez 251 (inb); Fila Costena, Fila Cruces, Rio Piedras Blancas, 8 1993. Aug Grayum 10626 Jimenez, Dos Brazos de Rfo Tigre, Cerro Mueller. 26 (inb); Aug 1990, G. Herrera 4143 (inb. us); Corcovado Nacional Park, Cerro Rincon, 2 1990, C. Morales 10 (inb); Rincon, Rancho Quemado, 26 Oct 1990, F. Quesada 196 (inb). San Jose: Tarrazii, Faja Costena del Valle del Parrita, Cerro Nara, 26 Jul 1995, MM. Chavarria 910 (inb. is); Tarrazii, J. Gomez-L. 11686 (cr): Tarrazii. Fila Bustamante, 18 Apr 1994, V. Ramirez et al. 3IS (inb, mo. us). Paradrymonia also a small neotropical genus with approximately is 30 species. Costa Rica has a great diversity of species of the genus, with about species, as a result of proximity to the possible center of its 1 1 Panama diversity of the genus in (Kvist et al. 1998). Paradrymonia now Limon: alata Kricbel, Type: costa rica. sp. m Cordillera de Talamanca, Canton de Matina, 200 aguas debajo de conlluencia de Quebrada Canabral con Rfo Barbilla, la Nov 2287 10°00'10"N, 83°25'30"W, 100 m, 5 1988, G. Herrera (HOLOTYPE: ISOTYPR: MO). Figure INB!; 2. 48 Rhodora 106 [Vol. Tabic Comparison of diagnostic features the genera Nautilocalyx and in 1. Paradrvmonia with those of N. hiscirulaius. Paradrvmonia Nantilocalx.x N. hiseiTulatus Plants terrestrial Plants generally epiphytic Plants terrestrial Stems evident, Stems need or absent, Stems evident, usually reel equaling or usually form inn a rosette equaling or surpassing surpassing leaf leneth leaf length Leaves isophyllous to Leaves generally strongly Leaves isophyllous to subisophyllous anisophyllous subisophyllous or rarely anisophyllous Leaf blades Leaf blades generally Leaf blades bullate generally bullate not bullate Leaf blade base Leaf blade base generally Leaf blade base generally acute attenuate to decurrent generally acute or truncate or truncate Petiole generally Petiole generally reduced Petio e e vident evident or obscured by decurrent leaf base Inflorescence not Inflorescence usually Inflorescence congested congested congested in the or not in the in the leaf axils leaf axils leaf axils A Paradrymonia longipetiolata cui affinis, majoribus, attenu- foliis atis; calycis lobatis ovato-lanceolatis, puberulis differ!. Epilithic, perennial, rosulale herb; stems unbranched, subquadrate, cm cm strigillose, reddish, erect or aseending, 10 to tall, ea. in 1 mm 5-9 diameter, intemodes long, with adventitious roots; leaf pairs 22-29 cm equal to extremely unequal, the petioles long, fleshy, winged, X reddish, strigillose, the lamina 22-27 13-20 cm, ovate to ovate- oblong, basally truncate or rounded, apically acute acuminate, to serrate, membranous, green above, whitish below, puberulous on both surfaces, the lateral pairs of veins Inflorescence of axillary cymes of 5-1 1. 1 1 flowers, the peduncle reduced, the prophylls and subtending bracts ca. mm X 1-2 9 long, linear to lanceolate, entire to ciliate, glabrate to puberulous, reddish, puberulous, the pedicels 1-5 cm; calyx lobes 5. X mm, subequal, 20-25 5-11 lanceolate-ovate, membranous, connate mm, for 1-3 acuminate, ciliate to serrulate, green with red or magenta cm base and occasionally longitudinal streaks, puberulous; corolla 5 ca. mm long, oblique in the calyx, infundibular, the spur ca. 5 long, glabrous puberulous, proximal narrow to half a tube, white, sparsely — New Kricbcl Gesneriaceae from Costa Rica 49 2004] A Figure Paraclrymonia alata. A. Pistil with dorsal nectariferous gland at base of 2. ovary. B. Habit. C. Filament apex and anther. D. Capsule in calyx. E. Corolla. Corolla calyx (G. Herrera 2287). F. in 50 Rhodora Vol. 106 I pilose above, glabrous below, distal half gradually expanding, white, occasionally with inconspicuous yellowish or reddish hues inside the X tube, sparsely pilose on both sides, the lobes 5, subequal, ca. 13 11 mm, entire, the dorsal part of the tube inside with short glandular hairs; stamens included, somewhat didynamous, 4 cm, 4, ca. the filaments mm adnate for 6 to the base of the corolla tube, glabrous, each anther homologous X mm, apically coherent to its pair, each theca 2 1.8 the mm thecae dehiscing by longitudinal ovary 3 long, sericeous, the slits; cm style ca. 3 long, densely glandular-pilose, the stigma capitate; disc of X mm, a single double-connate nectariferous dorsal gland, 1.5 entire, 1 glabrous. Fruit an ovate, bivalved, fleshy, white, glabrous capsule; seeds X mm, brown when fusiform, 0.5 0.25 dark dry, finely striate. and known distribution ecology. This species only from the is Caribbean slope of Costa Rica the Hitoy-Cererc Biological Reserve in m and 50-250 Barbilla National Park from where occurs very wet in it forest. etymology. The specihe winged epithet refers to the petiole of this species. Paradrymonia alata characterized by large leaves with long- is its decurrent base and winged leaf petiole, lanceolate-ovate puberulous its calyx lobes almost free to the base, and large corollas up to 5 cm its long. similar to the higher elevation P. longipetiolata (Donn.Sm.) It is Wiehler, which has smaller leaf blades with acute bases and linear to linear-lanceolate and densely pilose calyx lobes. also similar to P. is It mm macrophylla Wiehler, which has pedicels 8-1 long, the 2 lateral I and 2 lower calyx lobes connate for ca. 1.6 cm, and the corolla wine-red cm maroon-red to spotted (vs. pedicels 1-5 long, calyx lobes free almost and to the base, an entirely white corolla with occasional yellowish or reddish hues inside the tube in P. alata). Paratypes: costa rica. Limon: Cordillera dc Talamanca, Reserva Biologica Hiloy- Cerere, Valle del Rio La 9°38'55"N, 83°03'10"W, 200 m, 9 Feb Estrella, 1989. G. llcrrera et al. 23ft7 (inb. mo); Cordillera de Talamanca. Canton de Matina, Quebrada Canabral, 10°02'00"N, 83°24'30"W, 100 m, 8 Apr 1989, M. Grayum 8881 et al. (inb. MO, US). acknowledgments. thank the curators of the Institute Nacional de I Biodiversidad (inb), especially F. Morales for his help with the Latin J. Hammel diagnosis and B. for his revisions of the manuscript. Special thanks Claudia Aragon to for her illustrations. — New Kriebel Gesneriaceae from Costa Rica 51 2004] LITERATURE CITED Hanstein, 1853. Die Gesneraceen kon. Herbariums der Garten zu Berlin. ties u. J. nebst Bemerkungen uber die Familie im Ganzen. Linnaea 26: 145-216. [181] Kvist, L. P., L. E. Skog, and M. Amaya-Marquez. 1998. Los generos de gesneriaceas de Colombia. Caldasia 20: 12-28. W. Skog, 1979 Gesneriaceae. R. Woodson, and R. Schery, L. E. [1978]. In: E. Jr. Flora of Panama. Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 65: 783-998. eds..

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