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Two New Records of Goniothalamus (Annonaceae) from Thailand PDF

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by  YuyenYuttaya
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Preview Two New Records of Goniothalamus (Annonaceae) from Thailand

Notes NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 55(1): 179-183,2 007 Twon ew Records of Goniothalamus (Annonaceae)仕omThailand Yu伽l)IaYuyen/ Piya Chalermglin,2 and Vilaiwan Anusarnsunthorn1 Abstract. -Goniothalamus cheliensis H. H. Hu,pr eviously known from southwestern Yunnan,is reported from northem Thai1and and Goniothalamus repevensis Pierre ex Fin. & Gagnep.,p陀 viouslyknown from Cambodia and Laos,is reported from southeastern引lailand.百lesespecies are here described and illustrated. τ'hefi rst report of Goniothalamus in官lailandlisted 9s pecies (CRAIB,19 25).τ'wenty- one species were reported by BYGRAVE (1997). One more species was reported by us in 2006 (YUYEN ETAL.,20 06) Goniothalamus cheliensis H. H. Hu,Bu ll. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 10: 121-128. 1940. Figure Evergreen treelet about 3m high; bark striate,pa le grey; branchlets straight,b rown, densely brown tomentose. Leaves simple,di stichous; blades coriaceous,ob ovate,56 --66c m long,16ー20cmb road,ap ex caudate,br oadly acu atthe base; dull glossy brown above when 飽 命y,brown below; glabrous above,wi th some brown tomentum on the mi合ib,mi合ibdensely brown tomentose below,es pecially so on veins and margins; main nerves c. 24-32 p剖rs,sec・ ondary nerves arching,an astomosing,fm e above,pr ominently raised below; margins entire, revolute. Petioles 2.5-3 cml ong,do rsally grooved,de nsely brownωmentose. Flowers solitary or in groups from woody tubercles on the main stem or rnain branches; pedicels about 1.5c m long,de nsely brown tomentose,wi th 4-5b racts at the base. Sepals 3,co riaceous,br oadly ovate,4 c m long,2. 5 cmb road,ap ex acuminate; brown sericeous on both sides,es pecially on the main veins outside,ex cept at the base inside,gr een. Petals 6,co riaceous,gr eenish- yellowish,ou ter 3o vate,6. 5 cm long,3. 5 cm broad; apex acute; rusty puberlulous on both sides,es pecially on the main veins outside,ex cept at the base inside; veins prominent inside; claw broad; inner 3o vate,3. 3 cml ong,1. 8c mb road,ve lutinous outside,es pecially on main veins,gl abrous inside; claws broad. Stamens numerous,3 m ml ong,co nnectives convex. Pistils several,8 m ml ong,ve rtically grooved; ovycylindrical,de nsely brown tomentose; 紅 stigma cylindrical,in curved,ca naliculate,gl abrous; ovules 4. Thail d.-North:Nan,Do i Phu Kah; Yuyen 220 (23 Apri12004,C MU) 姐 Dis佐ibution.-Southwestem Yunnan Habitat.-Primary,lo wer montane evergreen forest at 1,000 m elevation Phenology.一日oweringMarch-April,Fr uiting September (Yunnan) lOep釘tmentof Biology,Fa culty of Science,Ch iangmai University,Ch iangmai 50200,τT凶land. 1'hailand Institute of Scientific and Technologica1 Research (τlSTR),Ba ngkok,T hailand. Received 12 October 2006; accepted 29 Oecember 2006. 179 180 YUTIAYA YUYEN,P! YA CHALERMGLlN,A ND VJLAJWAN ANuSARNSUNTHORN Notes. -According to Hu's description,th e branchlets of G. cheliensis are black hirsute (speci- menc ollected by C. W. Wangf rom Che-Li Hsien,Ma an-Shang,so uthwestern Yunnan),bu t in Yuyen's specimens the branchlets are densely brown tomentose.百lespecific epithet refers to the type locality. This species has the biggest leaves for Goniothalamus in Thailand. Gonio曲alamusrepevensis Pierre ex Fin. &G agnep.,Bu ll. Soc. Bot. France 53 Mem. 4: 117.1906; Finet & Gagnepain,Fl . Gen. de l'Indo-Chine 1: 89,pl. lXB. 1907; Ast,F l. Gen. de l'Indo-Chine Supplement: 98. 1938. Figure 2. Evergreen shrub about 1m high; bark glabrous,fi nely striate,br own; branchlets straight, sp selyrusty puberulous to glabrescent. Leaves simple,di stichous; blades thin; lanceolate, 紅 9-9.5 x3 -3.5 cm,ap ex acuminate,ba se cuneate,m ginsentire; young blades densely rusty 釘 puberulous,ol der blades glabrous; midrib sunken and grooved above,ra ised below; secondary nerves 10-11 pairs,ob scure on both sides,fi ne,ar ching and anastomosing 5m mb elow the margin,fi ner venation reticulate,ob scure,bu t visible in transmitted light; green above,pa le green below. Petioles 4-5m ml ong,do rsally grooved,gl abrous. Flowers solitary,ax illary; pedicels about 8m ml ong,th ickened apically,sp selyrusty puberulous to glabrous; bracts 紅 5- 6b asal,sc ale-like,gr een. Sepals 3,gr eenish,co riaceous,凶angular,4m mlo ng,7 m mbr oad, apex acute; sparsely adpressed rusty puberulous outside,gl abrous inside. Petals 6,co riaceous, yellowish,b ecoming pink-red when older; outer 3o vate-elliptic,3- 3.5 x1 .5-1.8c m,ap ex acuminate,wi th sp紅seindumentum as on the outside of出esepals on both sides,ve nation obscure,re ticulate; inner 3s imilar to出eouter 3,bu t smaller,10 x5 m m,ma rginally connate above the claws. Stamens numerous,1 m mlo ng; connectives thick,tr uncate,pa pillose. Pistils numerous,4 m ml ong,ve rtically grooved; stigma cylindric,cu rved,ca naliculate,gl abrous; style short; ov釘ycylindric,de nsely rusty tomentose; ovules 1-2. Monoca7戸 5-11,oblong, 1.5-2 x0 .8-0.9 cm,gl abrous,gr een,or ange when ripe; stalks 6m m,Se eds 1-2,el lipsoid. Thailand“.-Southeast: Chanthaburi,K hao Soi Dao,Yu yen 232 (26 April 2006,C MU) Distribuon.-Cambodia and Laos Habitat.-Primary,se asonal evergreen forest; 600ー900m elevation Phenology. -Flowering April-May,Fr uiting April-May Notes.一百ledistinguishing feature of G. repeven~is is the long cylindrical stigma which is as long as the ov紅y.Thes pecific epithet refers to出etype locality. Acknowledgments.-The authors would like to出ankJ. F. Maxwell,cu rator of CMUf or literature and thoroughly correcting the description. Wew ould like to白ankthe curators and staff of CMU,B K,an d BKFf or their kind perr凶ssionto study Goniothalamus specimens. Thisw ork was supported by TheR oyal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Program. TWON EW RECORDS OF GONIOTHALAMUS (ANNONACEAE) 181 A su『cm B 建鈎 11m EV |lm Y 瀦 C D E ぬ| 協 12mn F G H FigUl巴 1.Goniothαlamusc heliensis Hu. A,b ranch;8 ,1f ower; C,o utsideo f sepal;D ,o utsideo f outer petal; E,in sideo f outerp etal;F ,in sideo f innerp etal;G ,c onnatei nnerp etals; H,s tamen;1 ,pi stil (Yuyen 220).( Drawn byY . Yuyen.) 182 YU1TAYA YUYEN,P IYA CHALERMGLlN,A ND VILAIWAN ANUSARNSUNTI-IORN B 。 Smm C 1 A 1、ρzn 爪 D ------aa--z-I ' C 2 2 E ー 、“r1 2 2 n 3 WF ー 戸、“n E E n 'a匂n m 。 2mm lcm 1c n司 日 J Figure2 Goniothalamus repeνensisP ierre ex Fin_ & Gagnep_A ,b ranch; B,f low巴r;C,o utside of s巴pal;0, inside of ollter petal;E ,in sideo f inner petal; F,c onnate inner petals;G ,pi stil; H,s tamen;1 ,m ono carps; J,11 l0nocarp,lo ng. sec.l,s howing2 s eeds( Yuyen2 32). (Drawn byY . Yuyen.) TWON EWR ECORDS OF GONIOTHALAMUS (ANNONACEAE) 183 REFERENCES AST,S. 1938. Annonacees. Fl. Gen. de l'lndoChineSupplement: 98. ・ BYGRAVE,P. 1997. Provisional checklist ofThailand Annonaceae. Royal Botanic Gardens,K ew,U. K.: 8-9. CRAIB,W. G. 1925.Florae Siamensis Enumeratio 1. TheS iam Society,Ba ngkok,Th ailand: 50-52. FINET,A. E.,AN DF . GAGNEPAIN. 1907. Annonacees. Fl. Gen. de l'lndo-Chine 1: 89. Hu,H. H. 1940. Notulae systematicae anfloram sinensem X. Bulletin of the Fan Memoriallnstitute of Biology 10: 121-128. YUYEN,Y. ; P. CHALERMGLIN,A ND V. ANUSARNSUNTHORN. 2006. Goniothalamus elegans Ast (Annonaceae),a n ew record for Thailand. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 54(1): 157-158.

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