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Rev. Soco Eniomol. Argent. 53 (1··4):1-8, 1994 TWO NEW NEOTROPICAL SPECIES OF THE SUBGENUS ISOHELEA Of BRACHYPOGON,WITH THE DESCRIPTION Of THE FEMALE OF B. (l.) MISIO NSIESN ANO A KEY TO THE NEOTROPICAL SPECIES (D IPTERA: CDERATOPOGONI AE) SPINELLI, Gustavo R.* & William L. GROGAN, Jr.** ABSTRACT. Brachypogon (Isohelea) hugoifrom Colombiaand B.(I.) pallidipennis from Honduras are described and illustrated as new species. The female of Brachypogon (Isohelea) misionensis Spinelli, from Brazil,is described and illustrated, and a key is presented for the recognition of the five Neotropical species of Brachypogon (Isohelea). RESUMEN.Dosespeciesnuevasneotropicales de Brachypogon(Isohelea), con la descripción de la hembra de B. (I .) misionensis y clave para las especies neotropicales (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Sedescriben e ilustran dos especies nuevas, Brachypogon (hlso el ea) hugoide Colombia, y B.(l.) pallidipennis de Hon duras, asícomo la hembra de Brachypogon (lIsoheea ) misionensis Spinelli del Bra sil. Además, se incluye una clave para el reconocimiento de las cinco especies neotropicales de Brachypogon (Isohelea). The small predaceous midges of the subgenus Isohelea of Brachypogon Kieffer are apparentlypoorly represented in the NeotropicalRegion,comparedwith the other biogeographic regions of the world (Wirth & Grogan, 1988). The three known Neotropicalspecies, B. misionensis. B.mapuche, and B.toirthi, were recenUy described by Spinelli (1990) from Argentina. Borkent (1992) and Grogan & Borkent (1992) demonstrated that Brachypogon and four other genera, Ceraioculicoides, Nannohelea, Rhynchohelea and Sinltalohelea, share the synapomorphyof possessing at leastonelarge katepisternal seta. During taxonomic studies of Brachypogon and related genera of the tribe Ceratopogonini,weencountered twoundescribedspeciesof thesubgenus Isolzelea and thepreviouslyunknownfemale of B.(I.)misionensis in materialhoused at theNational Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. (USA). We describe these species herein and provide a key for the recognition of the five Neotropical species of Brachypogon (lsohelea). For general ceratopogonid terminology see Downes & Wirth (1981); for a diagnosis and special terms dea]¡¡ll11g with Brachypog@l1 see Wirth & Grogan (1988). *Instituto deLisnnologia "Dr. Raúl A.Ringuelet", Casillade Correo712, 1900 La Plata, Argenti na. **DepartamentofBiolegical Sciences,SalisburyStateUniversity,Salisbury,Maryland21801,USA. 2 Rev. Soco Eniomol. Argent.53 (1-4), 1994 Key to the Neotropical species of Brachypogon (Isohelea) 1. Females , 2 Males 6 2. One spermatheca 3 Two spermathecae 4 3. Large species, wing length 0.97-1.03 mm; wing membrane infuscated with2 well developed radial cells and macrotrichia present in margin of cell cual and anal cell; halter whitish; spermatheca with conical neck B.hugoi sp. n. Smaller species, wing length0.74 mm; wing membrane hyaline, 2nd radial cell minute, macrotrichia absent in margin of cell cual and anal cell; halter dark brown; spermatheca with narrow neck B. mapucheSpinelli 4. Wing membrane infuscated, vein M2 present, macrotrichia absent in margin of cell cual and anal cell; antennal ratio 1.18 B. misionensis Spinelli Wingmembranewhitishhyaline,vein M2 absent, macrotrichiapresentinmargin of cell cual and anal cell; antennal ratio 0.93-0.98 5 5. Radial cells of wing equal sized, stigma yellowish; spermathecae equal sized, ovoid B.toirthi Spinelli Second radial cell of wing minute, stigma pale brown; spermathecae unequal, obliquely ovoid B. pallidipennis sp. n. 6. Tergite 9 with circular or quadrate sclerotized area on ventrodistal portion; aedeagus with bilobed apex 7 Tergite 9 lacking ventrodistal sclerotized area; aedeagus without bilobed apex 8 7. Sternite9withnarrow, truncate,posteriormargin; tergite9withnarrowsclerotized band on ventrodistal portion; basal arm of aedeagus long .. ......................................................................................................... B.misionensis Spinelli Sternite 9 with broad, irregular, posterior margin; tergite 9 with large quadrate sclerotized area on distal portion; basal arm of aedeagus short....B.hugoi sp. n. 8. Gonocoxite1.5XlongerthanbroadwithoutstoutsetaedistalIy;gonostylusslender withpointedtip,surfacesmooth;aedeaguswithtruncateapex, withoutadditional processes; parameres elongate, 2.5 X longer than broad, distal portion divided with slender abruptly recurved extensions B. mapucheSpinelli Gonocoxite stoutwith 12 strongsetae distally; gonostylus stoutwith bilobed tip, surface irregular; aedeagus with sublateral, distomedian and laterally directed processes; parameres shorter than broad, distal portion with truncate apex ....... ...........................................................................................................B.pallidipennissp. n. Brachypogon (Isohelea) hugoi sp. n. (Figs. 1-6) Diagnosis. Distinguished from all other Neotropical species of Brachypogon (Isohelea) by thefollowingcombinationofcharacters:wingwithinfuscatedmembrane, stigmaandveinsdarkbrown;2welldeveloped radialcells;vein M2 poorlydeveloped SPINELLI,C.R. &W. L.GROGAN,Jr., Brachypogon 3 1 6 Figs. 1-6. Brachypogon (lsohelea)hugoi. 1, female flagellum; 2, female palpus; 3, female wing; 4, spermatheca;5, male genitalia, aedeagus removed; 6, aedeagus. 4 Rev. Soc.Entomol. Argent.53 (1-4), 1994 distally;male tergite9with quadrateheavilysclerotizedareaventrodistally;aedeagus with shortbasal arm, apex bilobed; female with one ovoid spermatheca, with conical neck; claws moderately large, unequal, the smaller talon of each bears a long basal inner tooth; and macrotrichia present in cell cual and anal cell of wing. Female. Wing length 0.97-1.03 mm; breadth 0.46-0.48 mm. Head dark brown. Eyes narrowly contiguous, pubescent. Scape of antenna with four setae; flagellum (Fig. 1) uniformly dark brown, lengths of flagellomeres in proportion of 25-14-14-11 12-13-13-·14-28-28-28-23-30; antennal ratio 1.18 (n =2);flagellomere 1with two apical sensilla coeloconica. Palpus (Fig. 2) dark brown, lengths of segments in proportion of 15-26-36-20-30;segment3 with a distal round sensorypit, palpal ratio 2.00 (n = 2); segment 4 with two large setae. Mandible with 10-11 teeth. Thorax dark brown; five prealar setae; one katepisternal seta; scutellum with two marginal and one central setae. Femora and tibiaeslender, hind femur broadest; hind tibia with comb of seven setae, apical spur bifid; hind tarsal ratio 2.20 (n = 2); tarsomeres 4 cordiform; tarsomeres 5 with moderately large unequal claws, the smaller talon of each bears a long basal inner tooth, lengths of fore, mid and hind claws in proportion of 17:12, 17:12, 19:12. Wing (Fig. 3) membrane infuscated, stigma and veins dark brown, membrane covered with coarse microtrichia, macrotrichia restricted to margin, costa and base and near apex of radius; two radial cells, 1st larger; r-m crossvein oblique; MI and cubital fork obsolete at apices near wing margin, M2 poorIy developed distally; costal ratio 0.56-0.58 (n = 2). Halter whitish. Abdomen dark brown. Sternite 10 with one pair of large setae. One ovoid spermatheca (Fig. 4), with stout conical neck, measuring 0.064x 0.041 mm. Male. Similar to female with the following notable sexual differences. Eyes narrowlyseparated. Flagellomeres2-11fused. Mandiblereduced,vestigial.Tarsomeres 4 cylindrical; claws small, simple with bent bifid tips. Wing narrower; wing length 1.05 mm, breadth 0.41 mm; membrane lacking macrotrichia; radial cells equal sized; costal ratio 0.47. Genitalia as in Figs. 5-6. Sternite 9 moderately short, with irregular caudal margin; tergite 9 tapering distally to a truncate posterior margin, ventrodistal portion with large quadrate heavily sclerotized area, the anterior margin of which contacts the posteriorportion of parameres, apicolateral processes short, cerci small. Gonocoxite stout, with a short,blunt, mesobasallobe; gonostylus short, stout, nearIy straight, tip pointed.Aedeagus(Fig.6)stout,light1y sclerotizedexceptfor twopointed, posteromesally-directed processes; basal arch very low, rounded; apex bilobed. Parameresfused; composedof twonearly parallelsidedheavilysclerotized processes joined by a more lightly sclerotized bando Distribution. Colombia, known only from the type-locality. Types. Holotype male, allotype female, and 4 paratypes (1 female, 3 males), labeled"Colombia,Narino,20mi EPasto, 1-II!.1955,Schlinger& Ross". The holotype and allotype are deposited in the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (CASC); 1maleand1female are depositedin theNationalMuseumofNaturalHistory (NMNH); 1 male deposited in the Museo de La Plata, Argentina (MPLA); and 1 deposited in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa (CNCI). Etimology. This species isnamed in memoryof the seniorauthor's dearfriend, Hugo R. Amoreo. Discussion. Brachypogon (lsohelea) mapucheis theonlyotherNeotropical species of the subgenus Isohelea withasinglespermatheca. Femalesof thisspeciesdifferfrom SPINELLI,G.R. & W. L. GROGAN,Jr., Brachypogon 5 this new species because the neck of its spermatheca is narrower, it is smaller (wing length 0.74 mm), both talons of its claws have basal inner teeth, its wing membrane is hyaline, the second radial cell is minute, macrotrichia are absent in cell cual and anal cell and the halter is whitish. The only other Neotropicalspeciesof the subgenus Isohelea with a bilobed apex on its aedeagus andbearing a heavily sclerotized area on the ventrodistal portion of tergite 9 is B. (I.) mieionensis. Males of this species differ from those of this new species by the long basal arms on its aedeagus; sternite 9 is narrow with a truncate posterior margin, and the heavily sclerotized area on the ventrodistal portion of tergite 9 is circular, not quadrate. Brachypogon (lsohelea) misionensis Spinelli (Figs. 7-10) Brachypogon (Isohelea) misionensisSpinelli, 1990: 752 (male; Argentina; figs.). Diagnosis. Distinguished from all other Neotropical species of Brachypogon (Isohelea) by the following combination of characters: wing membrane infuscated, stigmaand anteriorveins darkbrown: two radialcells;vein M2 present; male sternite 9narrow, posterior margin truncate; tergite 9with a circular, heavily sclerotized area ventrodistally; aedeagus basal arm long, apex bilobed; female with two obliquely ovoid spermathecae; claws moderately large, subequal, with basal inner teeth; and macrotrichia present in margin ofcells R5, M1, and M2. Female.Winglength0.94 mm;breadth0.44 mm. Head darkbrown. Eyesbroadly contiguous, pubescent. Antennal scape with five setae; flagellum (Fig. 7) withlengths of flagellomeres in proportionof 26-14-14-16-18-18-18-18-30-32-32-28-34;antennalratio 1.10; flagellomere 1 with 3 apical sensilla coeloconica. Palpus (Fig. 8) with lengths of segmentsinproportion of 14-28-35-20-22;segment3with deep subapical sensory pit, palpal ratio 1.60; segment4with two large setae. Mandible with 8 teeth. Thorax dark Figs. 7-10. Brachypogon (Isohelea) misionensis, female. 7, flagellum; 8, palpus; 9, wing; 10, spermathecae. 6 Rev.Soco Entomol.Argent. 53 (1-4), 1994 brown; five prealar setae; two katepisternal setae; scutel1um with two marginal and twocentralsetae. Femoraand tibiaeslender;hind tibiawithcombofsevensetae,apical spurshort;tarsiexcepttarsomeres5lightbrown,hind tarsomere1withwel1developed palisade setae, hind tarsal ratio 2.00; tarsomeres 4 subcylindrical; tarsomeres 5 with moderatelylargesubequalclawswithbasalinnerteeth, lengthsof fore, mid and hind clawsin proportionof 17:12,20:12,20:12,.Wing(Fig. 9)membraneinfuscated,stigma and veins dark brown; membrane covered with coarse microtrichia, macrotrichia presentonly on margin of cel1sR5, MI, M2 and at base and near apex of radius; two radial cells, 2nd minute; r-m crossvein oblique; vein M2 well developed; costal ratio 0.55. Halterstembrownish,knob whitish.Abdomendarkbrown.Sternite10with two pairs of large setae. Two obliquely ovoid spermathecae (Fig. 10) measuring 0.061 x 0.043 mm and 0.054 x 0.033 mm. Distribution. Argentina and Brazil. Type. Holotype male, Argentina, Misiones Prov., 2 de Mayo, Salto Encantado, 15-X-1986, C. Roldán, COC light trap (MLPA). New Record. Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia, IX-1961, F. Plaumann, 1 female (NMNH). Brachypogon (Isohelea) pallidipennis sp. n. (Figs. 11-16) Diagnosis. Oistinguished from all other Neotropical species of Brachypogon (Isohelea) by the following combination of characters: wing membrane whitish hyaline; stigma lightbrown,veinsnearlyimperceptible;2nd radial cell minute;veinM2 absent; male withshortstoutgonocoxitebearingstrongsetae distally;gonostyluswithbilobed apex;aedeaguswithsublateral,distomedian,andlaterallydirectedprocesses;parameres fused, quadrate with a pair of mesal, anteriorly directed processes and pair of slender laterallydirectedprocesses;andfemalewithtwoobliquelyovoidspermathecaeandlong slender unequal claws, with basal inner teeth. Female. Wing lenght 0.68 mm; breadth 0.32 mm. Head dark brown. Eyes contiguous, pubescent. Antennalscapewith4-5setae;flagel1um (Fig. 11)darkbrown, lengths of flagellomeres in proportion of 28-14-14-14-15-15-15-15-24-24-25-21-27; antennal ratio 0.93; flagellomere 1 with two apical sensilla coeloconica. Palpus (Fig. 12) brown, lengths of segments in proportion of 17-30-31-20-28;segment3 with deep round sensorypit, palpal ratio 1.40;palpalsegment4 with two large setae. Mandible withnineteeth.Thoraxdarkbrown;five prealarsetae;onekatepisternalseta;scutellum with two marginal and two central setae. Legs dark brown, tibiae lighter brown subbasallyand apically, tarsi except tarsomeres5pale;hind tibia withcomb of seven setae, apical spur large and deeply trifurcate; hind tarsal ratio 2.50; tarsomeres 4 subcylindrical; tarsomeres 5 elongate slender with long slender unequal claws with basal inner teeth, lengths of fore, mid and hind claws in proportion of 12:9, 16:12, 16:12.Wing (Fig. 13)membranewhitishhyaline,stigmaandanteriorveins palebrown, other veins nearly imperceptible; membrane covered with fine microtrichia, macrotrichia only on margin and a few on radius; two radial cells, 2nd minute; r-m crossvein oblique; vein MI and cubitalfork obsolete at ápices. M2 absent; costalratio 0.52. Halter whitish. Abdomen dark brown. Sternite 10 with one pair of large setae. Two unequal sized, obliquely ovoid spermathecae (Fig. 14) with short conical necks; measuring 0.064 x 0.051 mm, and 0.051 x 0.028 mm. SPINELLI,G.R. &W. L. GROGAN, j-, Brachypogon 7 11 13 12 16 Figs. 11-16. Brachypogon(Lsohelea) pallidipennis. 11,female flagellum; 12, female palpus; 13, female wing; 14, spermathecae; 15,male genitalia, aedeagus removed; 16,aedeagus. 8 Rev.Soco Entomol.Argent. 53 (1-4), 1994 Male. Similar to female with the following notable sexual differences. Eyes separated. Mandible reduced, vestigial. Katepisternum with six setae. Tarsomeres 4 cylindrical;c1awssmallsimplewithbentbifidtips. Wingnarrower,membranelacking macrotrichia; wing length 0.64 mm, breadth 0.26 mm; costal ratio 0.49 . Genitalia as in Figs. 15-16. Sternite 9 moderately long with a shallow caudomedian excavation; tergite9long, producedbeyondapexofgonocoxite, tip broad;cercishort.Gonocoxite short, stout, 1.35 x longer than broad, distally with 12stout setae; gonostylus stout, as long as gonocoxite,surfaceirregular, distal portionslightlycurved, apex with two stoutsc1erotizedlobes.Aedeagus(Fig.16)triangular;basalarmshort;marginsheavily sc1erotized, as are the 2 sublateral distally directed processes and a distomedian process whichextendsbeyond the truncate tip of aedeagus proper; a pair of laterally directed,stronglysc1erotizedprocessesbornefromthe apexof the sublateralprocesses, eachabruptIybentat apex. Parameresfused intoasmallheavilysc1erotized quadrate structure, with a pair of anteriorly directed mesal processes, and slender recurved laterally directed processes thatextend to outer margin of gonocoxite near its base. Distribution. Honduras. Types. Holotype male labeled "Honduras, Comayagua, Comayagua, IX-·1966, F. S. Blanton"; allotype female labeled "Honduras, Valle, Nacome, 28-V-1964, F. S. Blanton" (both deposited in NMNH). Etimology. The specific epithet refers to the whitish hyaline wing membrane. Discussion. Females of B. (l.) wirthi most closely resemble this new species because their wings are hyaline, vein M2 is absent, and macrotrichia are present on mostof themargino However, theydifferfrom this newspeciesin havingequalsized spermathecae, the radial cells are nearly equal sized, and the stigma is yellowish. Femalesof B.(I.) misionensis have spermathecaesimilar to this new species, but their wing is infuscated, vein M2 is well developed, macrotrichia are absent in cell cual and anal cell, and the antennal ratio is greater. The maleof B.(I.) pallidípennís is the only species of the subgenus Isoheiea that has a gonostylus with a bilobed apex and an aedeagus with distal processes. LITERATURE CITED BORKENT, A. 1992. A new key to sorne genera of Ceratopogonini in the Holarctic (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Entomol.Scandinavica 22 (1991):433·436. DOWNJE.SF.,eAt.aJ.l.&(eWds..)W. M. WanIuRaTlHo.f1N9e8a1r.cCtihcaDptieprte2r8a..CVeorla.t1o.pAoggroinei.dCaea.npadpa.3M93o-n4o2g3.r.E2n7:.MOcttAawlpain.e, GROGAN, W.L.,[r. &A. BORKENT. 1992.Sinhalohelea,anewgenusofpredaceousrnidgeof the tribeCeratopogoninifrorn Sri Lanka (Diptera:Ceratopogonidae). Proc. Entomol.Soc.Wash. 94:314-319. SPINELLI,G. R.1990. ThegenusBrachypogonin Argentina,withakeyto theNeotropicalspecies (Diptera,Ceratopogonidae). Rev.Bras. Entomol.34(4):743-755. WIRTH, W. W. & W. L. GROGAN, Jr. 1988. The PredaceousMidges of the World (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae;TribeCeraiopogonini).FloraandFaunaHandbookn°4.E.J.Brill, NewYork, XV+160pp. Recibido: 28-IX-1992 Aceptado: 27-XII-1992

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