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Two new freshwater crabs of the genus Ptychophallus Smalley, 1964 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudothelphusidae) from Panamá, with notes on the distribution of the genus PDF

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Preview Two new freshwater crabs of the genus Ptychophallus Smalley, 1964 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudothelphusidae) from Panamá, with notes on the distribution of the genus

3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 112(3):553-56L 1999. Two new freshwater crabs of the genus Ptychophallus Smalley, 1964 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudothelphusidae) from Panama, with notes on the distribution of the genus Martha R. Campos and Rafael Lemaitre (MRC) Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Apartado Aereo 53416, 114 Santa Fe de Bogota 2, Colombia, S. A.; (RL) Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560-0163, U.S.A. — Abstract. Two new species of freshwater crabs of the genus Ptychophallus Smalley, from Panama, P. uncinatus and P. kuna, are described and illustrated. The addition of these two species means the genus now includes 13 species, all of which are distributed in Panama and Costa Rica. The species are distin- A guished primarily by differences in characters of the male first gonopod. summary of the geographic distribution of the species in the genus is presented. The systematics of the genus Ptycho- and the caudal ridge extends longitudinally phallus Smalley, 1964a, were reviewed by on the distal half of the caudal surface. Rodriguez (1982, 1994) who found that a A study of freshwater crabs in the Na- number of characters of the male first gon- tional Museum of Natural History, Smith- opod in species of this genus were homol- sonian Institution, Washington D.C. ogous with those of Hypolobocera Ort- (USNM), revealed two new species of mann, 1897 and Neostrengeria Pretzmann, Ptychophallus from Panama, bringing to 1 1965. These characters are the presence of the total number of species currently rec- a caudal crest, a lateral lobe, and a central ognized in this genus. This number ex- papilla on the spermatic channel. Rodriguez cludes P. campylos Pretzmann, 1965, a spe- (1982) considered Ptychophallus to be tran- cies that was originally briefly described, sitional between Andean and Central Amer- without illustrations (Pretzmann 1965). ican Pseudothelphusidae because species of This species was listed by Pretzmann this genus present a fusion of the cephalic (1971), and he (Pretzmann 1972) subse- and caudal borders forming a mesial pro- quently added details with illustrations and cess, a morphological characteristic present photographs. Rodriguez (1982:80) indicat- in all pseudothelphusids species from Cen- ed in a footnote that based on the infor- tral America (including Mexico), but absent mation provided by Pretzmann (1965, in species of Hypolobocera and Neostren- 1971, 1972), P. campylos could not be sep- geria from South America. arated from P. tristani (Rathbun, 1896); Species of Ptychophallus are distin- however, Rodriguez did not formally syn- guished primarily by characteristics of the onymize Pretzmann's taxon with Rathbun's third maxilliped and male first gonopod. and excluded P. campylos from his treat- The exognath of the third maxiUiped is 0.6 ment of Ptychophallus species. The type of to 0.7 as long as the ischium. The male first P. campylos, deposited in the Naturhisto- gonopod has a prominent apex that is bent risches Museum, Vienna, needs to be ex- cephalically and is joined to the gonopod amined in order to properly evaluate the va- by a narrow peduncle; the lateral projection lidity of Pretzmann's taxon. is large, and usually divided into two lobes; The terminology used for the morpholo- 554 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON gy of the male first gonopod follows that of between regions demarcated. Third maxil- Smalley (1964b) and Rodriguez (1982). liped (Fig. 2E) with merus of endognath The abbreviations cb and cl stand for car- regularly curved, with shallow depression apace breadth (measured at the widest on distal part of external margin; exognath point) and carapace length (measured along approximately 0.6 times length of ischium the midline), respectively. Color nomencla- of third maxilliped. ture used follows Smithe (1975). First pereiopods absent in holotype. In paratype, right cheliped slightly larger than Family Pseudothelphusidae Rathbun, 1893 left. Merus with 3 crests as follows: upper Tribe Hypolobocerini Pretzmann, 1971 crest with rows of tubercles, internal lower Genus Ptychophallus Smalley, 1964a crest with rows of teeth, and external lower Ptychophallus uncinatus, new species crest with few tubercles. Carpus with 4 tu- Figs. 1, 2, 5 bercles on internal crest and prominent — blunt spine distally. Palm of both chelipeds Material. Holotype: d, cl 16.4 mm, cb smooth, moderately swollen. Fingers of 26.5 mm, Rio San Pedro, Bocas del Toro, chelae not gaping when closed, tips cross- Panama, Jan 1978, leg. B. L. Gordon ing, with rows of tubercles on dorsal side. (USNM 276164). Paratype: S (juvenile) cl Surface of walking legs (pereiopods 2-5; 9.5 mm, cb 15.2 mm, same locality as ho- Fig. 1) with rows of minute setae. Dactyls (USNM lotype 276165). — each with 5 rows of large spines slightly Type locality. Rio San Pedro, Bocas del diminishing in size proximally, rows ar- Toro, Panama. — ranged as follows: anterolateral and antero- Diagnosis. First male gonopod with ventral rows each with 5 spines, external very broad lateral projection divided into 2 row with 5 spines plus 2 proximal papillae, subequal lobes by deep depression on cau- posteroventral row with 4 spines, and pos- dal surface and lateral notch; distal lobe terolateral row with 5 spines. with crest-like flange; distocaudal ridge First male gonopod (Fig. 2A-C) wide in short and narrow, with lateral crest; sub- caudal view. Lateral projection very wide, apical mesial process with triangular base divided in 2 subequal lobes by deep de- and hook-like projection; central papilla of pression on caudal surface and lateral spermatic channel robust, swollen. — notch; distal lobe with crest-like flange di- Description ofholotype. Carapace (Fig. rected distally; proximal lobe almost round- 1) with narrow, deep cervical groove curv- ed; margins with minute setae; distocaudal ing posteriorly and not reaching lateral mar- ridge short and narrow, with lateral crest, gin. Anterolateral margin with shallow si- reaching only to middle of deep depression nus just posterior to anteroextemal orbital angle; rest of margin with papillae. Post- dividing lateral projection. Subapical mesial frontal lobes wide, delimited anteriorly by process with triangular base and hook-like transverse depression; median groove nar- projection; apical mesial process triangular row, deep, with incision on upper margin (Fig. 2C, D). Apex bent cephalolaterally, of front. Surface of carapace in front of with field of spines directed cephalolater- postfrontal lobes flat and inclined anterior- ally; caudal border of apex with shallow ly. Upper border of front thin, marked with notch near middle, and deep notch near lat- row of tubercles; lower margin sinuous in eral side; central papillae of spermatic chan- frontal view. Surface of front between up- nel robust—, swollen (Fig. 2B, C, D). per and lower borders high and slightly ex- Color. In alcohol, the dorsal side of the cavated. Upper and lower orbital margins carapace is light brown (near 239, Ground each with row of tubercles. Surface of car- Cinnamon). The walking legs are Buff apace covered with small papillae; limits (124). The chelae are True Cinnamon (139) VOLUME 112, NUMBER 3 555 OCP<|<^ZP^ Fig. 1. Ptychophallus uncinatus, new species, male paratype, cl 9.5 mm, cb 15.2 mm, dorsal view (USNM 276165). dorsally, and Buff (124) ventrally. The ven- also similar to P. montanus (Rathbun, tral surface of the carapace is Buff (124). 1898). The male first gonopod of the new — Etymology. The specific name is from species differs markedly from that of P. the Latin uncinatus, meaning hooked, and montanus in the shape of the apex. In the is given in reference to the form of the sub- new species the apex is wide, the caudal apical mesial—process of the first gonopod. border has a notch near the middle, and the Remarks. This new species is most central papilla of the spermatic channel is similar to Ptychophallus tumimanus (Rath- robust and swollen (Fig. 2D); in P. mon- bun, 1898). The two can be distinguished tanus the apex is narrow, the caudal border by differences in the male first gonopod. In is entire and lacks a median notch, and the the new species the distal lobe of the lateral central papilla of the spermatic channel is projection is a crest-like flange directed dis- thin and curved. In addition, the male first tally, and the lateral border of the proximal gonopod of the new species has lateral pro- lobe has minute setae (not shown in Fig. jections that extend laterally beyond the 2A-C); in P. tumimanus the distal lobe is distal end of the laterocaudal expansion. rounded, and the lateral border of the prox- (Fig. 2A), whereas the lateral projections do imal lobe has rows of long setae. In the new not exceed the laterocaudal expansion in P. species the distocaudal ridge has a lateral montanus. crest, and the subapical mesial process has Ptychophallus kuna, new species a triangular base and hook-like projection; in P. tumimanus the distocaudal ridge has Figs. 3-5 — a rounded surface, the subapical mesial pro- Material. Holotype: 6 cl 15.6 mm, cb , cess is subtriangular, almost rounded. 24.9 mm, Portobelo, Panama, 25 Feb 1973: Ptychophallus uncinatus, new species, is (USNM 184340). 556 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ABC mm nXP«*A^^W Fig. 2. Ptychophallus uncinatus, new species, male holotype, cl 16.4 mm, cb 26.5 mm (USNM 276164). A, left first gonopod, caudal view; B, same, lateral view; C, same, cephalic view; D, apex of same, distal view; E, left third maxilliped, external view. 1, subapical mesial process; 2, apical mesial process; 3, distocaudal ridge; 4, distal lobe of lateral projection; 5, lateral projection; 6, proximal lobe of lateral projection; 7, lateral border of proximal lobe; 8, central papilla of spermatic channel; 9, caudal border of apex; 10, notch of caudal border. VOLUME 112, NUMBER 3 557 — Diagnosis. First male gonopod with teroventral rows each with 5 spines, exter- lateral projection narrow, divided into 2 nal row with 5 spines and 2 proximal pa- subequal lobes by shallow notch; distal lobe pillae, and posteroventral and posterolateral small, subtriangular and with distal surface rows each with 3 spines. close to gonopod axis; proximal lobe sub- First male gonopod (Fig. 4) narrow in triangular; distocaudal ridge short, weakly caudal and cephalic views. Lateral projec- defined, almost continuous with distal lobe tion narrow, divided in 2 subequal lobes by of lateral projection; subapical mesial pro- shallow notch; distal lobe small, subtrian- cess robust, flange-like; central papilla of gular, distal surface close to gonopod axis; spermatic channel thin, delicate. proximal lobe subtriangular, lateral border — Description ofholotype. Carapace (Fig. sinuous and with proximal papilla; disto- 3A) with narrow, shallow cervical groove caudal ridge very short, weakly defined and curved posteriorly and not reaching lateral almost continuous with distal lobe of lateral margin. Anterolateral margin with shallow projection. Subapical mesial process robust, sinus just posterior to anteroextemal orbital flange-like (Fig. 4C, D); apical mesial pro- angle; remaining margin with papillae. cess subtriangular, almost rounded. Apex Postfrontal lobes wide, delimited anteriorly bent cephalolaterally, with field of spines by transverse depression; median groove directed cephalolaterally; caudal border of narrow. Surface of carapace in front of apex with deep incision near lateral side; postfrontal lobes flat, inclined anteriorly. central papilla of spermatic channel thin, Upper border of front thin, marked with delicate (Fig. 4B, C, D). — row of tubercles; lower margin visible in Color. In alcohol, dorsal surface of the dorsal view, sinuous in frontal view. Sur- carapace brown (near Kingfisher Rufous, face of front between upper and lower bor- 240). Walking legs Raw Sienna (136) dor- ders high, slightly excavated. Upper and sally, and True Cinnamon (139) ventrally. lower orbital margins each with row ofcon- Chelae Kingfisher Rufous (240) dorsally, spicuous tubercles. Surface of carapace and True Cinnamon (139) with Olive- covered with small papillae; limits between Brown specks (28) ventrally. Ventral sur- regions well demarcated. Third maxilliped face of carapace Robin Rufous (340). — (Fig. 3D) with merus of endognath strongly Etymology. The species is named in curved and with deep depression on distal honor of the Kuna Indians, in whose terri- part of external margin; exognath approxi- tory this new species was found. — mately 0.6 times length of ischium of third Remarks. This new species can be dif- maxilliped. ferentiated from other congenerics by the First pereiopods heterochelous; right che- first male gonopod. The gonopod is distinct liped larger than left. Merus with 3 crests in that it has a short, weakly defined caudal as follows: upper crest with rows of tuber- ridge which is almost continuous with the cles, internal lower crest with rows of teeth, distal lobe of the lateral projection. and external lower crest with rows of tu- bercles. Carpus with 4 tubercles on internal Distribution of Ptychophallus Species crest, and prominent blunt spine distally. Palm smooth, swollen. Fingers of chelae Distribution records of species ofPtycho- (Fig. 3B) not gaping when closed, tips phallus can be found in the original descrip- crossing and with rows of tubercles on dor- tions as well as in various freshwater crab sal surface. reports from central America (Pretzmann Walking legs (pereiopods 2-5; Fig. 3C) 1965, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1980; Rodriguez strong. Dactyls each with 5 rows of large 1982, 1994; Smalley 1964a; Villalobos spines diminishing in size proximally, rows 1974). The species of this genus are known arranged as follows: anterolateral and an- exclusively from Central America between 558 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 0C^iv\1jo'^ Fig. 3. Ptychophallus kuna, new species, male holotype, cl 15.6 mm, cb 24.9 mm (USNM 184340). A, carapace, dorsal view; B, chela of large cheliped, external view; C, left third pereiopod, lateral view; D, third maxilliped, external view. VOLUME 112, NUMBER 3 559 ABC m m OCPiAZ-O"^ Fig. 4. Ptychophallus kuna, new species, male holotype, cl 15.6 mm, cb 24.9 mm (USNM 184340). left first gonopod: A, caudal view; B, lateral view; C, cephalic view; D, apex, distal view. Cana Mount, Darien Province, Panama, and Pretzmann, 1965, P. exilipes (Rathbun, Monteverde, Puntarenas Province, Costa 1898), P. lavallensis Pretzmann, 1978, P. Rica (Fig. 5). Six species occur in localities tumimanus, P. kuna, new species, and P. of the Atlantic drainage: P. cocleensis uncinatus, new species. Six species occur 560 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 5. Distribution of species of Ptychophallus Smalley, 1964: 1, P. cocleensis Pretzmann, 1965; 2, P. colombianus (Rathbun, 1893); 3, P. costaricensis Villalobos, 1974; 4, P. exilipes (Rathbun, 1898); 5, P. gold- manni Pretzmann, 1965; 6, P. kuna, new species; 7, P. lavallensis Pretzmann, 1978; 8, P. micracanthus Rod- riguez, 1994; 9, P. montanus (Rathbun, 1898); 10, P. paraxanthusi Bott, 1968; 11, P. tristani (Rathbun, 1896); 12, P. tumimanus (Rathbun, 1898); 13, P. uncinatus, new species. in localities of the Pacific drainage: P. col- Literature Cited ombianus (Rathbun, 1893); P. costaricensis Bott, R. 1968. Fluss-Krabben aus dem ostlichen Mit- Villalobos, 1974, P. goldmanni Pretzmann, tel-Amerika und von den Grossen Antillen — 1965, P. micracanthus Rodriguez, 1994, P. (Crustacea, Decapoda). Senckenbergiana paraxanthusi Bott, 1968, and P. tristani. Biologica 49(l):39-49. — One species, P. montanus, has been found Ortmann, A. 1897. Carcinologische Studien. Zoolo- in both Atlantic and Pacific drainages. gische Jahrbiicher, Abtheilung fiir Systematik, Geographic und Biologic derThiere 10:258-372. Species of Pseudothelphusidae are usu- Pretzmann, G. 1965. VorlaufigerBericht iiberdie Fam- — ally found at altitudes ranging from 100 to ilie Pseudothelphusidae. Anzeiger der Oster- 3000 m. However, when they occur in reichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften coastal mountain ranges such as those Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse (1)1:1-10. found along the Pacific or Atlantic coasts 1968. Neue Siidamerikanisch Siisswasserkrab- of Panama and Colombia, some species can . — ben der Gattung Pseudothelphusa. Entomolo- reach sea level. Species of Ptychophallus, gisches Nachrichtenblatt, Wien 15(1):1-15. m for example, range from to 2000 above . 1971. Fortschritte—in der Klassifizierung der sea level. Pseudothelphusidae. Anzeiger der Mathema- tisch Naturwissenschaftliche derOsterreichisch- en Akademie der Wissenschaften (1)179(1-4): Acknowledgments 14-24. 1972. Die Pseudothelphusidae (Crustacea . — This study was made possible, in part, by Brachyura). Zoologica 42(120), pt. 1:1-182. a visitor grant awarded to one of us (MRC) . 1978. Neue Potamocarcinini, Poglayen—-Neu- by the Office of Fellowships & Grants, wall leg. 1975 (Vorlaufiger Mitteilung). Sit- zungsberichte der Osterreichischen Akademie Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch Naturwis- The illustrations were prepared by Juan C. senschaftliche Klasse (l)1978(2):51-54. Pinzon. . 1980. Von Dr. Ivo Poglayen-Neuall 1975 in — VOLUME 112, NUMBER 3 561 — Mittelamerika gesammelte Krabben. Annalen . 1994. A revision of the type material ofsome des Naturhistorische Museum, Wien 83:651- species of Hypolobocera and Ptychophallus 666. (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) in Rathbun, M. 1893. Descriptions of new species of the National Museum ofNatural History, Wash- — American freshwater crabs. Proceedings of ington D.C., with descr—iptions of a new species the United States National Museum 16(959): and a new subspecies. Proceedings of the Bi- ological Society of Washington 107:296-307. 649-661, pis. 73-77. 1896. Descriptions of two new species of Smalley, A. 1964a. The river crabs of Costa Rica, and . — the subfamilies of the Pseudothelphusidae. fresh-water crabs from Costa Rica. Proceed- Tulane Studies in Zoology 12:5-13. i3n7g7s-3o7f9t.he United States National Museum 18: . 1964b. A terminolog—y for the gonopods ofthe American river crabs. Systematic Zoology 13: . 1898. A contribution to a knowledge of the 28-31. fresh-wate—r crabs of America. The Pseudothel- Smithe, F. B. 1975. Naturalist's colorguide. The Amer- phusidae. Proceedings of the United States ican Museum of Natural History, New York. National Museum 21(1158):507-537. Part 1: unnumbered pages. Rodriguez, G. 1982. Les crabes d'eau douce Villalobos, C. 1974. Ptychophallus costaricensis a new — d'Amerique. Famille des Pseudothelphusi- freshwater crab from Costa Rica. Revista de — dae. Faune Tropicale 22:1-223. Biologia Tropical 21(2):197-203.

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