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Two new Draconarius species and the first description of the male Draconarius molluscus from Tiantangzhai National Forest Park, China (Araneae: Agelenidae: Coelotinae) PDF

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Preview Two new Draconarius species and the first description of the male Draconarius molluscus from Tiantangzhai National Forest Park, China (Araneae: Agelenidae: Coelotinae)

2011.TheJournalofArachnology39:30^0 Two new Draconariiis species and the first description ofthe male Draconarius molluscus from Tiantangzhai National Forest Park, China (Araneae: Agelenidae: Coelotinae) Hai-Juan XieandJian Chen': CollegeofLife Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan430062, Hubei, China Abstract. ThreeDraconariusspeciescollectedfromtheTiantangzhaiNationalForestPark,Chinaarestudied,including twonewspecies,D.peregriniissp.nov.andD. tiantangensissp.nov.ThemaleD.molluscus(Wangetal. 1990)isreported forthefirsttime. Keywords: Taxonomy,diagnosis,newspecies DraconariusOvtchinnikov 1999 is one ofthe most diverse the figure legendsmainly follows Wang(2002)and Liu& Li genera in the subfamily Coelotinae (Liu & Li 2009). At (2010). Photos of male palp and female epigynum will be present, a total of 204 Draconarius species are known submitted toandavailablefrom Li&Wang(2009). worldwide, among which 110 are recorded from China Abbreviationsusedinthetextandfiguresare:A = atrium; (Platnick 2010; Wang 2010). Many Draconarius species are ALE = anterior lateral eye; AME = anterior median eye; currentlydescribedfromonlymaleorfemalespecimens.Most AME-ALE =distancebetweenAMEandALE;AME-AME ofthosedescribed frombothsexesareonlybasedonasmall = distance between AMEs; ALE-PLE = distance between number of individuals, and some sexes may be incorrectly ALEandPEE;C = conductor;CD = copulatoryduct;CDA matched.Asaresult,amorphologicalphylogeneticanalysisat =dorsalapophysisoftheconductor;CF=cymbialfurrow;E thismomentwouldbechallenging,Wangdividedthesespecies =embolus;ET=epigynalteeth;ED=fertilizationduct;H= into seven groups in 2003, but the other unplaced species hood; LTA = lateral tibial apophysis; MA = median remain tobesorted(Wang2003). apophysis; PA = patellarapophysis; PLE = posteriorlateral RecentfieldsurveysinTiantangzhaiNationalForestPark, eye; PME = posterior median eye; PME-PLE = distance China have yielded three Draconarius species, which we between PME and PLE; PME-PME = distance between describe in the current paper. Tiantangzhai National Forest PMEs; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis; S = spermathe- Park(Fig.40),locatedintheDabieMountainsbetweenHubei cae; SH = spermatheca! head; ST = subtegulum; T = and Anhui provinces in China, is part ofthe watershed of tegulum;TS = tegularsclerite. Yangtze Riverand Huai River. Withanaverageelevation of TAXONOMY 1000 m, its highest peak reaches 1729 m, the second highest peak in Dabie Mountains. Tiantangzhai has a subtropical AgelenidaeC.L. Koch 1837 climate, with typical mild climate accompanied by abundant DraconariusOvtchinnikov 1999 rainfall. The fauna is typical for the transition zone between DraconariusmolluscusWangetal. 1990 thePalaearcticandOrientalregions:e.g., PalearcticOtididae, Figs. 1-12 easslpaeunesocdctphieaserramsndsasolC.blfuhsiTaItninnaaaidr.nmidtaa;alnnsOgcriezivxeheinatst.italhNieesrSaeutr,ihledyianlec1al4saut0nd0idpnisgVepicegvecieiareonsrftiodvsfaiaerpl,glaiasmnnuatcnhshadbaeairnstsdabta6on0aid0rn DCroae4eltc2ooAatnl-e.asBr1,im9uo99sl96l:muD3os7lc6l(u,9u)ss.fcWiugass.nW—2ga2n1etGg,al2.0H0129(:99)60.7:2(194),;Wfiagsn.g862,00837:5($3)9;,Sfoignsg. Materials examined. Tiantangzhai National Forest Park, METHODS China, XinXuandHaijuanXie,3cJ,69(27September2009), Allspecimensusedinthecurrentstudyaredepositedinthe 19(28 Septe—mber2009), \S,39(29September2009). College of Life Sciences, Hubei University. We examined Diagnosis. ThisspeciesissimilartoD. lutiilentus(Wanget specimenswithanOlympusSZX16stereomicroscope.Further al. 1990),butcanbedistinguishedbythelongcymbialfurrow details were studied with an Olympus BX51 compound (more than halfofcymbial length), the short, square tegular microscope. We examined and illustrated male palps and sclerite, theabsenceofepigynalteethandthelong,anteriorly female epigyna after dissecting them from the spider bodies. convergingspe—rmathecal stalks(Figs. 1-12). Allillustrationsweremadeusingrotringisographpens(0.20, Description. Male: Total length 5.57-5.80. Prosoma 2.82 0.30mm)on parchment papers. long, 1.98wide;opisthosoma2.62long, 1.89wide.Eye:AME All measurements, obtained using an Olympus SZX16 0.15; ALE 0.17; PME 0.17; PLE 0.18; AME-AME 0.05; stereomicroscope,aregiveninmillimeters.Eyediameterswere AME-ALE 0.03; ALE-PLE 0; PME-PME 0.08; PME-PLE taken at the widest point. The total body length does not 0.07. Clypeus height 0.23. Leg formula: IV, I, II, III; leg: I: include the length of the chelicerae or spinnerets. The leg 10.68 (2.68, 3.70, 2.73, 1.57); II: 9.29 (2.45, 3.00, 2.48, 1.36); measurementsareshownastotallength(femur,patella+tibia, III: 8.56 (2.42, 2.78, 2.04, 1.32); IV: 10.78 (2.85, 3.61, 3.03, metatarsus, tarsus). The terminology used in the text and in 1.29). Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 3 retromarginal teeth. Patellarapophysislong,sword-shaped; RTAshort,less ‘Correspondingauthor. E-mail:chenjian_hb(^tom.com than half tibial length, with distal end protruding beyond 30 — — XIE&CHEN—NEWDRACONARIUSSPECIESFROMCHINA 31 — Figures 1,2. Druconariusmolluscus,male. 1. Palp,prolateralview;2.Palp,retrolateralview.Scaleline= 0.1 mm. distal tibia; lateral tibial apophysis large, closed to RTA; embolus in the male. The female can be distinguished from cymbial furrow more than halfofcymbial length; conductor other Draconarius by the large, folded, wrinkled copulatory long, slender, slightly curved, with large basal lamella; ducts and the longspermathecal stalks, which are coverd by conductor dorsal apophysis long, with sharp distal end; copulatoryductsvisibleindorsal view(Figs. 13-27). median apophysis short, slightly curved distally; embolus Description. Male: Total length 6.84-8.51. Prosoma 3.79 AME filiform,long,originatingretrolaterally(Figs. 1-3,6, 8-10). long,2.30wide;opisthosoma4.19long,2.80wide. Eye: Female: SeedescriptionofWang(2003). 0.13;ALE0.22; PME0.19; PLE0.20; AME-AME0; AME- Relationships. Draconarius mollmcus is a member ofthe ALE 0.03; ALE-PLE 0; PME PME 0.05; PME-PLE 0.10. lutulentus-speci—esgroup. Clypeus height 0.16. Leg formula: IV, I, IL HI; leg: I; 7.99 Distribution. China(Anhui, Hubei,Jiangxi). (2.50,2.68, 1.67, 1.14);II:7.54(2.14,2.31, 1.87, 1.22);HI;6.41 (1.67, 2.34, 1.33, 1.07); IV: 9.92 (2.71, 3.28, 2.66, 1.27). Draconariusperegrinussp. nov. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 2 retromarginal teeth. Type species,—HolotypFeigsS., 1T3i-a2n7tangzhai National Forest tPiabtiealllalrengatpho;phlyasteirsalabtisbeinatl;apRoTphAysisshorbtr,oaadp,prcolxosiemdatteolyRThAal;f Park, China, 26 September 2009, Xin Xu and Haijuan Xie. cymbial furrow long, more than half of cymbial length; Paratypes: IcJ, 3? (samedate as holotype); 3? (27 September conductor short, simple; dorsal apophysis moderately large; 2009). median apophysis long and slender, spoon-like; embolus — Etymology. The specific name is taken from the Latin broad, originating retrolaterally, with slenderbifurcatedistal adjective peregrinus, meaning “bizarre”, referring to the part,oneapexsword-shaped,theotheroval-shaped(Figs. 13- strangeand—uniquedistalpartofembolus. 16,20,22-24). DraDciaognnaorsiiuss.maTghiecusma(lLeiuoeft atlh.is201n0e)winspheacviiesngisa bsrimoialdarantdo widFee;maolpei:stThootsaolmale4n.g1t4hl6o.n7g9,-21.08.607w.idPer.oEsyoem:aA3M.9E00l.o1n4g;,A2L.3E4 biforked embolus, but can be distinguished from it by the 0.23; PME0.20; PLE 0.21; AME-AME0; AME-ALE 0.04; absence ofa patellar apophysis, and the large lateral tibial ALE-PLE 0; PME PME 0.07; PME-PLE 0.12. Clypeus apophysis situated close to RTA; the proximally originating height 0.19. Leg formula: IV, I, II, III; leg: I: 8.19 (2.45, THEJOURNALOFARACHNOLOGY — linFei=gur0e.s1 m3-m5.. DraconariusmoUitscus.3.Malepalp,ventralview;4.Femaleepigynum,ventralview;5.Femaleepigynum,dorsalview.Scale — 2.85, 1.66, 1.23);11:6.98(2.07,2.44, 1.44, 1.03);III:6.35(1.63, Diagnosis. This new species is similar to Draconarius. 2.26, 1.37, 1.09); IV: 10.00(2.71, 3.37, 2.76, 1.16). Chelicerae aspinatus (Wang et al. 1990) in the absence of a patellar with3 promarginaland2 retromarginal. apophysis, the presence oflong cymbial furrow, the simple Epigynal teeth small, situated anteriorly laterad of the conductor, the small atrium andthe simple largespermathe- atrium; atrium broad; copulatory ducts broad, folded, cae,butcanbedistinguishedbythesignificantlysmallerbody, originating anteriorly or posteriorly, close together; sper- withamalelengthof4.32mm,thelatteris 10mmlong(Wang mathecal stalks long, totally hidden by thecopulatoryducts; etal. 1990);andthelateralapophysisbroad,closetoRTAin spermathecal heads small, also totally hidden by thecopula- this new species, but small, far from RTA in D. aspinatus toryducts;spermathecaeoval,widelyseparated(Figs. 17-19, (Figs. 28-39).— 21,Re2l5a-t2i7o)n.ships.—Draconarius peregrinus sp. nov. is consid- 1.4D4eswcirdiep;tioonp.isthMoalseo:maTo2.t1a0llloenngg,th1.43.432w.idPer.oFsyoem:aA2M.0F1 l0o.n0g8,; eredcongenericwiththetypespeciesofthegenusDraconarius, AFF0.13;PMF0.14;PFF0.15;AME-AMF0;AME-ALE0; as it exhibits two retrolateral teeth; a long cymbial furrow; ALE-PFE 0; PME-PME 0.03; PME-PLE 0.02. Clypeus spoon-like median apophysis; dorsal apophysis ofconductor height 0.14. Leg formula: IV, I, II, III; leg: I: 5.17 (1.39, present.Femaleepigynumwithtwoepigynalteeth,copulatory 1.69, 1.25,0.84);II:4.86(1.39, 1.57, 1.13,0.77);III:4.51 (1.19, ductsbroad.However,thebifurcatedistalpartoftheembolus 1.48, 1.19, 0.65); IV: 6.37 (1.66, 2.09, 1.84, 0.78). Chelicerae maDkiesstriitbsutgieonne.r—icCphliancaem(eHnutbeqiu,esAtnihounia)b.le. awiptohphy3sispraobmseanrtg;inRaTlAalnodng,2witrhetdriosmtaalrgeinndalextteenetdhi.ngPbaetyelolnadr tibia; lateral tibial apophysis broad, close to RTA; cymbial Draconariustiantangensissp. nov. furrow long, more than half of cymbial length; conductor j — Figs. 28-39 simple; dorsal apophysis of conductor semicircular in the Type species. Holotype d, Tiantangzhai National Forest ventral view; median apophysis slender, elongated, spoon- Park, China, 27 September 2009, Xin Xu and Haijuan Xie. shaped; embolus long, filiform, originating proximally Paratypes: 2?—(samedateasforholotype). (Figs. 28-30, 33, 35-37). Etymology. Thespecificnameisanadjective, referringto Female: Total length 4.36-4.97. Prosoma 1.85 long, 1.47 thetypelocality,Tiantangzhai. wide;opisthosoma2.16long, 1.41 wide.Eye:AME0.09;ALE XIE&CHEN—NEWDRACONARIUSSPECIESFROMCHINA 33 — 10.FiMguarleesp6a-l1p2,.reDtrroalcaotneararliusvimeow;lht1s1c.m.Fe6m.aMlaelee,pdiogrysnaulmv,ievwe;nt7.raFlemvaileew,;do12r.salFevmiaewl;e8.epMiaglyenupma,lp,doprrsolaaltevriaelw.vieSwc;al9e.Mlainlee=palp1,.0vemntmraluvnileews;s statedotherwise. 0.14; PME 0.15; PLE 0.16; AME-AME 0; AME-ALE 0; shaped median apophysis; and a long embolus. The female ALE-PLE 0; PME-PME 0.05; PME-PLE 0.04. Clypeus epigynum with epigynal teeth short, widely separated; height 0.15. Leg formula: IV, I, II, III; leg: I: 4.94 (1.42, spermathecae broad. Draconarius tiantangensis sp. nov. is a 1.74,1.05,0.73);II:4.23(1.26, 1.51,0.80,0.66);III:4.14(1.23, memberofthe—vc/n/.v/n-s-speciesgroup. 1.28, 0.99, 0.64); IV: 5.17 (1.41, 1.86, 1.24, 0.66). Chelicerae Distribution. China (Hubei). with3promarginaland2retromarginal.Epigynalteethshort, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS widelyseparated,situatedanteriorlylateradofatrium;atrium small, situated anteriorly near epigastric furrow; copulatory Themanuscriptbenefited fromcommentsby Dr. Xin-Ping ductssmall, originating posteriorly; spermathecal heads long Wang (Gainesville, Florida), and two anonymous reviewers. andslender;spermathecaelarge,closetoeachother(Figs. 31, The field collection was supported by Fengxiang Liu. Our 32,Re3l4a,ti3o8,ns3h9i)p.s.—Draconariustiantangensissp.nov.exhibitsa XthuanfkosratlhseoirarceodmumeentotsJieonLiut,heHamaonuYsuc,riZphte.nyThuisJins,taudnydwXains typicalDraconariusinhavingalateraltibialapophysis;along supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of cymbial furrow; a conductor dorsal apophysis; a spoon- China (NSFC-39870105/30370206) and by the Ministry of 34 THEJOURNALOFARACHNOLOGY Figures 13, 14.—Dnicomiriusperegrinussp.nov.,male. 13. Palp,prolateralview; 14.Palp,retrolateralview.Scaleline=0.1 mm. — XIE&CHEN—NEWDRACONARIUSSPECIESFROMCHINA 35 Figures 15-19. Draconariusperegrinussp.nov. 15.Malepalp,ventralview; 16.distalpartofembolus,ventralview; 17.Femaleepigynum, ventralview; 18. Femaleepigynum,dorsalview; 19.Vulva,ventralview.Scaleline=0.1mm. 36 THEJOURNALOFARACHNOLOGY — Figures 20-27. Dniconariusperegrimissp.nov.20.Male,dorsalview;21.Female,dorsalview;22.Malepalp,prolateralview;2i3.Malepalp, ventralview;24. Malepalp,retrolateralview;25.Femaleepigynum,ventralview;26.Femaleepigynum,dorsalview;27.Vulva,,ventralview. Scaleline=0.5mm. XIE&CHEN—NEWDRACONARIUSSPECIESFROMCHINA 37 — Figures 28,29. Dmcomiriustiantungensissp.nov.,male.28.Palp,prolateralview;29. Palp,retrolateralview.Scaleline =0.1mm. 38 THEJOURNALOFARACHNOLOGY — Figures 30-32. Dracomiriitsticmtungensissp.nov.30. Malepalp,ventralview; 31. Femaleepigynum,ventralview;32. Femaleepigynum, dorsalview.Scaleline =0.1 mm. XIE&CHEN—NEWDRACONARIUSSPECIESFROMCHINA — palFpi,guvreentsra3l3-vi3e9w.;3D7.raMcaonlaeripaulsp,tiraenttraonlgaetnesriaslsvpi.ewn;ov3.83F3emMaallee,epdiogrysanlumv,ievwe;nt3r4a.lFveimeaw;le3,9.doFresmaallveieewp;ig3y5.nuMma,ldeorpsaallp,viperwo.laStcearlalelviineew;=306..5Mmaml.e

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