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Two new Cerambycidae from Turkey and Iran (Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae) PDF

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by  G. Sama
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Preview Two new Cerambycidae from Turkey and Iran (Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae)

Quodernod i Srudie Notizied i StorioN oturoled ello Romogno Quad. SrudiN at. Romagna,l 6 suppl.: 105-110,m aggio2OO2 tssN 1123-6787 Gianfranco Sama & Martin Rejzek TWO NEW CERAMBYCIDAE FROM TURKEY AND IRAN (Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae) Riassunto fDue nuovi Cerambycidadei Turchia ed lranl Gli autori descrivonoR opalopush anae n. sp. di Turchia e Semiangustar ebeccaen . sp. del- I'Iran nord occidentaleS. emiangustaP ic, 1892è ritenutog enered istinto da PhytoeciaMulsant, 1839e S. delagrange(i Pic, l89l) è designataq uales peciet ipo del genere. Abstract Ropalopush anaen . sp. from Turkey andS emiangustare beccaen . sp.f rom Iran ared escribed, illustrateda nd comparedt o relateds pecies.D ata on biology of the newly decribeds peciesi s given.I t is proposedto retainS emianqustaPic,189a2s a separateg enusa ndS . delagrangei (Pic, l89l) is designateda si ts type species. Key words:T axonomy,b iology,C erambycidaeR, opalopush anae,S emiangustare beccae,new speciesT, urkey,I ran. Ropalopush anae n. sp.( fig.l ) Holotype male: E. Turkey: Bullan Gegidi, 1640 m,40 km NW Muq, 38o56'N 41"09'8,22-23.VLI999,1e9. and coll. M. Rejzek.F emaleu nknown. Description of the Holotype - Length 24 mm. Body elongate, parallel-sided; integumentsp iceous; head between eyes nearly flat, without longitudinal furrow; pronotum strongly transverse,h exagonal,s omewhata ngulatel aterally in middle, flattenedo n the disc,p redominantlyg labrous,w ith somee rects etaeo nly at sides; opaque,e ntirely and densely microgranulate-puncturedw, ithout unpunctured shining areas,b ut with a vaguely defined rhomboid area in the middle of disc irregularly covered by deep, umbilicate puntures joined by inegular wrinkles. Elytra with a very deep transversef urrow at base, parallel-sided, laterally not distinctly expandedb ehind the middle, apicesb roadly rounded; with only a slight green metallic lustre, surface closely and deeply reticulate at base; toward apex finely and denselym icroreticulate,t hereforea ppearingd ull; sparselyc lothedb ehind 105 the middle with shorta ppressedb rown setaeb ecomingl onger toward apex.L egs short, femora clavate, clubs unpunctured( except for the apex) and finely microsculpturedo n the internal side, finely and denselyp uncturedo n the outer side,w ith brown erecth airsb eneath.M iddle andh ind tibiae slighltly curved,w ith long erect hairs on the intemal side. Antennae as long as body, third segment subequalt o scapei n lenght, both fourth and fifth shorter than third; scaped eeply but sparselyp unctured,t hird segmentc overed by denseu mbilicate punctures, eachp uncturew ith a shortd ark brown hair; fourth segmentr ugose,t he following onesd enselym icrosculpturedS. capeo n the lower sidew ith shortr ecumbents etae, seconda nd third segmentw ith very dense,f ourth to sixth with sparsel ong erect setaeb eneath.T hird segments lightly enlarged,n ot thooted internally; fourth to sixth distinctly tootheda pically. Name derivation - We wish to dedicatet he new speciesto Martin's motherH ana, in recognitiono f her long sufferings upport. Differential diagnosis - Ropalopush anae n. sp. belongs to the R. ungaricus - insubricusg roup. By its entirely puncturedp ronotum the new speciesa ppearst o be particularlyr elatedt o R. lederi Ganglbauer,1 881a nd to a lessere xtenta lso to R. siculus Stierlin, 1864.T he only known specimeni s very distinctive due to its elongates hapea nd parallel-sidede lytra, which are not wider toward apext han at their base.R . hanaen .sp.d iffers from R. siculus( male)b y its antennaew hich are evidently more slender, by its pronotum which is more densely and deeply punctured,w ithout unpunctureda reaso n the disc; in R. siculusa ntennaea rem ore robust and the pronotal disc bearss parserp uncturationw ith small unpunctured areasm ainly evident before the base at middle. From both R. lederi, resembling the new speciesb y slendera ntennaea nd pronotal puncturation,a nd from R. siculus, the new speciesd iffers by its headl acking a longitudinalf urrow betweena ntennal elevations,b y hind tibiaej ust slightly curveda nd by the extremelyf ine punctures in the apical half of the elytra. Biology - The only known specimeno f the newly describeds peciesw as captured whilst sitting on a branch of a living shrubby Quercuss pecies.H owever, as the other congenerso f the species group ungaricus develop in various living Acer spp.,w e think it more likely thatA cer might be the true host. A specieso f Acer doeso ccur (althoughq uite rarely) in the type locality. Seminngusta rebeccaen . sp.( Fig.2 ) Holotype male: NW Iran: prov. ATarbaypdn-eG arbt, Serou 50 km NW Orumiye, 37o39'N4 4"45'8,9.VI.1999,l eg.M . Rejzek,c oll. G. Sama. Paratypest:h e samec ollectiond ata: I male,leg. andc oll. M. Rejzek;2 males,l eg. andc oll. P.K abótek;2 females,lgt.M . Johanidesi;d em:9 -10.VI.2000,I male,2 females,l eg. andc oll. M. Rejzek; l8 males,4 females,l eg. andc oll. Petr Kabótek, I femalec oll. G. Sama;I male, 2 females,leg.a nd coll. M. Formónek;I female, 106 a o d aa2È2 È È,o.À 'À È. o. *,Èt dÈ8sg À s È È l s s 3 3 3 Èss.os.sÈ o \ s s ù ù ù Èe.ìó .$.8b.$ t07 leg. and coll. S. Kadlec;i dem.:3 7"38'N 44"45'F,,1841m , 8.VI.2000,1 female, leg. and coll. Vóclav Kozel; I male,N W Iran: Azerbaygano cc., Qusci/Bajergem 1700/18003, 8"01'N 45o00'E,2 8.V.1999,IegM. . Malmusi,i n coll. G. Sama;2 males: Aqarbay$an-eG arbr, Serou, 50 km NW Orumye, 37o39'N 44"45'E, 28.V.2001,legc. oll. J. Prochózka6; males,4f emales:id em,4 km E Libkin, 36"45'N 45"27'8,17-22.V.2001,l eg. coll. J. Prochózka;I female: Aqarb:ay$an-Gea rbr,4 0 km S Orumye, m 1400,l eg. coll. G. Sama;8 3 males,8 0 females:K ordestan,1 3 km S Saqqez,m.1400,l3/16.V.2002,legc.o ll. P.R apuzzia ndG . Sama. Description of the Holotype - Length 24mm. Body elongate,i ntegumentsp iceous; vertex,h eadb etweena ntennalt ubercles,a large medianl ongitudinalb and of the pronotum and a large longitudinal depressiono n elytral disk coveredb y dense greyshp ubescencem; andibuleu nicuspidatel,o wer lobeso f eyest wice as long as than genae; pronotum cylindrical, longer than broad, laterally rounded, disc moderatelyc onvex,d enselyc overedw ith ratherr egularp uncturese xceptf or two roundeds moot elevationsi n anteriorh alf, with a large medianl ongitudinal band of bright pubescencea nd with severall ong greyshe rect setae.E lytra slightly but regularly narrowed toward apex, apically rounded, with a large, deep longitudinal depressione xtended from basal third to the apex and covered by dense greysh ,1. r.,{ jt'.r; Ir 9-r '- Figg. 4-8 - Semiangusîa rebeccae n.sp., holotypus male: 4. Median lobe; 5. Tegmen; ó. Basal sclerites of internal sac; 7. Apical sclerites of intemal sac; 8. Tergite VIII (scala: I mm). r08 pubescenceo bscuringp uncturation.T he remainingp art of elytra nearly glabrous, with sparsel ong semi erect hairs at base and short oblique setaer eaching the apex, with deep, large and to some extent serially arrangedp uncturesr eaching apical quarter,b ecominge vanescentto ward apex. Antennaes urpassinga pex of elytra by three terminal segments,w ith fine greyish adherentp ubescencef;i rst antennals egmentt hick, with sparsee rect hairs on the lower and upper sides, distinctly shortert han both third and fourth segments.L egs with grey adherent pubescencea nd sparsel ong erecth airs.A bdomen extendingb eyonde lytral apex by last segment,c lothed with dense,c ompact,a dherentg reyish pubescencea nd semierectb right hairs; last sternitew ith a very deeps emi-circulari mpressionb efore apex; last tergitec onvex, with thin erectw ithish hairs. Aedeagust,e gmena nds clerotisedp artso f internals ac( endophallusa) si n Figg.4-8. Name derivation - We wish to dedicatet he new speciesto Martin's wife Rebecca, in gratitudef or her endlessp atiencea nd support. Variability in Paratypes - Besidest he usual sexuald imorphism (thicker body, elytra parallel-sidedn, ot evidently narrowedt owardsa pex,a ntennaes horter,ju st reachinge lytral apex etc.), femalesd iffer from malesi n having elytral disc with lessd istinct longitudinald epressiona nd finer and sparserp uncturation,a bdomen clothed with denserp ubescencea nd with longer and more numerouse recth airs, last sternitew ith a slight transversep reapicali mpression,l ast tergite (pygidium) with densera nd longer brownish hairs, apically attenuate,s trongly truncatea nd deeply notched ventrally. Paratypesm ales do not differ substantiallyf rom the holotype. Differential diagnosis - Semiangustar ebeccaen . sp. appearsv ery closely related to S. delagrangei( Pic,l891), herebyd esignatedth e type specieso f Semiangusta "Akbes" Pic, 1892( seeb elow),d escribedfr om in southernT urkey (Gaziantepp ro- vince).T he new speciesd iffers from S.d elagrangeiby its more cylindrical pronotum, the deeper longitudinal elytral depression,t he grey coloration of the pubescence partly clothing elytra, the lower part of body andt he legs (this pubescenceis greenish in delagrangei). Moreover, this pubescencew, hich, in S. delagrangei is uniformly distributed on the whole body, in S. rebeccaef orms a median longitudinal band on the pronotum and coverso nly the longitudinal depressiono fthe elytra and is absent around the scutellum and in the lateral declivity of elytra. Biology - The newly describeds peciesi s most likely associatedw ith Centaurea behenL . (Asteraceae()d et. Gabriel Alziar,2000).A dults fly quickly and land on leaveso f the hostp lant.U sually it is possiblet o locatea dultsw hile actively flying. By Saqqez,m any adults were locatedu nder the large basal leaveso f their host plants. Discussion- Prc (1892) describedS emiangustaa s a new subgenuso f Phytoecia Mulsant, 1839,s eparatingit from Musaria Thomson, 1864,c hiefly by the shape "1'abdomen of the last segmento f abdomen; paraît avoir unef orme particulière, r09 le dernier arceau est marqué, chez le móle, d'une grandef ossette profonde sur la partie postérieure; chezlafemelle cet arceau est marquée n avant d'un petit sillon, et, en arrière, d'une depressionp lus ou moins accentuée.L e pygidium, assezlong, est un peu poilu et bien impressionnée n dessouss, urtout chezl e mà\e." Besides S. delagrangei (describedb y Pic one year before under ConizoniaF airmaire, 1864) Prc (1892) included in Semiangustat wo further species:P hytoeciap ici Reitter, 1892 and P adusta Reitter, 1889, the latter presently included in Neomusaria Plavilstshikov, 1928. BnsuNtNc( 1951) regardedS emiangustaa s a synonym of Phytoecia Mulsant and treated S. delagrangei as a speciesc lose to pici Reitter. Because of the distinctive charactersw e consider it is convenient to retain Semiangustaa s a separateg enus( type species: S. delagrangeiPic,l89l, present designation)c haracterisedb y the shapeo f the last sterniteb eing deeplyi mpressed ventrally in malesa nd the last tergite (pygidium) being deeply notchedv entrally in females.M oreover,i n our opinion S. delagrangeic annotb e congenericw ith P plci Reittera nd its closelyr elatedt axaP .t runcatipennisP ic, 19 19 andP .e rivanica Reitter, 1899 as they lack the abovem entionedc haracters. Acknowledgement We wish to thankJ onathanC ooterf or a critical revisiono f our manuscript,M ichal Hoskovecf or taking pictureso f the newly describeds peciesM, auro Malmusi and all our colleaguesfo r providing us with their collectingd ata,a nd last but not least we alsow ish to thankR ebeccaR ejzekf or revisingt he languageo f our manuscript. References BneuNrxSc. V.,1 95I - Revisiond u genreP hytoeciaE.n t Arb.M us.F rey,l: l-103;3 53- 460. PrcM ., 1891- Descriptiondse L ongicornedse S yrie.L . JacquetL, yon:2 pp. Prc M., 1892- Voyaged e M.CharlesD elagranged ansl a HauteS yrie.A nnée 1891. LongicorneAsn. nlsS. oc.e nt.F r,6l:413 - 422. Authors' addresses: Gianfranco Sama via Raffaello, 84 I - 47 023 Cesena e- m aiI : g.sama@ce sena.nettuno.it Martin Rejzek 6 Primrose Road, Thorpe Hamlet Norwich NRI 4AT (UK) e- mail: m.rejz ek@ n tlworld.com 110

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