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Preview Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in InGaAs/InAlAs Quantum Wells

Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in InGaAs/InAlAs Quantum Wells E. Diez A´rea de F´ısica Te´orica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Salamanca, 37008 Salamanca, Spain Y. P. Chen 6 Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544, U.S.A. 0 0 2 S. Avesque, M. Hilke Department of Physics, McGill University, Montr´eal H3A 2T8, Canada n a J E. Peled, D. Shahar Department of Condensed Matter Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel 2 1 J. M. Cerver´o ] F´ısica Te´orica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Salamanca, 37008 Salamanca, Spain l l a h D. L. Sivco, A. Y. Cho - Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill NJ 07974, U.S.A. s (Dated: February 6, 2008) e m We designed and performed low temperature DC transport characterization studies on two- . dimensionalelectrongasesconfinedinlattice-matchedIn0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48Asquantumwells t a grown by molecular beam epitaxy on InP substrates. The nearly constant mobility for samples m with the setback distance larger than 50nm and the similarity between the quantum and trans- port life-time suggest that the main scattering mechanism is due to short range scattering, such d- as alloy scattering, with a scattering rate of 2.2 ps−1. We also obtain the Fermi level at the n In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As surface to be 0.36eV above the conduction band, when fitting our o experimental densities with a Poisson-Schr¨odinger model. c [ Two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) confined in and the parameters for each sample are summarized in 1 v In0.53Ga0.47As in lattice matched InGaAs/InAlAs/InP TableI. The2DEGresidesina20nm-wideInGaAsQW. heterostructures and superlattices appear in many tech- Two Si δ-doped layers are placed in the InAlAs barrier 6 5 nologically important areas ranging from high speed to one side (closer to the surface) of the QW. The three 2 electronics[1], optoelectronics[2, 3] and spintronics[4, 5]. design parameters that were varied are the doping den- 1 It is also an attractive 2DEG system for the study sities (N and N ) in the top and bottom dopant layers t b 0 of disorder induced quantum phase transitions [6, 7, respectively, and the distance d from the bottom dopant 6 8, 9, 10, 11]. While there have been several earlier layer to the (top) edge of the QW. We fabricated stan- 0 works characterizing electronic properties of 2DEGs in dard Hall bars with Indium ohmic contacts. We tried to / at In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48Asheterojunctions[12,13,14, measure all the samples at dark. Except a few samples m 15], In0.53Ga0.47As/InP heterojunctions and quantum (6−9) most of them need to be illuminated to create wells(QW)[16,17,18],therewerefewsystematicstudies a 2DEG. For these samples we illuminated for sufficient - d characterizing 2DEGs in In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As time with an LED to create a 2DEG with the highest n QWs. Since many modern structures [1, 2, 3, 5] are now possible mobility. We measured the magnetoresistance o based on In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As QWs, such char- Rxx and the Hall resistance Rxy as a function of the c acterizationis offundamentalandtechnologicalinterest. perpendicular magnetic field (B) for different tempera- : v In this letter we report the characterization of elec- tures. The results are shown in Fig. 1 for the sample 5 Xi tronic properties of 2DEG in a series of lattice matched (see Table I). Similar results were obtainedfor the other InGaAs/InAlAs QWs grownby molecular beam epitaxy samples. From the measured data we obtain the areal r a (MBE) onInP substrate (here and after in our paper we density n2D and the mobility µ of the electrons, from ∗ useabbreviationsInGaAs forIn0.53Ga0.47AsandInAlAs which we can extract the transport lifetime τt =µm /e. ∗ for In0.52Al0.48As). Systematic investigations of 12 such Weusedaneffectivemassm forIn0.53Ga0.47Asof0.043 waferswithvaryingdesignparametersinthe dopinglay- times the bare electron mass[19]. From the onset of ers have yielded important information not only about SdH oscillations we extracted also the quantum lifetime carrier mobility and scattering,but also about how dop- (τq) by using a Dingle style analysis. The amplitude ing determines the carrier densities, from which we were (∆R) of the envelope function of the SdH oscillations also able to determine the location of the Fermi level at wasfoundtobewelldescribedbytheconventionalAndo the InGaAs surface. formula [20, 21] ∆Rsinh(AT)/4R0AT =e−π/ωcτq, where The schematics of the samples is depicted in Fig. 1(a) AT = 2π2kT/~ωc, ωc = eB/m∗ is the cyclotron fre- 2 30 3.6 EXPERIMENTAL V=0.36 eV rrWrr (k) and xxHall112205055 (a) WWWWRESISTANCE (k)24 DDDDR/4R x sinh(A)/A0TT110100000100000.4slo0.p6e =0 .821(./B0c (11)/.T0) 1.2(b1).4 11-2n (x 10cm)2D1123....28401 2 3B 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 rrrr 1 2 3 Sample number B (T) 0 0 1 M2agnetic3 Field (4T) 5 6 FIG.2: Thedensityofthe2DEG(n2D)isplottedforthedif- ferentsamples. Linesareguidestotheeye. WeusedVB=0.36 FIG. 1: The main panel shows ρxx and ρHall as a function (eV)asthebest fittotheexperimentaldataforthedifferent samples. of the magnetic field for temperatures from 22 (red trace) to 1300 mK (yellow trace), for the sample 5. The inset (a) shows the schematic diagram of the samples. The substrate issemi-insulatingInP.Theinset(b)illustratehowweextract band energy levels. The calculation shows that only one the amplitude of the SdH oscillations as a function of B, at subbandisoccupiedandthesecondsubbandismorethan 1300 mK. Finally we plot the amplitude in a Dingle plot (c) 40 meV above the Fermi level. To understand the origin to obtain thescattering quantumtime τq. of the electrons forming the 2DEG, we solved analyti- cally the electrostatic Poissonequation for our structure following similar procedures as in Ref. 21 and assuming TABLE I:Sampleparameters, electron densities n2D, mobil- full ionization of dopants. This leads to the following iftoires12µ,daiffnedretnhtesttrrauncstpuorretsτatta4n.d2qKu.antumτq scatteringtimes analytical expression for n2D for our structure, Snaummpbleer (ndm) (101N1/tcm2) (101N1/bcm2) (101n12/Dcm2) (cm2µ/Vs) (pτts) (pτqs) n2D = Nb(c+l1+cl+2)l+1+Nlt2(c++dl+2)z+(VBǫ0ǫB), (1) 1 0 2 1 3.1 4500 0.11 0.17 2 20 2 1 3.0 13000 0.31 0.22 where d, Nt, Nb are as defined earlier, c=50nm is the 3 50 2 1 1.9 16000 0.39 0.31 thickness of the InGaAs cap layer, l2=18nm is the dis- 4 50 1 1 1.7 14500 0.35 0.31 tance from the top Si δ-doped layer to the upper-end 5 50 2 1 1.9 16000 0.39 0.32 of the InAlAs and l1=150nm the distance between the 6 50 5 1 2.2 15500 0.38 0.31 two Si δ-doped layers; ǫ =14.2 is the relative dielectric B 7 50 10 1 3.3 15000 0.37 0.31 constant of InGaAs[22] and V is the offset of the fermi B 8 50 10 0 2.1 15000 0.37 0.31 level at the InGaAs surface with respect to the conduc- 9 50 5 0.5 1.7 15000 0.37 0.31 tion band edge. In the denominator, z is an effective 10 150 2 1 1.6 15500 0.38 0.33 “quantum”depthofthe2DEG[21]whichturnsouttobe 11 200 10 1 1.7 15000 0.36 0.31 approximatelytheQWwidth(20nm)inourcase(thede- 12 300 10 1 1.5 15500 0.38 0.31 viation is negligible compared to the contribution from other terms in the denominator). If we plug-in all the relevant numerical values, we get the following dimen- quency and R0 represents the resistance at zero applied sionless formula for n2D: magnetic field, for a given value of temperature. To ob- taintheamplitudes(∆R),foreachtemperaturewefitted 173N + 23N +785V b t B the envelope of the SdH oscillations to a pair of polyno- n2D = d+193 , (2) mials as showed in Fig. 1(b) for T=1300 mK. Next we obtained ∆R just subtracting both polynomials and we wheren2D,Nb,andNtareinunitsof1011cm−2,dinnm, plotted∆R·sinh(AT)/4R0AT versus1/Binalog-xgraph andVB ineV.Theonlyfreeparameterinourmodel,VB, as in Fig. 1(c). From the previous mentioned Ando for- is the Fermi level relative to the conduction band edge mula,weperformedalinearfittoachievetheslope(s)of (CBE) at the InGaAs surface. Due to surface states, the Dingle plot [Fig. 1(c)] and obtain the quantum life- the local Fermi level at a semiconductor surface is often time for the given temperature as τ =−(π·m∗)/(e·s). pinned regardless of doping and carrier density. For ex- q Table I summarizes our results measured at 4.2 K, to- ample,thesurfaceFermilevelforGaAsisabout∼0.7eV gether with relevant parameters of the samples. below the CBE. For InGaAs, such information is largely Our measurements show no indication of parallel con- unknown, hence we have fitted this parameter using our duction nor any presence of a second subband. We n2D data and the best fit is obtained for VB = 0.36eV. have also confirmed this by solving self-consistently the Here, the surface Fermi level is above the CBE, which Schr¨odinger and Poisson equations to calculate the sub- is very similar to the InAs case [23], except that in our 3 samples, it appears that the surface carriers are not mo- 9 6 2.7 bile enough and do not contribute significantly to the d = 50 nm 8 5 2.6 transport. 4 2.5 adobgfaeIrrtdne,a,e.wFmNiieTgtbnh.hta2i,Vns,dBbnae2lNtsD=woteisc0aeo.nnp3ndl6fiotethriVntmiesd.dsiCcfiatatlhsteeaa(ast2rl)fytunh,n2aaDcntthtdieuoisrnntehionoeintfsleeysnaxatnmpaioepenrfxluiaemcnlencedltunloeitmonpant--l tttt1/ (1/ps) 4567 tttt1/ (1/ps) 01230 2 Nt 4(x 10116cm-2)(8a)10 tttt1/ (1/ps)222...234 0 Tem5p0e0rature1 0(m0(0Kb))1500 ing from the residual or background impurities does not 3 appear to be significant in our samples. Indeed, intro- ducing background impurities in our model would lead 2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 to a decrease of the features seen in Fig. 2 and therefore d (nm) does not fit our data as well. From the data in Table I, wecannotice thatfordlargerthan50nm,the mobilities FIG.3: Thedependenceofthequantum(triangles)andtrans- and the lifetimes are independent of the doping param- port(circles)scatteringrates(τ−1)withthedistancedofthe eters (d, N and N ). In Fig. 3 we plot the quantum b t doping layer to the quantum well . The insets shows the de- −1 scattering rate τq (triangles) and the transport scatter- pendence of τ−1 with (a) the amount of doping Nt and (b) −1 ing rate τ (circles), measured at 4.2K for samples 1-3 temperature for thecase of d=50 nm. t and 10-12,as a function of d, the distance from the bot- tom doping layer to the quantum well. Both scattering rates (τ−1) shows a fast decrease at small values of d der to obtain the optimum mobility, it is likely that (below ∼30nm), indicating that the dopants provide ef- DX centers play a role [25, 26, 27]. We therefore es- ficient scatteringfor electronsat shortd. For d of50 nm timated their contribution by fitting, for the sample or more, however, τ−1 becomes independent of d. From 5, the temperature dependence of the total density to sampleswithd=50nmbutdifferentNt andNb,wefound n2D =nfree+nDX where nfree =1.17×1011cm−2 and τ−1 to be also independent of the doping densities, as n (T) = n′ exp[(E −E )/kT]. The best fit is DX DX DX F is shown, for example, in the inset (a) of Fig. 3 where obtainedforn′ =2.5×1010cm−2andE =E −21.5 DX DX F τ−1 is plotted against N at d=50 nm. Our findings meV(belowthe Fermienergy). Hence,DXcenterscould t indicate that, for d ≥50nm, the dopant layers are not explain the observed increasing of both the 2DEG den- themajorsourceofcarrierscatteringinthesestructures. sity and of the scattering rate with increasing tempera- Thecommonandreproduciblevalueofmobility(∼15000 ture. Indeed, at higher temperatures, more carriers are cm2/Vs) observed for wafers (with d ≥50 nm) from dif- activated, which will also leave the DX centers unsatu- ferentMBEgrowthsuggeststhatthe mobility,orcarrier ratedandleadto the increasedscatteringrate as seenin scattering originates from some intrinsic, non-doping re- Fig. 3(b). lated scattering in our structures. Moreover, since the In conclusion, we have studied the two- dependence of the mobility on the 2DEG density is very dimensional electron system confined in MBE-grown weak as seen in Table I, we believe that an important In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As quantum wells. We have source of scattering is due to the random alloy scatter- measured 12 different wafers specifically designed and ing potential, which is expected to have a weak density grown to investigate transport properties of this type of dependence[24]. Such intrinsic alloy scattering is clearly material. We have obtained an analytical expression for veryimportantintheIn0.53Ga0.47Aschannel,asclaimed the n2D ofoursampleswitha verygoodagreementwith previouslytodominatethelowtemperaturescatteringin the measured values, showing that n2D depends only InGaAs/InAlAs heterojunctions[13, 15]. We further be- on parameters of the Si δ-doped layers (d, N and N ). t b lieve that surface roughness is less important since these We obtain an excellent fit to our experimental densities structures are lattice matched MBE grown and because assuming the In0.53Ga0.47As surface Fermi energy to be surfaceroughnesswouldleadtoastrongerdependenceof 0.36eV abovetheconductionband. Forsetbackdistance mobility on density. Hence the main source of disorder d of 50nm or more, quantum and transport scattering is short-ranged in contrast to charged doping disorder, ratesare independent ofparametersofthe dopantlayers whichislongranged,inrelationtotheFermiwavelength. andare likely mainly due to short-rangescattering, such Theshortrangenatureofthedominantscatteringmech- as alloy scattering, for which a scattering rate of 2.2 anism for our samples with d ≥50nm is consistent with ps−1 is extracted at 22 mK. our observation that the quantum life time is similar to WethanktoDanTsuiandLeonardBrillsonforhelpful the transport lifetime. We have measured the scattering discussions. E. Diez acknowledges supports from MEC rate dependence at lower temperatures (T), as shown in (Ram´onyCajalandFIS2005-01375),JCyL(SA007B05), inset (b) of Fig. 3 for representative data in sample 5, EC (DIEZ-WISSMC/RITA-CT-2003-506095) and the fromwhichweextractalowT limiting valueofthescat- hospitality of the Braun Submicron Center. Y.Chen ac- tering rate to be ∼2.2 ps−1. knowledges supports from NSF and a Gordon Wu Fel- Since most samples have to be illuminated in or- lowship. 4 [1] U.K.Mishra,U.S.Brown,M.J.Delaney,P.T.Greiling, S. Hiyamizu, Jpn. J. Appl.Phys. 26, L59 (1987). C.F.Krumm,IEEETrans.MicrowaveTheoryTech.37, [15] T. Matsuoka, E. Kobayashi, K. Taniguchi, C. Ham- 1279 (1989) aguchi, S.Sasa., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 29, 2017 (1990). [2] Y. H. Wang, S. S. Li, P. Ho, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 621 [16] H.P.Wei,D.C.Tsui,M.Razeghi,Appl.Phys.Lett.45, (1993). 666 (1984). [3] A. Tredicucci, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D. L. Sivco, [17] M. Frei, D. C. Tsui, and W. T. Tsang, A.L. 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