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Preview Two-dimensional crossover and strong coupling of plasmon excitations in arrays of one-dimensional atomic wires

Two-dimensional crossover and strong coupling of plasmon excitations in arrays of one-dimensional atomic wires T. Lichtenstein1, J. Aulbach3, J. Sch¨afer3, R. Claessen3, C. Tegenkamp1,2, and H. Pfnu¨r1,2∗ 1 Institut fu¨r Festko¨rperphysik, Leibniz Universita¨t Hannover, Appelstraße 2, 30167 Hannover, Germany 2 Laboratorium fu¨r Nano- und Quantenengineering (LNQE), Leibniz Universita¨t Hannover, Schneiderberg 39, 30167 Hannover, Germany and 3 Physikalisches Institut and RCCM, Universit¨at Wu¨rzburg, Am Hubland, Wu¨rzburg, Germany (Dated: January 21, 2016) ThecollectiveelectronicexcitationsofarraysofAuchainsonregularlysteppedSi(553)andSi(775) 6 surfaces were studied using electron loss spectroscopy with simultaneous high energy and momen- 1 tum resolution (ELS-LEED) in combination with low energy electron diffraction (SPA-LEED) and 0 tunnelingmicroscopy. Bothsurfacescontainadoublechainofgoldatomsperterrace. Althoughone- 2 dimensional metallicity and plasmon dispersion is observed only along the wires, two-dimensional effects are important, since plasmon dispersion explicitly depends both on the structural motif of n the wires and the terrace width. The electron density on each terrace turns out to be modulated, a J as seen by tunneling spectroscopy (STS). The effective wire width of 7.5˚A for Si(553)-Au – 10.2˚A for Si(775)-Au – , determined from plasmon dispersion is in good agreement with STS data. Clear 0 evidence for coupling between wires is seen beyond nearest neighbor coupling. 2 PACSnumbers: 73.50.Jt,68.43.-h,75.23.Lp ] l l a h Plasmons,i.e. thecollectiveexcitationsofelectrons,play on coverage and vicinality, the widths of the Au-chains - animportantrole,e.g. insensortechnology[1],improve- andtheirinterwirespacingcanbetuned,whiletheirelec- s e ment of quantum efficiency in photovoltaic devices [2], tronicbandstructuresarestillverysimilar. 0.2MLofAu m and even in cancer research [3]. Recently, collective ex- onSi(557),e.g.,resultingrowthofsingleatomAu-chains . citations of low-dimensional electron gases, called sheet andarowofSi-adatomsoneachmini-terracewithanin- t a plasmons, came into focus of research [4, 5]. The wave- terwire spacing of 19.2˚A [19, 20]. In contrast, Si(553) m length of these sheet plasmons is typically three orders and Si(775)-Au host double Au chains in the center of - of magnitude shorter compared to photons of the same the terrace [18, 21]. The interwire spacing is 14.8˚A for d frequency. Thus THz-plasmonics on the scale of a few Si(553) and 21.3˚A for Si(775) [16, 19, 22]. For double n nanometers becomes feasible. Au chains, nominal coverages of 0.48ML on Si(553) and o c One-dimensional(1D)metallicwiresandtheirplasmonic of0.32MLonSi(775)result. Commontoallthesestruc- [ excitations would be ideal for directed energy transport tures is a graphitic Si-honeycomb chain located at the 1 on the nanoscale, since quasi-linear dispersion is pre- step edges [16, 19, 22]. Each of these system is char- v dicted, at least in the long wavelength limit [6], for these acterized by metallic bands that are well known from 2 1D plasmons. Such dispersions have indeed been found angular resolved photoemission (ARPES) measurements 4 forregulararraysofatomicwiresoninsulatingsubstrates [19]. They only disperse along the chain direction k , 3 (cid:107) [7–9]. Under certain conditions of coupling and mutual and have their minima at the zone boundary. Thus, also 5 0 screeninglinearizedplasmondispersions,so-calledacous- the(equilibrium)electrondensityavailableforplasmonic . tic surface plasmons, are obtained in 2D systems [5, 10]. excitations is well known. 1 0 Moreover, confinement effects in these metallic subunits Infact,thesesystemsformlocallythenarrowestpossible 6 on the surface lead to formation of intersubband excita- 1D objects that can be realized, namely chains that are 1 tions [8, 9, 11]. On the other hand, several fundamental one or two atoms wide. Therefore, we address here the v: aspects of these low-D plasmons such as many-body ef- question of local confinement both for the ground state i fects, electroniccorrelationsandCoulombscreening[12– closetotheFermilevelandforthecollectiveexcitedplas- X 14] are still rather unexplored and lead to an unsatisfac- mon state with emphasis on the plasmons. We compare r tory description of experimental results [7, 8, 15]. the collective excitations in Si(553)-Au and Si(775)-Au, a Growthofvariousmetalsinthesubmonolayerregimeon since the same structural motif of the double gold chain semiconducting surfaces provide a superb approach for is present in both systems, and make reference to the addressing such fundamental aspects for 1D and 2D sys- Si(557)-Au system with only a single gold chain. Al- tems. Theadsorbateinducedbandstructureisgenerally though purely 1D dispersion along the chain direction electronically decoupled from the bulk bands of the host is found, the lateral extension of the charge distribution material. Au chains on regularly stepped Si(111) sur- turnsouttoexplicitlyinfluencetheslopeofthemeasured facesatvarioustiltanglestowardsthe[¯1¯12]directionare plasmondispersioncurves. Inotherwords,thiscrossover noexceptionandareparticularlyinterestingsystemsbe- into the second dimension is crucial for the quantitative cause of intrinsic surface magnetism [16, 17]. Depending interpretation of a 1D phenomenon, but is not described 2 by existing theories. In contrast, the plasmonic coupling betweenthewiresintheorderedarrays,whichisanother aspect of dimensional crossover, can be described quan- titatively by existing mesoscopic theories [23, 24]. All experiments were performed in two different ultra- high vacuum chambers operating at a base pressure of 5×10−11mbar. One system hosts a high resolution spot profile analysis low energy electron diffractometer (SPA- LEED)toinvestigateandcontrolthesamplequality,and a combination of an electron energy loss spectrometer with a LEED diffractometer providing high resolution bothinenergyandmomentum[25]inordertodetermine plasmon dispersion relations. The overall sample quality was checked by a SPA-LEED. The vicinal Si-substrates (ρ ≈ 0.01Ωcm, n-type) were annealed at 1250◦C for a few seconds followed by rapid cool down. The appropri- FIG. 1. (color online) a) LEED patterns of the chain struc- tures of Si(553)-Au and Si(775)-Au. b) STM image of the ate coverages of 0.48ML for Si(553)-Au and 0.32ML for Si(775)-Au chain structure (tunneling conditions U= -1.25 Si(775)-Auwereevaporatedfromagoldpearlonatung- V, I = 300 pA): α,β,γ mark the Si terrace edge, a row of Si sten filament by direct current heating, or from a cru- adatomsaccompaniedbySirestatoms,andaAudoublechain cibleatasubstratetemperatureof630◦C. Thecoverage with×2perioddoubling,respectively[18]. STMexperiments has been controlled and calibrated by quartz microbal- were performed at 77K, LEED at 300 K. Bright protrusion ances placed at the position of the samples [26]. After could be identified as an adatom defect [18]. Au-deposition and cooling room temperature the sam- ples were quickly annealed to 930◦C for < 1s, followed by instantaneous cooling to room temperature. The loss and density functional theory, which will be published measurements were carried out directly after this post- elsewhere [18]. However, we will list our results here: annealing step in order to avoid any influence of resid- The motif denoted by α could be ascribed to the Si hon- ual gas on surface and electronic structure. The scan- eycombchainatthestepedge. Chainβ isformedbyaSi ning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements were adatom row accompanied by Si restatoms (i.e. unpassi- performedat77Kinthesecondchamberusingalowtem- vated Si atoms). Motif γ, most important for this work, perature STM manufactured by Omicron. The overall could be identified as a double Au-strand [18], similar to sample quality here was checked with an optical LEED. what was found in Si(553)-Au [16, 17, 21]. Here we demonstrate the close structural similarities be- tweentheSi(553)-AuandSi(775)-Ausystemswhichcom- Mostimportantly,thechainstructuresshowa2a=7.7˚A plement and fit to the very similar electronic structures periodicity along the wire direction. Correspondingly, mentioned above. The LEED patterns right after prepa- LEED reveals modulated ×2 diffraction streaks. The ration are shown in fig.1a). These patterns are charac- streaks along the [¯1¯12]direction are indicative for only teristic for regularly stepped (553) and (775) surfaces. short-range correlation between the double periodicity They consist of (111)-oriented terraces and steps of dou- along the chains on the different terraces. For Si(553)- ble atomic height (d = 3.14˚A). From the spot splitting Au, only the Au chains show the ×2 periodicity. There- of 22% SBZ (surface Brillouin zone) for Si(553)-Au and fore, the modulation and intensity of the ×2 diffractions 15.6% SBZ for Si(775) we derive average terrace widths streaks there are weaker. of14.8˚AfortheSi(553)andof21.3˚AfortheSi(775)sur- On these well ordered arrays of 1D atomic chains, angle face. Thus, the adsorption of 0.48ML of Au on Si(553) resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy measurements – 0.32ML on Si(775) – leaves the periodic array of dou- were performed. Fig.2a) shows sequences of loss spec- ble steps with sharp spots and ×2 streaks unchanged, tra on semi-log scale as a function of increasing k for (cid:107) indicating high quality 1D order. This is in agreement Si(553)-Au. Asimilarplotfortheorthogonaldirectionis with STM, exemplarily shown for the (775)-system in shown in fig.2b). Corresponding spectra for Si(775)-Au (fig.1c)). A narrow distribution of terrace widths can be are shown in the supplement. Close to k = 0 the spec- (cid:107) concluded from (k ,k )-plots in LEED (not shown) and tra are structureless, apart from a small non dispersing || ⊥ from STM. feature that dies out quickly with increasing k . The ex- (cid:107) HighresolutionSTM,showninfig.1b)fortheSi(775)-Au ponentially decaying loss intensity as a function of loss system,revealsdetailsoftheatomicarrangement(foran energy elastic peak, known as Drude tail, is the typi- extended set of STM data on Si(553)-Au, see ref.[17]). cal signature of the continuum of low-energy excitations Each terrace hosts three structural motifs. Their origin in metallic systems [27]. It provides evidence that both could be disentangled by a detailed analysis via STM systems are metallic, in agreement with findings from 3 FIG.2. (coloronline)Electronenergylossspectra(primary energy20eV)ofAu-chainsgrownonSi(553)asafunctionof FIG. 3. (color online) Plasmon dispersion for Au quantum k parallel and normal to the wires, as indicated. wiresgrownonSi(553)andonSi(775). Linesarefitsaccord- ing to eq.1. Dashed-dotted lines: first terms of eq.1 for both systems. Dotted line: same for Si(557)-Au, fitted data from ref.[20]. ARPES for the Si(553)-Au [19], STM [17], and theory [16]. However, itisatvariancewiththeARPESdatafor the Si(775)-Au [19] for reasons still to be explored. is given by Inthedirectionalongthewires,clearlossfeaturesareob- served,whichshifttohigherlossenergieswithincreasing (cid:115) scattering angles, i.e. with increasing k . In the k di- 4ne2 (cid:107) ⊥ E =(cid:126) k a × rection, however, i.e. in the direction across the wires, (1+(cid:15))(cid:15) m∗a2 (cid:107) 0 0 no dispersing mode is seen (see fig.2b)). These findings (cid:118) are indicative for the existence of 1D plasmons. (cid:117)(cid:117)(cid:116)K (k√(cid:107)a)+2(cid:88)L K (k ld)·cos(k ld) (1) Each spectrum was accurately fitted by parametrizing 0 2 2 0 (cid:107) ⊥ l=1 the elastically scattered peak, the actual plasmon loss and the Drude background and by applying the same wherethefirsttermoftheproductcontainstheelectronic fitting routine to all spectra. Details about the fitting and structural properties of a single wire, the second the procedure can be found in the supplement and are also intrawire(firsttermundersquareroot)andtheinterwire elaborated in the appendix of ref.[27]. interaction. n is the electron density per unit length, e We note that special care has to be taken to eliminate the elementary charge, m(cid:63) the effective mass. (cid:15) is the waterandhydrogenfromthebackgroundgas. Activated dielectric function of Si as partially embedding medium. by the electron beam, hydrogen causes disorder in the K aremodifiedBesselfunctionsofzerothorderandsec- 0 system increasing with time. The result is (electronic) ond kind, k is the momentum normal to the wires, If a ⊥ break-up of the Au chains, as evident from the appear- (theeffectivewirewidth)issetequaltoa (aconstantfor 0 ance of losses at finite energy and small k(cid:107) whose loss normalization), eq.1 corresponds to the original formula energies increase with time. A similar trend was seen given in refs.[23, 24], which, however, turns out not to recently also for Ag/Si(557) [27, 28]. describe our findings. The ratio a /a accounts both for 0 The dispersion curves along the wires resulting from the differences in structural motifs and effective wire widths loss maxima of fig.2 are shown in fig.3. Both systems of a single wire, and is the only free parameter in eq.1. seem to be essentially quasi-1D systems, and should be In the array of square potentials the first term under the comparedwithexisting1Dplasmontheory[6,7,15,23], second square root accounts for the self-interaction of a therefore. Common to all theoretical approaches is the single wire, whereas the second term describes the inter- use of a nearly free electron gas and various approxi- action between different wires at multiple distances of d. mationsforcorrelations,inthesimplestcasetherandom phaseapproximation(RPA).Withthistypeofapproach, n and m(cid:63) for the present systems were directly derived aquantitativefitturnedouttobepossiblewiththemodel fromARPESdata[19],i.e. fromtheoccupiedbandstruc- ofcoupledwires, sittinginaperiodicarrayofsquarepo- ture of the Au-modified surface states. We also use their tentialsatdistanced[23,24]. Atsmallk ,thedispersion surface band notation. The systems investigated here (cid:107) 4 are characterized by two surface bands, an upper S and 1 lower S , crossing the Fermi level [19, 22]. As we see a 2 metallic behavior of the Si(775)-Au system, we assume its bands also to cross the Fermi level for a clean sample at room temperature. The ratio n/m(cid:63) for both bands is identicalwithinerrorbars. Thismeansthattheplasmons of these bands are degenerate and cannot be separated experimentally. As a consequence, only a single disper- sion curve is expected to be seen for both systems with the electron density corresponding to a single band, in agreement with our findings. The fits are shown in fig.3 together with the data. An explicit dependence of initial slope and shape of disper- sion on structural motifs and on terrace widths is found, whichisnotdescribedbyexisting1Dtheories,aswewill now demonstrate by concentrating on the first term in eq.1. Comparing first Si(553)-Au and Si(775)-Au, which both have the Au double chain, but have different terrace FIG. 4. a) Combined image of tunneling microscopy and widths,thisfirsttermofeq.1differsbyafactorof1.4(af- spectroscopy of Au on Si(553). Bottom: topography im- ter correction for small differences of DOS), as indicated age (U= 0.1V, 50pA) with Si edge (bright) and period doubled Au chains, very similar to Si(775)-Au (see fig.1). by the dashed-dotted lines in fig.3, i.e., it scales with the Top: dI/dU map of the same sample area recorded with inverse of the terrace width, d (21.3˚A/14.8˚A=1.43). the Lock-In technique (U = 10mV) displayed close to mod Si(775)-Au and Si(557)-Au [20], on the other hand, have E (U = +6.4meV) . The density of states (DOS) is sig- F dc the same terrace widths (within 10%, 19.2 vs. 21.3˚A), nificantly enhanced at the Au chain position. b) Line scan butdoubleandsingleAuchainsperterrace,respectively. throughthedI/dUmapfromabovenormaltothestepsindi- As seen from ARPES data [19], the 1D electron density cated by the white dashed line, fit is given by the red curve. of Si(775)-Au in the S2 band is higher by 20% than for Si(557)-Au,whereastheeffectivemassesarevirtuallythe same. However, fitting the published data of ref.[20] for Si(557)-Autoeq.1,itturnsoutthatitsfirsttermisafac- Withrespecttocouplingbetweenthewires, weobtained tor of 1.6 larger for Si(557)-Au than that of Si(775)-Au. the best fit when the sum in eq.1 under the square root Taking the differences in n and the d-dependence from istruncatedafterthesecondterm(L=2), anindication above for the two systems, the effective width a, as sug- of a finite range of interaction. This result may not be gested in eq.1, has to be reduced effectively by roughly quantative,sincethemodelofeq.1neglectsdampingand a factor of 2 for Si(557)-Au compared to Si(775)-Au. In dephasing between wires. On the other hand, this anal- other words, not only the periodicity, given by the wire ysis clearly demonstrates that the array of 1D plasmons distancesd,isinfluencingthedispersiondirectly,butalso is coupled. the internal 2D distribution of electron density within Our plasmon analysis suggests an internal modulation each wire plays an important role in the plasmon disper- of the relevant electron density within each terrace. Al- sion. Since for these narrow structures and the given kF thoughthiselectronicmodulationmaynotbeexactlythe fromARPESonlythelowestsubbandofaquantumwell same in the collectively excited state, such a modulation is occupied, combined excitations such as intersubband is indeed seen in tunneling spectroscopy (STS) close to plasmon excitations can be ruled out. theFermilevel,usingtheSi(553)-Ausystemasatestsys- These findings can be summarized by tem. This corroborates our suggestions from above. The (cid:114) combination of STM and STS (fig.4) not only shows the n·a2 ω ∝ 0 modulation, it demonstrates that the highest density of p m(cid:63)·a2 states (DOS) is indeed located at the gold chains. The with a = γ ·d, where γ < 1 is determined by the in- FWHMofthismodulation(seefig.4b))is6.5±0.5˚A,i.e. ternal lateral distribution of the electron density in each it is close to the geometric width of a double gold chain wire. This means that even in case of purely 1D plas- on a Si(111) terrace. Although the amplitude of this monic dispersion, there is a crossover to 2D, since the modulation is only around 10%, it clearly demonstrates width of a wire on the atomic scale and the internal elec- that also for the plasmon excitation this electronic den- tronic distribution within the very wire enter directly the sity modulation must be relevant. 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