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ProceedingsonPrivacyEnhancingTechnologies2016;2016(2):1–20 Nethanel Gelernter, Amir Herzberg, and Hemi Leibowitz Two Cents for Strong Anonymity: The Anonymous Post-office Protocol Abstract:WeintroducetheAnonymousPost-officePro- tency; to achieve this, Tor design prefers reducing la- tocol (AnonPoP), a practical strongly-anonymous mes- tencytoimprovinganonymity,andisvulnerabletoglob- saging system. AnonPoP design combines effectively allyeavesdroppingadversaries.Severalworksshowthat known techniques such as (synchronous) mix-cascade Torisvulnerableeventoweakerattackers,e.g.,off-path and constant sending rate, with several new tech- attackers [28] and malicious servers/clients [3] [10]. niques including request-pool, bad-server isolation and The popularity of Tor indicates that it provides per-epoch mailboxes. AnonPoP offers strong anonymity valuableservicetomanyusersandscenarios,despiteits against strong, globally eavesdropping adversaries, that limitedguaranteesforanonymity(anditsnon-negligible may also control multiple AnonPoP’s servers, even all- overhead). However, there are also many scenarios and but-one servers in a mix-cascade. Significantly, Anon- users that require stronger anonymity properties, even PoP’s anonymity holds even when clients may occa- at the cost of somewhat higher latency and overhead. sionally disconnect; this is essential to support mobile Several works proposed protocols for stronger clients. anonymity guarantees, as compared to Tor. However, AnonPoP is affordable, with monthly costs of 2¢ per existingresearchonstronganonymityismostlyimprac- client, and efficient with respect to latency, communi- tical. Indeed, many seem to believe that it is infeasible cation,andenergy,makingitsuitableformobileclients. toensurestronganonymitypropertiesinapracticalsys- We developed an API that allows other applications tem for many users, with acceptable overhead and effi- to use AnonPoP for adding strong anonymity. We vali- ciency. We show that it is feasible to have practical, ef- datedAnonPoP’sfunctionality,reliability,efficiencyand ficient system providing strong anonymity at low costs, usability by experiments using web-based and mobile supporting large number of users. applications used in ‘double-blinded’ usability study, Another limitation of Tor is that it provides a com- cloud-based deployment and simulations. munication channel, but not a complete messaging sys- tem. A complete messaging system should also provide Keywords: Anonymity, Mixnets, Privacy, Annonymous ‘mailbox’ facilities to keep messages until users pick communication, Tor them up; this is also required to prevent detection of DOIEditortoenterDOI apairofuserswhichfrequentlycommunicatewitheach Received..;revised..;accepted... other and may get disconnected. A naive mailbox solu- tion, where Tor is used to communicate with a mailbox server,wouldallowtheservertode-anonymizeusersby 1 Introduction exploitingTor’sweaknesses,e.g.,eavesdroppingonpar- ticular(suspect)user,andcorrelatingbetweenmessages sent/receivedbythisuser,andmessagesreceivedtothis There have been many efforts to develop, analyze, de- mailbox or sent from this mailbox. ploy and use anonymous communication protocols and In summary, there is large interest in anonymity, systems.Inparticular,theToranonymousnetwork[23] andTorofferssomelevelofanonymouscommunication; is widely used. However, Tor focuses on minimizing la- however, neither Tor nor any other practical (existing orproposed)systemallowsstrongly-anonymousmessag- ing. This is disappointing; strong anonymity messag- ing is both necessary and feasible. Messaging is used Nethanel Gelernter:Dept.ofComputerScience, CollegeofManagementAcademicStudies,E-mail: more and more for business and personal communica- [email protected] tion,andanonymityisoftenrequired-forreasonsrang- Amir Herzberg:Dept.ofComputerScience,BarIlanUni- ingfromwhistle-blowingtoconsultingonsexualharass- versity,E-mail:[email protected] ment. And, as we show, strongly-anonymous messaging Hemi Leibowitz:Dept.ofComputerScience,BarIlanUni- versity,E-mail:[email protected] is feasible, since the volume of (text) messages is not TwoCentsforStrongAnonymity:TheAnonymousPost-officeProtocol 2 verylarge,andreasonabledelaysareacceptable.Hence, eryotherproposedprotocolsforanonymousmessaging, it is frustrating that such system is not yet operative. withacceptableoverheadandextremelylowyearlycost Inthispaper,wepresenttheAnonymousPost-office (<0.25$ per client). Furthermore, AnonPoP is the first Protocol (AnonPoP), a practical anonymous messag- protocol that was designed and shown to be suitable ing system, designed to ensure strong anonymity, even also for mobile devices. against strong attackers. We present the design, its ra- Beyondthat,thispapermakesthefollowingcontri- tionale and its anonymity properties, and discuss prac- butions: tical deployment aspects, including: - The request-pool technique, allowing ‘masking’ of pe- 1. Implementation and evaluation in real world envi- riods when a client is disconnected. ronment. - Per-epoch mailboxes, limiting the exposure due to 2. Operating costs in cloud environment. client disconnections and due to active tagging attacks. 3. Adjustmenttomobiledevices,withanemphasison -Thebad-serverisolationmechanism,allowingisolation user experience and energy consumption. of corrupt server (mix or PO), involved in aggressive (non-stealthy)taggingattacks.Othertechniques,times- Anonymitylovescompany[22]:hence,thegoalofAnon- tamps and de-duplication, are used to prevent and/or PoP is to provide strong anonymity with superb func- detect tagging attacks. tionality,usability,reliability,efficiencyandlow-cost,as - We fine-tune AnonPoP to allow its use in mobile de- necessary to attract many users, and with the scala- vices, including energy-savings considerations. We con- bility required to support millions of users. In partic- ducted double-blinded user-sensitivity experiment to ular, AnonPoP uses efficient cryptographic primitives validate acceptable energy use. and has acceptable energy consumption, making it ap- -Anopen-sourceprototypeofAnonPoP,includingAPI propriateforuseonmobiledevices.Furthermore,Anon- for applications, and an Android messaging application PoP is the only proposed anonymous messaging proto- that uses this API. col to support client disconnections, a feature which is essential to support mobile clients. TomeasureandconfirmAnonPoP’slowoperatingcosts, Paper Layout and Organization we implemented and installed AnonPoP’s servers in In section 2, we start with an overview of AnonPoP the cloud, and tested it on hundreds of thousands of architecture and main building blocks. We then define clients, communicating anonymously with each other andexplaintheadversarymodelandallanonymityno- using AnonPoP. We found that the cost of supporting tions and properties achieved by AnonPoP in section such a large amount of clients is less than a quarter per 3. Sections 4-6 will explain how AnonPoP design and user, per year, or two cents per month. mechanisms handle attacks against wide range of at- We provide an API for messaging applications to tackerswithdifferentresourcesandcapabilities.Section easily add an option for strong anonymity using Anon- 7 will detail a ‘double-blinded’ usability study, show- PoP.WiththisAPI,clientsofdifferentapplicationscan ing that AnonPoP is suitable for mobile devices. Sec- formonelargeanonymityset.Forexample,weusedthe tion 8 will present a cloud based evaluations conducted API to rapidly develop an anonymous Eliza [49] client, under‘real-world’conditions,demonstratingthefeasibil- demonstratingtheuseofanonymousmessagingforsen- ityofAnonPoPanddiscussingoperatingcosts,andthe sitive consulting services. AnonPoP API. We conclude by surveying related work Readers are encouraged to try out AnonPoP using in comparison to AnonPoP in section 9. a mobile application, web-interface and the API [1], to experience the efficiency, acceptable overhead and us- ability. 2 Architecture and Concepts Contributions ThegoalofAnonPoPistosupportanonymousexchange Our main contribution is the design, development and ofmessagesbetweenclients;messagesarepackedatthe evaluation of strongly-anonymous messaging protocol, clientsintofixed-sizeenvelopes,andsentviaAnonPoP’s secure against strong adversaries, and showing that servers. AnonPoP uses two types of servers: Post-Office it is practical even for mobile clients. We show that (PO) servers and timed mixes (see Figure 1). The PO AnonPoPensuresbetteranonymitypropertiesthanev- TwoCentsforStrongAnonymity:TheAnonymousPost-officeProtocol 3 ThePOmaintainsanonymousmailboxescontaining envelopes sent to different clients. Envelopes received by the PO are still encrypted; hence, a corrupt, eaves- dropping PO cannot identify the recipients, senders or contents, provided that the mixes are honest, and users are always connected. (AnonPoP has defenses for Fig.1.SystemarchitectureofAnonPoP(AnonymousPost-office anonymity when users may disconnect, as we describe Protocol).ThePost-Office(PO)maintainsanonymousmailboxes; in next section.) clientspushandpullenvelopesto/fromthemailboxanonymously viamix-cascades.Allcommunicationchannels(representedby AnonPoP mailboxes are used only for a limited pe- arrows)usefixedrates. riod,calledanepoch.Attheendofeveryepoch,senders and recipients switch to a new (pseudo)random mail- box, further limiting the potential for a corrupt PO to and mix servers are expected to operate continuously; correlate users of the same mailbox. clients may disconnect from time to time. AnonPoP supports multiple Post-Office (PO) AnonPoP has several additional defenses against servers,whereeachclientselectsarbitrarilyaPOserver corrupt, eavesdropping PO. Such defenses are only needed when clients may disconnect, or mixes may ac- foritsuse.Aswelaterdescribe,AnonPoPallowsdetec- tively collude with the PO (e.g., in ‘tagging’ attacks): tion of tagging attacks by corrupt PO, and we expect clients to move, in this case, to a different PO; however Request-Pool: a set of pre-made requests, allowing preservation of anonymity even when a client dis- wedonotdiscusstheprocessofmigratingtoanewPO, connects. This is especially appropriate for pull- and, for simplicity, our discussion and figures are for a requests, allowing the pattern of collecting en- single PO. Similarly, AnonPoP supports an arbitrary velopes from a mailbox to be independent of pos- number of mix servers, among which the client selects sible disconnections of the destination. mix-cascades; AnonPoP detects tagging attacks by cor- ruptmixservers,andclientsavoidsuspectserverswhen Tag-Prevention: mechanisms such as de-duplication and fixed forwarding times of requests and re- selecting the mix-cascade, as discussed toward the end sponses, which prevent active tagging attacks, of this section. where some of the mixes collude with the PO to Envelopes are onion-encrypted as they are for- identify sender or recipient. However, these mecha- warded andmixedbythe mixes.Envelopescan contain nismsdonotpreventalltheactiveattackswhenthe either a push request, ‘pushing’ an envelope to a partic- attacker controls both the first mix and the PO. ular mailbox in the PO, or a pull request, ‘pulling’ an envelope from a particular mailbox. Bad-Server Isolation: this mechanism detects a cor- rupt (mix or PO) server, or a pair of two ‘consec- More specifically, mixes operate in synchronized utive’ servers s.t. (at least) on of the pair is ma- slots of τ seconds. Each mix collects all envelopes re- licious (and deviates from the protocol). In such ceived in a slot, mixes their order, decrypts requests cases, clients avoid the corrupt mix or the use of and encrypts responses, and forwards them so they are the suspect pair of mixes (i.e., the ‘suspect edge’). all received in the following slot. Clients send envelopes Thebad-serverisolationmechanismensuresastrict, with push and pull requests every round of λ slots. If a low limit on the amount of de-anonymizing queries clientdoesnothavearealmessagetopush,shesendsa availabletotheadversary,inspiteofitscontrolover dummy[43]envelope,whichisrecognizedanddiscarded by the PO. However, the PO responds to dummy re- a significant number f of corrupt (mix and/or PO) servers. quests as it does for real requests. This ensures unob- servability against eavesdroppers and even mixes, i.e, AnonPoP has a modular two-layer design. In this an attacker controlling mixes and eavesdropping on the communication,butnotcontrollingthePO,cannoteven work we mostly focus on the lower, Anonymous- distinguish between the case that no messages are sent communication (Anon-Comm) layer, which ensures a and the case that many messages are sent between dif- strongly-anonymous communication channel between ferent users. Such attacker also cannot identify source clients and the PO. The upper Anonymous Post-Office or destination, or even link between incoming and for- Box (Anon-POB) layer of AnonPoP handles mailboxes for recipients. In this paper, we present only the simple warded envelopes. per-epoch mailbox design. We believe that further im- provements in security, anonymity and efficiency, may TwoCentsforStrongAnonymity:TheAnonymousPost-officeProtocol 4 be possible, by more elaborate Anon-POB layer mech- assuming probabilistic polynomial time attackers, e.g., anisms, which are beyond the scope of this paper. encryption schemes [6]. Mix selection.Forsimplicity,inthispaper,weas- AnonPoP design assumes that the attacker has sume that AnonPoP clients and servers use a trusted, global eavesdropping abilities, i.e., can (instantly) ob- reliable server directory service for path selection; this serveallcommunicationsentbetweenanyoftheparties ismerelyasimplification,asitisstraightforwardtoim- in the system. We also consider additional attacker ca- plement such a directory service in a distributed man- pabilities,mainly,controlofthePOand/orsomeofthe ner (avoiding a single point of failure). The directory mixes,allowingcomplex,powerfulattacks.Althoughwe maintainslistofallAnonPoPmixandPOservers,with allowanattackertocontrolsseveralcolludingserverssi- their public keys and addresses. Furthermore, the di- multaneously, we make the reasonable assumption that rectory lists pairs of connected servers; a pair of servers the number adversarial servers is limited. (x,y)isconnectedifthedirectorydidnotreceivereport We also consider the communication to be between from x claiming misbehavior of y. These misbehavior trustingpeers(senderandrecipient).Infact,wealready reports are facilitated AnonPoP’s bad server isolation work on an advanced POB layer for AnonPoP that will mechanism. As long as clients choose paths uniformly defend against malicious peers, however, this is beyond (among all valid paths), the probability of choosing a the scope of this paper. path containing only bad mixes remains very small. We assume a known upper bound f to the num- 3.2 Challenges of Defining Anonymity berofmalicious(faulty)mixservers;oncethedirectory contains more than f reports for a specific mix or PO Intuitively, anonymous communication means the in- server, this server must be indeed corrupt, and is dis- ability of identifying specific (communicating) enti- connected from all other servers. Clients pick a cascade ties among the set of potentially-communicating enti- mix uniformly among all paths consisting of pairs of ties. Multiple variants were considered by researchers connected mixes, ending in the desired PO. and practitioners, e.g., unobservability and sender Mailbox setup. AnonPoP automatically assigns (and/or recipient) anonymity. One widely-used inter- clientstorandommailboxesandgeneratesproperkeys. pretation[42]isthatsender(recipient)anonymityrefers Inthispaper,weassumethatclientshaveasecurecom- totheinabilityofanattackertoidentifythesender(re- municationchanneltoperformtheinitialkeyexchange. cipient) of a message among a set of potential senders Anonymous key-exchange, e.g. in [25], is a further chal- (recipients),andunobservabilityreferstoinabilityofan lenge, which is beyond the scope of this paper. attackertoknowwhethertherewasanycommunication atall.Theseareuseful,intuitivenotions;however,they 3 Anonymity Properties are not sufficiently formal to allow rigorous proofs of security. This section presents the anonymity properties en- Transforming such informal, intuitive notions into suredbyAnonPoP.Section3.1introducestheadversary precise, well-defined, formal definitions, is a non-trivial model. Section 3.2 discusses the challenge of defining challenge.Therehavebeenmultipleattemptstopresent anonymity properties, arguing that the existing rigor- appropriate formal definitions, including [2, 9, 26, 27, ous, formal definitions are too simplified to cover the 30, 32–34, 41, 45, 47]. These definitions differ in multi- goals of AnonPoP; in this paper we focus on presenting ple aspects, and in particular, in the capabilities of the the AnonPoP design, therefore, extending the formal adversary, and in what constitutes a successful attack. definitionsisleftforfuturework.Instead,inSection3.3 Unfortunately, when trying to apply these defini- wepresent‘informalnotions’,whichweuseinthiswork. tions to analyze AnonPoP, we realized that each of Section3.4describestheanonymitypropertiesachieved them, fail to satisfy all of the following three important by AnonPoP, using the (informal) notions. aspects of AnonPoP’s design and goals: 1. AnonPoP’sgoalistoensurestronganonymityprop- 3.1 Adversary Model erties - against active, adaptive adversaries, who eavesdrop the entire network and control a major- As in previous works, we focus on probabilistic polyno- ity of AnonPoP’s servers. Existing definitions are mial time attackers; this is essential, since our design for passive, static adversaries. uses cryptographic mechanisms, which are only secure TwoCentsforStrongAnonymity:TheAnonymousPost-officeProtocol 5 Attack:Defense(claim) Honestserver Anonymityproperty Withoutdisconnections Withdisconnections Onlyfirst Passive:Prevent(2) pushmix Sender Active:Prevent(3) Heuristicdefense,see Onlynon-first anonymity Passive:Prevent(2) Section6.2andAppendixA pushmix Active:Detect(4) Onlyfirst Passive:Prevent(2) pullmix Recipient Active:Prevent(3) Passive:Prevent(5) Onlynon-first anonymity Passive:Prevent(2) Active:Detect(6) pullmix Active:Detect(4) OnlyPO Unobservability PassiveandActive:Prevent(1) Table1.AnonymitypropertiesachievedbyAnonPoPagainstaglobally-eavesdroppingattacker,whocontrolsallserversalongthe path,exceptasindicatedinthe‘honestserver’column.Inparentheses:numberofrelevantclaim. 2. AnonPoPsupports(limited-duration)clientdiscon- To present the (slightly weaker) notions of sender and nections,anaspectwhichisnotaddressedbyexist- recipient anonymity, we first present sender/recipient ing definitions, yet is crucial for a practical system, permuted pairs.Considertwoscenariosσ ,σ ,whereall 0 1 supporting mobile devices. the recipients receive the same messages in σ and in 0 3. AnonPoP is provides different levels of anonymity σ , but the senders in σ are a constant permutation 1 0 against attackers with different capabilities; this is (chosen by the attacker) of the senders in σ . Namely, 1 not compatible with current formal definitions. In given a permutation π chosen by the attacker, when a particular, against some (strong) attack models, honestclientineedstosendamessagetorecipientr in AnonPoP can ‘only’ ensure that attackers become σ , the honest client π(i) needs to do the same in σ . 0 1 increasingly isolated, hence deterring such attacks We say that σ and σ are sender permuted pair. 1 0 and reducing likelihood of successful attack; this is Similarly,thetermrecipient permuted pairrefersto not captured by any of the existing formal defini- two scenarios where the recipients in one scenario are tions. a permutation of the recipients in the second scenario, and the senders are identical. Since our focus in this work is on system design, we de- cidedtoonlyfollow‘thespirit’oftheexistingdefinitions Notion 2. (Anonymity)Aprotocolachievessender(re- of anonymity, and use intuitive notions of anonymity cipient) anonymity against a globally eavesdropping at- (as we present in subsection 3.3) instead of formal def- tackerthatcontrolsasetS ofAnonPoP’sservers,ifthe initions; future work should extend existing definitions adversary cannot (with significant advantage and in ef- to provide a well-defined notion of practical anonymity. ficient time) distinguish between any sender (recipient) permuted pair of scenarios. 3.3 Informal Anonymity Notions These notions pose great challenges because they also Our notions follow [27], which addressed the challenge consider extreme scenarios that might not occur in re- of defining anonymity properties in the presence of ac- ality. For example, for unobservability, the adversary tive,adaptiveadversarieswhomightcontrolsomeofthe must not be able to distinguish between any two sce- protocolparticipants.Webelievethatthemodelof[27], narios, even a scenario where all parties send messages which extends [33], may be a good basis for a complete vs. a scenario where nobody sends any message. These formalmodelandanalysisofAnonPoP-infutureworks. arestronganonymityrequirements.Inparticular,surely We begin by presenting the notion of unobservabil- they do not hold for any low-latency solution such as ity. Tor, since adversary can easily distinguish between the scenarios. Furthermore, we allow also corruption of dif- Notion 1. (Unobservability)Aprotocolachievesunob- ferent subsets including most of the servers, as follows. servabilityagainstagloballyeavesdroppingattackerthat Detection/Isolation. Existing formal definitions controls a set S of the servers, if the adversary cannot of anonymity, e.g., in [27, 33], require complete pre- (withsignificantadvantageandinefficienttime)distin- vention of attacks. However, sometimes prevention is guish between any pair of scenarios. infeasible or hard/expensive, and a detection/isolation TwoCentsforStrongAnonymity:TheAnonymousPost-officeProtocol 6 approach is sufficient to deter attackers and hence to pletelypreventsevenactiveattacksonsender(resp.,re- ensureanonymity.Inparticular,inAnonPoP-andpos- cipient)anonymity.However,ifthefirstmixismalicious sibly in other efficient strong-anonymity solutions - the then AnonPoP can only detect active attacks on sender PO may ‘signal’ the use of a particular mailbox, by in- (resp., recipient) anonymity, and only when some other tentionally dropping responses (or, equivalently, ignor- (non-first)push(pull)mixishonest.AnonPoPcansim- ingrequests);such‘signal’seemsalmostunavoidablefor ilarly only detect, not prevent, sender anonymity, even the model where the PO keeps mailboxes, yet, we show when the first mix is honest, if disconnections are pos- that every such abuse is detected and isolated to a spe- sible; recipient-anonymity is fully protected (thanks to cific rogue entity (e.g., the PO). the request-pool mechanism). Intuitively, our goal is to ensure that every ‘bit’ of However, AnonPoP detection are very effective; in informationcollectedbytheadversaryhasa‘highprice’. each detection, the client detects that the first mix is We present an intuitive notion, which is somewhat tai- malicious, and/or at least one edge connecting a mali- lored to the AnonPoP model. cious server and another (malicious or honest) server is removedfromthegraphofAnonPoPserversmaintained Notion 3. Let X(f),Y(f) be two functions (in the bythedirectory.Hencetheamountof‘deanonymization number of corrupt servers f), and let xc be the num- queries’ is very limited (specifically, O(f2)). ber of bits that the adversary can learn on (honest) user c (communicating only with honest peers), and y = c max{0,x −X(f)}.Aprotocolachieves(X,Y)-attacker- 4 AnonPoP Basic Defenses c isolation if, with high probability, P y ≤Y(f). c c AnonPoP uses onion encryption [14, 29], for both push and pull channels, as illustrated in Figure 2. Namely, Intuitively, the attacker can learn up to X(f) bits ‘per requests are onion-encrypted, i.e., encrypted using the client’, plus up to Y(f) bits additional (for all clients); public key of the PO, and then, consecutively, by the in AnonPoP, X(f) = f and Y(f) = f(f +1), as we public keys of the mixes. Onion-routing trivially pro- show below. tectstheconfidentialityofrequests,sincerequestsmust be decrypted by all mixes, and finally by the PO. 3.4 AnonPoP’s Anonymity Properties Tofurtherpreventlinkagebetweenarequestenter- ing a mix, and the corresponding (decrypted) request We first consider the anonymity properties of Anon- output by the mix, each mix buffers all messages re- PoP, as a function of the malicious servers along the ceivedduringaslot,randomlypermutesthemandsends paths between the senders and recipients, as summa- them in the following slot. rizedinTable1.Asindicatedinthebottomrow,itsuf- To similarly prevent linkage between incoming and ficesforonlythePOtobehonestforAnonPoPtoensure outgoing responses, each mix encrypts the responses. complete unobservability. Similarly, it requires only one Weuseauthenticated-encryption[5],allowingtheclient mix in the push (pull) channel, to provide protection to also validate that the response was sent by the PO, for sender (resp., recipient) anonymity, if clients never over the specified sequence of mixes; the PO sent the disconnect.Recipientanonymityisprotectedevenwhen responseuponreceivingthecorrespondingrequestfrom clientsmaydisconnect(forreasonably-longperiods),by the client. To facilitate the authenticated-encryption of usingtherequest-poolmechanismofSection6.1.Inpar- responses, clients include the authenticated-encryption ticular,AnonPoPresistsintersectionandcorrelationat- key to be applied to the response in each onion- tacks [7, 8, 37, 52] between senders and recipients. encryption layer (denoted key ,key ,key in Figure 2). When clients may disconnect, AnonPoP cannot 1 2 3 AnonPoP uses two additional layers of encryption, fully ensure sender anonymity, as an eavesdropping PO on top of the onion encryption. First, messages pushed canlaunchesintersectionandcorrelationattackstocor- toamailbox,areencryptedforthedestination;namely, relate between senders and mailboxes. Instead, Anon- whenthePOdecryptsthefinalonionlayer,itfindsonly PoP includes a heuristic-mitigation mechanism, per- a mailbox identifier and an encrypted message. Second, epoch mailboxes (PEM), to improve sender anonymity. all the communication between every pair of adjacent For discussion of the protection provided by PEM, see entities(adjacentmixes,lastmixandPO,orclientand Section6.2andexperimentalevaluationinAppendixA. first mix) is authenticated and encrypted. Asshowninthetable,whenthefirstpush(pull)mix is honest, and without disconnections, AnonPoP com- TwoCentsforStrongAnonymity:TheAnonymousPost-officeProtocol 7 Claim 1. AnonPoP ensures unobservability against a global-eavesdropping adversary which further controls any subset of mixes and users, and has the ability to disconnect users, as long as the PO is not corrupted. Argument: This follows by reduction to the indistin- guishability property of (1) the public key encryption scheme E , used to encrypt requests to the PO, and PK of (2) the shared-key encryption scheme E , used by SK thePOtoencryptresponses.Namely,assumesome(ef- ficient)adversaryAisabletodistinguishbetweensome two scenarios of message sending S ,S . We first check 0 1 if A also distinguishes between scenarios S0,S0, which 0 1 arethesameasthecorrespondingS ,S exceptthatre- 0 1 Fig.2.Onion-encryptionwithcascadesofmixes,asusedbyboth sponsesfromthePOareall(encryptionsof)somefixed pushandpullchannels.Thecirclesabovethestraightlinesmark message m. If A succeeds, we use it as oracle to distin- therouteoftherequestfromtheclienttothePO.Theresponse routeisillustratedbysquaresbelowdashedcurves.Thesenders guishEPK;otherwise,weuseAtocreateoracletodistin- encodesineachonionlayerakey(keyi)whichMixi usestoau- guish ESK (utilizing the fact that A fails to distinguish thenticateandencrypttheresponse,andtimestampsTireq,Tires betweenS00 andS10,yetsucceedstodistinguishbetween specifyingwhentherequestandtheresponseareexpectedtoar- S and S ). Notice that the reduction works since the 0 1 rive(seeSection5).Thesenderandmixesselecteacharandom patternoftransmissionsisfixed,independentlyofinput identifierID (forsender)orIDi (forith mix),andstorerelevant messages. parameters(keyi,Tires andreceivedID)intableMapindexed bychosenID. Thepaddingandonion-encryptionmechanismsalsosuf- fice to ensure sender and recipient anonymity, against a passive (‘honest-but-curious’) attacker, as long as at To prevent traffic analysis attacks, AnonPoP uses least one of the mixes in the corresponding channel is padding. First, all requests and responses use fixed- notcorrupted.However,thisholdsonlywhenclientsare sized envelopes (padding and fragmenting as needed). always connected, since a (passive) corrupted PO may Furthermore, AnonPoP maintains fixed rate of trans- be able to identify a mailbox used by a client which is mission of envelopes, independent of the pattern of re- disconnected (e.g., using intersection attacks). We later quests from the users. Namely, AnonPoP clients queue present additional mechanisms of AnonPoP that pro- outgoing messages if their rate exceed the fixed rate, vide anonymity also when clients may disconnect. and pushes dummy (empty) envelopes, if no outgoing messagesarequeued.Dummyenvelopesaretreatedex- Claim 2. When clients are always connected and some actly like ‘real’ messages; even mixes forwarding onion- push (pull) mix is non-corrupted, AnonPoP ensures encryptedmessagescannotdistinguishbetweenrealand sender (recipient) anonymity against passive attackers. dummy envelopes. Dummy envelopes are sent to a re- Argument: We present the argument only for sender servedmailboxidentifier,allowingthePOtodropsthem anonymity; the argument for recipient anonymity fol- (afterdecryptingthelastonionlayer);thePOresponds lows similarly. The argument is by reduction to the in- withadummyresponse,whichisindistinguishablefrom distinguishability of the public key encryption scheme a ‘real’ response, until decrypted and discarded by the E , used to encrypt requests to the mixes, and in par- client. PK ticular, to the non-corrupt mix. Namely, assume some As a result of these padding mechanisms, Anon- (efficient) adversary A is able to distinguish between PoP’s traffic is fixed, independently of the actual pat- some two scenarios of message sending S ,S , where tern of messages sent by clients. Together with the 0 1 the number and length of messages sent to each mail- onion-encryption, this ensures unobservability as long box(recipient)areidentical(senderanonymity).Dueto as the PO is not corrupted, i.e., against a globally- AnonPoP’s padding mechanisms, the pattern of trans- eavesdroppingattacker,whichcontrolsmixesandusers. missions is fixed, independently of input messages; and This is simply because only the clients and the PO can due to the operation of the (non-corrupt) mix, the or- distinguish between dummy and real messages. der of requests arriving at the PO is random. Hence, A TwoCentsforStrongAnonymity:TheAnonymousPost-officeProtocol 8 provides an oracle allowing (efficient) distinguisher for 5.1 Timestamps and Anti-Duplication E . PK It may seem, at first sight, that the padding and onion- The basic anti-tagging mechanism in AnonPoP, is to routing mechanisms also suffice to ensure anonymity include timestamps in every layer of the onion; the re- againstactiveattacks,ifthefirstmixinthecorrespond- quest(respectively,response)timestampfortheith mix ingchannelisnon-corrupt,sinceanon-corruptfirstmix is denoted Treq (Tres). i i suffices to randomize the order of requests (responses) Non-corrupt mixes always return an encrypted re- reaching the other mixes and the PO. However, this re- sponse exactly on the time specified in the timestamp lying would be vulnerable to PO tagging attacks, where field; if the expected response is not received on time, the number or timing of responses are tampered to al- then the mix returns an appropriate error report. A re- low deanonymization. In the following section, we dis- sponse received too late (or too early) is dropped. Note cuss tagging attacks and the defenses against them in that error reports sent when a response is not received AnonPoP. on time, are indistinguishable compared to the ‘real’ Forward and proactive security. Finally, we note responses. The adversary cannot learn whether an en- that it is quite simple for AnonPoP to also ensure for- crypted response hides either ‘real’ response or ‘error ward secrecy and proactive security. Forward secrecy report’. refers to protecting past communication from future Figure3(a)depictsataggingattackbydelayingthe server compromise, and have been discussed in circuit response; in this attack, the PO delays the response for related system such Tor [39]. To ensure forward se- a single request and can detect which client gets her crecy, AnonPoP simply uses forward-secure encryption response one slot later. Figure 3(b) depicts the effect scheme,e.g.,[12].Proactivesecurityreferstorecovering of fixed response time; honest mixes return response in security (and secrecy) following a temporary compro- timeanddiscardlateresponses,hencetheattackersees mise of a server; to ensure this, use the method of [11] noanomalyinthecommunicationpatternoftheclient. to recover security for the keys used by each server. To further detect duplicate requests and responses, received at the same (correct) time slot, each AnonPoP mix uses the key it receives key , as a unique identifier. i 5 Anti-Tagging Defenses If a mix receives multiple requests with the same key (at the same slot), then it discards all but one of them, The onion-encryption and padding mechanisms de- sending back an error-report containing the plaintext scribed in Section 4, cannot fully protect anonymity and randomness, allowing previous mix to validate the againstaroguePO.Therearefewwaysinwhicharogue collision of keys. Similarly, a mix discards all but one PO, possibly colluding with some mixes, can ‘tag’ a re- responseforeachforwardedrequest.(Randomcollisions quest and/or the corresponding response, allowing it to occur with negligible probability.) link between the client sending the request (and receiv- Figures3(c,d)depictduplicate-requestattack,when ing the response) and the mailbox to which the request only a single (non-first) mix is honest, and the effect of wassent.Inthissection,wepresentAnonPoP’sdefenses the anti-duplication mechanism. Figure 3(e,f) depicts against such tagging attacks. similar duplicate-response attack and its prevention; Inthefirstsubsection,wepresentAnonPoP’stimes- thisattack(anddefense)alsoappliesforthecasewhere tamping and anti-duplication mechanisms, which pre- (only) the first mix is honest. vent tagging attacks when the first-mix is honest, and Claim 3. AnonPoP ensures sender (recipient) always detecttaggingattacks.Inthesecondsubsection, anonymity against active attackers, provided that the wepresentthebadserverisolationmechanism,ensuring firstpush(pull)mixishonestandthatclientsarealways that whenever a tagging attack occurs at a particular connected. round, not only is it detected, but at least one edge connected to a malicious server is removed from Anon- Argument: Due to the padding mechanism, requests PoP’sgraphofavailablelinks.Thenextsectionextends aresentexactlyoncearound,withfixedsize.The(hon- the mechanisms presented here, to also handle discon- est)firstmixshufflestheserequests,hence,thefollowing nections of clients. mixes, and the PO, cannot link between the client and a specific request from the first mix. The traffic from the first mix back to the client is also fixed, since the mix returns response exactly on the time specified in TwoCentsforStrongAnonymity:TheAnonymousPost-officeProtocol 9 5.2 Bad Server Isolation AnattackerwhocontrolsboththefirstmixandthePO candrop,delayorcorruptrequestsand/orresponsesto correlate between clients and mailboxes. The first push (pull)mixknowstheoriginatorsofeverypush(pull)re- quest,andthePOknowshowmanymessagesreacheach mailbox. Even when clients do not disconnect, the PO (a) Delayingtheresponse (b) Defensebyreturningan arrival.Onlythefirstpull errorreportindistinguishable andthefirstmixmaytrytomatchclientstomailboxes, mixishonest. fromarealresponseonthe bydroppingordelayingrequestsand/orresponses;this expectedresponsetime. may allow an intersection attack; see Appendix A.1. The bad-server isolation mechanism, allows Anon- PoP to efficiently deter active attacks involving a rogue firstmixandthePO.Previousworks,e.g.[24]discussed the complexity of achieving such goal. The mechanism extends the fixed-response time mechanism. Suppose mix M detects that it did not receive the expected re- sponse in its specified time from the ‘next server’ (mix (c) Sendingaduplicatedre- (d) Defensebydroppingthe questinafollowingslot.Onlyduplicatedrequestthatar- or PO), say denoted X. Then M encrypts and sends onenon-firstpullmixishon- rivedonwrongslot. back a signed and time-stamped problem report, stat- est. ingtherelevantidentities(M,X);the(signed)problem report is also deposited at the AnonPoP directory. As a result, all clients and servers, quickly learn to avoidusingthepair(M,X)aspartofAnonPoProutes. Namely, a rogue, active server, ‘loses’ one of its edges to other servers, per each slot in which it uses such ‘ag- gressive, detectable’ tagging attack. As the path is chosen uniformly among all the re- (e) Sendingaduplicatedre- (f) Defensebydroppingthe liable paths, dropping connections with up to f honest sponseinthesameslot.Only secondresponsereceived. mixes prevents the choice of many paths where at least onenon-firstpullmixishon- est. onemixishonest,andbythat,increasestheprobability of choosing a path where all the mixes are malicious. Fig.3.Attackstocorrelaterecipientandhermailbox(ontheleft Yet, while the fraction of malicious mixes is low, the side)andtheirdefenses(ontheright). advantage gained by the attacker is not significant; see Appendix B. the time-stamp field; due to the anti-duplication mech- Claim 4. When clients are always connected, Anon- anisms, only a single such response is sent (and only on PoP achieves ((f,f ·(f +1))-attacker isolation. that slot). The encryption applied to messages ensures that eaves- Argument: A server reported by f +1 servers, where droppers and other mixes cannot link between the f is bound on number of malicious servers, is definitely senderandthe(encrypted)requests.Additionally,inev- malicious and not used in any channel. Note that the ery two scenarios that are different only in the senders attacker cannot frame an honest server. Note also, that (recipients), the same number of messages is pushed since we assume that at least one mix along the path is (pulled) to (from) mailboxes that differ only by their honest,itfollowsthatthePOandfirstmixcanonlysig- pseudonym, so the PO cannot distinguish between the naltoeachotherviatheabsenceofarequest/response, two scenarios. Notice, that in this case, delaying or i.e., one bit per round; they cannot, for example, use blockingofanencryptedmessagecanbedoneonlywhen content-based signaling. For each such learned bit, a all the messages are already shuffled by the honest first disconnectionoccursbetweenonemaliciousmixandan- mix, and hence, such active attacks are not helpful and other mix, either due to false report by the attacker or Notion 2 holds. due to a real report by the honest mix. Beyond that, each of the mixes can operate as a first mix for each TwoCentsforStrongAnonymity:TheAnonymousPost-officeProtocol 10 of the clients and to drop the message to tag the user When a client is connected, the first pull-mix has without blaming the next mix. In such case, the first this ‘pool’ containing µ pull requests, prepared in ad- mixwillnotbedisconnectedfromanothermix,butthe vance, for the µ next rounds. As long as the client re- client knows for sure that the first mix is malicious and mainsconnected,ineveryround,onepullrequestisused hencedisconnectsfromit.Theoretically,thisallowseach toretrieveamessage,andtheclientprovidesanewpull of the f mixes to tag each of the users once. The num- request, maintaining µ requests in the ‘pool’. berofbitscanbelearnedaccordingtoeachofthecases This ‘pool’ allows the first pull-mix to send a pull satisfies Notion 3. requestfortheclient,eveninroundsinwhichtheclient is disconnected (up to µ consecutive rounds). The mix alsoholdsalltheencryptedresponsesreceivedfromthe 6 Handling Disconnections PO; the mix does not know whether the responses are real or dummy. Clients using mobile devices may often disconnect from When a client reconnects after being disconnected the network. Such disconnections may be observable - for x ≤ µ rounds, it contacts the first pull-mix to re- sometimes even controlled - by the attacker, allowing trieve messages kept by the mix from the previous x an attacking PO to correlate between clients and the rounds. The client also sends to the mix x+1 new pull mailboxes they pull from, using intersection and corre- requests, to be used in future rounds, replenishing the lationattacks[7,8,37,52].Inparticular,ifapullrequest ‘pool’ of µ requests. In every other round, the client reaches some mailbox, an eavesdropping PO can learn sends the pull request that will be used µ rounds after that all the clients who were offline when the request the current round. arrived are not the owner of the mailbox. By repeating Claim 5. AnonPoP ensures recipient anonymity thisprocedureovertime,theadversarymaycorrelatea against passive attackers when some pull mix is honest, single recipient with the mailbox. even when clients may disconnect, if clients do not go Section 6.1 describes the request-pool mechanism offline for more than µ consecutive rounds. that ensures recipient anonymity, provided that clients do not disconnect for excessive time periods. In Sec- Argument: Since the adversary is passive, the traffic tion 6.2 we discuss the challenge of ensuring sender from/to the first pull mix to/from the PO is fixed (as anonymity when client might disconnect, explaining though there were no disconnections). There might be why using request-pool also for push requests may a peak in the traffic between the first pull mix and the be problematic. We then introduce a simple mecha- client immediately after the client reconnects, i.e., the nism, per-epoch mailboxes (PEM), which heuristically rateoftrafficbetweentheclientandfirstmixisnotcom- improves the sender anonymity, although not satisfying pletely fixed. However, the traffic is still independent of ournotionforsenderanonymity(Notion2).Webelieve the actual number of messages sent and received, and that further research on mailbox mechanisms may fur- depends only on the connectivity of the clients. Since ther improve AnonPoP’s anonymity defenses. theconnectivityisknowntotheeavesdroppingattacker, thenthismechanismexposesnoadditionalinformation. Hence, there is no information leakage. 6.1 Request-Pool Sinceclientsnotofflineformorethanµrounds,recipient anonymityis achieved againstpassiveattackersaccord- We now explain request-pool, a simple yet effective ing to Notion 2, provided that (at least) one pull mix technique allowing AnonPoP to extend its recipient- is honest. This is because all the pull requests and the anonymity defenses to the case of (reasonably-limited) responses for the requests arrive to a honest mix that client disconnections, and in particular, to foil intersec- forwards them shuffled, and the adversary cannot cor- tion and correlation attacks. We focus on pull-requests, relate between incoming messages and outgoing mixed where the defense works better, utilizing the fact that messages. pull requests do not contain content that depends on themailboxstatus.Specifically,eachclientpreparesand Claim 6. AnonPoP achieves ((f,f ·(f +1))-attacker sendstothefirstpull-mixa‘pool’ofpullrequeststobe isolation, even when clients may disconnect, provided used in future rounds, even in rounds where the client f << n and clients do not go offline for more than µ is disconnected. consecutive rounds.

PoP's anonymity holds even when clients may occa- sionally disconnect; this . PoP is the only proposed anonymous messaging proto- col to support
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