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TWISTED VECTOR BUNDLES ON POINTED NODAL CURVES IVAN KAUSZ 5 0 0 Abstract. Motivated by the quest for a good compactification of the moduli space of G- 2 bundles on a nodal curve we establish a striking relationship between Abramovich’s and n Vistoli’s twisted bundles and Gieseker vector bundles. a J 2 1 Contents ] G 1. Introduction 1 A 2. Twisted G-bundles 2 . h 3. Review of Gieseker vector bundles 4 t a 4. Twisted GL -bundles on a fixed curve 6 r m 5. Construction 6 [ 6. Independence of the isomorphisms (1) and (2) 11 2 7. Independence of the isomorphisms (3) and (4) 14 v 8. Surjectivity 15 3 4 9. Further directions 18 4 References 18 1 0 4 0 / h 1. Introduction t a m This paper grew out of an attempt to understand a recent draft of Seshadri ([Se2]) and : is meant as a contribution in the quest for a good compactification of the moduli space (or v stack) of G-bundles on a nodal curve. i X We are led by the idea that such a compactification should behave well in families and r also under partial normalization of nodal curves. This statement may be reformulated by a saying that we are looking for an object which has the right to be called the moduli stack of stable maps into the classifying stack BG of a reductive group G. For finite groups G the stack of stable maps into BG has been recently constructed by means of so called twisted bundles by D. Abramovich and A. Vistoli ([AV], [ACV]). On the other hand, as shown in [K3], the notion of Gieseker vector bundles leads to the construction of the stack of stable maps into BGL . r In this note we establish a connection between the straightforward generalization of the notion of twisted bundles to the case of the non-finite reductive group GL and Gieseker r vector bundles. My hope is that this relationship - whose observation is entirely due to Date: January 12, 2005. Partially supported by the DFG. 1 2 IVANKAUSZ Seshadri, and which in my mind is really striking - may help to find the right notion for more general reductive groups G. I would like to thank Seshadri for generously imparting his ideas. This paper owes very much to long discussions which I had with Nagaraj in November and December 2002. I would like to thank the Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Chennai, whose hospitality made these discussions possible. 2. Twisted G-bundles Throughout this section k denotes an algebraically closed field and G a reductive group over k. A twisted G-bundle is a twisted object in the sense of [AV], §3 where the target stack M is taken to be the classifying stack BG. For convenience we recall the necessary definitions from loc. cit. Definition 2.1. 1. An n-marked curve consists of data (U → S,Σ ) where π : U → S is a i nodal curve and Σ ,...,Σ ⊂ U are pairwise disjoint closed subschemes whose supports do 1 n not intersect the singular locus U of π and are such that the projections Σ → S are´etale. sing i 2. A morphism between two n-marked curves (U → S,ΣU) and (V → S,ΣV) is an S- i i morphism f : U → V such that f(ΣU) ⊆ ΣV for each i. Such a morphism is called strict, if i i for each i the support of f−1(ΣV) coincides with the support of ΣU and if furthermore the i i support of f−1(V ) coincides with the one of U . sing sing 3. The pull back of ann-marked curve (U → S,Σ ) by a morphism S′ → S is the n-marked i curve (U × S′,Σ × S′). S i S 4. An n-pointed nodal curve is an n-marked curve where the projections Σ → S are i isomorphisms. 5. Let (U → S,Σ ) be an n-marked curve. The complement (inside U) of the union of the i singular locus U and the markings Σ is called the generic locus of U and is denoted by sing i U . gen Definition 2.2. 1. An action of a finite group Γ on an n-marked nodal curve (U → S,Σ ) i is an action of Γ on U as an S-scheme which leaves the Σ invariant. Such an action is called i tame, if for each geometric point u of U the stabilizer Γ ⊆ Γ of u has order prime to the u characteristic of u. 2. Let S be a k-scheme. Let (U → S,Σ ) be an n-marked nodal curve and let η be a i principal G-bundle on U. A essential action of a finite group Γ on (η,U) is a pair of actions of Γ on η and on (U → S,Σ ) such that i (i) the actions of Γ on η and on U are compatible, i. e. if π : η → U denotes the projection, then π ◦γ = γ ◦π for each γ ∈ Γ. (ii) if γ ∈ Γ is an element different from the identity and u is a geometric point of U fixed by γ, then the automorphism of the fiber η induced by γ is not trivial. u 3. An essential action of a finite group Γ on (η,U) is called tame, if the action of Γ on (U → S,Σ ) is tame. i Definition 2.3. Let S be a k-scheme. Let C → S be an n-pointed nodal curve and let ξ be a principal G-bundle over C . A chart (U,η,Γ) for ξ consists of the following data gen TWISTED VECTOR BUNDLES ON POINTED NODAL CURVES 3 (1) An n-marked curve U → S and a strict morphism φ : U → C, (2) A principal G-bundle η on U. ∼ (3) An isomorphism η× U → ξ × U of G-bundles on U . U gen C gen gen (4) A finite group Γ. (5) A tame, essential action of Γ on (η,U). These data are required to satisfy the following conditions ∼ (i) The action of Γ leaves the morphisms U → C and η × U → ξ × U invariant. U gen C gen (ii) The induced morphism U/Γ → C is ´etale. Proposition 2.4. (cf. [AV], Prop 3.2.3) Let C → S be an n-pointed nodal curve over a k-scheme S and let ξ be a principal G-bundle on C . Let (U,η,Γ) be a chart for ξ. Then gen the following holds. (1) The action of Γ on U is free. gen Let s be a geometric point of S and let u be a closed point of the curve U . Let Γ ⊆ Γ be s u the stabilizer of u. Then Γ is a cyclic group. Let e be its order and let γ be a generator of u u Γ . Then u (2) if u is a regular point, the action of γ on the tangent space of U at u is via multi- u s plication by a primitive e-th root of unity. (3) if u is a singular point, Γ leaves each of the two branches of U at u invariant. The u s action of γ on the tangent space of each of the branches is via multiplication with a u primitive e-th root of unity. Definition 2.5. Let C → S be an n-pointed nodal curve over a k-scheme S and let ξ be a principal G-bundle on C . A chart (U,η,Γ) for ξ is called balanced, if for each geometric gen fiber of U → S and each singular point u on it the action of γ on the tangent spaces of the u two branches is via multiplication with primitive roots of unity which are inverse to each other. Definition 2.6. Let C → S be an n-pointed nodal curve over a k-scheme S and let ξ be a principalG-bundleonC . Two charts(U ,η ,Γ )and(U ,η ,Γ )ofξ arecalled compatible, gen 1 1 1 2 2 2 if for each pair of u , u of geometric points of U , U lying above the same geometric point 1 2 1 2 u of C the following holds: Let Csh denote the strict henselization of C at u. For j = 1,2 let Γ′ ⊆ Γ denote j j the stabilizer subgroup of the point u , let Ush denote the strict henselization of U j j j at u , and let ηsh := η × Ush. Then there exists an isomorphism θ : Γ′ → Γ′, a θ- j j j Uj j 1 2 ∼ equivariantisomorphismφ : Ush → Ush ofCsh-schemes, andaθ-equivariantisomorphism 1 2 ηsh →∼ φ∗ηsh of G-bundles. 1 2 Definition 2.7. Let g and n be two non-negative integers. An n-pointed twisted G-bundle of genus g is a triple (ξ,C → S,A) where (1) S is a k-scheme, (2) C → S is proper n-pointed nodal curve of finite presentation with geometrically connected fibers of genus g, (3) ξ is a principal G-bundle on C , gen 4 IVANKAUSZ (4) A = {(U ,η ,Γ )} is a balanced atlas, i.e. a collection of mutually compatible α α α balanced charts for ξ, such that the images of the U cover C. α Definition 2.8. Let (ξ,C → S,A) be an n-pointed twisted G-bundle of genus g. A mor- phism of k-schemes S′ → S induces a triple (ξ′,C′ → S′,A′) as follows: • The n-pointed nodal curve C′ → S′ is the pull back of C → S by S′ → S. • Thus we have a morphism C′ → C , and the G-bundle ξ′ is the pull back of ξ by gen gen this morphism. • Let {U ,η ,Γ )} be the set of charts which make up the atlas A. Then A′ = α α α {U′,η′ ,Γ )}, where U′ → S′ is the pull back of the n-marked curve U → S, and η′ α α α α α α is the pull back of η by the morphism U′ → U . Since the (U′,η′ ,Γ ) are charts α α α α α α for ξ′ which are balanced and mutually compatible (cf. [AV], Prop. 3.4.3), A′ is a balanced atlas. Thus the triple (ξ′,C′ → S′,A′) is an n-pointed twisted G-bundle of genus g. It is called the pull back of (ξ,C → S,A) by the morphism S′ → S. Definition 2.9. A morphism between two n-pointed twisted G-bundles (ξ′,C′ → S′,A′) and (ξ,C → S,A) consists of a Cartesian diagram C′ // C (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) S′ // S and an isomorphism ξ′ →∼ ξ× C′ such that the pull-back of the charts in A (considered Cgen gen as charts for ξ′) are compatible with all the charts in A′. 3. Review of Gieseker vector bundles In this section I will recall some definitions from my earlier papers [K1] and [K2]. Let k be an algebraically closed field. Let n ≥ 1 be an integer and let R ,...,R be 1 n n copies of the projective line P1. On each R we choose two distinct points x and y . i i i Let R be the nodal curve over k constructed from R ,...,R by identifying y with x 1 n i i+1 for i = 1,...,n − 1. We call such a curve R a chain of projective lines of length n with components R ,...,R . On the extremal components R and R we have the two points x 1 n 1 n 1 and y respectively, which are smooth points of R. n Definition 3.1. A vector bundle E of rank r on R is called admissible, if (1) for each i ∈ [1,n] the restriction of E on the component R is of the form i d O (1)⊕(r −d )O i Ri i Ri for some integer d ≥ 1 and i (2) there exists no nonvanishing global section of E over R which vanishes in the two points x and y . 1 n Let C be an irreducible curve with exactly one double point p. Let C → C be the normalization of C and let p ,p ∈ C be the two points lying above p. Let C := C. For 1 2 0 e e TWISTED VECTOR BUNDLES ON POINTED NODAL CURVES 5 n ≥ 1 we let C denote reducible nodal curve which is constructed from C and a chain n R = R ∪···∪R of projective lines by identifying the points p ,x and p ,y respectively. 1 n 1 1 2 n e Definition 3.2. A Gieseker vector bundle on C is a pair (C′ → C,F) where C′ = C for n some n ≥ 0, the morphism C′ → C is the one which contracts the chain of projective lines to the point p and F is a vector bundle on C′ whose restriction to the chain of projective lines is admissible in the sense of 3.1. Definition 3.3. A Gieseker vector bundle datum on the two-pointed curve (C,p ,p ) is a 1 2 triple (C′ → C,F,p′), where (C′ → C,F) is a Gieseker vector bundle on C and p′ is a singular point in C′. e Let V and W be two r-dimensional k-vector spaces. In [K1] I have constructed a certain compactification KGL(V,W) of the space Isom(V,W) of linear isomorphisms from V to W which has properties similar to De Concinis and Procesis so called wonderfull compactifica- tion of adjoint linear groups. We need the following fact about KGL(V,W) whose proof can be found in [K1], §9: The variety KGL(V,W) is the disjoint union of strata O ⊂ KGL(V,W) indexed by I,J pairs of subsets I,J ∈ [0,r − 1] such that min(I) + min(J) ≥ r. Let I,J be such a pair. Let us write I = {i ,...,i } and J = {j ,...,j } where i < ··· < i < i := r and 1 n1 1 n2 1 n1 n1+1 j < ··· < j < j := r. A (k-valued) point in O is given by the data 1 n2 n2+1 I,J ′ Φ = (F (V),F (W),ϕ ,...,ϕ ,ψ ,...,ψ ,Φ) • • 1 n1 1 n2 where (1) F (V) denotes a flag • 0 = F (V) ( F (V) ( ··· ( F (V) ⊆ F (V) ( ··· ( F (V) = V 0 1 n2 n2+1 n1+n2+1 whith dimF (V) = r − j for ν ∈ [0,n ] and dimF (V) = i for ν ∈ ν n2+1−ν 2 ν ν−n2 [n +1,n +n +1], 2 1 2 (2) F (W) denotes a flag • 0 = F (W) ( F (W) ( ··· ( F (W) ⊆ F (W) ( ··· ( F (W) = W 0 1 n1 n1+1 n1+n2+1 where dimF (W) = r − i for ν ∈ [0,n ] and dimF (W) = i for ν ∈ ν n1+1−ν 1 ν ν−l [n +1,n +n +1], 1 1 2 (3) the symbol ϕ denotes the homothety class of an isomorphism from the subquotient ν F (W)/F (W) of W to the subquotient F (V)/F (V) of V, n1−ν+1 n1−ν n2+ν+1 n2+ν (4) the symbol ψ denotes the homothety class of an isomorphism from the subquotient ν F (V)/F (V) of V to the subquotient F (W)/F (W) of W, n2−ν+1 n2−ν n1+ν+1 n1+ν (5) the symbol Φ′ denotes an isomorphism from the subquotient F (V)/F (V) of V n2+1 n2 to the subquotient F (W)/F (W) of W. n1+1 n1 The relationship between Gieseker vector bundles and the compactification KGL(V,W) is given by the following Theorem 3.4. (Cf. [K2], Theorem 9.5) There exists a natural bijection from the set of all Gieseker vector bundle data on (C,p ,p ) to the set of all pairs (E,Φ), where E is a vector 1 2 bundle on C and Φ is a k-valued point in KGL(E[p ],E[p ]). 1 2 e e 6 IVANKAUSZ More precisely, let (C′ → C,F,p′) be a Gieseker vector bundle datum on (C,p ,p ). Let 1 2 R = R ∪···∪R be the chain of projective lines in C′. Let y := p and x := p . Let 1 n 0 1 n+1 2 n1 + n2 = n be such that the singular point p′ ∈ C′ comes from identifying tehe points yn1 and x . Let d be the degree of F restricted to R . Let (E,Φ) be the pair associated to n1+1 i i the given Gieseker vector bundle datum (C′ → C,F,p′). Then Φ is in fact a point in the stratum O , where I = {i ,...,i }, J = {j ,...,j } and the i , j are defined by I,J 1 n1 1 n2 ν ν n1 n−ν+1 i = r − d , j = r − d . ν i ν i Xi=ν i=Xn1+1 The special case n = 0 is included here in the sense that then I = J = ∅ and Φ ∈ O = ∅,∅ Isom(E[p ],E[p ]). 1 2 4. Twisted GL -bundles on a fixed curve r Throughout this section k denotes an algebraically closed field and r a positive integer. Let (C,p ) be an n-pointed nodal curve over k. Let TVB (C,p ) be the set of isomorphism i r i classes of n-pointed twisted GL -bundles of the form r (ξ,C → Spec(k),A) . The case of a one-pointed smooth curve. Assume that C is smooth and that n = 1, i.e. (C,p ) = (C,p) is a one-pointed smooth curve. Let PB (C,p) be the set of isomorphism i r classes of vector bundles E of rank r on C together with a flag in the fiber at p. Theorem 4.1. There is a natural surjection TVB (C,p) → PB (C,p) . r r We skip the proof of Theorem 4.1, since on the one hand the result is well known (cf. [MS], [B]) and on the other hand there is a proof analogous to (and easier than) the proof of Theorem 4.2 which we give in detail below. The case of a nodal curve with one singularity. Assume now that n = 0 and C has exactly one double point. Let GVB (C) be the set of isomorphism classes of Gieseker vector r bundles of rank r on C. Theorem 4.2. There is a natural surjection TVB (C) → GVB (C) . r r The rest of the paper is concerned with the proof of Theorem 4.2. 5. Construction Let C be a nodal curve over Spec(k) with one singular point p. Let (ξ,C → Spec(k),A) be an object of TVB (C). Let (U,η,Γ) be a chart belonging to A such that there is a point r q ∈ U which is mapped to p. TWISTED VECTOR BUNDLES ON POINTED NODAL CURVES 7 We denote by O and O the completion of the local rings O and O respectively. Let p q C,p U,q Γ ⊆ Γ be the subgroup consisting of those elements, which leave q invariant. Γ acts on O , q q q and O may be idbentifiedbwith the set of invariants under that action. By proposition 2.4 the p group Γ is cyclic of some order e (which is prime to char(k) by the tameness assumptionb). q Let γbbe a generator of Γ . q We choose an isomorphism ∼ (1) O → k[[s,t]]/(s·t) . p It follows from 2.4.(3) that there exists an isomorphism b ∼ (2) O → k[[u,v]]/(u·v) q and a primitive e-th root of unity ζ such that the diagrams b ∼ = O // k[[u,v]]/(u·v) u v q _ _ γ b (cid:15)(cid:15) ∼ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) O = // k[[u,v]]/(u·v) ζu ζ−1v q and b ∼ O = // k[[u,v]]/(u·v) ue ve OOq OO OO OO b (cid:31)? ∼= (cid:31)? _ _ O // k[[s,t]]/(s·t) s t p are commutative. b Let K be the total quotient ring of O . Then we have Spec(K ) = Spec(O ) × C p p p p C gen ∼ and the isomorphism (1) induces an isomorphism K → k((s)) × k((t)). We choose an p isomorpbhism b b b ∼ b (3) ξ × Spec(K ) → GL ×Spec(K ) . Cgen p r p The group Γ acts on η × Spec(O ) (since it acts compatibly on η, U, Spec(O )). To q U bq b q analyse this action we need the following b b Lemma 5.1. Let k be an algebraically closed field. Let (R,m) be a local k-algebra with residue field R/m = k. Let Γ be a cyclic group of order e prime to the characteristic of k and let γ ∈ Γ be a generator. Assume that Γ acts on R such that the induced action on k is trivial. Let M be a trivial R-module of rank r on which Γ acts such that γ(ax) = γ(a)γ(x) for all a ∈ R, x ∈ M. Then there is a basis x ,...,x of M such that γ(x ) = ζ x for some 1 r i i i e-th roots of unity ζ . i Proof. Let e ,...,e be an arbitrary basis of M. Let a = (a ) ∈ GL (R) be defined by 1 r i,j r r γ(e ) = a e . Since γ is of order e, it follows that j i=1 i,j i e−1 P γj(a) = 1 . j=0 Y 8 IVANKAUSZ We have to show that there is a matrix b ∈ GL (R) such that r a·γ(b) = b·z for some diagonal matrix z ∈ GL (k) with ze = 1. r Representation theory of finite groups tells us that there is a matrix c ∈ GL (k) and a r diagonal matrix z ∈ GL (k) with ze = 1 such that a·c ≡ c·z modulo m. Let a′ := c−1·a·c r and let b′ be the matrix e−1 i−1 b′ := γj(a′) z−i . ! i=0 j=0 X Y Since b ≡ e·1 modulo m, it follows that b′ ∈ GL (R). Using the fact that e−1γi(a′) = 1 a r i=0 simple calculation shows that γ(b′) = (a′)−1 ·b′ ·z . Q Therefore, if we set b := c·b′, we get the desired equality. (cid:3) Corollary 5.2. There exists an isomorphism ∼ (4) η × Spec(O ) → GL ×Spec(O ) U q r q of principal GL -bundles on Spec(O ), and elements α ,...α ∈ Z/eZ such that the following r q 1 r b b diagram commutes: b ∼ = η× Spec(O ) // GL ×Spec(O ) U q r q γ diag(ζα1,...,ζαr)×γ b b (cid:15)(cid:15) ∼ (cid:15)(cid:15) = η× Spec(O ) // GL ×Spec(O ) U q r q where the morphism diag(ζα1,...,ζαr) : GL → GL is multiplication from the left with the b r r b matrix whose only non-zero entries are the values ζα1,...,ζαr on the diagonal. (cid:3) Proof. This is immediate from lemma 5.1. ∼ LetK bethetotalquotientringofO . TheΓ-equivariantisomorphismη× U → ξ× q q U gen Cgen U , which is part of the data of the chart (U,η,Γ), induces a Γ -equivariant isomorphism gen q b b ∼ (5) η × Spec(K ) → ξ × Spec(K ) U q Cgen q of principal GL -bundles over Spec(K ). r bq b Via the isomorphisms (3) and (4) such an isomorphism is given by a matrix F ∈ GL (K ) r q such that b γ(F) = F ·diag(ζα1,...,ζαr) b ∼ The isomorphism (2) induces an isomorphism GL (K ) → GL (k((u)))×GL (k((v))) and r q r r we denote by (F1(u),F2(v)) the image of F under this isomorphism. The above condition on F translates into the condition b (6) F1 (ζu) = ζαjF1 (u) i,j i,j (7) F2 (ζ−1v) = ζαjF2 (v) i,j i,j for the entries F1 (u) ∈ k((u)) and F2 (v) ∈ k((v)) of the matrices F1(u) and F2(v). i,j i,j TWISTED VECTOR BUNDLES ON POINTED NODAL CURVES 9 After possibly changing the isomorphism (4) by a permutation matrix, we can choose integers a ,...,a with 1 r (8) 0 ≤ a ≤ a ≤ ··· ≤ a < e and a ≡ α mod eZ. 1 2 r i i Conditions (6), (7) imply that there are matrices H1(s) and H2(t) with entries H1 (s) ∈ i,j k((s)) and H2 (t) ∈ k((t)) such that i,j (9) F1 (u) = uajH1 (ue) i,j i,j (10) F2 (v) = v−ajH2 (ve) i,j i,j We will now use the GL -bundle ξ over C , the isomorphisms (1) and (3), the numbers r gen a ,...,a and the matrices H1(s) and H2(t), to construct a Gieseker vector bundle of rank 1 r r on the curve C. Let p and p denote the closed point of Spec(k[[s]]) and Spec(k[[t]]) respectively. Let 1 2 V be the trivial vector bundle O[1,r] on the disjoint union Spec(k[[s]]) ⊔ Spec(k[[t]]) (the normalization of Spec(k[[s,t]]/(s·t))), and let V and W be its fiber at p and p respectively. 1 2 Of course, both V and W are naturally identified with k[1,r]. The numbers a ,...,a define a partition 1 r [1,r] = D ⊔D ⊔···⊔D 1 2 m characterized by the following properties: (1) D is the (possibly empty) set of all indices i such that a = 0. 1 i (2) For ν ≥ 2 the set D is non-empty. ν (3) If 1 ≤ ν < ν′ ≤ m, i ∈ Dν and j ∈ Dν′ then ai < aj. (4) For all ν ∈ [1,m] and i,j ∈ D we have a = a . ν i j We define filtrations 0 = F (V) ⊆ F (V) ( F (V) ( ··· ( F (V) ( F (V) = V 0 1 2 m−1 m 0 = F (W) ( F (W) ( F (W) ( ··· ( F (W) ⊆ F (W) = W 0 1 2 m−1 m by setting F (V) := kD1⊔···⊔Di and F (W) := kDm−i+1⊔···⊔Dm i i for i = 0,...,m. For i = 1,...,m−1 let ϕ : F (W)/F (W) = kDi+1 −∼→ kDi+1 = F (V)/F (V) i m−i m−i−1 i+1 i be the identity morphism on kDi+1 and let ϕ be the homothety class of ϕ . Finally let i i Φ′ : F (V)/F (V) = kD1 −∼→ kD1 = F (W)/F (W) 1 0 m m−1 be the identity morphism on kD1. By [K1] 9.3 the data ′ ((F (V),F (W)),ϕ ,...,ϕ ,Φ) • • 1 m−1 define a k-valued point of KGL(V,W), i.e. a generalized isomorphism Φ from V to W. Let C → C be the normalization of the curve C. By a slight abuse of notation we denote also by p , p the two points of C which lie above the singular point p of C. Let E be the 1 2 ξ rank revector bundle on C = C \{p ,p } associated to the principal GL -bundle ξ. gen 1 2 r e e 10 IVANKAUSZ We use the isomorphism (H1,H2) (k((s))×k((t)))[1,r] // (k((s))×k((t)))[1,r] OO ∼ = (1),(3) V ⊗k[[s]]×k[[t]](k((s))×k((t))) Eξ ⊗O Kp C e as a glueing datum to define a vector bundle E on C, whose fibers abt the points p and p are 1 2 naturally identified with V and W respectively. By 3.4 the pair (E,Φ) induces a Gieseker vector bundle datum (C′ → C,F,p′) on (C,p ,p )ewhich in turn induces a Gieseker vector 1 2 bundle (C′ → C,F) on C. For the convenience of the reader I willenow describe the Gieseker vector bundle (C′ → C,F) explicitely. Let R := Spec(k[[s]]), R := Spec(k[[t]]). If m = 1, we set R = 0 m Spec(k[[s,t]]/(s·t)), which is nothing else but the nodal curve which arrises from R ⊔R 0 m by identifying the points p and p . If m ≥ 2, let R ,...,R be m − 1 copies of the 1 2 1 m−1 projective line P1 and let x ,y be two distinct points in R . Let R be the nodal curve which i i i arrises from the union R ⊔R ⊔···⊔R ⊔R 0 1 m−1 m by identifying p ∈ R and p ∈ R with x ∈ R and y ∈ R respectively and by 1 0 2 m 1 1 m−1 m−1 identifying y ∈ R with x ∈ R for i ∈ [1,m−2]: i i i+1 i+1 R m hRhh0hhhhhRhh1hyh1hhV=hVhVxVV2VVRVV2VVyVVVh=VhVhxhhhhRhh3hhhhhhh · · · YYYYYYYYRYYmYyY−Y2YfYfYfYf=fYfYxfYfYRffmff−yf1fmf−ff1f=f p2 2 3 m−2 m−1 p = x 1 1 Let O (1) be the defining bundle on R = P1 together with isomorphisms Ri i ∼ ∼ (11) O (1)[x ] → k and O (1)[y ] → k . Ri i Ri i We define the rank r vector bundles E := OD1⊔···⊔Di ⊕O (1)Di+1 ⊕ODi+2⊔···⊔Dm i Ri Ri Ri on R together with the isomorphisms i ∼ ∼ (12) E [x ] → k[1,r] and E [y ] → k[1,r] i i i i induced by (11). The maximal ideal sk[[s]] of k[[s]] is a free module of rank one and as such defines a line bundle O (−1) on R = Spec(k[[s]]). We consider this line bundle together with the R0 0 isomorphism ∼ (13) O (−1)[p ] → k R0 2 given by sk[[s]]/s2k[[s]] → k, s 7→ 1. The generic fiber of O (−1) is identified with k((s)) R0 via the inclusion sk[[s]] ֒→ k[[s]]. Then we have the rank r vector bundles E := OD1 ⊕O (−1)D2⊔···⊔Dm and E := O[1,r] 0 R0 R0 m Rm

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