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TWISTEDALEXANDERPOLYNOMIALSOFHYPERBOLICKNOTS NATHANM.DUNFIELD,STEFANFRIEDL,ANDNICHOLASJACKSON 2 1 0 ABSTRACT. WestudyatwistedAlexanderpolynomialnaturallyassociatedto 2 ahyperbolicknotinanintegerhomology3-sphereviaaliftoftheholonomy n representationtoSL(2,C). ItisanunambiguoussymmetricLaurentpolyno- a mialwhosecoefficientslieinthetracefieldoftheknot. Itcontainsinforma- J tionaboutgenus,fibering,andchirality,andmoreoverispowerfulenoughto 9 sometimesdetectmutation. 1 Wecalculatedthisinvariantnumericallyforall313,209hyperbolicknotsin S3withatmost15crossings,andfoundthatinallcasesitgaveasharpbound ] onthegenusoftheknotanddeterminedbothfiberingandchirality. T WealsostudyhowsuchtwistedAlexanderpolynomialsvaryasonemoves G aroundinanirreduciblecomponentX0oftheSL(2,C)-charactervarietyofthe h. knotgroup. Weshowhowtounderstandallofthesepolynomialsatoncein t termsofapolynomialwhosecoefficientslieinthefunctionfieldofX0. We a usethistohelpexplainsomeofthepatternsobservedforknotsinS3,and m explore a potentialrelationshipbetween thisuniversalpolynomialandthe [ Culler-Shalentheoryofsurfacesassociatedtoidealpoints. 3 v 5 4 0 CONTENTS 3 1. Introduction 2 . 8 1.1. Basicproperties 3 0 1.4. Topologicalinformation:genusandfibering 4 1 1 1.6. Experimentalresults 4 : 1.8. Topologicalinformation:Chiralityandmutation 5 v i 1.9. Adjointtorsionpolynomial 5 X 1.10. Charactervarieties 5 r a 1.14. Otherremarksandopenproblems 6 2. Twistedinvariantsof3–manifolds 7 2.1. Torsionofbasedchaincomplexes 7 2.2. Twistedhomology 7 2.3. Eulerstructures,homologyorientationsandtwistedtorsionofCW complexes 8 2.5. Twistedtorsionof3-manifolds 9 2.6. Twistedtorsionpolynomialofaknot 9 2.8. TheSL(2,F)torsionpolynomialofaknot 10 2.12. CalculationoftorsionpolynomialsusingFoxcalculus 11 2.20. ConnectiontoWada’sinvariant 14 3. Twistedtorsionofcycliccovers 15 4. Torsionpolynomialsofhyperbolicknots 17 1 2 NATHANM.DUNFIELD,STEFANFRIEDL,ANDNICHOLASJACKSON 4.1. ThediscreteandfaithfulSL(2,C)representations 18 4.3. Thehyperbolictorsionpolynomial 18 5. Example:TheConwayandKinoshita–Terasakaknots 20 5.2. Theadjointrepresentation 22 6. Knotswithatmost15crossings 22 6.1. Genus 22 6.2. Fibering 23 6.3. Chirality 23 6.4. KnotswiththesameT 23 K 6.5. Otherpatterns 24 6.6. Adjointpolynomial 24 6.7. Computationaldetails 25 7. Twistedtorsionandthecharactervarietyofaknot 25 7.3. Thedistinguishedcomponent 27 7.6. 2-bridgeknots 28 8. Charactervarietyexamples 29 8.1. Example:m003 29 8.2. Example:m006 30 8.4. m037 31 8.5. Theroleofidealpoints. 31 8.6. Idealpointsofm006 31 8.7. Idealpointsofm037 32 8.8. Generalpictureforidealpoints 32 References 34 1. INTRODUCTION A fundamentalinvariant of a knot K in an integral homology 3-sphere Y is itsAlexanderpolynomial∆ . While∆ containsinformationaboutgenusand K K fibering,itisdeterminedbythemaximalmetabelianquotientofthefundamen- talgroupofthecomplementM Y \K,andsothistopologicalinformationhas = clear limits. In 1990, Lin introduced the twistedAlexander polynomial associ- atedto K anda representation α: π (M) GL(n,F), where F is a field. These 1 → twistedAlexanderpolynomialsalsocontaininformationaboutgenusandfiber- ingandhavebeenstudiedbymanyauthors(seethesurvey[FV3]).Muchofthis work has focused on those α which factor through a finite quotient of π (M), 1 whichiscloselyrelatedtostudyingtheordinaryAlexanderpolynomialinfinite coversofM. Incontrast,westudyhereatwistedAlexanderpolynomialassoci- atedtoarepresentationcomingfromhyperbolicgeometry. SupposethatK ishyperbolic,i.e.thecomplement M hasacomplete hyper- bolicmetricoffinitevolume,andconsidertheassociatedholonomyrepresen- tationα: π (M) Isom (H3). SinceIsom (H3) PSL(2,C),therearetwosim- 1 + + ∼ → = ple ways toget a linear representation so we can consider thetwisted Alexan- der polynomial: compose α with the adjoint representation to get π (M) 1 → TWISTEDALEXANDERPOLYNOMIALSOFHYPERBOLICKNOTS 3 Aut(sl C) SL(3,C),oralternativelyliftαtoarepresentationπ (M) SL(2,C). 2 1 ≤ → TheformerapproachisthefocusoftherecentpaperofDuboisandYamaguchi [DY];thelattermethodiswhatweuseheretodefineaninvariantT (t) C[t 1] K ± ∈ calledthehyperbolictorsionpolynomial. The hyperbolic torsion polynomial T is surprisingly little studied. To our K knowledgeithasonlypreviouslybeenlookedatfor2-bridgeknotsin[Mor,KM1, HM,SW].Hereweshowthatitcontainsagreatdealoftopologicalinformation. In fact, we show thatT determinesgenus andfibering for all 313,209 hyper- K bolicknotsinS3withatmost15crossings,andweconjecturethisisthecasefor allknotsinS3. 1.1. Basic properties. More broadly, we consider here knots in Z -homology 2 3-spheres. The ambient manifold Y containing the knot K will always be ori- ented,notjust orientable,andT dependsonthatorientation. Following Tu- K raev,weformulateT asaReidemeister-Milnortorsionasthisreducesitsambi- K guity;inthatsetting,weworkwiththecompactcoreofM,namelytheknotex- teriorX : Y \int(N(K))(seeSection2fordetails).Byfixingcertainconventions = for lifting the holonomy representation α: π (X) PSL(2,C) to α: π (X) 1 1 → → SL(2,C), we construct in Section 4 a well-defined symmetric polynomial T K ∈ C[t 1].Thefirsttheoremsummarizesitsbasicproperties: ± 1.2.Theorem. LetK beahyperbolicknotinanorientedZ -homology3-sphere. 2 ThenT hasthefollowingproperties: K (a) T isanunambiguouselementofC[t 1]whichsatisfiesT (t 1) T (t). K ± K − K = ItdoesnotdependonanorientationofK. (b) ThecoefficientsofT lieinthetracefieldofK.IfK hasintegraltraces, K thecoefficientsofT arealgebraicintegers. K (c) T (ξ)isnon-zeroforanyrootofunityξ.Inparticular,T 0. K K 6= (d) IfK denotesthemirrorimageofK,thenT (t) T (t),wherethe ∗ K K ∗ = coefficientsofthelatterpolynomialarethecomplexconjugatesofthose ofT . K (e) IfK isamphichiralthenT isarealpolynomial. K (f) ThevaluesT (1)andT ( 1)aremutationinvariant. K K − Moreover,T bothdeterminesandisdeterminedbyasequenceofC-valued K torsions of finite cyclic covers of X. Specifically, let X be the m–fold cyclic m covercomingfromthefreeabelianizationofH (X;Z). Fortherestrictionα of 1 m αtoπ (X ),weconsiderthecorrespondingC-valuedtorsionτ(X ,α ).Astan- 1 m m m dardargumentshowsthatT determinesalltheτ(X ,α )(seeTheorem3.1). K m m More interestingly, the converse holds: the torsions τ(X ,α ) determine T m m K (seeTheorem4.5). ThislatterresultfollowsfromworkofDavidFried[Fri](see alsoHillar[Hil])andthatofMenal–FerrerandPorti[MFP1]. 1.3. Remark. Conjecturally, the torsions τ(X ,α ) can be expressed as ana- m m lytic torsions and as Ruelle zeta functions defined using the lengths of prime geodesics. See Ray–Singer[RS], Cheeger [Che1, Che2], Müller [Mu1] and Park 4 NATHANM.DUNFIELD,STEFANFRIEDL,ANDNICHOLASJACKSON [Par]fordetailsandbackgroundmaterial. Wehopethatthispointofviewwill behelpfulinthefurtherstudyofT . K Thetorsionsτ(X ,α )areinterestinginvariantsin theirown right. Forex- m m ample, Menal–Ferrer and Porti [MFP1] showed that τ(X ,α ) is non–zero for m m any m. Furthermore, Porti [Por1] showed that τ(X ,α ) τ(X,α) T (1) is 1 1 K = = not obviously related to hyperbolic volume. More precisely, using a variation on [Por2, Théorème 4.17] one can show that there exists a sequence of knots K whosevolumesconvergetoapositiverealnumber,butthenumbersT (1) n Kn convergetozero.See[Por2,MFP1,MFP2]forfurtherresults. 1.4. Topological information: genus and fibering. We define x(K) to be the Thurston norm of a generator of H (X,∂X;Z) Z; if K is null-homologous in 2 ∼ = Y, then x(K) 2 genus(K) 1, wheregenus(K)istheleast genusofallSeifert = · − surfacesboundingK.Also,wesaythatK isfiberedifX fibersoverthecircle. AkeypropertyoftheordinaryAlexanderpolynomial∆ isthat K x(K) deg(∆ ) 1. K ≥ − When K is fibered, this is an equality and moreover the lead coefficient of ∆ K is1(here,wenormalize∆ sothattheleadcoefficientispositive). Aswithany K twistedAlexander/torsionpolynomial,wegetsimilarinformationoutofT : K 1.5.Theorem. LetK beaknotinanorientedZ -homologysphere.Then 2 1 x(K) deg(T ). K ≥ 2 IfK isfibered,thisisanequalityandT ismonic,i.e.hasleadcoefficient1. K Theorem1.5isanimmediateconsequencethedefinitionsbelowandof[FK1, Theorem1.1](forthegenusbound)andoftheworkofGoda,KitanoandMori- fuji[GKM](forthefiberedcase);seealsoCha[Cha],KitanoandMorifuji[KM2], Pajitnov[Paj],Kitayama[Kit2],[FK1]and[FV3,Theorem6.2]. 1.6. Experimentalresults. Thecalculationsin[Cha,GKM,FK1]gaveevidence thatwhenonecanfreelychoosetherepresentationα,thetwistedtorsionpoly- nomialisverysuccessful atdetectingboth x(K)andnon-fiberedknots. More- over[FV1]showsthatcollectivelythetwistedtorsionpolynomialsofrepresenta- tionscomingfromhomomorphismstofinitegroupsdeterminewhetheraknot isfibered. However, it isnotknown if alltwistedtorsion polynomials together alwaysdetectx(K). Insteadofconsideringmanydifferentrepresentationsasintheworkjustdis- cussed,wefocushereonasingle,albeitcanonical,representation.Despitethis, we find that T alone is a very powerful invariant. In Section 6, we describe K computationsshowingthattheboundonx(K)issharpforall313,209hyperbolic knotswithatmost15crossings;incontrasttheboundfrom∆ isnotsharpfor K 2.8%oftheseknots. Moreover,amongsuchknotsT wasmoniconlywhenthe K knotwasfibered,whereas4.0%oftheseknotshavemonic∆ butaren’tfibered. K (Here we computed T numerically to a precision of 250 decimal places, see K Section6.7fordetails.) TWISTEDALEXANDERPOLYNOMIALSOFHYPERBOLICKNOTS 5 Givenallthisdata,wearecompelledtoproposethefollowing,eventhoughon itsfaceitfeelsquiteimplausible,giventhegeneralsquishynatureofAlexander- typepolynomials. 1.7.Conjecture. ForahyperbolicknotK inS3,thehyperbolictorsionpolyno- mialT determinesx(K),orequivalentlyitsgenus. Moreover,theknotK is K fiberedifandonlyifT ismonic. K We have not done extensive experiments for knots in manifolds other than S3,butsofarwehavenotencounteredanyexampleswhereT doesn’tcontain K perfectgenusandfiberinginformation. 1.8. Topologicalinformation:Chiralityandmutation. WhenK isanamphichi- ral,T isarealpolynomial(Theorem1.2(e)). Thisturnsouttobeanexcellent K wayto detect chirality. Indeed, among hyperbolic knots in S3 with at most 15 crossings,the353knotswhereT isrealareexactlytheamphichiralknots(Sec- K tion6.3). Also,hyperbolicinvariantsoftendonotdetectmutation,forexamplethevol- ume[Rub],theinvarianttracefield[MR, Corollary5.6.2], andthebirationality type of the geometric component of the character variety [CL, Til1, Til2]. The ordinary Alexander polynomial ∆ is also mutation invariant for knots in S3. K However,x(K)canchangeundermutation,andgiventhatx(K)determinesthe degreeofT forall15crossingknots,itfollowsthatT canchangeundermu- K K tation;wediscussmanysuchexamplesinSection6.4.However,sometimesmu- tationdoespreserveT ,andwedon’tknowofanyexamplesoftwoknotswith K thesameT whicharen’tmutants. K 1.9. Adjointtorsionpolynomial. Aswementionedearlier,thereisanothernat- uralwaytogetatorsionpolynomialfromtheholonomyα: π (M) PSL(2,C), 1 → namelybyconsideringtheadjointrepresentationofPSL(2,C)onitsLiealgebra. The corresponding torsion polynomial was studied by Dubois andYamaguchi [DY], partlybuilding onwork of Porti[Por2]. Werefertothisinvarianthereas theadjointtorsionpolynomialanddenoteitTadj. Wealsonumericallycalcu- K latedthisinvariantforallknotswithatmost15crossings. Unlikewhatwefound forT ,thedegreeofTadj wasnot determinedbythegenusfor8,252ofthese K K knots. Moreover,wefound12knotswherethegenusboundfromTadj wasnot K sharpevenafteraccountingforthefactthatx(K)isnecessarilyanoddinteger. Thedifferingbehaviorsofthesetwopolynomialsseemsverymysterioustous; understanding what’s behind it might shed light on Conjecture 1.7. See Sec- tions5.2and6.6forthedetailsonwhatwefoundforTadj. K 1.10. Charactervarieties. Sofar,wehavefocusedonthetwistedtorsionpoly- nomialof(aliftof)theholonomyrepresentationofthehyperbolicstructureon M. However,thisrepresentationisalwayspartofacomplexcurveofrepresen- tationsπ (M) SL(2,C),anditisnaturaltostudyhowthetorsionpolynomial 1 → changes as we vary the representation. In Sections 7 and 8, we describe how 6 NATHANM.DUNFIELD,STEFANFRIEDL,ANDNICHOLASJACKSON tounderstandallofthesetorsionpolynomialsatonce,andusethistohelpex- plainsomeofthepatternsobservedinSection6.Forthespecialcaseof2-bridge knots, Kim and Morifuji [Mor, KM1] had previously studied how the torsion polynomialvarieswiththerepresentation,andourresultshereextendsomeof theirworktomoregeneralknots. ConsiderthecharactervarietyX(K): Hom π (M),SL(2,C) //SL(2,C),which 1 = isanaffinealgebraicvarietyoverC.Weshowin¡Section7thate¢achχ X(K)has anassociatedtorsionpolynomialT χ.TheseTχvaryinanunderstan∈dableway, K K intermsofapolynomialwithcoefficientsintheringofregularfunctionsC[X ]: 0 1.11.Theorem. LetX beanirreduciblecomponentofX(K)whichcontainsthe 0 characterofanirreduciblerepresentation.ThereisauniqueTKX0∈C[X0][t±1]so thatforallχ∈X0onehasTKχ(t)=TKX0(χ)(t).Moreover,TKX0isitselfthetorsion polynomialofacertainrepresentationπ (M) SL(2,F),andthushasallthe 1 → usualproperties(symmetry,genusbound,etc.). 1.12.Corollary. LetK beaknotinanintegralhomology3-sphere.Then (a) Theset χ X(K) deg(T χ) 2x(K) isZariskiopen. ∈ K = (b) Theset©χ X(K) ¯Tχismonic isZªariskiclosed. ∈ ¯ K © ¯ ª It is naturalto focus on¯the component X of X(K) which contains the (lift 0 of)theholonomyrepresentationofthehyperbolicstructure,whichwecallthe distinguishedcomponent.InthiscaseX isanalgebraiccurve,andweshowthe 0 followingconjectureisimpliedbyConjecture1.7. 1.13.Conjecture. LetK beahyperbolicknotinS3,andX bethedistinguished 0 componentofitscharactervariety.Then2x(K) deg(TX0)andTX0ismonicif = K K andonlyifK isfibered. Attheveryleast,Conjecture1.13istrueformany2-bridgeknotsaswediscuss in Section 7.6. We also give several explicit examples of TX0 in Section 8 and K usethesetoexploreapossible avenueforbringingtheCuller-Shalentheoryof surfacesassociatedtoidealpointsofX(K)tobearonConjecture1.13. 1.14. Otherremarksandopenproblems. Forsimplicity,werestrictedourselves heretothestudyofknots,especiallythoseinS3.However,weexpectthatmany of the results and conjectures are valid for more general 3-manifolds. In the broadersettings, theappropriatequestioniswhetherthetwistedtorsionpoly- nomialdetectstheThurstonnormandfiberedclasses(see[FK1,FK2]and[FV2] formoredetails). Weconcludethisintroductionwithafewquestionsandopenproblems: (a) DoesT determinethevolumeofthecomplementofK?Somecalcula- K tionalevidenceisgivenin[FJ]andinSection6.4inthispaper. (b) IftwoknotsinS3havethesameT ,aretheynecessarilymutants? See K Section6.4formoreonthis. (c) DoestheinvariantT containinformationaboutsymmetriesoftheknot K besidesinformationonchirality? TWISTEDALEXANDERPOLYNOMIALSOFHYPERBOLICKNOTS 7 (d) DoesthereexistahyperbolicknotwithT (1) 1? K = (e) IfT isarealpolynomial,isK necessarilyamphichiral? K (f) Foranamphichiralknot,isthetopcoefficientofT alwayspositive? K (g) Forfiberedknots,whyisthesecondcoefficientofT sooftenreal?This K coefficient is the sum of the eigenvalues of the monodromy acting on thetwistedhomologyofthefiber.SeeSection6.5formore. (h) Why is T ( 1) T (1) for 99.99% of the knots considered in Sec- K K | − | > | | tion6.5? Acknowledgments. WethankJérômeDubois,TaeheeKim,TakahiroKitayama, Vladimir Markovic, Jinsung Park, Joan Porti, DanSilver, AlexanderStoimenow, SusanWilliamsandAlexandruZaharescuforinterestingconversationsandhelp- fulsuggestions.WeareparticularlygratefultoJoanPortiforsharinghisexpertise andearlydraftsof[MFP1,MFP2]withus. Wealsothanktherefereeforhelpful comments.DunfieldwaspartiallysupportedbyUSNSFgrantDMS-0707136. 2. TWISTED INVARIANTS OF3–MANIFOLDS In this section, we review torsions of twisted homology groups and explain how they are used to define the twisted torsion polynomial of a knot together witharepresentationofitsfundamentalgrouptoSL(2,C). Wethensummarize the basic properties of these torsion polynomials, including how to calculate them. 2.1. Torsionofbasedchaincomplexes. LetC bea finitechaincomplex over ∗ afieldF. SupposethateachchaingroupC isequippedwithanorderedbasis i c andthateachhomology group H (C )isalsoequippedwithanorderedba- i i ∗ sis h . Thenthereis anassociated torsioninvariant τ(C ,c ,h ) F : F\{0} i × ∗ ∗ ∗ ∈ = asdescribedinthevariousexcellentexpositions[Mil,Tur3,Tur4,Nic]. Wewill followtheconventionofTuraev, whichisthemultiplicativeinverseofMilnor’s invariant.IfthecomplexC isacyclic,thenwewillwriteτ(C ,c ): τ(C ,c , ). ∗ ∗ ∗ = ∗ ∗ ; 2.2. Twistedhomology. Fortherestofthissection,fixafiniteCW–complex X andsetπ: π (X).Considerarepresentationα: π GL(V),whereV isafinite- 1 = → dimensionalvectorspaceoverF. WecanthusviewV asaleftZ[π]–module. To define the twisted homology groups Hα(X;V), consider the universalcover X ∗ of X. Regardingπasthegroupofdecktransformationsof X turnsthecellular e chaincomplexC (X): C (X;Z)intoa leftZ[π]–module. WethengiveC (X) arightZ[π]–mod∗ulest=ruct∗ureviac g : g 1 c forc C (Xe)andg π,w∗hich e e · = − · ∈ ∗ ∈ e allowsustoconsiderthetensorproduct e Cα(X;V): C (X) V. Z[π] ∗ = ∗ ⊗ NowCα(X;V)isafinitechaincomplexofveectorspaces,andwedefineHα(X;V) tobeit∗shomology. ∗ We call two representations α: π GL(V) and β: π GL(W) conjugate if → → thereexistsanisomorphism Ψ: V W such thatα(g) Ψ 1 β(g) Ψforall − → = ◦ ◦ g π.NotethatsuchaΨinducesanisomorphismofHα(X;V)withHβ(X;W). ∈ ∗ ∗ 8 NATHANM.DUNFIELD,STEFANFRIEDL,ANDNICHOLASJACKSON 2.3. Eulerstructures,homologyorientationsandtwistedtorsionofCWcom- plexes. To define the twisted torsion, we first need to introduce certain addi- tionalstructureson which it depends. (In our final application, most of these willcomeoutinthewash.)First,fixanorientationofeachcellofX.Thenchoose anorderingofthecellsof X sowecanenumeratethemasc ;onlytherelative j orderofcellsofthesamedimensionwillberelevant,butitisnotationallycon- venienttohaveonlyonesubscript. AnEulerliftforX associatestoeachcellc ofX acellc˜ ofX whichcoversit. j j Ifc˜ isanotherEulerlift,thenthereareuniqueg πsothatc˜ g c˜ . Wesay ′j j ∈ e′j = j· j thesetwoEulerliftsareequivalentif g(j−1)dim(cj) representsthetrivialelementinH1(X;Z). Yj An equivalence class of Euler lifts is called an Eulerstructureon X. The set of EulerstructuresonX,denotedEul(X),admitsacanonicalfreetransitiveaction by H (X;Z); see[Tur2,Tur3,Tur4,FKK]formoreontheseEulerstructures. Fi- 1 nally, ahomologyorientationfor X isjust anorientationoftheR-vectorspace H (X;R). ∗ Nowwecandefinethetorsionτ(X,α,e,ω)associatedto X,arepresentation α,anEulerstructuree,andahomologyorientationω.IfHα(X;V) 0,wedefine τ(X,α,e,ω): 0, andso now assume Hα(X;V) 0. Up to∗sign, th6=etorsion we seekwillbet=hatofthetwistedcellularc∗hainco=mplexCα(X;V)withrespectto the following ordered basis. Let {v } be any basis of V,∗and {c˜ } any Euler lift k j representinge. Orderthebasis{c˜ v }forCα(X;V)lexicographically, i.e.c˜ j k j v c˜ v if either j j or bot⊗h j j an∗d k k . We thus have a base⊗d k j k ′ ′ ′ < ′⊗ ′ < = < acycliccomplexCα(X;V)andwecanconsider ∗ τ(Cα(X;V),c v ) F×. ∗ ∗⊗ ∗ ∈ When dim(V) is even, this torsion is in fact independent of all the choices in- volved, butwhen dim(V) isodd we needtoaugmentit as follows toremove a signambiguity. Pickanorderedbasish forH (X;R)representingourhomologyorientation i ∗ ω.SincewehaveorderedthecellsofX,wecanconsiderthetorsion τ C (X;R),c ,h R×. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∈ ¡ ¢ We define β (X) i dim H (X;R) and γ (X) i dim C (X;R) , and i = k 0 k i = k 0 k thensetN(X) iβPi(X=) γi(X¡).Follow¢ing[FKK],whicPhg=enerali¡zestheid¢easof = · Turaev[Tur1,TuPr2],wenowdefine τ(X,α,e,ω): = dim(V) ( 1)N(X)·dim(V) τ Cα(X;V),c v sign τ C (X;R),c ,h . − · ¡ ∗ ∗⊗ ∗¢· ³ ¡ ∗ ∗ ∗¢´ TWISTEDALEXANDERPOLYNOMIALSOFHYPERBOLICKNOTS 9 A straightforward calculation using the basic properties of torsion shows that thisinvariantdoesnotdependonanyofthechoicesinvolved,i.e.itisindepen- dentoftheorderingandorientationofthecellsof X,thechoiceofrepresenta- tivesfore andω,andtheparticularbasisforV. Similarelementaryarguments prove the following lemma. Here ω denotes theopposite homology orienta- − tiontoω,andnotethat(det α):π FfactorsthroughH (X;Z). 1 ◦ → 2.4.Lemma. Ifβisconjugatetoα,thengivenh H (X;Z)andǫ { 1,1},one 1 ∈ ∈ − has τ(X,β,h e,ǫ ω) ǫdim(V) (det α)(h) −1 τ(X,α,e,ω). · · = · ◦ · ¡ ¢ 2.5. Twisted torsion of 3-manifolds. Let N be a 3-manifold whose boundary is empty or consists of tori. We first recall some facts about Spinc-structures on N; see [Tur4, Section XI.1] for details. The set Spinc(N) of such structures admits a free and transitive action by H (N;Z). Moreover, there exists a map 1 c : Spinc(N) H (N;Z)whichhasthepropertythatc (h s) 2h c (s)forany 1 1 1 1 h H (N;Z)a→nds Spinc(N). · = + 1 ∈ ∈ Now consider a triangulation X of N. By [Tur4, Section XI] there exists a canonicalbijectionSpinc(N) Eul(X)whichisequivariantwithrespecttothe → actions by H (N;Z) H (X;Z). Given a representation α: π (N) GL(V), an 1 1 1 elements Spinc(N)=,andahomologyorientationωforN,wedefin→e ∈ τ(N,α,s,ω): τ(X,α,e,ω) = wheree istheEulerstructureonX correspondingtos. Itfollowsfromthework ofTuraev[Tur1,Tur2]thatτ(N,α,s,ω)isindependentofthechoiceoftriangula- tionandhencewell-defined.Seealso[FKK]formoredetailsaboutτ(N,α,s,ω). 2.6. Twistedtorsionpolynomialofaknot. LetK beaknotinarationalhomol- ogy3-sphereY. Throughout,wewriteX : Y \int(N(K))fortheknotexterior, K = whichisacompactmanifoldwithtorusboundary. Wedefineanorientationof K to be a choice of orientedmeridian µ ; if Y is oriented, instead of just ori- K entable,thisisequivalenttotheusualnotion. SupposenowthatK isoriented. Let π : π (X ) and take φ : π Z to be the unique epimorphism where K 1 K K K = → φ(µ ) 0.Thereisacanonicalhomologyorientationω forX asfollows:take K K K > apointasabasisforH (X ;R)andtake{µ }asthebasisforH (X ;R). Wewill 0 K K 1 K dropK fromthesenotationsiftheknotisunderstoodfromthecontext. Forarepresentationα: π GL(n,R)overacommutativedomainR,wede- → fineatorsionpolynomialasfollows. ConsidertheleftZ[π]–modulestructureon Rn R[t 1] R[t 1]n givenby R ± ∼ ± ⊗ = g (v p): α(g) v tφ(g)p · ⊗ = · ⊗ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ for g πand v p Rn R[t 1]. Putdifferently,we getarepresentationα R ± ∈ ⊗ ∈ ⊗ ⊗ φ: π GL(n,R[t 1]). We denote byQ(t) the field of fractions of R[t 1]. The ± ± → representationα φallowsustoviewR[t 1]n andQ(t)n asleftZ[π]–modules. ± Givens Spinc(X⊗)wedefine ∈ τ(K,α,s): τ(X ,α φ,s,ω ) Q(t) K K = ⊗ ∈ 10 NATHANM.DUNFIELD,STEFANFRIEDL,ANDNICHOLASJACKSON tobethetwistedtorsionpolynomialoftheorientedknotK correspondingtothe representationαandtheSpinc-structures. Callingτ(K,α,s)apolynomialeven thoughitisdefinedasarationalfunctionisreasonablegivenTheorem2.11be- low. 2.7.Remark. Thestudyoftwistedpolynomialinvariantsofknotswasintroduced by Lin [Lin]. The invariant τ(K,α,s) can be viewed as a refinedversion of the twisted Alexander polynomial of a knot and of Wada’s invariant. We refer to [Wada,Kit1,FV3]formoreontwistedinvariantsofknotsand3-manifolds. 2.8. The SL(2,F) torsion polynomial of a knot. Our focus in this paper is on 2-dimensional representations, and we now give a variant of τ(K,α,s) which does not depend on s or the orientation of K. Specifically, for an unoriented knotK inaQHSandarepresentationα: π SL(2,F)wedefine → (2.9) Tα: tφ(c1(s)) τ(K,α,s) K = · foranys Spinc(X)andchoiceoforientedmeridianµandshow: ∈ 2.10.Theorem. Forα: π SL(2,F),theinvariantTαisawell-definedelement → K of F(t)whichissymmetric,i.e.Tα(t 1) Tα(t). K − = K WewillcallTα F(t)thetwistedtorsionpolynomialassociatedtoK andα. K ∈ Proof. Thattheright-handsideof(2.9)isindependentofthechoiceofsfollows easily from Lemma 2.4 using the observation that det (α φ)(g) t2φ(g) for ⊗ = g πandthepropertiesofc giveninSection2.5. ¡ ¢ 1 ∈ The choice of meridian µ affectsthe right-handside of (2.9)in twoways: it isusedtodefinethehomology orientationωandthehomomorphismφ: π → Z. Thefirst doesn’t matterbyLemma 2.4, butswitching φto φ is equivalent − toreplacing t with t 1. Hence beingindependentofthechoice of meridianis − equivalenttothefinalclaimthatTαissymmetric. K Now any SL(2,F)-representation preserves the bilinear form on F2 given by (v,w) det(vw).Usingthisobservationitisshownin[FKK,Theorem7.3],gen- 7→ eralizing[HSW,Corollary3.4]andbuildingonworkofTuraev[Tur1,Tur2],that inourcontextwehave τ(K,α,s) t−1 t2φ(c1(s)) τ(K,α,s) = · ¡ ¢ whichestablishesthesymmetryTαandhencethetheorem. (cid:3) K WhileingeneralTα isarationalfunction,itisfrequentlyaLaurentpolyno- K mialorcanbecomputedintermsoftheordinaryAlexanderpolynomial∆ . K 2.11.Theorem. LetK beaknotinaQHSandletα:π SL(2,F)bearepresen- K → tation. (a) Ifαisirreducible,thenT αliesinF[t 1]. K ± (b) Ifαisreducible,thenTα Tβwhereβisthediagonalpartofα,i.e.a K = K diagonalrepresentationwheretr β(g) tr α(g) forallg π. = ∈ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢

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