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Twist maps as energy minimisers in homotopy classes: symmetrisation and the coarea formula 7 1 C. Morris, A. Taheri† 0 2 n a Abstract J Let X=X[a,b]={x:a<|x|<b}⊂Rn with 0<a<b<∞ fixed be 7 an open annulus and consider the energy functional, 2 1(cid:90) |∇u|2 F[u;X]= dx, ] 2 |u|2 P X A over the space of admissible incompressible Sobolev maps . (cid:26) (cid:27) th Aφ(X)= u∈W1,2(X,Rn):det∇u=1 a.e. in X and u|∂X =φ , a m whereφistheidentitymapofX. Motivatedbytheearlierworks[15,16]in [ thispaperweexaminethetwistmapsasextremisersofFoverA (X)and φ investigatetheirminimalitypropertiesbyinvokingthecoareaformulaand 1 asymmetrisationargument. Inthecasen=2whereA (X)isaunionof v φ infinitely many disjoint homotopy classes we establish the minimality of 7 8 theseextremisingtwistsintheirrespectivehomotopyclassesaresultthat 9 then leads to the latter twists being L1-local minimisers of F in Aφ(X). 7 We discuss variants and extensions to higher dimensions as well as to 0 related energy functionals. . 1 0 7 1 1 Introduction and preliminaries : v i Let X = X[a,b] = {(x ,...,x ) : a < |x| < b} with 0 < a < b < ∞ fixed be an X 1 n open annulus in Rn and consider the energy functional r a 1(cid:90) |∇u|2 F[u;X]= dx, (1.1) 2 |u|2 X over the space of incompressible Sobolev maps, (cid:26) (cid:27) Aφ(X)= u∈W1,2(X,Rn):det∇u=1 a.e. in X and u|∂X =φ . (1.2) Here and in future φ denotes the identity map of X and so the last condition in (1.2) means that u≡x on ∂X in the sense of traces. 1 2 Morris, Taheri ByatwistmapuonX⊂Rn wemeanacontinuousself-mapofXontoitself which agrees with the identity map φ on the boundary ∂X and has the specific spherical polar representation (see [16]-[18] for background and further results) u:(r,θ)(cid:55)→(r,Q(r)θ), x∈X. (1.3) Here r = |x| lies in [a,b] and θ = x/|x| sits on Sn−1 with Q ∈ C([a,b],SO(n)) satisfyingQ(a)=Q(b)=I. ThereforeQformsaclosedloopinSO(n)basedat I and for this in sequel we refer to Q as the twist loop associated with u. Also note that (1.3) in cartesian form can be written as u:x(cid:55)→Q(r)x=rQ(r)θ, x∈X. (1.4) Next subject to a differentiability assumption on the twist loop Q it can be verified that u∈A (X) with its F energy simplifying to φ 1(cid:90) |∇u|2 1(cid:90) |∇Q(r)x|2 F[Q(r)x;X]= dx= dx 2 |u|2 2 |x|2 X X n(cid:90) dx ω (cid:90) b = + n |Q˙|2rn−1dr, (1.5) 2 |x|2 2 X a wherethelastequalityuses|∇[Q(r)x]|2 =n+r2|Q˙θ|2. Nowastheprimarytask here is to search for extremising twist maps we first look at the Euler-Lagrange equationassociatedwiththeloopenergyE=E[Q]definedbythelastintegralin (1.5) over the loop space {Q ∈ W1,2([a,b];SO(n)) : Q(a) = Q(b) = I}. Indeed this can be shown to take the form (see below for justification) d (cid:104)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:105) rn−1Q˙ Qt =0, (1.6) dr with solutions Q(r) = exp[−β(r)A]P, where P ∈ SO(n), A ∈ Rn×n is skew- symmetric and β =β(|x|) is described for a≤r ≤b by (cid:40) ln1/r n=2, β(r)= (1.7) r2−n/(n−2) n≥3. Now to justify (1.6) fix Q ∈ W1,2([a,b],SO(n)) and for F ∈ W1,2([a,b],Rn×n) 0 set H =(F −Ft)Q and Q =Q+(cid:15)H. Then QtQ =I+(cid:15)2HtH and (cid:15) (cid:15) (cid:15) dd(cid:15)(cid:90) b2−1|Q˙(cid:15)|2rn−1dr(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) =(cid:90) b(cid:104)Q˙,(F˙ −F˙t)Q+(F −Ft)Q˙(cid:105)rn−1dr a (cid:15)=0 a (cid:90) b = (cid:104)Q˙,(F˙ −F˙t)Q(cid:105)rn−1dr a (cid:90) b d = (cid:104) (rn−1Q˙Qt),(F −Ft)(cid:105)dr =0, dr a and so the arbitrariness of F with an orthogonality argument gives (1.6). Twist maps as energy minimisers in homotopy classes 3 Returning to (1.1) it is not difficult to see that the Euler-Lagrange equation associated with F over A (X) is given by the system (cf. Section 4) φ |∇u|2 (cid:26)∇u (cid:27) u+div −p(x)cof∇u =0, u=(u ,...,u ), (1.8) |u|4 |u|2 1 n wherep=p(x)isasuitableLagrangemultiplier. Hereafurtheranalysisreveals thatoutofthesolutionsQ=Q(r)to(1.6)justdescribedonlythosetwistloops in the form Q(r)=Rdiag[R[g](r),...,R[g](r)]Rt, R∈SO(n), (1.9) when n is even and Q(r)≡I (a≤r ≤b) when n is odd can grant extremising twist maps u for the original energy (1.1). For clarification R[g] denotes the SO(2) matrix of rotation by angle g: (cid:20) (cid:21) cosg sing R[g]= . −sing cosg Indeed direct computations give the angle of rotation g =g(r) to be log(r/a) g(r)=2πk +2πm, k,m∈Z, (1.10) log(b/a) when n=2 and (r/a)2−n−1 g(r)=2πk +2πm, k,m∈Z, (1.11) (b/a)2−n−1 when n ≥ 4 even. (See also [13], [16], [18] for complementing and further results.) Our point of departure is (1.4)-(1.9) and the aim is to study the minimising properties the twist maps calculated above. Of particular interest is the case n = 2 where the space A (X) admits multiple homotopy classes (A : k ∈ Z). φ k Here direct minimisation of the energy over these classes gives rise to a scale of associated minimisers (u ). Using a symmetrisation argument and the coarea k formulaweshowthatthetwistmapsu withtwistanglegaspresentedin(1.10) k areindeedenergyminimisersinA andasaresultalsoL1 localminimisersofF k overA (X). Wediscussvariantsandextensionsincludingalargerscaleofener- φ gies where similar techniques can be applied to establish minimality properties in homotopy classes. 2 The homotopy structure of the space of self- maps A = A(X) The rich homotopy structure of the space of continuous self-maps of the an- nulus X = X[a,b] ⊂ Rn will prove useful later on in constructing local energy 4 Morris, Taheri minimisers. For this reason here we give a quick outline of the main tools and resultsandreferthereaderto[15]forfurtherdetailsandproofs. Tothisendset A=A(X)={f ∈C(X,X):f =φ on ∂X} equipped with the uniform topology. A pair of maps f ,f ∈ A are homotopic iff there exists H ∈ C([0,1]×X;X) 0 1 such that, firstly, H(0,x) = f (x) for all x ∈ X, secondly, H(1,x) = f (x) for 0 1 allx∈XandfinallyH(t,x)=xforallt∈[0,1], x∈∂X. Theequivalenceclass consistingofallg ∈Ahomotopictoagivenf ∈Aisreferredtoasthehomotopy class of f and is denoted by [f]. Now the homotopy classes {[f] : f ∈ A} can be characterised as follows depending on whether n=2 or n≥3. • (n=2) Using polar coordinates, for f ∈A and for θ ∈[0,2π] (fixed), the S1-valued curve γ defined by θ γ :[a,b]→S1 ⊂R2, γ :r (cid:55)→f|f|−1(r,θ), θ θ hasawell-definedindexorwindingnumberabouttheorigin. Furthermore, due to continuity of f, this index is independent of the particular choice of θ ∈ [0,2π]. This assignment of an integer (or index) to a map f ∈ A will be denoted by f (cid:55)→deg(f|f|−1). (2.1) NotefirstlythatthisintegeralsoagreeswiththeBrouwerdegreeofthemap resultingfromidentifyingS1 ∼=[a,b]/{a,b},justifiedasaresultofγ (a)= θ γ (b)andsecondlythatforadifferentiablecurve(takingadvantageofthe θ embedding S1 ⊂C) we have the explicit formulation 1 (cid:90) dz deg(f|f|−1)= . (2.2) 2πi z γ Proposition 2.1. (n=2). The map deg:{[f]:f ∈A}→Z is bijective. Moreover, for any pair of maps f ,f ∈A, we have 0 1 [f ]=[f ] ⇐⇒ deg(f |f |−1)=deg(f |f |−1). (2.3) 0 1 0 0 1 1 • (n≥3) Using the identification X∼=[a,b]×Sm where for ease of notation we have set m=n−1 it is plain that for f ∈A the map 1 ω :[a,b]→C (Sm,Sm), ω :r (cid:55)→f|f|−1(r,·), φ uniquelydefinesanelementofthefundamentalgroupπ [C (Sm,Sm)]. By 1 φ consideringtheactionofSO(n)onSm –viewedasitsgroupoforientation preserving isometries, i.e., through the assignment, E:ξ ∈SO(n)(cid:55)→ω ∈C(Sm,Sm), (2.4) where ω(x)=E[ξ](x)=ξx, x∈Sm, (2.5) 1Here as usual φ denotes the identity map of the m-sphere and C (Sm,Sm) is the path- φ connectedcomponentofC(Sm,Sm)containingφ. Twist maps as energy minimisers in homotopy classes 5 it can be proved that the latter assignment induces a group isomorphism on the level of the fundamental groups, namely, E(cid:63) :π [SO(n),I ]∼=π [C (Sm,Sm),φ]∼=Z . (2.6) 1 n 1 φ 2 Thus, summarising, we are naturally lead to the assignment of an integer mod 2 to any f ∈A which will be denoted by f (cid:55)→deg (f|f|−1)∈Z . (2.7) 2 2 Proposition 2.2. (n≥3) The degree mod 2 map deg :{[f]:f ∈A}→ 2 Z is bijective. Moreover, for a pair of maps f ,f ∈A, we have 2 0 1 [f ]=[f ] ⇐⇒ deg (f |f |−1)=deg (f |f |−1). (2.8) 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 3 A countable family of L1 local minimisers of F when n = 2 When n = 2 by Lebesgue monotonicity and degree theory (see [15] as well as [9],[11],[14],[19])everymapuinA=A (X)hasarepresentative(againdenoted φ u) in A. As a consequence we can introduce the components – hereafter called the homotopy classes, (cid:26) (cid:27) A := u∈A:deg(u|u|−1)=k , k ∈Z. (3.1) k Evidently A are pairwise disjoint and their union (over all k ∈ Z) gives A. k Furthermore it can be seen without difficulty that each A is W1,2-sequentially k weakly closed and that for u∈A and s>0 there exists δ =δ(u,s)>0 with k {v :F[v]<s}∩BL1(u)⊂A . (3.2) δ k Here BL1(u)={v ∈A:||v−u|| <δ}, that is, the L1-ball in A centred at u. δ L1 Indeed for the sequential weak closedness fix k and pick (u : j ≥ 1) ⊂ A so j k that u (cid:42)u in W1,2. Then by a classical result of Y. Reshetnyak j ∗ det∇u (cid:42)det∇u (3.3) j (as measures) and so u∈A while u →u uniformly on X gives by Proposition j 2.1 that u ∈ A . For the second assertion arguing indirectly and assuming the k contrary there exist u ∈ A , s > 0 and (v : j ≥ 1) in A such that F[v ;X] < s k j j and ||v −u|| →0 while v ∈/ A . However by passing to a subsequence (not j L1 j k re-labeled) v (cid:42)u in W1,2(X,R2) and as above v →u uniformly on X. Hence j j againbyProposition2.1,v ∈A forlargeenoughj whichisacontradiction. (cid:3) j k NowinviewofthesequentialweaklowersemicontinuityofFinA(seebelow) an application of the direct methods of the calculus of variations leads to the following existence and multiplicity result. 6 Morris, Taheri Theorem 3.1. (Local minimisers) Let X=X[a,b]⊂R2 and for k ∈Z consider the homotopy classes A as defined by (3.1). Then there exists u=u(x;k)∈A k k such that F[u;X]= inf F[v;X]. (3.4) v∈Ak Furthermore for each such minimiser u there exists δ =δ(u)>0 such that F[u;X]≤F[v;X], (3.5) for all v ∈A (X) satisfying ||u−v|| <δ. φ L1 Proof. Fix k and pick (v )⊂A an infimizing sequence: F[v ]↓L:=inf F[·]. j k j Ak Then as L < ∞ and a ≤ |v(x)| ≤ b for v ∈ A it follows that by passing to a subsequence (not re-labeled) v (cid:42) u in W1,2(X,R2) and uniformly in X where j by the above discussion u∈A . Now k (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:90)X |∇|vvkk|2|2 −(cid:90)X |∇|uv|k2|2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)≤(cid:90)X|∇vk|2(cid:18)||v|ku||22|−vk||u2|2|(cid:19) ||v |2−|u|2|(cid:90) ≤sup k |∇v |2 →0 |u|2|v |2 k X k X as k (cid:37)∞ together with (cid:90) |∇u|2 (cid:90) |∇v |2 ≤lim k (3.6) |u|2 |u|2 X X givesthedesiredlowersemicontinuityoftheFenergyonA (X)asclaimed,i.e., φ (cid:90) |∇u|2 (cid:90) |∇v |2 F[u;X]= ≤lim k =limF[v ;X]. (3.7) 2|u|2 2|v |2 k X X k As a result L ≤ F[u] ≤ liminfF[v ] ≤ L and so u is a minimiser as required. j To justify the second assertion fix k ∈Z and u as above and with s=1+F[u] pick δ >0 as in the discussion prior to the theorem. Then any v ∈A satisfying ||u−v|| <δalsosatisfies(3.5)[otherwiseF[v]<F[u]<simplyingthatv ∈A L1 k and hence in view of u being a minimiser, F[v]≥F[u] which is a contradiction.] (cid:3) 4 Twist maps and the Euler-Lagrange equation associated with F The purpose of this section is to formally derive the Euler-Lagrange equation associated with F over A (X). Note that F[u] can in principle be infinite if |u| φ is too small or zero, however, for twist maps or more generally Ln-integrable maps in A , |u| is bounded away from zero as u is a self-map of X onto itself. φ Moreoverdet∇uisL1-integrableforthelattermapsbutnotingeneralformaps u of Sobolev class W1,2 (with n≥3). Twist maps as energy minimisers in homotopy classes 7 Now the derivation uses the Lagrange multiplier method and proceeds for- mally by considering the unstrained functional (cid:90) (cid:20)|∇u|2 (cid:21) K[u;X]= −p(x)(det∇u−1) dx, (4.1) 2|u|2 X for suitable p = p(x) where evidently K[u;X] = F[u;X] when u ∈ A (X). We φ can calculate the first variation of this energy by setting d/dεK[u ;X]| =0, ε ε=0 whereu∈A (X)issufficientlyregularandsatisfies|u|≥c>0inX,u =u+εϕ φ ε for all ϕ∈C∞(X,Rn) and ε∈R sufficiently small, hence obtaining, c 0=ddε(cid:90)X(cid:20)|2∇|uuεε||22 −p(x)(det∇uε−1)(cid:21) dx(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ε=0   =(cid:90) (cid:88)n (cid:20) 1 ∂ui −p(x)[cof∇u] (cid:21)∂ϕi −(cid:88)n |∇u|2u ϕ dx |u|2∂x ij ∂x |u|4 i i X j j  i,j=1 i=1   =(cid:90) − (cid:88)n ∂ (cid:20) 1 ∂ui −p(x)[cof∇u] (cid:21)ϕ −(cid:88)n |∇u|2u ϕ dx ∂x |u|2∂x ij i |u|4 i i X j j  i,j=1 i=1   =(cid:90) −(cid:88)n |∇u|2u +(cid:88)n ∂ (cid:20) 1 ∂ui −p(x)[cof∇u] (cid:21)ϕ dx. |u|4 i ∂x |u|2∂x ij i X  j j  i=1 j=1 As this is true for every compactly supported ϕ as above an application of the fundamental lemma of the calculus of variation results in the Euler-Lagrange system for u=(u ,...,u ) in X: 1 n |∇u|2 (cid:26)∇u (cid:27) u+div −p(x)cof∇u =0, (4.2) |u|4 |u|2 where the divergence operator is taken row-wise. Proceeding further an appli- cation of the Piola identity on the cofactor term gives (with 1≤i≤n) |∇u|2u +(cid:88)n (cid:26) ∂ (cid:18) 1 ∂ui(cid:19)−[cof∇u] ∂p (cid:27)=0. (4.3) |u|4 i ∂x |u|2∂x ij∂x j j j j=1 Next expanding the differentiation further allows us to write 0= |∇u|2u +(cid:88)n (cid:40) 1 ∂2ui − 2 (cid:88)n ∂ui ∂uku −[cof∇u] ∂p (cid:41) |u|4 i |u|2 ∂x2 |u|4 ∂x ∂x k ij∂x j=1 j k=1 j j j = |∇u|2u +(cid:88)n (cid:40) 1 ∂2ui − 2 ∂ui[∇utu] −[cof∇u] ∂p (cid:41). (4.4) |u|4 i |u|2 ∂x2 |u|4∂x j ij∂x j=1 j j j Finally transferring back into vector notation and invoking the incompress- ibilty condition det∇u=1 it follows in turn that ∆u |∇u|2 2 + u− ∇u(∇u)tu=(cof∇u)∇p, (4.5) |u|2 |u|4 |u|4 8 Morris, Taheri and subsequently (∇u)t (cid:20) |∇u|2 2 (cid:21) ∆u+ u− ∇u(∇u)tu =∇p. (4.6) |u|2 |u|2 |u|2 Thus the Euler-Lagrange system (4.2) is equivalent to (4.6) that in particular asksforthenonlineartermontheleftof (4.6)tobeagradientfieldinX. Recall from earlier discussion that restricting F to the class of twist maps results in the Euler-Lagrange equation (1.6) where the solution Q = Q(r) as explicitly computed is the twist loop associated with the map u:(r,θ)(cid:55)→(r,Q(r)θ), x∈X, (4.7) withQ(r)=exp[−β(r)A]P,P ∈SO(n),A∈Rn×nskew-symmetric(At =−A). The boundary condition u=φ on ∂X gives, 2 exp[−β(a)A]P =I, exp[−β(b)A]P =I. (4.8) Therefore it must be that P = exp[β(a)A] and exp([β(b)−β(a)]A) = I. Now as A lies in so(n) it must be conjugate to a matrix S in the Lie algebra of the standard maximal torus of orthogonal 2-plane rotations in SO(n). This means that there exists R∈SO(n) such that A=RSRT for some S as described and soS ∈(β(b)−β(a))−1LwhereL={T ∈t:exp(T)=I},thatis,Listhelattice in the Lie subalgebra t ⊂ so(n) consisting of matrices sent by the exponential maptotheidentityI ofSO(n). HenceQ(r)=Rexp(−[β(r)−β(a)]S)Rt. Next upon noting that the derivatives of β =β(r) are given by 1 n−1 β˙(r)=− , β¨(r)= , rn−1 rn we can write AQ A2Q AQ Q˙ = , Q¨ = −(n−1) . (4.9) rn−1 r2n−2 rn Now, moving forward, a set of straightforward calculations show that for a twist map u with a twice continuously differentiable twist loop Q = Q(r) we have the differential relations (∇u)t =Qt+rθ⊗Q˙θ, |∇u|2 =tr[(∇u)t(∇u)]=n+r2|Q˙θ|2, (4.10) and likewise (cid:104) (cid:105) ∆u= (n+1)Q˙ +rQ¨ θ. (4.11) 2Thefunctionβ=β(r)wasintroducedearlierinSection1. Twist maps as energy minimisers in homotopy classes 9 Thus for the particular choice of a twist map with twist loop arising from a solutionto(1.6)theabovequantitiescanbeexplicitlydescribedbytherelations (∇u)t =Qt+r2−nθ⊗AQθ, (4.12) |∇u|2 =tr[(Qt+r2−nθ⊗AQθ)(Q+r2−nAQθ⊗θ)] |AQθ|2 =n+ , (4.13) r2(n−2) and likewise (cid:20) AQ (cid:18) A2Q AQ(cid:19)(cid:21) ∆u= (n+1) +r −(n−1) θ rn−1 r2n−2 rn (cid:20)2AQ A2Q (cid:21) = + θ. (4.14) rn−1 r2n−3 For the ease of notation we shall hereafter write ω =Qθ. Proceeding now with the calculations and using (4.13)-(4.14) we have |∇u|2 (cid:20) A A2 1(cid:18) |Aω|2(cid:19) (cid:21) ∆u+ u= 2 + + n+ I ω (4.15) |u|2 rn−1 r2n−3 r r2n−4 and in a similar way ∇u(∇u)tu=(cid:2)Q+r2−nAω⊗θ(cid:3)(cid:2)Qt+r2−nθ⊗Aω(cid:3)ω |u|2 r (cid:20) Aω⊗θQt+Qθ⊗Aω Aω⊗Aω(cid:21)ω = I+ + rn−2 r2n−4 r (cid:20) (cid:21) Aω⊗ω+ω⊗Aω Aω⊗Aω ω = I+ + . rn−2 r2n−4 r 1 = (I+r2−nA)ω, (4.16) r where the last identity here uses (x⊗y)z = (cid:104)y,z(cid:105)x and (cid:104)ω,ω(cid:105) = (cid:104)Qθ,Qθ(cid:105) = 1 along with (cid:104)Aω,ω(cid:105) = 0 for skew-symmetric A. Hence putting together (4.15) and (4.16) gives |∇u|2 ∇u(∇u)t (cid:20)A2+|Aω|2I (cid:21)ω ∆u+ u−2 u= +(n−2)I , (4.17) |u|2 |u|2 r2n−2 r which when combined with (4.12) results in (∇u)t (cid:20) |∇u|2 ∇u(∇u)t (cid:21) (4.6)= ∆u+ u−2 u |u|2 |u|2 |u|2 1 (cid:20) θ⊗Aω(cid:21)(cid:20)A2+|Aω|2I (cid:21)ω = Qt+ +(n−2)I r2 rn−2 r2n−4 r (cid:20)A2+|Aω|2I n−2 (cid:21) (θ⊗Aω)A2ω =Qt + I ω+ . (4.18) r2n−1 r3 r3n−3 10 Morris, Taheri Noting (θ⊗Aω)A2ω =(cid:104)Aω,A2ω(cid:105)θ =(cid:104)µ,Aµ(cid:105)=0 with A skew-symmetric and µ=Aω the last set of equations give (∇u)t (cid:20) |∇u|2 ∇u(∇u)t (cid:21) (4.6)= ∆u+ u−2 u |u|2 |u|2 |u|2 (cid:20)A2+|Aω|2I n−2 (cid:21)ω =Qt + I =I. (4.19) r2n−2 r2 r Therefore to see if (4.6) admits twist solutions it suffices to verify if the quantity described by (4.19) is a gradient field in X. Towards this end recall that here we have Q(r)=exp(−β(r)A)P where as seen P =exp(β(a)A). Thus a basic calculation gives |Aω|2 =|AQθ|2 =θtQtAtAQθ =−θtQtA2Qθ =−θtPtexp(β(r)A)A2exp(−β(r)A)Pθ =−θPtA2Pθ =θPtAtAPθ =|APθ|2, and likewise by substitution we have QtA2ω =PtA2Pθ. Hence using the above we can proceed by writing the Euler-Lagrange equa- tion (4.19) upon substitution as, (∇u)t (cid:20) |∇u|2 ∇u(∇u)t (cid:21) I= ∆u+ u−2 u |u|2 |u|2 |u|2 =Pt(cid:0)A2+|APθ|2I(cid:1)P θ +(n−2) θ . (4.20) r2n−1 r3 Now as for a fixed skew-symmetric matrix B by basic differentiation we have ∇(cid:0)|By|2(cid:1)=−2B2y, ∇|y|2n =2n|y|2n−2y, it is evident that we can write (cid:18) |By|2 (cid:19) B2y |By|2y −∇ = + . (4.21) 2n|y|2n n|y|2n |y|2n+2 In particular with B = PtAP being skew-symmetric, (4.20) can be written in the form (∇u)t (cid:20) |∇u|2 ∇u(∇u)t (cid:21) I= ∆u+ u−2 u |u|2 |u|2 |u|2 (cid:18)|PtAPx|2(cid:19) PtA2Px 1 =−∇ +(n−1) +−(n−2)∇ . (4.22) 2n|x|2n n|x|2n |x|

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