Twist-3 fragmentation functions in a spectator model with gluon rescattering Zhun Lu1,∗ and Ivan Schmidt2,† 1Department of Physics, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China 2Departamento de F´ısica, Universidad T´ecnica Federico Santa Mar´ıa, and Centro Cient´ıfico-Tecnolo´gico de Valpara´ıso, Casilla 110-V, Valpara´ıso, Chile We study the twist-3 fragmentation functions H and H˜, by applying a spectator model. In the calculation we consider the effect of the gluon rescattering at one loop level. We find that in this casethehard-vertexdiagram,whichgiveszerocontributiontotheCollinsfunction,doescontribute to the fragmentation function H. The calculation shows that the twist-3 T-odd fragmentation functionsarefreeoflight-conedivergences. Theparametersofthemodelarefittedfrom theknown parametrization of the unpolarized fragmentation D1 and the Collins function H1⊥. We find our 6 result for the favored fragmentation function is consistent with the recent extraction on H and H˜ 1 from pp data. We also check numerically the equation of motion relation for H, H˜ and find that 0 relation holds fairly well in the spectator model. 2 n PACSnumbers: 13.60.Le,13.87.Fh,12.39.Fe a J 4 1 I. INTRODUCTION ] h TheCollinseffect[1]hasplayedanimportantroleintheunderstandingofsinglespinasymmetries(SSAs)invarious p highenergyprocesses,suchassemi-inclusivedeepinelastic scattering(SIDIS), hadronproductioninppcollision,and - p e+e− annihilation into hadron pairs. The mechanism can be traced back to the so called Collins fragmentation e function [1], denoted by H⊥, which is a transverse momentum dependent (TMD) nonpertubative object entering h 1 the factorized description of hard processes. It originates from the correlation between the transverse momentum [ of the fragmenting hadron and the transverse spin of the parent quark. Different from the ordinary unpolarized 2 fragmentation function D , the Collins function is time-reversal-odd and chiral-odd. The extraction of the Collins 1 v function has been performed in Ref. [2], and in Ref. [3] by considering TMD evolution. 9 For quite some time it was believed that the dominant contribution to the transverse SSA for hadron production 7 in pp collision comes from the the Qiu-Sterman function T (x,x) [4, 5], which can be related to the transverse- 3 F 4 momentum dependent (TMD) Sivers partondensity f⊥(x,p2) [6]: T (x,x)=− d2p2 p2Tf⊥(x,p2)| . The later 1 T F T M 1T T SIDIS 0 onealsocontributestotheSiversSSAinsemi-inclusivedeepinelasticscattering(SIDIS)undertheTMDfactorization. 1. However, a recent study [7] showed that the function TF(x,x) extracted from pR↑p → hX does not match the sign 0 of the Sivers function fitted from SIDIS data. This is the so called “sign-mismatch” puzzle. It was suggested [8] 5 that the twist-3 fragmentationcontributionmay be importantfor the SSA in pp collision, andcould be used to solve 1 the puzzle. This was further confirmed by a phenomenological analysis [9] on SSA of inclusive pion production in : v pp collision [10–13] within the collinear factorization, showing that the fragmentation contribution combined with i the T (x,x) extracted from SIDIS data can well describe the SSAs in p↑p → πX. In this framework, three twist-3 X F fragmentation functions, Hˆ(z), H(z) and Hˆℑ (z,z ), participate. The first one corresponds to the first moment of r FU 1 a the TMD Collins function and has been applied to interpret the SSA in pp collisions in previous studies [14, 15]. The secondone appearsin subleading orderofa 1/Qexpansionofthe quark-quarkcorrelator,while its TMD version H(z,k2) is also a twist-3 function. The function Hˆℑ (z,z ) is the imaginary part of H (z,z ), which involves the T FU 1 FU 1 F-type multiparton correlation [8, 14, 15]. The three functions are not independent, as they are connected by the equation of motion relation ∞ dz 1 H(z)=−2zHˆ(z)+2z3 1PV Hˆℑ (z,z )=−2zHˆ(z)+H˜(z). (1) z2 1 − 1 FU 1 Zz 1 z z1 Inthe lastequationwehaveusedH˜(z)todenotethe “moment”ofHℑ (z,z ). The functionH˜ mightalsocontribute FU 1 to the sinφ SSA in SIDIS through the coupling with the transversity distribution [16]. S ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] †Electronicaddress: [email protected] 2 Except for Hˆ, currently the quantitative knowledge about the other twist-3 fragmentation functions mainly relies on the parametrization in Ref. [9]. These fragmentation functions not only play crucial role in the understanding of the SSA in pp↑ → hX process, but also give significant contribution to the SSAs in single-inclusive leptoproduction of hadrons: ℓp↑ →hX collision [17]. The fragmentation contribution at the twist-3 level also enter the description of the longitudinal-transverse spin asymmetry [18] in the process ℓ→N↑ → hX. Therefore, it is important to perform further theoretical and model study to provide information of H and H˜ complementary to the phenomenological analysis. Besides,the functionH˜(z)alsoencodesinterestinginformationregardingthe quark-gluon-quarkcorrelation during the parton fragmentation. In this work we will study those fragmentation functions from the model aspect. Particularly,we will perform a calculation on the function H and H˜ for the first time, using a spectator model. This model has been applied to calculate the Collins function for pions[19–24] and kaons [24], by considering the pion loop, or the gluon loop. In our calculation we will incorporate the effect of the gluon loop. We first calculate the TMD function H(z,k2) and H˜(z,k2). The corresponding collinear functions are obtained by integrating over the T T transverse momentum. II. SPECTATOR MODEL CALCULATION OF H AND H˜ Here we setup the notations adopted in our calculation. We use k and P to denote the momenta of the parent h quark and the final hadron, respectively. We also apply the following kinematics: k2+k2 M2 k =(k−,k+,k )= k−, T,k , P =(P−,P+,0 )= zk−, h ,0 , , (2) T 2k− T h h h T 2zk− T (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) where the light-front coordinates a∓ = a·n± have been used, k denotes the momentum component of the quark T transverse to the two light-like vectors n±, and z =P−/k− is the momentum fraction of the hadron. The transverse h momentum of the hadron with respect to the parent quark direction is given by K =−zk . T T A. Calculation of H up to one gluon loop The fragmentation function H(z,k2) can be obtained from the following trace T M 1 hǫαβH(z,k2)= Tr[∆(z,k )iσαβγ ], (3) P− T T 2 T 5 h where ∆(z,k ) is the TMD correlationfunction that is defined as: T ∆(z,k ) = 1 dξ+d2ξT eik·ξh0|U∞+ UξT ψ(ξ)|h,Xihh,X|ψ¯(0)U0T U∞+ |0i . (4) T 2z (2π)3 (∞T,ξT) (∞+,ξ+) (0+,∞+) (0T,∞T) X Z (cid:12)ξ−=0 X (cid:12) (cid:12) Here Uc denotes the Wilson line running from a to b at the fixed position c, to ensure the gauge invar(cid:12)iance of the (a,b) operator. In the spectator model, the tree level diagrams lead to a vanishing result because of lack of the imaginary phase. To obtain a nonzero result one has to go to the loop diagrams. In one-loop level there are four different diagrams (and their hermitian conjugates) that may contribute to the correlator ∆(z,k2), as shown in Fig. 1. These T include the self-energy diagram (Fig. 1a), the vertex diagram (Fig. 1b), the hard vertex diagram (Fig. 1c), and the box diagram (Fig. 1d). They have also been applied to calculate the Collins function in Refs. [23, 24]. We will focus on the the favored fragmentation function, i.e. the fragmentation of u → π+. In this case the expressions for each diagram in Fig. 1 are as follows: 4C α (k/+m) F s ∆ (z,k )=i g γ (k/− P/ +m )g γ (k/+m) (a) T 2(2π)2(1−z)P− (k2−m2)3 qh 5 h s qh 5 h (5) d4l γµ(k/−/l+m)γ (k/+m) µ , (2π)4 ((k−l)2−m2+iε)(l2+iε) Z 4C α (k/+m) F s ∆ (z,k )=i g γ (k/− P/ +m ) (b) T 2(2π)2(1−z)P− (k2−m2)2 qh 5 h s h (6) d4l γµ(k/− P/ −/l+m )g γ (k/−/l+m)γ ((k/+m) h s qh 5 µ , (2π)4 ((k−P −l)2−m2+iε)((k−l)2−m2+iε)(l2+iε) Z h s 3 FIG. 1: One loop level diagrams utilized to calculate the correlator in the spectator model. The double lines in (c) and (d) represent theeikonal lines. The hermitian conjugations of these diagrams, which we havenot shown here,also contribute. 4C α (k/+m) F s ∆ (z,k )=i g γ (k/− P/ +m )g γ (k/+m) (c) T 2(2π)2(1−z)P− k2−m2 qh 5 h s qh 5 h (7) d4l γ+(k/−/l+m) , (2π)4 ((k−l)2−m2+iε)(−l−±iε)(l2+iε) Z 4C α (k/+m) F s ∆ (z,k )=i g γ (k/− P/ +m ) (d) T 2(2π)2(1−z)P− k2−m2 qh 5 h s h (8) d4l γ+(k/− P/ −/l+m )g γ (k/−/l+m) h s qh 5 . (2π)4 ((k−P −l)2−m2+iε)((k−l)2−m2+iε)(−l−±iε)(l2+iε) Z h s Here g is the coupling of the quark-hadronvertex, m the mass of the quark in the initial state, and m the mass of qh s the spectator quark. In Eqs. (7) and (8) we have applied the Feynman rules for the eikonal lines. In the calculation of T-odd functions, one should utilize the Cutkosky cut rules to put certain internal lines on the mass shell to obtain the necessary imaginary phase. For T-odd fragmentation functions, only the cuts through the gluon line and the intermediate quark line inside the loop give rise to the result. This corresponds the following replacements 1 1 →−2πiδ(l2), →−2πiδ((k−l)2). (9) l2+iε (k−l)2+iε Herethe cutsthroughtheeikonallinesdonotcontribute. ThisdirectlylinkstotheuniversalityoftheTMDfragmen- tation functions [25–28], which has been verified intensively in literature. Another issue that should be addressed is the choice of the quark-hadroncoupling g . When choosing the point-like coupling, there is a divergence appearing qh at large k region in the calculation of the collinear fragmentation function: T H(z)= d2K H(z,k2)=z2 d2k H(z,k2). (10) T T T T Z Z In the literature two different approaches have been applied to regularize this divergence. One strategy is to adopt a cut on k by putting an upper limit kmax, The other is to choose a form factor for g which depends on the quark T T qh momentum. Herewe willutilize the secondapproach. Followthe choiceinRef. [24],weadoptaGaussianformfactor for the coupling, e−Λk22 g →g (11) qh qh z where Λ2 has the generalformΛ2 =λ2/(zα(1−z)β). The λ, α, and β arethe parametersof the formfactorthat will be determinedin the next section. The advantageof the choice inEq.11is that it canalso reasonablyreproduce[24] the unpolarized fragmentation function. In Eqs. (6) or (8), in principle one of the form factors should depend on the loop momentum l. Here we will drop this dependence and merely use k2 instead of (k −l)2 in that form factor to simplify the integration. The same choice has also been adoptto calculate the Collins function [24], which is a leading-twistfragmentationfunction. For the subleading-twist T-odd functions the situation is more involved. As shown in Ref. [29], the calculation of T-odd twist-3 TMD distributions suffers froma light-conedivergence. In phenomenologicalstudies the divergencehas to be regularized [29, 30] by introducing form factors, explicitly depending on loop momentum. However, as we will show later, we find that in the case of twist-3 fragmentation functions, the calculation is free of this light-cone divergence. 4 ThereasonbehindthisdistinctionisthatthekinematicalconfigurationcontributingtoT-oddfragmentationfunctions is different from that to the T-odd distribution functions. After performing the integration over l using the cuts in Eq. 9, we organize the expression for H(z,k2) as follows T H(z,k2)= 2αsgq2πCF e−Λ22k2 1 H (z,k2)+H (z,k2)+H (z,k2)+H (z,k2) . (12) T (2π)4 z2(1−z)M (k2−m2) (a) T (b) T (c) T (d) T h (cid:0) (cid:1) The four terms in the bracket of the right hand side of (12) have the forms m m2 H (z,k2)=− (3− )(k2−m2+(1−2/z)m2)I , (13) (a) T 2(k2−m2) k2 s h 1 k2−m2 +m2 H (z,k2)= h sI −m I (k2−m2+(1−2/z)m2), (14) (b) T λ(m ,m ) 1 s 2 s h (cid:18) h s (cid:19) H (z,k2)=−((m −m)(k2−mm )+mm )I /(k2−m2)−(m −m+zm)I k−, (15) (c) T s s h 1 s 3 I H (z,k2)= 2 (m −m+zm) λ(m ,m )+ (1−2z)k2+m2 −m2 k2−m2+(1−2/z)m2 (d) T 2zk2 s s h h s s h T(cid:18) (cid:19) −zm k2−m2+(1−2/z(cid:0))m2) I −I (cid:0)(m −m)(k2−mm )(cid:1)+(cid:0)mm2 +(m −m+zm(cid:1))I(cid:1) k−. (16) s h 2 2 s s h s 3 The functions I rep(cid:0)resent the results of the fo(cid:1)llowing(cid:0)integrals (cid:1) i π I = d4lδ(l2)δ((k−l)2−m2)= k2−m2 , (17) 1 2k2 Z δ(l2)δ((k−l)2−m2) (cid:0) π (cid:1) 2 λ(m ,m ) I = d4l =− ln 1+ h s , (18) 2 Z (k−Ph−l)2−m2s 2λ(mh,ms) k2−m2h+pm2s+ λ(mh,ms)! I = d4lδ(l2)δ((k−l)2−m2), p (19) 3 −l−+iε Z with λ(m ,m )=(k2−(m +m )2)(k2−(m −m )2). h s h s h s We would like to point out that the quark-photon hard-vertex diagram gives nonzero contribution to H(z,k2), as T shown in Eq. 15. This is different from the calculation of the Collins function H⊥, in which case the contribution 1 from the hard-vertex diagram vanishes [24]. We note that this is because the Dirac structure of H(z,k2) appearing T in the decomposition of the correlation function ∆(z,k ) is different from that of the Collins function. The sum of T H (z,k2) and H (z,k2) can be cast into (c) T (d) T I H (z,k2)= 2 (m −m+zm) λ(m ,m )+ (1−2z)k2+m2 −m2 k2−m2+(1−2/z)m2 (c+d) T 2zk2 s s h h s s h T(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:0) I (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) −zm k2−m2+(1−2/z)m2) I − 1 +I (m −m)(k2−mm )+mm2 , (20) s h 2 k2−m2 2 s s h (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) wherethetermscontainingI cancelout. Aswecansee,thefinalresultofH(z,k2)inEq.(12)isfreeofthelight-cone 3 T divergence. B. Calculation of H˜ with gluon rescattering The fragmentation function H˜(z,k2) originates from the quark-gluon-quark(qgq) correlation [16, 31]: T 1 dξ+d2ξ ξ+ ∆˜α(z,k )= T eik·ξh0| dη+UξT A T 2zN (2π)3 (∞+,η+) ZX c Z Z Z±∞+ X ×gF−α(η)UξT ψ(ξ)|P ;XihP ;X|ψ¯(0)U0T U∞+ |0i , (21) ⊥ (η+,ξ+) h h (0+,∞+) (0T,ξT) η+=ξ+=0 (cid:12) (cid:12)ηT=ξT (cid:12) (cid:12) 5 FIG. 2: Diagram relevant to thecalculation of theqgq correlator in the spectator model where Fµν is the antisymmetric field strength tensor of the gluon. Using the identity ξ+ ∞+ dη+ =± dη+θ(±ξ+∓η+) Z±∞+ Z−∞+ i ∞ 1 1 e−i(cid:16)z1−z11(cid:17)Ph−(ξ+−η+) = dη+ d − , (22) 2π Z−∞ Z (cid:18)z z1(cid:19) 1z − z11 ∓iǫ (cid:16) (cid:17) with θ is the Heaviside function, we can rewrite the qgq correlatoras ∆˜αA(z,kT)= 2z1N dξ+(d22πξ)T4dη+ d z1 − z1 ei1(cid:16)z1−−z111(cid:17)−p−hiηε+eiPzh−1 ξ−e−ikT·ξT XZX c Z Z (cid:18) 1(cid:19) z z1 ×h0|igF−α(η)ψ(ξ)|P ;XihP ;X|ψ¯(0)|0i . (23) ⊥ h h η+=ξ+=0 (cid:12) (cid:12)ηT=ξT (cid:12) HerewehavesuppressedtheWilsonlinesforbrevity. InEqs. (22)an(cid:12)d(23)weuse1/z−1/z todenotethemomentum 1 fraction (along the minus light-cone direction) of the gluon with respect to the final state hadron, following the notations Ref. [8]. Thus 1/z gives the momentum fraction of the quark correlated with the gluon. 1 The fragmentation function H˜ can be extracted from the correlator ∆˜α(z,k ) by the following projection: A T 1 Tr[∆˜α(z,k )σ −]=H˜(z,k2)+iE˜(z,k2). (24) 2 A T α T T The integrated fragmentation function H˜(z) = z2 d2k H˜(z,k2) is related to the collinear twist-3 fragmentation T T function Hℑ (z,z ) by FU 1 R ∞ dz 1 H˜(z)=2z3 1PV Hˆℑ (z,z ), (25) z2 1 − 1 FU 1 Zz 1 z z1 where Hˆℑ (z,z ) is the imaginary part of H (z,z ) that appears in the decomposition of the F-type collinear FU 1 FU 1 correlator [8, 15] 1z d2ξπ+ d2ηπ+eiPzh−1 ξ+ei(cid:16)z1−z11(cid:17)Ph−η+h0|igF⊥−α(η+)ψ(ξ+)|Ph;XihPh;X|ψ¯(0)|0i ZX Z Z X =M ǫαβσ +γ Hˆ (z,z ) . (26) h ⊥ β 5 FU 1 h i The diagram used to calculate the fragmentation function H˜ in the spectator model is shown in Fig. 2, which represents a qgq correlation. The left hand side of Fig. 2 corresponds to the quark-hadron vertex hP ;X|ψ¯(0)|0i, h which has the following form in the spectator model i(k/+m) U¯(P )(iγ ) , (27) X 5 k2−m2 6 with P denoting the momentum of the spectator quark. The right hand side of Fig. 2 corresponds to the vertex X h0|igF−α(η+)ψ(ξ+)|P ;Xi, whose expression can be given in a similar way. The differences are that one should ⊥ h consider the field strength tensor Fαβ, as denoted by the circle at the end of the gluon line in Fig. 2. Its Feynman rule (on the right hand side of the cut) is given by i(qαgβρ−qβgαρ)δ , with ρ and b the indices of the gluon line. T ab Thus, we can write down the expression for the qgq correlator as: 4C α 1 ∆˜α(z,k )=i F s A T 2(2π)2(1−z)P− k2−m2 h (28) d4l (l−gαµ−lαg−µ)(k/−/l+m)g γ (k/− P/ −/l+m )γ (k/− P/ +m )g γ (k/+m) T T qh 5 h s µ h s qh 5 , (2π)4 (−l−±iε)((k−l)2−m2−iε)((k−P −l)2−m2−iε)(l2−iε) Z h s where we have used the replacement 1 1 − P− →l−. (29) z z h (cid:18) 1(cid:19) According to Eqs. (24) and (28), the contribution to H˜ comes from the imaginary part of sub-diagram shown on the right hand side of the cut in Fig. 2. In order to do this, again one needs to apply the Cutkosky cutting rules to integrate over the internal momentum l, that is, to consider all the possible cuts on the propogators appearing in Eq. (28). However, only the cuts on the gluon line and the fragmenting quark survive, as shown by the short bars in Fig. 2. Other combinations of cuts are kinematically forbidden or cancel out each other. In particular, the total contribution from the pole of the eikonal propagator is zero. To demonstrate this, we consider two different cases. The first case is to take the poles of 1/(−l−±iε) and 1/(l2−iε), therefore, l has to be zero. This yields vanishing T H˜ since there is a factor l−gαµ−lαg−µ in the numerator of Eq. (28). The second case is that one applies the cut on T T 1/(−l−±iε) and 1/((k−l)2−m2−iε), or on 1/(−l−±iε) and 1/((k−P −l)2−m2 −iε). However, these two h s contributionscancelouteachother. Thisisbecausethepolepositionsforl+ fromthepropogators1/((k−l)2−m2−iε) and 1/((−l−±iε) and 1/((k−P −l)2−m2−iε) are on the same half plane, which means that the integrationover h s l+ vanishes with the delta function δ(l−) (since k−−P− >0) h dl+ 1 ··· 2π ((k−l)2−m2−iε)((k−P −l)2−m2−iε) Z h s dl+ 1 ∼ ···=0 (30) 2π (2k−(k+−l+)+···−iε)(2(k−−P−)(k+−P+−l+)+···−iε) Z h h Therefore, we will again apply the cutting rules given in Eq. (9) to perform the integration over l, and the factor 1/(1/z − 1/z ±iε) will take the principal value, as also shown in Refs. [32, 33]. This means that H˜ is process 1 independent in the spectator model, similar to the Collins function and H. The final result for H˜ has the form H˜(z,k2)= αsgq2π C e−2Λk22 z 1 −A(m −m)k2 T (2π)4 F z2 (1−z) M (k2−m2) s T h (cid:26) +(m −m+zm) A(k2+k2)+BM2/z−I /z−(k2−m2)I /z s T h 1 2 + (k2−mm )(m(cid:2)−m)+mm2 I /(2zk2)+A/z+B . (cid:3) (31) s s π 1 (cid:27) (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:2) (cid:3) Here A and B denote the following functions I I A= 1 2k2 k2−m2−m2 2 + k2+m2 −m2 , (32) λ(m ,m ) s h π h s h s (cid:18) (cid:19) 2k2 (cid:0) k2+m2−m(cid:1) 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) B =− I 1+ s hI , (33) 1 2 λ(m ,m ) π h s (cid:18) (cid:19) which appears in the integration lµδ(l2)δ((k−l)2−m2) d4l =Akµ+BPµ. (34) (k−P −l)2−m2 h Z h s 7 ms (GeV) λ (GeV) gqπ m (GeV) α β 0.53 2.18 5.09 0.3 (fixed) 0.5 (fixed) 0 (fixed) TABLE I:Fitted values of the parameters in thespectator model. The valuesof thelast threeparameters are fixedin thefit. III. NUMERICAL RESULT In this section we present the numerical result for the fragmentationfunctions H and H˜. To this end the values of the parametersin the modelhavetobe specified. InRef.[24] the parametersofthe modelweredeterminedby fitting the model result of unpolarized fragmentation function D (z) with the Krezter parameterization [34] of D (z). The 1 1 parameterswerethenusedtomakepredictiononthe Collinsfunction. Inthispaperwewillobtaintheparametersby fitting simultaneouslythe modelcalculationsofthe unpolarizedfragmentationfunctionandthe Collinsfunction with the knownparameterizationsofthem, sincetheCollinsfunctions havebeenextractedandarewellconstrainedbythe e+e− annihilation data and the SIDIS data. Specifically, we will use the half-k moment of the Collins function T |k | H⊥(1/2)(z)=z2 d2k T H⊥(z,k2) (35) 1 T2m 1 T Z h in the fit. ForthetheoreticalexpressionsofD andH⊥,weusethecalculationinthesamemodel,whichhasalreadybeendone 1 1 inRef. [24] 1. For the parameterizationof D ,we will adoptthe DSS leading orderset [35]. For the parameterization 1 of the Collins function, we apply the recent extraction By Anselmino [2]. We note that in Ref. [2], the DSS fragmentation function is also used to extract the Collins function. Our model calculation is valid at the hadronic scale which is rather low, while the standard parametrizationof D 1 is usually given at Q2 > 1GeV2. Therefore we extrapolate the DSS D fragmentation to that at the model scale 1 Q2 =0.4GeV2 in order to perform the fit. For the same reason, the Collins function should be evolved at that scale for comparison. However,the evolution of the Collins function is rather complicated [14, 36, 37]. In the extractionof the Collins function in Ref. [2], the authors used the assumption that the Collins function evolvesin the same way of D (z). The same assumptionhas alsoused in Ref. [24]For consistency we will use this assumptionsince in the fit we 1 use the parametrization of Collins function from Ref. [2]. In Table. I we list the fitted values of the parameters in the model. In the left panal of Fig. 3, the curve (the solid line) vs z for the unpolarized fragmentation function D (z) at the model scale Q2 =0.4GeV2 is compared with 1 0.7 0.10 0.6 This work This work BGGM 0.08 BGGM D(z)100..45 DSS LO (1/2) (z)1 0.06 Anselmino z H z 0.3 0.04 0.2 0.02 0.1 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 z z FIG. 3: Unpolarized fragmentation function D1(z) (left panel) and the half moment of the Collins function (right panel) vs z for the fragmentation u → π+ at the model scale Q2 = 0.4GeV2 . The parameters are fitted to the parameterizations in Refs. [35] and [2]. The result in Ref. [24] (dashed lines) is also shown for comparison. 1 We recalculate the Collins function and find that our result does not exactly agree with the result in Ref. [24]. For completeness we presentourresultforH⊥ intheAppendix. 1 8 0.00 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.25 -0.4 zH(z) zH(z) -0.5 -2~z2H^(z) ~ zH(z) zH(z) 2^ ~ -0.6 -2zH(z)+zH(z) -0.50 -0.7 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 z z FIG. 4: Left panel: The twist-3 fragmentation functions H(z) and H˜(z) vs z, plotted by the solid line and the dashed line, respectively. Right panel: H(z) compared with −2zHˆ(z)+H˜(z) in the spectator model. the curve (dotted line) from the DSS parameterization. We also show the result (dashed line) calculated from the parameters fitted in Ref. [24]. In the right panal of Fig. 3, we display the fitted curve for H(1/2)(z) and compare it 1 with the parametrization of Ref. [2]. In the left panel of Fig. 4 we plot our prediction on H(z) and H˜(z) using the parameters in Table. I. We present the result at the model scale Q2 =0.4GeV2, We find that the sign of the favoredH(z) is negative and its magnitude is sizable. This is consistent with the extraction in Ref. [9], where a negative H(z) for the favored fragmentation is given. For the function H˜(z), we find that the result is nonzero and has a minus sign. in Ref. [9], a similar result is also hinted by the fit on Hℑ (z,z ), which contribute substantially to Hˆ(z) through Eq. 1. FU 1 According to Eq. 1, the three twist-3 fragmentation function should satisfy the equation of motion relation, which is a model independent result derived from QCD. However, From Eqs.(12), (31) and (36), one can not find out an obvious relation among them since in the spectator model they are calculated from different diagrams. Thus we numerically check the relation (1) and show the the comparison between H(z) (solid line) and −2zHˆ(z)+ H˜(z) (dashed-dotted line) on the right panel of Fig. 4. We find that the two curves are close, which indicates that the relation holds approximately in the model, therefore it provide a crosscheck on the validity of our calculation. IV. CONCLUSION In this work, we studied the twist-3 fragmentationfunction for H and H˜ in a spectator model. We first calculated theTMDfunctionsH(z,k2)andH˜(z,k2),andthenweobtainedthecorrespondingcollinearfunctionsbyintegrating T T over the transverse momentum. In our study we considered the gluon rescattering effect and found that the hard- vertex diagram gives nonzero contribution to H. Using the parameters fitted to the known parameterizations of D 1 andH⊥ simultaneously,we presentednumericalresults ofH andH˜. We found that our results agreewith the recent 1 extractionfromthe SSA in ppcollision. We alsotestedthe equationofmotionrelationamongHˆ(z), H(z)andH˜(z), the numeric result shows that the relation approximately holds in our calculation. Our study may provide useful information on the twist-3 fragmentation function complementary to phenomenological analysis. Acknowledgements This work is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 11120101004 andNo.11005018),bythe QingLanProject(China), andby Fondecyt(Chile) grant1140390. gratefulto the hospitality of Universidad T´ecnica Federico Santa Mar´ıa during a visit. 9 Appendix A: Results of the Collins function Here we present the model result of the Collins function [24] H⊥(z,k2)=−2αsgq2πCF e−Λ22k2 Mh H⊥ (z,k2)+H⊥ (z,k2)+H⊥ (z,k2) (36) 1 T (2π)4 z2(1−z)(k2−m2) 1(a) T 1(b) T 1(d) T (cid:16) (cid:17) The three terms in the brackets correspond to the results from Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b, and Fig. 1d, respectively. In our calculation we find that those terms have the form m m2 H⊥ (z,k2)= 3− I (37) 1(a) T (k2−m2) k2 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) m2 −m2−k2 4k2m2 H⊥ (z,k2)=2m I −2(m −m) π s I − s I I (38) 1(b) T s 2 s λ(m ,m ) 1 λ(m ,m )π 1 2 (cid:18) h s h s (cid:19) 1 H⊥ (z,k2)= {−I (2zm+2m −2m)+I 2zm k2−m2+M2(1−2/z) 1(d) T 2zk2 34 s 2 h T + 2(m −m) (2z−1)k2−M2+m2−(cid:2)zm(m(cid:0) +m ) . (cid:1) (39) s h s s Here I is the combination of two integrals(cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3)(cid:9) 34 k2(1−z) I =k− I +(1−z)(k2−m2)I =πln (40) 34 3 4 m "p s # (cid:0) (cid:1) with δ(l2)δ((k−l)2−m2) I = d4l (41) 4 (−l−+iε)(k−p−l)2−m2 Z s We find that in (38) there is a new term proportional to m −m that was not contained in Eq. (29) of Ref. [24]. s Also inEq.(39) the coefficientofcertainterms containingm −m hasa factorof2comparedto Eq.(30)ofRef. [24]. s But our calculation returns to the results in Ref. [23] in the case m =m and by setting the form factor to 1. s [1] J. C. Collins, Nucl. Phys.B 396, 161 (1993) [hep-ph/9208213]. 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