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Twelve new species of genus Pachyprotasis Hartig (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae: Tenthredininae) from India PDF

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Preview Twelve new species of genus Pachyprotasis Hartig (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae: Tenthredininae) from India

. TWELVENEW SPECIES OF GENUSPACHYPROTASISKAKTIG (HYMENOPTERA, TENTHREDINIDAE: TENTHREDININAE) FROM INDIA 1 2Malkiat S. Saini and V. Vasu (Withfifty-eight text-figures) Key words: New species, Pachyprotasis Hartig, new synonymy, revised key, Hymenoptera, India. Twelve species new to the genus Pachyprotasis Hartig are added to Indian fauna. Described and illustrated as new are: P. maculiventris P. kulwantae, P. cephalopunctata , P. politus, P. cuneativentris, P. nigricans, P. salebrousa, P. hargurmeeti, P.foveatus, P. pleuricingulata, P. punamae and P.frontatus. Seven subspecies viz. P. birmanica tristis Malaise,P. birmanica ebumipesMalaise,P. opacifronssubpunctata Malaise, P. albicincta nigripleuris Malaise, P. albicincta albitarsis Malaise, P. albicincta sinobrimanica Malaise and P. caerulescens kashmirica Malaise have been merged into their respective A species. key for identification ofall the Indian species is provided. New Introduction Agricultural Research Institute, Delhi. Abbreviations used in text are: EL = eye length; After Malaise’s (1945) revisionary work LATS = inner apical tibial spur; ICD = inter IDMO = on Tenthredinoidea ofsoutheastAsia, Saini and cenchri distance; interocular distance Kalia (1989) attempted to update Indian fauna at level of median ocellus; ITD = inter tegular ofthe genus Pachyprotasis Hartig by recording distance; LID = lower interocular distance; MB 9 species for the first time from this region and = metabasitarsus; OATS - outer apical tibial describing 9 species as newto science. The major spur; OCL = oculo-occipital line; OOL = oculo- contributors to Indian fauna of this genus are: ocellar line; POL = postocellar line. Malaise (1934, 1945) with 9 species and 2 subspecies, Singh et al. (1987) with 4 species, Key to Indian species ofPachyprotasisHartig Forsius (1933) with 4 species, Cameron (1876, 1881, 1889, 1902) with 4 species, Saini and 1. Antenna ringed (two or three middle joints of different colour than apical and basal joints) Kalia (1989) with 9 species, Rohwer (1916) and 2 Linnaeus (1767) each with one species. Seven Antenna not ringed 6 subspecies have been merged into their 2. Head almost impunctate 3 respective species. Since the name P. malaisei Head with large, distinct punctures and Singh et al. was preoccupied, Saini and Vasu surface between them microsculptured (1995) renamed it as P. punctulatis. In the sikkimensis Saini & Kalia present text twelve species have been illustrated 3. Antennal segment 3 shorter than 4 4 and described. A workable key for identification Antennal segment 3 longer than 4 ofall Indian species is provided. Type materials birmanica Forsius of new species are housed at Division of birmanica tristis Malaise syn. nov. birmanica ebumipes Malaise syn. nov. Entomology, Pusa National Collection, Indian 4. Supraantennal tubercles insignificant or low. 5 'AcceptedMay, 1997 Supraantennal tuberclesraised, quiteprominent departmentofZoology,Punjabi University, and abruptly cut offfrom frontal ridges Patiala- 147002, India. versicolor Cameron 268 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURALHIST. SOCIETY, Vol. 95(1998) 5. All coxae sanguineous, almost without black 14. Antennal segment 3 longer than or subequal to (in male pro- and mesocoxae straminous, 4 15 without black); antennal joints 6 and 7 white; Antennal segment 3 distinctly shorter than 4 postocellar furrow wanting; stigma fulvous ... manaliensis Singh et al. multilineata elineata Malaise 15. Mesoscutellum pyramidal (Fig.44) 16 All legs pale with black markings, without Mesoscutellum flat (Fig.46) 18 reddish; antennal joints 5 and 6 yellowish; 16. Body black with pale lower 1/2 offrontal area; postocellar furrow present; stigma black with pale orbit around eyes except spot on upper pale anterior margin .... alboannulata Forsius comer ofeach eye black; pronotumpale except 6. Antennaunicoloured orwith narrow pale stripe its black posterior margin; pale lateral margins along underside 7 ofmesonotal middle lobemeetingat apex; basal Apical 3 antennal joints black, rest reddish... 2/3 of metafemur reddish, apical 1/3 pale; indica (Forsius) postocellar area convex, with median 7. Antenna black 8 longitudinal furrow; head with few & Antenna fulvous .. kalatopensis Saini Kalia insignificant, scattered punctures 8. Abdomen with reddish spots 9 subtilissima Malaise Abdomen without reddish spots 10 Body black with frontal area entirely black; 9. Abdomen reddish brown except central whitish yellow lower 1/2 of inner orbit longitudinal streak on tergite 2, infuscated continued with lower 1/4 of hind orbit; lateral spots more prominent on tergites 3-6 pronotum entirely black; sagittated apex of indica (Forsius) mesonotal middle lobe pale; basal 1/2 ofmeta Abdomenmainlyblack, tergites 2-5 with large, femur pale, apical 1/2 reddish; postocellar area medial triangular spots, all medially connected flat, without medial longitudinal furrow; head to each other maculiventris sp.nov. with dense, minute punctures 17 10. Bodyexcept legspalewith few black markings 17. Supraantennal tubercles distinctly raised; 11 median fovea ditch-like in its anterior 1/2 and Body except legs black with some whitish or posteriorly shallowly reaching median ocellus; pale markings 13 mesostemum yellowish in both sexes 1 1. Postocellar area distinctly wider than long .... kulwantae sp.nov. 12 Supraantennal tuberclesjust indicated; median Postocellar area as long as broad fovea shallow in its anterior 1/2 andposteriorly vittata Forsius not reaching median ocellus; mesosternum 12. Appendage carinate; head and mesonotum black in female only subtilis Malaise micropunctured with minute and dense 18. Hind legs reddish orfulvouswithout pale, with punctures; supraantennal pit distinct; antennal black markings 19 segments 3 and 4 as 4:5; inter- and postocellar Hind legs reddish with black as well as pale furrows absent; area posterior to eye pale markings 20 entirely; pronotum entirely pale; abdomen 19. Bodyblack, yellowishwhiteare: labrum, lateral almost pale pallens Malaise spots on clypeus, supraclypeal area, 2 dots Appendage not carinate; head and mesonotum abovebases ofantennae, lower2/3 ofhindorbit, impunctate; supraantennal pit indistinct; inner orbit narrowly connected with elongated antennal segments 3 and 4 as 4:3; inter- and temple spot, spot on posterolateral margin of postocellarfurrowspresent; blackspotposterior pronotum, anterior half of tegula, small spot to eyes; narrow upper margins of pronotum on anterolateral margin of mesonotal middle black; black lining along anterior border of lobe, longitudinal middle band on & tergites 1-6 lachenensis Saini Kalia mesoscutellum, appendage, metascutellum, 3 Hind legsreddishwith fewblackorpaleyellow posterolateral margin ofmesepimeron, irregular 1 . markings 14 small spot on anterior slope ofmesepistemum, Hind legs black orpale yellow without reddish 3/4 ofmetapleuraposteriorly, lateral elongated 25 spot not meeting on anterior margin oftergite . TWEEVENEWSPECIESOFGENUSPACHYPROTASISHARTIG 269 2, triangular medial spot on hind margin of lower 1/3 of mesopleuron continuous with tergite 5, tergite 9 entirely, broad hind margin entirely fulvous mesostemum, hind margin of of deflexed sides of all tergites and of all stemite 7; basal 1/3 of metafemur yellowish, sternites; clypeus roundly incised with rest is reddish; stigma dark brown with pale somewhat truncate basis, median fovea in form anterior half; supraantennal pit deep and ofpit in middle offrontal area punctiform; postocellar area convex, without maesta Malaise * longitudinal middle furrow; median foveadeep Body black, yellowish are: labrumexcept large flavipes (Cameron) medial spot, temple, narrow hind and lateral 25. Antennal segment 3 equal to or longer than 4 margins ofdeflexed sidesofall tergites; clypeus , 26 subsquarely incised, median fovea indicated by Antennal segment 3 subequal to or shorterthan shallow groove in its anterior half 4 38 & mandalensis Saini Kalia 26. Forewings clear 27 20. Antennal segment 3 distinctly longer than 4; Forewings distinctly infuscated towards apex supraantennal pit and median fovea absent ... without sharp limits citrinipictus Malaise parapeniata Singh et al. Antennal segments 3 and 4 subequal; 27. Supraantennal tubercles distinctly raised 28 .. supraantennalpitpresent; median foveadistinct Supraantennal tubercles insignificant 29 or shallow 21 28. Mesoscutellar appendage carinate; postocellar 2 Head impunctate; clypeusrectangularly incised areawithout longitudinal middle furrow, twice 1 . & punctulatis Saini Vasu as wide as long; head opaque owing to large, Head punctate; clypeus roundly incised 22 isolated punctures and surface between them 22. Head strongly punctured 23 micropunctured; mesonotum with distinct and Head not strongly punctured dense punctures, mesopleura with large, cephalopunctata sp.nov. isolated punctures on anterior slope; median 23. Punctures of mesonotum and mesoscutellum fovea absent; labrum with rounded anterior dense and confluent; mesopleuron rugose; margin; apical tooth of claw longer than frontal area at level of eyes; supraantennal subapical one opacifrons Malaise tubercles low opacifrons alpestris Malaise syn.nov. & ramgarhensis Saini Kalia opacifrons subpunctata Malaise syn. nov. Mesonotum, mesoscutellum and mesopleuron Mesoscutellarappendage ecarinate; postocellar with minute, even and isolated punctures; area with longitudinal middle furrow, broader frontal area below level ofeyes; supraantennal than long as 5:2; head shining with minute, tubercles raised 24 scattered punctures; mesonotum with minute, 24. Body black, pale markings are: large temple isolated punctures; mesopleura almost spot narrowly connected with complete inner impunctate; median foveadepressed,ditch-like; orbit, posterolateral margin ofpronotum, spot labrum with roundly pointed anterior margin; before mesoscutellum, extreme posterior apical tooth ofclaw equal to subapical one ... & margin ofmesepimeron, spot on anterior slope icari Saini Kalia ofmesepistemum, hindmargins ofall sternites; 29 Stigma pale (mesoscutellum roundly raised metafemur reddish except black apex; stigma with hind apex somewhat incised; frontal area black; supraantennal pit shallow; postocellar below level ofeyes; mesopleurawith indistinct, area subconvex with longitudinal middle shallowpunctures; median fovea absent; apical furrow; median fovea shallow tooth ofclaw subequal to subapical one) subulicornis Malaise subcoreaceous Malaise Body black with above said pale markings Stigma dark brown to black 30 missing, instead otherpale markings which are 30. Punctures on mesopleura minute, shallow and absent in previous species here are present: a isolated 31 spot on tegula, sagittated apex of mesonotal Punctures on mesopleura large, distinct and middle lobe, stripe along pleurostemal suture, confluent 32 270 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURALHIST. SOCIETY, Vol 95(1998) 31. Yellowish are: broad posterior margin of 38. Mesocutellum flat (Fig.46) 39 propodeum and posterior margin oftergites 2- Mesoscutellum raised (Fig. 45) 42 POL:OOL:OCL = 6; 2:3:3; postocellar area 39. Mesopleura subrugose; apical tooth of claw broader than long as 3:2 politus sp.nov. shorter than subapical one (median fovea Yellowish are: extreme posterior angle of reaching median ocellus) brunetti Rohwer propodeum and tergites 2-7 with triangular Mesopleuranot subrugose; apical tooth ofclaw medial spots; POL:OOL:OCL = 4:5:5; at least as long as subapical one 40 postocellar area broader than long as 5:4; 40. Median fovea reaching median ocellus; apical cuneativentris sp.nov. tooth ofclaw as long as subapical one 32. Mesonotum, mesoscutellum, appendage and frontatus sp.nov. abdomen entirely black nigricans sp.nov. Median fovea not reaching median ocellus; Mesonotum, mesoscutellum, appendage and apical tooth ofclaw longer than subapical one abdomen with some yellowish markings ... 33 41 33. Mesoscutellumflat; frontal areaat level ofeyes; 41 . Supraantennal tubercles low, supraantennal pit apical tooth oftarsal clawdistinctly longerthan deep, median fovea obsolete subapical one 34 longomalari Singh et al. Mesocutellum subconvex; frontal area below Supraantennal tubercles raised, supraantennal level ofeyes; apical tooth oftarsal claw equal pit obscure, median fovea grooved and not to subapical one 37 reaching median ocellus 34. Head subrugose with dense, minute, shallow bengalensis Saini & Kalia punctures; abdomen black above 42. Postocellar area without median longitudinal salebrousa sp.nov. furrow 43 Head smooth with few, scattered, irregular, Postocellar area with median longitudinal distinct punctures; abdomen not entirely black furrow rapae (Linneaus) above 35 43 Head punctured and surface between punctures . 35. Mesonotal middle lobe entirely black microsculptured 44 hargurmeeti sp.nov. Head with scattered punctures and without Mesonotal middle lobe with pale markings microsculpture 45 ... 36 44. Malar space lx diameter of median ocellus, 36. Pale lateral sides of mesonotal middle lobe circum- and interocellar furrows present, meeting at apex; median fovea shallow in its postocellar furrow absent, mesoscutellum anterior half and evenly depressed in its strongly elevated with extreme apex mostly posteriorhalfin form ofhorse-shoe with raised divided by furrow caerulescens Malaise frontal sides foveatus sp.nov. caerulescens kashmirica Malaise syn. nov. Pale lateral sides ofmesonotal middle lobe not Malar space 2x diameter of median ocellus, meeting at apex; median fovea shallowly circum- and interocellar furrows absent, indicated in its anterior halfonly postocellar furrow present, mesoscutellum & albicincta Cameron subconvex P. muelleri Saini Kalia albicincta nigripleuris Malaise syn.nov. 45. Frontal area black entirely; lower halfor more albicincta sinobirmanica Malaise syn.nov. ofhind and inner orbits pale, sometimes inner albicincta albitarsis Malaise syn. nov. orbitnarrowly connectedwith pale temple spot; 37. Broad anterior aspect ofmesopleura yellowish apex ofmesonotal middle lobe pale; all tergites white and extends as a transverse band in its black above. Legs pale, black are: four front lower 1/2 upto coxal rim, circumocellar furrow tibiae and tarsi posteriorly; apex ofmetafemur shallow, postocellar area broader than long as above and metatibia and tarsi entirely; 5:4 pleuricingulata sp.nov. postocellar area flat Broad anterior aspect ofmesopleura yellowish violaceidorsata Cameron white only, circumocellar furrow indistinct, Frontal area with large pale spot above postocellar area broader than long as 3:2 antennae; broad hind orbit around eyes pale punamae sp.nov. except area posterior to eyes; lateral comer of , , , , ,, , TWELVENEWSPECIESOFGENUSPACHYPROTASISHARTIG 271 & Figs.(l-24) Clypeus labrum: 1. Pachyprotasis maculiventris 2. P. kulwantae 3. P. nigricans P 4. P. pleuricingulata, 5. P. punamae, 6. P.frontatus 7. P. cephalopunctata 8. politus ; P Tarsal claw: 9. maculiventris, 10. P. kulwantae 1 1. P. nigricans 12. P. punamae, 13. P.frontatus, 14. P.foveatus, 15. P. salebrousa; P Penis valve: 16. P. maculiventris 17. P. kulwantae 18. P. salebrousa 19. P. hargurmeeti 20. , , , , P pleuricingulata 21. P.frontatus, 22. P.foveatus, 23. P. politus, 24. cuneativentris. , 272 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURALHIST. SOCIETY, Vol. 95(1998) Figs. (25-35) Gonoforceps: 25. Pachyprotasis maculiventris, 26. P. kulwantae, 27. P. salebrousa , 28. P. hargurmeeti, 29. P. pleuricingulata, 30. P.frontatus, 31. P.foveatus, 32. P. politus, 33. P. cuneativentris Lancet: 34. P. kulwantae 35. P. cephalopunctata. ; , TWEEVENEWSPECIESOFGENUSPACHYPROTASISHARTIG 273 Figs. (36-40) Lancet: 36. Pachyprotasis nigricans 37. P. salebrousa 38. P. hargurmeeti, 39. P.foveatus, , , 40. P. pleuricingulata. , JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURALHIST. SOCIETY, Vol. 95(1998) Figs. (41-46) Lancet: 41. Pachyprotasispunamae, 42. P. politus, 43. P. cuneativentris Lateral view ofThorax: 44. Pachyprotasis kulwantae, 45. P. cuneativentris , 46. P. cephalopunctata. TWELVENEWSPECIESOFGENUSPACHYPROTASISHARTIG 275 Figs. (47-58) Colour pattern ofHead: 47. Pachyprotasis maculiventris 48. P. kulwantae , , 49. P. cephalopunctata 50. P. politus, 51. P. cuneativentris, 52. P. nigricans 53. P. salebrousa , , 54. P. hargurmeeti 55. P.foveatus 56. P. pleuricingulata, 57. P. punamae, 58. P.frontatus. , , 276 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURALHIST. SOCIETY, Vol. 95(1998) mesonotal middle lobe reaching apex pale; low lying frontal ridges, supraantennal pit tergites black above with pale are: irregular prominent, median fovea deep in its anterior 1/ lateral spots along posterior border of 2 and posteriorly only shallowly reaching propodeum, posterior border in middle of median ocellus; post- and interocellar furrows tergites 2-6, tergite 9 entirely. Legs pale, black just indicated, circumocellar furrow indistinct, are: outer stripe from base offemur to apex of lateral furrows indicated and ending well before clawjoint in front four legs, spot on metacoxa, outer and inner stripe on apical half of hypothetical hind margin of head; postocellar metafemur, rest of metaleg except narrow area subconvex, broader than long as 2:1; anterior stripe on tibia; postocellar area convex mesoscutellum convex, with a medial manganensis Saini & Kalia longitudinal carina on its posterior slope, appendage carinate, ICD:ITD = 1:4; metafemur Pachyprotasis maculiventris sp.nov. longer than tibia as 7:6, metabasitarsus longer (Figs. 1,9,16,25,47) than following 3 joints combined as 8:7, Male: Colour: Body black, yellowish IATS:MB:OATS = 3:4:2, apical tooth of claw white are: underside of scape, clypeus except a subequal to subapical one (Fig.9). Genitalia: basal medial stripe, labrum, mandible, a spot Penis valve (Fig. 16), gonoforceps (Fig.25). on supraclypeal area extending beyond base of Sculpture and pubescence: Headwith few, antennae, broad inner and hind orbits except scattered, irregular, inconspicuous punctures, upper 1/4 (Fig. 47); broad posterolateral and surface opaque; thorax almost impunctate except streak-like posterodorsal margin of pronotum, mesonotum which is punctured like head, surface tegula except extreme apex, anterolateral oval shining with general oily lustre; abdomen spot on mesonotal middle lobe, a spot on impunctate, shining. Body covered with silvery mesoscutellum, a transverse stripe on lower half pubescence except for coloured parts where it of mesepistemum extending to anterior border, appears to be golden. posterior border ofmesepimeron; metastemum; Female: Not found. anterolateral and lateral parts of all tergites Material examined: Holotype: Male, stemites entirely; front four legs except outer Uttar Pradesh, Kalamunitop, 2700m, 18.vi.1993. stripe on femora, tibiae and tarsi, apical 1/2 of Paratypes: 3 males with same data as holotype. metacoxa, metatrochanter entirely, extreme base Individual variations: Triangular spot on and dorsal stripe on metafemur, metatarsi 2-4 tergites 2 & 5 may be faint or missing, a and adjoining part ofmetabasitarsus and oftarsal yellowish spot on inner side ofapex ofmetatibia joint 5. Fuscoferruginous are: broad triangular present, black colour on metatibia extends upto spot on tergites 2-5, outer side of metafemur, 1/3 of its apical part. metatibia except apical 1/5. Wings hyaline, Distribution: India: Uttar Pradesh. venation including costa, subcosta and stigma Etymology: Species name pertains to dark brown. triangularly spotted abdomen. Structure: Average length 6.5mm. Antenna 3.4x head width, segments 3 and 4 as Pachyprotasis kulwantae sp.nov. 6:5; clypeus (Fig.1) subsquarely incised upto 1/ (Figs. 2,10,17,26,34,44,48) 3 ofits medial length, labrum broader than long as 4:3 with roundly pointed anterior margin, Female: Colour: Body black, yellowish malar space 2x diameter of median ocellus; white are: underside ofscape, clypeus, mandible LID:IDMO:EL = 7:6:5, OOL:POL:OCL = 3:2:2; barring apex, spot on supraclypeal area, lower frontal area below level of eyes; supraantennal 1/2 of inner and hind orbits (Fig.48); sagittated tubercles moderately raised and confluent with apex of mesonotal middle lobe, tegula, spot

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