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Preview Twelve new species of Australian Buprestidae (Coleoptera) and new synonymy

TransactionsoftheRoyalSocietyofS.Aust. (2004), 128(2), 195-204. TWELVE NEW SPECIES OFAUSTRALIAN BUPRESTIDAE (COLEOPTERA) AND NEW SYNONYMY by S. Barker* Summary Barker, S. (2004) Twelve new species ofAustralian Buprestidae (Coleoptera) and new synonymy. Trans. R. Soc. S.Aust. 128(2), 195-204,30November,2004. ElevennewspeciesofCastiarinaaredescribednamely: C. bilyi,C. bugejiana,C. coalstounensis,C. chlorota, C. darkinensis, C. denmanensis, C. gilberti, C. kitchini, C. markgoldingi, C. moxoni, C.pallida and one new species ofAstraeus namely A. kitchini. Castiarinasuttoni (Carter, 1932) is resurrected from synonymy with Castiarinadeuqueti(Carter, 1927). KeyWords: Coleoptera, Buprestidae,Newspecies, Castiarina,Astraeus. Materials and Methods Introduction Specimens examined were borrowed from or are Largely because ofthe enthusiasm ofa number of deposited in the following institutions and collectors, the Australian buprestids are now much collections: betterknownthantheyweretwentyfiveyearsago. For AMSA - Australian Museum, Sydney. the lastthirty fouryears 1 have been workingtowards ANIC - Australian National Insect Collection, arevisionofCastiarina(Gory& LaPorte),thespecies Canberra. of which are some of the most difficult to identify. ASSH - A. Sundholm, Sydney. Again,beforethattaskiscompletedmorespecieshave DKQA - D. Kitchin, Toowoomba. been brought to my attention and these are described MHSA - M. Hanlon, Sydney. below, togetherwith anew species ofAstraeus (Gory MPWA - M. Powell, Melville and M. Golding, &LaPorte)(s.s.).A. blaekdownensisBarker, 1977was Beverley. described from a unique female specimen. Aseries of PMCE - Prague Museum, Czechoslovakia. both sexes was collected at Blackdown Tableland, QMBA - Queensland Museum, Brisbane. Queensland on 25.X.2001 onAllocasuarina inophloia SAMA - South Australian Museum,Adelaide. (F. Muell. & F. M. Bailey) L.A. S. Johnsonby myself WAMA - Western Australian Museum, Perth. and M. Powell. Specimenshavebeen deposited inthe QMBA SAMA Malegenitaliawereprepared andillustratedbythe and collections. method described in Barker (1987). Habitus illustrations were prepared by photographing each Resurrection ofa Castiarina species holotype, projecting the image onto copy paper at 6 timesnatural size, then drawing aroundthe image in In anearlierpaperonthegenus Castiarina(Barker pencil. The paper was folded along the mid-line of 1980) I synonymised Castiarina suttoni (Carter, the image, placed over a light box and the sides 1932) and Castiarinapalagera (Carter, 1937) with equalised. The resultant outline was traced onto Castiarina deuqueti (Carter, 1927). Recently I have pencil board and the details drawn in with pencil. re-examined all of the holotypes: 8 holotype, C. Smudgesticksandaplasticeraserwereused forfine deuqueti, Armidale, NSW, C. Deuquet, AMSA shading. The completed drawings were sealed with K58167; 2 holotype, C. suttoni, E. Sutton, Fletcher, mat fixative. Finally they were scanned into a Queensland, AMSA K67341; 6 holotype, C. computer and the images manipulated using palagera, Cessnock, NSW, W. Duboulay, AMSA Photoshop. Measurements given are total body K104458. On the basis of the structure of male length and width of the holotype, followed by the genitaliaandexternal morphology 1 concludethatC. range of these measurements for all males and palagera is a synonym of C. suttoni which is a females. Codens used in the text for museum and separate species from C. deuqueti. private collections follow the four letter system of Watt(1979) andArnettetal (1993). Castiarinabilyisp. nov. (Figs li, 2b) Holotype *SDoeuptahrtAmuesntrtaloifaE5n0t0o0m.ology, SouthAustralian Museum Adelaide, 8, Hyden, W.A., 25.X.2001, S. Bily, WAMA. 1% BARKER S. w e ST f g f h i •it m ^ flP r n o p it. Fig 1. Male genitalia ofthe following species: a. Castiarina stmulataperplexa (Hope) b. C. darkinensis sp. nov. c. C. moxoni sp. nov. d. C. goudiana (Barker) e. C. pallida sp. nov. f. C. subnotata (Carter) g.Astraeus kiichini sp. nov. h. Castiarinakiatae(Barker) i. C. bilyisp. nov.j. C. markgoldingi sp. nov. k C. erasma(Carter) I. C. gardnerae(Barker) m. C. mustelamajor (Thomson) n. C. haswelli (Carter) o. C. denmanertsis sp. nov. p. C. coalstounensis sp. nov. q. C. gilbertisp. nov. r. C. carinata(Macleay)s. C. chlorotasp. nov. t. C. balthasari(Obenbcrger)u. C. bugejianasp. nov. v. C.parallela(White) w. C. vittata(Saunders)x. C.xanthopilosa(Hope)y. C. kitchinisp. nov. z. C.producta(Saunders). Scalebar=2 mm. Paratypes median sulcus. Antennae, antennomeres: 1-3 WA: 6,Yellowdine, 16.X.2001, S. Bily, PMCE; 6, obconic; 4-1 1 triangular. Scutellum scutiform, QueenVictoria Rock, Coolgardie, l.xi.2001, S. Bily. without punctures, medially excavated. Pronotum PMCE; 6, same dataas holotype, SAMA. punctured, anterior margin straight, basal margin bisinuate, median longitudinal impressed line Size: Holotype, 8.8 x 3.2 mm. Males, 7.6 - 9.6 x ending in small basal fovea, laterally rounded out 2.4 - 3.4 mm. Females, unknown. from base, rounded and narrowed to apex. Elytra Colour: Head, antennae and pronotum bronze with punctate-striate, intervals faintly wrinkled, blue and purple reflections. Scutcllum black with laterally angled outwards from base, rounded at purplereflections. Elytrayellow withthe following humeral callus more or less parallel-sided until black markings with blue reflections: narrow band rounded post-medially, rounded and narrowed to along basal margin, prc-medial fascia with ends bispinose apex, both spines sharp, margin deeply projecting anteriorly meeting basal margin and indented between, apical margin sub-serrate. posteriorly reaching lateral margin; post-medial Ventral surface densely setose. Sy truncate in meeting lateral margin; pre-apical spade-shaped males. mark, all marks connected along suture. Ventral Aedeagus: Parameres elongate, barely expanded surface and legs bronze. Setae silver. towards apex which is rounded; penis in form ofa Shape & sculpture: Elongate. Head punctured with thin pointed rod (Fig. li). TWELVE NEWSPECIES OFAUSTRALIAN BUPRESTIDAE (COLEOPTERA) 197 Remarks sided until rounded post-medially and narrowed to bispinose apex, both spines minute, margin indented The colour and pattern of this species most between. Ventral surface and femora covered in Hat resemble Castiarina kiatae (Barker,1980), but male feathery setae. Sj truncate in males, rounded in genitalia are quite distinct (Fig. Ih ): the apex ofthe females. penis ispointed in C.kiataeandspine-like in C.bifyi. Aedeagus: Parameres slightly angled outwards from C. kiatae is a broaderspecies. basal piece, broadened at middle and more or less parallel-sided until rounded at the apex, penis sharp Etymology (Fig. lu). Proctiger in both sexes rounded and Thespeciesisnamedaftermy friendDrS. Bily, its without notching. collector. Remarks Castiarina bugejiana sp. nov. (Figs lu, 2i) This species belongs in theparallela species group. Three other group member species occuring only to Holotype the east of the Nullarbor Plain are Castiarina (J,"48 km N Bourke, N.S.W., 9.ix.l984, on parallela (White, 1859) (Fig. lv), Castiarina vittata Micromyrtus hexamera flowers, A. Sundholm & J. (Saunders, 1868) (Fig. lw) and Castiarina Bugeja, SAMAI21 554. xanthopilosa (Hope, 1847) (Fig. lx). All have rounded proctigcrs unlike the species found in W.A. C Allotype (Barker, 1996). bugejiana is a very distinctive 9,' 48 km N Bourke, N.S.W., 24.viii.84, on species having a dark background to the elytral Micromyrtus hexamera flowers, A. Sundholm & J. pattern. C vittata has two elongate vittae on the Bugeja, SAMA1 21 555. elytra and no spots. The othertwo species both have the same spotted pattern but the background colour Paratvpes in both is a dark red-brown. NSW: 6, same data as holotype, SAMA; 2 9 9, 5.ix.l986, 48 km N Bourke, on Thryptomene Etymology hexamera,A. Sundholm &J. Bugeja,ASSH; 166, Named aftermy friend J. Bugeja, Sydney. 9, Glengeera Station: 38 km N Bourke, NSW; 29° 44' 37.1" S. 145° 57' 9.9" E. Elev. 129m, 6.ix.2003, Castiarina chlorota sp.nov. on Thryptomene hexamera flowers, A. Scott, A. (Figs Is, 2c) Sundholm, ASSH; 3 66, 9, Ledknappcr Crossing Road,43.2kmN Bourke,NSW,29°45' 9.2" S. 146° Holotvpe 0' 32" E. Elev. 103 m., 6.ix.2003, on Thryptomene 6, Northampton, W.A., 27.viii.1971, K. & E. hexamera flowers,A. Scott, A. Sundholm,ASSH. Carnaby,ANIC. Size: Holotype,9.6x 3.2mm. Males,9.1 - 11.4x2.8 Allotype -3.8 mm. Females, 10.4- 11.8 x 3.2 -4.0 mm. 9 same data as holotype,ANIC. , Colour: Head, antennae, pronotum dull bronze. Seutellum bright copper-bronze. Elytra black with Paratypes faint purple reflections and the following yellow WA: 14 66 & 9, Mingenew, 3.ix.l958, LeSouef, spots on each elytron: four large in middle in a row ANIC; 2 66 Mingenew, 28.viii.70, K. Carnaby, ffirrsotmbbeanseeattho hapuemxe;ratlwocalelluosn,gatthee asleocnogndmabreghiinn,dthite. 2B8r.ovoiikis.70b,eqKu.es&t,E.ANCIaCrn;ab4y,6AN6IC&; I9I,6M6in,g1en9ew9,, Ventral surface and legsbronze. Setae silver. Mingenew, 29.viii.70, ANIC; 6 & 3 9 9, 8/70, K. Shapeandsculpture: Elongate. Headpunctured, faint C, Brooksbequest,ANIC; c^ & 9,28.ix.1970, K. & median sulcus. Antennae, antennomeres: 1-3 E. Carnaby, ANIC; 3 66 & 2 9 9, Mingenew, obconic; 4-1 triangular. Pronotum punctured, 29.ix.1970, K. & E. Carnaby, SAMA; 22 66 & 22 impressed medi1al line from base to anterior margin, 9 9, same data as holotype, ANIC; 3 66 & 9, anterior margin projecting medially, basal margin 7.ix.l971, Mingenew, K. & E. Carnaby, ANIC; 2 straight, lateral margin rounded from base to apex (Jd &2 ??, Geraldton, 3.viii.l973, K. & E. but not bulbous. Seutellum scutiform, without Carnaby, ANIC; 6 & 4 9 9, Mingenew, punctures, medially excavated. Elytra punctate- 22.viii.1974, K. & E. Carnaby,ANIC; ^,23 km Eby striate, 3rd interval from suture much largerthan the N Dongara, 30.ix.1981, I. D. Naumann & J. C. rest, lateral intervals rough, innner smooth, laterally Cardale,ANIC; 9,H.W. Brown,MooreRiv.,ANIC; angled outwards from base, more or less parallcl- 9, no data, ANIC; cT, 80 km S Northampton, 198 S. BARKER 20.viii.78, M. Powell, MPWA; S 30 km S Allotype Northampton, 26.viii.1979, on Scholt3zia flowers, 9, same dataas holotype, SAM I 21 570. T. M. S. Hanlon, MHSA; 6, 18km SThree Springs, 20.xi.91, D. Knowles, MPWA; cJ, 4.x.1996, Paratypes K. Kershaw, MPWA. Qld: 4 SS, same data as holotype, SAMA, DKQA. Size: Holotype, 7.8 x 2.4 mm. Males, 6.9 -9.6 x 2.2 -3.0mm. Females, 7.6- 11.2 x 2.4-4.0 mm. Size: Holotype, 8.8 x 3.2 mm. Males, 8.8-9.4 x 3.2 Colour: Head, antennae, pronotum, scutellumgreen. - 3.3 mm. Females, 8.2 - 11.2 x 3.0- 4.4mm. Elytra dark red-brown with the following yellow Colour: Head, antennae green-bronze. Pronotum markings: three circular, medial spots in a row on green-bronze with dark blue medial area. Scutellum each elytron; a small round spot on margin at green-bronzeorblue. Elytrawithyellowbackground humeral callusandasimilarmedialone, anelongate and the following black markings: narrow basal preapical mark also on margin. Ventral surface and mark, pre-medial fascia reaching lateral margins, legs green. Setae silver. post medial fascia reaching lateral margins, pre- Shape and sculpture: Head closely punctured, apical spade-shaped mark extended to cover spines, median sulcus, short muzzle. Antennae all marks connected along suture, apical margin red. antennomeres: 1-3 obconic; 4-11 triangular. Ventral surface blueand/orbronze-green. Legs blue. Pronotum closely punctured, narrow basal fovea Setae silver. extending forwards to middle as glabrous line, then Shape & sculpture: Head closely punctured with a tomarginasimpressedline,basal foveaoneachside deep median sulcus. Antennae: antennomeres 1-4 closer to margin than middle; apical margin obconic; 5-11 toothed. Pronotum deeply punctured, projecting medially, basal margin barely bisinuate; deep median sulcus, anterior margin straight, basal laterally parallel-sided at base, angled outwards and marginbisinuate, laterallyroundedfrombasetoapex, rounded to widest medially, rounded to apex. widestbeforemiddle.Scutellumscutellate,punctured. Scutellum scutiform, glabrous, flat. Elytra punctate- Elytrapunctatc-striate,3rdinterval fromsutureraised, striate, intervals convex, punctured and wrinkled, innerthree intervalsnotas heavilypuncturedasall of more so laterally than medially; laterally angled out the rest, laterally angled out from base, rounded at from base, rounded at humeral callus, concave, humeral callus, concave then rounded aftermiddle to rounded post-medially, narrowed to bispinose apex; bispinoseapex,bothspinesshort,marginroundedand marginroundedand indentedbetween spines, apices indented between. Ventral surface punctured and diverging. Ventral surface with shallow punctures, setose, setae moderately long and dense. Sy truncate edges of abdominal segments glabrous; otherwise in both sexes. Legs 2-3: male tarsomeres 1-3 with setose, setae flat, feathery. S7 truncate in both sexes. singlemedianspine replacingpulvilli. Aedeagus: Angled outwards from basal piece, Aedeagus: Wedge-shaped(Fig. lp). rounded to widest post-medially then converging towardsapex. Penisbroadwithsmallbluntapex(Fig. Remarks Is). This species is amemberofthesexplagiataspecies Remarks group with typical male genitalia and modified & tarsomeresonlegs2 3,closesttoCastiarinagilbert! C. chlorota belongs in theparallela species group sp. nov.,butwithdifferentmalegenitalia(Fig. lp). and is closest to C. balthasari (Obenberger, 1928). They are easily separated because the aedeagi differ Etymology (Fig. It) and C. chlorotahasagreenhead, pronotum The species is named after the type locality, andventral surface,allbrownish intheotherspecies. Coalstoun Lakes, Queensland. Etymology Castiarina darkinensis sp. nov. The species is named for its colour: chloros Gr., (Figs lb, 2e) green. Holotype Castiarina coalstounensis sp. nov. $, 6 km W Little Darkin Swamp, W.A., (Fig. lp 3) 21.xii.00/3.1.01, to red bucket, Knowles & Powell, , SAMA I 21 556. Holotype 6, Coalstoun Lakes, Qld, 20.xi.01, D. Kitchin, Allotype SAM I 21 569. 9, same dataasholotype, SAMAI 21 557. TWELVE NEW SPECIES OFAUSTRALIAN BUPRESTIDAE(COLEOPTERA) 199 SAMA Paratopes flowers, A. Sundholm, R. Chin, K. Tazoe, 1 WA: 6 & 2 9 5 same dataas holotype, MPWA. 21 558. , 4Si.z4e-:4H.o5lomtmyp.e,Fe1m1a.l6exs,4.151.m3m-.1M3a.l0esx,4.141-.52.-11m1.m6.x AHo9t,yspeame dataas holotype, SAMA I 21 559. Colour: Head, antennae and pronotum bronze. Scutellumdark bluewithorwithoutbronzereflections. Paratypes Elytra with yellow background, faint red margin and NSW: 2 6cT, East Minto, 13.xii.66, G. Williams, the following black markings: basal margin; pre- ANIC; 4 36 & 9, same dataas holotype,ASSH; 5 medial fascia with ends projecting anteriorly and cJcJ, Wolgan State Forest, 33° 15' 17" S, 150° 6' posteriorly and meeting margin; post-medial fascia 16" E Elev 1051 m., 27.xii.2002, on flowers of meetingmargin;pre-apical anchor-shapedmark,marks Leptospermum,A. Scott,ASSH. all connected along suture. Ventral surface and legs bronze. Size: Holotype, 12.4x4.6 mm. Males, 11.6- 13.4 x Shape & sculpture: Head punctured, without median 4.4-5.0 mm. Females, 13.7- 14.2 x 3.8-4.9 mm. sulcus. Antennae, antennomeres: 1-3 obconic; 4-11 Colour: Head bronze with or without purple triangular. Pronotumheavilypunctured, faintmedian reflections. Antennae black, antennomeres 1-2 with impressed line from base to apex, apical margin green reflections. Pronotum bronze with or without projecting medially, basal margin faintly bisinuate, purple reflections around the margin. Scutellum lateral margin concave at base then rounded bronze with coppery reflections. Elytra basal colour outwards all the way to apical margin, bulbous. yellow with red margins and the following black Scutellum scutiform, without punctures, medially markings: band along basal margin; pre-medial excavated. Elytra punctate-striatae, intervals fascia not reaching margin, ends expanded broadly punctured more so laterally than medially, laterally forwards to meet anterior margin and narrowly angled outwards from base, rounded at humeral posteriorly to meet margin enclosing a red spot on callus faintly concave until rounded post-medially margin beneath humeral callus; broad post-medial and narrowed to bispinose apex, sutural spine fascia reaching margin; spade-shaped pre-apical heavier than marginal spine, rounded between, mark, all marks connected along suture. Ventral apices diverging. Ventral surface heavily punctured, surface: male coppery sternal segments, red-brown except margins of abdominal sclerites glabrous, abdominal segments; female all coppery. Legs: densely setose. S7 truncate in males, rounded in dorsal surface greenish; ventral surfacepurple. Setae females. silver. Acdeagus: Elongate, parameres diverging slightly Shape and sculpture: Head punctured, shallow from base, abruptly rounded apically, penis sharp median sulcus. Antennae, antennomeres: 1-3 (Fig. lb). obconic; 4-11 triangular. Pronotum punctured, variable short median glabrous line near base, Remarks anterior margin projecting medially, basal margin bisinuate, laterally parallel-sided from base until This species is a member ofthe simulata species middle then rounded to anterior margin. Scutellum group. The colouration and pattern ofthe elytra is scutiform, with few punctures. Elytra punctate- similar to that of Castiarina simulata perplexa striate, intervals punctured, more so laterally than (Hope,1846) which also has a red margin. They can medially, laterally angled outwards from base, be distinguished by the anchor-shaped apical mark rounded athumeral callusthen moreorlessparallel- on the elytra, spade-shaped in C. simulataperplexa sided until post-medially rounded and narrowed to and thedifferences in malegenitalia (Fig. la).All of bispinose apex, both spines small and sharp, margin the specimens were captured by usinga colour lure. rounded between. Ventral surface punctured, setae flattenedand feathery. S7 truncate inmales, rounded Etymology in females. This species is named after the type locality, Aedeagus: Parameresexpandedapically,penisbroad Darkin, W.A. and pointed (Fig. lo). Castiarina denmanensis sp. nov. Remarks (Figs lo, 2h) This species most resembles Castiarina haswelli Holotype (Carter, 1916), an eastern Australian species. <5, Mt Denman summit, N.S.W., S32.23.1 However, there are differences in colour, size and E150.39.27, 1 1/12.xii.200. on Leptospermum sp. male genitalia. In C. haswelli the ventral surface in 200 S. BARKER h 0* '<:' Fig2. Habitus illustrationsofthefollowingspecies: a.Astraenskitchinisp. nov. b. Castiarinabilyisp. nov. c C. chlorota sp.nov.d. C.markgoldingisp.nov.e.C. darkinensissp.nov.f.C. moxonisp.nov.g. C.pallidasp.nov.h.C. denmanensis sp. nov. i. C. bugejiana sp. nov.j. C. coalstounensis sp. nov. k. C. gilberti sp. nov. 1. C. kitchini sp. nov. Scale bar = 5 mm. females is blue and in males red; it is a smaller Allotype speciesandmalegenitaliaaredifferent(Fig. In).The 9, same data as holotype, SAMA 21 561 two specimens from East Minto have a palerelytral pattern than those from Mt Denman. Paratypes Qld: 4 66, same data as holotype, SAMA, 2^, Etymology QMBA; Stony ck Falls, BlackdownTbld, on The species is named after the type locality, Mt Melaleuca, 25.x.2000, S. Barker, M. Powell, Denman, NSW. QMBA; 6 & 9, Blackdown Tableland, 24.xi.1999, on Leptospermum & Eucalyptus, T.M.S. Hanlon, Castiarinagilbertisp.nov. MHSA. (Figs Iq, 2k) Size: Holotype, 10.8 x 4.0 mm. Males, 9.3 -11.0 Holotype mm x 3.5 -4.0mm. Females, 10.6- 1 1.0x4.0-4.5 6\ Blackdown Tableland, Expedition Ra., Qld, mm. 9.xi.l981, S. Barker, P. Kempster, H. Vanderwoude, Colour: Head with blue apex, yellow green with QMBA. violet reflections at base. Antennae blue. Pronotum TWELVE NEWSPECIESOFAUSTRALIAN BUPRESTIDAE (COLEOPTERA) 201 laterally blue, mediallyblackwithbronze reflections. Paratvpes Scutellum blue. Elytrayellowwithred lateral margin NSW: 2 6 6, 2 ??, Acacia Plateau, NSW, and the following black markings with blue 20.L2000, D. Kitchin, DKQA; 3 6 6, same data as reflections: narrow basal margin, pre-medial fascia holotype, DKQA. QLD: ?, National Park, not reaching margin, ends expanded anteriorly; post- Macpherson Rge, i.28, H. J. Carter,ANIC. medial fascia reaching margin; mark covering apex Size: Holotype, 10.6 x 3.4 mm. Males, 10.6 - 1 1.2 and spines, all marksconnected alongsuture. Ventral x 3.2 - 3.8 mm. Females, 11.2 - 12.2 x 3.6 - 4.0 surfaceblue-green. Legsblue. Setae silver. mm. Shape and sculpture: Head closely punctured, broad Colour: Head, green; antennae blue-green. median sulcus, short muzzle. Antennomeres 1-4 Pronotum, scutellum green with yellow reflections. obconic, 5-11 toothed. Pronotum densely punctured, Elytra with yellow background and with the basal fovea extending forwards to apical margin as following black markings: pre-medial fascia with impressed line, basal notches on each side closer to ends expanded anteriorly, but not reaching anterior margin than middle; apical margin straight, basal margin, and posteriorly; post-medial fascia with margin bisinuate; laterally angled outwards from ends expanded anteriorly meeting pre-medial fascia base, rounded at widest part pre-medially, rounded alongthe lateral margin; an arrow-shapedpre-apical and narrowed to apex. Scutellum scutiform, mark covering apical spines, all marks connected punctured, excavate. Elytra punctate-striate, 3rd along suture forming three yellow spots on each interval from sutureraised, intervalsconvex, heavily elytron, anterior and posterior with red lateral punctured; laterally angledoutfrombase,roundedat margin. Ventral surface green with yellow humeral callus, concave, rounded post-medially and reflections. Legs royal blue, tarsi blue. narrowed to bispinosc apex; both spines small, Shape and sculpture: Head shallowly punctured margin rounded and indented between spines, apices with prominent median sulcus. Antennomeres 1-3 hardly diverging. Ventral surface with shallow obconic; 4- triangular. Pronotum shallowly 1 1 punctures, edges of abdominal segments glabrous, punctured, with a faint median sulcus in form ofa setose, setae short. Sj truncate in both sexes. Males: glabrous impunctate line from middle to near base legs 2 and 3 with pulvilli absent on tarsomeres 1-3, ending in a deep basal fovea; anterior margin replaced by median spine. straight, basal margin bisinuate; laterally rounded Aedeagus: Wedge-shaped (Fig. Iq). out from base, rounded and tapered to apex. Scutellum scutiform, medially indented with a few Remarks punctures. Elytra punctate-striate, laterally angled out from base, rounded at humeral callus, then C. gilberti sp. nov. is a typical member of the slightly concave until rounded post-medially and sexplagiata species group, the males ofwhich have tapered to bispinose apex, marginal spine elongate, similar wedge-shaped male genitalia and reduced wide at base but pointed, sutural spine represented pulvilli on legs 2 and 3. The specimens were bynotch. Ventral surface shallowly punctured, with collected on the flowers of Melaleuca lineariifolia long setae. Sy rounded inboth sexes. Smith and Baeckea sp. This species is closest to Aedeagus: Elongate, expanded apically, penis shaq:> Castiarina carinata (Macleay, 1863), in which the (Fig. ly). elytra has darker brown background colour, no red lateral markings and male genitaliadiffer(Fig. lr). Remarks Etymology This species is a memberoftheproducts mimicry The name honours the late John Gilbert, naturalist group and could be confused with that species but with the Leichhardt Expedition to Port Essington, can be separated by having: antennomeres 1-4 whichpassedthroughthelocality, Expedition Range, obconic; a more prominent median sulcus and fovea in 1842. onthepronotumwhich isroundedfrombasetoapex; finer apical spines on the elytra; elongate aedeagus, Castiarina kitchinisp.nov. not wedge-shaped as in Castiarina producta (Figs ly, 21) (Saunders, 1868) (Fig. Iz). Holotype Etymology 6, Acacia Plateau, NSW, 26.L2000, D. Kitchin, The species is named after the collector, D. SAMAI21 562. Kitchin, Toowoomba. Ailotype Castiarina markgoldingisp.nov. 9, same dataas holotype, SAMAI 21 563. (Figs tj,2d) 202 S. BARKER Holotype Remarks sp.c,?1s4.kxmii.lN996G,alGeonladiBnrgidagen,d WP.oAw.el,l,onSADiMcrAastIy*l2i1s This species is grouped with Castiarina 564. mustelamajor (Thomson, 1857) (Fig. lm), Castiarina erasma (Carter, 1935) (Fig. Ik) and Allotype Castiarina gardnerae (Barker, 1987) (Fig. 11), the 9, same dataas holotype, SAMA I 21 565. males of which have modified tarsomeres and a similarbody shape. C. markgoldingidiffers from the Paratypes rest in its colour and shape of male genitalia. All WA: 9, 65 km N Galena Bridge, on Dicrastylis, specimens were collected on the flowers of 18.xii.93, MG & MP, MPWA.; 2, 64 km N Galena Dicrastylis sp. Bridge, on Dicrastylis sp., 12.xii.1996, Golding & Powell, MPWA; 9, 65 km N Galena Bridge, on Etymology? Dicrastylis sp., 12.xii.1996, Golding & Powell, Named afterthe collectorM. Golding, Beverley. MPWA'. Castiarina moxonisp.nov. Size: Holotype, 9.1 x 3.4 mm. Females, 9.0- 10.5 x (Figs lc, 21) 3.3 -3.9 mm. Colour: Head black with blue reflections. Antennae Holotype blue. Pronotum orange-brown with medial circular 8, 38 km ESE Amata, S.A., 26° 17' 45" S 131° black spot, divided down middle and touching basal 29' 32" E, 22.x.98, Pitjantjatjara Land Survey margin. Scutellum black. Elytra orange-brown with YUR07, SAMA121 566. the following black markings: narrow basal margin projecting over humeral callus on each side; pre- Paratype medial spot on each side; post-medial fascia SA: c?, same data as holotype, SAMA. touching margin and suture, projecting anteriorly and posteriorly in middle of each side; mark Size: Holotype, 13.6x5.3 mm. Males, 13.6x5.1 -5.3 covering apex and spines. Ventral surface: pro- mm. Females, unknown. sternum orange-brown; meso-sternum and meta- Colour: Head, apex royal blue, medially black with sternum dark blue; abdomen testaceous. Legs dark bluereflections, basally blackwith bronze reflections. blue. Setae silver. Antennomeres: 1-2 blue; 3-11 yellow-bronze. Shape and sculpture: Head closely punctured, broad Pronotumblackwith bronzereflectionsmedially, blue median sulcus, short muzzle, Antennomeres 1-4 reflections laterally. Scutellum black. Elytra red with obconic, 5-11 toothed. Pronotum closely punctured, the following black markings: pre-medial fascia with elongate basal fovea, basal notches represented by ends expanded anteriorly and posteriorly but not glabrous area on each side closer to margin than reaching margin (in holotype fascia is broken leaving middle; apical margin concave, basal margin barely twomedial spots), post-medial fascia reachingmargin bisinuate; laterally angled outwards from base, andspade-shapedpre-apicalmark,allconnectedalong rounded to widest before middle, tapered to apex; suture, firsttwonarrowly, secondtwobroadly. Ventral dorsal surface depressed one third distance from surface black with blue and bronze reflections. Legs: base. Scutellum scutiform, excavate, punctured. femur and proximal dorsal section oftibia royal blue, Elytra punctate-striate, intervals convex, punctured, distalandventralsectionoftibiablue,tarsiblue-green. 9th from suture raised and larger than rest; laterally Shape and sculpture: Head punctured, with broad angledout frombase,roundedathumeral callusthen median sulcus frombasetomiddle.Antennomeres: 1- parallel-sided, rounded post-medially and narrowed 3 obconic; 4-11 triangular. Pronotum punctured, tobispinoseapex; largesharpmarginalspine,minute anterior margin straight, basal margin bisinuate, sutural spine, margin at first rounded then almost laterally rounded and narrowed from base to apex. straight between spines, apices diverging, apical Scutellum scutiform, excavate, glabrous. Elytra margin subserratc. Ventral surface with shallow punctate-striate, angled outwards from base, rounded punctures, edges of abdominal segments glabrous, at humeral callus, slightly concave rounded post- otherwise moderately setose, setae medium length. medially and tapered to bispinose apex, marginal and S-7truncateinmales,roundedinfemales. Males: legs medial spines sharp and about equal length, margin 2 and 3 tarsomeres 1-3 lackingpulvilli. rounded between spines. Ventral surface punctured, Aedeagus: Short, angled outwards from basal piece, withmoderatelengthsetaemainlyatsides. Sytruncate rounded outwards before middle then more or less inmales. parallel-sided until rounded at apex. Penis broad Aedeagus: Short andbroad apically. Penis sharp (Fig. with small spine (Fig. lj). lc). TWELVENEW SPECIESOFAUSTRALIAN BUPRESTIDAE(COLEOPTERA) 203 Remarks subnotata (Carter, 1933), but can be recognised by not having elytral spots, by the brown spotting on This species could be confused with Castiarina the abdominal segments and by having different goudiana (Barker, 1987)) (Fig. Id). They arc a male genitalia (Fig. If). similar colour and the elytral markings are similar. However, C. moxoniisalargerspecies, theaedeagus Etymology is broader and the punctation on the head is denser This species is named for its pale colour: pallidas than in the other species. L. ashen. Etymology Astraeus (s.s.) kitchinisp. nov. The species is named to honour the late Moxon (Figs lg, 2a) Simpson, Adelaide. Holotvpe Castiarinapallida sp.nov. 6, 30 km S Stanthorpe, Qld, l.xi.2001, on (Figs le, 2 g) Castiarinacunmnghamiana, D. Kitchin, SAMAI 21 571. Holotype SAMA 3, Kilkivan, Qld, I4.xii.00, D. Kitchin, I Allotype 21 567. 9, same dataas holotype, SAMA I 21 572. Allotype Paratvpes 9, same data as holotype, SAMA I 21 568. Qld: 15 66 & 6 $ 9, same data as holotype, DKQA, SAMA. Paratypes Old: 3 66 & 9, same data as holotype, DKQA. Size: Holotype, 8.4 x 3.2 mm. Males, 8.4-9.6 x 3.2 -3.7 mm. Females, 9.2- 11.2 x 3.3 -4.0 mm. Size: Holotype, 13.0 x 4.6 mm. Males, 12.2 - 13.0 Colour: Head mostly blue-green, basally green with x 4.6 - 4.8 mm. Females, 13.8 - 14.4 x 5.3 - 5.4 yellow reflections. Antennae, antennomeres: 1 red- mm. brown basallythe rest green with yellow reflections; Colour: Head green, with or without bronze 2-1 1 blue-green. Pronotum green with yellow reflections.Antennaegreen withyellow reflections. reflections. Elytra black, each elytron with seven Pronotum and scutellum green with or without irregular yellow spots, three along margin, four bronze reflections. Elytra with narrow green basal along suture. Ventral surface and legs blue-green. margin, remainderpale yellow with sub-serrate and Setae silver. apical spines black. Ventral surface and legs green Shape & sculpture: Head punctured and wrinkled, with or without bronze reflections. Abdominal short median keel becoming a faint impressed line segments pale yellow with lateral light brown towards base, heavily setose. Antennomeres: marks on each segment. Setae colourless. apical segments same length in males; becoming Shape & sculpture: Head punctured, very broad progressively shorter in females. Pronotum median sulcus. Antennae, antennomeres: 1-3 heavily punctured, setose, with basal crypt. Elytra obconic;4-11 triangular. Pronotum puncturedexcept costate, intervals flat, punctured and wrinkled, for glabrous basal areas on each side midway laterally rounded from base, rounded post- between margin and middle, apical margin medially and tapered to marginal spine, both projecting medially, basal margin bisinuate, lateral spines well developed; humeral fold moderately margin angled out from base, rounded at humeral developed, angled (Barker, 1975). Ventral surface: callus,moreorlessparallel-sideduntil roundedpost- thoracic segments heavily punctured; abdominal medially and narrowed to bispinose apices, both segments lightly punctured. Ventral surface and spines very small, margin indented and rounded legs setose. between, apical margin sub-serrate. Ventral surface Aedeagus:Unlike all other species in that laterally heavily punctured, sparse very short setae. S7 the paramcres are curved from the basal piece to rounded in males, truncate in females. the apex. Aedeagus: Short and broad, rounded apically, penis broad with small sharp point (Fig. le). Remarks Remarks To my revised key to species of Astraeus (s.s.) (Barker, 1989) add new 17 Headandpronotumblue- C. pallida superficially resembles Castiarina green kitchinisp. nov. 204 S. BARKER Etymology McArthur, SAMA; M. Moulds, AMSA; T. A. The species is named after the collector, Weir, ANIC; J. Bugeja, Sydney; M. Golding, D. Kitchin, Toowoomba. Beverly; M. Powell, Melville; T. M. S. Hanlon, Sydney; D. Kitchin, Toowoomba; A. Sundholm, Acknowledgements Sydney; the Simpson family of Adelaide for generous financial support; G. Williams, I thank the following for their assistance: A. Lansdowne. References Arnett, R. H. Jr, Samuelson, G. A. & Nishida, G. M. (1989) Contributions to the taxonomy of (1993) 'The Insectand Spidercollectionsofthe World.' Australian Buprestidae (Coleoptera); New species of 2nded. (SandhillCrane Press,Gainsville). Astraeus and Stigmodera (Castiarina) and a key to Barker, S. (1975) RevisionofthegenusAstraeusLaporte Astraeus(s.s.).Ibid., 113,185-194. & Gory (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Trans. R. Soc. S. (1996) Seventeen new species of Castiarina Aust, 99, 105-142. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Ibid., 120,41-59. (1977) Astraeus (Coleoptera; Buprestidae): a Carter, H. J. (1927)Australian Coleoptera: Notes and new dreecsocrrdisp.tiIob(ni1d.9,o8f01)0t1h,Nree1ew1-1n4se.pweciesspecaineds naenwd snyenwonlyomcsaliotyf sNpoetceisesa.nNd(o(1.1n9v9e3.3w27P))rsopNSececo.iwmeLesiG.nunnNi.eonw.Seoac2T..eanInNbed.ibdSAr..u,iWso.5t,n7ri,a5dl2ai1,ea0n21i2-nC12o1-tl52he.3eo4p.Stoeurtah. Stigmodera (Castiarina) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). AustralianMuseum;togetherwithnotesanddescriptions Ibid., 104, 1-7. ofotherAustralian Coleoptera. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust., (1987) Eighteen new species of Stigmodera 56, 121-144. (Castiarina) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Ibid., Ill, 133- Watt, J. C. (1979) Abbreviations for entomological 146. collections. N. Z. Zooi. 6,519-520.

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