B A J EGIN NDROID OURNEY I H S N OUR CS425 / CSE 424 / ECE 428 [Fall 2009] Sept. 14, 2009 Ying Huang R EFERENCE Online development guide http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html Book resource “Professional Android Application Development”, by Reto Meier, (Wrox, amazon link) “Android A programmers guide”, by J.F. DiMarzio, (McGraw Hill, amazon link) “Beginning.Android”, by Mark L. Murphy, (Apress, amazon link) “Pro Android”, by Sayed Y. Hashimi, Satya Komatineni, (Apress, amazon link) M OS OBILE Symbian iPhone RIM's BlackBerry Window mobile Linux Palm webOS Android …. W A ? HAT IS NDROID Google OHA (Open Handset Alliance) The first truly open and comprehensive platform for mobile devices, all of the software to run a mobile phone but without the proprietary obstacles that have hindered mobile innovation. Linux OS kernel Java programming Open source libraries: SQLite, WebKit, OpenGL W A HY NDROID A simple and powerful SDK No licensing, distribution, or development fees Development over many platform Linux, Mac OS, windows Excellent documentation Thriving developer community For us Java-based, easy to import 3rd party Java library Funding (40+ G1 phones) Prize (amazon’s kindle) Job opportunity A SDK F NDROID EATURE GSM, EDGE, and 3G networks, WiFi, Bluetooth API Support for Bluetoothe, WiFi Ad hoc mode Libraries Media, SQLite, WebKit, SSL Hardware control: Accelerometer, compass, microphone, camera, GPS touch screen, power Location-based service, map (Google API) T OOLS The Android Emulator Implementation of the Android virtual machine Test and debug your android applications. Dalvik Debug Monitoring Service (DDMS) Monitor and Control the Dalvik virtual machines Logcat (see logged msgs) Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Manage the state of an emulator instance or Android-powered device Copy files, install compiled application packages, and run shell commands. Traceview Graphical analysis tool for viewing the trace logs from your Android application Debug your application and profile its performance MkSDCard Creates an SDCard disk image RUN TWO NETWORKING EMULATORS IN A (U ) - ADB COMPUTER PDATED Q: run two networking emulators in a computer A using the public IP address of A, during debugging and demo? E1 E2 M1 A1: telnet + redir (MP1 doc) A2: adb forward 1) Port forward to connect Android from localhost abd –s emulator-5554 forward tcp:15216 tcp:15216 2) Use a proxy server which can listen on my_public_ip:15216 and forward the data to localhost:15216 stcppipe localhost 15216 15216 MP1 G1 Phone (Peer) Peer Registration Server Underlying Infrastructure-based WiFi /TCP/IP Network Peer Peer MP1 P S ROJECT TRUCTURE Registration PeerList Messaging