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Turning the aquatic weed Azolla into a sustainable crop PDF

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Turning the aquatic weed Azolla into a sustainable crop Layout by Kimberley Piek Cover photo | design: Ronald Leito | Kimberley Piek Printed by ProefschriftMaken || www.proefschriftmaken.nl ISBN: 978-90-393-6788-9 LPP contribution series: 48 The reserach described in this thesis was funded by the University of Utrecht and the Laboratory of Paleobotany & Palynology (LPP) Foundation. Additional financial support was provided by Climate KIC. Turning the aquatic weed Azolla into a sustainable crop De transformatie van het aquatische onkruid Azolla tot een duurzaam gewas (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof. dr. G.J. van der Zwaan, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op vrijdag 7 juli 2017 des avonds te 6.00 uur door Paul Brouwer geboren op 28 april 1988 te Utrecht Promotoren: Prof. dr. J.C.M. Smeekens Prof. dr. G-J. Reichart Copromotoren: Dr. H. Schluepmann Dr. K.G.J. Nierop Table of contents Chapter 1 9 General introduction Chapter 2 31 Azolla domestication towards a biobased economy? Chapter 3 57 Profiles of diel molecular responses to N fixation by Nostoc azollae reveal 2 that metabolic, structural and vascular cooperation sustain the high productivity of Azolla ferns without nitrogen fertilizer Chapter 4 81 Maintaining productive cultures of Azolla: methodology and the effect of CO 2 concentrations and species on biomass yield, chemical composition and suitability as feed Chapter 5 101 Lipid yield and composition of Azolla filiculoides and the implications for biodiesel production Chapter 6 115 Phenolic compounds and their biosynthesis pathways in the aquatic fern Azolla Chapter 7 151 Extracting protein from tannin-rich Azolla General discussion & outlook 173 References 183 Summary 208 Nederlandse samenvatting 211 Dankwoord | Acknowledgement 215 Curriculum Vitae 221 8 Turning the aquatic weed Azolla into a sustainable crop 9 Chapter 1 General introduction 10 Demand driven by a growing and wealthier world population Over the last decades the human population on Earth has expanded exponen- tially from approximately one billion people in 1800 to 7.3 billion in 2015 (United Nations, 2015) and is expected to reach more than 9 billion by 2050 (United Nations, 2015; Lukovenkov et al., 2011). The rate of population growth is decelerating and a major driver of this deceleration is increased wealth (Godfray et al., 2010). Pro- ducing sufficient food for the additional 1.7 billion people in the next 33 years will become a major challenge, whereas today still 12.9% of the global population is undernourished (FAO et al., 2015). Higher purchasing power additionally results in a higher consumption and a greater demand for meat, dairy, and fish (Godfray et al., 2010; Speedy, 2003). The production of meat and dairy requires a 2.3 up to 13 fold input of grains as feed and thereby puts even more pressure on global food supply (Sabaté and Soret, 2014), whereas global fish stocks are declining due to overex- ploitation (FAO, 2016). Not only does increased wealth results in higher demand for food and feed, also the consumption of energy (Ferguson et al., 2000) and materials (Wiedmann et al., 2015) have a positive correlation to wealth. Hence a growing and wealthier world population will boost future demand for food, energy and materials, increasing pressure on Earth’s ecosystem. Negative environmental impacts of current production systems The negative environmental impacts of our production systems are becoming in- creasingly well understood and more tangible. Since the start of the industrial revolu- tion in 1760, mankind has used vast quantities of fossil fuels to power the production of food and commodities, as well as to provide for transportation, heat and, more re- cently, electricity. Before the industrial revolution, CO drawdown by photosynthesis, 2 weathering and ocean sedimentation, and CO emission from respiration, freshwater 2 outgassing and volcanism were in balance (Ciais et al., 2013). The amount of carbon stored in the atmosphere is only small compared to the carbon locked in soils, fossil fuel reserves, and especially oceans (Ciais et al., 2013). However, due to a slow net exchange between the atmosphere and other reservoirs, it may take decades to thousands of years until atmospheric CO is relocated into terrestrial and ocean car- 2 bon resevoirs (Ciais et al., 2013). The burning of fossil resources within a limited time frame has therefore led CO piling up in the atmosphere. In 2015 the average CO 2 2 concentration measured at the Mauna Lao observatory station exceeded 400ppm, versus 317 ppm in 1960 and 200ppm during pre-industrial times (Keeling, 2008). The emission of CO and other greenhouse gasses (GHGs) by humans has caused 2 Turning the aquatic weed Azolla into a sustainable crop Chapter 1 11 global temperature to rise 0.8 °C and resulted in more extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts, floods, cyclones, and wildfires, melting of glaciers and sea ice and changing migration patterns for wildlife (IPCC, 2014). Consequently, these climatic changes have negative socio-economic impacts, such as loss of crop yields, material damage and decreased availability of drinking water (IPCC, 2014). If emis- sions of greenhouse gasses are not reduced, global temperature may rise more than 4°C compared to 1900, along with an exponential increase in associated impacts on environment and societies (IPCC, 2014). Between 1960 to 2000 global grain production increased from 1 billion to 2 billion tons per year, a period often referred to as the ‘green revolution’ (Khush, 2001). A major breakthrough enabling this ‘green revolution’ was the development of crop varieties with improved response to nitrogen fertilizer (Khush, 2001). Effectively, the use of artificial fertilizer has increased 7 fold over this period (Tilman, 1998). Concomitantly, the production of nitrogen fertilizer by the Haber-Bosch process has increased terrestrial N input by 71% and global N input by 34% (Figure 1) (Gruber and Galloway, 2008). The nitrogen fertilizer is only partly incorporated in the plant biomass, as 16% of the nitrogen input into croplands may leach into the freshwa- ter hydrological cycle and another 20% is emitted to the atmosphere in gaseous form (Wang et al., 2017). Additionally, a large share of the nitrogen in the harvested biomass, which serves human consumption, is excreted and ends up in freshwater bodies (Gierlinger, 2014; Cease et al., 2015). The increased use of nitrogen fertilizer from 1960 onwards was accompanied by the use of phosphorous fertilizer. Unlike nitrogen, phosphorous is a much less mobile element. Volatilization is negligible and it is hardly present in a soluble form as it quickly precipitates (Smil, 2000). Run-off of phosphorous from land to oceans proceeds therefore mainly due to erosion and as particulate P (Smil, 2000). Once in the ocean, phosphorous is buried in marine sediments at rates of 25-35 M ton year-1 (Smil, 2000). The slow process of tectonic uplift is required to bring this P back to land surfaces. Effectively, natural ecosystems depend on very efficient recycling of the available phosphorous. By mining ancient phosphorous sediments, mankind adds 15 Mt year-1 of phosphorous fertilizer to the global phosphorous cycle, repre- senting 52-58% of the total phosphate input of croplands (Smil, 2000). Intensive use of artificial fertilizers has more than doubled nitrogen and phos- phorous run-off into freshwater, and eventually marine ecosystems (Figure 1) (Gru- ber and Galloway, 2008; Smil, 2000). The run-off of phosphorous and nitrogen into fresh-water ecosystems promotes the growth of few species adapted to a high nutrient environment and inhibits growth of species that are limited by other factors, thereby decreasing biodiversity (Erisman et al., 2013). The same process occurs in coastal areas where high nutrient runoff entering the oceans causes algal blooms. By fueling microbial respiration, algal blooms can furthermore lead to coastal zones 12 xes vid-s of ous mbers in red indicate fluais et al. (2013) and prod provided in million tonmillion tons of phosphor cles. Nun from Ci2008) anvided in hosphorous (P) cyon fluxes are takeuber & Galloway (mil (2000) and pro nd pcarbm Grm S arbon (C), nitrogen (N) ae natural fluxes. Data for n fluxes are adapted frous fluxes are adapted fro al ccatogeoro activities on globack numbers indiet al., 2013). Nitry, 2008). Phosph n bls a ence of humaactivity, whilst n carbon (Ciaier and Gallow InfluFigure 1. due to human ed as billion tonitrogen (Grub(Smil, 2000). Turning the aquatic weed Azolla into a sustainable crop

Between 1960 to 2000 global grain production increased from 1 billion to 2 .. However, to exploit the full potential of floating aquatic plants safely, .. and how the plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis responds to nitrogen fertilizer diazotrophic cyanobacteria, Azolla requires no mixing of the water bod
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