SERIES IN PHYSICS General Editors: J. DB BOER, Professor of Physics, University of Amsterdam H. BRINKMAN, Professor of Physics, University of Groningen H. Β. G. CASIMIR, Director of the Philips' Laboratories, Eindhoven Monographs: B. BAK, Elementary Introduction to Molecular Spectra H. C. BRINKMAN, Application of Spinor Invariants in Atomic Physics S. R. DE GROOT, Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes E. A. GUGGENHEIM, Thermodynamics E. A. GUGGENHEIM, Boltzmann's Distribution Law E. A. GUGGENHEIM and J. E. PRUE, Physicochemical Calculations H. A. KRAMERS, Quantum Mechanics H. A. KRAMERS, The Foundations of Quantum Theory J. MCCONNBLL, Quantum Particle Dynamics I. PRIGOGINB, The Molecular Theory of Solutions E. G. RICHARDSON, Relaxation Spectrometry M. E. ROSE, Internal Conversion Coefficients L. ROSBNFELD, Theory of Electrons J. L. SYNGE, Relativity: The Special Theory J. L. SYNGE, The Relativistic Gas H. UMEZAWA, Quantum Field Theory A. H. WAPSTRA, G. J. NYGH and R. VAN LIESHOUT, Nuclear Spectroscopy Tables Edited Volumes: J. BOUMAN (editor), Selected Topics in X-Ray Crystallography J. M. BURGERS and H. C. VAN DB HÜLST (editors), Gas Dynamics of Cosmic Clouds, A Symposium P. M. ENDT and M. DBMEUR (editors), Nuclear Reactions, Volume I C. J. GORTER (editor), Progress in Low Temperature Physics, Volumes I—II J. KISTEMAKER, J. BIGELEISEN and A. O. C. NIER (editors), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Isotope Separation J. KOCH (editor), Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Applications of Electromagnetically Enriched Isotopes Z. KOPAL (editor), Astronomical Optics and Related Subjects H.J. LIPKIN (editor), Proceedings of the Rehovoth Conference on Nuclear Structure K. SIEGBAHN (editor), Beta- and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy J. G. WILSON and S. A. WOUTHUYSBN (editors), Progress in Elementary Particle and Cosmic Ray Physics, Volumes I-IV H. A. KRAMERS, Collected Papers TURNING POINTS IN PHYSICS A SERIES OF LECTURES GIVEN AT OXFORD UNIVERSITY IN TRINITY TERM 1958 BY R.J.BLIN-STOYLE D.TER HAAR K. MENDELSSOHN G. TEMPLE F. WAISMANN D.H.WILKINSON WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY A. C. CROMBIE 1959 NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, AMSTERDAM No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without written permission from the publisher SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR U.S.A.: INTERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC., NEW YORK PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS INTRODUCTION by A. C. CROMBIE Lecturer in the History of Science, Oxford University In his intelligent and attractive essay, Faraday as a Dis coverer (new ed., London, 1877, pp. 66-7), John Tyndall in troduced his account of Faraday's investigation of the laws of electro-chemical decomposition as follows: "In our conceptions and reasonings regarding the forces of nature, we perpetually make use of symbols which, when they possess a high representative value, we dig nify with the name of theories. Thus, prompted by cer tain analogies we ascribe electrical phenomena to the action of a peculiar fluid, sometimes flowing, sometimes at rest. Such conceptions have their advantages and their disadvantages; they afford peaceful lodging to the intel lect for a time, but they also circumscribe it, and by and by, when the mind has grown too large for its lodging, it often finds difficulty in breaking down the walls of what has become its prison instead of its home." Tyndall had first used these words in a Friday evening lec ture at the Royal Institution, and he copied them here, he said, "because they remind me of Faraday's voice, re sponding to the utterance by an emphatic 'hear ! hear !' " He went on to point out how sensitive Faraday himself was to 1 INTRODUCTION the tyranny and temptations of symbols and analogies, es pecially of words and concepts transferred from their original context to another. As Faraday wrote in his Ex perimental Researches into Electricity (London, 1849, vol. 1, p. 515): "The word current is so expressive in common language, that when applied in the consideration of electrical phe nomena we can hardly divest it sufficiently of its mean ing, or prevent our minds from being prejudiced by it." Similarly he objected to "pole", because it suggested the idea of attraction, to which he did not want to be prema turely committed. So, with the help of William Whewell, he divised the neutral terminology of electrode, electrolyte, anion, cation,... with meanings defined primarily within the context of electro-chemistry. This glimpse into Faraday's mind provided by Tyndall serves to introduce the purpose of the essays comprising this volume. It has become the practice in recent years in Oxford to arrange in the Trinity Term, as part of the in struction in the history and philosophy of science given in the University, lectures designed to introduce critical dis cussions of the history of some major aspect of scientific thought in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The theme for the course in 1958 was "Turning-points in phys ical theory". The chapters that follow are based on the papers read on selected aspects of this vast theme. All of them are by colleagues available in Oxford. There are many reasons for fundamental changes in scientific theory. At the empirical end of the scale, one obvious reason is the discovery of disagreement between observations and theoretical expectations, brought about 2 INTRODUCTION perhaps by the invention of new techniques which greatly extend the range of possible observations. An elementary example from the early history of modern science is the part played in the reform of astronomical theory, from Tycho Brahe and Kepler to Newton, by the extension given to the range and accuracy of observation by the invention of new instruments, including the telescope. But many of the deepest changes in scientific theory are initiated not directly by new observations but by re-thinking, by having new ideas and asking new questions from a different point of view. The classic example, again from the seventeenth century, is the formulation of the conception of inertia. The initial change was theoretical; a new range of possible observations followed from the new theory rather than brought it about. The new theory of motion also gener ated fresh problems and thus created the need for further new theories, for example for the theory of gravitation to explain the now unexplained planetary orbits, and so the process continued once the first theoretical innovation had been made. But much more was involved in the change than simply the replacement of one theoretical conception of motion by another; to do this at all meant replacing the accepted Aristotelian assumptions about the nature of physics and criteria of satisfactory explanation by the as sumptions and criteria found in classical mechanics. The reasons for making so radical a change went far beyond the mere data of observation, even though their control and justification was sought and found in the test of observation. Among the various reasons that go to bring about a major turning-point in scientific theory, one of the com monest seems to be some kind of mental uneasiness with 3 INTRODUCTION accepted criteria of satisfactory explanation. This is clear, for example, in Faraday's growing wariness over the ac cepted assumptions of the mechanistic physics inherited from the seventeenth century, and especially over the question of action at a distance. It was, to use TyndalTs phrase, the need he felt to break down walls of this kind and to find a new home for theory, rather than questions strictly testable by experiment, that sent him off in a new direction. This was perfectly compatible with his being the prince of experimenters. Physical theory after Faraday saw a succession of similar re-appraisals of the assumptions that could be considered acceptable, of special importance being those associated with the introduction of probability into physics and with the atomic theory, radioactivity, quan tum theory, and relativity. In all these cases the presup positions being made by physicists about the world and about the scope of physics served, as with Faraday, on the one hand to regulate the form it was held that an explana tion must take, and on the other to direct attention and stimulate the scientific imagination in particular directions. The pressure forcing change began sometimes with new theoretical presuppositions, sometimes with new experi mental discoveries. The resulting interplay between as sumptions, theories, and experimental discoveries is the main subject of this volume. 4 CHAPTER I THE END OF MECHANISTIC PHILOSOPHY AND THE RISE OF FIELD PHYSICS by R. J. BLIN-STOYLE Senior Research Officer in Theoretical Physics, Oxford University l. Physical Theory In the physical world one is confronted by a series of ob servational data gleaned from experiment and more or less accurately known as the case may be. It is the objective of the physicist and in particular the theoretical physicist at any time to correlate and explain these data within the framework of a theory. A successful theory must be con sistent with all the available data and in the case of possible alternatives simplicity is generally used as a weighting factor. Such a theory can then be used to predict the results of, as yet, unperformed experiments, and the success of the theory is judged by whether such predictions are in fact borne out by further experimental enquiry. If this is not found to be so it is then necessary to modify or possibly radically change the theory in the light of the new facts. Thus one has a continuous evolution of physical theory and so far the end or ideal limit of this evolutionary chain, even supposing that it exists, has never been in sight. However, the belief that there is a simple underlying theory or an ob jective truth which manifests itself in the phenomena of the 5 THE END OF MECHANISTIC PHILOSOPHY [Ch. I, § 2 physical world is fundamental to all physical thought and the stimulus for all research. It is the aim of this first lecture to describe a radical modi fication to the form of physical theories which had been prevalent up to the middle of the nineteenth century. This modification led to a considerable simplification in the nature of physical theory and also led to a very satisfying unification of two separate branches of physics. This change in outlook can justly be termed a "turning point in physics". To appreciate the nature of this revolution in physical theory it is necessary first of all to consider the philosophy that had set the pattern for all physical theory for the last two centuries prior to the revolution. 2. The Mechanistic Philosophy Perhaps one can trace the first cause of the mechanistic viewpoint to Copernicus who in 1543 proposed the now currently accepted relationship between the earth and the sun and to Kepler (1571-1630) who laid stress on the im portance of setting up a mathematical scheme for a proper description of nature. It was the teaching of Kepler that provided the chief inspiration for René Descartes (1596- 1650) who can properly be called the originator of the mechanistic philosophy. One of the problems of that time was to account in a satisfactory manner for the actions transmitted between bodies not in contact such as, for ex ample, the effect of the moon on tides and the mutual at traction or repulsion of magnetic bodies. In his rejection of all "qualities", Descartes was unable to accept an explana tion in terms of "action at a distance". His philosophy had led him to identify substance-material with extension and to 6 Ch. I, § 2] THE END OF MECHANISTIC PHILOSOPHY the conclusion that space was a plenum occupied by an aether with mechanical properties. The interaction between two spatially separated bodies was then accounted for in terms of forces transmitted by the aether. In this mechanis tic manner he wished to account for all physical pheno mena manifested by the inanimate world. If the concept of force between material bodies is to be used we must look a little more closely at its implications and in particular at the inter-relation between force and motion. Motion had been a fundamental problem for thou sands of years. Intuitively the idea exists that force is the cause of motion; as Aristotle wrote in the Mechanics : "The moving body comes to a standstill when the force which pushes it along can no longer act so as to push it." Aristotle's great authority in Europe unfortunately led to the reten tion of this fallacious idea for a long time and it was not until Galileo (i 564-1642) came on to the scene that the correct interpretation of motion was given and accepted. It is well-known as Newton's (1642-1727) first law of mo tion: "Every body perseveres in its state of rest, or of uni form motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon." Galileo saw quite clearly that the effect of a force on motion is not to main tain the motion but to change it. Commonplace examples of this are now, of course, well-known and need not be quoted. Newton stated the idea in his Principia in the following way: "An impressed force is an action exerted upon a body in order to change its state, either of rest, or of moving uni formly forward in a right line." If we extend the above considerations to motion other 7