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Turkmen-English English-Turkmen dictionary PDF

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i,,iff¡neræEß iffn¡rßiq iffnFßqr m,rfþErú66úr 6Ð,*r@ifúwaiff nÉç6 n,Fq,rmrÉiffntrÆæ npeiffa rf,lit,'iffr6ænoif rf98rfÆr4' iu¡nq ¡1 sqap qif lSaata 3u aads¡/nt1s utanrsrurr rytb,sm*¡ ffidwåjl¡ flJruh{üshe ñ bg flence fl*rup e l/utl+m*s¡iet+u Using this Dictionary: This dictionary contains rclughly 7000 Tr¡rkmen keywords, probably several more than you need during training. However, the ho1:e is f.hat this is a sufficient clictionary to last you throughout your service. Here are soÍre explanatory notes that will help you use this dictionary: About the Language: Tuliunen is dìalectal language. It's history tencled more towarcls an olal traclition, ¿r -fhe though literary systems have existed for several centuries. language wås most heavily influenced by Arabic, Pcrsian and other Turkic languages. Though after the whole region was conqueled and colonized by Russia, begiruting with the Czarist empire and then contimring into the Soviet Union, many wolds, cspccially teclurical or acadenríc terms, entered the language. Many of these either did not cxist at all or were then approximated by words th¿lt also had a more comrnon, everyday rneaning. For example: Älem rneans "outer space," "tuliversg," sometìmes "world" ancl also it rnight be a girl's name. This dictionary attempts tct approximate pr-int-standard written and spoken Turkmen. However, even within regions there is not the stanclardization of meanings that we are accustomed to in English. Do not be surprised to hear worcls used in ways that are not covered in this dictionary, or to find that people in your village to not know a word givcn in this dicti<lnary even if you pronounce it correctly. However, because the Turlanen in this dictionary closely follows print-standard Turkmen, people should at least be familiar with tlre meanings of Turkmen words as they are given here, even if they generally use a different word in their everyday speech. To help cleal with these rcgional differences, volunteers in Lebap, Balkan, and Ðashoguz are preparing some word-lists that adclress some of the tnost common deviations from the Tulkmen you leam in training. Some region-specific word-uses are also noted in this dictionary. Russian words: Turkmen includes alatge nunrber of Russian "bolrow" words. There is an offioial effort u¡derway to replace rnany of these Russi¿ur words with new Turkmen words, and we have inclucled as many of these new worcls as possible. Howevel, in cases where Russian words are still commonly used we have also provided the Russian word, denoted by (r), Notes on Using This Dictionary Turkmen-EnglÍsh: I. Turkmen words with rnultiple, separate meanings are listed more lhan once. For example: pyfada adv on foot pyiada n person 2. If aTurkmen word is followed by several English words separatecl by commas, this indicates that the meaning of the Turkmen word approxiurates a combination of those English words. For exarnple: nàzilç adj delicate, lra gile 3. Exarnple Sentences: We atternpted to write example sontences that both clearly clemonskated the use of the Turkmen key word and ovet the coruse of the entite sentence translated almost word for worcl fi'om Tulkmcn to English. This, unfortnnately, was not always possible and sonre of the example sentenres are translatecl idiomatically. However, they shoulcl all provide a worcl-for-worcl translation of the key worcf. All examples follow the English words in a hanslation, followed by ex;, then the Tudcmen sentence ancl irnmecliately followed by the English translation. 4. Annoying Tags: Some enkies that inclucle example sentences also include redundant clarifications of, meaning attachecl to the English worcls. Also you wilttincl the Ref: tag thror-rghout the dictionary. This 'tsfereflce' tag is used to provide clarification, cxplanations, and other infbrmation outside of simple clefinitions. That information was necessary on the English-Tulkrnen side and I just plain ran out of time to remove it from the Turkmen- English. English-Turkmen l. For English words with multiple meanings, these meanings are denoted by explanatory tags after the English keyword. lf multiple Turkmen words appear after an English keyword, all listed Turkmen words ale cornmon synonyrîs for that English word. For cxample: arrogant adj gompy, tekepbir, itl tumçuli fokaryk In cases, such as words like "fate" or "bfave" where there are many Turlcmcn equivalents for the English word, we tried to limit the number to between I and 3 of the most common variants. Other variants are listed only on the Turkmen-English sicle. If a small number is listecl after the Turkmen translation this inclicates that the word has multiple meanings. Then it may be helpful to look the word up on the Turkmen-English side. 2. Atpresent there are no example sentences on the English side. If you are unclear on how to use a particular Turkmen word you have to look that rvord up on the Turkmen side to see if there is a relevant example, I apologize for this inconvenicnce. Mea culpa. Compilecl, Written, and Edited by: Ilen Graham and Juma Babajanov Databasing and Layout by Sam Gaetz Major Contributing Editors: Allaguly Babajanov MorjenRejepova Bahar Aydogcliyeva Guncha Nursahatova Special Thanks to Zohre Ovezliyeva, the Language Coorclinator, Sahra Bayramova, the -Ir.ss istant, Eje.giz S ap arov a, the Consultant. This clictionary is, in f¡rct, an expanded edition, inclucling revisions and corcctions, of a previously existing Peace Corps cfictionary. This, in turn, built off of'the clictionary ptrblished by Peace Corps in 1996. On commercially available dictionaries: As far as I know, here is what is available: 1. In the bæzaar you may be able to find a small blue and grcen dictionary published by the Turk:men-Turkish University for about 100,000 TM. It is one way Turkmen-English, in the new alphabet and a nice pocket reference. Get it while yolÌ can. It is out of print and clisappearing. 2. Available used through Amazon for about $95 is a quite thorough clictionary (about 15,000 entries) by Allan Frank ancl Jeren Tachmuriclova, published in 1998. It is only Tulkmen-English and in the olcl alphabet, but contains a wealth of exarnple sentences drawn from Turkmen newsp¿rpers and literaturc. An excellent teference for reading and translating, especiaily if you are dealing with older printed material. 3. Sometimes available in the bazaar is an English-Turkmen clictionary in the old alphabet with about 10,000 entries. al¡andon adequate A-a ttba¡tdon rr. tallamak. acr:ording to (i,e. uccnrding to a som"ce), adv. ttbilillt r. baçarnyk; gärä. n. ukyp; account (hank...) n. hasabat. r. ukyplylyh. account (descriplion of evettÍs) n. befaunama. able (to be...) rr baçarrnak. acco unt{rnl r- }tahgalte(r); able (to he) v -ipl-yp bolmak. r, hasapçy. abnormal ar|. adaty ctil. uccounted.fbr adj.hasaply. qbolishment r, iatyrma. accounling r, hasaP. ahott (a.fitlr.ts) r.'. gyrmah. ãccurate (ahout u person) arl¡ iiir'; abortion (to perJ'orm an...) v. gyrmak. ad7. Ykjant. obouÍ (almos, ,¿/. diYen ialy. ac.cu.çe v. a¡iYPlamah; uboul (ap¡troximulely) atlv.gola!,; u. günåkärlemek. ørlu töwercgi. erccusìîh¡e cqse n. feñiç tlüçün. ubout (regarding) odv, hakynda; occuslomed (to hecome...) v. öwrcniçmek. ache barada. il. âgyry; 7ro.r. gbot e a,r/v. f'okarsynda. u agyrrn:rk; qhszrh r,. sifidirmel<, z syzlarnak. ûhsorbed (to he...1 u. siñmeh. ctchieve v. ästtinlil< gazanmak; ubsÍract ørli. abstrakt(r). ir.;ietmch. abundeítce r bcreket. acid n. kislota(r); uhundant adj.berekctli; ¡?. aur,qy. aceluctínt:trnce r. tanyç; adj. bol: azf. hasylly. rr. tanyçlyk. ucnclern ic de¡ta rlmen t r. fahultet(r). acquuinÍecl (to become,..) u. tanyçmak. accluire academic paper n. tloklad(r). u. edinrneh; r¡ccelerate l'. bat almak; r'. ele düçnrek; u. gözi düçmel<. rr çaltlaçrnak. dÇÇent acquired (to be...) 1. gclip gonuçmak. úccenl (stresrsz.) azl<. sbeanst(yr)m.. ucquit r'. aklanmirk. acquittal ac(enl (tvith an...) arlu. çalgyrt. ¡r. aklanma. giÍt) crctluitted adi.akla¡ran. ac:cept (i.e. u v. alm*k. dccept (i.e to a university) v. habul etmck. acro,ss from prep. gabadynùa; garçysynda. acceptuble aelj. elfeterli; ctcl ctccording¿ rt,zop . r tlgur almak. adj. makal. actiqn r. hereket. aacccceepptetadf ic(teo b¡r.e h,.n.b) uvl.. gofberilmck; ctcÍive ac{j. erjel; ¿dl. hereketli. accident rø'.. kaawbaurli fcad(irh)n;ch. uctivity r. iç, activity (i.e. in class) r. giinúltme. rr. heläkçilik. ttctot' r. aktfor(r); accid en ta I Iy adv. tötänlef in. n. artist(r). accomplish v. lritirmek; uduptation n. öwreniçme; v. üstünlikli geçmeh. aacccæonmtpplliisshheedd ((atob obtett. ,,a) p(ie.er,s ao np)r oaide.i.c rfo wv.a bçi.tmek. aadddd ition nrÍ... gwgooeççrmmdiaaçç.ka.. according to (i.e. according to a plan) pos. uddress rr. adres(r); bofunça. r' salgY. adequate adt'.feterlik: 9/29D0A9 English -- Turkmen adjective all day fo) adj. fetesi. against (next ødu. ¡ianynda. adieclive n. sypat. age lr.iag; odjtt.st (adjust somelhing) v. üftgetmeh. u. gartaçmak. udjust (adjttst to a siluation) v. öwrenÍçrnek. age (eru) /r. ¿rsyL aclminisÍratio¡r n. administratsíia{r); ügency ø. agentlik(r). ;r edara; agenda n. gürr tcrtibi. n. häkimlik; agile adi. çakgan:' n. folbaççylyk. adj. çalasyn. admirer rr. tttuçdak. agitated adj.lnçaga!; uclmit (confes.y' v. bofun ¿¡lmalç. ocl1. "ncrvoust' di¡icn sözÍ gör. admit (i.e. to a university) u. kabut ctmck. ago adv. aztl. qq:ree admittqnce n. kabul. v, rnzylaçntak; qdmitted (to be...) v. goilrerilmek; v. wadalaçmak. v. kabul edilmek. agree (øgree with one unother) rr. ylalaçmah. admonish r.: Íindemek. agreeable adj. mzy. qdmonishme¡rf ¡r. töwellaj agyeed adj. razy, r, ündc¡ne. agreement (consenl) n. ra4çylyk; adolescent n.jetginick. r, ylalaçyk. aùJU n. ullal<an; agreement ftvritten...) ri. çcrtrtarna; r. uly façly. n. wadalaçyk. actvanÍage n. bähbit. agriculilre n. el<crançylyk; adverh n. ahwalat. r. oba hojalYk. adversa4t r. bäsdeç; aicl r. goldaw; n. "enenry" díf en siizi giir. n. kömek; ttdvertisemenl n. bildiriçl n. iardam. r. rclilama(r). aid (aid stryplies) n. posohiyc(r); advice ir. maslahat; rt. üpjünçilik. AIDS r- nesihat. aåbr. spitl. qdvice (seek...) v. naslahat salmak. uim r. çenernek; ctdvíse u- m¿slahat bcrmeh. v. nygan almak. advi,ror r. geñeççi; aim (goal) ¡¿. maksat. air n. maslahatçy. r¡. howa. a.ff'airs n. iç. aírheaded øcfy. feñilkelle. c:ffict v. täsir ctmck; airytane n. samolfot(r); y. täsir ctmek. n. sanolfot(r); alfection r. gadyr; ,?. uçâr. uiryort ¿. mähir. n. aeroport(r). ffirmeúive øt{j.bwlyk. eiry at{j. selei Afgh an i st on ød¡l Owga nistan. trclj. sergin. afraid adj.gorkfan. alatm r. frewoga(r). afrøid of (to be...) v. üfçcnrnek. alarmed a@. aljyrairñy. a.frøid (to be...) v. çekinmek; alhuffi n. albom(t). t gorkmah. alcohol r. alhogol(r). afier conj.soira; qlcoholic ¡¿. alkaç; prep. soïr. n. arakcç. after all adv. ahlry. alertness r. üçük. afternoon rr. öflän. alfalfq r. forunjn. again adv. tilzedeai alien n. !zt. adv. fene; alive ad.i. diri; adu. fene-dc. ad.j. ianly. against adv. garsy; all @ll of, entire) adj.Ttiitin, adv tetsine. all day adv.güntzyn; 2 English -- Tutkmen 9129D009

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