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Turkish in Three Months (Hugo's Simplified System) PDF

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Preview Turkish in Three Months (Hugo's Simplified System)

,,HHuuggoo''ss SSiimmpplliiffiieedd SSyysstteemm TTuurrkkiisshh iinn TThhrreeee MMoonntthhss "" HHuuggoo''ss LLaanngguuaaggee BBooookkss LLiimmiitteedd'' \\((1111~~\\\\CC''rrTTCC??JJ?? VV\\''llNN~~ ©© 11998899HHuuggoo''ssLLaanngguuaaggeeBBooookkssLLttdd AAllll rriigghhttss rreesseerrvveedd IISSBBNN 008855228855 11336677 WWrriitttteennbbyy BBeennggiissuuRRoonnaa BBAA((IIssttaannbbuull)),,PPhhDD((LLoonnddoonn)) LLeeccttuurreerriinnTTuurrkkiisshhSSttuuddiieess SScchhooooll ooffOOrriieennttaall&& MMrriiccaannSSttuuddiieess UUnniivveerrssiittyyooffLLoonnddoonn SSeettiinn1100//1122PPllaannttiinnbbyy TTyyppeesseetttteerrssLLiimmiitteedd 1166,,MMeeaaddBBuussiinneessssCCeennttrree,,MMeeaaddLLaannee..HHeerrttffoorrdd PPrriinntteeddaannddbboouunnddiinnGGrreeaattBBrriittaaiinn bbyyCCoouurriieerrIInntteerrnnaattiioonnaallLLttdd,, TTiippttrreeee,,EEsssseexx PPrreeffaaccee ''TTuurrkkiisshhiinnTThhrreeeeMMoonntthhss'' iiss aassttrraaiigghhttffoorrwwaarrddiinnttrroodduuccttiioonnttoo tthhee eesssseennttiiaallss oofftthhee hhiinngguuaaggeeaannddiiss pprriimmaarriillyyiinntteennddeeddffoorr tthhoossee wwoorrkkiinngg oonntthheeiirroowwnn,, oorrwwiitthh aatteeaacchheerrffoorr oonnee oorrttwwoo hhoouurrss aawweeeekk.. IItt ccoouulldd aallssoo sseerrvvee aass tthhee tteexxttbbooookk ffoorr aa 1155oorr 2200--sseessssiioonnccllaassss ccoouurrssee.. TThheeaauutthhoorr iiss aanneexxppeerriieenncceeddtteeaacchheerrooffTTuurrkkiisshhaass aaffoorreeiiggnn llaanngguuaaggee,, nnooww lleeccttuurriinnggaattSSOOAASS,, UUnniivveerrssiittyyooffLLoonnddoonn.. SShhee''ssaallssooMMooddeerraattoorriinn TTuurrkkiisshhffoorr GGCCEE ''NN lleevveellaanndd GGCCSSEE,, LLoonnddoonn aannddEE.. AAnngglliiaannGGrroouupp.. TThheebbooookkbbeeggiinnss wwiitthhaanneexxppllaannaattiioonnooffTTuurrkkiisshhpprroonnuunncciiaattiioonn,, aassffaarr aass tthhiiss iiss ppoossssiibblleeiinn pprriinntt.. TTuurrkkiisshhssppeelllliinngg iissmmuucchhmmoorree rreegguullaarrtthhaann EEnngglliisshhaannddyyoouu wwiillllqquuhh;;::kkllyylleeaarrnn ttoo aassssoocciiaatteetthhee wwrriitttteennwwoorrddss wwiitthh tthheeiirrssoouunndd.. UUssiinnggtthheebbooookkttooggeetthheerrwwiitthhoouurraauuddiiooccaasssseetttteessiiss aann iiddeeaall ccoommbbiinnaattiioonnaanndd pprroovviiddeessaannootthheerr ccff::iimmeennssiioonnttootthheeccoouurrssee.. IItt hhaass aallwwaayyss bbeeeenn aapprriinncciipplleeoofftthhee HHuuggoommeetthhooddttoo tteeaacchhoonnllyywwhhaatt iiss rreeaallllyyeesssseennttiiaall.. WWee aassssuummeetthhaatt tthheessttuuddeennttwwaannttss ttoo lleeaarrnnTThhrrkkiisshhffrroomm aapprraaccttiiccaallaannggllee,, ssOOtthheelleessssoonnss ccoonnttaaiinn tthhoossee rruulleessooffggrraammmmaarrtthhaatt wwiillll bbeeooffmmoossttuussee iinn tthhiiss rreessppeecctt.. CCoonnssttrruuccttiioonnss aarreecclleeaarrllyy eexxppllaaiinneeddaanndd·· tthhee vvooccaabbuullaarryyiissbbootthh pprraaccttiiccaallaanndduupp--ttoo--ddaattee.. EEaacchhlleessssoonn iinncclluuddeess eexxeerrcciisseess ttoocchheecckkyyoouurruunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg,, aannddtthheeoorrddeerriinnwwhhiicchh eevveerryytthhiinnggiiss pprreesseenntteeddttaakkeessiinnttoo aaccccoouunntttthhee nneeeeddffoorr rraappiiddpprrooggrreessss.. TThhee CCoonnvveerrssaattiioonnaannddRReeaaddiinnggppaassssaaggeessooffffeerreexxaammpplleessooffeevveerryyddaayy TTuurrkkiisshh,, ccoovveerriinngg ttooppiiccss ssuucchh aasssshhooppppiinnll;;,, ssiigghhttsseeeeiinnggaannddbbooookkiinnggaa hhootteellrroooomm.. TTrraannssllaattiioonnssoofftthheessee ppaassssaaggeess,, ttooggeetthheerrwwiitthh aannsswweerrss ttoo tthhee eexxeerrcciisseess,, aarreeggiivveennaatttthheeeennddoofftthheebbooookk.. IIddeeaallllyy,,yyoouusshhoouullddssppeennddaabboouuttaann hhoouurraaddaayyoonnyyoouurr wwoorrkk((sslliigghhttllyy lleessss,, mmaayybbee,, iiffyyoouu''vvee nnoottbboouugghhtttthhee aauuddiiooccaasssseetttteess)),, aalltthhoouugghhtthheerree iiss nnoo hhaarrddaannddffaasstt rruullee oonntthhiiss.. DDooaass mmuucchhaass yyoouuffeeeell ccaappaabblleeooffddooiinngg;; ddoonn''ttrroorrccee yyoouurrsseellff,, bbuuttlleeaarrnnwweellllaalliittttlleeaattaattiimmee.. BBeeffoorreebbeeggiinnnniinnggaa nneewwsseeccttiioonnoorrlleessssoonn,, ssppeennddtteenn mmiinnuutteess rreevviissiinnggwwhhaattyyoouu lleeaarrnneeddtthhee ddaayybbeeffoorree.. WWhheenntthheeccoouurrssee iiss ccoommpplleetteedd,,yyoouusshhoouullddhhaavvee aavveerryy..ggoooodd uunnddeerrssttaannddiinnggoofftthheellaanngguuaaggee-- mmoorreetthhaannssuuffffiicciieennttffoorr hhoolliiddaayyoorr bbuussiinneessss nneeeeddss,, aannddeennoouugghhttoo lleeaaddqquuiicckkllyyiinnttooaann eexxaammiinnaattiioonnssyyllllaabbuuss iiffrreeqquuiirreedd.. WWee hhooppeeyyoouueennjjooyy ''TTuurrkkiisshhiinnTThhrreeee MMoonntthhss~~aannddwwee wwiisshh yyoouussuucccceessss iinnyyoouurrssttuuddiieess.. 33 Contents Preface 3 Lesson 4 42 Verbs Thepasttense Lesson 1 7 Negativewith-Di .TheTurkishalphabet Questionswith-Di Pronunciationofvowels -(y)i: defmiteobject(accusative Pronunciationofconsonants case) Vowel lengthandvowelloss Interrogatives: kimi, neyi, nereyi, Vowelharmony nezaman Consonant changes -(Y)E: directionalSuffIX(dative Stress case) Somephrases andbasicgreetings Pronounsin the dative . Interrogatives in thedative Compoundverbs Lesson 2 19 Nouns andadjectives Lesson 5 53 bir: indefinitearticle/numeral -DEN: from (ablativecase) Plural ofnouns: -LER Interrogatives: hangi 'which'and Personalsuffixes ni~in'why' personalpronouns -NiN: of(genitivecase) Demonstratives Thepossessive Negafives: nbn-verbal Possessivecompounds YeslNoquestions to have' (possessive + var: has/ f Non-verbalnegative questions have) Interrogatives: kim, ne, nasl1 Interrogatives: kimin, neyin 'and', 'but~ 'or' 'whose', 'ofwhat' trunkii andonunili=in: 'beca·use' and ISO' Lesson 3 33 Adjectives with the possessive -DE: locationalsuffix(locative case) Lesson 6 64 var: there is/thereare Adverbs yok: thereisn't/therearen't bazl,'her, hepsi: 'some', 'every~ 'all Questions withvarandyok ofit/them' Numerals: cardinal iDiI-(y)Di: thepastformofItobe' ~ok, bir~ok,bir kali=, hili= Questionforms with-(Y)Di Measurements Negativeswith-(Y)Di In~errogatives:kimde, nerede, ka~ Negativequestions with-(Y)Di -LI: Iwith~ 'having~ 'containing' Days ofthe week -siz: 'without~ 'nothaving~lnot Months containing' Seasons 4 5 Lesson 7 75 Lesson 10 110 Thepresentcontinuous tense: Comparatives -(i)YOR Superlatives Negativewith -(i)YOR Usesof'daha' Questionswith-(i)YOR Thereportedpast: -Mi~ Negativequestionswith-(i)YOR iMi$I-(Y)Mi$: reportedform of The pastcontinuoustense 'tobe' iLE: with, by,bymeans of, DerivationalsuffIXes:-ciand through -(Y)iCi Numerals: ordinal Numerals: distributive -DENBERi: since Lesson 11 119 -DiR: for ya ya :either or... -(Y)EKADAR: up to, until ne ne :neither nor . -DENONCE: before hem hem ...:both and . -DENSONRA: after gerek gerek ...:both... and ... Forms ofaddress when: -(Y)iNCE by...ing,-ing:-(Y)EREK -ing:-(Y)E Lesson 8 90 without: -MEDEN Imperatives since:-(Y)ELi The optative and: -(y)ip -Ki ratherthan: -MEKTENSE Thefuture tense: -(Y)ECEK as, whenever, the more:-DiKc;E Questionswith-(y)ECEK Negativewith-(y)ECEK Negativequestionswith-(Y)ECEK Lesson 12 126 Thefuture-past Verbalnouns gibi: as, like -MEK: theinfinitive i'rin: for -ME:shortinfmitive DerivationalsuffIX:-LiK -(Y)i$ hakkmda: about, concerning lazlm: necessary -MELi: thenecessitative Lesson 9 101 Theaorist tense Lesson 13 136 Negative oftheaorist Participles Questionform oftheaorist -(Y)EN: present participle Negative questions withtheaorist -Mi~: past participle Uses oftheaorist -(Y)ECEK:future participle 'assoonas· The aoristparticiple 'usedto', 'would have' Subjectparticiplesfrompossessives iKEN/-(y)KEN: while DerivationalsuffIXes: -LE~ and Tellingthe time -LE 6 Lesson 14 145 Lesson 16 164 Object participles Theconditional: -SE -DiK + possessive: past/present lSE/-(Y)SE: conditionalof'tobe' objectparticiple . Somederivationalsu.fflXes -(Y)ECEK + possessive:future participle . Lesson 17 171 Object participlesfrom possessives Thepassive 'when' with objectparticiples Thereflexive Objectparticiples as nouns The reflexive pronoun Indirectspeech whether ...ornot Lesson 18 177 Combinationswith-DiKl Thecausative -(Y)ECEK + possessive Uses ofthecausative Thereciprocal Thereciprocal pronoun . Key 184 Lesson 15 159 Answers toexercises -(y)EBiL:can,to be ableto, may Translations -(Y)EME: cannot, unableto -MEYEBiL: maynot Mini-dictionary 196 Countries, languages, people Uses of-CE Index 204 Lesson 1 1The Turkish alphabet TheTurkish alphabet has 29 letters:8vowelsand 21 consonants. It is the vowels which differ mostfroni Englishsounds. A3,Bb, Cc, <;'r, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, G~, Hh, I 1,i i,J;, Kk, L1, Mm, N n, 0 0, 00, Pp, Rr, Ss, ~ §,T t, Uu, Uil, Vv, Yy, Zz 2Pronunciation ofvowels "- (TheEnglishwordscitedas aguideto pronunciationare as inthe StandardEnglishofSouthern England!) 'look~~'man~ a as the 'u' in 'bun':bak at'horse' e asin 'test': kes 'cut~ev 'house~et'meat' as in 'sit':bin 'thous'and~iki'two', it'push' roughlylike the-ercombinationinsomeEnglishwords, ego 'letter~ 'speaker': klZ 'girl~ III'heat~kit 'scarce' o .likethe vowelin 'bird' or 'dirt' butshort: dirt 'four~goz 'eye' o asin 'pond': en 'ten~oda 'room~ot'grass' ii as in the nameoftheGermantown 'Lubeck'; toproducethis sound,thepositionofthe jawandthe tongueisthesame asfor the articulationoftheIsound"but thelips are roundedandpushed wellforward: un 'fame~giil (rose~biiyiik'big' Iwater~ / as in'pull': IU bul'fmd' 3Pronunciation ofconsonants b as in 'big~ cbad': ben cI~bak'look~buz 'ice~biz cwe' c likethe Tin 'jam': aCI (bitter~can 'life,soul' 8 rr like the 'cht in 'church': ii~ 'three', a~ 'hungry', sa~ 'hair' d as in 'did', 'do': dun 'yesterday~dokuz 'nine' f as in 'fat~ 'effort': fil'elephant~ fark 'd~fference' g as in 'get', 'goose': git 'go~ gen~'young' ~ this letter(calledyumu§ak gor 'soft g')has no distinct pronunciation; itgenerallyserves to lengthen thevowel beforeit: ag 'nef' ispronouncedjustas alonga, dogru 'correct' is d + long 0 +r +u. Itdoes notoccurat thebeginning ofaword. h as in 'how': hi~ 'none', hasta 'ill~hot 'pleasane j likethe '5' in 'measure~ 'leisure': ruj 'lipstick~garaj 'garage' k as in 'kitten': kent'city', ilk 'first~kan 'blood~kuzu 'lamb' _,,..., , ~~ as in '1ily~ 'lorry', 'all': bi! 'know~ el 'hand~bulbiil 'nightingale~ gol 'Iake~ al 'take~ulus 'nation~kol 'arm~Ihk 'warm' . ~W~ m as in 'mant masa 'table~ mum 'candle', gam 'bury~miizik : 'music' n as in 'no': ne 'what', ni~in 'why', anla 'understand~on 'ten' p asin 'pen': perde'curtain~pul'stamp~kiipe 'ear-ring~kapi'door' r Ther is rolledbetween two vowels: ara 'interval~ arl 'bee', kuru 'dry~suru 'herd~ iri 'big'. Atthe beginning ofawordit is less prominent: resim 'picture~renk 'colour~ruh 'spirit'. At theend ofaworditisalwaysfully pronounced, withthe exceptionofafew words that are frequentlyused, likebir 'one~where, incolloquial speech, itmay not beheardat all. Whenfully pronouncedat the end ofaword, it has slightfriction: kar 'snow', duvar 'wall~vur 'hit' ver 'give' , . O~~ s as in 'sea~ 'decide': eski 'old~son 'final~sis 'fog', iist'top~a~r~ 'hangert likethe 'sht in 'sheep~ 'ash': §u 'that~ tal 'stone', i§.'work~ kl§ 'winter' as in 'tea': at 'horse~et 'meat~Tiirk~e'Turkish'(language), katii 'bad' ~\\t::> v as in 'vision': var'there is/are~ ver 'give~kova 'bucket' 9 y as in 'yes': yd 'year~yol'road~uYltu 'sleep', kay 'village' ~""l<!& ~ z as in 'horizon': zit 'bell', bez cloth~~az'solve~toz 'dust',uzun 'long' The Englishletters q, xandwarenot found intheTurkishalphabet. Thexsoundis written as ks insomewords taken from otherlanguages: taksi 'taxi' and ekspres 'express'. Rules for punctuation are muchasinEnglish. When apropernoun takes acasesuffix, an apostrophe is putbeforethe sufftx: istanbul'a'to Istanbul~ Londra'da 'inLondon'. Thecircumflexaccent isnowverysparinglyused. Itmakes thevowel onwhichitsitsmorefront (seesection 5below)and the preceding consonantpalatal. Inwrit.ingit is retainedinonly afewwords likekar 'profit' as opposedtokar 'snow~andbekar'single,unmarried'. It causes the ksoundinkarto be palatalised- that is,to befollowedbya slightysound: bekarispronounced 'bekYar'. 4 Vowel length and vowel loss Turkishvowels areshort, except 1 when, inwriting, avowelis followedby g. EXamples: dag, yagmur, aga~,sag,Slg In all theseexamplesthevowelbeforeg(yumu§ak g)is pronounced long. 2 insomewordswhichare notTurkishinoriginandstillretain their longvowels. Examples: tesir(e is long) 'influence'; beraber(ais long) 'together' Averylimitednumberofwordsendinginconsonantsdrop the vowelin thelast syllablewhen they takeasuffIx(seesection 5below)that begins with avoweL Ifthesufftxbegins withaconsonant, thereis nochange· tothebasicword: resim 'picture': resme'tothepicture~(thevoweliisdropped) resimler'pictures'(thevowel iis retained) §ehir'town': §ehre 'to thetown' §ehirden 'fromthetown'

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