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Turbulent Shear Flows 3: Selected Papers from the Third International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, The University of California, Davis, September 9–11, 1981 PDF

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Preview Turbulent Shear Flows 3: Selected Papers from the Third International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, The University of California, Davis, September 9–11, 1981

Turbulent Shear Flows 3 Selected Papers from the Third International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, The University of California, Davis, September 9-11, 1981 Editors: L. 1. S. Bradbury E Durst B. E. Launder E W Schmidt 1. H. Whitelaw With 244 Figures Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1982 Leslie 1. S. Bradbury Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, England Franz Durst Sonderforschungsbereich 80 der Universitiit Karlsruhe, KaiserstraBe 12, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, Fed. Rep. of Germany Brian E. Launder Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, England Frank W. Schmidt Mechnical Engineering Department, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA James H. Whitelaw Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BX, England ISBN-13 :978-3-642-95412-2 e-ISBN-13 :978-3-642-9541 0-8 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-95410-8 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data. International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows (3rd: 1981: University of California, Davis). Turbulent shear flows 3. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Shear flow -Congresses. 2. Turbulence-Congresses. I. Bradbury, L. J. S. (Leslie John Stanley), 1936-. II. Title TA357.I59 1981 620.1'064 82-16916 This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying rnachine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law, where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to ''Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort", Munich. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1982 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 1st edition 1982 The use of registered names, trademarks etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Preface In spite of intensive efforts over many decades, the problem of turbulence remains as challenging as ever and the number of papers, books and conferences on this topic con tinues to grow. As experimental techniques and computing power have developed, the breadth of investigations into the structure and development of turbulent flows has in creased to encompass many diverse fields of application in engineering, physics, biolo gy and so on. As a consequence, it is now very difficult for a single research worker to keep in touch with the many developments that are taking place in turbulence. One of the few opportunities for obtaining some overall view of the subject arises from large international symposia on turbulence and, although they have some drawbacks, it is this opportunity that is one of their main merits. The International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows has now been held on three occasions and they seem to be established as a major opportunity for papers on a very diverse range of topics to be presented at a single meeting. This volume is a collec tion of papers from the third symposium that was held at the University of California, Davis from 9-11 September 1981. The papers are divided into four sections entitled Wall Flows, Scalar Transport, Recirculating Flows and Fundamentals. This collection represents about a third of the total number of papers presented. Inevitably, there is some uneveness in the coverage of various sections but, nevertheless, the selection is reasonably representative of the range of papers presented. As with previous volumes, each section is preceded by a brief introductory article whose purpose is to make some general observations about the various sections and to fit the individual papers into the context of the general topic. As with the earlier symposia, we would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Research Offices of the United States Army, Navy, and Air Force and the Na tional Science Foundation. We would also like to thank the many individuals at the University of California, Davis who helped with both organising and running the con ference and express again our appreciation to the Fluids Engineering and Heat Transfer Divisions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for their assistance with publicity. The task of reviewing and selecting papers was carried out by a papers committee and an advisory committee many of whose members later performed sterling work as chairmen of technical sessions at the conference and who also have been a valuable source of helpful criticism. Their work has been greatly appreciated. The committees consisted of: RJ. Adrian, University of Urbana, Urbana, L.H. Back, Jet Propulsion Lab., Pasadena, USA Calif., USA J.C. Andre, EERN/GMD, 92100 Boulogne, H.A. Becker, Queen's University France Kingston, Ont., Canada v R. Borghi, O.N.E.R.A., France P.N. Joubert, University of Melbourne, S. Corrsin, The John Hopkins University, Melbourne, Australia Baltimore, Md., USA J. Laufer, University of Southern J.J. Domingos, University of Lisbon, California, Calif., USA Lisbon, Portugal A. Libby, University of California, San C. du Pont Donaldson, ARAP, Princeton, Diego, Calif., USA N.J., USA J.L. Lumley, Cornell University, Ithaca, R. Dumas, Institut de Mecanique Statisti N.Y., USA que de la Turbulence, Marseilles, O. Martynenko, Heat and Mass Transfer France Institute, Minsk, USSR H. Fiedler, Technische UniversWit Berlin, J. Mathieu, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany Ecully, France I.S. Gartshore, University of British H. McDonald, Scientific Research Asso Columbia, Canada ciates Inc., Glastonbury, Conn., USA V.W. Goldschmidt, Purdue University, W. Y. Mori, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Lafayette, Ind., USA Tokyo, Japan A.D. Gosman, Imperial College, London, K. Owen, Owen International, Palo Alto, U.K. Calif., USA R. GUnther, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karls W.C. Reynolds, Stanford University, ruhe, Fed. Rep. of Germany Stanford, Calif., USA K. Hanjalic, Masinski Fakultet, Sarajevo, W. Rodi, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Yugoslavia Fed. Rep. of Germany T.J. Hanratty, University of Illinois, M.W. Rubesin, NASA Ames Research Urbana-Champaign, 111., USA Center, Calif., USA RJ. Herring, NCAR, Boulder, Colo., USA A.K. Runchal, Dames & Moore, Los A.K.M.F. Hussain, University of Houston, Angeles, Calif., USA Texas, USA I. Wygnanski, Tel-Aviv, Israel W.P. Jones, Imperial College London, U.K. J.e. Wyngaard, CIRES, Boulder, Colo., USA Finally, it is a pleasure to record our thanks to the authors for meeting the various deadlines we set and to Springer Verlag for their help in producing this third vol ume in the series. Karlsruhe, June 1982 The Editors VI Contents Part I Wall Flows Introductory Remarks. By H. Eckelmann 3 Measurements of the Periodic Velocity Oscillations Near the Wall in Unsteady Turbulent Channel Flow. By G. Binder and J.L. Kueny (With 9 Figures) . . . . . 6 A Dynamical and Visual Study on the Oscillatory Turbulent Boundary Layer By T. Hayashi and M. Ohashi (With 19 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Dynamics of an Unsteady Turbulent Boundary Layer. By P.G. Parikh, R. Jayaraman, and W.C. Reynolds (With 14 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 Influence of Strouhal Number on the Structure of Flat Plate Turbulent Boundary Layer. By J. Cousteix, J. Javelle, and R. Houdeville (With 10 Figures) ..... '. 46 A Theoretical Model of the Coherent Structure of the Turbulent Boundary Layer in Zero Pressure Gradient By Z. Zhang and G.M.Lilley (With 8 Figures) ........................ " 60 The Mechanism of Turbulent Mass Transfer at a Boundary By J.A. Campbell and T.J. Hanratty (With 6 Figures) ................... 73 Measurements in the Heated Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Mildly Curved Convex Surface. By M.M. Gibson, C.A. Verriopoulos, and Y. Nagano (With 9 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 Part II Scalar Transport Introductory Remarks. By. K.N.C. Bray 93 A Test of Gradient Transport and Its Generalizations By K.R. Sreenivasan, S. Tavoularis, and S. Corrsin (With 13 Figures) ...... " 96 Calculations of Velocity-Scalar Joint pdf's. By S.B. Pope (With 8 Figures) 113 Aerosol Formation in a Mixing Layer By S.V. Sherikar and R. Chevray (With 6 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 124 The Role of Coherent Structures in the Development of a Uniformly Strained Turbulent Wake. By J.G. Kawall and J.F. Keffer (With 18 Figures) ........ ' 132 Investigations on a Reaction Model for Turbulent Diffusion Flames By H. Eickhoff and K. Grethe (With 8 Figures) ........................ 146 VII Part III Recirculating Flows Introductory Remarks. By I.P. Castro 157 Low Frequency Unsteadiness of a Reattaching Turbulent Shear Layer By J.K. Eaton and J.P. Johnston (With 6 Figures) ...................... 162 Turbulent Shear Flow Behind Hemisphere-Cylinder Placed on Ground Plane By S. Okamoto (With 35 Figures) .................................. 171 Experimental Investigations in Transonic Highly Separated, Turbulent Flow By A. Fracy, V. Mercier, and R. Leblanc (With 9 Figures) ............... 186 Turbulent Flow Induced by a Jet in a Cavity-Measurements and 3D Numerical Simulation. By F. Baron, J.P. Benque, and Y. Coeffe (With 6 Figures) ...... 195 The Assessment of Numerical Diffusion in Upwind Difference Calculations of Turbulent Recirculating Flows By J.1. McGuirk, A.M.K.P. Taylor, and J.H. Whitelaw (With 9 Figures) ...... 206 Turbulent and Mean Flow Measurements in an Incompressible Axisymmetric Boundary Layer with Incipient Separation By P. Dengel, H.H. Fernholz, and J.-D. Vagt (With 13 Figures) ............ 225 Part IV Fundamentals Introductory Remarks. By J. Lumley 239 Pressure Effects on Triple Correlations in Turbulent Convective Flows By J .-C. Andre, P. Lacamlre, and K. Traore (With 4 Figures) .............. 243 A Model of Three-Dimensional Transfer in Non-Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence. By J.-P. Bertoglio (With 11 Figures) ....................... 253 A Theoretical Study of Radiative Cooling in Homogeneous and Isotropic Turbulence. By D. Schertzer and O. Simonin (With 6 Figures) ............. 262 Second Order Closure for Variable Density Free Shear Layer By D. Vandromme and W. Kollmann (With 6 Figures) .................. 275 The Turbulence Modelling of Variable Density Flows - A Mixed-Weighted Decom position. By H. Ha Minh, B.E. Launder, and J. MacInnes (With 4 Figures) .... 291 Direct Simulation of Homogeneous Turbulent Shear Flows on the Illiac IV Computer: Applications to Compressible and Incompressible Modelling By W.1. Feiereisen, E. Shirani, J.H. Ferziger, and W.e. Reynolds (With 7 Figures) ............................................... 309 Index o/Contributors .............................................. 321 VIII Part I Wall Flows Introductory Remarks Helmut Eckelmann Max-Planck-Institut fijr Stromungsforschung, BottingerstraBe 4-8 D-3400 Gottingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany Wall flows, which mean in this context wall bounded turbulent flows, can generally be classified into two main groups; external flows which arise around bodies (boundary layers) and internal flows which arise through a space confined by walls (pipes and chan nels). Although both groups exhibit a difference - the boundary layer thickness increases in streamwise direction whereas in pipes and channels the flow remains restricted to the space confined by the walls - both flows show a common behaviour in the vicinity of the wall. They both have a viscous sublayer, a buffer layer and for both the law of the wall is valid in the inner region. The key for the understanding of wall bounded turbulent flow should therefore be searched in the region close to the wall. The viscous sublayer is very thin and experimentally not accessible in most of the flows. The buffer layer, which is in most practical cases thick enough for experimental investigations, is in the opinion of the writer, the region which one should look at. This chapter contains a selection of papers on wall flows which were presented at the 3rd Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows held at the University of California at Davis. The major parts of the papers describe experimental work and one of them deals with a theoretical model of the turbulent boundary layer and calculations on this model which lead to longitudinal vortices occuring in the buffer laver. Such vortices were first observed experimental by Bakewell and Lumley (1967). One of the papers is both numerical and experimental and deals with calculations and experimental investigations obtained in a pipe flow. The first four papers in this chapter deal with unsteady wall bounded turbulent flows, a subject which is very important for many engineering applications. Recently Carr (1981a) reviewed this flow type. The many laminar, transitional and turbulent unsteady flow experiments that have been performed are fully referenced in a AGARDograph by Carr (1981 b). In a turbulent channel flow with forced velocity oscillations of small amplitude Bin der and Kueny made measurements over a wide range of frequencies. They found that both mean flow and mean turbulent intensity are not affected by the forced oscillations. The phase averaged stream wise turbulent intensity is not simply proportional to the am plitude of the velocity oscillations but depends on the wall distance and the oscillation frequency. The ratio of Stokes thicknessy211/w (where W = 2rrf) to viscous length II/ur (II being the kinematic viscosity of the fluid and ur the friction velocity) becomes an important parameter for this problem. In a large oscillating water tunnel which is in principle a water filled U-tube Hayashi and Ohashi investigated the unsteady turbulent boundary layer with a hot-film probe and by a flow visualization technique that uses a thin milk layer on the wall. The hot film mea surements yielded that the velocity phase leads that of the wave amplitude by about ISo; 3 in addition, both Reynolds stress and turbulent energy were found to be larger in the de celeration than in the acceleration period of the free stream period. The visual studies showed that the disturbances at the wall lag behind the free stream velocity maximum. The response of a turbulent boundary layer to oscillations of the free stream velocity was studied by Parikh, Jayaraman and Reynolds and by Cousteix, Javelle and Houdeville. The first authors confirmed the results of Binder and Kueny that both mean velocity and mean turbulence intensity were unaffected by the imposed oscillations. In addition they found that the boundary layer thickness and Reynolds stress distribution across the boundary layer becomes frozen over the oscillation cycle at their mean values. The frequencies in this experiment ranged from zero to approximately the bursting frequency fB which corresponds due to measurements of Rao et al. (1971) to a Strouhal number fB6jU"" of about 0.2. Cousteix et al. also found that the mean flow field was not affected by the unsteady effects. They interpreted this by assuming that the boundary layer responds to the perturbations induced by the pulsation of the external flow as a mechani cal system with a small damping. Zhang and Lilley present a theoretical model of the coherent structure of the tur bulent boundary layer with zero pressure gradient. They show that a self-generating coherent structure arises in the calculation with their model. For a given initial disturbance amplitude Zhang and Lilley obtained strong streamwise vortices occurring periodically with opposite sign in the spanwise direction of the flow. The non-dimensional wave length of a counter-rotating vortex pair was found to be of the order of 100 v/ur over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, a result which is in good agreement with the experimental investiga tions of Lee et al. (1974), Blackwelder and Eckelmann (1979) and KrepUn and Eckelmann (1979) who all had evidence for counter-rotating streamwise vortices occuring frequently in the wall region wall of bounded turbulent flow. The distance between two counter rotating vortices was experimentally determined to be of the order of 50 v/ur. As early as 1959 Kline and Rundstadler speculated that the low speed streaks having a spacing of about 100 v/ur are related to an organized vortical structure in the wall region. The mechanism of turbulent mass transfer at a solid surface was investigated by Campbell and Hanratty. From the mass balance equation the fluctuating concentration field was calculated by using measured values of the fluctuating velocity field. They found that at large Schmidt numbers the concentration boundary layer close to the surface acts as a filter in such a way that only velocity fluctuations of much lower fre quency than the most energetic velocity fluctuations are effective in transporting mass. With increasing Schmidt number smaller and smaller fractions of turbulence energy are effective in determining the magnitude of the mass transfer coefficient. The third paper in this chapter by Gibson, Verri0poulos and Nagano is concerned with the effects of longitudinal curvature on turbulent heat transfer, a problem which had been given little attention in the past. More is known about effects of such curvature on the turbulent boundary layer. The AGARDograph by Bradshaw (1973) fully reviewed this subject up to that time. The paper of Gibson et al. reports measurements of mean velocity, mean temperature and surface heat flux in a boundary layer growing on a mildly curved convex plate for which the radius of curvature R is about 100 times the boundary layer thickness 6. The main result of this investigation is that the curvature depresses the surface heat flux more than it depresses the skin friction, i.e., with increasing length Reynolds number the Stanton number falls more rapidly from flat plate values than does the skin friction coefficient. 4

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