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Turbulence In the Outer Regions of Protoplanetary Disks. I. Weak Accretion with No Vertical Magnetic Flux PDF

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Preview Turbulence In the Outer Regions of Protoplanetary Disks. I. Weak Accretion with No Vertical Magnetic Flux

Draftversion October 17,2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 TURBULENCE IN THE OUTER REGIONS OF PROTOPLANETARY DISKS. I. WEAK ACCRETION WITH NO VERTICAL MAGNETIC FLUX Jacob B. Simon1, Xue-Ning Bai2,3,4, James M. Stone2, Philip J. Armitage1,5, and Kris Beckwith1,6 Draft versionOctober 17, 2012 ABSTRACT Weuselocalnumericalsimulationstoinvestigatethestrengthandnatureofmagnetohydrodynamic 2 (MHD)turbulenceintheouterregionsofprotoplanetarydisks,whereambipolardiffusionisthedomi- 1 nantnon-idealMHDeffect. Thesimulationsincludeverticalstratificationandassumezeronetvertical 0 magnetic flux. We employ a super time-stepping technique to ameliorate the Courant restriction on 2 the diffusive time step. We find that in idealized stratified simulations, with a spatially constant am- t bipolar Elsasser number Am, turbulence driven by the magnetorotational instability (MRI) behaves c in a similar manner as in prior unstratified calculations. Turbulence dies away for Am 1, and O ≤ becomes progressively more vigorous as ambipolar diffusion is decreased. Near-ideal MHD behavior 5 is recovered for Am 103. In the intermediate regime (10 Am 103) ambipolar diffusion leads ≥ ≤ ≤ 1 to substantial increases in both the period of the MRI dynamo cycle and the characteristic scales of magnetic field structures. To quantify the impact of ambipolar physics on disk accretion, we run ] simulationsat30AUand100AUthatincludeaverticalAmprofilederivedfromfarultraviolet(FUV) R ionizeddiskmodels. ThesemodelsdevelopaverticallylayeredstructureanalogoustotheOhmicdead S zone that is present at smaller radii. We find that, although the levels of surface turbulence can be . strong(andconsistentwith constraintsonturbulent line widths atthese radii),the inferredaccretion h rates are at least an order of magnitude smaller than those observed in T Tauri stars. We speculate p that this discrepancy may be due to the neglect of vertical magnetic fields. If this is the case, then - o theMRI alonemayresultindisjointclassesofdiskevolution,withthosediskslackingnetfieldsbeing r weakly viscous at large radii. t s Subject headings: accretion, accretion disks — (magnetohydrodynamics:) MHD — turbulence — a protoplanetary disks [ 1 v 1. INTRODUCTION particles. Once planetesimals haveformed,gravitational coupling to turbulent fluctuations in the disk may af- 4 The structure and evolution of protoplanetary disks 6 play a crucial role in the formation of stars and their fect their growth (Ida et al. 2008). Finally, the strength 1 planetary systems. Disk gas is observed to accrete onto andnatureofturbulencedetermineswhetherthe critical 4 the central star at rates that require some form of an- co-orbital contribution to the Type I migration torque 0. gular momentum transport substantially stronger than remains unsaturated (Paardekooper et al. 2011). Ataminimum,turbulenceinprotoplanetarydiskswill 1 that provided by molecular viscosity. Turbulence has begeneratedinregionswherethemagnetorationalinsta- 2 long been suggested as the source of enhanced trans- bility (MRI; Balbus & Hawley 1998) operates. Indeed, 1 port (Shakura & Syunyaev 1973). This turbulence not simulations of the non-linear evolution of the MRI un- : only allows accretion, but can also play an important v deridealmagnetohydrodynamic(MHD)conditionsyield role in the formation and subsequent evolution of plan- i sustainedturbulencethattransportsangularmomentum X ets. At early times, turbulence could act to inhibit outwardat rates in generalagreementwith observations dust settling and largely determine the collisional ve- r (Hartmann et al.1998). However,largeregionsofproto- a locities that affect the balance between fragmentation planetary disks are expected to have very low ionization and coagulationof these particles (Ormel & Cuzzi 2007; fractions (e.g., Ilgner & Nelson 2006), which in turn re- Youdin & Lithwick 2007; Birnstiel et al. 2011). Per- sult in three significant non-ideal MHD effects: Ohmic sistent pressure maxima predicted by some turbulence diffusion, ambipolar diffusion, and the Hall effect (see, models (Barge & Sommeria 1995; Johansen et al. 2009; e.g., Armitage 2011). The relative importance of these Uribe et al. 2011; Simon et al. 2012) may act to concen- effects depends primarily upon the density (as well as trate particles, enhancing their coagulation into larger magnetic field strength). Ohmic diffusion is efficient at jbsimon@jila.colorado.edu high densities, and is thus most important in the inner 1JILA,UniversityofColoradoandNIST,440UCB,Boulder, regions of the disk (outside a small zone very close to CO80309-0440 the star where thermal ionization of alkali metals pro- 2DepartmentofAstrophysicalSciences,PrincetonUniversity, Princeton,NJ08544 vides sufficient ionization throughout the disk column). 3HubbleFellow Atlowgasdensities,suchasintheouterdisk,ambipolar 4Current address: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astro- diffusion becomes dominant, while at intermediate den- physics,60GardenSt.,MS-51,Cambridge,MA02138 5Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, Uni- sities, the Hall term is important (e.g., Kunz & Balbus versityofColorado,Boulder,CO80309 2004). 6Tech-XCorporation,5621ArapahoeAve.,SuiteA,Boulder, MRI physics and the phenomenological consequences CO80303 2 of the non-ideal terms have been best-characterized in the collision frequency between neutrals and ions ex- the case of Ohmic diffusion. The evolution in this ceeds the angular frequency. Simulations in the alter- limit depends upon the Elsasser number, defined as nate regime,where the recombinationtimescale for elec- Λ v2 /ηΩ, where v is the Alfv´en velocity in the trons is assumed to be very long, were conducted by ≡ A,z A,z verticaldirection,η istheOhmicresistivity,andΩisthe Hawley & Stone (1998) using a two-fluid approach in angularfrequencyof Keplerianrotation. ForΛ less than whichtheionsandneutralswereevolvedseparately,only order unity, MRI turbulence is severely quenched (Jin interactingthroughcollisions. Theprimaryresultofthis 1996;Turner et al.2007),whileforlargervaluestheMRI work was that for a collision frequency less than 0.01Ω, saturationlevelwilldependonthestrengthofOhmicdif- the ions and neutrals behave independently, but for a fusion; stronger diffusion leads to lower turbulence lev- frequency larger than 100Ω, the gas behaves as though els. Combining these results with chemical models for its fully ionized. When both the collision and orbital disks motivates the dead zone model of disk accretion frequencies are comparable, the saturation level of the (Gammie 1996). In this model, the disk is well-ionized turbulence is primarily controlled by the ion density. only in its surface layersdue to non-thermal sources (X- The importance of ambipolar diffusion for outer pro- rays, cosmic rays, and far ultraviolet (FUV) photons) toplanetary disks, the advent of well-resolved mm-wave that penetrate the disk from the exterior down to some observations of this region, and advances in numerical column depth. Closer to the mid-plane, the ionization techniques,allmotivatemoredetailedstudiesofhowam- fractionislow,resultinginasmallΛ,andnoMRI-driven bipolar diffusion affects the saturated state of the MRI. turbulence (e.g., Gammie 1996; Fleming & Stone 2003; Bai & Stone (2011)carriedoutshearingbox simulations Turner et al. 2007; Turner & Sano 2008; Oishi & Low in the strong-coupling limit to determine how the MRI 2009). Thus, MRI-driven accretion occurs in active lay- saturation level correlates with dimensionless number, ers only, leaving much of the disk mass near the mid- Am, defined as the frequency for the neutrals to collide plane magnetically inactive. withtheionsdividedbytheorbitalfrequency(see 2.1). § Qualitative changes to the predicted disk structure Theyfoundthatforsimulationswithanettoroidalmag- mayequallyresultfromambipolardiffusionandtheHall netic flux, but no vertical magnetic flux, the turbulence effect, though for these terms the understanding of the dies away for Am 1, in line with previous studies. ≤ non-linear behavior is incomplete. The linear regime of For sustained turbulence runs, the saturated turbulent the MRI in the presence of the Hall term has been ex- stresses increase with increasing Am, eventually asymp- ploredbyWardle(1999),Balbus & Terquem(2001),and toting towards the ideal MHD level. However, in the Wardle & Salmeron(2012). Aprimaryresultfromthese presence of a net vertical magnetic flux, turbulence can studies is that the growth rate of the MRI is strongly alwaysbe sustainedevenfor Am<1, assumingthat the affected by the sign of Ω B, i.e., how the vertical mag- background vertical magnetic flux is weak enough. For netic field is aligned with· the angular velocity vector. low Am values, however, the resulting turbulence levels The only study of the non-linear, turbulent state of the are fairly small. MRI in the presence of the Hall term was carried out in Following the above lines of investigation, we study Sano & Stone (2002a)andSano & Stone (2002b). Their the effect of ambipolar diffusion on the MRI in the numericalsimulationsincludedbothOhmicdiffusionand outer region of protoplanetary disks by performing nu- the Hall term, with the Ohmic contribution dominating merical simulations using a more realistic disk structure significantlyoverthe Halleffect. Inthis regime,the Hall than attempted previously. We include vertical strat- term does not strongly influence the saturated state of ification (absent in all prior work except for that of the MRI. However, the regime in which the Hall term Brandenburg et al. (1995)), which has been shown in dominates has yet to be explored through simulations some previous MRI calculations to lead to significant (Wardle & Salmeron 2012). qualitative changes in the non-linear evolution. For ex- Ambipolardiffusionarisesfromtheimperfectcoupling ample,Davis et al.(2010)showedthatintheidealMHD between ionized species and neutrals. The linear anal- case, the turbulence properties converge with numer- yses of Blaes & Balbus (1994), Kunz & Balbus (2004), ical resolution, while in unstratified simulations (and and Desch (2004) showed that the growth of the MRI is for a vertical domain size of one scale height or less, damped when the collision frequency between the neu- (Stone, private communication)), the stress level de- trals and the ions is smaller than the orbital frequency. creases with resolution with no signs of convergence This is intuitive; neutrals need to communicate with the (Fromang & Papaloizou 2007). Similarly, Simon et al. ions faster than the timescale over which the MRI acts (2011b)showedthatinthepresenceofOhmicresistivity, (i.e., the dynamical one) in order for the neutrals to feel vertical gravity can lead to large amplitude fluctuations any MRI-like effect at all. in the stress levels, a behavior that is absent without Initial two and three-dimensional simulations of non- vertical gravity. linear MRI turbulence in the presence of ambipolar Wealsoaimtotranslateouridealizedunderstandingof diffusion were carried out by Low et al. (1995) and the ambipolar-dominated MRI into predictions for tur- Brandenburg et al. (1995), respectively. These authors bulenceandaccretioninthe outerregionsofprotoplane- consideredthesingle-fluid,“strong-coupling”limit,valid tary disks. We run simulations that mimic realistic con- when the recombination timescale is much shorter than ditionsintheouterdisk(whichreflectthechemistrycal- the dynamical time. This limit is generally applicable culations in Bai (2011a) and the FUV ionization model to protoplanetary disks (Bai & Stone 2011; Bai 2011a). of Perez-Becker& Chiang (2011b)). These simulations Their results agreed with the expectations of linear the- will provide a quantitative measure of the turbulence, ory (Blaes & Balbus 1994); the MRI only operates if structure, and evolution of the outer disk regions. Our investigation is divided into two sets of studies, 3 ∂ρv 1 using different magnetic configurations. The first, which + (ρvv BB)+ P + B2 wepursuehere(PaperI),assumeszeronetverticalmag- ∂t ∇· − ∇(cid:18) 2 (cid:19) (2) netic flux7. Although it is not the most geometrically =2qρΩ2x ρΩ2z 2Ω ρv favorable configuration for the ambipolar-dominated − − × MRI (Bai & Stone 2011), this is the most studied field ∂B (J B) B (v B)= × × , (3) configuration in the literature (e.g., Stone et al. 1996; ∂t −∇× × ∇×(cid:20) γρ ρ (cid:21) i Fleming & Stone 2003), and it allows us to make direct comparisons between the ambipolar MRI and the ideal where ρ is the mass density, ρv is the momentum den- MHD case (Davis et al. 2010), as well as the case with sity, B is the magnetic field, P is the gas pressure, and Ohmicresistivity(Simon et al.2011b). Itisalsoentirely q is the shear parameter, defined as q = dlnΩ/dlnR. − conceivable (though, maybe not particularly likely) that We use q = 3/2, appropriate for a Keplerian disk. We there will be some regions of protoplanetary disks that assume an isothermal equation of state P = ρc2, where s have negligible vertical magnetic fields; our results will c is the isothermal sound speed. From left to right, the s apply to such regions. The second set of studies will in- source terms in equation (2) correspond to radial tidal cludeanon-zeroverticalnetmagneticflux,andwedefer forces (gravityand centrifugal), verticalgravity,and the that problem to Paper II. Coriolis force. The source term in equation (3) is the The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, effect of ambipolardiffusion on the magnetic field evolu- we describe our equations, the methods used to solve tion,whereρ istheiondensity,andγ isthecoefficientof i them and the initial conditions for our simulations. In momentum transfer for ion-neutral collisions. Note that Section 3.1, we study the effect of Am (here assumed oursystemofunitshasthemagneticpermeabilityµ=1, constant in space and time) on vertically stratified MRI and the current density is turbulence. Then, in Section 3.2, we apply a realistic protoplanetary disk model to allow for a spatially and J = B. (4) temporally varying Am. Section 4 discusses the implica- ∇× tions of our results for real protoplanetarydisks, and we Adopting this shearing box approximation allows for wrap up with conclusions in Section 5. better resolution of small scales within the disk, at the expense of excluding global effects (those of scale R ). These scales could be physically important 0 2. METHOD (∼Sorathia et al. 2012; Simon et al. 2012). However, the 2.1. Numerical Method trade-offisworthwhileforourpurposes,becauseweneed to study not only models where ambipolar diffusion is In this study, we use Athena, a second-order accurate dominant, but also situations where diffusion is only im- Godunovflux-conservativecodeforsolvingtheequations portant on small scales. of MHD. Athena uses the dimensionally unsplit corner The numerical integration of the shearing box equa- transport upwind (CTU) method of Colella (1990) cou- tions require additions to the Athena algorithm, the de- pled with the third-order in space piecewise parabolic tails of which can be found in Stone & Gardiner (2010) method (PPM) of Colella & Woodward (1984) and a and the Appendix of Simon et al. (2011b). Briefly, constrained transport (CT; Evans & Hawley 1988) al- Crank-Nicholsondifferencingisusedtoconserveepicyclic gorithm for preserving the B = 0 constraint. We ∇ · motion exactly and orbital advection to subtract off the use the HLLD Riemann solver to calculate the nu- background shear flow (Stone & Gardiner 2010). The y merical fluxes (Miyoshi & Kusano 2005; Mignone 2007). boundary conditions are strictly periodic, whereas the A detailed description of the base Athena algorithm x boundaries are shearing periodic (Hawley et al. 1995). and the results of various test problems are given in The vertical boundaries are the outflow boundary con- Gardiner & Stone (2005), Gardiner & Stone (2008), and ditions described in Simon et al. (2011b). The electro- Stone et al. (2008). motive forces (EMFs) at radial boundaries are properly Oursetupisspecializedandnecessarilymorecomplex remapped which guarantees that the net vertical mag- than the base algorithm. First, our simulations utilize neticfluxisstrictlyconservedtomachineprecisionusing the shearing box approximation, which is a model for CT (Stone & Gardiner 2010). a local, co-rotating disk patch whose size is small com- Theintegrationoftheambipolardiffusiontermalsore- pared to the radialdistance from the centralobject, R . 0 quires some modifications to the algorithm. Ambipolar This allows the construction of a local Cartesian frame diffusion is implemented in a first-order operator-split (x,y,z) that is defined in terms of the disk’s cylindrical manner as in Bai & Stone (2011); the ambipolar diffu- co-ordinates (R,φ,z′) via x = (R R ), y = R φ, and z =z′. Thelocalpatchco-rotatesw−ith0anangula0rveloc- sion term is integrated separately from the ideal MHD integrator. Furthermore,asisevidentfromequation(3), ity Ω corresponding to the orbital frequency at R , the 0 the ambipolardiffusion termcan be written as an EMF. center of the box; see Hawley et al. (1995). Thus, the Thus integrating it is done via the CT method to pre- equations to solve are: serve B =0. The ambipolar diffusion EMFs are also ∇· remappedattheradialboundariesinthesamewayasthe ∂ρ ideal MHD EMFs in order to conserve the vertical mag- + (ρv)=0, (1) netic net flux. In addition, before even remapping these ∂t ∇· ambipolar diffusion EMFs at the radial boundaries, we 7 Of course due to the dynamo action of the MRI(Davisetal. also remap the toroidal current densities Jy (located at 2010; Simonetal. 2011b), the net radial and toroidal fields are cell edges) so that the line integral Jydy along the in- allowedtoevolveintime. ner and outer radial boundaries areRequal. We find that 4 this procedure is essential to avoid spurious numerical We note that as ν 0, ∆t N2∆t so that STS diff features at shearing-box boundaries.8 the STS approachis a→symptotically→N times faster than Throughout this paper, the strength of ambipolar dif- the standard explicit approach. However, the value of ν fusionwillcharacterizedbythe ambipolarElsassernum- needs to be properly chosen to achieve the optimal bal- ber ance between performance and accuracy. In general, the γρ i STSmethodprovidesbetteraccuracyasN decreasesand Am , (5) ≡ Ω ν increases, whereas large N and small ν lead to higher efficiency. Here, we choose ν = 1/4N2 with a limit of which corresponds to the number of times a neutral N 12. At N = 12, one achieves an acceleration fac- molecule collides with the ions in a dynamical time ≤ (Ω−1). Am can be rewritten as tor of about 9. It is also found that further increasing N wouldnotsignificantly increasethe efficiency without sacrificingaccuracy(Stone,privatecommunicationbased v2 Am= A , (6) on a Princeton Junior Project done by Sara Wellons). ηAΩ In our calculations, we first compute the ideal MHD time step ∆t and the diffusion timestep ∆t . The which is a form reminiscent of the Ohmic Elsasser num- MHD diff number of super time steps N can be found from the ber. As shown by equation (5), Am is independent of condition G[N 1,1/4(N 1)2] < ∆t /∆t the Alfv´en speed; this comes about because the ambipo- − − MHD diff ≤ G(N,1/4N2). If N 12, then we modify ∆t so lar diffusivity, η is defined as diff A that ∆t G(N,≤1/4N2)∆t . Otherwise, we fix MHD diff v2 N = 12, and≡set ∆t = ∆t G[12,1/(4 122)]. ηA ≡ γρAi. (7) In this way, we alwaMysHDhave ∆tdMiffHD = ∆tST×S. As we use an operator-split algorithm for magnetic diffu- Thisdiffusivityisresponsiblefordeterminingthediffu- sion, we integrate N STS substeps of the ambipolar dif- ∆sivxe2/tiηmAe. stSeipncien athCisoudriaffnutsilvimityiteids cparlocpuolarttiioonn;al∆ttodiffth∝e fsutespionwittehrm∆wtSiTthS.∆τWj itbhefoSrTeSe,vowlevinhgavoenereMpeHatDedtitmhee Alfv´enspeedsquared,itcanbecomeverylargeintheup- test problems (i.e., linear wave damping test and C- per disk regions, making the Courant limited time step type shock test) performed in Bai & Stone (2011) and extremely small in some of our calculations. found essentially the same results for N up to 10. STS To circumvent this issue, we have implemented the Moreover,we repeated the unstratified MRI simulations super time-stepping (STS) technique of Alexiades et al. with Am = 1 (runs Z5 and M5 in Bai & Stone (2011)) (1996)toaccelerateourcalculations. TheSTStechnique and with STS turned on. In these simulations N STS has already been successfully implemented and tested reaches 12, and the stress level we find is the same as for studying ambipolar diffusion in multi-fluid codes by reported in Bai & Stone (2011). Combining our tests O’Sullivan & Downes (2006) and O’Sullivan & Downes withthe successfultests ofO’Sullivan & Downes(2006), (2007) and in a single-fluid code by Choi et al. (2009). O’Sullivan & Downes (2007) and Choi et al. (2009), we Ourimplementationissimilartotheirs,aswebrieflyde- are confident that the STS technique implemented here scribe below. is capable of achieving substantial speed-up while main- The STS method divides a compound timestep ∆tSTS taining accuracy. into N unequal substeps ∆τ (j =1,...,N) with j 2.2. Am Profiles N ∆t = ∆τ . (8) For most of our simulations,we fix Am to be constant STS j Xj=1 inorderto study the effect ofambipolardiffusionon the non-linearsaturationoftheMRIinthepresenceofverti- Bychoosing∆τ judiciously,stabilitycanbe maintained cal stratification. This is designed to be the next logical j evenwhentheaveragedtimestep∆t /N ismuchlarger step in extending the work of Bai & Stone (2011) where STS than the normal stable diffusion timestep ∆t . The vertical stratification was not included. We have con- diff optimized lengths for the substeps were found to be sidered Am=1,10,100,300,103 and 104. Although this (Alexiades et al. 1996) prescription of a constant Am profile is highly simpli- fied, it is a necessary, incremental step between the con- −1 2j 1π stant Am models without vertical gravity (Bai & Stone ∆τ =∆t (ν 1)cos − +ν+1 , (9) j diff(cid:20) − (cid:18) N 2(cid:19) (cid:21) 2011) and simulations that incorporate a more realistic prescriptionfor ambipolardiffusion, whichwe also carry where 0 < ν < 1 is a free parameter. The sum of the out (see below). substeps gives TheresultsofBai(2011a)showthatthephysicalvalue ofAmintheouterregionsofPPDsisoforderunity. Re- N (1+√ν)2N (1 √ν)2N cently, Perez-Becker& Chiang (2011b) pointed out that ∆t =∆t − − STS diff2√ν(cid:20)(1+√ν)2N +(1 √ν)2N(cid:21) (10) the surfacelayerofprotoplanetarydisks shouldbe much − better ionized due to far ultraviolet (FUV) photon ion- G(N,ν)∆t . diff ≡ ization from the central star; these photons almost fully 8 We note that strict magnetic flux conservation (remap of the ionize the carbon and sulfur to overcome the effects of EMFs)wasnotenforcedinBai&Stone(2011),inwhichcasethis recombination onto dust grains. Their results suggest a aatdidointsioinnalverretmicaaplnoeftJmyawgansetnicotflnuexceinssaBrayi.&NeSvteorntehe(l2e0s1s1,)thseimvualrai-- largeionizationfraction(f 10−5)downtoasmallpen- tionsweretiny(lessthan0.01%),whichdidnotaffecttheirresults. etration depth of Σ ∼0.01 0.1 g cm−2, relatively FUV ∼ − 5 independent of disk radius. Such an ionization fraction shouldsignificantlyreducethestrengthofambipolardif- fusion (i.e., increase Am) in the disk surface layers. Thus, in our second set of simulations, we include the effectofFUVionizationatthedisksurfacelayerstogive Am a more realistic spatial and temporal dependence. Since we are not including Ohmic resistivity (Gammie 1996) in our calculations, these particular models are only appropriate for the outer regions of protoplanetary disks (e.g., beyond 10 AU). We adopt a minimum- ∼ mass solar nebular disk model with surface density of Σ = 1700R−3/2g cm−2 (Weidenschilling 1977; Hayashi AU 1981), where R is the disk radius measured in AU. AU We canexpressthe value of Am within the FUV ionized layer as follows (Bai & Stone 2012) Am 3.3 107 f ρ R−5/4 , (11) FUV ≈ × (cid:18)10−5(cid:19)(cid:18)ρ (cid:19) AU 0,mid Figure 1. Vertical profile for Am at RAU = 30. The profile corresponds to the initial time of Z30AU, which is orbit 22 from where f is the ionization fraction and ρ0,mid is the mid- the Am = 105 run with the same domain size. The value of Am planedensity. Forsimplicity,wefixf =10−5,ρ0,mid =1, has been averaged horizontally. The units of the x axis are the and assume a penetration depth of Σ = 0.1g cm−2 verticalscaleheight,H. Theasterisksdenotethelocationsofgrid (which is slightly different from thaFtUiVn Bai & Stone zones. AmtransitionsfromAm=1toAm=AmFUV (asdefined in the text), and this transition is smoothed over roughly 7 grid 2012). We conduct two simulations that correspond to zonesusingtheerrorfunction. radiallocations atR=30AU and R=100AU. Assum- ingthedensityprofileisGaussian(seeEquation15),one the run at R = 30 at the initial time, referring here AU finds that the base of the FUV layer (at which the col- to when the run was restarted from C1e5 (see below). umn density equals Σ ) is located at z = 1.7H for The asterisks denote the grid cell centers; as previously FUV b R = 30 AU and z = 1.1H for R = 100 AU (H is the mentioned,thetransitionregionisresolvedby 7zones. b ∼ vertical scale height as defined in equation (16) below). In our simulations,we set Am=1 for z <z <z as a 2.3. Simulations b b − proxy based on the calculations of Bai (2011a), and use Wehaverunsimulationswithseveraldomainsizesand Equation(11)fortheionizedsurfacelayersthedisk. For Am profiles. All of the simulations with Am < 105 or simplicity, we keep the value of z fixed throughout the b withspatially andtemporallyvaryingAm areinitialized calculation. from the turbulent state of a “starter” calculation with From these considerations, the value of Am changes thesamedomainsizebutwithAm=105(i.e.,reasonably quite dramatically from Am=1 to Am 3 104 at the close to ideal MHD). ≈ × base of the FUV layer. This very large transition is Thesestartersimulationsareinitializedwithadensity smoothed over roughly 7 grid zones so as to prevent a corresponding to isothermal hydrostatic equilibrium. discontinuous transition in Am. The smoothing func- tionsweapplyarebaseduponthe errorfunction(ERF). z2 Thus, the complete profile of Am for these runs is given ρ(x,y,z)=ρ0exp(cid:18)−H2(cid:19), (15) by whereρ =1isthemid-planedensity,andH isthescale 0 height in the disk, AmFUV z≥zb+∆z Am≡111++ 1122AAmmFFUUVVSS+−((zz)) −−zbzz−bb−+n∆∆n∆zzz<<≤zzz<<≤z−bzz+bb−+∆nzn∆∆zz H = √Ω2cs. (16) AmFUV z≤−zb−∆z (12) The isothermal sound speed, cs = 7.07× 10−4, corre- where S+(z) and S−(z) are the smoothing functions de- sponding to an initial value for the mid-plane gas pres- sure of P = 5 10−7. With Ω = 0.001, the value for fined as the scale0height×is H = 1. A density floor of 10−4 is z−0.9z applied to the physical domain as too small a density S+(z)≡1+ERF b , (13) leadstoa largeAlfv´enspeedandaverysmalltime step. (cid:18) ∆z (cid:19) Furthermore,numericalerrorsmake it difficult to evolve S−(z)≡1−ERF z+0.9zb , (14) regionsofverysmallplasmaβ (ratioofthermalpressure (cid:18) ∆z (cid:19) to magnetic pressure). Here, n = 8 and ∆z = 0.05H. These numbers were The initial magnetic field is purely toroidal and has a chosen to give a reasonably resolved transition region constantβ =100throughoutthedomain(thus,By2 hasa betweenAm=1andAm . Foravisualrepresentation Gaussianshapelikethedensity). Randomperturbations FUV of the rather complex equation (12), we plot in Fig. 1 areaddedtothedensityandvelocitycomponentstoseed the vertical profile of Am (averaged over x and y) for the MRI. 6 The remaining simulations are restartedfrom orbit 50 (orbit22forthesimulationswithdomainsize8H 16H Table 1 × × ShearingBoxSimulations 8H9)oftheir correspondingdomainsizesimulationwith Am = 105. They are listed in Table 1. The label for Label AmbipolarDiffusion DomainSize α each calculation describes whether the value of Am is (Lx×Ly×Lz)H constant with height, labeled C, or varies according to C1 Am=1,constant 4×8×8 decayed equation (12), labeled Z. For the constant Am simula- C10 Am=10,constant 4×8×8 0.0046 tions,thenumberfollowingtheCisthevalueofAm. For C10L Am=10,constant 8×16×8 0.0055 the spatially varyingAm calculations,the number after- C100S Am=100,constant 2×4×8 0.070 C100 Am=100,constant 4×8×8 0.0062 wards (along with the AU) describes the radial location C300 Am=300,constant 4×8×8 0.024 of the shearing box in our protoplanetary disk model in C1000 Am=1000, constant 4×8×8 0.022 unitsofAU.AnS(L)followingtheAmvaluecorresponds C10000 Am=104,constant 4×8×8 0.025 to a domain size of 2H 4H 8H (8H 16H 8H), C1e5 Am=105,constant 4×8×8 0.038 which is smaller (larger)×than×the 4H ×8H 8×H size Z30AU AmatR=30AU 8×16×8 0.0016 × × Z100AU AmatR=100AU 8×16×8 0.0015 of most of the constant Am calculations. The “starter” simulationforthe4H 8H 8H runsisalsoincludedin × × the table, labeled C1e5. Finally, all of our calculations value could not be examined because even with STS, are carried out at a resolution of 36 grid zones per H. the diffusion limited time step is very small for Am = 1; running it out further would be very computation- 3. RESULTS ally expensive. However, these results strongly indicate 3.1. Constant Am Calculations that the MRI turbulence has completely decayed away, consistent with the results of Bai & Stone (2011). This We begin by applying some standard diagnostics to behavior will play an important role in the variable Am the set of calculations with constant values of Am. The simulations of Section 3.2. firstsuchdiagnosticisthedensity-weightedMaxwelland We time-average this normalized stress and define the Reynoldsstresses(seeequation(37)ofBalbus & Hawley Shakura-Sunyaevα parameter, 1998), defined as W = hρvxδvy−BxByi (17) α= WRφ (18) Rφ ρ c2s h i where the angled brackets denote a volume averageover where the overbar denotes the time average, which is the whole domain. Figure 2 shows the time evolution of done from orbit 100 onwards for most of the constant this total stress for the 4H 8H 8H runs, normalized Am runs with Am > 1; from orbit 72 onwards for runs by the square of the sound×speed.×The dashed line indi- C10L, Z30AU, and Z100AU; and from orbit 25 to 53 cates the averagedvalue (from orbit25to 53)ofthe run for the Am = 105 “starter” simulation. Fig. 3 displays withAm=105fromwhichalloftheother4H 8H 8H α versus Am for these runs. The arrow on the Am = runswererestarted. ThedifferentAmvaluesa×reden×oted 1 run indicates that that the stress level is continually by the color. The runs with Am > 1 appear to adjust decreasing. The trend of α with Am can be compared on a roughly 50 orbit timescale after which a statisti- with the unstratified simulations shown in Fig. 10 of cal steady state follows. In general, the stress increases Bai & Stone(2011). Thesetrendsroughlyagree,though withincreasingAm(decreasingdiffusion)forthese runs. the results from Bai & Stone (2011) show a monotonic However,theAm=10andAm=100runshaveroughly increase of α with Am, whereas our results show that thesamevaluesatlatetimes,asdotheAm=300,1000, different Am values can lead to very similar α values. and 10000 runs. This difference may be attributable to different back- The Am = 1 case deserves extra attention. From ground magnetic field strengths as the background field Fig. 2, it would appear that the turbulence completely evolves via the usual MRI dynamo (e.g., Davis et al. dies away. A closer examination of the stress histo- 2010; Simon et al. 2011b). To understand this further, ries show that the Maxwell stress levels out to a small, first let us consider the space time diagrams of the but positive value, while continuing to slowly decrease toroidal field By for C10, C100, C300, and C1000 as with time. The Reynolds stress approaches an oscilla- shown in Fig. 4. In these diagrams, the field has been tory behavior which occasionally brings it below zero. averaged over x and y and is plotted in the (t,z) plane. Space-time plots of various quantities in this run indi- The most obvious feature from these diagrams is that cate that the gas is no longer MRI turbulent. The rem- the period of the dynamo flipping of By changes with nantMaxwellstress is the result ofa residuallargescale Am;asambipolardiffusionbecomesstronger,theperiod B and B field near the mid-plane, and the Reynolds increases. In particular,for Am =10,the periodis 50 x y ∼ stress appears to arise from residual waves propagating orbits,andforAm=100(onlyconsideringtimespastthe through the box. The longer term behavior of this Am initial 50 orbittransientperiod), the period is 15 20 ∼ − orbits. For Am 300, the period is 10 orbits as is ≥ ∼ 9Wechooseadifferentrestarttimeforthesecalculationsbecause usually observed in stratified MRI simulations. wedecidedmidwaythroughrunningoursimulationsthatalarger The most relevant feature here, however is that the number of cores issignificantly moreefficient forthe variableAm background toroidal field strength is different for differ- runs. Thus,wehadto redothe Am= 105 calculations, andorbit ent values of Am. In Bai & Stone (2011), it was found 22 was chosen because the density-weighted stress at this time was roughly equal to orbit 50 of the lower core version of this that with zero net verticalflux, the stress levelincreases calculation. with increasing net toroidal flux (which is mostly con- 7 profileofthetotalstress(whichhasagain,beenaveraged in time and for all x and y) in Fig. 5. The stress profile reveals the same behavior as that in Fig. 3; there is a general trend of increasing stress with increasing Am. Furthermore, this increase occurs uniformly across all z. However, C300 and C1000 have roughlythesamestressprofiles,andC10peaksataround thesamevalueasC100. Examiningtheβ forthesepar- y ticular simulations, we see that C300 has a lower value (stronger field) than does C1000. Similarly, C10 has a significantly smaller β than C100. These results con- y firmthatitisindeedthelargerbackgroundtoroidalfield strengththatmakethe stresslevelsinrunC10approach that in run C100, and the stress in run C300 approach that in run C1000. We note, however, that C1000 and C10000 have both the same β profiles and the same y stress profiles. This could indicate that for Am > 1000, theturbulencelevelsareapproachingthatofidealMHD. The slightly higher stress for C1e5 would then be ex- Figure 2. Density-weightedvolumeaverageofthetotal(Maxwell andReynolds)stress,normalizedbythesquareofthesoundspeed, plained by its lower βy. versus time for the standard 4H ×8H ×8H simulations. The It remains unclear why the background field strength magentalinecorrespondstoAm=1,bluetoAm=10,redtoAm varies in the way that it does. Could this also be con- = 100, orange to Am = 300, black to Am = 1000, and green to Am = 104. The horizontal dashed line corresponds to the time- trolled by the value of Am? This is not unreasonable averaged (from orbit 25 to 53) stress value for Am = 105 from considering that ambipolar diffusion already affects the whichthe other runswereinitialized. After aninitialtransient of period of the toroidal field flipping. The question of ex- ∼50orbits,thesimulationswithAm&10aresustained. Thereis actly how Am and the dynamo are related is very open. ageneral trendofincreasingstresslevelwithincreasingAm. The Unfortunately, exploring it in detail would take us too Am=1casehasturbulencethatdecays awayrapidly. far from our goals in this paper, and so, we leave it for future work. The final diagnostic we employ is the two-point au- tocorrelation function first used in the context of MRI simulations in Guan et al. (2009). We employ this diag- nosticforsimilarreasonsasthoseinSimon et al.(2012); wewishtodeterminethestructureoftheturbulentmag- netic field and check that the domain sizes we use are sufficiently large to properly capture important turbu- lent scales. Thus, we define the autocorrelationfunction of the ith component of the perturbed magnetic field as δB (t,x)δB (t,x+∆x)d3x ACF(δB (∆x))= i i , (20) i R δB (t,x)2d3x i R where δB is the value of B after subtracting off the i i horizontal mean field. In equation form, δB (x,y,z) B (x,y,z) B (z), (21) i i i xy ≡ −h i Figure 3. Time-averaged total stress (i.e., α) as a function of andtheaveragedenotedby isthehorizontalaverage. xy Amforthestandard4H×8H×8Hsimulations. Thereisageneral Note that we have defined thhie ACF to be normalizedby trendofincreasingstresslevelwithincreasingAm. its maximum value (at ∆x = ∆y = ∆z = 0). The ACF of the total turbulent magnetic field is then defined as served in unstratified simulations). Therefore, in our ACF(δB)= ACF(δB )+ ACF(δB )+ ACF(δB ). The stratified simulations, two effects are expected to deter- x y z overbar denotes a time average done from orbit 100 to minethesaturatedstressvalues: thevalueofAmandthe 125 in all cases. background toroidal field strength, set by the dynamo. Fromthe figure,it appearsthatthe Am =100ACFis To demonstrate this effect more robustly, we calculate a roughly consistent between a domain size of 2H 4H versionoftheplasmaβ forthebackgroundtoroidalfield, × × 8H and4H 8H 8H,thoughthereisaslightdifference × × in the size of the tilted centroid. However,as we will see β 2 P / B 2, (19) y ≡ h i h yi shortly, 2H 4H 8H is actually too small for Am = × × where the overbars indicate a time average (from orbit 100. The standard box size, 4H 8H 8H, appears × × 100onwards)and the angledbracketsdenote anaverage to properly contain the ACF for Am = 100, but not as over x and y. This quantity is representative of the am- well for Am = 10. The centroid of the Am = 10 case is plitude of the oscillatingbackgroundtoroidalfield. β is larger and appears to have a longer tail that intersects y afunctionofzonly,andweplotitalongwiththevertical the toroidal boundary. Going to an even larger domain, 8 Figure 4. Space-time plot of By averaged over x andy forAm= 10 (upper left), Am= 100 (upper right), Am =300 (lower left), and Am=1000(lowerright). The“butterfly”dynamoispresentinallsimulations,buttheperiodoftheBy flippingincreaseswithdecreasing Am. Inparticular,theperiodis∼40−50orbitsforAm=10and∼15−20orbitsforAm=100. Fortheother twocases, theperiodis ∼10orbits,equal tothatinidealMHDcalculations. 8H 16H 8H,theACF(B)forAm=10looksmorewell Figure 8 shows the W evolution for these two domain Rφ × × contained, though the very end of the tail does appear sizes with Am = 10. The use of a smaller domain size totouchthe toroidalboundary. Thiseffectisnotasdra- does not appear to make a difference for this value of matic as in the smaller domain. Going to an even larger Am. Furthermore, the B space-time plot for the larger y domain and running Am = 10 is prohibitively expensive domain looks very similar to the smaller domain. Evi- given our current computational resources. dently, we can get away with using a smaller domain for Returning to the smallest domain, we note some odd Am = 10. However, these ACFs suggest that caution features. Despite the reasonable ACF, an inspection of be used when running ambipolar diffusion shearing box the stress history and the α value (see Table 1) show calculations. this calculation to be quite different than Am = 100 at One final thing to note from ACF(B) is that as Am is larger domain sizes. An examination of the space-time decreased, the tilted centroid component appears to be- evolution of B , Fig. 7, brings the point home further, comemoreelongated(hencetheneedforlargerdomains) y as it indicates that the dynamo behavior is completely and less tilted with respect to the y axis. shutoffforthisparticularrun. Thisisagaininconsistent Tosummarizethissection,wefindtheturbulentstress with the larger domain Am = 100. Thus, we conclude level dependence on Am in vertically stratified simula- that 2H 4H 8H is too small of a domain for Am = tions to be generally consistent with the results of un- × × 100 and will likely be too small for smaller values of Am stratified simulations (Bai & Stone 2011); α increases as well. with Am, and for Am . 1, there is no turbulence. We As indicated by these results, the standard box size of also find that as Am is decreased, larger domain sizes 4H 8H 8H is large enough for all of our simulations are needed in order to properly capture the turbulent × × except for Am 10. It is computationally too expen- structures represented by the ACF. These runs serve as ≤ sive for us to run all of our simulations at the larger a baseline for interpreting the results from the next sec- 8H 16H 8H. So, we elect to use the smaller size tion, in which Am varies spatially and temporally based × × as our standard, and we compare the evolution of the upon our model for surface layer ionization. stress between the 4H 8H 8H and 8H 16H 8H × × × × domains for Am = 10 to justify using a smaller domain for comparison between Am = 10 and other Am values. 3.2. Variable Am Calculations 9 plots,thereisasignificantregioninzoverwhichtheMRI isindeedactive. Theverticalstructureisconsistentwith what we would expect from our ionization profile; there is a significant “ambipolar dead zone” corresponding to where Am = 1 and the higher Am regions correspond to turbulent activity. We will calculate an actual mass accretionrate atboth30AU and100AUin Section4.1. Despite there being very little Maxwell stress in the ambipolardeadzone,thereisstillReynoldsstressinthis region. Thisstressislikelyproducedbytheactivelayers, similartowhatisobservedinsimulationsthatincludean Ohmic dead zone (Fleming & Stone 2003). It is possi- ble,however,thatasinrunC1,the Reynoldsstresshere is simply left over from the turbulent state from which the run was restarted. To test this notion, we restarted Z100AU at orbit 85 and set all perturbed velocity com- ponentstozerothroughoutthedomain(theshearprofile is of course maintained). We find that the active MRI layers do indeed induce velocity fluctuations within the ambipolardeadzone,whichleadsto apositiveReynolds stress on average. Finally, the horizontally averaged B space-time plot y shows interesting behavior. Within the ambipolar dead zone, the toroidal field remains fixed in sign, though the magnitude appears to be decreasing. Between 1 and 2 scale heights above and below the mid-plane, the usual MRI dynamo reappears, with a B oscillation period of y 10 orbits, identical to ideal MHD. Again, from the ∼ Maxwell stress plot, it is obvious that this region is tur- bulent. For z >2H, however,there is a strong toroidal | | fieldthatremainsstationary. Thereareslightchangesin Figure 5. Verticalprofilesofβy asdefinedbyequation(19)(top) magnitudeasthetoroidalfieldfromtheturbulentregion and the total stress normalized by the square of the sound speed propagates outwards. (bottom). The quantities have been averaged over x and y and over time from orbit 100 onwards as described in the text. The Examining the same diagrams for Z30AU reveals very bluelinecorrespondstoAm=10,redtoAm=100,orangetoAm similarbehavior. ThereisathinlayerofstrongMaxwell = 300, black to Am= 1000, green to Am= 104, and dashed line andReynoldsstresslocatedaround z 2H,alongwith toAm=105(thetimeaverageforthisrunisdonefromorbit25to | |∼ apositiveReynoldsstressinducedintheambipolardead theendofthecalculation). Thestressincreases withAmroughly uniformlyatallheights. Thereisnoobvioustrendbetweenβyand zone by the active layers. In this calculation, however, Am. the active region is much narrower in z when compared to Z100AU. This is because the FUV photons do not Wenowturnourattentiontothetwocalculationswith ionize the disk quite as deep as at R = 100 AU, and as spatially and temporally varying Am (the “Z” simula- is usual, the MRI appears to be inactive for z & 2H. | | tions in Table 1). As stated previously, these simula- Thus, the MRI-active region is forced to be contained tions adopt more realistic non-constant Am values and within a smaller z region. directly address the questions such as “how vigorous is One thing to question is whether or not the phe- outerdiskMRI-driventurbulence?”or“whatisthemass nomenology of Simon et al. (2011b) could play a role accretion rate in the outer disk?” under the assumption here if we were to integrate these simulations further. that the outer disk is not threaded by any net vertical In that paper, the authors found that the toroidal and magnetic field. We run them all at the largest domain radial field in a resistivity dominated mid-plane region size,8H 16H 8H,becausethereareregionsofAm 1 would evolve in time. Occasionally, the toroidal field × × ≤ in these calculations. would grow to strong enough levels that the MRI would Asbefore,webeginbyexaminingthedensity-weighted be temporarily reactivated, after which the Ohmic re- stress normalized by the square of the sound speed, as sistivity would quench the turbulence again. In these shown in Fig. 9. It is clear from the figure that the simulations, we do see that the toroidal field in the am- stress levels are lowered dramatically compared to the bipolar dead zone changes in amplitude over time. Is it ideal MHD case. Indeed, by calculating the average of possible, then, that the field could grow to large enough the curve from orbit 72 onward, we find that the α val- values to eventually re-activate the MRI in that region? ues are 10−3, one order of magnitude below what is Integratingoursimulationsoutformanyhundredsofor- ∼ expected from observations (Hartmann et al. 1998). bitsisprohibitivelyexpensive,andtherefore,wewillnot While the turbulence levels initially decrease drasti- be able to observe any such variability in our stratified cally, it has not completely died away. Consider the simulations. Instead, we have run an unstratified shear- space-time diagrams in the (t,z) plane for various hor- ingboxofsize 8H 16H H withAm= 1anduniform × × izontally averaged quantities of run Z100AU, as shown toroidal field of strength β = 10, chosen to determine if in Fig. 10. From both the Maxwell and Reynolds stress a strong toroidal field MRI will be active with Am = 1. 10 Figure 6. Autocorrelationfunction(ACF)ofthemagneticfield,asdefinedbyequation(20),forsimulations(fromlefttoright)withAm =100andsize2H×4H×8H,Am=100andsize4H×8H×8H,Am=10andsize4H×8H×8H,andAm=10andsize8H×16H×8H. AsAmisdecreased, largerandlargerdomainsareneededtoproperlycontaintheACF.Furthermore,thetiltedcentroidfeaturebecomes lesstiltedwithrespecttothey axisandmoreelongated asAmisdecreased. Figure 7. Space-time plot of By averaged over x and y for the Am=100runatdomainsize2H×4H×8H. Thereisaremnant dynamobehaviorthatrapidlydiesawayasthesimulationadjusts to the new value of Am. Eventually, the dynamo activity ceases altogether, which is inconsistent with the larger domain counter- part of Am = 100. This domain size appears to be too small to properlycapturethedynamoatAm=100. Figure 8. Density-weightedvolumeaverageofthetotal(Maxwell andReynolds)stress,normalizedbythesquareofthesoundspeed, Westartthesimulationwitharelativelylargeamplitude versus time for the Am = 10 simulation at a domain size of 4H ×8H ×8H (solid line) and 8H ×16H ×8H (dotted line). perturbation to the density and velocities, such that the Note that the 8H ×16H ×8H run was restarted from orbit 22 initialconditionsshouldalreadybereasonablynonlinear. of a different “starter” simulation. For comparison purposes, we As a control,we alsoranthis identical setupwith Am = translatedthesolutiontotherightby28orbits. Thecurvesshow 105. With Am = 1, we observeddecay of the initial per- anearlyidenticalevolution. turbations and no development of any MRI turbulence, whereas with Am = 105, the MRI becomes active and dead zone. Within this dead zone, the Reynolds stress generates sustained turbulence for many orbits. Thus, dominatesoverthe Maxwellstress. Fromthe space-time even in the presence of a strong field, Am = 1 is suffi- diagrams above, any nonzero Maxwell stress within this cienttoquenchMRI-driventurbulence. We thereforedo region likely results from large scale correlations in the notexpectthebehaviorobservedinSimon et al.(2011b) magnetic field rather than any sort of turbulence. Note to occur in these simulations. that there are regions where the stress can go negative, The vertical structure results can also be summarized and since the vertical axis is logarithmic, the curves are in the time- and horizontally-averaged quantities as a simply cut off where the values drop below zero. function of z, as is shown in Fig. 11. From the top two Thebottom twopanelsshowthe variousenergies(i.e., panels, it is obvious that there is a double-peak struc- thermal, kinetic, and magnetic) as a function of height. ture to the stress; no doubt a result of the ambipolar The thermal pressure dominates over the vast majority

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