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RATIONAL DESIGN AND SYNTHESIS OF BODIPY DYES FOR MOLECULAR SENSING, LIGHT HARVESTING AND PHOTODYNAMIC APPLICATIONS A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO MATERIALS SCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY PROGRAM OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE OF BILKENT UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY By TUĞBA ÖZDEMİR KÜTÜK September, 2014 I certify that I have read this thesis and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. …………………………………. Prof. Dr. Engin U. Akkaya (Advisor) I certify that I have read this thesis and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. …………………………………. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dönüş Tuncel I certify that I have read this thesis and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. …………………………………. Assist. Prof. Dr. Salih Özçubukçu ii I certify that I have read this thesis and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. …………………………………. Assist. Prof. Dr. Serdar Atılgan I certify that I have read this thesis and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. …………………………………. Assist. Prof. Dr. H. Tarık Baytekin Approved for the Graduate School of Engineering and Science: …………………………………. Prof. Dr. Levent Onural Director of the Graduate School of Engineering and Science iii ABSTRACT RATIONAL DESIGN AND SYNTHESIS OF BODIPY DYES FOR MOLECULAR SENSING, LIGHT HARVESTING AND PHOTODYNAMIC APPLICATIONS Tuğba Özdemir Kütük PhD in Materials Science and Nanotechnology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Engin Umut Akkaya September, 2014 BODIPY dyes have been addressed in many applications due to highly important features. These unique properties can be summarized as high photostability, high extinction coefficient, easy functionality, etc. Thus, tremendous studies have been published and, ion sensing, photodynamic therapy, dye-sensitized solar cells and light harvesting are some of the areas that BODIPY dyes have been utilized. In this thesis, BODIPY dyes were functionalized to be used for different concepts. In the first study, the main purpose was to seek for ion signaling differences of two isomeric tetra-styryl BODIPY dyes with charge donor ligand located at 1,7 versus 3,5 positions. Second work focuses on the light harvesting concept with the use of tetra-styryl BODIPY derivatives. Third study describes the coupling of energy transfer with internal charge transfer to monitor the alterations in intensity ratios, so, dynamic range of the fluorescent probe is improved. Design and synthesis of BODIPY dyes for detection of biological thiols in aqueous solution both chromogenically and fluorogenically was given in fourth study. Another biologically important molecule, hydrogen sulfide is selectively detected via BODIPY-based probe and depicted in the fifth study. In the sixth work, persistent luminescent nanoparticles are attached to BODIPY-based photosensitizer to activate the photodynamic action. Keywords: ion sensing, excitation energy transfer, light harvesting, biological thiols, hydrogen sulfide, photodynamic therapy, BODIPY. iv ÖZET BODIPY BOYASININ MOLEKÜLER SENSÖRLER, IŞIK HASAT EDEBİLEN SİSTEMLER VE FOTODİNAMİK TERAPİ UYGULAMALARI İÇİN RASYONEL TASARIMI VE SENTEZİ Tuğba Özdemir Kütük Malzeme Bilimi ve Nanoteknoloji, Doktora Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Engin Umut Akkaya Eylül, 2014 BODIPY sahip olduğu çok önemli özelliklerinden dolayı, birçok uygulamada kullanılmaktadır. Bu önemli özellikler, ışık altında bozulmaması, yüksek ektinksiyon katsayısına sahip olması, kolaylıkla fonksiyonlandırılabilmesi olarak özetlenebilir. Bu sebeple, yüksek sayıda yayınlar yapılmaktadır ve iyon sensörleri, fotodinamik terapi, boya duyarlı güneş pilleri, ışık hasat edebilen sistemler, BODIPY boyasının kullanıldığı alanlardan bazılarıdır. Bu tezde, BODIPY boyası farklı konseptler için fonksiyonlandırılmıştır. İlk çalışmada, başlıca amaç, iki adet tetra-stiril isomerik BODIPY boyalarının, yük verici ligandın 1 ve 7 veya 3 ve 5 pozisyonlarına bağlanmasına göre vereceği sinyalin farklılığının incelenmesidir. İkinci çalışma tetra- stiril BODIPY türevleri kullanılarak, ışık hasat edebilen sistemler konseptini içermektedir. Üçüncü çalışma, enerji transferi konsepti ile molekül içi yük transferi konsepti, sinyal şiddeti oranlarındaki farklılıkları gözlemlemek üzere birleştirilmiştir ve böylece fluoresans probun dinamik aralığı geliştirilmiştir. BODIPY boyalarının biyolojik tiyollerin suda kromojenik ve florojenik algılanmasının tasarımı ve sentezi dördüncü çalışmada verilmiştir. Biyolojik açıdan büyük öneme sahip olan hidrojen sülfür molekülünün, BODIPY-tabanlı boya kullanılarak seçici olarak algılanması beşinci çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Altıncı çalışmada, kalıcı lüminesans özelliği gösteren nanopartiküllerin, BODIPY tabanlı fotosensitizere kovalent olarak bağlanması ve fotodinamik terapinin aktifleşmesi hedeflenmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: iyon sensörü, ekzitasyon enerji transferi, ışık hasat edebilen sistemler, biyolojik tiyoller, hidrojen sülfür, fotodinamik terapi, BODIPY. v Dedicated to my family vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Engin Umut Akkaya, for his deep insight, intense knowledge and support throughout my graduate studies. No words can express my feelings deeply but I feel very lucky to be a member of Prof. Akkaya’s Supramolecular Laboratory and work with him. Beyond his academic supervision in my projects, Akkaya’s enthusiasm, cheerfulness and his positive attitudes towards us inspire me. Shortly, he has been a great advisor and none of the accomplishments in this thesis would be possible without his mentorship. I consider choosing the Akkaya’s group for my graduate studies to be the one of the best decisions that I made in my life. I would like to gratefully acknowledge my Thesis Committee Members, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dönüş Tuncel and Assist. Prof. Dr. Salih Özçubukçu for their encouraging and fruitful discussions and advices for four years. Also, I would like to express my deep appreciation to Assist. Prof. Dr. H. Tarık Baytekin for participating the dissertation committee. Also special thanks to Assist. Prof. Dr. Serdar Atılgan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür Altan Bozdemir, for their advices and invaluable friendships from the very beginning. Thank you very much for your endless support starting from the day I started lab studies to today. You will be in my life in perPeTuity. I would like to thank Dr. Ruslan Guliyev, Dr. Fazlı Sözmen, Dr.Onur Büyükçakır, Dr. Esra Tanrıverdi Eçik, Dr. Murat Işık and Ziya Köstereli for their patience, great friendship and all their valuable contributions to the projects that we worked on together. Big thanks must be given to my comrade, Safacan Kölemen for his friendship and for all of the fun times we had in and out of lab. I will truly miss working with him. We had great memories and we will have great memories. It is because of him that I kept my sanity during very hard times at the beginning of my PhD. vii I would also like to thank our collaborators: Assist. Prof. Dr. Yavuz Dede and Soydan Yalçın for conducting theoretical studies and invaluable discussions. I also want to thank Assist. Prof. Dr. Turgay Tekinay and Dr. Sevcan Mamur for the cell culture studies. I would like to thank former and present group members of the Akkaya group Dr. Yusuf Çakmak, Dr. Sündüs Erbaş Çakmak, Tuğçe Durgut, Yiğit Altay, Tuba Yaşar, Tuğrul Nalbantoğlu, Bilal Uyar, Ahmet Atılgan, Nisa Yeşilgül, Hale Atılgan, Tuğçe Karataş, Jose Bila, Ceren Çamur, Darika Okayev, Cansu Kaya, Melek Baydar, Dr. Özlem Seven, Dr. Dilek Taşgın, Seylan Ayan, Özge Yılmaz, Veli Polat, Işın Sakallıoğlu and Deniz Yıldız for creating a great environment in which to work and for their valuable input to my projects. I had wonderful people around me. In particular, and in no particular order, thank you my dear friends, Oya&Bora Bilgiç, Dr. Asuman& Dr. Görkem Günbaş, Birsu Teoman, Nurhan& Reşat Çiftçi and their beautiful daughter Cemre for ever-lasting support, great friendship and for all of the fun times we had. We are a great family. Besides being close friends, I would like to thank Bora Bilgiç for design of the graphical abstracts and Dr. Görkem Günbaş for the assistance in End Note and invaluable discussions. I would like to thank my mother, Sevim Özdemir and father, Ergün Özdemir. No words can describe how lucky I am to have you as my parents. Your constant love, support and guidance made me who I am today. My amazing sister, Sakine Özdemir, I can only say that the world would be meaningless without you. Also, I would like to thank Lals for their endless support and great love. Furthermore, I would like to thank to my mother- and father-in-law, Şükran and Nihat Kütük who have always loved me as their own daughter. Furthermore, thank you to second sister and brother, Suna-Bülent Kavan and their beautiful daughter Beren for support and kindness. Most importantly, I would like to thank my husband, İlker Kütük for his endless love, kindness, patience and understanding. Thank you for being there for me every time I needed you. He has stood by me throughout this journey and continually inspires me. viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AcOH : Acetic Acid BODIPY : Boradiazaindacene CHCl : Chloroform 3 DDQ : Dichlorodicyanoquinone DMF : Dimethylformamide ET : Energy Transfer Et N : Triethylamine 3 FRET : Förster Resonance Energy Transfer HOMO : Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital ICT : Internal Charge Transfer IFE : Inner Filter Effect LUMO : Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital MALDI : Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization MS : Mass Spectroscopy NMR : Nuclear Magnetic Resonance PeT : Photoinduced Electron Transfer TFA : Trifluoroacetic Acid THF : Tetrahydrofuran TLC : Thin Layer Chromotography TOF : Time of Flight ix TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1 2. BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................... 6 2.1. Photophysical Processes in Fluorescent Probes ............................................ 6 2.1.1. Photoinduced Electron Transfer (PeT) ................................................... 7 2.1.2. Internal Charge Transfer (ICT) .............................................................. 9 2.1.3. Energy Transfer Mechanism ................................................................ 11 Dexter Type Energy Transfer ....................................................... 12 Förster Type Energy Transfer ....................................................... 13 FRET-based Fluorescent Probes ................................................... 16 Determination of FRET Efficiency ............................................... 19 2.1.4. Excimer Formation ............................................................................... 20 2.2. Near-infrared fluorescent probes ................................................................. 21 2.2.1. BODIPY ............................................................................................... 22 2.3. Significance of Mercury (II) ........................................................................ 26 2.3.1. Hg (II) Fluorescent Probes ................................................................... 27 2.4. Importance of Biological Thiols .................................................................. 29 2.4.1. Detection of Thiols Based on Michael addition ................................... 30 2.4.2. Detection of Thiols Based on Cleavage of Sulfonamide and sulfonate32 2.4.3. Detection of Thiols Based on Cyclization with Aldehydes ................. 33 2.4.4. Detection of Thiols Based on Disulfide Bond Cleavage ..................... 34 2.4.5. Detection of Thiols Based on Metal Ions ............................................. 34 2.5. Significance of Hydrogen Sulfide (H S) ..................................................... 35 2 2.5.1. H S Probes Based on Reduction reactions ........................................... 36 2 2.5.2. H S Probes Based on Nucleophilic Attack .......................................... 38 2 x

Altıncı çalışmada, kalıcı lüminesans özelliği gösteren nanopartiküllerin, BODIPY tabanlı fotosensitizere kovalent olarak bağlanması ve fotodinamik
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