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Truthful Facility Location with Additive Errors Iddan Golomb∗ ChristosTzamos † January2, 2017 Abstract Weaddresstheproblemoflocatingfacilitiesonthe[0,1]intervalbasedonreportsfromstrategic agents. The cost of each agent is her distance to the closest facility, and the global objective is to minimizeeitherthemaximumcostofanagentorthesocialcost. 7 1 Asopposedtotheextensiveliteratureonfacilitylocationwhichconsidersthemultiplicativeerror, 0 we focus on minimizing the worst-case additive error. Minimizing the additive error incentivizes 2 mechanismstoadapttothesizeoftheinstance.I.e.,mechanismscansacrificelittleefficiencyinsmall instances (location profiles in which all agents are relatively close to one another), in order to gain n more [absolute] efficiency in large instances. We argue that this measure is better suited for many a J manifestationsofthefacilitylocationprobleminvariousdomains. Wepresent tight bounds formechanismslocatingasinglefacilityinbothdeterministicandran- 2 domizedcases.Wefurtherprovideseveralextensionsforlocatingmultiplefacilities. ] T G 1 Introduction . s We consider a setting in which several agents are located on a line, and a central planner intends to c [ place a facility at some pointuponthatline. Each ofthe agentsseeks to be as close as possible to the facility–thecostofanagentisherdistancetothefacility. Theplannerwishestominimizesomeglobal 1 objective–eithertheaverageorthemaximumcostofanagent. Insomecases, agentsmightmisreport v 9 their preference in order to obtain a better outcome from their perspective. We aim to devise truthful 2 mechanisms, in which no agent can benefit from misreporting, regardless of the reports of the other 5 agents. 0 Intheliterature,themostcommonmeasureforassessingamechanism’sefficiencyistheapproxima- 0 tionratio–theworst-caseratio(overanylocationprofile)betweentheglobalcostofthemechanismand . 1 thatof theoptimalmechanism. Inthispaper,westriveto minimizetheadditiveerror–theworst-case 0 differencebetweenthesametwovalues. 7 Toillustratethedifferencebetweenthesetwoerrorfunctions,considertheclassicalfacilitylocation 1 : probleminwhichamunicipalitywantstobuildalibraryononeofitsstreetsinordertoservetheresidents v ofthestreet. Optimizingovertheapproximationratiomightguarantee,forinstance,thatnoresidentwill i X needto walk to the librarymorethan2 times the maximalwalkingdistanceof an agentin the optimal r assignment. In contrast, optimizing over the additive error might guarantee that no agent will need to a walktothelibraryformorethan3kilometersovertheoptimalassignment. Thisexampledemonstrates thatoptimizingovertheadditiveerrorguaranteesefficiencywithrespecttoatangibleandnaturalmeasure ofabsolutedistance,andfurtherprovidesatargetfunctionwhichiseasilyunderstood. Asopposedtothemultiplicativeerrorwhichisscale-invariant,byfocusingontheadditiveerrorwe sacrificesomeefficiencyinsmallinstances(e.g.,casesinwhichallresidentsareclosetothelibrary),in whichthesolutionsarealreadyquitegood,soastoachieveanearlyoptimalsolutioninlargerinstances (wheretheerrorissignificantlyhigher).Indeed,inmanycasessome(large)instancesaremoreimportant tothedesignerthanother(smaller)instances,andtheadditiveerroraccommodatesforthisneed. Clearly, when the size of the instance doubles, the additive error also doubles. However, in many differentmanifestationsofthefacilitylocationproblem,thedomainsarebounded.Werestrictourselves ∗TelAvivUniversity. Email: [email protected]. TheworkofIddanGolombwaspartiallysupportedbytheEuropean ResearchCouncilundertheEuropeanUnion’sSeventhFrameworkProgramme(FP7/2007-2013)/ERCgrantagreementnumber 337122.ThisworkwasdoneinpartwhileI.GolombwasvisitingtheSimonsInstitutefortheTheoryofComputing. †MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology.Email:[email protected] theSimonsInstitutefortheTheoryofComputing. 1 to such cases, i.e., in our setting the network is not R, but rather the [0,1] segment of the line. Some examplesofsuchsettingsinclude: – Intheaforementionedexampleoflocatingapubliclibraryonastreet,thereisclearlyarealisticbound onthelengthofastreet,e.g.,thelengthofthelongeststreetinthecity. – A group of public officials needs to vote over the amount of resources to invest in a given policy (political,social,etc.). E.g.,theMinistryofEducationisfacedwiththedecisionofhowmuchmoney the governmentshould allocate to a reform in the school system. Note that in this case scaling can bedonewithrespecttothesizeofthetotaleducationbudget,sincedecisionswhichaffectmillionsof dollarstendtobemoreimportantthanthosewhichaffectthousandsofdollars. – Agroupofpeoplesittinginaroomwanttocollectivelydecideonthetemperatureoftheairconditioner. Eachpersonhastheirownidealtemperature,andsomereasonableassumptionscanbeusedtobound the minimal and maximal temperature values (e.g., it is probably safe to assume that nobody’s true preferenceis100degreesCelsius). – A groupof colleagueswishes to set up a meeting in the upcomingweek, and each one has an ideal time slotforthe meeting. In somecases itis assumedthatthe utility functionis single-peaked(see, e.g.,[25]).Inthisexample,timeprovidesanaturalscalefortheproblemanditseemsreasonabletoget solutionswhereeverybodywaitsatmost5minutesmorethantheoptimal,eveniftheoptimalsolution is0. Incontrast,iftheoptimalsolutionis3hours,a2approximationcanbeverybad. Assuming quasi-linear utilities and allowing payments, then the well known Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism is truthful and can achieve the optimal social cost (e.g., [17]). However, in many real-lifesituations(suchas in the examplespreviouslymentioned)we restrictthe use ofmoneydueto ethical,legalorotherconsiderations. Givenasetofvotes,itispolytimetofindtheoptimaloutcome. However,whenrestrictedtotruthful mechanisms, we show that the optimal result cannot be selected in the general case. In other words, approximationisusedtocircumventtruthfulnessandnotcomputationalhardness. 1.1 OurContributions We analyzethe worst-case additiveerrorbetweentruthfulmechanismsandthe optimalmechanismfor twoobjectives-themaximumcostandtheaveragecostofanagent. Theaveragecostisthesameasthe morecommonlyusedobjectiveofthesocialcostuptoamultiplicativefactorofn(theamountofagents), andwechosetofocusontheaveragecostpurelyduetoconvenienceastheresultsareeasiertointerpret withouttheparametern. ItInObservation2,weshowthattheerrorfortheaveragecostgrowsatleastlinearlywithn. Using this normalization, it is clear that since the network is the [0,1] line, the additive error for both the average cost and the maximum cost of any mechanism is always between 0 and 1. For example, the trivialmechanismwhichlocatesthefacilityat1/2regardlessoftheagents’reportshasanadditiveerror of 1/2 for both the social and maximum cost. Our choice of an interval length of 1 is only done for thesakeonconvenience,andourresultsholdwithoutlossofgeneralityforanyinterval[0,M]withan obviousmultiplicativeadjustmentoftheratios(e.g.,M/6insteadof1/6). Inthepaper,weshowthefollowingresults: – Locatingasinglefacility(Figure1)-We providetightboundsforallvariationsofthisproblem. For the averagecost, it is well knownthatlocating the facility on the medianreportis both truthfuland optimal. For the maximumcost, we start bypresentinga randomizedlower boundof 1/6. In order to do so, we characterize the structure of the optimal mechanism, and show that it must locate the facilityatoneoffivepossiblepoints(theleftmostandrightmostreports,the centerbetweenthem,0 and1).Wefurthershowthatitmustbesymmetric(anotionweformallydefineinthepaper).Wethen presenttwolocationprofiles,andutilizethischaracterizationtoexhibitthelowerbound.Wemoveon todeviseamechanismcalledBLRC,whichisaprobabilitydistributionovertwoknownmechanisms, thatmatchesthelowerboundof1/6.Incontrast,thebestupperboundofcurrentlyknownmechanisms was1/4(LRC:left-right-centerby[23]). Fordeterministicmechanisms,weshowalowerboundof1/4.Wethenpresentasimpledeterministic mechanism called phantom-half that matches this bound. In contrast, the best upper bound of any dictatorshipis1/2. 2 Figure1: Ourresultsforsinglefacilityproblemwiththe maximumcostobjective. We showtight boundsof1/6forrandomizedmechanismsand1/4fordeterministicmechanisms. Thebestresults forcurrentlyknownmechanismswere1/4and1/2forrandomizedanddeterministicmechanisms respectively. Randomized Deterministic Lower 1/6 1/4 Bound Thm. 5 Thm. 15 Upper 1/6 1/4 Bound BLRC,Thm.12 Phantom-half,Thm.17 Known 1/4 1/2 Mechanisms LRC(from[23]) Anydictatorship – Extensionsto multiple facilities - We first show a trivialmechanism, EqualSpread, which locates k facilitieswithequaldistancesfromoneanother(withoutusingtheinstancedata)andhasamaximum costof 1 . Wethenextendtheconstructionofthedeterministiclowerboundforonefacilitytothe 2k−1 multiple-facilitysetting,andreachalowerboundof 1 ,whichshowsthattheresultforthisproblem 6k isΘ(1/k). For the average cost, we present two extensionsto Equal Spread which slightly improve the error - therandomizedpaired-equal-cost(PEC)whichhasanerrorof 1 (Theorem22)andthedetermin- 4k−2 isticelection-parity-equal-cost(EPEC)mechanismwhichreachesanerrorof 3 (Theorem23). In 8k−4 addition,forthespecialcaseof2facilities,weshowadeterministicmechanismbasedonpercentiles whichachievesanupperboundof1/5(comparedto1/4byEPEC). 1.2 Related Work Thetruthfulfacilitylocationproblemhasrichroots. Theinitialfocuswasmainlyoncharacterizingthe class of truthfulmechanisms - in 1980 Moulin characterizedall deterministic truthfulmechanisms for locatingafacilityontheline,whenthepreferencesaresingle-peaked[20],andthischaracterizationwas laterextendedtogeneralgraphsbySchummerandVohra[25]. Procaccia and Tennenholtzwere the first to proveboundson the approximationratio of the game- theoreticfacilitylocationproblem[23]. Theirinitialmodelhasbeenextendedbythese authorsandby others in many ways, and most of these extensions leads to additional bounds on the approximation ratio—Thenetworkwasextendedfromthelinetocycles([1],[2]),trees([1],[11])andgeneralgraphs [1]; Some papers consider building several facilities, where the cost of an agent is her distance to the closest facility(e.g. [19], [18], [14], [15]); Other paperslookat heterogeneousfacilities, i.e., facilities servingdifferentpurposes[26];Severalpapersconsiderasettinginwhicheveryagentpossessesmultiple locationsandpaysthesumofthedistancestoherlocations([23], [19]);Additionalobjectivefunctions were considered besides the maximum cost and the social cost, for instance the L norm [11] or the 2 minimaxenvy[6](in thelatter, the approximationwas donewith anadditiveerror); Additionalpapers consider different preferences of the agents, for instance doubly-peaked preferences [12], “obnoxious facilitylocation”inwhichagentswanttobeasfarawayaspossiblefromthefacility[7],settingswhich combine agents with ordinary preferences and agents who wish to be far from the facility ([9], [28]); Anotherdirectionthatwas researchedis thetradeoffbetweenthe approximationratio andthe variance ([24]); Some papers consider differentmethods of voting, for instance by restricting the outcome to a discretesetofcandidates([8],[27],[10])orbyusingmediators[5]. Whenrestrictingthelocationofthe facilitytogivencandidates,minimizingthesocialcostoffacilitylocationproblemshasbeenassociated tothenotionof“distortion”([22],[3],[10],[4],[16]). Nissimet. al. alsouseadditiveerrorsforfacilitylocation,asanexampleoftheirframeworkwhich maintainsdifferentialprivacy[21]. However,theirmodeldiffersfromoursettingastheygrantthemech- anismtheadditionalpowertoimposeagentstoconnecttoaspecificfacility.Impositionallowsforbetter approximationratios,asseenforinstancein[13]. 3 2 Model Let N = {1,...,n} be a set of agents, where each agenti ∈ N is located at some pointx ∈ [0,1]. i Thevectorx = (x ,...,x )isknownasa locationprofile. Adeterministicmechanismforlocatingk 1 n facilitiesis a mappingfromsomelocationprofile(thereportsof theagents) toa setofk pointsonthe interval(thechosenlocationsofthefacilities),thatis: M :[0,1]n →[0,1]k. Assuming the facility locations are M(x) = {l ,...,l }, the cost of point p is its distance to the 1 k closestfacility:cost (M,x)=min |l −p|. Thecostofagentilocatedatx isdefinedasthecost p 1≤j≤k j i ofherlocation,cost (M,x). Eachagentaimstominimizehercost. xi Arandomizedmechanismisamappingfromalocationprofiletosomedistributionoverk-tuplesof locations:M :[0,1]n →∆([0,1]k). Thecostofagentiistheexpectedcostofthisagentaccordingtothe probabilitydistributionreturnedbythemechanism,thatis: costxi(M,x) = E(l1,...,lk)∼M(x)minj|xi− l |. j A truthful mechanism M (also known as a strategyproof mechanism) is one in which an arbitrary agentcannotsufferfromreportingherreallocation,regardlessofthereportsoftheotheragents: Forall i∈N,allx ,x′ ∈[0,1]andx ∈[0,1]n−1: i i −i cost (M,(x ,x ))≤cost (M,(x′,x )). xi i −i xi i −i For randomized mechanisms, these mechanisms are often denoted by the term truthful in expectation mechanisms,inordertodistinguishthemfromuniversallytruthfulmechanisms(astrongernotionwhich wedonotuseinthispaper,inwhichanagentcannotregretreportinghertruelocationex-post). For a location profile x and reported locations x′ the average cost is: AC(M,x,x′) = 1 cost (M,x′). Note that we scale the sum of the agents’ costs by a factor of n. For truthful n i xi mechanisms,wecandropthemisreportinthenotationanddenotetheaveragecostbyAC(M,x). Given alPocationprofilex,theoptimalaveragecostis: AC(OPT,x)=min(l1...lk)∈[0,1]k n1 iminj|lj −xi|. ForatruthfulmechanismM,theadditiveerrorgivenalocationprofilexisthedifferencebetweentheav- eragecostofM andtheaveragecostoftheoptimalmechanism:σ (x)=AC(M,x)P−AC(OPT,x). M The additive error of a truthful mechanism M is the maximal error over any location profile: σ = M maxxσM(x). Given location profile x and reported locations x′ the maximum cost (max-cost in short) is: MC(M,x,x′) = max cost (M,x′). Similarly to the average cost case, for a truthful mechanism i xi M wedenotethemax-costbyMC(M,x). Givenalocationprofilex,theoptimalmaximumcostis: MC(OPT,x)= min maxmin|l −x | j i (l1...lk)∈[0,1]k i j For a truthful mechanism M, the additive error given a location profile x is the difference between the maximum cost of M and the maximal cost of the optimal mechanism: δ (x) = MC(M,x) − M MC(OPT,x). The additive error of a truthfulmechanism M is the maximalerror over any location profile:δM =maxxδM(x). Givena locationprofilex, we denotethe leftmostandrightmostpointsin xbyx andx respec- L R tively.Thecenterpointbetweenthesetwopointsiscalledx = xL+xR. C 2 We now show that lower bounds proven for few agents can also be extended to location profiles witharbitrarilymanyagentssincetheerrorgrowsatleastlinearlywiththeamountofagents. Thefirst observationshowsthatanylowerboundforboththemaximumandaveragecostprovenwithalocation profilewithnagentsalsoholdsforanyprofilewithq·nagentsforanarbitrarypositiveintegerq (i.e., foranyprofilewithanevennumberofagents). Observation1. LetM beatruthfulmechanismwhichhasanadditiveerrorofǫforanyprofilewithq·n agentsforsome globalcostfunction(eitherthemaximumorthe averagecost)with q ≥ 1. Thenthere exists some truthfulmechanismM′ whichhasan additiveerror ofǫ forthe same globalcostfunction, foranyprofilewithnagents. Proof. LetM′bethemechanismwhichsimulatesM basedonthelocationprofilewhichduplicateseach reportqtimes. Thatis,forsomeinputx =(xA,...,xA),M′createstheprofile A 1 n x = (xB = xB = ··· = xB = xA,xB = xB = ··· = xB = xA,··· ,xB = B 1 2 q 1 q+1 q+2 2q 2 (n−1)q+1 xB =···=xB =xA)andlocatesthefacilitiesonM′(x )=M(x ). (n−1)q+2 nq n A B 4 Intheseprofilesinwhichtheprofileisduplicated,theadditiveerrorofthesemechanismsisthesame (andthereforeinthegeneralcase,thecostofM isatleastaslargeasthatofM′):forthemaximumcost itholdsthat: MC(M′,x )=max|xA−M′(x )| A i A i =max|xB −M(x )|=MC(M,x ). j B B j Fortheaveragecost,boththenumeratorandthedenominatoraremultipliedbyq: n 1 AC(M′,x )= |xA−M′(x )| A n i A i=1 X qn 1 = |xB −M(x )|=MC(M,x ). qn j B B j=1 X Clearly,thecostoftheoptimalmechanismisthesameforbothofthesecasesaswell. It is only left to provetruthfulnessunderM′. This holdsdue to the lemma by Lu et al. in [18] in whichtheyshowthatanystrategyproof(thatis,truthfulaccordingtoourterminology)mechanismisalso partialgroupstrategyproof.Amechanismisdefinedtobepartialgroupstrategyproofifforanygroupof agentsonthesamelocation,eachindividualcannotbenefitiftheymisreportsimultaneously. Formally, given a non-emptyset S ⊂ N, profile x = (x ,x ) where x = (x,...,x) for some x, and some S −S S misreportedlocationsx′ itholdsthatforanyi∈S: S cost (M(x ,x )≤cost (M(x′ ,x )). i S −S i S −S If there had been some beneficial deviation of some x to x′ in M′ then there must have been some i i deviationofthecoalition(x ,x )to(x′,x′)inM,incontradictiontopartialgroupstrategyproofness. i i i i Thenextobservationshowsthatanylowerboundthemaximumcostprovenwitha locationprofile with n agents also holds for any profile with n + 1 agents. Clearly this observation can be applied repeatedlytoshowalowerboundforanarbitraryamountofagents. Observation 2. Let M be a truthful mechanism which has an additive error of ǫ for any profile with n+1agentsforthemaximumcost.ThenthereexistssometruthfulmechanismM′whichhasanadditive errorofǫforthethemaximum,foranyprofilewithnagents. Proof. LetM′bethemechanismwhichsimulatesM basedonthelocationprofileforwhichthelastagent is placed together the penultimate agent. That is, for some inputx = (xA,...,xA), M′ creates the A 1 n profilex = xB =xA,xB =xA,...,xB =xA,xB =xA andlocatesthefacilitiesonM′(x ) = B 1 1 2 2 n n n+1 n A M(x ). B (cid:0) (cid:1) Proof of truthfulness and the additive error follows the same lines as the previous observation – TruthfulnessholdsduetotopartialgroupstrategyproofnessinM. ThemaximumerrorofM andM′is thesamesincetheoutputtedlocationisthesame(M′(x )=M(x ))andthesetofthelocationsinthe A B inputs(thedistinctlocationsinx ,x )arethesame. A B 3 Locating a Single Facility 3.1 Randomized Mechanisms Forthesinglefacilityproblem,ProcacciaandTennenholtzintroducedtheLRC(left-right-center)mech- anism,whichchoosesx andx withprobability 1 each,andchoosesx withprobability 1 [23].They L R 4 C 2 furthershowedthatLRCistruthful-in-expectationandachievesatightboundforthemultiplicativeratio. ItiseasytoseethatLRCachievesanadditiveerrorof 1 (forthelocationprofilex=(0,1)). 4 Westartbyshowingarandomizedlowerboundof 1. Wematchthisboundwithamechanismwhich 6 extendsLRC(calledBalanced-LRCorBLRCinshort). Thefollowingtwodefinitionssetthefoundationsfortheproofofthelowerbound. 5 Definition3(5-pointmechanism). Foranarbitrary locationprofilex, a 5-pointmechanismM is one whichcanonlyassignapositiveprobabilitytoasubsetofthefollowing5points:0,x ,x ,x ,1. L C R WedenotetheprobabilitiesthatM locatesthefacilitiesonthesepointsasp ,p ,p ,p ,p respec- 0 L C R 1 tively. Definition4(Symmetric5-pointmechanism). A5-pointmechanismM istermedsymmetricifforanylocationprofilexsuchthatx = 1−xitholds thatp =p andp =p . L R 0 1 Theorem5. Anyrandomizedtruthfulinexpectationmechanismforlocatingonefacilityhasanadditive errorofatleast 1 forthemaximumcost. 6 Proof. Wepresentalowerboundfortwoagents. First, weshowthatanytruthfulinexpectationmech- anism for 2 agentscan be replacedwith a 5-pointtruthfulin expectationmechanismwhile conserving theadditiveerror. Then,weshowthatwecanfurtherrestrictourselvestosymmetric5-pointmechanism without increasing the additive error. This characterizationis used by a pair of location profiles and a transitionbetweenthem,yieldingthelowerbound.Finally,duetoObservation2,thislowerboundcanbe extendedtoanarbitraryamountofagents-foranynumberofagentsntheredoesnotexistamechanism withaloweradditiveerrorthan 1. 6 Lemma 6. If there exists a truthful in expectation mechanism M which has additive error α for the maximumcostfor2agents,thenthereexistsatruthfulinexpectation5-pointmechanismM′whichalso hasadditiveerrorαforthemaximumcostfor2agents. Proof. The proof will transformM to M′ by movingthe probabilitythat M allocated to any point z, totheleftandrightneighborsofz fromthesetA = {0,x ,x ,x ,1},withoutchangingtheexpected L C R location. The resultingmechanismwill clearly be a 5-pointmechanism, and the followingclaimswill show that it also preserves truthfulness and the additive error. We start by showing the effect of this transformationonanarbitrarydeterministicmechanismM . 1 Forsomearbitrarypointz,letz ,z beitsleftandrightneighbors,respectively,fromthesetA,that 1 2 is: z =argmax(x≤z) 1 x∈A z =argmin(x≥z) 2 x∈A LetZ be therandomvariablewhichcantake twopossible values,z andz , suchthatE[Z] = z (that 1 2 isPr(M (x) = z ) = z2−z ,Pr(M (x) = z ) = z−z1 ). Forsomelocationprofilex,letM bethe 2 1 z2−z1 2 2 z2−z1 1 deterministicmechanismwhichlocatesthefacilityatpointz,andletM betherandomizedmechanism 2 whichlocatesthefacilityaccordingtotherandomvariableZ. Claim7. Foranyp∈[0,z ]∪[z ,1],thecostofpunderM isthesameasitscostunderM ,thatis: 1 2 1 2 cost (M ,x)=cost (M ,x). p 1 p 2 Proof. Assumewithoutlossofgeneralitythatp≤z <z . ThecostofpunderM is: cost (M ,x)= 1 2 1 p 1 |p−M (x)|=z−p. 1 Ontheotherhand,thecostunderM is: 2 z −z z−z cost (M ,x)=E|Z −p|= 2 (z −p)+ 1 (z −p) p 2 1 2 z −z z −z 2 1 2 1 z −z z−z 2 1 = (z −p)+ [(z −z )+(z −p)] 1 2 1 1 z −z z −z 2 1 2 1 z−z 1 =(z −p)+ (z −z )=z−p 1 2 1 z −z 2 1 Thus,bothcostsarethesame. Claim 8. For any p ∈ [0,1], the cost of p under M is less than or equal to its cost under M : 1 2 cost (M ,x)≤cost (M ,x). p 1 p 2 6 Proof. ThecostunderM isclearlycost (M ,x)=|p−z|. 1 p 1 ForM itholdsthat: 2 cost (M ,x)=E|Z−p|≥|E[p−Z]|=|p−E[Z]|=|p−z| p 2 This holds due to Jensen’s inequality (for any convex function f and random variable Z: f(E[Z]) ≤ E(f(Z))),sincetheabsolutevalueisaconvexfunction. Thesetwo claimsand truthfulnessof M collectivelyshow thatif M was truthful, thenso is M : 1 1 2 letxbealocationprofile,andletx′ betheprofileafterdeviationofsomex ∈ {x ,x }tox′. Then: i L R i costxi(M2,x)=costxi(M1,x)≤costx′i(M1,x)≤costx′i(M2,x). Claim9. ThemaximumcostofxunderM isequaltothemaximumcostunderM . 1 2 Proof. Assumewithoutlossofgeneralitythatz ≤ x . Therefore,x incursthemaximumcostunder C R M , and this cost is x −z. Due to Claim 7, this is also the cost of x under M . Since in M the 1 R R 2 2 probabilityissplitonlybetweenpointsx ,x (ifx < z ≤ x )orpoints0,x (if0 ≤ z ≤ x ),then L C L C L L clearlytheagentwiththemaximumcostinM isx . 2 R To concludethe proof of the lemma, it is only necessary to repeatthe above processfor any point z ∈/ Awhichischosenwithapositiveprobability. Wenowshowthatwecanrestrictourselvestosymmetric5pointmechanisms. Lemma10. Foranytruthfulinexpectation5-pointmechanismM whichhasanadditiveerrorα,there 1 existsatruthfulinexpectationsymmetric5-pointmechanismM whichalsohasanadditiveerrorofα. 2 Proof. LetM beanarbitrarytruthful5-pointmechanismwhichachievesanadditiveerrorα. Wewill 1 defineamechanismM ,anduseittoconstructatruthfulinexpectationsymmetricmechanismM . 3 2 We start by defining M . For an arbitrary profile x denote the probabilities M chooses for 3 1 0,x ,x ,x ,1asp1,p1,p1,p1,p1 respectively. LetM bea5-pointmechanismwhichdoesthefol- L C R 0 L C R 1 3 lowing:Foranarbitraryprofile1−x,M locatesthefacilitybasedonpoints0,1−x ,1−x ,1−x ,1 3 R C L withthefollowingprobabilities: p3 = p1, p3 = p1, p3 = p1, p3 = p1 andp3 = p1 (noticethatthe 0 1 L R C C R L 1 0 leftmostandrightmostpointsin1−xare1−x and1−x respectively). InsomesenseM canbe R L 3 seenasthe“anti-symmetric”mechanismofM . 1 M is truthful– Assume towardsa contradictionotherwise, that is, there existssome x anda ben- 3 eficialdeviationto x′. Then,thedeviationfrom1−xto 1−x′ wouldhavebeenbeneficialin M , in 1 contradictiontothefactthatM istruthful. Additionally,followingthesamelogic,themaximumcost 1 ofM isequaltothatofM (foranyprofilexinM witherrorα,theprofile1−xhasanerrorofαin 3 1 3 M ). 1 Let M be the mechanism which runs M and M with probability0.5 each. M is a probability 2 1 3 2 distributionovertruthfulmechanisms,thereforeitisnecessarilytruthful. Also,themaximumcostisthe sameinM ,M ,anditisthereforealsothemaximalcostinM . Finally,bytheconstructionofM itis 1 3 2 2 clearlyasymmetric5-pointmechanism. Nowthatwehaveproventhatwecanfocusonlyonsymmetric5-pointmechanisms,wepresenttwo locationprofilesandatransitionbetweenthemwhichconcludestheproof. LetxA =(1,2)andxB =(0,2)betwolocationprofiles.LetM beasymmetric5-pointmechanism 3 3 3 whichachievestheoptimaladditiveerror. For profile xA, let the probability of locating the facility on the left (that is 1/3) be pALR and the probabilityoflocatingthefacilityinthecenterpoint(thatis1/2)bepA. Sincetheinstanceissymmetric, C the probability of locating the facility on the right point (2/3) will also be pA and the probabilityof LR locatingthefacilityat0andlikewiseat1ispA =1/2−pA − pAC. 01 LR 2 7 Wehavethatthecostoftheagentlocatedattheleftisequalto: 1 2 pA pA cost (A)=pA + + LR + C 1/3 01 3 3 3 6 (cid:18) (cid:19) pA pA =pA + LR + C 01 3 6 =1/2−pA −pA/2+pA /3+pA/6 LR C LR C 1 pA 2pA = − C − LR 2 3 3 WenowconsidertheprofileB. Theadditiveerroroftheprofileisequalto 2 1 1 E[max{|X|,|X− |}]− =E|X − |=cost (B). 3 3 3 1/3 However,sincethemechanismistruthfulitholdsthat cost (A)≤cost (B). 1/3 1/3 IfweassumetowardsacontradictionthatM canachieveanadditiveerroroflessthan 1, wehavethat 6 cost (B)< 1 andconsequentlycost (A)<1/6.Thisimpliesthat 1−pAC −2pALR < 1 whichgives 1/3 6 1/3 2 3 3 6 pA+2pA >1. ThisiscontradictionsinceinprofileAprobabilitiesmustsumto1. C LR Wenowpresentanewmechanism,andshowthatitcanachieveamatchingupperboundof1/6: Definition11(BLRCmechanism). Thebalancedleft-right-center(BLRC)mechanismlocatesthefacilityatthepoint 1 withprobability 1, 2 3 anddeploystheLRCmechanismwithprobability 2. Moreexplicitly,BLRClocatesthefacilityaccording 3 tothefollowingdistribution: 1 1 1 1 1 , w.p. ; x w.p. ; x w.p. ; x w.p. L R C 2 3 6 6 3 Theorem12. BLRCistruthfulinexpectation,andachievesanadditiveerrorofatmost 1 forthemaxi- 6 mumcost. Proof. BLRC is based on two truthful-in-expectationmechanisms– LRC was provento be truthfulin expectationin[23],andlocatingthefacilityonthefixedpoint1/2isclearlytruthfulastheagentshave noinfluenceovertheresult. Thereforetakingadistributionoverthesetwomechanismsisalsotruthfulin expectation. Proofoftheapproximationratiowillbebasedontwolemmas: Lemma 13. Let x,y bepointssuchthat: 0 ≤ x < y ≤ 1, andletx,x′ be the followingtwo location profiles: x=(x,y)andx′ =(0,y−x). Thenδ (x)≤δ (x′). BLRC BLRC Proof. For the profile x, the optimal mechanism locates the facility at x+y and its cost is y−x. The 2 2 maximumcostofBLRCinthiscaseis: 1·(y−x)+1y−x+1·(max{|y−1/2|,|x−1/2|}).Therefore 3 3 2 3 theadditiveerroris: δ (x)= max{|y−1/2|,|x−1/2|}. BLRC 3 Fortheprofilex′ thecostoftheoptimalmechanismremains y−x,butthecostofBLRC is: 1(y− 2 3 x)+ 1 · y−x + 1 · 1. Therefore:δ (x′)=1/6. 3 2 3 2 BLRC For any x,y ∈ [0,1] it holds that 1 ≥ max{|y − 1/2|,|x − 1/2|}, therefore: δ (x′) − 2 BLRC δ (x)= 1(1 −max{|y−1/2|,|x−1/2|})≥0. BLRC 3 2 Lemma 14. For any z ∈ [0,1], let x = (0,z). It holdsthatthe additive error ofBLRC for x is 1/6: δ (x)= 1. BLRC 6 Proof. Giventhelocationprofilex,theoptimalmechanismlocatesthefacilityatz/2atamaximumcost ofz/2.ThecostofBLRC is: MC(BLRC,x)= 1(z)+ 1 · z + 1 · 1. 3 3 2 3 2 Therefore,theadditiveerroris: δ (x)= 1 · z + 1 ·(1 − z)= 1 · 1 = 1. BLRC 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 6 Lemma13holdsforanarbitrarylocationprofilexwithx =x,x =y,andLemma14holdsforan L R arbitraryz,andinparticularz =y−x,sotheerrorofBLRCwithtwoagentsisnomorethan1/6.Since themaximumcostalwaysoccursinatleastoneofthetwoextremereports,combiningthetwolemmata issufficienttocompletetheproofforanarbitrarynumberofagentsaswell. (cid:4) 8 3.2 DeterministicMechanisms Wemoveontoprovealowerboundof1/4andamatchingupperbound.Recognizethatanydictatorship hasanadditiveerrorof1/2,byconsideringx=(0,1). Theorem15. AnydeterministictruthfulmechanismM hasanadditiveerrorofatleast 1 forthemaxi- 4 mumcost. Proof. Wefirstdealwiththecasewheretherearetwoagents,andlaterextendtoanarbitrarynumberof agents. Let x = (0,1). Assume without loss of generality that M(x) = 1/2+ǫ for some ǫ ≥ 0. Let x′ = (0,1/2+ǫ). The optimum for x′ is achieved at 1/4+ǫ/2. Therefore, if the mechanism is to achieveanadditiveerroroflessthan1/4,itmustlocatethefacilityin(0,1/2+ǫ/2). Butifthiswere the case, then the agent at 1/2+ǫ could benefit by misreporting to 1, which would move the facility preciselyto1/2+ǫ,contradictingtruthfulness. Forthecase ofmorethantwoagents,considertheprofileinwhichallotheragentsarepreciselyat 1/2,andrepeattheprocessabove. ThislowerboundconstructionworksinsimilarlinestothelowerboundofTheorem2.2in[23]. Wenowpresentamatchingupperbound,atruthfulmechanismadditiveerrorof 1. 4 Definition16(Phantom-half). Foranyprofilexwherex ,x aretheleftmostandrightmostlocations, L R M locatesthefacilityonthemedianofthefollowing3points: x ,x ,0.5. L R Thenameofthismechanismisinspiredbythenotionofphantom-voters(inthiscase-thephantom voteris0.5)asintroducedin[20]. Theorem17. Phantom-halfistruthfulandhasanadditiveerrorof 1 forthemaximumcost. 4 Proof. Itiseasytoseethatbymisreporting,anyagentcaneithernotaffectthelocationofthefacility,or moveitfartherawayfromthem. Fortheadditiveerror: – Ifx ,x ≤1/2:Theoptimalmechanismlocatesthefacilityat xL+xR foramaximumcostof xR−xL. L R 2 2 Phantom-halflocatesthefacilityatx foracostofx −x . Theadditiveerroris: xR−xL ≤ 1/2 = 1. R R L 2 2 4 – Ifx ≤ 1/2,x ≥1/2: Assumewithoutlossofgeneralitythat1/2−x ≥ x −1/2. Theoptimal L R L R mechanism locates the facility at xL+xR for a maximum cost of xR−xL. Phantom-half locates the 2 2 facilityat1/2foracostof1/2−x . Theadditiveerroris: (1/2−x )− xR−xL = 1−xL−xR. Since L L 2 2 x ≥1/2,x ≥0itholdsthat: 1−xL−xR ≤ 1. R L 2 4 – Ifx ,x >1/2:Thisiscompletelysymmetrictothefirstcase. L R 4 Extension to Many Facilities Westartbyshowingatrivialdeterministicmechanism,EqualSpread,whichachievesanerrorofnomore than 1 forboththeaveragecostandthemaximumcost. Wethenshowalowerboundof 1 forthe 2k−1 6k maximumcost,meaningtheboundisΘ(1). k AfterwardsweshowtwoextensionsofEqualSpread-PEC,arandomizedmechanismwhichreaches anerrorof 1 forbothmax-costandaveragecost,andEPEC,adeterministicmechanismwhichreaches 4k−2 anerrorof 3 fortheaveragecost. 8k−4 Finally,weshowthatforthecaseof2facilities,wecanimprovetheboundofEPECfortheaverage costfrom1/4to1/5bychoosingthe“fifths”mechanism,whichlocatesthefacilitiesonthe0.2and0.8 percentiles. Definition18(EqualSpreadmechanism). TheEqualSpreadmechanismlocatesthekfacilitieson i 2k−1 foroddvaluesofi(suchthat1≤i≤2k−1). 9 Theorem19. Equalspreadisadeterministic mechanismwhichachievesanadditiveerror ofnomore than 1 forboththeaveragecostandthemaximumcost. 2k−1 Proof. Trivial-Clearly,foranypointp ∈ [0,1],pislocatedatadistanceofatmost 1 totheclosest 2k−1 facility. Theorem20. AnydeterministictruthfulmechanismM forlocatingk facilitieshasanadditiveerrorof atleast 1 forthemaximumcost. 6k Proof. Theproofseparatesk−1agentsfarawayfromoneanother,andthenusestheproofofTheorem 15,exceptonasmallerinterval. Letx=(x )k+1bethefollowinglocationprofile:letx =0,x = 2 andforevery3≤i≤k+1: j j=1 1 2 3k letx = i−1. An optimalmechanismcan locate k−1 facilities on{x ,x ,...x }, andlocate one i k 3 4 k+1 facilityonthemidpointofx ,x (thatis,on 1 ),foramaximumcostof 1 . 1 2 3k 3k Any mechanism with an error lower than 1 must also designate one facility to the intervalin the 6k vicinityofeveryoneofthek−1agentsonx ...x : Ifthereexistssome2 ≤ i ≤ k−1suchthat 3 k+1 there are no facilities in the segment (i−1/2,i+1/2) or no facilities on (k−1/2,1] then there exists an k k k agentlocatedatleast 1/2 fromafacility,thereforetheerrorwouldbeatleast: 1/2 − 1 = 1 . k k 3k 6k Additionally,anymechanismwithanerrornotlargerthan 1 mustalsodesignateonefacilityserve 6k the first two agents (x ,x ): If there are no facilities in the segment [0, 1] then the error is at least 1 2 k 1 −0> 1 . k 6k Assumewithoutlossofgeneralitythattheremainingfacilityisputatpoint 1 +ǫforsomeǫ ≥ 0. 3k Letx′bethelocationprofileinforanyj 6=2:x′ =x andx′ = 1 +ǫ. Theaforementionedarguments j j 2 3k alsodictatethatforanyM witherrorlessthan 1 ,inx′thenx′,x′ arealsodesignatedonefacility(that 6k 1 2 is,thereisafacilityinthesegment[0, 1]). Inprofilex′ thecostoftheoptimalmechanismis 1 +ǫ/2. k 6k ForanyM witherrorlessthan 1 thefacilitymustbelocatedinthesegment(ǫ/2, 1 +ǫ/2).Butifthis 6k 3k werethecase,thenagentx′ couldbenefitbymisreportingto 2 (andthenthefacilitywouldhavebeen 2 3k locatedpreciselyonit),contradictingtruthfulness. WeproposearandomizedmechanismcalledPECwhichextendsthisbasicidea. Definition 21 (Paired-Equal-Cost(PEC) mechanism). The paired-equal-costmechanism locates the k facilitiesinthefollowinglocations,for0≤i≤2k−1: {0, 2 , 4 ,..., 2k } w.p. 1 M(x)= 2k−1 2k−1 2k−1 2 ({ 1 , 3 , 5 ,...,1} w.p. 1 2k−1 2k−1 2k−1 2 Theorem 22. PEC is a truthful in expectation randomized mechanism which has an additive error of 1 fortheaveragecost. 4k−2 Proof. PECisclearlytruthfulsincethereportshavenoeffectovertheoutcome. We show the additive errorby boundingthe additiveerror of an arbitraryagentlocated at pointx i fromaboveby 1 .Let j ≤x < j+1 forsomej1. Therefore,theclosestfacilitytotheagentwill 4k−2 2k−1 i 2k−1 beeither j or j+1 ,eachwithprobability0.5. Denotex = j +ǫforsome0 ≤ ǫ< 1 . The 2k−1 2k−1 i 2k−1 2k−1 expectedcostoftheagentwillbe:0.5 |x − j |+| j+1 −x | =0.5(ǫ+ 1 −ǫ)= 1 . i 2k−1 2k−1 i 2k−1 4k−2 (cid:16) (cid:17) For the deterministic case we introduce election-parity-equal-cost(EPEC). Like in PEC, facilities there are two options - locating facilities on { i } for even or odd values of i. In order to decide 2k−1 whethertochoosetheevenoroddvalues,themechanismcountstheamountofagentswhoprefereach option(basedontheirreports),anddecidesbasedonmajority(tiescanbebrokenarbitrarily). Theorem23. EPECistruthful,andachievesanerrorof 3 fortheaveragecost. 8k−4 1Itiseasytoverifythatforxi=1thecostis 4k1−2. 10

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