Annual index Trustee Magazine Index to Volume 47 January-December 1994 SUBJECT INDEX Letter to the chairman of the board: Understanding what your community reflections on CEO evaluations needs (Manilow) Mar-8 A (Pryor) Apr-22 ADVOCACY A pat on the back or stony silence? COMMUNITY RELATIONS Hospital earns advocacy award (Gard- (Bourke) Dec-18 A big impact on a small budget ner) Mar-26 Use and abuse of golden parachutes (Johnston; Fonnesbeck) Making your message count (Sand- (Rindler) Feb-18 Reinventing rural hospitals (Henry) rick) Nov-4 Aug-22 Cc Shaping tomorrow, today: AHA’s na- Why we need community boards tional reform campaign (Luggiero) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS (Pryor) Aug-24 Mar-12 See also EXECUTIVE SEARCH, Taking charge of our future EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN (Gappmayer) June-28 CEO visibility: striving to build a pres- Shake-up: earthquakes and reform Wanted: conscientious trustees for ence outside the hospital (Spaeth) (Bobrow; Thomas) Apr-16 ongoing political advocacy (Gard- Aug-18 The top 10 questions to ask about a ner) Jun-7 major construction project (Nico- COLLABORATION lay) Feb-16 AFFILIATIONS Collaboration: the human factors When renovation is the best option A public/private partnership scores that determine success (Atchison; (Angelos) Feb-20 (Gardner) Jul-22 Treimer) Jan-14 Redefining the hospital (Cerne) Making collaboration work: the COSTS Aug-10 AHA’s NOVA awards (Lumsdon) Why are health costs really rising? The whole is greater than the sum Feb-10 (Gappmayer) Feb-28 of its parts (Colloredo-Mansfeld; A public/private partnership scores Gardner) Jun-4 (Gardner) Jul-22 CREDENTIALING Real change hinges on collaboration Putting a price tag on credentialing ALTERNATIVE DELIVERY MODELS (Davidson) Sep-14 (Riley) Aug-20 Clamor over subacute care creates Sharing the power (Grayson) Sep-18 D adversaries—and new partners (Taylor) Apr-20 COMMUNITY HEALTH DIVERSITY New ways to keep people healthy Asking the right questions (Seay) Cultural diversity meets end-of-life (Weisman) Oct-8 Oct-22 decision making (Jennings) Oct-18 Putting patients first (Sherer) Mar-14 Conducting a community assessment E (Rice) Dec-16 AMERICAN HOSPITAL Defining and solving community EDUCATION ASSOCIATION problems (Blankenau) Oct-14 Education: interest and impact The AHA: policy, advocacy and tools The first step toward a health assess- (Korngold) Jul-21 for reform (Davidson; Bentley; Pol- ment: Define the community (Rice) Why attend the leadership forum? lack; Pittman; Belsey) Mar-18 Oct-16 (Gappmayer) Apr-28 Shaping tomorrow, today: AHA’s na- Good neighbors make for good tional reform campaign (Luggiero) health (Sherer) Dec-6 ETHICS Mar-12 Hospitals and communities create Cultural diversity meets end-of-life ‘wise’ environments (McKnight) decision making (Jennings) Oct-18 ANTITRUST Feb-22 Do ethics committees work? Slow but steady progress (Kostreski) The hows and whys of conducting a (Haddad; Annas) Jul-17 Dec-14 community needs assessment (Trocchio) Mar-6 EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION B A system that ‘walks the talk’: using Adding value to compensation BOARD/CEO RELATIONS improved community health status (Leisy; Bledsoe) Nov-24 The governance team: a firsthand for CEO evaluation and compensa- Compensation via ii tegration: look at leadership practices (Weil; tion (McMeekin; Billings; Gardner) Hay survey (Pierson; Williams) Sep-6 Douglass) Nov-12 Apr-6 24 Annual index Trustee Magazine Index to Volume 47 January-December 1994 SUBJECT INDEX Letter to the chairman of the board: Understanding what your community reflections on CEO evaluations needs (Manilow) Mar-8 A (Pryor) Apr-22 ADVOCACY A pat on the back or stony silence? COMMUNITY RELATIONS Hospital earns advocacy award (Gard- (Bourke) Dec-18 A big impact on a small budget ner) Mar-26 Use and abuse of golden parachutes (Johnston; Fonnesbeck) Making your message count (Sand- (Rindler) Feb-18 Reinventing rural hospitals (Henry) rick) Nov-4 Aug-22 Cc Shaping tomorrow, today: AHA’s na- Why we need community boards tional reform campaign (Luggiero) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS (Pryor) Aug-24 Mar-12 See also EXECUTIVE SEARCH, Taking charge of our future EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN (Gappmayer) June-28 CEO visibility: striving to build a pres- Shake-up: earthquakes and reform Wanted: conscientious trustees for ence outside the hospital (Spaeth) (Bobrow; Thomas) Apr-16 ongoing political advocacy (Gard- Aug-18 The top 10 questions to ask about a ner) Jun-7 major construction project (Nico- COLLABORATION lay) Feb-16 AFFILIATIONS Collaboration: the human factors When renovation is the best option A public/private partnership scores that determine success (Atchison; (Angelos) Feb-20 (Gardner) Jul-22 Treimer) Jan-14 Redefining the hospital (Cerne) Making collaboration work: the COSTS Aug-10 AHA’s NOVA awards (Lumsdon) Why are health costs really rising? The whole is greater than the sum Feb-10 (Gappmayer) Feb-28 of its parts (Colloredo-Mansfeld; A public/private partnership scores Gardner) Jun-4 (Gardner) Jul-22 CREDENTIALING Real change hinges on collaboration Putting a price tag on credentialing ALTERNATIVE DELIVERY MODELS (Davidson) Sep-14 (Riley) Aug-20 Clamor over subacute care creates Sharing the power (Grayson) Sep-18 D adversaries—and new partners (Taylor) Apr-20 COMMUNITY HEALTH DIVERSITY New ways to keep people healthy Asking the right questions (Seay) Cultural diversity meets end-of-life (Weisman) Oct-8 Oct-22 decision making (Jennings) Oct-18 Putting patients first (Sherer) Mar-14 Conducting a community assessment E (Rice) Dec-16 AMERICAN HOSPITAL Defining and solving community EDUCATION ASSOCIATION problems (Blankenau) Oct-14 Education: interest and impact The AHA: policy, advocacy and tools The first step toward a health assess- (Korngold) Jul-21 for reform (Davidson; Bentley; Pol- ment: Define the community (Rice) Why attend the leadership forum? lack; Pittman; Belsey) Mar-18 Oct-16 (Gappmayer) Apr-28 Shaping tomorrow, today: AHA’s na- Good neighbors make for good tional reform campaign (Luggiero) health (Sherer) Dec-6 ETHICS Mar-12 Hospitals and communities create Cultural diversity meets end-of-life ‘wise’ environments (McKnight) decision making (Jennings) Oct-18 ANTITRUST Feb-22 Do ethics committees work? Slow but steady progress (Kostreski) The hows and whys of conducting a (Haddad; Annas) Jul-17 Dec-14 community needs assessment (Trocchio) Mar-6 EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION B A system that ‘walks the talk’: using Adding value to compensation BOARD/CEO RELATIONS improved community health status (Leisy; Bledsoe) Nov-24 The governance team: a firsthand for CEO evaluation and compensa- Compensation via ii tegration: look at leadership practices (Weil; tion (McMeekin; Billings; Gardner) Hay survey (Pierson; Williams) Sep-6 Douglass) Nov-12 Apr-6 24 Linking incomes and outcomes be the board’s best friend (Addle- Networking: making the hard deci- (Sherer) Apr-10 man) Jun-18 sions (Presson) May-8 New emphasis on retirement plans Voluntary governance—the key to lo- Quality and efficiency: driving forces (Ledbetter) Sep-22 cal control of health care (Roberts) on Minnesota’s integration speed- A system that ‘walks the talk’: using Jan-18 way (Cerne) Jul-10 improved community health status Why we need community boards Redefining the hospital (Cerne) for CEO evaluation and compensa- (Pryor) Aug-24 Aug-10 tion (McMeekin; Billings; Gardner) Toward community care networks Apr-6 (Harness; Pryga) Feb-6 Use and abuse of golden parachutes HEALTH POLICY The whole is greater than the sum (Rindler) Feb-18 Are we facing the capacity crisis? of its parts (Colloredo-Mansfeld; Why CEO employment contracts? (Cerne; Montague) Nov-18 Gardner) Jun-4 (Dolan) Apr-24 Sharing the power (Grayson) Sep-18 P F L PATIENTS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP Putting patients first (Sherer) Mar-14 Internal vs. external management of The effective leadership team The way it was (Gappmayer) Aug-28 your hospital’s investments (Seid- (Arkus) Feb-26 New ways to keep people healthy ner) Jun-20 Hospital leadership team: roles and (Weisman) Oct-8 Survey: What impact will reform have responsibilities (Dolan; Marrapese) on retirement plans? (Malconian) Jan-16 PHILANTHROPY Jan-20 Hospital upheaval: coping with insti- Deferred giving: the trustee’s role Searching for new investments tutional adversity (Addleman; Wol- (Luecke; Sossi; Luecke) Jul-20 (Cerne) Mar-23 felt) Feb-24 Don’t overlook philanthropy (Har- The power of vision (Addleman) vey) Jul-25 FOR-PROFITS May-4 Eight myths about for-profit systems PHYSICIAN /HOSPITAL (Hagland) Sep-26 M ORGANIZATIONS Facing the investor-owned challenge: MANAGED CARE Hospitals and physicians form stron- collaboration or competition? (Per- Capitation: It’s older than you think ger links (Landgarten) Jan-6 egrine) Sep-24 (Sigmond) Hospital/ physician collaboration: How will it change governance? G MEDICAID (Anthony) Oct-19 GOVERNANCE What will happen to Medicaid? (Col- PHO survey reveals surprises (Hud- Asking the right questions (Seay) lins) Sep-7 son) Jan-10 Oct-22 PHOs make a splash: case studies Governance fingerprints: survey MEDICAL STAFF (Montague) Jan-22 shows trustee trends and practices See also CREDENTIALING; Planning for a successful PHO (Pointer; Ewell) May-24 PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT (Gorey) Jan-12 The governance team: a firsthand Burning out: handling stress crucial look at leadership practices (Weil; to health of caregiver and hospital PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT Douglass) Nov-12 (Montague) Dec-23 A guide to physician recruitment Governing board, know thyself: a (Hawkins) May-22 technique for self-assessment (Add- MEDICARE What do new physicians want? leman) Oct-24 A cut by any other name .. . (Forci- (Montague) Jun-12 Hospital board: What’s in a name? na) Jul-12 (Gappmayer) Sep-28 Medicare: on the sidelines of reform PRIMARY CARE Hospital/ physician collaboration: (Howland) Feb-9 Defining and solving community How will it change governance? problems (Blankenau) Oct-14 (Anthony) Oct-19 MERGERS A new context for trustees (Gardner) Dealing with that ‘corporate culture Q Sep-10 thing’ (Sherer) Jun-8 QUALITY Prepare for change (Sandrick) Jul-6 Merger plans—when to go public Benchmarking: a tool in the quest for Quantum leap (Gardner) Aug-6 (Seymour) Jun-16 improved clinical quality (Berg- Re-creating health care governance Selling or merging your hospital: the man) May-18 (Gappmayer) Nov-28 most difficult decision (Nemzoff) Prepare for change (Sandrick) Jul-6 Right from the start (Parsons; Hans- Jul-14 Quality: the right way to control costs mann) Dec-10 Sharing the power (Grayson) Sep-18 (Gappmayer) Jul-28 Saying goodbye to old friends (Roe- N R mer) Dec-21 Shedding light on board practices NETWORKS REFORM (Selbst) Jun-22 Case study: from system to network Are you ready for national reform? Trustees and PCs: the computer will (Ummel) May-12 (Fogel; Bolinger) Apr-18 Trustee December 1994 Are you ready to take your hospital (Gardner) Mar-26 Howland, Daphne, Feb-9, May-7, into the 21st century? (Barber) Reflections and predictions (Gapp- Aug-13 May-20 mayer) Dec-28 Hudson, Terese, Jan-10, Oct-20 A basic benefits package: How basic Who’s out there? (Gappmayer) Jennings, Bruce, Oct-18 ... and who decides? (Howland) Jan-28 Johnston, Hazel, Sep-16 Aug-13 Johnston, Donald R., Mar-24 Choosing your own physician v Kaiser, Fred, Nov-8 (Sobeck) Apr-21 VISION Kaufman, Nathan, Aug-14 Handling consumer questions (AHA) Creating tomorrow’s vision today Korngold, Alice, Jul-21 Jul-18 (Johnston) Mar-24 Kostreski, Farah, Apr-13, Dec-14 Looking beyond hospital walls (How- The power of vision (Addleman) Landgarten, Steven, Jan-6 land) May-7 May-4 Ledbetter, Thomas L., Sep-22 Quality and efficiency: driving forces Leisy, William B., Nov-24 on Minnesota’s integration speed- Luecke, Randall W., Jul-20 way (Cerne) Jul-10 Luecke, Richard W., Jul-20 Reform issue will return in 1995 AUTHOR INDEX Luggiero, Gary, Mar-12 (Davidson) Nov-22 Lumsdon, Kevin, Feb-10 Self-reliance in a time of change Addleman, Robert, Feb-24, May-4, Malconian, Richard G., Jan-20 (Gappmayer) Oct-28 Jun-18, Oct-24 Manilow, Susan, Mar-8 Shake-up: earthquakes and reform Angelos, Karen, Feb-20 Marrapese, Richard L., Jan-16 (Bobrow; Thomas) Apr-16 Annas, George, Jul-17 McKnight, John L., Feb-22 Anthony, Michael F., Oct-19 McMeekin, John C., Apr-6 RISK MANAGEMENT Arkus, Connie, Feb-26 | MontJiam, gJanu-22e, J,un-1 2, Negotiation can avert litigation Atchison, Thomas A., Jan-14 Nov-18, Dec-23 (Gappmayer) Mar-28 Barber, Jim, May-20 Nemzoff, Joshua, Jul-14 Belsey, George, Mar-2] Nicolay, John R., Feb-16 RURAL HOSPITALS Bentley, Jim, Mar-18 Parsons, RobertJ. , Dec-12 Face-to-face (Kaiser) Nov-8 Bergman, Rhonda, May-18 Peregrine, Michael W., Sep-24 A public/private partnership scores Billings, Richard W., Apr-6 Pierson, David A., Sep-6 (Gardner) Jul-22 Blankenau, Renee, Oct-14 Pittman, Mary, Mar-21 Reinventing rural hospitals (Henry) Bledsoe, David R., Nov-24 Pointer, Dennis D., May-24 Aug-22 Bobrow, Michael, Apr-16 Pollack, Rick, Mar-19 Bolinger, James E., Apr-18 Presson, E. Wynn, May-8 Ss Bourke, Joan, Dec-20 Pryga, Ellen, Feb-6 STRATEGIC PLANNING Cerne, Frank, Mar-23, Jun-11, Jul-10, Pryor, Keith T., Apr-22, Aug-24 Are you ready to take your hospital Aug-10, Nov-18 Rice, James A., Oct-16, Dec-16 into the 21st century? (Barber) Collins, Molly, Oct-7 Riley, Donovan W., Aug-20 May-20 Colloredo-Mansfeld, Ferdinand, Rindler, Michael E., Feb-18 Do you need a consultant? (Cerne) Jun-4 Roberts, Carolyn C., Jan-18 Jun-11 Davidson, Dick, Mar-18, Sep-14, Rock, MichaJ.,e Jlan- 9 Planning for the future (Kaufman) Nov-22 Roemer, Linda, Dec-21 Aug-14 Dolan, Thomas C., Jan-16, Apr-24, Sandrick, Karen M., Jul-6, Nov-4 Planning for implementation: 1997 Douglass, Susan D., Nov-12 Schumacher, Dale N, May-28 (Schumacher) May-28 Ewell, Charles M., May-24 Seay,J .D avid, Oct-22 Planning for technology acquisition Fogel, L. Neil, Apr-18 Seidner, Alan G., Jun-20 (Halverson) Nov-23 Fonnesbeck, Douglas R., Sep-16 Selbst, Paul, Jun-22 Forcina, Carolyn, Jul-12, Nov-11 Seymour, Donald W., Jun-16 T Gappmayer, Merrill, Jan-28, Feb-28, Sherer, Jill L., Mar-14, Apr-10, Jun-8, TAXES /TAX EXEMPTION Mar-28, Apr-28, Jun-28, Jul-28, Dec-6 Future uncertain for tax exemption Aug-28, Sep-28, Oct-28, Nov-28, Sigmond, Robert, Aug-16 (Hudson) Oct-20 Dec-28 Sobeck, Robert A., Apr-21 Why should hospitals keep their tax- Gardner, Karen, Mar-26, Apr-6, Sossi, Frank T., Jul-20 exempt status? (Kostreski) Apr-13 Jun-4; 7, Jul-22, Aug-6, Sep-10 Spaeth, Ronald G., Aug-18 Will universal coverage affect tax- Gorey, Thomas M., Jan-12 Taylor, Kathryn S., Apr-20 exempt status? (Rock) Jan-9 Grayson, Mary, Sep-18 Thomas, Julia, Apr-16 Haddad, Amy, Jul-17 Treimer, Ann L., Jan-14 TECHNOLOGY Hagland, Mark M., Sep-26 Trocchio, Julie, Mar-6 Face-to-face (Kaiser) Nov-8 Halverson, Kenneth, Nov-23 Ummel, Stephen L., May-12 Planning for technology acquisition Hansmann, John, Dec-12 Weil, Peter A., Nov-12 (Halverson) Nov-23 Harness, Barbara, Feb-6 Weisman, Ellen, Oct-8 Harvey, James D., Jul-25 Williams, James B., Sep-6 TRUSTEES Hawkins, Joseph, May-22 Wolfelt, Alan, Feb-24 Hospital earns advocacy award Henry, William F., Aug-22 26 December 1994 Trustee