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TRUNK WINDOWTRAPPING: AN EFFECTIVE TECHNIQUE FOR SAMPLING TROPICAL SAPROXYLIC BEETLES SIMON GROVE J. Grove,S.J.2000 1231:Trunkwindowtrapping:aneffectivetechniqueforsamplingtropical saproxylic beetles. Memoirs ofthe OueenslandMuseum 46 (1): 149-160. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. Three techniques for trapping saproxylic (dead wood associated) beetles are compared, based on a study in an old-growth Australian lowland tropical rainforest. Trunk window traps,whicharesmall flightintercepttrapsmountedonthesidesofdeadtrees,arethemost efficient,andarehighlyrecommendedforstudieswherehighbetween-trapvariabilityisnot a major concern. Ground-based flight intercept traps collect fewer species, and sample a different, perhaps less substrate-specific, set of species. They are, however, useful for between-sitecomparisons sincethey have lowerbetween-trapvariability. Both techniques arecheapandsimpletooperate. Logemergencetrapsaretheleastefficientandtheircostin time,effortandexpenseishigh.Theydo,however,sampleafewcrypticspeciesnotreadily sampled by other means. All three techniques would be desirable for a comprehensive survey,butgiventime/costconstraints,trunkwindowtrapsalonearerecommended.Despite a combined sampling intensity in this study equivalent tol8 trap-years, the yield of329 species from 59 traps may represent little more than half of the species potentially sampleablebythesemeans.Thuswhichevermethodischosen,andwhatevertheobjective,it isadvisabletooperatemultipletrapscontinuouslyoverseveralmonthsduringtheseasonof insectactivity. saproxylic, Coleoptera, rainforest,Queensland, sampling, insecttrap. Simon J. Grove. Rainforest CRC. James Cook University. PO Box 6811. Cairns 4870. Australia (email:[email protected]); received20Nov 1999. This paper compares a relatively new insect or refute this with regard to the world's tropical sampling technique, trunk window (TW) forests, where insect species richness is vast trapping, with the more established techniques (Grove & Stork, 2000) and where exploitation using ground-based flight intercept (GFIT) and rates seem set to escalate. There is thus a critical log emergence (LE) traps. All three techniques need forinformation on how forest management were used specifically to sample saproxylic can be made ecologically sustainable, especially beetles, as part ofa wider investigation into the for saproxylic insects (Grove & Stork, 1999; long-term impacts of logging in tropical Grove & Tucker, 2000). rainforests on these organisms (to be reported MATERIALS AND METHODS elsewhere). The Daintree lowlands ofnortheast Queenslandwere chosen forthis study since the STUDY AREA. The research took place in the region is relatively accessible, has a varied Daintree lowlands of northeast Queensland, a land-use history, and a fairly well-documented regionwithcontinuous lowland rainforestwhere insect fauna (e.g. Monteith, 1985). areas ofold-growth, logged and regrowlh forest exist in relatively close proximity. Within this Saproxylic insects are those which depend on dead wood or wood-decaying fungi for at least asirteeas,dsiafpfreroixnygliicn tbheeeitrlemsanwaegreemseanmtplhiesdtorayt.nTihnee partoftheirlifecycle(Speight, 1989).Theyform samplingprogrammesdescribedhererefertoone a dominant functional group in any wooded of these, Thompson Creek (16°06'31"S environment. In temperate Europe, they are 145°26'25"E),4kmsouthofCapeTribulationon pmeacnulyiarfloyrmseernlsyiticvoemtmoofnoresstpemcai—ensagneomwentra,rewi—th tahbeountor5th0e0amstefrrloymfotohteslAoupsetsraolfiManouCnatnoIplyemCmraannte, sceonmteurieevseonfrfoergeisotnaulsleyanexdtainbcutse(Kiarsbya&resDurlatkeo,f pFalceixlimtye.soTphhiysllsivteinceofmoprreisstelsao(lTdr-agcreoywt&h,Wecbobm,- w1o99u3l)d.sOuugrgesutndtehrasttmaundcihngthoefsfaomreestfuetcuoresyaswtaeimtss 1975), and lies at an altitude of40-120m. saproxylicinsectswhereverforestsaresubjected SAMPLING PROGRAMME. Sampling took toheavy, long-term exploitation. However,there placeoverthesummersof1997/98 and 1998/99. is currently no information available to support GFITs were placed every 50m along a 400m 9 150 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 'internal transect', making a total of 9 traps. The traps operated for about 17 weeks throughout the 1998 wet sMeaayson7,. fTrhoem fJoalnluoawriyng10wetto moffmicfeoclldibpac season,26TWtrapsand24LE traps were erectedin the same TW area. Thenumberof traps was limitedbytheavailability Woodenstake of dead trees on which to mountthem,whilethenumber ofLEtrapswaslimitedbycTosWt Cl4ea0tcamcry\l4ic0pcamnel and time constraints. The traps operated for about 8 weeks, from November 1 / Z 1998 until January 16 1999. <T Cyclone Rona destroyedmost oPoouljyfphrcoopnytlaeinneinpgla1stcicm ofthem on February 11 1999, depthpropyleneglycol shortly before the next series of samples was due for collection. The LE traps Draitaetholewithmesh operated for about 24 weeks, from November 19 1998 until FIG. 1. Ground-based flight intercepttrap. May 5 1999, though several were destroyedby Cyclone Rona. high cord stretched lengthwise above the trap betweentwoconvenienttreesanditsfourcorners TRAP DESIGN. Ground-basedFlightIntercept aretiedwithcordtonearbysaplings, etc. Such a Traps. Flight intercept traps consist ofa vertical trap can operate for a month ormore before the barriertoinsect flightthatisconsideredinvisible fluid needs augmenting. At clearing, the fluid is to the insect. On hittingthe barrier, most beetles strainedthroughafine,nylonteastrainerandthe dropdownorattempttocircumventthebarrierby catch transferredto 70% ethanol. flying downwards. A collecting vessel placed beneath the barrier will catch many of these. Trunk Window Traps. The concept of a flight intercept trap mounted above ground-level GHiFlIl,Ts19h9a3v)esibneceenthweiidrefliyrstusuesediinnNAourstthraAlmiaer(ie.cga. pre-dates that ofGFITs (Chapman & Kinghorn, (Peck & Davies, 1980). The design used in this 1955). Aerial flight intercept traps have been ssrMtqeouugndautyrleeai(rtFlphiyagn.(epelem1r)pso.lifsoc3yaomemsdmmc.a)ilc.nleedaIt-trhdecoaowcnWnrsyeilvtsietcrssTciroloofnapmaiopcf4es0dtchbaamytt OafiunknrtdlteahrHnceierdlpldt&et&vreaHplaCsogepavresamdTrakiW(n,1At9u(r91sa49tTp)9srW7asf)lpi.ireasctiKbfaeyiimclaBpalallso(ys1yet9eot9ds3()a1fm9laip8gln8hed)t each end with large foldback office clips to two saproxylic insects. The trap design used in vertical wooden stakes (25mm square section) this study applies their principles by modifying drivenintotheground.Theacrylicpanelisraised the standard GFIT so that it can be mou&nted on above the groundand its loweredge rests across the side ofa standingdead tree (Figs 2 3). TW the top of a 5 litre polypropylene ice-cream Inthe trap,thewoodensupportstakeforms container (34cm long, 16cm wide, 12cm high) an inverted T-shape, the upright length being positionedonthegroundlengthwaysbetweenthe 45cm long and the cross-piece 15cm. A groove two stakes. Propylene glycol is added to each cut into the upright stake receives the acrylic containerascollecting/preservative fluid. Thisis panel. Three loose-fitting nails are fed through used in preference to ethylene glycol because of small holes in one side ofthe upright stake and reducedvertebratetoxicity(Hall, 1991).Thetrap lodge in similarly sized and spaced holes along is protected from rain and debris by a roof of one edge ofthe acrylic panel, thus holding the 0.2mm clearpolythene riggedtentwise above it, panelinplace.Thetrapisanchoredtothetreeby suchthattheloweredgesarenolowerthatthetop an8cmnail whichpassesthroughanangledhole oftheacrylicpanel.Thisroofisdrapedovera lm in the top ofthe vertical stake and is hammered TRUNKWINDOW INSECTTRAPPING 151 advantage over other 25pimecme,wwoimlhicgnrosouvkeftoannivleeirvoscs materials of maintaining the iharceieylsimealplanreeltaainndinwginlahillsinakn'islfounre microclimate inside similarto largeranehoeinenail outside, since it is permeable to air and moisture. The final trap dimensions are roughly 150cm long, 80cm wide, and 80cm high. Wood is inserted or removed by means of a sealable opening secured by Clearacrylicpanel velcro strips along one ofthe lower lengths ofthe trap and one ofthe adjacent sides; all other seams are permanently sewn closed. A sheet ofpoly- ^ittbookthroughhole propylene plastic laid on the inacrylicpanel ground beforehand reduces damage by roots, small WooudnednersMiidvekofglluiepdto mammals and soil-living invertebrates suchastermites. iv.lypr<ipyleneplastic The trap is kept in shape by Dialnngebolewithmesh lprrt,onpptyilie.-noenligiliyricioilip geaucyhinegndt.oAacwololoedcteinngshteakaed aatt FIG.2. Specificationsoftrunkwindowtrap. intothetreeatheadheight.Thecoinersofthelip of one end of the polypropylene container are clipped to the cross-piece using two foldback officeclips.Theotherendisattachedtotheouter corner ofthe acrylic panel with a piece ofwire, thebenttipofwhichfeeds intoasmallhole near its corner. The containercan readily beremoved foremptyingby unclippingthewireandclips. A roofofpolythenesheetingisriggedupabovethe trap, again using cord tied at four corners and withamaintaut 'strut'mimingalongtheaxis of the trap from the tree-trunk to a nearby tree. To divert water running down the tree-trunk, the polytheneisaffixedtothetreeatkeypointsusing smallnailsandplasticwashers. Preservativeand service procedures are as described for the ground-based FIT. Log Emergence Traps. The LE (Fig. 4) is a modified version of one described by Owen (1989). It consists of an enclosed tent-like structureintowhichastandardvolume(0.5m )of sawn-updeadwoodderivedfromthetargetlogis placed. Emerginginsects head towardsthe light, where theironly exit is through two tubes in the topmost corners of the tent, leading into collectingjars. The main tent material is black spun polypropylene mulch-matting, as recommended by Uffen (1998), with pore-size smaller than the smallest beetle. It has the FIG. 3. Trunk windowtrap, insitu. 152 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Colletlinghead Tentmadefromspun Resealablcflapfor Shortlengthofclear comprisingtwo polypropylenemulchmatting. insertinglogs siliconerubbertubing clearplasticpols totallyenclosedapartfromexit (20mminternal gluedend-to-end holesatlopcorners diameter)connecting bytherimsof lentexitholeto theirhollowedout collectinghead lids,with2cm depthof50% propyleneglycol FIG.4. Logemergencetrap. each end comprises a clear plastic funnel glued help of other entomologists in Australia and intothetopcornerofthemaintent,connectedby overseas. Voucher specimens are lodged at the a short length of20mm diametersilicone rubber Queensland Museum (Brisbane), James Cook tubingtoan inverted300mlplastic specimenjar, University (Cairns), Department of Primary via a hole near its base (i.e. the top). A second Industries(Mareeba)andtheAustralianNational specimenjar,fittedbelowthisandattachedbythe Insect Collection (Canberra). rimsoftwojarlidsglued back-to-back, servesas thecollectingvessel,using50%propyleneglycol STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Species diversity as the collecting and preserving fluid. The trap and community similarity statistics were can operate for a month or more at a time; the cEasltciumlaatteesd (uCsoilnwgeltlh,e 1c9o9m7p)utaenrd pPrCog-rOaRmDs nloewweronjea.r is then unscrewed and replaced with a (McCune & Mefford, 1999). RESULTS SPECIES IDENTIFICATION. Potentially saproxylic beetles were removed from the The combined sampling intensity from all 59 samples and initially i&dentified to the level of traps represents the equivalent of 18 trap-years. morphospecies(Oliver Beattie, 1996).Beetles Together, the three techniques produced 3399 were regarded as saproxylic ifso suggested by specimens belonging to 329 species or their habitat associations recorded in the liter- morphospecies(Appendix 1).Table 1 givessome ature or during this study. Most Staphylinoidea, speciesrichnessandcompositionalattributesfor Nitidulidae and a few other difficult or poorly thethree techniques. known groups were discounted since they were consideredtaxonomicallyintractableand/ortheir GENERAL TRAPPING EFFICIENCY. The status as saproxylic beetles could not be three techniques differ markedly in the total ascertained. For the remainder, identification to numbers of species sampled, although the family and sub-family level was readily differences in sampling intensity and duration accomplished using standard works (Lawrence must be borne in mind. At the level ofsampling & TW Britton, 1994). Tentative identification to effortused, trapsfarebest,with233 species, species proved feasible for only about athird of representing 71% of the total species list these.Keypublications includeSlipinski(1988); sampled. LE traps sample 137 species (42%), Slipinski & Lawrence (1997); Calder, (1996); whileGFlTsperform leastwellwith 127 species Matthews(1984, 1985, 1987, 1992);Zimmerman (39%). When species richness is standardised to (1991, 1992, 1993a, 1993b, 1994) and Dibb 9 traps using the Coleman richness expectation (1938). Many species were identified with the (based on a process similar to rarefaction 1 TRUNK WINDOW INSECTTRAPPING 152 TABLE 1. Species richness and compositional attributes for trunk window (TW), log emergence (LE) and ground-based flight intercept(GFIT)trapsamplingprogrammesatThompsonCreek. N =329species. TW(N=26> LE(N=24) GFITfN=9) Totalno.ofspecies 233 137 127 No.ofspeciesaspercentageofgrandtotal 71 42 39 Colemanrichnessexpectationfor9randomtraps 142 85 127 Colemanrichnessexpectationfor9randomtrapsaspercentageofgrandtotal 43 26 39 Meanno.ofspeciespertrap 8.6 5.7 14.1 Meanno.ofspeciespertrap-week 1.1 0.2 0.8 %ofspeciesrepresentedbysingletons 46 46 56 Abundance-basedCoverageEstimator(ACE) 411 225 228 No.ofspeciesaspercentageofACE 57 61 56 No.ofspeciesuniquetosampling technique 111 23 39 Multi-ResponsePermutationProceduresaverageEuclideandistanceamongstsamples 1 i 2.2 2.8 [Coleman, 1981]), TW traps still perform best either26 LEtraps(225 speciesor61% so far), or (142 species, or 43% of the total species 9 GFITs (228 species or 56% so far). sampled), GFITs are not farbehind (127 species or39%), while LE traps performmuch less well TRAPSELECTIVITY. The degree towhich the (85 species or 26%). Standardising to one trap different techniques overlap in the species they tsHpeuhorgawgnetervsaeTtprsWc,tohGmaFtptrIaaGTrpFsesI.dwTetsWoreh8p.ees6ranffmooprrdlmiTifnWbfgeesfratoenrnd(tm154u..sc71ahfmsoplproelLnciEign)eeg.sr sescfpoafemmecpcpiatelirseveesnnoeostfwsif.techraTsujWguhsfttturrab3tpy9sheasorgptaehiicennirsefsiatrgeechcahtbnueisgitqh,nuttewosio.tnthlThyh1eii1isrn durationsaretakeniTntWoaccountbystandardising GFITs and a mere 23 caught only in LE traps. In to one trap-week, traps perform best (1.1 terms of overall similarity in species speciespertrap-week)comparedto0.8 forGFIT composition, a principal components analysis and only 0.2 for LE. This is perhaps an unfair (PCA,Fig.6)showsthatthethreetechniquesare comparison since it does not take into account largely separable by the assemblages ofspecies different intrinsic rates ofspecies accumulation they sample, so all are selective to some extent. and between-trap heterogeneity, especially for Thereisasmallamountofoverlapbetweensome LE traps since they sample the fauna present in TW and LE trap samples, while GFIT samples dead wood at the time that the trap was erected, occupy a completely separate part of the with no opportunity for colonisation by further ordination space. species. Randomisedspeciesaccumulationcurves(Fig. TRAP SAMPLE HETEROGENEITY. Within- 5) suggest that no technique is yet close to technique heterogeneity was investigated using capturingthe full rangeofsampleable species. A the Multi-Response Permutation Procedures largeproportionofspeciesinallthreetechniques (MRPP) running in PC-ORD, employing the occur as singletons, ranging from 46% for TW recommended Euclidean distance measure and and LEtrapsto56% forground-basedFITs.This n/sum (n) weighting of groups. MRPP is a suggests that there are many more species that non-parametric procedure whose primary use is haveyetto be sampled because oftheirrarity or for testing the hypothesis of no difference their cryptic nature. Many statistical methods between two or more groups ofentities (in this existtoestimatetotal speciesrichnessbyextrap- casesamplingtechniques).Ofparticularusehere olating from these curves or their underlying is that MRPP also reports the average Euclidean data.Arecentlydevisedandpromisingstatisticis distance between members of each group. For the abundance-based coverage estimator (ACE, TW, this is 3.1, for LE 2.2 and for GFIT 2.8. In Chao, Ma& Yang, 1993; Chazdon, 1996). ACE other words, TW samples are the most predicts notional 'total' species richness heterogeneous (high bctween-trap variability), attainable using 24 TW traps as 411 species LE samples the most homogeneous (low (suggesting57%coverageso far),amuchhigher between-trap variability), and GFIT samples number than predicted to be attainable using intermediate. 154 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM cP 2 1 & 7S?~<&X*>#^.OO o o © Numberoltraps 20 25 30 © o O TW FItGh.et5h.reReansadmopmliisnegdtescphenciiqesueas,ccbuamsueldatoinotnotcaulrnvuemsbfeorr A LE of traps at Thompson Creek. Note that different GFIT techniques used different numbers oftraps: 26 for trunkwindow(TW);24forlogemergence(LE);9for FIG6.Ordinationplot(firsttwoaxes)fromaprincipal ground-basedflightintercepttraps(GFIT).Notealso components analysis (variance-covariance, on thatthecurvesdonotprovideadirectmeasureoftrap logio+1 transformed abundance data) ofsaproxylic efficiency since individual traps in different beetles sampled using trunk window (TW), log techniques were sampling for different lengths of emergence (LE) and ground-based flight intercept time. (GFIT)trapsatThompson Creek.N = 329species. DISCUSSION morethanothertechniques,butisgenerallymore similar to that of LE trap samples than GFITs. This suggests that they are effective at sampling Trapping efficiency is a key consideration for thefaunaofthedeadstandingtreesonwhichthey mosttypesofinsectsurvey(Muirhead-Thomson, are mounted. All these attributes imply that TW 1991). The definition ofefficiency depends on trapsrepresentavaluabletechniqueforsampling the objective ofthe study. Where the aim is to saproxylicbeetleswheretheobjectiveofstudyis collectasmanyspeciesaspossible,asefficiently either a thorough species inventory or a as possible, the best strategy is to select a comparison of different substrates (e.g. dead technique, or combination of techniques, that treesversus livingtrees,ortreeswithshelf-fungi targets the species in question. Where the aim is versus trees without shelf-fungi). However, this tocomparetwoormoresitesonthebasisoftheir substrate specificity andthe high rate ofspecies species composition, it is more important that accumulationalsomakesthedesign lesssuitable sampling effort be standardised. For both these objectives, time and money are always further for a comparison of sites, since it would be considerations. Given these considerations, how difficulttostandardisethelocationoftrapsunless a sufficiently large pool ofdead standing trees do thethree samplingtechniques compare'? were available at each site. TW traps are cheap, simple and robust under normal (non-cyclone) rainforest conditions. GFITs are cheap to produce, easy to operate They are very efficient at sampling saproxylic and durable under rainforest conditions. beetles when mounted on standing dead tree Unfortunately,theyarenote—speciallyefficientat trunks as in this study. Each trap produces more samplingsaproxylicbeetles atleast,notinthe species than either ofthe other techniques, and design usedinthisstudy. Notonly dothey catch TW the rate at which species accumulate with fewerspeciespertrapthan traps,buttherate successive traps is also higher, with little at which successive traps accumulate more indicationofreachinganasymptoteevenwith24 species is also slightly lower, and rather few of such traps in operation over eight weeks. Many these speciesarenotcaught byothertechniques. speciesarecaughtbythistechniquebutnotbythe Those species which are uniquely caught by others at comparable sampling intensities. The GFITs —may include less substrate-specific species composition ofTW trap samples varies species which may account for their absence TRUNK WINDOW INSECTTRAPPING 155 in other sample types. On the other hand, many CALDER, A.A. 1996. Click beetles: genera of studies show that GFITs sample insects from a Australian Elatcridae (Coleoptera). Monographs wideareaandarerelativelyimmunetotheeffects ofInvertebrateTaxonomy, Vol.2. ofhabitat patchiness in their immedi—ate vicinity CHAO, A, MA, M.-C. & YANG, M.C.K. 1993. (Siitonen, 1994; Okland, 1996) perhaps Stopping rules and estimation for recapture picking up species dispersing from one habitat debusginuwith unequal failurerates. 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Species GFIT LE TW Species GFIT LE TW RHYSODIDAE HISTER1DAE Kaveingaabbreviate(Lea, 1904) 7 P(lBalta\c'lkobnuiranli.ts1t9e0r3r)areginae 5 4 2 (KGarvoeuivnegllaef,ro1n9t0a3li)s 1 5 7 Platvlomalussaucius (Blackburn, 1903) I RChAyzRoAdiBa1sDteAsEmirabitis(Lea, 1904) 11 16 3 Platysomasp.agg. 1 3 37 STAPHYLINIDAE Ametroglossusater(Macleay, 1887) I PriochinismilesBernhauer 8 9 Pogonaghssus'sp.nov. 1 1 1 2 SCIRTIDAE Perigonamfilahris(Macleay. 1871) 5 3 3 Scirtidavsp. 1 5 DoHcboctisstriataSchmidt-Goebel, 1846 1 1 Prionocyphonsp. 1 1 DistipsideraflavipesMacleay, 1887 1 1 LUCANIDAE DistipsideraparvaMacleay, 1887 1 4 P(Dreoysrooplolceo,il1u8s70l)orresensis 8 TRUNKWINDOW INSECT TRAPPING 157 Species GFIT LE TW Species GFIT LE TW PASSALIDAE ELATERIDAE (cont.) A1u8l9a1cocy'clusfracticornisKuwerl, 7 26 8 Megapenthessp.03 2 3 1 Mastachilusuustralasicus Melanoxanthussp. 1 9 24 8 (Percheron, 1841) 2 4 3 Melanoxanthussp.03 ii 1 CERATOCANTHIDAE Melanoxanthussp.06 1 2 P(tGeesrtorrot,ho1c8h9a9e)tessimplex 1 1 12 Melanoxanthussp.07 n 2 SCARABAEIDAE Cardiotarsussp.01 1 DASuatsiotrnretayrle&oexoeHlnaoewgldlraoevnce,oin1cSt9io9nr6neay&Howden 2 31 PPCaaarrrdaaiccoaatrraddriisoouppshhoosprr.uuss02sspp..021 2104 111 GlycyphanapusillaBacchus, 1974 1 LYC1DAE I1s8c6h0i)opsophawallacei(Thomson, 5 Triehalussp.01 1 2 CALL1RH1PIDAE Trichalussp.02 4 6 Ennometessp. 1 5 Triehalusater(Macleay, 1887) 1 1 Ennometessp.02 1 Cladophorussp.01? 1 PTILODACTYL1DAE XvlohanusClStadenus)ampliatus Macleay, 1887 2 3 Ptilodactylasp. 1 116 12 25 CANTHARJDAE Ptilodactylasp.02 54 37 12 Snhaerarthrumrubriceps CHELONARIIDAE (Macleay,1887) 1 Chclunariitinmistralicii/ii1 ca. 1918 1 Heteromastixsp. 1 8 14 EUCNEMIDAE Heteromastixsp.02 1 Melanoscythonsp.01 1 JACOBSONIIDAE Fornaxsp. 1 4 Gomyasp. 1 1 Fornaxsp.02 1 SLaorbolth&riBausrclkahwarredntc,ei1988 3 2 28 Microrhagussp.01 1 NOSODENDRJDAE Microrhagussp.02 Nosodendroninterruption Microrhagussp.03 (Lea. 1931)? 1 18 ANOB11DAE Microrhagussp.04 1 1 Microrhagussp.05 2 Promtssp. 1 1 Agalhasp.01 Mysticephatasp.01 9 TROGOSS1TIDAE Agalbasp.02 Larinotusumbilicatus Galhodemamannerheimi LaPorle, CarterA /cck. 1937) 2 1835 3 I Dromaeoloidessp.01 1 NCeLaEspRiJsDsAp.E 1 1 Euryptychussp.01 3 OmmadiusvorkensisKuwano 3 RDEuhrraoygmpoatmeyiocclhruuussssspps..p.0211 1 11 MIOsmEomcLlaYedrRiusuIsgDeAsrpsE.tm0e3ieriKolibac, 1998 11 Eucnemidaegen.nov.sp. 1 1 CarphurusarmipennisFairmahe, 1879 1 Hemiopsidasp. 1 1 SPHINDIDAE THROSCIDAE Aspidiphorussp. 1 10 4 82 Throscidaesp. 1 I NITIDULIDAE Potergussp. 1 3 BrachypepluscaudalisMurray 14 1 1 Aulonothroscussp.01 3 MONOTOMIDAE ELATERIDAE MimemodeslaticepsMacleay 1 3 Elateridaesp.03 17 2 3 Mimemodessp.01 1 Agrypnussp.01 10 3 5 ShogunalermitiformisFairniaire 7 7 11 Anilicus'sp.nov.' 2 SILVAN1DAE Megapenthessp.01 1 3 Psammoectts'ANICsp.01' 3 1 1 Megapenthessp.02 4 2 Monamts'ANICsp.01' 1 1 1 158 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Species GFIT LE TW Species GFIT LE TW LAEMOPHLOEIDAE CORYLOPHIDAE Laemophloeidaesp.03 1 Holopsissp.02 15 Laemophloeidaesp.04 1 Holopsissp.03 3 1 2 Laemophloeidaesp.05 4 Parmulussp. 1 98 21 45 Microlaemusbrightensis(Blackburn) 3 Parmulussp.02 1 1 LATRIDHDAE Laemophloeussp. 1 3 2 Bicavacastanea(Broun) 2 Mariolaemussp.01? 1 1 Rhabdophloeusconterminus(Olliff) 1 Bicavasp. 1 ') 21 Bicavasp.02 5 39 Xylolestesovajis(Grouvelle)? 1 1 PROPALTICIDAE Aridiussp. 1 3 C1IDAE Propalticussimplex Crowson&SenGupta, 1969 3 Octotemnussp.01? 1 PHALACRIDAE Octotemnussp.02 1 Phalacridaesp.01 5 3 Cissp.01 14 i: 123 CRYPTOPHAGIDAE Cissp.02 4 6 MicroalomariahintortiLeschen, 1996 2 2 1 Cissp.03 5 4 20 EROTYLIDAE CUsp.04 2 Microstermtssp.01 1 Cissp.05 2 Episcaphulasp. 1 1 Cissp.06 1 BIPHYLLIDAE Cissp.07 1 1 Biphvlhtsobscuronotatus(Lea, 1922) 11 2 23 Cissp.09 1 BiphyllusornatelhtsBlackburn 2 Cissp. 1 2 BOTHRIDER1DAE Cis'sp.886' 1 1 2 Teredolaemussp.02 1 1 Eiixestocissp. 1 125 CERYLONIDAE Neoennearthronsp. 1 2 2 AustraliorylonneboissiSlipinski, 1988 42 1 34 Orthocissp.01 3 AustraliorylonsetosusSlipinski, 1988 8 8 Orthocissp.02 4 Caufomusmirabilis(Oke, 1932) 3 5 MELANDRYIDAE CerylonopsisdoyeniSlipinski, 1988 21 Orchesiasp. 1 1 LapelhusastrolabciHeinze. 1944 3 2 6 MORDELLIDAE PSlhiipliontskhie,rm1u9s88microsetosus 41 4 31 Mordellidaesp.01 4 6 EuxestusmatthewsiSlipinski. 19S8 15 3 27 Mordellidaesp.02 1 DISCOLOMATIDAE Mordellidaesp.03 (1 1 Mordellidaesp.04 2 Aphanocephalussp.01 2 25 44 Anhanocephalusporopterus Mordellidaesp.07 1 Lea, 19227 1 1 Mordellidaesp. 1 1 ENDOMYCH1DAE Mordellidaesp. 12 1 Endomychidaesp. 1 1 2 MordellistenacoelioxysLea? 9 1 11 l-.iidomychidacsp.1)3 57 Plesitomoxia'ANICsp.03' 1 Endomychidaesp.04 1 1 ZOPHERIDAE Endomychidaesp.05 1 1 AblabusqueenslandicusSlipinski 1 2 1 Endomychidaesp.06 1 Anlilissussp.01 » 1 Erotendomychusn.sp.01 1 ColobiconesalfaSlipinski, 1999 2 1 1 IdiophyesbrevisBlackburn, 1895? 3 ColobiconesaustralisSlipinski,1999 4 T StenatarsuspisoniaeLea 4 3 6 ColobiconesoculatitsSlipinski, 1999 5 19 COCC1NELLIDAI ColobiconespapuanusSlipinski? 1 Coccinellidaesp.01 1 1 PLsaewurdeenncdee,st1e9s80australis 2 6 1 CCoocccciinneelllliiddaaeesspp..0032 11 STleinptianbslkiabu&sLfaulwvrtiesnce, 1997 2 Sticholotidinaesp.01 1 3 3 S(yCanrctheirta&?Zfeasccki,at1a937) 1 Telsimiasp.01 1 1 Pycnomems'n.sp."01 3 27

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