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Trumpet The Archangel Michael INSIDE THIS ISSUE Jun-Aug 2015 • Issue 24 • Archangel Michael Church • Port Washington, NY 2 Mission & Vision Statement 3 Father Dennis’ Message 4 Worship Services & Sacraments 4 Stewardship Update 5 Father Nikolas’ Message 6 The Consecration 16 Stewardship Thank You 17 Philoptochos 17 Greek School Board 18 Greek School PTA 19 Sunday School 20 Byzantine Youth Choir 21 Adult Choir 21 Athletics 21 GOYA 22 Dance Troupe 23 HOPE/JOY 23 Peter Christofer Memorial 24 Festival 28 Community Photos 30 Calendars QUICK NEWS & EVENTS Tues., June 2nd: Greek School Moving-Up Ceremony for Grades K - 2 Fri., June 5th: Greek School Moving-Up & Graduation Sun., June 7th: Philoptochos Board Elections 8:45 am Sunday School Moving-Up Ceremony & Fellowship BBQ Thurs., June 11th: Watsonian Golf Outing Iconography: Athanasios Clark Fri., June 12th: Preschool Moving-Up & The Holy Relics of St. Panteleimon, St. Kyrikos and St. Barbara Graduation Ceremonies were permanently sealed in the Altar Table at the Consecration of Mon., June 15th : The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church, April 25, 2015 Philoptochos Year-End Dinner Trumpet The Archangel Michael About the Parish Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church 100 Fairway Drive Port Washington, New York 11050 Phone: 516-944-3180 Fax: 516-944-3185 Website: ArchangelMichaelChurch.org Email: [email protected] Archangel Michael Church is a parish of the Direct Archdiocesan District and Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (www.goarch.org) under the spiritual jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Clergy Father Dennis Strouzas, Protopresbyter Father Nikolas Karloutsos, Presbyter Chanter: Andreas Modenos Neokoro: Niko Evangelidis Office Staff Dora Gouramanis, Sandra Anagnostos, Catherine Papagianakis Parish Council Members Executive Board President: Michael Cavounis 1st Vice President: Michael Psyllos 2nd Vice President: Michael Bapis Treasurer: Chris Neocleous 1st Assistant Treasurer: James Sfiroudis The Archangel Michael Greek 2nd Assistant Treasurer: John Halkias Secretary: Nicholas Kokinakis Orthodox Church is dedicated to the continuation of Tammy Ashley, Dean Chiros, Tommy Dimopoulos, Tom Gargas, our Lord and Savior Jesus George Kaparos, Adam Karras, Michael Kavourias, Nick Kokis, Barbara Mavro, Nicholas Papain, Mark Pappas, Dominick Christ’s ministry of salvation Petruccelli, Peter Tsekouras, Demetrios Ziozis. through the proclamation Mission About the Trumpet and teaching of the Gospel. Statement The Trumpet is the newsletter of We are a community of Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church. individuals and families who Production share the traditions and 2015 Parish Council President: Michael Cavounis ageless beliefs of our Holy Editors: Barbara Mavro, Eleni Sfiroudis Orthodox Christian Faith. Calendar Editors: Dora Gouramanis, Sandra Anagnostos Copy Editors: Penny Stefanakis, Stella Tsimisiris Advertising: Sandra Anagnostos Direct inquiries to: [email protected] Our vision is to provide The Trumpet welcomes news and events from our community and organizations! a loving, caring and Vision welcoming environment Please submit information as follows: Articles: [email protected] Statement where all belong and Advertising information and sales: [email protected] grow in the faith through Calendar events: [email protected] worship, service, witness June/July/August Worship Schedule and fellowship. Sunday Services: 8:30am Matins, 9:30am Liturgy 2 | Archangel Michael | Jun/Jul/Aug 2015 www.archangelmichaelchurch.org Pastoral Message from Father Dennis As mentioned in the March-April issue of the TRUMPET, we will St. Barbara was born in the early third century. Her father was devote this article to the Saints whose relics now reside in the a pagan named Dioskoros who was convinced that Christianity Holy Altar table of our church. The relics are: St. Panteleimon, was his worst enemy. Barbara, however, managed to find St. Barbara and St. Kyrikos. The following has been condensed truth in the teachings of Christ and was secretly baptized. from the book “Orthodox Saints” written by Fr. George Poulos: She continued to pray and practice her faith concealing it from her father out of parental respect. Eventually, her “The Holy Relics of the martyred Saints that have been placed father found out and was instrumental in her brutal death. All in the Altar Table of a church is a reminder that the church accounts record that Barbara’s father was killed by a bolt of community is founded on the deep love, devotion and ultimate lightning while on his way back home from the execution of his sacrifice of good Christian men and women for almost 2,000 daughter. St. Barbara could have saved herself when she was years. Their presence must be honored, respected…” given the opportunity to appease her father by denying her Savior, but instead, she chose to proclaim her faith to him. St. The Consecration of a church and its Holy Altar offers us an Barbara is recognized as the patroness of firefighters and those opportunity to bear witness to these in hazardous occupations. Her feast Saints, their love, dedication and day is celebrated on December 4th. sacrifice. It reminds us of a legacy of faith, service and commitment that THEY ARE A St. Kyrikos was the three-year has been in existence, not in terms old son of St. Julitta. Fearing the CONSTANT REMINDER of years, decades or centuries, but persecution of Diocletian, she left THAT ULTIMATELY rather millennia. They are a constant the city of Iconium and took her son reminder that ultimately good will GOOD WILL TRIUMPH to Seleucia; but finding the same triumph over evil. evil there, she went over to Tarsus OVER EVIL. in Cilicia where the magistrate had St. Panteleimon was a young doctor her arrested. He took her son from born in the third century in Asia Minor. her and tried to persuade him to His father was a pagan, from whom denounce his mother. Kyrikos, in his he inherited his profound intellect, and his mother was a childish voice, called upon the name of Christ and kicked the Christian of great spiritual awareness. Together, Panteleimon’s magistrate in the belly so hard, that the tyrant became parents provided him with the skill and dedication to become enraged and cast him down a long staircase. The child a physician of remarkable ability. His fine reputation drew the suffered severe blows to the head and died. As for his attention of the Emperor Maximilian increasing his renown. mother, she endured many torments and finally was Reminded, however, by a pious Christian named Ermolaos beheaded in the year 296. We commemorate them on that “from the Most High comes healing”, Panteleimon openly July 15th. proclaimed that his power of healing was not attributable to physician skill alone, but to divine intervention as well. As In His Service and Love, his reputation grew, he became known more as a man of God than of science, bringing upon him instead, the wrath of the emperor. When given the choice between Christ and the idols, Panteleimon reaffirmed his Christian identity. After he survived several attempts to torture and kill him, he was beheaded. St. Fr. Dennis Strouzas Panteleimon gave his life for Christ on July 27th, the day that we honor as his feast day. www.archangelmichaelchurch.org Archangel Michael | Jun/Jul/Aug | 3 News & Events Worship Services & Sacraments Saturday, July 18th 4:00 pm, Wedding of Vinny Bonkowski and Despina Raftopoulos WORSHIP SERVICES (All Paraclesis services are in the Chapel) Saturday, August 22nd 2:00 pm, Wedding of Peter Saturday, June 20th 10:30am, Challenge Liturgy Pavlakos and Martha Tsoumpas Tuesday, June 30th 9:30 am, Chapel Liturgy, 4:00 pm, Wedding of Thomas Synaxis of the Holy Apostles Lomino and Kay Lagaros Wednesday, July 15th 9:30 am, Liturgy, Julitta and Kyrikos the Martyrs GOLF OUTING Saturday, July 18th 10:30am, Challenge Liturgy Monday, July 27th 9:30am Liturgy, St. Panteleimon The 22nd annual AMC Watsonian Golf Outing will be held on June 11th. There are many ways to participate for Monday, August 3rd 7:30 pm, Paraclesis Service both golfers and non-golfers. Please check our website Thursday, August 6th 9:30am, Liturgy, Holy Transfiguration for more information or refer to the recent mailing for further details. Friday, August 7th 7:30pm, Paraclesis Service Monday, August 10th 7:30pm, Paraclesis Service Stewardship Update Wednesday, August 12th 7:30pm, Paraclesis Service Friday, August 14th Vespers at area churches: Brooklyn, Island Park,Port Jefferson, Hamptons Through March 31st, 2015, we have seen a 3% increase in the Saturday, August 15th 9:30am, Challenge Liturgy, number of our active stewards, to 318, versus last year. These Dormition of the Theotokos 318 active stewards have pledged $265,000, an increase from SACRAMENTS $235,000 last year at this time, an encouraging 13% increase. Saturday, June 6th 2:00 pm, Wedding of Anthony This combination of more active stewards pledging higher Zachariadis and Erin Laird amounts signifies that our community is engaged in the won- 4:30 pm, Baptism: derful work being done by our organizations and shows sup- Child of Jay and Diana Rushin port for our ministries, which are funded from Stewardship Saturday, June 13th 10:30am, Baptism: commitments. With a budgeted goal of achieving $550,000 in Child of Marko and Vicki Georgiou stewardship pledges for 2015, we are hopeful the early prog- 1:00pm, Baptism: Child of Dean and Fotini Handrinos ress seen so far will continue and enable us to achieve our ambitious goals. Sunday, June 14th 12:30 pm, Baptism: Child of Phil and Areti Galanis We want to take this opportunity to thank all of the stewards 2:00 pm, Baptism: Child of Peter and Sophia in our community for their ongoing support. Cocolaras Saturday, June 20th 1:00pm, Baptism END-of-YEAR BARBECUE Child of Christian and Maria Casco Our traditional End-of-Year Barbecue will be held on Sunday, June 21st 3:00pm, Wedding of Nick Sunday, June 7th, immediately following the Divine Papasifakis and Tina Trentidou Liturgy and Sunday School Moving Up ceremony. Please join us in fellowship as we celebrate the end of another Saturday, June 27th 4:00 pm, Wedding of Matthew great year of Sunday School, Greek School, Preschool, Smith and Anastasia Alimaras Ministries and organization activities. 5:30 pm, Wedding of Steve Petsis and Jackie Vakalopoulos 4 | Archangel Michael | Jun/Jul/Aug 2015 www.archangelmichaelchurch.org Pastoral Message from Father Nikolas The Saints are In the Holy Altar, the Priest is At stand well. Let us stand in awe. Let us be attentive, the Altar, and We, the Holy People of God, are that we may present the holy offering in peace.” This On the Altar comes from the Greek word anaphero which in one sense means “to carry” or “bring up, to lead up” and in another sense, has the meaning “to put upon the altar, The title of this message is inspired not only by our to bring to the altar, to offer” and still in another, “to present reality at the Archangel Michael Church but place on one’s self anything as a load to be supported also by a subheading from a chapter in a book by Fr. or sustained.” This is why just prior to the priest lifting Anthony Coniaris titled Introducing the Orthodox Faith: up the paten and chalice, he intones on behalf of the Its Faith and Life (an incredibly practical primer on faithful “We offer to You these gifts from Your own gifts Orthodoxy). The chapter deals with the Divine Liturgy in all and for all.” and initially focuses on the bread offering or prosphoro, which is of course essential to the Eucharist (a.k.a. To take it a step further, if we are in fact both the Holy Communion) which in turn is the heart and soul “body of Christ” and a “royal priesthood” then that of every Divine Liturgy. What we may not realize is means that we offer sacrifices in imitation of Christ that if we truly believe that the crucified and Risen. We offer Body of Christ is on the altar at ...lifting up to Him gifts that we have received every Liturgy, then that means all that originates from Him. The Archangel that indeed, WE are on the Michael Church community has altar—after all, St. Paul tells us with Him… done just that from its earliest in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 that days—offered and sacrificed namely our love, “[we] are the body of Christ and and a crowning moment in this individually members of it.” our thanks, story of sacrifice, of faithful and dedicated Christian witness This belief is echoed elsewhere our commitment, was made manifest on the altar in scripture and in our Orthodox at the Consecration services and our whole lives. teachings. As members of what of April 24th and 25th. And so St. Peter calls in his first epistle as we reflect on the decades, “a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people…” years, days and weeks leading up to the Consecration, and within the Orthodox Church generally, we are may we always remember the continuous posture that encouraged to “commit ourselves and one another and we ought to have toward our Creator and Giver of life our whole life to Christ our God” (from the Divine Liturgy and every good thing—that of lifting up to Him all that of St. John Chrysostom). To put it another way, we are originates with Him…namely our love, our thanks, our all about offering: consider the bread and wine offered commitment, and our whole lives. In this way, we will up to God which become the Body and Blood of Christ; always find ourselves on the Holy Altar, together with the listen to the voices of praise of our choirs and people saints, drawing near to Christ our God, and emboldened being lifted up to God in song; recall any one of the to carry out His work, to become the “body of Christ” many raising up or elevating movements in our worship for the salvation of the world. e.g. the blessing Cross, the kouvouklion at Pascha; and of course, think of our hearts at every liturgy (“Let us In the Light and Love of our Lord, lift up our hearts”). The Greek word we use to capture and communicate this distinctive posture toward our Creator is “anaphora.” The Eucharistic anaphora (a.k.a. offering or sacrifice) Fr. Nikolas Karloutsos begins immediately following the creed with “Let us www.archangelmichaelchurch.org Archangel Michael | Jun/Jul/Aug | 5 News & Events The Consecration of The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church Our beloved Archangel Michael Church was transformed over the weekend of April 24-25, 2015. What follows is a summary of the significance of the events of the Consecration service. The Consecration began on Friday evening, April 24, 2015. While holding white candles, children from each of our youth programs lined the center aisle of the church. When His Grace Bishop Andonios entered the Church on Friday evening, he brought with him the relics of three Saints: Saint Barbara the Great Martyr (December 4th), Saint Kyrikos the Martyr (July On Saturday morning, the service of Orthros (Matins) began 15th), and Saint Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Healer with the reading of six Psalms (3, 37, 62, 87,102,142) and (July 27th), which would be permanently sealed in our altar. ended with the Great Doxology. During Orthros, both resurrec- These relics were placed on a Paten (Diskarion) and covered tion and consecration hymns were sung. Father Dennis and nu- with a communion veil, which remained on the Altar Table merous other clergy (Bishop Andonios, six visiting priests, and overnight, along with a Vigil Light. As he entered in procession three deacons) celebrated part of the Proskomidi Service (pre- into the narthex, His Grace led a short prayer service honoring paring the Gifts which will be used during the Divine Liturgy). the memory of the three Saints, followed by a Vespers service. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios was greeted outside the In addition to His Grace, ten priests and two deacons honored church and presented with spring flowers by students from our community with their presence that evening to share in the Archangel Michael Greek Language Institute. His Eminence the joy of this historic event. Following the Vespers service, then entered the Church and put on his vestments. At the end the community joined in fellowship at a reception hosted by of Orthros, His Eminence began the Service of Consecration by the Ladies Philoptochos. offering prayers for the Holy Relics. 6 | Archangel Michael | Jun/Jul/Aug 2015 www.archangelmichaelchurch.org The Consecration Of The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church Following these prayers, Archbishop Demetrios and clergy, to- gether with all faithful in attendance, prepared for three pro- cessions around the Church. These processions represent the setting aside of an area which will be separate and sacred from all other areas. The procession was led by the acolytes, choirs, the Clergy, with Fr. Nikolas carrying the Icon of the three Saints and Fr. Dennis carrying the Holy Gospel, Archbishop Demetrios carrying the Holy Relics on the Paten, and the faithful, thus leaving the church empty. As the church was circled, the choirs sang special Consecration Hymns and Agios O Theos. www.archangelmichaelchurch.org Archangel Michael | Jun/Jul/Aug | 7 The Consecration Of The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church The first two processions stopped at the front of the church at which time there was an Epistle reading and a Reading from the Holy Gospel. After the final procession, before re-enter- ing the church, Archbishop Demetrios offered a dialogue from Psalm 24, representing Christ the King entering and taking over the Church building by defeating the power of the devil. Archbishop Demetrios knocked on the door of the church with his staff and said: “Lift up the gates, O you rulers, and be lifted up, you everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall enter.” Father Peter Karloutsos was the only person inside the church and representing an Angel, responded with: “Who is this King of Glory?” to which Archbishop Demetrios replied, “The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory.” Archbishop Demetrios raised the Paten and made the sign of the Cross three times in front of the church doors, which were then opened and all proceeded back inside the church. Arch- bishop Demetrios entered the Sanctuary, carrying the Paten with the Holy Relics. He uncovered the Paten and placed the Holy Relics in a small box. He then poured Holy Chrism over the Relics. This symbolizes the union between our Lord and his Martyrs and at the conclusion, Archbishop Demetrios offered prayers for the deceased founders of the Church. It is important to remember that in the early years of Christi- anity, the Church was not allowed to exist, and Christians were persecuted and killed. In those days, Christians met in underground burial places and celebrated the Eucharist on the graves of the martyred and the Saints. Over time, when the Church was permitted to exist, and when these persecu- tions ended, the custom of celebrating the Eucharist over the graves of the martyrs continued by placing the Holy Relics in the Altar at the time of Consecration. In this manner, we are always reminded that the Church was built on the Blood of the Martyrs and their faith in the Lord. The Consecration centers around the Holy Altar Table, since it represents all of the Sacraments and services of the Church. Archbishop Demetrios offered prayers for God’s help to con- tinue with the service and then placed the box containing the Holy Relics into a special cavity in the Altar. In order to permanently seal them, Archbishop Demetrios poured wax 8 | Archangel Michael | Jun/Jul/Aug 2015 www.archangelmichaelchurch.org The Consecration Of The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church melted with mastic over them. The wax and mastic contain sweet smelling and fragrant spices, which were used by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus to anoint the Body of Christ in prep- aration for his burial. The Holy Altar represents the Tomb in which our Lord’s body was placed. Archbishop Demetrios re- moved the excess wax, and the placing of the Holy Relics in the Altar Table was completed. Archbishop Demetrios anointed the Altar with Holy Chrism, once in the center and then on either side while singing “Al- leluia” three times. He spread the Holy Chrism over the entire Altar Table as he recited a section from Psalm 132. The priests then wiped the excess Chrism with new, soon to be used An- timinsia. Next, icons of the four Evangelists were fastened to the Altar, one in each corner. The completed Altar represents the entire Church, from which the four corners of the world Archbishop Demetrios prepared the Altar Table to be anointed. are held together by the Lord, and is built on Him through the Since the Altar Table represents the Tomb of Christ and His preaching of the Gospel. Following the anointing, Archbishop body, the Altar must undergo its own “Baptism”, or washing, Demetrios began the vesting (putting on the new coverings) of and “Chrismation”, or anointing. Before washing and anoint- the Altar table. ing the Altar Table, Archbishop Demetrios put on a white gar- ment called a Savanon, blessed the water brought forth, and poured it on the Altar three times saying: “In the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.” This act symbolizes Baptism: the Altar is cleaned by washing, and sanctified (made holy) by the grace of the Holy Spirit. After washing, the Altar Table was dried. During this time, Psalm 83 was being read. Archbishop Demetrios then sprinkled rosewater on the Altar. The rosewa- ter is sweet smelling and was used to anoint the Body of Christ for burial. Archbishop Demetrios continued the rest of Psalm 50 while the Altar was wiped dry by the assisting priests using new white towels to do so. www.archangelmichaelchurch.org Archangel Michael | Jun/Jul/Aug | 9 The Consecration Of The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church The Altar table was then covered with the “Katasarkion”, a white linen cloth that represents our Lord’s burial shroud. The Kataskarion was tied with a cord that represents the cord with which our Lord’s hands were tied as he stood before the High Priests. The Kataskarion will never be removed and will remain on the Altar for as long as the Church remains stand- ing. During this time, Psalm 131 was read. Once completed, Archbishop Demetrios said, “Glory to You our God unto ages of ages.” He washed his hands and covered the Altar Table with a brighter and more elaborate cover which symbolizes the glory of God, and proceeded to place the other holy articles on the Altar Table. First he placed the Corporal (Antiminsion); Archbishop Demetrios blessed the faithful and offered ad- on top of this was placed the Gospel Book, representing the ditional prayers for the Altar Table. After this, Archbishop teachings of Christ, followed by the Tabernacle (Artophorion), Demetrios and Bishop Andonios removed the Savana, which in which the Body and Blood of our Lord was placed and is re- were presented to the Ladies Philoptochos to be cut up into served for Communion of the sick. The Artophorion is symbol- small pieces and given to each person in attendance as a keep- ic of the presence of our Lord. Finally, the candlesticks were sake. The Divine Liturgy continued from this point forward. placed last and represent the light of Christ that shines forth. Once the Altar has been consecrated, sanctified and adorned with all its furnishings, the Altar and the entire Church were censed with incense. Archbishop Demetrios and Bishop An- donios then anointed the four walls of the Church and the Holy Icons, and made the sign of the Cross on them with Holy Chrism. This act symbolized the sanctification of all creation with the grace of Christ. 10 | Archangel Michael | Jun/Jul/Aug 2015 www.archangelmichaelchurch.org

While holding white candles, children from each of our youth programs lined the .. Mrs. Joanne Apostol .. Our Kindergarteners who tiptoed into their
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